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Grammar Practice

Fill in the blank with the Present Perfect form of the verb in parentheses. The
first one has been done for you.
1. The horses have left (leave) the barn.
2. He ________________________________ (care) for his little sister since she
was born.
3. They ________________________________ (drink) a gallon of water since
practice started.
4. Marla ________________________________ (study) hard for the test; she
should make an A.
5. Tim ________________________________ (choose) Ariel for his team.
6. You ___________________________ my name wrong. (spell)
7. There __________________________another earthquake in Peru (be)
8. Philip _____________________the drawing competition. (win)

Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. The men have been digging (dig) up the road, so there is a big hole in it.
2. We _____________________ (learn) about orangutans at school.
3. I _________________________(try) to contact Peter on his handphone,
without any success.
4. He __________________________(exercise) in the gym every morning,
and he looks much fitter.
5. You _________________(make) that dress for weeks, isn’t it finished yet?
6. He ____________________(live) in this country since 1998.
7. She ______________________(chat) on the phone for an hour.
8. It __________________(rain) since this morning.
Fill in the blanks with Past Perfect Tense.
You use had as a helping verb to form the Past Perfect Tense which is used to
mention something that happened some time before.
1. The police arrived to arrest him, but he had already left.
2. Suddenly he remembered where he ______________ (hid) the money.
3. I noticed that he _________________ (leave) his books behind.
4. He collected money for the people who ___________ (lose) their homes in
the earthquake.
5. My test results were much better that I ____________(expect) them to be.

Fill in the blanks with Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

You use the Past Perfect Continuous Tense to talk about things that were going
on in the past when something happened.
1. I _________________(wonder) whether to telephone you when you rang
me yourself.
2. I ________________(work) at the hospital for three years when the trouble
3. He ______________(go) to the gym every morning, but then he had an

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