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16/08/18 9:01 MATLAB Command Window 1 of 4

>> X=[-3 0 2 4]

X =

-3 0 2 4

>> Y=[3 1 1 3]

Y =

3 1 1 3

>> P=minPoly(X,Y,2)

P =

0.8505 -0.1925 0.1785

>> P=minPoly(X,Y,3)

P =

1.0000 -0.3667 0.1500 0.0167

>> P=ajusteCL(X,Y,3)

P =

2.0611 -0.0764 -1.3159

>> t=1:0.01:5;
>> r=P(1)+P(2)*t+P(3)*sin(t);
>> plot(t,r,X,Y,'o')
>> t=1:0.01:5;
>> r=P(-3)+P(0)*t+P(2)*sin(t);
Attempted to access P(-3); index must be a positive integer
or logical.

>> X=[-1 3 2]

X =

-1 3 2

>> Y=[1 0 -1]

Y =

1 0 -1

>> P=minPoly(X,Y,2)

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16/08/18 9:01 MATLAB Command Window 2 of 4

P =

-0.5000 -1.0833 0.4167

>> X=[1 2 3 4 5]

X =

1 2 3 4 5

>> Y=[0.9 7.9 27 63.8 125]

Y =

0.9000 7.9000 27.0000 63.8000 125.0000

>> P=minPoly(X,Y,4)

P =

1.5000 -3.1750 2.0542 0.4750 0.0458

>> X=[0.1 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.9]

X =

0.1000 0.4000 0.5000 0.7000 0.7000 0.9000

>> Y=[0.61 0.92 0.99 1.52 1.47 2.03]

Y =

0.6100 0.9200 0.9900 1.5200 1.4700 2.0300

>> ajusteCL1(X,Y,3)

ans =

0.5591 1.7843 -0.4067

>> P=ajusteCL1(X,Y,3)

P =

0.5591 1.7843 -0.4067

>> t=1:0.01:5;
>> r=P(1)+P(2)*t+P(3)*sin(PI*t);
Undefined function or variable 'PI'.

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16/08/18 9:01 MATLAB Command Window 3 of 4

Did you mean:

>> r=P(1)+P(2)*t+P(3)*sin(pi*t);
>> plot(t,r,X,Y,'o')
>> r=P(0)+P(1)*t+P(2)*sin(pi*t);
Attempted to access P(0); index must be a positive integer or

>> r=P(1)+P(2)*t+P(3)*sin(pi*t);
>> X=[1.9 3.1 4.2 5.1 5.8 6.9 8.1 9.3 10]

X =

Columns 1 through 6

1.9000 3.1000 4.2000 5.1000 5.8000 6.9000

Columns 7 through 9

8.1000 9.3000 10.0000

>> Y=[0.3 0.6 0.4 0.9 0.7 1.1 1.5 1.3 1.6]

Y =

Columns 1 through 6

0.3000 0.6000 0.4000 0.9000 0.7000 1.1000

Columns 7 through 9

1.5000 1.3000 1.6000

>> ajusteCL1(X,Y,3)

ans =

-0.0272 0.1600 0.0555

>> P=ajusteCL1(X,Y,3)

P =

-0.0272 0.1600 0.0555

>> t=1:0.01:5;
>> r=P(1)+P(2)*t+P(3)*sin(pi*t);
>> plot(t,r,X,Y,'o')
>> P=minPoly(X,Y,8)

P =

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16/08/18 9:01 MATLAB Command Window 4 of 4

1.0e+03 *

Columns 1 through 6

-0.6679 1.1512 -0.8186 0.3162 -0.0730 0.0104

Columns 7 through 9

-0.0009 0.0000 -0.0000


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