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‘30/10/2017 ‘Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTik scripting = Automated Backups Folder | The (unofficial) Micatik ste Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTik scripting = Automated Backups Folder @April10,2014 — wscripts, software automation, backup, export, export compact, gmail, google drive, google script, labnolorg, mikrotik,routeros,rsc script, system backup & Omega-00 Iwas recently looking for a simpler alternative to something like RANCIO to periodically backup all our MikeoTik configs RANCID is great and all, but didn’t really need the diff copies of each file, and I was plenty happy just knowing that | have a backup and .sc file for each router | manage. Given | use Gmail t might have been ok just to have each router send them there and leave ita that, but I'm not really the sort of person to half-ass my afterhours projects...| learnt from Greg that you have to ust whole-ass them ® So, there's plenty of ways to have a MikroTik router backup and send a copy of it’s config to an email account, but what I really wanted to do was have them automagically move into a Google Drive folder of my choosing, Why Google Drive? Well already use GMail so I have 30GB of hosted space | can keep everything together in, so why wouldn't ?! This also sync between my Desktop and Laptop soll, always have copies of the backups with me. | searched around and finally stumbled across this post about a script called "Send to Google Drive” that can run in the background on your GMail account all the time. Perfect! So to start with I created a script to export, send and then remove config files from the local router (saved as backup-and-email) 1] fh Modify these values to match your requirements #it 2 3| fyour enail address to receive the backups 4| local toenail "” 6 | #the From address (you can use your own address if you want) 7| tlocal’ fromemail *nikrotik@example. com” 8 9| #8 mail server your machines can send through 1@| ‘local enailserver "smtp.exanple. con” u 12 | weiwaawnwen® Don’t edit below this Line #emHmHHiARHNRH 3 14| local sysname [/systen identity get name] 15 | Hocal textfilename 36 | Hocal backupfilenane 17| local tine [/systen clock get tine] 18| local date [/systen clock get date] 19| local newdate 29| :for i from=@ to=([:len $date]-1) do={ :local tmp [:pick $date $i]; 21| tif ($tmp 15"/*) dos( rset newdate "snewdatestmp” } 22 | :if ($tmp ="/") do=t} 23| } 24| itcheck for spaces in system identity to replace with underscores 25| rif ([:Find $sysname """] !=@) do={ 26 | local name $sysnames 27| local newname 28 | :for i from= to=({:len $name]-1) do=: tlocal tmp [pick $name $i]; htps:iiwew folder! 19 ‘30/10/2017 ‘Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTik scripting = Automated Backups Folder | The (unofficial) Micatik ste 29 | rif ($tmp !=""") do={ :set newname “Snewnamestmp" } 30] if ($tmp =" ") do={ :Set newname "$newname_" } ai} } 32 | set sysname $newname; 33 34 | rset textfilename ($"newdate sname" . ".rsc") 35 | set backupfilename ($"newdat sysname” .-".backup") execute [/export file=$"textfilenane rexecute [/system backup save nane=$"backupfilename"] 38 | #Allow time for export to complete 39] :delay 2s 41| #email copies 42 | :log info "Emailing backups" 43 | /tool e-mail send to- fromenail” server=[:resolve $em 4a | send as different subjects to force GMail to treat as new message thr 45 | :local time [/system clock get time] 46 | /tool e-mail send to=$"toenail” from=s fromenail” server=[:resolve $em 43 | #Allow time to send 49| :delay 10s 51] #delete copies 52 | /file remove $textfilenane 53 | /file remove $backupfilename Next | logged into my gmail account and created a label called “Rackup" and another called “RBackup Saved” for the files to flow into, then logged into Google Drive and created a new folder in the root directory called "Router Backups” Then as instructed I copied the spreadsheet provided and set the values as follows: |Gmail Label that the script should monitor Backup Router Backups |Google Drive folder where the Gmail attachments are be saved [Gmail Label that should be applied to processed messages |RBackupSaved Then followed the 2 step procedure to authorise and run the app. Next | created the filter in GMail for all emails from destined to where subject contained “[Config Backup]" and move it into the newly created “Backup” folder/label. Any emails that get moved here will be processed the by script, have the “RBackupSaved” label appended to them and attachments moved into the predetermined “Router Backups” folder | created in Google Drive. Totest| manually ran the script on my router and waited; it takes about a minute sometimes for the script to see the files, but the end result is that each night a new copy of all my router backups come flying into my Google Drive folder ready for any emergencies. htps:shwew older! 0/10/2017 ‘Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTik scripting = Automated Backups Folder | The (unofficial) Micatik ste "Next step is to ensure there's a scheduler entry to have the script run each night, week, month or however often you'd like your backups. 1 | /systen scheduler 2| add interval=1d nane=daily-backup on-event="/systen script run backup-a < » Big thanks to the fellow at who made his script freely available, hopefully mine is of use to some of you as well! The finished product: Bil Roe Bacups ot I a 1228 am nw 2 02 TT 2 m= 1220 am Bec 5 m= 220m 2 I chp v= 228m 3-2 TT r= 22h am we a! 1224 am we 502 I E29 m= reztam i. Tc m wean Share this: Ei Facebook | ch Reddit | yF Twittor | fg Email & Print Related MikroTik Scripting: Failover Routing for Asterisk PBX Hi guys, This is my second article and | wanted to raise the difficulty level of my RouterOS asa PXE (Net Boot) TheBrothersWISP7—Airfiber tutorials! We work a lot with server - Latvian Mikrotik Videos - Asterisk PBX and MikroTik Mikrotik Basics July 17,2014 In "mikrotik" August 16, 2012 In "scripts" With 10 comments Translate] 12 thoughts on “Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTik scripting = Automated Backups Folder” htps:shwew older! 319 0/10/2017 ‘@ Brandon @ Alej @ Alej ‘Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTik scripting = Automated Backups Folder | The (unofficial) Micatik site April 10, 2024 at 8:54 am, ‘Awesome! Can't wait to play with this! April 10, 2014 at 8:27 pm Hi, i followed all your guidelines. Butit doesn’t work Itseems the device doesn’t send the email thank you April 10, 2014 at 8:45 pm here i am, it sends email but it doen't go to google drive @ thanks April 10, 2014 at 10:22 pm it works, but the script has some errors @ Alej April 12,2014 at 11:11 am Hey Aj, Aron Peyroteo Cardoso Where did you get stuck, the script not moving the attachments from the email into the backup folder? April 23, 2014 at 3:19 am, It’s working perfectly! htps:shwew older! 49 0/10/2017 ‘Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTik scripting = Automated Backups Folder | The (unofficial) Micatik site September 9, 2014 a 7:05 pm it gives script error after each $ sign moni March 4, 2015 at 6:46 am How to implement SMTP authorisation please? Adam Leonardo March 23, 2015 at 11:46 pm ‘Simply awesome. Thank You. Pivetti ‘August 18, 2015 at 5:10 pm. Thank you very much, very helpful. My 2 cents: Julien Grossiord (@jgrossior ¢) + ibr771 al Joeweb ~ use to take an email to a Dropbox account instead Gmail, works like a charm from address and smtp server are better to configure once forall in /tool e-mail {this will enable @Adam to implement SMTP Auth, TLS, etc). October 4, 2015 at 2:39 pm heloo the scriptis not working with mikrotik 6.31 December 7, 2015 at 9:39 am This is the working configuration with Google mail accounts. Here's the script ‘i#H# Modify these values to match your requirements ##i htps:shwew older! 59 ‘30/10/2017 ‘Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTik scripting = Automated Backups Folder | The (unofficial) Micatik ste #Your email address to receive the backups slocal toemail “info@gmailaccount”™ ‘The From address (you can use your own address if you want) local fromemail “info@gmailaccount” ‘#A mail server your machines can send through slocal emailserver “" #A mail Username slocal pass “accountpassword” ‘HeeuEHHANHEH Don't edit below this line HHHHNERHHEHEH slocal sysname [/system identity get name] slocal textfilename slocal backupfilename local time [/system clock get time] local date [/system clock get date} -for i from=0 to=([:len Sdate]-1) do={ local tmp [:pick $date $i]; sif (Stmp !="/") do={ :set newdate “Snewdatestmp" } sif (Stmp ="/") do={} } ‘check for spaces in system identity to replace with underscores :if({find Ssysname * “| !=0) d local name sysname; slocal newname “"; slocal newdate :for i from=0 to=([len $name]-1) do={ local tmp [:pick Sname Si]; ‘if (Stmp =" *) do={ set newname “Snewnamestmp” } if (Stmp =" “) do={:set newname “Snewname_"} } :set sysname Snewname; } sset textfilename ($"newdate’ ‘$"sysname" . “rsc") :set backupfilename (S"newdate” *-". $"sysname”.“backup") sexecute [/export file=$"textfilename"] sexecute [/system backup save name=$"backupfilename”} #Allow time for export to complete sdelay 2s email copies log info “invio per Email i backups” tool e-mail send to=$"toemail”from=$"tromemait” server=[:resolve Semailserver] port=25 user=$"fromemail” pass-$”pass” subject="[Backup Configurazione] Ssysname $time” file=$"textfilename” #Send as different subjects to force GMail to treat as new message thread. :local time [/system clock get time] {tool e-mail send to=$"toemail”from=$”tromemail” server=[:resolve Semailserver] port=25 user=$"fromemail” pass=$”pass” subject="[Backup Configurazione] Ssysname $time” file=$"backupfilename” htps:shwew older! a9 wutomated Backups Folder| The (unofficial) Mikrotik site ‘30/10/2017 Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTk scripting #Allow time to send sdelay 10s delete copies file remove $textfilename {file remove Sbackupfilename htps:shwew older! 79 ‘30/10/2017 {Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTk scripting = Automated Backups Folder | The (unofficial) Mikrotik site htps:shwew older! 89 ‘30/10/2017 {Gmail + Google Drive + MikroTk scripting = Automated Backups Folder | The (unofficial) Mikrotik site htps:shwew older! 99

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