Science 9 Fourth Quarter - Module 4 Heat, Work and Efficiency

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Science 9

Fourth Quarter – Module 4

Heat, Work and Efficiency


April 19 – 23 , 2021
Performance Standard:
1. Analyze how power plants generate and transmit electrical energy.

1. Construct a model to demonstrate that heat can do work (S9FE-IVe-42).
2. Explain how heat transfer and energy transformation make heat engines work

Duration: 5 hours
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 – 4 Day 5

- What is the -What is the -Which of the appliances Application phase:

relationship relationship between you listed produce heat?
between heat and kinetic energy and Create a multimedia
temperature? internal energy? -Why is there a need for presentation focusing on
these appliances to one particular energy,
-What is the -How is the first law of produce heat? how energy is
relationship thermodynamics like transformed, and how it
between the law of conservation -Which of your can be effectively
of energy? appliances do you think distributed to its
temperature and
absorbs heat? consumers
kinetic energy?
-How can heat be used
to do work? -What should be the
-How does relationship of heat and
jeepney work? work in order for a
How is it able to machine to be efficient?

Activity Activity Activity Activity

Understand how Describe the Answer the activity Perform Let’s do this!
jeepney and relationship between entitled “Heat-Work
machines work. kinetic and internal Relation”

Describe how heat can

be used to do work.


You ride a jeepney or any vehicle to get to your destination. All vehicles need engines to run. In
this chapter, you will learn how engines work.
Geothermal power plants are similar to engines. At first glance, how a geothermal power plant
works may seem complicated, but the principle is simple. You will learn how this power plant
works also in this chapter.
With that, how are heat engines and geothermal power plants similar?
The Philippine jeepney has been considered the “king
of the road”. Tourists trooping to the country surely
take pictures of this famous vehicle.

But, how does the jeepney work? How is it able to

move? The answer lies in the heat engine. This topic
falls under a branch of physics called
“thermodynamics”. Thermodynamics is a branch of
physics that deals with heat and temperature and how
they are related to work and other forms of energy.

A device that converts heat to mechanical energy, which can be used to do work.
When a small quantity of fuel (e.g. gasoline) is place inside a small, enclosed space and is ignited, a
huge amount of energy is produced and emitted as gas. This whole process repeated many times in
a minute is somehow similar to how heat engine works.
Take a look at this four-stroke heat engine. This engine is used by most cars nowadays. A four-
stroke engine has four operations:
a. Intake. The intake valve opens, causing air and gasoline to enter the engine. Gases combine with
the fuel. This causes the piston to travel down.
b. Compression. The intake valve closes, while the piston travels up, causing the mixture of air and
fuel to be compressed.
c. Combustion. The spark plug will produce the spark that ignites the compressed fuel.
d. Exhaust. The exhaust valve opens, while the piston goes back up. This causes the exhaust gases
to be expelled as smoke.
After the exhaust stroke, the process repeats. This entire process is called the Otto cycle, named
after Nikolaus August Otto, who is credited for the invention of the internal combustion engine.
The process of adding heat to a volume of gas to cause combination in the engine is an application
of the first law of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics states that heat is also a
form of energy.
(NOTE: Download the powerpoint presentation entitled “Heat, Work and Efficiency” in Genyo to
understand the topic better.)


Objective(s): ____________________________________________________________________________________

Look around your house and you will see that you have household appliances that have made your
life as comfortable as it can be. Notice that these appliances operate by consuming electricity. Notice
also that some of these heat up.
Fill-up the table below with the necessary information. Make sure that you write down your

Guide Questions:
1. Which of the appliances you listed produce heat?
2. Why is there a need for these appliances to produce heat?
3. Which of your appliances do you think absorbs heat?
4. What should be the relationship of heat and work in order for a machine to be efficient?
5. Cite two situations that show that work produces heat.

A certain power company has once again asked the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) to
grant its petition for increase in its power charges. With the looming rate hike and the threat
of rotational brownouts, a non-government organization (NGO) is inviting all concerned
citizens to create a multimedia presentations on the different energy sources in the hope of
finally stabilizing power distribution in the country. This presentation will be presented to the
commissioners of the ERC.
Hence, your task is to create a multimedia presentation focusing on one particular energy
source. This presentation should present where this source of energy can be taken, how
energy is transformed, and how it can be effectively distributed to its consumers. Part of this
presentation should be your research on the viability of building a power plant for the energy
source. The presentation will be graded according to the following criteria: accuracy of
information, depth of analysis and creativity.

A. Summary of the Lesson

 Heat is the energy that is transferred from or into a substance. It is energy in transit.
 Heat flows between objects that are at different temperatures. Thermal equilibrium is
the state in which the temperature difference between objects becomes zero.
 A heat engine is a device that converts internal energy into useful mechanical work by
extracting heat from a high-temperature reservoir to a low-temperature reservoir.
 The first law of thermodynamics is the same principle as the law of conservation of
energy. It is expressed in terms of heat and work. It states that the internal energy of a
closed system depends on the heat it absorbs and the work done by it.
 The energy absorbed by a system is positive. The heat it gives off is negative.
 The work done by a system is positive. The work done on the system is negative.

B. Reflection

Do you agree in using geothermal powerplants as the main source of electrical energy in
the Philippines? Why or why not?

Baguio, Sol Saranay M., Felicerta, Corazon N., Mañosa, Susan D., Santisteban-Cook, Celeste
Joan C. (2018) Breaking Through Science 9 (Second Edition) 839 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon
City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Gerona, Sonia M., Nueva España, Rebecca C., (2015) Science and Technology 9, Abiva Bldg.,
851 G. Araneta Ave., Quezon City: Abiva Pulishing House, Inc.

Disclaimer: The school and the teachers do not claim any rights or ownership of the information found in the
learning packet or module. It is a compilation from different resources, which is listed in the reference section.
This is solely for educational purposes only.

Science 9
Fourth Quarter – Module 4
Heat, Work and Efficiency
Name of Student: _____________________________________ Grade Level: ____________________
Name of Teacher: _____________________________________ Section: ________________________



Objective(s): _____________________________________________________________________________________

Appliance Name Purpose Power Does it heat up? How long is it used
(What is used Consumption in a day?

Answers to Guide Questions:

1. Which of the appliances you listed produce heat?
2. Why is there a need for these appliances to produce heat?
3. Which of your appliances do you think absorbs heat?
4. What should be the relationship of heat and work in order for a machine to be efficient?
5. Cite two situations that show that work produces heat.

Answers to Question:
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________________________

*Note: Submit this page to your subject teacher.

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