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Rashid Minhas English Medium School® Khan Bela

Final Examination 2021

Class Five
Name: ____________ Roll number: _______________
_______________________________________________ ___________________________
Paper: English Total Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 1h 30m
Question no. 1: Four options are given against each statement. Encircle the correct one.
1) Identify the kind of sentence; “Are you happy today?” 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟐 = 𝟐𝟒
(A) Declarative (B) Interrogative (C) Affirmative (D) Simple
2) In the word “doubt”, which letter is silent?
(A) o (B) u (C) b (D) t
3) More than _______ years ago in Arabia people lived in fear.
(A) 1400 (B) 1100 (C) 937 (D) 1200
4) Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani was travelling to;
(A) Makkah (B) Madina (C) Baghdad (D) Iran
5) Quad-e-Azam came into politics in ___________.
(A) 1905 (B) 1906 (C) 1907 (D) 1908
6) Quad-e-Azam completed his early education from:
(A) Lincoln Inns (B) Sindh Madrassah (C) Gov. high school (D) Gov. degree college
7) “Saint” means;
(A) A holy person (B) Valuable (C) Teacher (D) Lawyer
8) “weep” means;
(A) ‫انسنہ‬ (B) ‫روان‬ (C) ‫الچان‬ (D) ‫دوڑان‬
9) Identify the word with correct spelling:
(A) relegon (B) reiligon (C) rieligion (D) religion
10) Identify the word with beginning word;
(A) shrink (B) watch (C) match (D) judge
11) He _________ cricket.
(A) Playing (B) play (C) plays (D) none
12) Identify the correct sentence;
(A) Time before Islam (B) He drink milk. (C) He goes to school. (D) I are a boy.

Question no. 2: Answer the following questions carefully. (8 marks)
1. Where did Quaid-e-Azam complete his law education?
2. When and where was Quaid-e-Azam born?
3. what did Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani tell the robbers abut money?
4. What are the teachings of Islam?

Question no. 3: Write an application for sick leave. (5 marks)
Question no. 4: write a story on the topic “Thirsty Crow” (5 marks)
Question no. 5: Write the difference between declarative and interrogative sentences with
examples. (4 marks)
Question no. 6: Translate the following paragraph into Urdu and write the meaning of underlined
words. (4 marks)
• It is in his leadership that the Muslims of the subcontinent struggled hard and achieved a separate homeland
Pakistan. For this reason, he is known as “Father of nation”.

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