SPG Grand Rally 2021: Prayer and National Anthem

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Please settle down for we are about to start our program in 5 minutes. May I request everyone to

 Mute your microphone.

 Turn on your video/ camera.
 Switch to Side-by-Side mode.
 Sit properly.

Thank you!

“Great leaders don’t set out to be a leader. They set out to make a difference. It’s never about the
role- always about the goal.”

Teachers and learners, Good afternoon! Welcome to “The Vote 2021”, Phoenix Graders Hua
Siong Grade School’s Grand Rally 2021. Today we will be listening and hearing the different
platforms and programs of our aspiring Supreme Pupil Government Officers.

To formally start this program, may we request everyone to stand for an invocation to be led by
Sir Remark Guadalupe. To be followed by the singing of the Philippine National Anthem. Please
remain standing for these consecutive numbers.

*Prayer and National Anthem

You may all be seated.

To read to us the guidelines for today’s grand rally, let us welcome the committee chair for The
Vote 2021, Sir Jale Aclaracion.

Thank you, Sir Jale!

Ladies and gentlemen, our school has come to a crossroad, and now you have the power to
choose the true leaders that will do great things.

Let us not prolong the excitement of everyone!

To present the candidates of the ORIG PARTY, let us welcome their campaign manager Lance
Adrian Lim.

Let us give them a resounding applause.

And to continue, let us all welcome the campaign manager of the P.O.W.E.R Party, Gabriel

Let us give them a resounding applause.

At this juncture, let us listen to the speeches of our candidates, from Assistant Sports Coordinator
to Business Manager.

Thank you very much, candidates!


Voting. A word defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “an expression of opinion or


Please turn your attention to the screen for a video presentation about the importance of voting.


Remember that voting is the most important way to make your voice heard on the issues that
concern you.


Now, let us listen to the speeches of our candidates, from Assistant Treasurer to President.

Thank you very much, candidates!


Our candidates have now laid out their platforms and programs for the upcoming schoolyear.

Let us now proceed to our Question-and-Answer portion, which will be moderated by Teacher
Hannah Adeline Tiope, Head, Phoenix Graders and Lao Si Victor Uy, Head, Chinese

If you have questions that you would like to ask our candidates, you may send them to our chat
box or you can raise your hand to be acknowledge.

Thank you very much, Teacher Adee, Lao Si Victor, and to our learners.


This year, all votes will be casted online through Google Form.

Please turn your attention to the screen for a video presentation on How to Vote Using Google

You may seek help from your advisers if ever you encounter problems with casting your votes
through Google Form.


Remember that voting is not only your right- it is your power and that your vote is your voice.

To end our program for today, may we request everyone to stand for the singing of our School


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