E-Guide: Pre-Assessment Tool For Senior High School Examinee

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Aljon M. Lomerio Angel Lhou G. Abinal

Colacling, Lupi, Camarines Sur Zone 1, Tanawan, Lupi, Camarines Sur
lomerioaljon4@gmail.com angellhou_abinal@gmail.com
09121167638 09079941183
Norieta Joyce P. Naval Joey Julie Ann F. Catangui
New Poblacion, Cabusao, Camarines Sur South Centro, Sipocot, Camarines Sur
norietajoyce@gmail.com anncatangui@yahoo.com
09466847771 09075658545

Joey S. Sevilla
Colacling, Lupi, Camarines Sur

A new curriculum for basic education was approved by former students mastery of skills, develop lifelong learners, prepare
president Benigno C. Aquino III, which was called the “K to graduates for tertiary education and employment and
12”. This program covered 12 years basic education, which entrepreneurship.
started from Kinder to Grade 12, to provide sufficient time for Senior High School (SHS), a two year specialized
mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and secondary education which included grade 11 and 12 would help
prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle level skills students to choose their preferred career paths. The Senior High
development, employment and entrepreneurship. School curriculum has three (3) types of subjects, namely: core
This system, e-Guide: Pre-Assessment tool for Senior high subject, applied track subject and specialized track subjects.
School Examinee, could help incoming Senior High School Furthermore, there were four (4) tracks offered in Senior High
students at Colacling National High School, Lupi, Camarines School. The first was academic tract which was divided into
Sur in choosing the tracks and strands that they would pursue four strands: Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM),
through an assessment examination. It could also generate Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),
results of the examination, together with the equivalent average, Humanities, and Social Sciences (HUMSS) and General
so that students would know their capacity in terms of Academic Strand (GAS). The second track was sport and has no
knowledge in a particular strand. This tool had the capability to strand. The third one was the Art and Design. And the last tract
view all the tracks and strands offered in the recipient school, was Technical-Vocational Livelihood (TVL), thus was divided
and make students aware of what strand of course in Senior into four strands: Home Economics Strand, Information and
High, they would encounter. Communication Technology, Agri-Fisheries and Industrial Arts
The researcher used the System Development Life cycle. This Strand. After Senior High School, they could apply for a
was the conceptual model used in developing the project TESDA certificate of competency or better yet, a National
through analysis and study of a certain problem in the Certificate.
maintenance stage. In order for the system to become more To address this concern, the researchers taught of a
comprehensive, reliable, and efficient, the researchers conducted possible solution that would help and guide the students to
a series of interview to the proponent school’s principal. decide on what track and strand they were going to choose.
Aside from the developed system being a guide and solution to
Keyword: Pre-Assessment, Examination, Guide the problem of decision making, this tool could also provide
quick results and generations of these results. So that students
I. INTRODUCTION would know their capacity in terms of knowledge in a given
1. Project Context strand.
The old curriculum of Secondary Education, also 1.2 Purpose and Description
known as High School. High School, was the stage of education This system entitled "e-guide: Pre-Assessment Tool
following primary or elementary and was the last part of formal for Senior High School Examinee" was a tool that would guide
compulsory education in the Philippines. High school, in this old the upcoming Senior High School students in deciding what
curriculum, lasted only four years. After completing high strand to take. The Pre-Assessment would give the students a
school, students would be qualified to go to college, should they preview of what would be expected of them. This would also
desire. At present, a new curriculum was, approved and was give the students the opportunity to set educational goals.
already implemented for basic education, and that was the "K-
This e-Guide has capability to display all the tracks
12", being "K" as Kindergarten and 12 as the total years to
and strands offered, and make students aware of what strand
complete basic education, entailed two additional years in
secondary education. This purpose to provide sufficient time for
they would encounter, which would then give them ideas of encouraged to make examinations and their management more
which of them were excellent the most. efficient. They built a system that could be used for
This e-Guide: Pre-Assessment Tool for Senior High computerized examinations and have had a mostly positive
School Examinee would help and guide the students to choose experience with it several years. The system allowed the
what strand would be best or right strand which would be students to sign up for the examination, write their answers in
suitable for their abilities. the computer class and afterwards get the results through e-mail.
Labrador, A. III (2013), in his second version of web-based e-
II. RELATED WORKS learning multimedia application called "BLOP: Basic Learning
2.1. Related System for Pre-schoolers. This application provided several basic
lessons and quizzes for pre-school levels. This application
The system entitled “Aptitude Test” by Moral, V. et.al. (2015) consisted of additional lessons and improved learning tutorials
stated that some enrollees still lacked guidance on what course for Reading, Language and Math subjects. The level difficulties
they were going to take. That was why student should go were integrated for the quizzes: trial round, easy level and
through the process of manual assessment. The system provide difficult quiz. This application integrated goos quality of
questionnaires that would serve as an examination and remarks graphics, sound and animations. [8]
would be given based on the results.[4]
Exam based Education System by Xuhang Song (2014), this
2.2. Related Literature
thesis proposed a system that allowed students to find courses Students' Perceptions about Assessment in Higher Education: A
based on similarity Measure as and take this courses in an exam Review (Janssen, S.et.al.), suggested that students' perceptions
based environment. [5] about assessment have considerable influences to their
approaches to learning and in turn, their approaches also
Online Exams System by Maurya (2009), K. et.al, was a web
influenced the way in which these students perceived
application that established network between the institutes and
assessment. Furthermore, it was found that students held strong
the students, aiming to provide services to the institutes and
views about different formats and methods assessment. [1]
provide them with an option of selecting the eligible students by
themselves. [6] Assessment of Student Learning 1 (Cognitive Learning) by
Reganit, A. Ed. D. ET. al., said that one the professional tasks of
According to Balid, A. (2012), in her research entitled “Ateneo
teachers were to assess the students' performance and to evaluate
Online Evaluation System” was a web-based application that
classroom instructor. Crucial to the effectiveness of assessment
allowed for an online performance evaluation of teachers of
and evaluation was good evidence which, in the classroom
Ateneo De Naga University. It helped in the automation of
setting, commonly came in the form of tests. The construction of
evaluation and generation of reports in real-time.
good tests, which were neither easy to acquire nor widely
"Online Test Manager for Teachers” by Jalimao, A. (2010), was available, required specific skills and experience. [2]
a web-based application that administered tests online; it
According to Gwang-Jo Kim Director of UNESCO Bangkok in
randomly presented an arranged test question, mark test item,
his foreword, Asia-Pacific Secondary Education System Review
recorded test result and evaluated resulting records.. [9]
Series No. 1: Examination Systems by Dr Peter Hill, Chief
“Computer-Assisted Testing (CAT)” (2014) was a Philippine Executive Officer, Australian Curriculum Assessment and
Civil Service Commission-developed software program Reporting Authority, different approaches to examinations at the
designed to administer the PCSC’s Career Service Professional secondary level highlighted key considerations and challenges
and Sub-Professional examination. It facilitated the systematic associated with existing examination systems. It also made
storage, updating and retrieval of pertinent examinee data as suggestions about what could be done to improve examination
well as checking and scoring of examinee answers to test systems, taking into account the best practices both within the
questions from a computer. It also generated reports of ratings region and worldwide. [3]
and statistic of the test scores.
National Career Assesment Examination (NCAE), was an
Anna University Coimbatore has implemented a state-of-the-art aptitude test geared toward providing information through test
“Examination Management System”, (2010) that revolutionized results for self-assessment, career awareness and career
the entire examination process by diligently meeting the guidance of Junior High School students of the K to 12 Basic
requirements of the university in conducting examinations. The Education Program (BEP). NCAE was developed to foster the
system automated the complete life cycle of examination highest quality of education in the Philippines by regulating and
management which included online registration of candidates, monitoring the flow if students to post-secondary institutions of
examination fee management, marks uploading, hall ticket learning and their potential contribution to national development
generation, question bank management, question paper and minimize indiscriminate wastage of manpower and
generation, automated evaluation up to processing and resources by working for a match between manpower skill
publication of results. outputs and job market demands.
“Computerized Entrance Examination System” (Andaya, Gerlie ADNU LATEX Exam Template (Alvaro, J.), some teachers
C. et.al, 2013), was a software application under the information preferred to use LATEX in creating test questionnaires and
systems” it supported the institution to by actualizing a fast making some nice looking worksheets, test, and quiz papers. A
conduct and administration of entrance examination and LATEX exam template for creating test questionnaire would
production of reliable results. This application was also useful help teachers in creating easier and organized test
because it made transactions and process paperless. questionnaires.
The research entitled “Computerized Examination System” by Using a Pre-Assessment Exam to Construct an Effective
Virtanen, T., (2013), explained that due to the large numbers of Concept-Based Genetic Program for Predicting Course Success
students and shortage of resources they have been positively
by Bortticher, D. et.al. Of the University of Houston-Clear Lake, and purposes and create systems and procedures to achieve
discussed that there was a limit in the amount of time a faculty efficiency of the system. The researchers conducted an interview
member may devote to each students. A pre-assessment exam to the principal of Colacling National High School on the new
was developed fir the data structures class in order to provide curriculum, which was the K to 12.
feedback to both faculty and students. This exam helped
students determine how well prepared they were for the course. 4.3 Systems Design
Perceived Effects of the K to 12 Implementation on the Systems design was where the architectural interface of the
Operation of Selected Private Higher Education Institutions in system. It also described the desired features and operations in
Camarines Norte by Dans, G. (2015), was conducted because as detail, including the process diagrams. The diagrams were
entities, developing a strategy was a must for these institutions. utilized to identify the flow and relationships of the systems.
Not only the management team of these private Higher Systems design was the process of defining the architecture,
Education Institutions (HEIs) were already devising school components, modules, interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy
plans strategies for school year 2016-2017 onwards but also specified requirements. It showed the arrangement and the
some of the lawmakers and concerned citizens and organizations construction of every attribute indicated in every linkage.
in the whole country who were also stakeholders if these Systems design could be seen as the application of systems
institutions. theory to product development.
The paper, The Influence of Disciplinary Assessment Patterns Context Diagram represented all external entities that may
on Student Learning: A Comparative Study by Jessop, et. al., interact with a system, such as diagram pictures of the system at
explored disciplinary patterns of assessment and feedback, using the center, with no details of the interior structure, surrounded
data from the Transforming the Experience of Students through by its all interacting systems, environments and activities. An
Assessment project. There were variations in assessment Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) was a data modeling
demands, in the quantity of feedback and in the proportion of technique that graphically illustrated the information of the
examinations. system’s entities and the relationships between those entities. It
was used as a high level logical data model, which was useful in
III. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY developing a conceptual design for databases.
3.1. General Objectives
To develop a tool that would guide the students as to what strand Figure 4.1 presented two (2) external entities: Student and
was best or suited for them. Authorized personnel. The teacher entity would manage the
questions, student information and list of school year. The
student, on the other hand, would answer the questions in a
strand that stored in the system. After taking the examination,
3.2. Specific Objectives the system would give the examination result and recommended
(1)To develop a system, which stored series of questions for strand TEACHER
to the student.Examination
The system
Result would then, give the
every strand, that would make pre-assessment accessible via examination result of the students which took the exam, to the
Local Area Network (wired/wireless) to students. (2)To display teacher.
Recommended Strand
the recommended strands based from results of the assessment. 0
Examination Results
(3)To generate reports for students who took the assessment in e-Guide:
Questions Questions
portable Document Format (pdf). Pre-Assessment Tool
List of School Year for Senior High School Strand
Student Information


4.1. Methodology Answer

The system, e-Guide: Pre-assessment Tools for Senior

High School Examinee was an automated exam for the Grade 10
students, to be able to help them in choosing the right tracks in
preparation for Senior High School. The examinee could view
his/her recommended strand after finishing or taking the exam.
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was used for the
development of the project. The life cycle defined the
methodology for improving the quality of software and the Figure 4.1. Context Diagram for e-Guide: Pre-Assessment
overall development process. Requirement analysis was the first Tool for Senior School Examinee
phase of Systems Development Life Cycle. The researcher Table 4.1. Examinee
conducted an initial interview with the clients to gather more
information about the problem. These information were Field Name Description
analyzed and then collated as they were essential for the LRN Unique ID of examinee
development of the system.
Firstname Examinee’s first name
4.2 System Analysis Middle_initial Examinee’s middle initial
System analysis was the discussion of the process Lastname Examinee’s family name
gathering, analysis and result of analysis. It was also the process
of studying a procedure or business in order to identify its goals Gender Examinee’s gender
Province Examinee’s province As gleaned from Table 4.4 was the Question table, where the
questions in every strand were stored. The question_id was used
Municipality Examinee’s municipality
as the primary key of the table. The options A, B, C, D and
Barangay Examinee’s barangay correct answer were also included. The strand_id was used to
identify the strand of every questions, and it connected the
Strand and Questions tables.
Table 4.1 presented the Student table. This table was where
student information was stored. The LRN was the primary or Table 4.5. Result
unique key of the student table. The name of examinee was Field Name Description
divided into first name, middle initial and last name and gender.
result_id For arranging result of the
The location or address of the student which was composed of
province, municipality and barangay, was also included here.
examination_date Date when the examinee
took the exam
Table 4.2. Strand
Score Exam score of a particular
Field Name Description examinee
Strand_id For arranging strand LRN To identify who was the
Strand List strand examinee
Track_id To identify the track of a strand_id To identify the strand of a
particular strand particular result

Table 4.2 represented the Strand table where all strands Table 4.5 represented the Results table. In this table, the result of
available in Colacling National High School were being stored. the examination taken by the student was being stored. The
The strand_id was the primary key of the table; strand was for result_id was used as the primary key of the table.
the list of all the strands offered in the said school track_id was Examination_date was for the student to determine the date
used to get ID of the track from the track table. when he/she took the examination. The score was for the student
to know the result of the exam he/she took. LRN was a unique
Table 4.3. Strand number of the student that would identify the examinee's ID.
Field Name Description Strand_id was used to get the ID of the strand from the Strand
Strand_id For arranging track
Table 4.6. School Year
Track_id List of tracks
Field Name Description
school_year_id For arranging school year
Table 4.3 represents the Track table, where all tracks available
in Colacling National High School was being stored. The school_year List of school year
track_id was the primary key of the table and track was for the
list of all the tracks.
Table 4.6 presented the School Year table. This table was where
Table 4.4 Question school year was stored. The school_year_id represented the
Field Name Description primary key of the table and school_year was the list of every
school year.
question_id For arranging questions
Table 4.7. Key to Correction
Question List of questions from
different strand Field Name Description
option_a Option A from a particular Key_id For arranging school year
question Your_answer List of School Year school
option_b Option B from a particular year
question LRN To identify the students
option_c Option C from a particular who took the exam
question Question_id To identify the questions of
option_d Option D from a particular a particular strand
correct_answer Correct Answer D from a Table 4.7 showed the Key to Correction table. This table was
particular question where the correct answers were stored. The school year_id
strand_id To identify the strand of a represented the primary key of the table and school_year was the
particular question list of every school year since the project was deployed. The
LRN was unique ID number of every student. Question_id, was
the unique number of every question with matching correct
V. Conclusion
The conclusions are: (1) these student’s difficulty was due
to the existing paper-based assessment which caused a delay in
the generation of results. (2) Students did not have any means to
know their capacity in terms of knowledge in a particular strand.
(3) The randomization of questions can reduce a chance of
cheating between examinees.

[1] Janssens, S. et.al. (2012). Students’ Perception about
Assessment in Higher Education: A Review. Australia, Cengage
Learning .
[2] Reganit, A. Ed. D. et.al, Assessment of Student Learning 1
(Cognitive Learning) Chapter 1, page 4
[3] Gwang-Jo Kim Director of UNESCO Bangkok in his
foreword, Asia-Pacific Secondary Education System Review
Series No. 1: Examination Systems Seres No. 1
Electonic Source
[4] www.ijtae.com ( ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008Certified
Journal, Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2014)
[5] Exam Based Education System,
http://etd.ohlolink.edudisposition=inline. Accessed January 22,
am.pdf. Accessed January 23, 2017
Unpublished Thesis
[7] Moral, V. et.al. (2015). Aptitude Test. Capstone Project
[8] Luistro, H. (2012).BLOP: Basic Learning for Preschoolers.
Senior Project Manuscript
[9] Jalimao, A. (2010). Online Test Manager for Techers

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