20881a6627@egs Aat 2

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OA 50mm lomg line Ae 1s parctlle to bolb tHe

and ve. The linc 1s 26 mm fo front of ve

an d Go mm above HP.

O . A 8o mm long Itne AB has the end A ad a distance

of 20mm above HP and uomm intront of VP. The line

1s inCioed al 30 to P and pasalle to VP Dra the

Projechions of the oe

Ane AB, 5 mm long bas its
end 20 mm aboye +P

cnd 25 mm 1nfron t of VP. The end 8 1s 40 mm above HP

and 65 mm 'tfronk of Ve. DaW +he Pojecions of the line



A squane pane coth a 40mm side hos its Guo Fa ce ons.
payal tel to 2omm above tiP bra o
when (a) A side ts paroalel fo vP ( A sioe is înclined af z c
tn ye. All sides aie cq ual ty fo clineal O
3D V

de alc

side has an edge O0
oo ttP,
b pentogona) plane coith a 30 mm
+be suFa ce of tbe plane fe indioed at ys to the HP-

DraO T+ paiojections

e e l



AberagO nal plane with 30mm side
and hegligibe +hickness has THs
SUvfae peP eocl itulc to H and 30
inclined at ys oith yP Drauo t s
Oecaons ? ohes one of its Sides
of the plane Ts poallel to and
1S mm ohont of Ahe VP


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