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( The Basics)

11 22 33

Emmanuel Josiah
How to Know Yourself and Other People through Numbers
Copyright ©2016 by Emmanuel Josiah

Previously published under the title “Knowledge of Self: Key to a Satisfying Future” in
Edited and Republished under the title above in 2015.
Revised and Reprinted in 2016 under the same title above.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication should be reproduced or transmit-

ted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission
in writing from the Author.

Published by Aŕeboh Group,

Ugboroke New L/O, Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria.
07080714946, 08138411686,


Chapter 1
What is Numerology...........................................1

Chapter 2
The Core.................................................................9
The Life Path..................................................................... 10
Interpretations for the Life Path Numbers................. 12
The Expression ................................................................. 32
Interpretations for the Expression numbers .............. 35
The Inner Longing ............................................................ 44
Interpretations for the Inner Longing Numbers ........ 46
The Birthday ..................................................................... 55
Interpretations for the Birthday Numbers ................. 57

Chapter 3
Decoding an Individual’s Personality ............. 71

How To Know Yourself and Other People Through Numbers

Chapter 4
The Modulators ................................................... 85
The First Vowel and First Consonant.............................. 86
Interpretations for the Vowels ................................... 87
Interpretations for the Consonants ............................ 91

Chapter 5
Compatibility through Numbers .................... 101
Friendships and Relationships ....................................... 104
Marriage......................................................................... 107
Business and Partnerships ............................................. 109

Chapter 6
Predicting Events with Numerology .............. 115
Personal Years, Months and Days ................................. 116
Interpretations for the Personal Year Numbers....... 117
Interpretations for the Personal Month Numbers ... 125
Personal Day Numbers…………………………….128

Life Path Chart………………………………………………....30

Personality Chart……………………………………………....72

Relationship Compatibility Chart……………………………...105

First Vowel Compatibility Chart……………………………...106

Marriage Compatibility Chart…………………………………108

Employer/Employee Compatibility Chart……………………...110

First Consonant Compatibility Chart………………………….111

Partnership Compatibility Chart……………………………….113

How To Know Yourself and Other People Through Numbers

I am grateful to God whose infinite mercies satiate my life; to my
guardian Angel, for inspiration and providence, and all other persons
that aided me in one way or the other to bring this work to fruition.

How To Know Yourself and Other People Through Numbers

A s human beings, we are always interested in learning about the
unknown, about that which gives us an edge in our dealings with
our fellow men and nature. We seek to understand how we can best
achieve our goals and get to our preferred destinations with relative
ease. In summary, we all are interested in learning Reality’s or Nature’s

Reality is basically everything that exits. It includes the things we

are aware of and so many other things that we are yet to discover. It is a
complex system that contains both animate and inanimate nature. All of
its parts are interconnected and directed from the center, which we call
several names among which are Universal Mind, Cosmic, Nature or
Reality follows a systematic approach in going about its activities.
To know this method of nature even in a small way means that we get
to achieve a higher rate of success in our activities because we have
improved awareness of not only what we intend to do, but the right time
to do it and the best method to follow.
There are many evidences that point to the fact that we can learn,
know and master this method of reality. Some of such evidences range
from the developments of the different fields of study we have today,
particularly the advancements of science and technology we experience
daily. However, there are some methods that are not known to the ma-
jority of persons which if utilized effectively can enable us in a very
short period of time to acquire a great deal of knowledge concerning
nature’s formula and as a result increase our chances of living a ful-
filled life.
One of such methods is the art of numerology. The purpose of this
book is to teach you the art of numerology. To show you how it can be

How To Know Yourself and Other People Through Numbers

used to improve on your chances of living a fulfilling life through the

discovery and development of your potentials, an improved understand-
ing of the real nature of the people around you as well as knowing how
best to achieve your goals in life. It is my wish that this book soothes
considerably your thirst for a better life.

Emmanuel Josiah
University of Port Harcourt
May 22, 2015

I dedicate this book to all of Humanity, especially to those who seek
enlightenment. Most especially to those who are ripe for harvesting. I
dare you to become who you were born to be.

How To Know Yourself and Other People Through Numbers

What Is Numerology

Chapter 1

What is Numerology?

T he word numerology is quite simple to interpret. If we trace it

etymologically by dividing it, we get the words 'numero' and
'logy'. The word ‘numero’ in Latin means 'numbers, or digits' while lo-
gy in Greek and some other languages means 'study'. (Numerology,
Wikitionary, 2014). The term loosely translated becomes 'number study'
or 'study of numbers'.
Numerology is the art of using numbers to understand and interpret
Reality is a complex whole that simply means everything that ex-
ists. All of reality which we sometimes call Nature, is one very big
house that contains the Universe, the Stars, the Solar systems, the Plan-
ets, the Earth, the Continents, the Countries, the Nations, the Families,
Individuals, Microbes (single celled organisms) to all of inanimate Na-
ture being non-living things like streams, trees and so on.
All of Reality is a single system, an obvious fact if you observe the
name Universe that means ‘center of the many’ or the many that is con-

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

nected to a center. This system is like a living being which like normal
living things is able to grow and develop. I know this statement is ridic-
ulous, but I implore you to indulge me for now, as I am confident that
eventually, you too will arrive at the same conclusion.
All that exists in reality (living and non-living) has a beginning and
necessarily has an expected destination. However, the beginning and
destination of all existents differ from one to the other depending on
their nature and their reason for existing. As a result, we would discover
that the lifespan of a man, a tree, a stream, a country and a planet vary
considerably. All aspects of reality has a program embedded in them.
This program is like a code that contains information about the nature
of that being. The word ‘being’ refers to all that exists inclusive of ani-
mate and inanimate nature.
This code carries information about what type of being it is, the
purpose of that being or what we may call its destiny as well as the way
or manner through which the being is going to realize itself or fulfill its
It is possible to identify, read and interpret this code partly or fully
through several methods. One of such methods is through numerology.
I will discuss some other methods in future works.
The code of all beings can be converted into numbers and when
converted, we find that all beings have peculiar numbers that govern
them. Looking into these converted numbers through numerology, we
are able to understand and interpret the nature, purpose, potentials and
most likely path of that being.
The Individual human being also has this code because he/she is a
part of nature or the universe. As a result of this connection, the nature
of any particular human soul and the manner after which such a soul
would realize itself (his/her destiny) in the bigger unity( the Universe)
is therefore fixed and largely knowable. It is because of this that it be-
comes possible to see into the past, present and future of an individual,
What Is Numerology

of objects or the outcome of events.

Those who have access to this code directly or indirectly are then
able to understand, interpret and make predictions/prophecies with au-
dacity as are done by prophets, seers, analysts and others from time im-
memorial until date.
Numerology is both an art and a science. As an art, it requires dedi-
cation, patience and a quiet disposition of mind to master it. As a sci-
ence, it has a systematic universal method which when followed proper-
ly can produce striking results for anyone. Numerology unlike some of
the hidden arts does not require any kind of psychic ability on the part
of the individual to avail oneself of its use. Although such a trait would
be an added advantage if present.
This art is not original to me and its origin is almost impossible to
trace to an exact point in history. However, we find some instances of
its use mentioned in some ancient times and writings. Notable among
such accounts are those of ancient Babylon, the philosophy of numbers
of Pythagoras, the Chaldeans, the Hebrew Kabbalah, the bible and so
In the philosophy of numbers by Pythagoras, we find a system of
philosophy built around numbers and their ability to aid us in under-
standing reality. Pythagoras claims that numbers are the building blocks
of reality and that using them; we would be able to understand and in-
terpret reality. We find similar practices in the history and religions of
ancient Chaldea and Babylon. The Chaldeans and Babylonians use
numbers to determine the best or most favorable days to carry out cer-
tain goals and tasks. In the Jewish Kabbalah, we find a system of nu-
merology known as Gamatria by which they were able to see into the
nature of things and their relationships to one another (Wikipedia,
‘Gamatria’, 2015).
In the Bible, we find the use of numerology expressed severally in
relation to the number 7, the number 40, the number 3 and references to
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

the year of visitation, but most especially in the book of revelations

with the seals and revelation 13 verse 18 in particular. Even St, Augus-
tine is reputed to have expressed that "Numbers are the universal lan-
guage offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the
truth"(Augustine as cited in Wikipedia on Numerology).
Modern revival of the subject as we are told by Goodwin can be
traced to the works of L. Dow Balliett, Dr. Julia Seton, Florence Camp-
bell and Juno Jordan (Goodwin, 1981:24). I must also acknowledge the
inputs of the following numerologists who incidentally happen to be my
mentors on the subject: Cheiro, Matthew Oliver Goodwin, Herward
Hencke, Blair Gorman, Hanz Decoz, Mike Madigan, and Mary Ander-
Although, I must say that I am yet to find a very complete system in
the works of these mentors of mine for which reason then, I decided to
undertake this project with the hope of finding a common ground
among the several traditions and putting forward in a succinct manner
those aspects I find needful of being introduced.
There is a lot more to the science of numerology and its historical
development, but I am of the view that the above is sufficient to famil-
iarize a novice to the study. More so is the fact that all information on
numerology cannot go into a small natured book like this, for this rea-
son I encourage my readers to carry out further research for themselves
as my focus here is mainly introductory.
In consequence, my aim in this work is not on theory but on the
practical aspects to provide quick learning for the public.

What Is Numerology

Types of Numerology
There are two basic types of Numerology. They are Chaldean Numer-
ology and Pythagorean Numerology.

Chaldean numerology
Chaldean numerology originated from the Chaldean Philosophers
in the ancient Chaldean Empire and as such, it is older than the Pythag-
orean system. Some Numerologists believe it to be more accurate. Its
tone and language is more metaphysical and oracular, as a result it is
less used widely except by a few exceptional individuals. I shall en-
deavor to write on it in another volume of this work to assist those who
care to use it when they have compared both systems.

Pythagorean Numerology
Pythagorean system is more popular and easier to translate and uti-
lize. Its tone is more of a psychological bent than a divinatory or oracu-
lar one and as a result, it usually is helpful in understanding our person-
The above being said, the easily distinguishable difference between
both systems reside in the tools employed in their analysis or the meth-
ods employed in sorting out the numbers and their interpretations.
In this work, our focus is on the Pythagorean system. The Pythago-
rean system makes use of the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33,
44 and the English alphabets to interpret reality. In normal mathematics
and the English language, these numerals and alphabets have meanings
that we are already familiar with but in numerology, they take on sepa-
rate meanings from normal every day usage.
The Pythagorean system holds that all of reality and its processes
are reducible to and describable through the numbers listed above. A
brief overview of the numbers by their key words is given below:

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

 1 - Beginning, Independence, Attainment

 2 – Growth, Cooperation, Patience
 3 – Creativity, Expression, Enthusiasm
 4 – Foundation, Practicality, Logic
 5 – Expansion, Experience, Communication
 6 – Responsibility, Nurture, Service
 7 – Intellect, Spirituality, Solitude
 8 – Business, Harvest, Dominion
 9 – Maturity, Religion, Reform
 11 – Intuition, Enlightenment, Vision
 22 – Master Builder, Achiever, Grand Projects
 33 – Master Healer, Teacher, Sacrifice
 44 – Ultimate Dominion, Power, Great Huddles.

As seen above, all of life’s experiences can be catalogued under these

numbers. Pythagorean numerology makes use of these numbers because
all other numbers when added together reduce to them, except the num-
ber 0, The method employed in adding and reducing numbers in Py-
thagorean numerology is called Fadic addition. This form of addition is
done by adding digits together to the right until it results in any of the
above single or double digit numbers. An example of this reduction us-
ing the numbers 12657 and 534678 is as follows:
12657 = 1+2+6+5+7 = 21 = 2+1 = 3
534678 = 5+3+4+6+7+8 = 33.
33 here being one of the double digits above is not reduced further to 6
except to get at the most basic interpretation of it.
Doubles of 55 to 99 are not included because they do not directly re-
duce to a single digit. An example is 55 which becomes 10 when added
together and 1 when reduced further.
The alphabets are 26 in number and as such, every of the alphabets
has a number attached to it. In using the alphabets, we make use of their

What Is Numerology

numerical equivalent, which carries the power behind the alphabet.

They are written as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26

The above table when the double digits have been reduced further to
single digits becomes:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Thus by reducing a name or a letter to its numerical value, we are able

to discover the energy it carries.

What can Numerology do for you?

Numerology can assist you in several aspects of your life. Some of
such aspects are as follows:
1. It can help you gain an understanding of who you are - your pur-
pose in life, your personality, your strengths and weaknesses.
2. It can help you plan, organize your life and effectively pursue long
and short-term goals to find fulfillment in your endeavors.
3. It can help you choose the right course to study, the right career to
pursue, thereby reducing and eliminating frustration from your life.
4. It can help you achieve and maintain a healthy relationship with
friends, family and loved ones.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

5. It can help you in Business, Marriage, everyday affairs and so

many, many more.
Having familiarized ourselves with the basic tools in Pythagorean nu-
merology, we will now proceed to show their applications.

The Core

Chapter 2

The Core

T here are four most important readings in Pythagorean numerolo-

gy. These readings put together make up what is called the core in
numerology personality analysis. These four readings arranged in order
of importance are:
1. The Life Path
2. The Expression
3. The Inner Longing
4. The Birthday

These readings are considered the core because they make up the
framework or constitute an overview of any personality in question.
They could be likened to the canvas and the use of the colors black and
white by the Artist; in the development of a picture before the other
colors are added. In sum, they mark the basic properties without which
a picture is not possible.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

The life Path is the most important reading in Pythagorean numerology.

It is also called the Soul Current. The life path is regulated by four ma-
jor laws, they are the laws of evolution, rebirth or re-incarnation, perio-
dicity and circular time.
The law of evolution holds that all of reality is in a process of de-
velopment, maturing or becoming. This process begins from the sim-
plest level of energy to the most advanced form possible. The ultimate
goal is to attain perfection. The oriental religions describe it as achiev-
ing union with God. The soul undergoing this process is in effect sup-
posed to learn and master all of life’s lessons. The numbers 1-9, 11, 22,
33 and 44 we have highlighted on before now, designate these lessons.
A single lifetime as we would discover is hardly enough to learn
and master all of life’s lessons, which is the reason then, why we have
to continue incarnating successively to enable us attain mastership. As
such, individuals have to continue in their present life from where
they stopped in a past life. A process called re-incarnation.
The lessons are thus broken into smaller bits called periods, to facil-
itate learning and we are made to experience them at specific regular
intervals to enable us master them. The both processes employ the laws
of periodicity and circular time.
I am aware that most persons do not believe in evolution, re-
incarnation, cycles and periods because they are yet to find proofs to
convince them. I cannot attempt to prove any of them here because of
space. However, I would be glad to explain them to any interested per-
son by phone, mail or physical conversation if called upon.
Furthermore, I must add that the conscious will of the individual
plays the role of an important tool in working with Nature to actualize
the potentials. In cases where we chose to disregard this cooperation
with nature, we usually still end up following the plans of Nature alt-
The Core

hough at a much slower pace. There is a great deal on this issue, yet to
be addressed but I will stop here so I do not end up confusing the ma-
jority of my readers whom I assume are laypersons in this regard.

Calculation of the Life Path Number

There are 13 basic life paths in Pythagorean numerology. The numbers

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33 and 44 are used to represent them. To
calculate the life path number of an individual, add the numbers that
make up the birthdate together using the method below.

i. Reduce your day, Month and Year of birth to single digits separate-
ly. An example of May 24, 1982 as the birthday becomes:
May = 5th month = 5
24 = 2+4 = 6
1982 = 1+9+8+2 = 20 = 2+0 = 2
Giving 5, 6, 2
ii. Add the numbers together and reduce to a single digit or double
digits master number.
5, 6, 2 = 5+6+2 = 13 = 1+3 = 4
4 becomes the life path number for an individual born on May 24th,
iii If you arrive at an 11, 22, 33 or 44 as the answer of your second
stage, do not reduce further since it is a master number. An example
is the birthdate, July 24, 1989 that becomes:
July = 7th month = 7
24 = 2+4 = 6
1989 = 1+9+8+9 = 27 = 2+7 = 9
7, 6, 9 = 7+6+9 = 22/4.
The number twenty-two here becomes the life path. It is written as
22/4 because it is also a four, but a higher version of it.
iv Read the interpretation for your life path number.
Those born on the 11th and 22nd of any month should reduce it to a 2 or
4 when adding. That way, we would discover the most basic way the

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

master numbers will manifest themselves. That is either directly or indi-

rectly. The same goes for persons born in November, they should re-
duce it to 2.

Interpretations for the Life Path Numbers

Life Path 1

The number 1 is the first after 0. It is the beginning of all existents; it is

masculine and positive. It is the first lesson in the process of evolution.
Persons who have a 1-life path are called to be pioneers, beginners,
leaders, initiators and innovators. Their calling is to introduce and
champion new developments that would have a positive impact on the
wellbeing of themselves and other persons in the end if such projects
are properly implemented and sustained. The results of their actions
affect them because they are on a path to understand the principles of
action, independence, leadership and originality. As a result, they are
able to improve on their choice of action in future instances if the ef-
fects of past actions were not satisfying.
The challenge they have to overcome to develop themselves and
achieve their goals is to find the will power to stay true to their goals
always, and pursue them until they are achieved; even when no one is
willing to support them. They need to understand what it takes to sepa-
rate the self from the crowd, to hold individual ideas and goals, and to
find the will as the center of energy within the self in the same way that
the sun is the center of the solar system.
Number 1 life paths are advised to choose jobs or careers which
offer the possibility or show promise of placing them in charge of the
company or their own team within the company in the present or near
future. In cases where finding such jobs are not possible, they would be
better off if they proceed to set up something of their own in an area
that they are conversant with.
In the case of being their own boss, they should employ other per-
The Core

sons to help them manage their projects. This is because they do not
have the capacity for follow up or the patience to grow an industry. If
they do not find themselves in leadership positions they grow resent-
ment, feel submerged and unfulfilled. Example of some famous persons
with life path 1 are: Wole Soyinka, T. B. Joshua, Asa, Olusegun
Obasanjo, Martin Luther King Jr., Tiger Woods, Tom Cruise and Fela

Life Path 2

The number 2 designates the second life path, it is the opposite of 1. It

is concerned with growth, development and sustenance. This number as
a life path represents the second step in the evolutionary scale. It is fem-
inine and passive.
Persons with this life path are called to learn, understand and master
the principles of growth, development, patience and sustainability.
Their role is to nurture and develop what others have initiated. They are
born to be peacemakers, deputies, assistants and managers.
These gentle souls are sensitive and good at supportive roles. The
obstacle they have to overcome is to learn to be patient, to listen to oth-
ers and assist where required even when they are feeling otherwise.
Their path can be compared with the silent and dark process that the
planted seed undergoes within the womb of the earth. As sure as the
fact that we cannot with our will cause the planted seed to germinate or
sprout from within the earth by force, so also the persons who bear the
number 2 path cannot achieve their goals through force of will.
They must learn to trust their intuitions and have faith in the gradu-
al process of evolution/development that is driven by natural design,
which under the proper conditions will ultimately manifest from the
They are advised to find their stability and peace of mind in the in-
ner calm that develops ideas, institutions and inventions from simple to

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

complex enduring ventures. In the case of jobs or careers, bearers of

number 2 life path are advised to choose jobs which offer opportunities
to work with other persons or enter into partnerships if they intend to
set up something for their selves. This is because they lack the will to
take initiatives spontaneously or launch a new project all by them-
selves; except if some other aspect of their core offsets this.
Some of them are prone to feats of shyness or inferiority complexes
when faced with the public or leadership demands. If such persons
climb beyond supportive roles, they feel lost and overwhelmed. Exam-
ple of some famous persons with life path 2 are: Barack Obama, Bill
Clinton, Madonna, Michael Jordan, Robert Monroe, Tony Blair, Ronald
Reagan and Meg Ryan.

Life path 3

The number 3 is the fusion of 2 and 1. It symbolizes the emergence and

spring up of the planted seed. It represents the process of sprouting or
the germination of the planted seed after its journey into the womb of
the earth.
It is characterized by zest, enthusiasm, and radiance. It is life and
energy unveiled in its primary form. It is the third step in the evolution-
ary scale. It is associated with public life or a life led in the spotlight. It
is loaded with creative and dramatic energy.
This life path carries individuals who have artistic, creative and ex-
pressive talents. Their calling is to add color, glint, fun and liveliness to
what exists. They are comprised of Artists, Musicians, Poets, Public
Figures, Fashion crazy folks and so many other creative/communicative
endeavours. They add vividness to otherwise dull ventures and always
desire to be popular.
The obstacle they have to overcome is to learn to express their inner
feelings and the ideas or vision of reality they see in their imagination
through art, drama, technology or whatever means they feel conversant

The Core

with even when people around them fail to see their relevance or coop-
erate with their plans. This path often carries with it fame, fortune and a
strong attraction of people to them, especially members of the opposite
sex. They should strive to prevent themselves from getting carried away
by the temptations the path offers, so as to enable them remain open to
inspirations, otherwise they could block off their capacity to receive
inspirations by succumbing to selfish pursuits.
In the case of a career or job, they are advised to pursue careers that
allow them the opportunity to present their views, designs or creations
in an unconstrained manner. If such opportunities do not exist in public
companies, they should endeavor to set up or pursue any field that en-
chants them in the creative world. They are advised to seek practical
advice from experts within the field of choice or employ a practical
minded individual to help them put their visions in practical form.
In situations where they are unable to find such careers, they feel
irritated and depressed because the channel through which their creative
energy flows is blocked and unless opened, it turns into toxic energy
that usually affects their health and mood. Example of some famous
persons with life path 3 are: Enya, Hillary Clinton, John Travolta,
Pierce Brosnan, Snoop Dogg and Shania Twain.

Life path 4

The number 4 is the number of structure and stability. It is characterized

by the principles of firmness, conditioning and solidity. It solidifies and
puts into concrete physical form what the preceding paths have devel-
oped. It relates to the material world. Using the analogy of the plant
from before, this lesson is symbolized by the process of growing
stronger roots, having a definite frame and formation of the key proper-
ties by which, we are able to identify the specie of the plant in question
among other plants. It is the path of order and limitation.
Persons born under this path are called to learn the principles of

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

organization, orderliness, stability, routine, solidity and structure. The

four-life path is a logical, a pragmatic and a physical one that lives by
facts. It teaches that there are physical laws that guide nature and that if
one acts in a manner that disregards them there will be consequences.
The challenge that faces the bearers of this path is to learn to be
organized, dedicated and dependable. It teaches them to plan, be order-
ly, steadfast and develop good executive skills unless doom will follow.
As a result, you find that these individuals have talents for practical,
thorough and detailed work.
In the case of a career or job search, these individuals are advised to
seek companies that have reputations for stability and proper follow
through in their projects. They are better at managerial, research, manu-
al, routine, rigorous and the like positions. They have an eye for detail
and in the case of their being self-employed, they should set up a busi-
ness they are grounded in and hire creative individuals to aid them with
brilliant ideas as often as possible so that they do not end up with a rigid
and outdated model, since they are slow to change.
In the event of their failure to find such a job or career, they feel out
of balance and end up unfocused, stubborn and difficult in their rela-
tions with other persons. The number 4 is a down to earth path. Orderli-
ness, tactics and construction paves the way. The path exclaims boldly
to its patrons that the hard way is the only way to success in their en-
deavors. Example of some famous persons with life path 4 are: Arnold
Schwarzenegger, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Lucky Dube, Frank Sina-
tra, Demi Moore and Brad Pitt.

Life Path 5
The number 5 path is one that is marked by variety, diversity, experi-
ence, adventures and communication. It contrasts the number four life
path. It is the fifth step in the process of evolution. Its lesson is one that
teaches on the principles and proper use of freedom, movement, expan-
sion and communication. Using the plant analogy, it symbolizes the
The Core

process of expansion or elongation in the plant after it has taken a form

that is appropriate to its nature.
Persons under this path are called to utilize the skills of resourceful-
ness, enterprise, mental alertness and broad mindedness to improve on
what the four patrons have instituted. The path is comprised of infor-
mation and communication technology experts, resource persons, ex-
plorers, sales persons, radio hosts, broadcasters, writers, journalists and
so on.
The challenge they have to overcome is to learn how to continually
summon the strength to follow the fast pace of their interests while en-
deavoring to complete the projects they have begun. To go beyond bor-
ders, routines and established structures; to reach out, to exploit and
experience life anew. They are quick to lose concentration and interest
in a project unless the project is filled with excitement and promises
them a lot of freedom. They have a mind that is capable of learning the
basics of anything they find interesting very quickly. However, they do
not have the patience to learn it in a detailed manner. Due to this condi-
tion of theirs, they are able to gather many skills in different profes-
sions. Thus, they are referred to as a jack-of-all-trades and a master of
In the world of learning, they have an encyclopedic mind, which
has ideas of a variety of subjects but no real depth in any of them.
In the case of choosing a career or job, they are better off in jobs
that offer a flexible schedule. They are perfect fits for careers that in-
volve communication, travelling, sales, originality and excitement. In
cases of being self employed, they need to set up a job that is dynamic
and centered on their strongest talent. Although in both cases they are
advised to hire someone who can help them deal with details or com-
plete their projects.
In the event of not having a career or job that allows them express
their restlessness, they become stifled, depressed and prone to excessive
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

talking. A condition that could have negative effects on their nerves and
mental health. Example of some famous persons with life path 5 are:
Sade, Angelina Jolie, Abraham Lincoln, Steven Spielberg, Nancy laine,
Catherine Zeta-Jones and Joe Vitale.

Life Path 6

Responsibility, service and care are the hallmarks of the 6-life path. It is
the sixth step in the evolutionary scale. The lesson taught in this path is
the need to play the role of the protector, the teacher, the healer and care
giver through the extension of love to all of nature. It is the call to nur-
ture all that has been prepared in the previous stages and crown them
with beauty.
This step is likened to the period of blossoming, flowering or first
show of maturity in plants. In the same way that the flowers of the plant
are beautiful and promising, so too are the individuals who bear this life
path. They usually appear beautiful or handsome, they radiate a pres-
ence of trustworthiness, caring and responsible nature.
Persons with the 6-life path are responsible, hardworking and de-
pendable. They have domestic abilities; they are kind hearted, service
oriented and have the ability to teach effectively with love. They are
comprised of health workers, teachers, humanitarians, altruists, cooks,
farmers and public service providers.
The obstacle they must surmount is the urge to think of the self and
abstain from embracing responsibility when called upon, especially
where there are no visible benefits or rewards. They must learn to show
love, care and support to those who are less fortunate than they are as
their sense of inner calm is tied to the happiness of the individuals in
need of their services. Sixes are motherly by nature, they usually be-
come the source of succor for those around their space. Activities that
are related to the home have a strong pull on them; as they are most
times the source of livelihood of a small or large unit they are a part of.

The Core

In matters of career and job, they readily excel in service provision

enterprises. They make wonderful doctors, nurses and healers. They
also do very well in counseling, teaching, management and supervision.
They could do well in personal establishments that center around food,
housing, medicine or any other service related talent they have. They
are encouraged to employ someone who could assist them to make their
load lighter or be in charge of fees collection so that others do not take
advantage of their kindheartedness.
In instances where they are unable to express their abilities, they
become clingy and excessively dependent on persons around them for
their livelihood; and become overly gloomy and pessimistic. The thrust
of this path is to render service to others, to assist their development
and wellbeing. It is to open up the fountain of divine love here on earth.
It is filial. It is neighborliness and harmony in society. As a result, Self-
seeking professions would not sit well with these persons. Example of
some famous persons with life path 6 are: Wizkid, M I, Mikel Obi, Mi-
chael Jackson, Eddie Murphy, Albert Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt and
John Denver.

Life path 7

Path number 7 is one that is associated with repose, reflection and inter-
lude. It is the process of going within to tend the flame. It is the seventh
step in the scale of evolution, it teaches us to take stock of our develop-
ment process through the tools of introspection and analysis.
The plant analogy displays this stage as the brief moment of calm
that precedes the harvesting period. A pause that sees the farmer specu-
lating on how the harvest is likely to turn out. It brings to our mind the
need to examine our actions or the works, undertaken in the preceding
stages and effect necessary changes where we find the need for modifi-
cation; else, we end up with an inappropriate harvest.
Individuals with life path 7 are intelligent, analytical, independent

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

and spiritually inclined. They are comprised of researchers, mystics,

philosophers, analysts, scientists, higher education experts, occultists,
geniuses and the like persons, which are essentially the mirrors of soci-
The obstacle they have to overcome is to find the strength to re-
main in constant participation in the affairs of the world while they rise
continually into the higher worlds of thought or deep awareness and
spirituality; to seek the answers to the problems that plague all exist-
ents. Sevens are quick to ponder habitually on how far we have come
and discover/develop methods to stir up the latent powers of the soul. It
is a spiritual path. It is to understand the union of the self with Divine
will. It ushers in the philosophic death.
In the case of a fitting career or job prospecting, they are advised to
find one that anchors on the use of the intellect, reason, investigative
ability and some level of recluse or solitude. They are natural fits in
detective and security related ventures, research institutes, academic
areas, statistical analysis and the like professions. Personal ventures
require partnerships if they are to keep to targets and maintain public
appeal due to their penchant for aloofness and mood swings.
Overly, they should follow paths that allow them their privacy and
space. They need to isolate themselves as often as possible to connect
with their higher selves to enjoy calm and stability. In cases where they
fail to achieve or find such conditions, they become prone to daydream-
ing, mental exhaustion and substance abuse. Example of some famous
individuals with life path 7 are: Tiwa Savage, Genevieve Nnaji, Adams
Oshiomhole, Marilyn Monroe, J. F. Kennedy, Antonio Banderas, Leo-
nardo DiCaprio, Mel Gibson, Michael Douglas and Queen Elizabeth.

Life path 8

The number 8 path is one of manifestations. It is the number of Harvest

and Dominion. It is basically the re-emergence and re-awakening of the

The Core

self after the inward journey. As the eighth step in the evolutionary
scale, it connotes the point where the work of the preceding paths is
displayed for all to see after the necessary changes have been effected
by the seven stage. It is Justice. It is what you have sown in the preced-
ing periods given to you to reap. A condition known as karma.
This stage represents the period of fruit bearing in plants and har-
vesting in farming. However, it is the fruit bearing or harvesting of that
which was previously sown. It is what results from all what you have
put in. The yield rate is different for individuals, full for some and emp-
ty for others.
Persons with this number are called to manifest Divine will and
judgment on matter. They are imbued with capacities to oversee large-
scale projects and investments. The are able to see in what ways raw
materials can be manipulated to serve needs as well as attract prosperity
through wealth creation. They are able to command obedience, service
and industry from individuals and groups through force of personality,
and will to institute structures that are necessary for societal subsist-
ence, and overall supply of material prosperity. They are comprised of
heads of Businesses and Institutions, owners of the wealth of the Earth,
Icons, judges, administrators, service heads and the powerful of society.
The obstacle they must surmount is the desire to enrich themselves
alone and center their life on the acquisition of material things. They
must endeavor to distribute wealth and resources to enable free flow of
the blessings of nature upon them. They should learn to understand that
money and material aggrandizements are not an end in themselves but
are useful only in their capacity to further human life and development.
They are possessive and have a penchant for greediness.
In career and job considerations, they should pitch their tent with
those ones that offer the possibility of climbing the ladder of authority.
They should endeavor to invest time in business or administratively
inclined pursuits. They have the capacity to set up and manage ventures

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

for themselves although the problem of startup capital is a huge let off
for them due to their big ideas. They should try to start small rather
than focus on huge projects.
In cases where they are unable to find such positions, they become
plagued with delusions of grandeur, prone to conflicts with constituted
authority as well as being greedy and possessive in their dealings with
others. To feel realized, they need to be in control of resources. Exam-
ple of some famous persons with life path 8 are: Goodluck Jonathan,
Babatunde Fashola, Edgar Cayce, Elizabeth Taylor, Whoopi Goldberg,
Richard Gere, Frank Abagnale and Paul Newman.

Life path 9

The nine-life path has the key words of completion, transformation,

wisdom and maturity. As the last step in the evolutionary scale, its les-
son teaches us that all existents as far as they have a beginning must
have an end. It introduces the process of transmutation that forges our
psyche and the vulgar into Gold. It is the War that Precedes Peace. It is
essentially the point where we round off and account for how well we
have learnt the lessons life has to offer.
Using the plant analogy, this stage is the period of full maturity or
the point where the farmer goes through the land to collect the fruits/
yields that were remaining in the farm. The farmer is able to make an
informed remark regarding the success or failure of the planting cycle
that is closing, and proceeds to round off any pending tasks so as to
adequately await the beginning of a new planting season.
This period in the affairs of men represents our bringing to a con-
clusive end, the projects we have embarked on. It is a period of refor-
mation and transformation.
As a path, it teaches on the transient nature of existence and the
necessary death of the ego through fire. This path charges its patrons to
bring the capacities of experience, insight and broad overview together

The Core

with the skills of the previous paths to bear on life’s tasks. They have
the skills of the previous paths because they have travelled through
them, learnt their lessons and acquired their merits/fruits. As a result,
niners are matured and sophisticated in appearance; wise and experi-
enced in communication as well as in action.
This path is comprised of Reformers, Fighters of social causes,
Teachers, Religious Leaders, Humanitarians, Activists and Force per-
sons. They challenge us to reach beyond our selves and impress on us
the futility of self-gratification.
The challenge they must endeavor to surmount is the urge to en-
force their views on others by force rather than dialogue. They must
endeavor to think beyond the self and the things of the world, to see the
connection in the multiplicity that covers both human beings and the
rest of nature. To guide and assist with the transition of consciousness.
In career and Job considerations, their options are practically infi-
nite as they have what it takes to succeed in almost any sphere they are
interested in. They are however, advised to pursue paths that involve
the shepherding, reformation and transformation of individuals and re-
sources through whatever medium they delight in.
In the event of not finding an avenue to channel their experiences,
they feel useless and directionless as their higher self continually tor-
ments them with a thirst that shallow pursuits cannot satisfy. Although I
must say as a rule of thumb, they usually know where and how to fit in
if they are in tune with themselves. Example of some famous persons
with life path 9 are: Muhammadu Buhari, Bob Marley, Mahatma Gan-
dhi, Whitney Houston, Elvis Presley, Kurt Russell, Harrison Ford and
Ricky Martin.

The numbers 11, 22, 33 and 44 denote paths that belong to a second
order. They usually designate souls that have developed previously

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

through the paths 1 to 9 and mastered them, but have either decided or
been sent to assist in the development of others. They are called Master
numbers. The higher the value of the master number, the rarer its fre-
quency of manifestation. If they are arrived at in course of life path cal-
culations, they are not reduced further but interpreted as they appear.
The interpretations for the master numbers are as follows:

Life Path 11

The number 11 is the first of the master numbers. It gives the 2 when
added together. It is made of two 1's. The double force of the 1's swal-
low themselves and produces a 2 whose sensitivity and ability doubles
the normal 2 making them to possess firstly the qualities of the 2 and 1
life paths discussed previously.
In this case, it represents the borders of consciousness as the first
step above the physical structure of the 9 evolutionary scale. The bear-
ers of this number are endowed with the capacity to attune to divine
signals and channel its message to areas where visionary leadership and
uncommon foresight are lacking.
It is the number of the Prophet, the Visionary, the Seer or Guide.
The bearer is a bridge between the seen and the unseen; he/she receives
vibrations, inspirations and visions from the beyond to guide humanity
in their development. Persons on this path usually become Pastors,
Spiritual Leaders, Light workers, Visionaries, motivational speakers
and those who inspire others.
In career and job considerations, they are better at people related
ventures. Although, they usually hold sensitive, leadership or advisory
positions in any other profession that excites them.
Due to the charged potency of this number, not every bearer is able
to live up to its expectations. In such cases, the bearer could block out
his or her abilities and choose to lead the life of the normal 2 if he/she
was not fated for it since they already possess the qualities of the 2 life

The Core

path. This is the reason why the 11-life path is written as 11/2, to show
the possibility of reducing to an ordinary 2.
They are overly incapable of putting their visions into practical
form as they lack the practical powers of the four. They should endeav-
or to always connect with people to relieve their nervous strain.

Life Path 22

The number 22 is the second in the series of master numbers. The dou-
ble two give birth to a four when added together. This 4 has twice the
potency of the normal 4 and the 11, giving the 22 the qualities of the
normal 4 and 11 discussed above.
The double power of the 11 and 4 gives the 22 the power to see the
visions of the 11 and bring them to manifestation in reality. The 22 is
considered for this reason as the master Builder. The bearer of this
number is able to develop grand projects from ideas and visions that
could and usually does transform and benefit the lives of millions of
The bearer is able to do what others fantasize. He/she is capable of
bringing people, ideas and resources together to achieve uncommon
goals. The bearer has the capacity to reach the zenith of any profession
he/she chooses to function in. They have the capacity of administration,
Problem solving, ingenuity and resourcefulness.
As the case with all master numbers, the early years of the bearer is
usually overburdened with this energy because of the high level of
nervousness it exacts on the nerves of the bearer but this effect becomes
enjoyable as they become mature.
Bearers of master numbers usually appear odd and mysterious to
their peers who find it difficult to relate with them, understand the
things they discuss or their areas of interest. This trait is as a result of
the high wavelength of consciousness they operate from. More so is the
fact that they are from a higher plane having previously graduated
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

through the paths 1 to 9 and 11, for which reason they usually appear
wise, insightful, Prophetic and knowledgeable to their peers. Some of
their peers tend to think they were born with silver spoons.
They attain high positions in professional life irrespective of their
choice of career so long as their channel is open. Their success and pro-
gress is tied to the wellbeing of others. For which reason then, they ex-
perience undue difficulty in the execution of their goals if their aim is to
use their gifts to enrich their self.
The challenge they have to contend with is to find the will-power to
pay attention to details even when they think they have the master plan
in place. As their capacity for broad view usually creates a condition of
oversight in small details which could prove fatal in the proper execu-
tion of their plans.
As in the case of the eleven, the bearer can choose to live the life of
the ordinary 4 by shutting out the faculties, for which reason it is writ-
ten as 22/4 except if the bearer is fated. In which case, he/she has no
choice in the matter. Example of some famous persons with life path 22
are: Tuface Idibia, Sir Paul McCartney, Tupac Shakur, Sir Richard
Branson, Dale Earnhardt, Sri Chimnoy, Dean martin and Bryan Adams.

Life Path 33
Thirty-three is the master number called the great Teacher or Sacrificial
Victim. The bearer of the number 33 has the qualities of the double 3
which comprise it and 6 which is its base. These qualities put the bear-
ers in the limelight and enable them to develop the quality of service to
others and society as well as the traits of the 1, 4, 11 and 22, all re-
This number endows the bearer with the capacity for great wisdom
and caretaking ability. The bearer if properly developed becomes a
Teacher who could elucidate on very difficult concepts; a Healer who
could revive lost and dying souls and a caregiver who could lay down

The Core

his life for others. They are comprised of mystics, philanthropists, heal-
ers, teachers and service providers. It is a rare life path and very diffi-
cult to live up to.
The bearer of this path must learn to teach by example, to heal by
love and self-sacrifice, to be quick to show love and forgiveness.
The challenge of the path is to find the will to keep helping people
even if they do not show appreciation. The bearers are usually confront-
ed with conditions or circumstances wherein they see their work en-
joyed by others and have to settle with little or nothing. It is the path of
Agape. It is rumored that the Master Jesus had this life path.
As in the cases of the previous master numbers, the bearer is free to
choose the easy way and live the life of the lower 6. However, the in-
teresting fact is that until they embrace the call and endeavor to live up
to its expectations, happiness and evenness of mind continues to evade
The only rule they should strive to maintain to experience constant
success in their endeavors is to utilize their abilities to assist others and
not the furtherance of their own interests. To do so will block their in-
flux of inspiration and stagnate their development.

Life Path 44

The life path 44 is tagged the master achiever. It is the number of ulti-
mate dominion, ultimate Justice and ultimate karma. It is a very, very
rare and difficult number to bear. The bearer of this number has the
qualities of the 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 11, 22, and 33 all re-enforced.
It endows the bearer with a fate that urges him/her to develop very
grand institutions or bear the burden of others in a worldly or material
sense. It is the number of Governments, Presidents, Kings, Rulers of
men and World Leaders.
It is the highest possible Incarnation on planet Earth for now. Its

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

bearer holds and determines the fates and fortunes of Nations, King-
doms and Countries that contain Millions and Billions of people. The
bearer is tantamount to a small god on this Earth. It is most likely the
case that the individual has not learnt to unclog the flow of energy and
harness the full powers of the potentials the path carry.
However, the bearer is still able to replicate these feats in a small
scale within his field of influence when the bigger stage is not available.
In this regard, they are still able to determine the conditions of liveli-
hood for those within their field of influence. A condition which per-
sons around them cannot help but align with, given the sheer force of
their personality.
It is also possible for the bearer to choose a lower path except
where fated otherwise. The path is extremely difficult, it brings the
bearer in confrontation with circumstances where he/she has to make
very hard decisions that the lives and wellbeing of millions/billions de-
pend on.
The 44-life path is only possible in an 11 or 22 year. They appear
once in an 11 year and twice in a 22 year. There is only one 11 year and
five 22 years in the period of 100 years, ranging from 1900 to 1999
which means there was only eleven of them born among the 36,157
souls born in the 100 years period from 1900 to 1999 assuming 1 soul
was born a day. How rare would you say that is?

The numbers 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99 do not apply here as life paths be-
cause no birth date adds to them presently and they do not immediately
reduce to a single digit when added together like 55 being 5+5 = 10,
which is also a 1. The same applies to all other numbers that range from
10, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 30, 31, 34 and so on to infinity after the life
path 9 because they reduce to the numbers 1 to 9 or the master numbers
when added together. In the case of the number 0. it is not included
among the life paths for the following reasons:

The Core

i The number 0 is symbolized as infinity ∞. Zero as infinity relates to

the Total or Absolute called God. It represents the beginning and
end of all numbers or existents. It is boundless, all encompassing
and beyond manifestation.
ii No birthdate being day, month and year results to 0 when added
iii Zero is a modifier. As a modifier, it reduces the value of a number
when placed before it and increases the value of a number when
placed after it. In the sense of raising the value of a number, it is
considered as the ‘God-force’ or ‘God-power’ behind a number. It
shows that there is some divine force backing the application of the
quality that number represents when available. e.g. 10, 20, 30, 40
and so on. The value and power of the number, its force and vibra-
tion becomes more enhanced as the number increases.

The interpretations given for the life paths above are not exhaustive. As
this is an introductory work, they should suffice in familiarizing a nov-
ice to the discourse.
The above being established, I wish to pass across some important
points about the life paths.
1. The energies that the life paths carry could be underbalanced, over-
balanced or balanced. The methods for analyzing this is lengthy and
will be treated in another volume.
2. The double-digit numbers that are reducible to any of the numbers
1-9 or master numbers have special interpretations. Examples of
these are the numbers14 and 29, which will reduce to 5 and 11 re-
spectively. In preparing reports, they assist us to know whether
there is a condition of fate or karma attached to the individual as
well as how the life path is likely to manifest given the variety of
possible outlets.
3. All the paths, even though they are expressed above in the positive,
can take on the negative aspects of their qualities. The individual’s
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

outlook, dispensation or choice of affiliation determines how they

manifest. Individuals may choose to embrace the positive or nega-
tive potentials of their numbers irrespective of where they occur.
For example, a bearer of the number 1 could become arrogant and
pushy; the number 22 could become ruthless and selfish. Whichev-
er the case, the law of karma is a very effective Judge, able to give
to each his due at the right time.
The issue of soul currents or life paths is quite interesting and remarka-
ble if considered carefully. A research I recently carried out on life
paths proved quite insightful. I studied the possible life paths from 1900
to 1999 (100years). The analysis showed that if a single child was born
on each day of the month for 12 months in a year and 100 years in this
period, then the number of children born would be 36,157. There would
be 365 children in a normal year and 366 in a leap year.
9 years (y1-y9) = 3,287 × 11 (No. of 1-9 yrs. in the period
1900-1999) = 36,157
The above information when put in chart form is as follows:

The life paths of these children according to divisions in the

period would be as follows:

The Core

Life Path 1 - 4,015 children

Life Path 2 - 1,738 children
Life Path 3 – 4037 children
Life Path 4 – 2926 children
Life Path 5 – 4015 children
Life Path 6 – 3916 children
Life Path 7 – 4015 children
Life Path 8 – 4015 children
Life Path 9 – 4004 children
Life Path 11 – 2277 children
Life Path 22 – 1089 children
Life Path 33 – 99 children
Life Path 44 – 11 children

You would observe that the master number paths and the 2 and 4 paths
do not appear as much as the other paths bringing to mind our analysis
of the life currents and their distribution. Does it not suppose that there
could be a design to all of life?

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

The Expression is next to the life path in order of importance. It shows

us the area within which the individual intends to realize the life path. It
also indicates how the individual intends to go about it. Other names for
the expression are Destiny, Pillar and Route.
The term ‘destiny’ as used here is born from the viewpoint that all
existents have their particular nature. In this vein, by way of illustration,
the nature of a mango tree reside in its ‘mangoness’ or the quality that it
possesses, which distinguishes it from the orange tree—being the form
and structure of its fruit, leaves and tree. As such, it holds true to say
that, the purpose of the tree is to produce fruits which alongside its
leaves, barks and roots are useful to man and the environment. While
that of the seed is to become a mango tree assuming all necessary con-
ditions for their growth/development are available and are not disrupted
by man, animal, catalysts or nature. This essentially is their destiny or
expected end.
Based on the foregoing, the destiny of an individual is firstly to
grow into a mature human being and more importantly, become what
he/she was designed to be with fully actualized potentials. The expres-
sion is called the destiny because it shows the direction or the expected
end of the individual.
It anchors the life path, and gives it a niche for expression as well
as point out the direction within which the individual would experience
success in life if followed. As such, it is called the pillar and route re-
The expression unlike the life path is derived from the name of the
individual at birth and is modified by any other name(s) the individual
is or chooses to be called by in his/her lifetime. It is important for the
expression to be compatible with the life path to allow for a fuller ex-
pression of the self, else it could pose blockages for the individual's

The Core

process of development.
In extreme cases, it is advisable to change the name of the individu-
al to a more suitable expression or one that best characterizes the direc-
tion/career line the individual intends to follow. Such changes have
worked wonders for persons who deliberately or incidentally had a
name change. As in the case of Jacob and Abram to Israel and Abraham
in the bible as well as countless artists, actors, actresses, authors and the
like professions that abound around us.
The expression number shows the tools that the individual has cho-
sen or has to work with and as such houses a group of talents that the
individual has at least potentially which he or she could utilize in terms
of a career to express his or herself.
Some numerologists hold the view that the individual to be born
communicates the name or kind of expression he or she would want to
have to the parent who is most sensitive at the time of birth or a close
associate of the parents to choose a name after it to assist the life of the
Examples of this abound in our daily experiences, the tales told us
of how we got our names and some cases of names being revealed
through dreams or visions as we find in the Bible and some other
The tool of this calculation is the English Alphabets and the value
of the letters as follows:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

To determine the expression of an individual, employ the following


i. Spell out the names of the individual as found in the birth certifi-
cate, even if it is spelled wrongly there and assign their numerical
equivalents. For example, John Ebitimi Matthew becomes:

1 6 8 5 5 2 9 2 9 4 9 4 1 2 2 8 5 5

ii Reduce the numbers of each name to a single or master number as


1 6 8 5 5 2 9 2 9 4 9 4 1 2 2 8 5 5
1+6+8+5=20 5+2+9+2+9+4+9=40 4+1+2+2+8+5+5=27
20=2+0=2 40=4+0=4 27=2+7=9

iii Add all the single digits and master numbers if available together
and reduce all to a single or master number as the case may be.

1 6 8 5 5 2 9 2 9 4 9 4 1 2 2 8 5 5
1+6+8+5=20 5+2+9+2+9+4+9=40 4+1+2+2+8+5+5=27
20=2+0=2 40=4+0=4 27=2+7=9
2 + 4 + 9 = 15

6 becomes the expression number..

iv Proceed to read the interpretation of the expression number.
Use the same method to find the expression of any individual, using the
original names as found on the birth certificate. The reason for the birth
certificate is because the birth name shows the pure expression. In the
case of Individuals that have their middle name excluded, or may have
changed their name for some reason or the other, consider the original
name first before the new name. This way we are able to understand the
new expression.

The Core

Interpretations for the Expression Numbers

Expression 1

A 1 expression means you have the capacity for leadership, to be inde-

pendent and to climb the ladder of achievement in life. You have the
potential to lead others, introduce new thought patterns, and create new
tools or set the pace in your preferred area of interest.
You are better off if you follow your own ideas and convictions to
actualize your goals. However, this would naturally alienate others
from you, as they would interpret it as pride and arrogance. This would
create some form of loneliness in your life. Endeavour to treat others as
more than just means to actualize your ambitions.
You would do better and be happier in positions or jobs that allow
you to be in charge of others, to do things your way. You can set up
your own enterprise and be successful at it. You have a pioneering and
driving spirit. You would hinder yourself if you depend so much on
Some career considerations are; Entrepreneur, Politician, business
owner, contractor/supplier, force person, land and properties agent,
consultant and so on.

Expression 2

A 2 expression means that you have the ability to work with other per-
sons to achieve common goals. You are supportive, thoughtful and sen-
sitive to the needs of others. You can assist to build what other persons
have created. You prefer conditions where you have others to support
you and depend on.
You would do better in supportive roles, managerial roles and me-
diatory roles. You prefer peaceful surroundings; you prefer to be in the
background. You need to learn to be patient if you are to be successful;
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

rushing off to activities does not favour you. Learn to wait for opportu-
nities to come to you.
It is advisable that you do not set up your own enterprise but you
could do well on your own if other numbers of your chart supports this.
Always try to listen to your inner self. Generally, you are not quick to
begin anything, as you tend to hesitate a lot. A calm and stable environ-
ment suits you best except if there are other modifiers in your personal-
Some career suggestions are manager, assistant, secretary, diplo-
mat, mediator, counsellor, interior decorator, writer, events manager
and so on.

Expression 3
A 3 expression means you have the capacity for public related pursuits.
To be popular, to be in the limelight and the centre of attraction. You
have creative abilities, which could be in speaking, writing, singing,
dancing and other forms of self-expression. You would do better in po-
sitions or jobs that allow you express your creative side.
You need a lively environment; you need inspiration to thrive, en-
deavour that you do not choose a career you do not have passion for as
this could hide you and cause you to be moody.
Generally, whatever you do is usually exciting for you. Opportuni-
ties are usually accessible to you but you need to be original to make
best use of them. Money usually comes before long, try to save for the
rainy day and control your activities with the opposite sex as this could
ruin your professional life.
Some fitting career examples are; actor/actress, musician, author,
poet, comedian, events officiator, designer, cook, baker, artist and so

The Core

Expression 4

A 4 expression means you have the capacity for organization and prac-
tical reasoning. You understand system and order. You have executive
abilities. You can handle routine and hierarchical distribution in a job
or establishment.
You are suited to physical work and practical mechanical approach-
es. You would do well in careers that require planning, endurance, ri-
gor, rationality, logic and working out the details of activities.
You are a hard worker. You need to be frugal with resources as
they are not readily available to you. You need to learn to save and
erect structures.
Fitting career examples are statistician, mathematician, mechanic,
mechanical and electronics engineer, banker, medical professional,
manufacturer, administrator, furniture worker, mason, technician, sci-
entist, and so on.

Expression 5

A 5 expression means you who have the capacity for mental, informa-
tive and communicative activities. An individual that is versatile and
resourceful. You do well in situations that require all round knowledge
and originality. Yours is the very description of a jack-of-all-trades.
You prefer an outlet that allows you to travel, learn a lot of stuffs
and provides changes against a scheduled or routine like environment.
A career that allows you to talk or communicate ideas much of the
time, as well offer excitement and challenges favours and interests you.
You need to learn how to check your excesses as you have a ten-
dency to pursue and begin many things at a time but completing them is
usually difficult.
Some career suggestions are television and radio presenter, journal-

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

ist, sales person, lawyer, explorer, travel guide, ICT expert, electrical
and electronics expert, teacher and so on.

Expression 6
A 6 expression means that you have the call to nurture and provide ser-
vices that are essential to the wellbeing of others. You have the capacity
to assist others develop and experience love. You are better at situa-
tions that allow you to show love, care and support to others.
You are drawn to social and community enhancing causes. You
could become a Healer or a service provider among others. You have
domestic abilities as well. You prefer a beautiful, harmonious and
peaceful surrounding.
You have some artistic inclinations as well which represent other
avenues that you could explore in your quest to understand self.
Some career suggestions are doctor, nurse, teacher, beauty expert,
home and events décor expert, restaurant owner, farmer, manufacturer
and distributor, gardener, cook, counsellor, hotel manager, artist, musi-
cian and so on.

Expression 7

A 7 expression means you have the capacity for intellectual pursuits,

analysis and deep study. You have the call to contribute to knowledge.
You have perceptive abilities that allow you discover truths that other
persons could overlook through study, reasoning and contemplation.
You prefer and need work conditions that give you room to medi-
tate on, study and research into your interest areas. You have an irresist-
ible pull to studies that others find mysterious or forbidden.
Career lines that allow you employ rational, intuitive and specula-
tive skills are recommended for you to enable you find a place in the
world. Some suggestions are researcher, inventor, statistician, mystic,

The Core

investigator, scientist, psychologist, sailor, writer, philosopher, reform-

er, and so on.

Expression 8
An 8 expression means you have a business mind. You have potentials
in management, business and leadership. Avenues that allow you ex-
press your managerial, business and leadership traits are pivotal for
You have the capacity to set up and manage huge institutions and
businesses. Eight expressions usually end up amassing vast amounts of
wealth and property. You have an overwhelming personality and a
dominating outlook. You should check on your level of greed and pos-
You do better in situations that allow you to manage people and
resources. Some career suggestions are property merchant, business
owner, administrator, real estate developer, politician, contractor, hotel
and fast food owner, and so on.

Expression 9

A 9 expression means you have the capacity to mentor and transform

others. Yours is the call of service through altruistic ventures. You have
the capacity to guide, guard, sacrifice for others and assist them to at-
tain maturity.
Nines are usually experienced souls that have a deep sense of com-
passion needed to assist others, often through exemplary approaches.
They are natural humanitarians and shepherds. Their strength and expe-
rience is drawn from the fact that they have within them the skills of the
expressions from 1-8.
They are practically at the edge of human awareness, having seen
the end of the preceding paths; they see reality as fleeting and transient.
As a result, activities that would bring about a change in the life of indi-
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

viduals, the society and religious mind-set of people attracts them.

Some of them end up becoming religious leaders, Activists and
heads of humanitarian institutions. Other career suggestions are sur-
geon, reformer, pastor, philanthropist, NGO head and all of the previ-
ous expressions career paths.

Expression 11

An 11 expression shows a call to guide and assist the evolution of oth-

ers through vision impartation and extra-ordinary guidance. These indi-
viduals have a strong connection to the beyond that causes them to be
nervous, energetic and inspiring.
Visionary, spiritual and metaphysical ventures are natural attrac-
tions for them. They understand connections and are able to mediate
between individuals, nations and forces. They are able to detect the sub-
tle vibrations that individuals and the cosmos emit. As a result, they are
able with relative ease to communicate directly to the energy points of
individuals and therefrom inspire and quicken them.
Some of them become motivational speakers, Prophets, Seers,
Priests, Pastors, Light workers and metaphysicians. They generally do
well in positions that require inspirational and extra-ordinary leader-
Activities/careers that allow them express themselves are better for
their wellbeing. They should follow the promptings of their inner self to
arrive at their best-fit career wise.

Expression 22

A 22 expression denotes an individual that has the capacity to influence

and transform lives on a global scale. These individuals are inbuilt with
grand ideas and visions of how they could transform existing structures
and institute new ones to assist humanity.

The Core

They do not only see ways to improve our way and condition of life
but are able to implement them if given the right platform. These indi-
viduals are years above the development of their contemporaries and as
a result, those around them find it hard to keep up with their ideas and
This gap creates some kind of frustration in terms of finding suita-
ble materials to work with to carry out their goals within the society
they appear. These tools could be money, resources, support and so on.
Their peers usually misunderstand them, as they appear old, aloof and
out of touch with the conditions around them.
They experience a great deal of mental strain and nervousness, es-
pecially in their younger years. They have better control of their poten-
tials as they mature and are better at executing their goals after 30 years
of age.
To choose the right career path, they need only to be in tune with
their higher self and they would know what aspect of society is in need
of their services, and work along those lines. Overly, they would even-
tually overcome despite their limitations so long as they focus on pro-
jects that would benefit the majority of persons, as nature usually comes
to their aid only in that regard.

Expression 33
A 33 expression shows an individual who has a very high sense of ser-
vice to humanity. Their destiny is usually laden with conditions that
require great sacrifice on their part if they are to achieve their goals.
They have the capacity for public related ventures. They have crea-
tive skills. They are naturals in activities that involves the provision of
healthcare, teaching, counselling, food, accommodation, and other pub-
lic service related professions.
They are most times gloomy because of the constant tension they
are under, and the needs of other persons they bear that seem to choke
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

them. These individuals have souls that always yearn to show love and
tend to end up as sacrificial victims in their quest to assist others.
Their path is more spiritual than material. They make great Teach-
ers or Healers if they follow their path closely.

Expression 44
A 44 expression has the call to institute structures by divine mandate. It
is a path, that does not allow the bearer the freedom to choose how the
destiny will play out, the bearer is subject to strict conditions of action
which are for the most part arduous. It is for this reason designated as a
Karmic path.
Bearers of a 44 expression are called to show supreme discipline
and courage in the face of overwhelming affairs and thereby create sys-
tems that would stand the test of time. Few are able to live up to the
expectations of this number as most usually fall to the normal 8 and end
up embracing material satisfaction.
The path is one that endows the bearer with a strict sense of justice,
equity and fairness. They are frequently thrown into circumstances that
require them to plead for or defend the wellbeing of people. They have
a strong sense of tact, dedication and perseverance.
Their career path is usually one that involves the protection/
provision of the basic needs of individuals as well as the building of
elaborate structures that would affect the life of people for a lengthy
period – activities that could be in the form of legislating or critical in-
frastructural development.
They could also function in other areas of life but their inner gauge
is better pacified in areas where they are faced with seeming insur-
mountable challenges as they are naturally drawn to such areas.

The numbers 44 to 99 have special meanings that cannot go in this vol-

The Core

ume. Generally, the higher the number, the more spiritual and less ma-
terial becomes its content and application. The double numbers that
make up the single digits have special meanings as well, their combina-
tions bring in special properties to the single digits. In another volume, I
would treat them.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

The Inner Longing is next to the expression in order of importance. It is

that special desire, need or longing that the deeper aspects of the soul
continually communicates to its surface aspects (conscious mind). The
inner longing is a quality, thing or condition that we yearn for continu-
ally. An achievement, which we feel, is essential to our wellbeing and
happiness; it is the secret reason for which we do the things we do. This
pull shapes our ambitions and gives us the motivation to do and undo
certain actions. It is also known as the soul urge.
It is an aspect of our personality, which is not open to the public.
We sometimes forget about it because it does not reside in our con-
scious mind but from the sub-conscious mind; it influences our actions.
It shows the basic emotional drive of an individual.
To find out the Inner Longing of an individual, the vowels within
the names of the individual are used. The vowels have expressive and
vibratory qualities naturally. They are an open vessel that transports the
desires, wishes, longings and the type of energy an individual radiates.
The five traditional English vowels ‘a, e, i, o, u’ are used along with the
letters ‘w’ and ‘y’ in some special instances.
Regarding such instances, numerologists have different views.
Some maintain that the letters ‘y’ and ‘w’ should be used only where
there are no traditional vowels in the names while some others maintain
that it should be used where they immediately follow or come before
any of the five vowels. The second view is the one employed by Mat-
thew Goodwin (Goodwin,1981;38) and I personally subscribe to and
recommend it with a few alterations.
All syllables usually contain vowels. A syllable is a unit of word
pronunciation. For example, the name ‘Chigozie’ has 3 syllables when
broken down and would become ‘Chi’, ‘go’ and ‘zie’. You would ob-
serve that the three units have a vowel in each syllable. The syllable Chi
The Core

- has the vowel ‘i’, -go- has ‘o’ while –zie has ‘i’ and ‘e’.
The traditional vowels arranged with their numerical equivalents as
used in the expression calculation are:

a e i o u
1 5 9 6 3

In the case of the letters ‘w’ and ‘y’ as vowels, the following
method is applied.
 ‘w’ is interpreted as a vowel when it immediately comes after a
normal vowel because in such a situation, its pronunciation is the
same as the vowel before it. It has the value of 5. Examples are the
names Matthew and Andrew. In both cases, it has the value of 5.
 ‘y’ is interpreted as a vowel in two cases. The first case is where
there is no traditional vowel in the syllable. Examples are the names
Yvonne and Henry. It has a value of 7 in this first case. The second
case is where it comes immediately after a normal vowel. Examples
are names like Raymond and Royston. In this category, it also has
the value of 7.
To determine the soul urge of an individual, proceed in the following

i. Outline the full names of the individual like before and assign the
value of the vowels to the name. Example, Ben Chigozie Okafor

5 9 6 9 5 6 1 6

ii. Reduce the numbers of the vowels in each name to single or master
number digits and add all digits together.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

5+11+4 = 20 = 2+0 = 2
5 9+6+9+5=29=2+9=11 6+1+6=13=1+3=4
5 9 6 9 5 6 1 6

iii. Look up the interpretation for your Inner Longing number.

Interpretations for the Inner Longing Numbers

Inner Longing 1
An inner longing 1 means you desire greatly to be independent, to be
the best, to stand out or be the first among equals. You want the best in
life and always strive to achieve new things. You want to be a leader, to
be important, to have your own opinions and do things your own way
without answering to others. You detest situations that relegate you to
the background especially where you think the leader or director is inef-
fective in a job you can handle well.
In all your activities, you subconsciously strive to get to the top.
You endeavour to put your best foot forward and even go as far as lock-
ing horns with persons you consider to be capable of increasing your
status or as possible contenders for the position you are eying to prove
your worth and leadership ability. In your relationships with other peo-
ple, you like to dictate the pace and prefer them to listen to you while
you talk as well as follow your directions.
You wish for a partner that allows you have your way in the home
environment. A partner that is ambitious, of high standing but subject to

Inner longing 2
An inner longing 2 means you desire greatly to cultivate peace and har-
mony in your interactions with others. You love to work with other peo-

The Core

ple, to show support, to listen and to assist them. You wish to have al-
ways the support of your associates, friends and family to depend on
and having this boosts your level of self-confidence.
In all of your activities, you subconsciously strive to avoid situa-
tions of conflict, fighting, quarrelling and confrontations with other per-
sons. You like to be in the background, a sort of power behind the
throne where possible. In your relationships, you prefer your associates
to be kind, sensitive, supportive and tolerant. You wish to have constant
communication and cooperation from them. You desire your workplace
to be slow-paced and steady, with plenty of encouragement from your
peers and superiors.
You wish for a partner who is kind, thoughtful and sensitive. A per-
son who is always willing to discuss with you, listen to you and support
your goals.

Inner Longing 3
An Inner longing 3 means you desire greatly to be the centre of atten-
tion in your preferred field. You wish to be famous, a public figure and
an individual that people flock around. You love to express yourself
always through your creative skills. You love the arts, music, parties
and fun-filled activities.
In your undertakings, you wish to do things as you visualize them,
and desire other persons to appreciate and admire you as a result. In
your relationships, you long to have more drama, entertainment and
colour. You want to be popular; you want fun, happiness and entertain-
ment around you.
You wish for a partner that is attractive, a good cook and creative;
an excellent communicator and one, which you could proudly show to
your friends.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Inner Longing 4
An Inner Longing 4 means, you desire greatly for things around you to
be orderly. You prefer stable conditions that allow you to plan and or-
ganize effectively. You want your home and work surroundings to be
neatly organized.
In your activities, you wish to follow a stable and regular pattern to
achieving your goals and detest individuals who fail to follow proper
procedures and show indiscipline around your home or work. In your
relationships, you wish to have dependable and trustworthy individuals
who assist you in your difficult moments through resources and sound
practical advice.
You wish for a partner that is hardworking, disciplined, neat, orga-
nized and conservative in fashion, resources and the upbringing of your

Inner Longing 5
An Inner longing 5 means you desire greatly to have freedom, excite-
ment and a variety of experiences around you always. You hate to feel
tied down; you like to have options to choose from always. You detest
strict and routine conditions of life.
In your activities, you wish to be free to work according to your
own mood and time in the achieving of your goals/assignments. You
long for working conditions that bring a load of excitement; that possi-
bly involve travelling, meeting new people; airing your views through
voice or writing and affords you the experience to satisfy your senses
through food, sex and so on. In your relationships, you wish to have
individuals who take interest in communicating ideas, friends who are
open to discussing your many ideas with you and share stories about
your experiences.
You prefer a partner that is intellectually inclined, one who is open

The Core

to change and who is willing to try new things with you in the home –
maybe a new food, new sex pattern and so on. You like life on the fast
lane and enjoy being unpredictable.

Inner Longing 6
An Inner Longing 6 means, you greatly wish to have people who value
you, love you and give you an important place in their lives, their fami-
lies or the society for your love for them; and your capacity to provide
care, support, service and encouragement that will greatly improve
them. You have a burning desire to ease the conditions of your loved
ones, friends, family or the society through service delivery. Conditions
that require showing help, support and guidance where it is lacking pull
you irresistibly.
In your activities, you aim for beauty and perfection and you en-
deavour to radiate harmony and happiness in your home and office en-
vironment. You like to manage the home and help people. You like
children, you like to encourage people and provide things that would be
useful to others if given the opportunity. You like to teach, hope to heal
if you can and always show love where possible. Music, fashion and
domestic work influence you greatly.
You prefer a partner that is good-looking and generous; one that
loves children and possesses domestic capabilities.

Inner longing 7
An Inner Longing 7 means, you desire greatly to be free from the vicis-
situdes of the world. You cherish privacy, an independent mind-set and
the activities of the inner world – solitude, philosophizing, spiritual pur-
suits, deep learning and the like activities. You wish to make key con-
tributions to the principles that govern society and develop new tech-
niques/technologies to improve human life.
In your activities, you endeavour to see beyond the obvious, take a

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

new and different approach to your work and always get at the inner
workings/laws that guide things. You require a secluded space for your
work and a separate area for resting within the home. You find comfort
and inspiration in the quietness of your mind. You appreciate friends
who are given to deep thinking and who are able to afford you the privi-
leges of your alone time when required.
You want to be independent, to learn whatever interests you; you
love to have latest and sophisticated gadgets. You relish spiritual and
mysterious things and yearn to travel, contribute to knowledge and be
called wise. You prefer a partner that is open minded; intelligent, able
to discuss your findings with you and allow you your peace and soli-
tude when you require it.

Inner Longing 8
The individual with an Inner longing 8 craves power in all its forms and
desires greatly to be wealthy. You want to be a pillar of society, to be
feared, respected and indispensable in the affairs of the family, the com-
munity and the society. You wish to be at the fore in the management
and development of the resources that many individuals depend on.
In your activities, you endeavour to display a high sense of experi-
ence in the manipulation of individuals and resources to meet expected
ends. You wish to radiate competence, power and authority through
your speech, dressing and overall demeanour. You subconsciously al-
ways seek for avenues to exploit individuals and resources of their valu-
ables, and add them to yours to increase your stock.
In your relationships, you strive to pursue power, control and de-
mand respect as well as unwavering loyalty from your friends/
competitors. You expect your friends to take you and your words seri-
ously. You organize your home and office environment in a manner
that shows your friends that you are more sophisticated than they are
and try to show persons around you that they are better off, if you are in
charge of affairs.
The Core

You prefer a partner from an elite, wealthy or sophisticated back-

ground. You expect your mate to seek your opinion and follow your
recommendations in the management of the home and other family re-
lated activities.

Inner Longing 9
The bearer of an Inner Longing 9 desires greatly to assist in the trans-
formation and reformation of individuals, the society and the country.
You strive to gather all the necessary information about things to give
you a higher and fuller point of view when you are discussing issues.
You wish to play active roles in activities that would make conditions
better for all around you, even if such roles place you in harm’s way.
In your undertakings, you endeavour to pay proper attention to the
critical aspects of projects in your work or home environment to bring
them to their proper end. You strive to show your associates the im-
portance of the big picture and urge them to see reality as something
that extends beyond the material world.
In your relationships, you wish for your friends to come to you for
counsel as you believe you are better placed to offer them good advice
to improve their conditions. You wish to lead an exemplary life and
hope that your associates would learn from you. You yearn to play the
role of the humanitarian, the shepherd, the activist and the reformer.
You strive to dedicate your life to a higher cause.
You prefer a partner that is wise, tolerant and mature. A mate that
would assist you in your humanitarian, reformatory and educational

Inner Longing 11
The bearer of an Inner Longing 11 desires greatly to become a source of
inspiration, hope and guidance for those around them. You feel deeply
that you have a call to guide and lead humanity. You yearn to use your

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

visions and intuitions to help the people around you to lead fulfilling
In your activities, you endeavour to make yourself available to lis-
ten to, support and inspire those around your home or office. You be-
lieve strongly in the viewpoint that nature or God is always in control of
situations and would always bring the right conditions for our lives in
the end, if only we develop faith and exercise patience. You feel strong-
ly that you have a connection to the divine and that you carry messages
from above that would assist men find their way on earth.
In your relationships, you strive to play the role of an adviser, a
counsellor, a guide, a seer, a mediator; and an avid listener to your
peers, friends and associates around the home and work environments.
You prefer a partner that is calm, peace-loving, and given to spiritu-
al pursuits. A mate that relishes your support, believes in your visions
and has the patience to wait for your plans as well as your chosen
course of action.

Inner Longing 22
You desire strongly to create something great and grand; a project, an
invention or institution that would greatly improve on the lives of mil-
lions of people or your country men. You have a strong feeling that you
are on earth for some great purpose and that unless you make effort to
identify and work towards achieving this goal, your life would be point-
In your activities, you feel drawn to projects or ventures that would
bring a lot of persons and resources together. You endeavour to go
about things in a manner that takes the big picture or the achievement of
your big ideas into consideration. You wish for opportunities to allow
you express your big ideas and implement your big dreams, especially
wishing the huge capital you require would by some chance be given to

The Core

In your relationships, you long for your friends, associates and

peers to recognize this special quality in you and learn to see the huge
burden you carry, as you think always of ways to alleviate the condi-
tions of the people of the world. This you hope would enable them to
better understand the reason you are sometimes out of sync with them.
You prefer a partner that is broad minded, ambitious and willing to
help you actualize your goals. A mate that identifies with your concern
for the public and respects the fact that you are constantly under pres-
sure from the inspirations that flood you from within; to allow you
peace and quiet when you require it.

Inner Longing 33
You wish greatly to be of service to your fellow men. You believe you
are on earth with a very important mission; a mission to care for, guide
and teach humanity how to lead the good life. You yearn to be an agent
for the creation of a world where peace, love, kindness and prosperity
are flowing everywhere.
In your activities, you feel drawn to work situations where you need
to provide essential services for people and care for them. Situations of
hunger, sickness, poverty and greed leave you with a feeling of sadness
that causes you to wish for opportunities to alleviate the conditions of
such persons.
In your relationships, you wish to play the role of a mother or
source of succour for those around your home or office. You feel
pained when you observe those around you suffering and wish to do all
you can, even if it requires you to sacrifice something valuable to right
such wrongs.
You prefer a partner with a large heart, one who is always thrilled
to offer assistance to all those who come to you for aid. A mate that is
strong in maternal and domestic qualities. A partner that becomes your
own source of assistance when you are down. You do not mind sacri-

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

ficing your needs and yourself to make others happy.

Inner Longing 44
The bearer of a 44 Inner Longing has a very strong desire to establish
something very great – that has the capacity of affecting billions of peo-
ple positively. He or she is constantly bombarded with visions of how
to establish great business networks, systems and institutions. You have
a longing to be an important agent in the proper working of the World
and its governmental systems. You feel like you have a natural domin-
ion over beings and need to carve your mark in the World.
In your activities, you always see things from a very high vantage
point, and strive to come up with ideas on how to institute new and im-
proved ways to go about achieving the goals we place value on in our
lives. You like to be associated with projects that are able to transform
the living conditions of the multitude if successfully implemented.
In your relationships, you wish to be a key element in your home
and office environment. You like to hold positions that the progress of
any establishment depend on – positions that make you play the role of
a demi-god in such enterprises.
You prefer a partner that is hardworking, sophisticated and highly
ambitious. A partner whose presence evokes fear, respect and loyalty
from your children and friends.

The Core

The Birthday is the last of the core, and it is next to the Inner Longing
in order of importance. It is simply the day of the month that an individ-
ual was born in. It is the simplest of all numerology calculations. It
shows us the basic talents that an individual was born with.
I am sure that anyone who has taken the time to look into the days
of the months as regards the birth of individuals would have two promi-
nent questions among so many others. The first would be, why are indi-
viduals born on different days of the month? And why are they different
from each other in terms of goals, talents and so on? The second ques-
tion would be, why is it that even those born on the same day are differ-
ent in terms of character, talents and goals?
The days of the month carry different energies. These energies are
conditioned by the vibrations housed by the numbers of the days.
Firstly, as we have seen from chapter one, the interpretations for the
Life Paths, the Expression and the Inner Longing; the numbers 1-9, 11,
22, 33 and 44 designate all aspects of reality and in a sense, carries the
vibrations of these aspects within them. Each of the numbers above has
certain potentials and capabilities which become subject to the use, con-
trol and manipulation of the bearers of such numbers.
All the days of the months are reducible to the numbers 1-9, 11 and
22. The numbers 33 and 44 are not possible here because the maximum
for each month as currently constituted is 31.
After the individual soul has chosen a Life path within which he or
she is to learn the current life lesson; the soul then chooses a destiny or
a strong point within the life-path to channel the purpose through. The
soul imprints the present purpose deep within the consciousness of the
individual as the Inner Longing so as to enable him/her to always re-
member what he/she must strive to achieve in this life, lest the soul gets
carried away by life’s experiences and the purpose for which the indi-
vidual is being born is forgotten.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Upon getting to the point of incarnation or being born, the soul

chooses a date that houses the skills and talents which he/she will re-
quire to achieve his/her life’s goal. The answer to the first question then
is that every individual soul chooses to or is caused to be born on a day
that will present him/her the tools necessary to fulfil the intended pur-
Due to the fact that individuals have different purposes; they as a
result, are then endowed with different talents which is the reason why
persons born on the different days of the months have different talents,
abilities and goals.
In the case of individuals, born on the same day, the difference in
the month number, the year of birth, the name, the modulators and non-
individual components account for the differences. We have already
discussed the year and the name in the Life Path, Expression and Inner
Longing. The modulators, the non-individual components and the
months would be discussed as they become relevant to our study.
To reiterate, the birthday number comprise the basic tools that an
individual has to assist himself in the realization of his/her destiny. If
you observe the birthday numbers, their meanings and how they apply
to individuals you know; you would conclude that nature has little or no
coincidence and that all of nature is purposefully designed and orga-
It is simply to say that people are born on different days of the
month for proper reasons as against a random play by nature. I like to
call the birthday as the Personal Flavour number because it gives a pe-
culiar property, quality and capability to an individual that separates the
individual from others, like the flavours of foods and fruits.
The birthday number is easy to arrive at, so I shall focus on the in-

The Core

Interpretations for the Birthday Numbers

Number 1

All persons born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month belong to
the number 1 group. This is because, these dates all reduce to 1 when
added together. These persons are generally Independent minded,
Strong-willed and ambitious. They have the capacity to take the centre
stage and lead others. They form their own opinion about things and
like to follow their own independent approach in pursuing their goals.
They are quite aggressive, proud and sometimes arrogant. They are
quick to make decisions and usually do not need any push to pursue
their goals.
They dislike to listen to or follow other people. They like to an-
nounce their presence wherever they go. They are outspoken, loners
and active people. They have the capacity to set up their own business
and pursue their targets with energy and determination. They are fight-
ers, entrepreneurs and born leaders. They have a natural capacity to
attract money and create wealth.
Those born on the 1st portray more of the traits stated above; they
like to be heard. They like to be the first and best in everything. They
are quick to anger and intolerant of other people’s views.
Those born on the 10th are luckier and more successful than the oth-
ers. They experience less confrontations with others as people tend to
recognize and wilfully accept their leadership potentials. They have the
good sense of knowing how to channel their energy appropriately to
reach their goals. They are charismatic, energetic and direct.
Those born on the 19th have a karmic situation that causes them to
dilate between been selfish/egoistic and being selfless/altruistic. They
have the capacity to see things from a broad perspective and are easily
moved to offer counsel, support or assistance to persons who call on

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

them. If they can learn to find the balance between both swings then
they would be successful in their goals and find greater societal ac-
ceptance. They need to learn how to separate themselves from the
crowd and act on their impulses without fear of reproach.
Those born on the 28th are less forceful than the others. Their inde-
pendent nature seems to be cloaked and beneath the surface. They are
quite sympathetic and business minded. They need to develop patience
as they tend to make mistakes and repeat a project/process all over
again if they are not careful.
Number 1 group experience more luck on Sundays especially if the
day falls on the 1st, 10th, 19th or 28th of the month and on other days of
the week that has such numbers, though less strongly. They generally
appreciate bright and forceful colours. Examples are gold, white, and
yellow. Example of some famous number 1 individuals are: Aliko Dangote,
Babatunde Fashola, Rod Stewart, Edgar Allen Poe, Bruce Willis and Marilyn

Number 2
Those persons born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month belong
to the number two group. These individuals are generally soft and gen-
tle. They try to avoid confrontation as much as possible. They prefer
calm and peaceful environments. They shy from being the centre of
attention and prefer to work from the background if given the oppor-
tunity. They have good social skills if they are able to get past their ini-
tial shyness. They make avid listeners, and are able to effectively medi-
ate between individuals or groups when called upon.
They have the capacity for patience and are able to manage whatev-
er is placed in their care. However, they lack the capacity to take initia-
tive on their own and are for this reason slow to action. They are usual-
ly faced with delays and difficulties in the execution of their plans.
They are not given to lunching on their own and are better off if they
have partners to share the administrative and executive burden with.

The Core

Attracting and creating wealth is not a strong suit of theirs, unless other
aspects of their personality account for it.
Those born on the 2nd display more of the traits stated above. Some
of them are good at managing the home and possess décor skills.
Those born on the 11th are more sensitive and have the ability to
read people as well as predict affairs. They usually have hunches on
how to go about affairs. They are stubborn and inclined to spiritual pur-
suits. They are able to establish on their own with the right motivation.
They aspire for leadership positions. They are naturals in offering guid-
ance and assistance were lacking.
Those born on the 20th are extra-sensitive and a bit psychic. They
respond deeply to music and conversations. They feel like they have an
inner guide that informs them on how to go about issues. They can be
moved to tears quite quickly if they have not learnt to control it or if
some other factor in their chart does not offset it. They have an unusual-
ly high degree of patience as they have in the course of their lives, been
able to see the hand of the divine influencing their affairs where neces-
sary and as a result, they have learnt to wait on God.
Those born on the 29th are quite generous. They feel composed of
two natures, one which is soft, philanthropic and wise; another that is
stubborn, expressive and nervous. They feel drawn to assist and support
people, they tend to value their spiritual life. They can also occupy
leadership positions if given the opportunity.
Number 2 group are generally luckier on Mondays if the day makes
a 2 and on other days that make a 2 although less forcefully. They need
to learn to be patient if they are to achieve much success in their en-
deavours. They generally prefer colours that are not too sharp and
forceful. Examples are green, blue, silver and white. Example of some
famous 2 individuals are: Goodluck Jonathan, Mahatma Gandhi, Mi-
chael Jackson, Georgio Armani, Hulk Hogan, Keanu Reeves and Elea-
nor Roosevelt.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Number 3

All persons born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of any month belong to
the number 3 group. They are generally social and popular individuals.
There are very expressive, and quick to entertain persons around them.
They are smooth talkers, artistic and creative individuals. They like to
appear loud in their dress sense, and take pleasure in being the centre of
They have magnetic personalities that always attract people into
their space. They are gifted with the ability to do otherwise common
things in very exciting and limitless ways. They always like their home
and office environment to be bubbling with colours, life and the best of
They are able to attract money, fame and make wealth with relative
ease. They feel they are always on the good side of luck, as they usually
figure out how to achieve their goals irrespective of the challenges that
they face. They feature prominently in public related activities. They
are mostly drawn into creative/artistic endeavours like acting, singing,
dancing, writing and fashion. Those born on the 3rd and 30th have most
of the qualities stated above. They have magnetic and happy-go-lucky
personalities.. They seem to attract things easily and their friends tend
to think they have easier lives.
Those born on the 12th have leadership potentials, they are torn
most times between pursuing their own interests and working with oth-
ers. They switch between listening and talking frequently. They most
times end up gathering for other people to enjoy the fruits of their ef-
forts. They make good writers and they are able to set up/manage their
own ventures successfully.
Those born on the 21st are quite shy and not too outgoing. They like
to hold back from experiences. They usually encounter some forms of
delay in the execution of their plans. They tend to hesitate a bit before
beginning new undertakings but once they have begun, they hold on
wonderfully. They usually appear gentle at first appearance. They tend
The Core

to comport themselves when in new surroundings until they become

Those born on the 30th are extremely good talkers and able to capti-
vate the minds of their audiences quite easily. Their entrance into a
place seems to light up the whole place. They generally succeed in all
their undertakings and are usually very lucky people. Men and women
tend to flock around them.
Number 3 group tend to invest heavily on their clothing and sur-
roundings, they like to eat rich foods. They are luckier on Thursdays;
other days that make a 3 are usually favourable for them. They like ex-
citing colours and tend to mix colours more than other groups. Alt-
hough they usually rotate around tinctures of red and yellow. Some of
them make great Cooks, Artists, writers and Musicians. Example of
some famous 3 individuals are: Genevieve Nnaji, Lucky Dube, T. B.
Joshua, Luciano Pavarotti, Frank Sinatra and Tiger Woods.

Number 4
Persons born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of any month belong to the
number 4 group. These individuals are generally hardworking, stub-
born, down-to-earth, practical, disciplined and cautious. It is difficult to
persuade them to change their minds if their mind is made up about
something. They dislike sudden changes and try to plan almost every-
thing. They like to prepare and take their time to do things properly. If
they cannot work with their hands, they organize and put things in logi-
cal manner with their minds or do both.
They are disciplined and serious most of the time, and usually ab-
stain from displaying much emotion. They feel like they do not get the
opportunities to experience a luxurious life and have things easily like
others. They think if they must survive they have to work for it and do
it the hard way or else they won’t succeed.
Those born on the 4th display more of the characteristics stated
above. Things are generally a bit difficult and hard to come by for them.
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Those born on the 13th have a karmic situation. They experience

swings where they seem to have it easy and periods where things are
difficult. They usually have to work harder than others to meet their
desires; they have leadership qualities and generally do well in creating
a name or establishment for themselves, and they like to control other
persons. They have some creative potentials.
Those born on the 22nd find it harder to fulfil their goals. They have
huge dreams but have to deal with challenges of availability of re-
sources and capital all the time. To succeed they need to stop focusing
on the details; to allow others to assist them and develop faith in the
divine. They are very strong willed and stubborn.
Those born on the 31st seem to have it easier than the others. They
are brilliant, inventive, creative and generally reach their goals quicker
than other members of their group. They have artistic outlets and are
able to lead others; although they are usually reluctant to exert them-
selves for such positions.
Number 4 group generally have to exert themselves tediously to
attract money; and usually discover that the money they have in hand is
hardly enough to meet their basic needs, not to talk of pursuing luxu-
ries. They have to build whatever they desire from the bottom up
through hard work, perseverance and dedication. They experience that
Sundays and Mondays usually favour them as well as other days that
make a 4. They prefer solid colours. Examples are green, blue and
brown. Some of them turn out very wealthy and make good Teachers,
Engineers and Business men. Example of some famous 4 individuals
are: Wole Soyinka, M I, Mikel Obi, Adams Oshiomhole, Barack
Obama and Stevie Wonder.

Number 5
Persons born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of any month belong to the num-
ber 5 group. These persons are generally extroverted, intelliigent and
versatile. They crave excitement, adventure, traveling, internet and tele-
The Core

vision. They learn things quite quickly. They have ideas about lots of
things and numerous skills in several fields especially in areas they find
interesting. They have a restless mind that likes to gather and share in-
formation through talking or writing.
They are always interested in hearing whatever could be listened to;
seeing with their own eyes, tasting and so on. They are very sensual
folks and like to satisfy their senses through food, drink, talking, sex
and fashion. They detest conditions that cause them to follow strict rou-
tines and restrict their freedom. They attract money easily but the mon-
ey is spent quickly as well.
Those born on the 5th display more of the traits above; they talk a
lot, hate doing things the same way all the time, like to adjust or change
things and do not like to be forced to do anything.
Those born on the 14th have a karmic situation. They find it hard to
pursue the things they love as they are usually trapped with work and
responsibilities. They do not appreciate change, they like to do things
their way and are usually more stubborn then the rest, they find it hard
to finish the things they have started. They have some leadership poten-
Those born on the 23rd experience some form of delay in the execu-
tion of their plans. They are best able to achieve their goals through pa-
tience. They are somewhat shy, but they find it hard to stop talking once
they have succeeded in overcome their initial shyness. They make great
writers and artists. They are easy-going.
Number 5 people are drawn to entertainment, sales and media activ-
ities; they could become Musicians, Orators, Broadcasters, Inventors,
Teachers and Tourists. They change their minds and plans very quickly.
They experience more luck on Wednesdays and other days that make a
5. They like quick and exciting colours. Examples are Yellow, orange,
red and lemon. They change activities and occupations abruptly. Exam-
ple of some famous 5 individuals are: Tiwa Savage, Olusegun
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Obasanjo, George Lukas, Neil Armstrong, Ralph Lauren and Bryan


Number 6
Persons born on the 6th, 15th and 24th of any month belong to the num-
ber 6 group. They are responsible, sensitive and others welfare regard-
ing individuals. They are usually soft-hearted, kind, warm and friendly
people. They are quick to assist other persons and offer help/support
where required.
They are usually attractive and easy-going. In cases where this at-
tractiveness is not expressed in their person, it is seen in their domestic
abilities, writing, dressing and voice – they have soothing voices. They
love to cook, feed others and manage the home. They are usually hard
working and family-conscious. They tend to play the role of fathers and
mothers to their friends, relatives, loved ones and others who depend on
They are usually attracted to hospitality or public service oriented
professions. In cases where they are unable to pursue such careers, they
still play the role of the teacher, counsellor, healer and mother to their
friends, peers, associates and family.
Those born on the 6th display more of the characteristics discussed
above, they like their home and office environments to be beautiful,
peaceful and harmonious.
Those born on the 15th are usually more magnetic than the rest of
the lot; they tend to attract the opposite sex more. They are wilful, quick
minded and extroverted. They are somewhat selfish and more prone to
sensual indulgences. They like to be dominant wherever they appear
and always seek for ways to resist any form of constraint. They are ex-
cellent communicators, salesmen and entrepreneurs. They attract money
more easily than the others.
Those born on the 24th are more sensitive, quiet and hardworking;
The Core

they work more for themselves and are usually faithful to persons who
depend on them for assistance, company or sustenance. They are able to
complete tasks in a detailed and thorough manner. They are less con-
cerned with their looks; they listen more and attract more responsibili-
ties to themselves than the others. They are opposed to sudden and un-
expected changes. They tend to experience delays and difficulties in the
execution of their plans and are advised to be more patient if they are to
achieve their goals.
Number 6 group experience more luck on Fridays and other days
that make a 6. They prefer cool and gentle colours. Examples are pink,
Blue and very light red. Example of some famous 6 individuals are:
Fela Kuti, Bob Marley, Dale Carnegie, Ricky Martin, Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. and Sigmund Freud.

Number 7
Persons born on the 7th, 16th and 25th of any month belong to the num-
ber 7 group. They are generally introverted, independent-minded, crea-
tive and intelligent. They are natural Philosophers who like to analyze,
reflect and reason. They cherish isolation and prefer to work alone in
the execution of their plans.
They yearn to understand and discover the principles that regulate
affairs and the lives of individuals. They love to think about, to read and
study subjects that interest them. They most times pick interest in areas
or studies that others find strange, odd and mysterious.
They are drawn to spiritual, taboo and occult pursuits. They prefer
calm and quiet environments and like to live in the world of their imagi-
nations. They are given to mood swings and as a result alternate be-
tween talking and silence. They like to own sophisticated gadgets and
cherish technological inventions.
Those born on the 7th display more of the traits discussed above,
they relish isolation even though they usually end up feeling lonely af-

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

ter some time alone. They like to travel, explore and investigate the in-
ner workings of things.
Those born on the 16th have a karmic situation. They are more stub-
born, independent and original. They are intelligent and have leadership
abilities. They are very ambitious and usually attain high positions in
whatever they pursue but do not retain the positions for long. They have
domestic abilities and are able to handle responsibility when conferred
on them. Their karmic condition causes them to have swings of periods
where they need to communicate with other persons and periods where
they have to isolate themselves and fulfil their inner needs. One minute
they are lively and the next they want to be left alone.
They are usually philosophical and cannot escape spiritual, mystical
and occult affiliation if they are to find their balance. They attract mon-
ey easily and are able to create wealth quicker than the others.
Those born on the 25th are usually wise, experienced and sensitive.
They are broadminded, versatile and resourceful. They make good lis-
teners and communicators. They usually experience delays in the exe-
cution of their plans. They are very intelligent, restless and spiritually
Number 7 people experience more luck on Mondays and Sundays
as well as other days that make a 7. They prefer light and pale colours.
Examples are pale green, white, grey and silver. Example of some fa-
mous 7 individuals are: Wizkid, Tupac Shakur, Ludwig Von Beetho-
ven , Janet Jackson, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Bishop Desmond Tutu.

Number 8
Persons born on the 8th, 17th and 26th of any month belong to the num-
ber 8 group. They are generally bossy, business minded and sophisticat-
ed. They are practical, ambitious and goal oriented. They can plan and
execute big projects, and like to see others as sub-ordinates.
They fantasize about having lots of money and being able to own
The Core

the best things. They like to appear successful. This show of status and
being successful is reflected in their dressing and in the manner they
organize their homes and offices. They oftentimes display acts of greed
and possessiveness. They relish the idea of owning properties and busi-
nesses. They crave positions of authority and influence, and like to be
in charge of situations.
Those born on the 8th display more of the traits stated above. They
can be arrogant, stubborn and clingy. They dislike releasing money un-
less it will benefit them in some way or the other and like other persons
to wait on them.
Those born on the 17th are more stubborn and self-willed. They
have leadership potentials and tend to prove so by acting on their own if
others would not follow them. They like to spend time alone to pursue
important studies and reflect on issues they fancy. They are intelligent
and have the capacity for research/personal study. They are charismatic
and people tend to flock about them. They also have the capacity for
spiritual aspirations.
Those born on the 26th are more gentle and sensitive than the lot.
They like to work with others and as a result, they find avenues through
which they and their partners could benefit from assisting in imple-
menting their ideas. They have a robust business sense but hesitate to
implement their ideas. They are able to cater for others and assist those
in need of their support. They are usually the fulcrum of establishments
that they are a part of.
Number 8 group attract money through planning, organization and
dedication. Once they acquire money, they are slow to part with it but
quick to display it in their surroundings by purchasing lots of valuables
and luxurious stuffs. They experience more luck on Saturdays and other
days that make an 8. They prefer heavy colours. Examples are black,
brown and purple. Example of some famous 8 individuals are: Muham-
madu Buhari, Asa, Tina Turner, Steve Allen, Elvis Presley and Mu-

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

hammed Ali.

Number 9
Individuals born on the 9th, 18th and 27th of any month belong to the
number 9 group. They are generally experienced, wise and selfless and
sensitive individuals. They show a general understanding of issues and
as such appear informed, wise and older than their mates.
They are quick to show compassion and offer selfless services.
They have the basic skills of the preceding birthdays but are slow to
display them because they have tend to see life from a transient stand-
point. They are drawn to humanitarian and philanthropic activities.
Some of them do not place excessive value on material things. They are
sometimes psychic and have the capacity to deal with challenges as
well as finalizing affairs.
They make seasoned leaders and heads of institutions. They like to
lead selfless and exemplary lives. They have the capacity to teach oth-
ers in an experienced manner. They are quick to challenge situations of
injustice, oppression and manipulation. Religious, Reformatory, activ-
ism, and spirited causes attract them strongly.
Those born on the 9th display more of the traits discussed above;
they are warm, friendly, compassionate, but could flare up easily if pro-
voked. They have an unusual capacity to direct affairs to a conclusive
Those born on the 18th are strong-willed and stubborn. They have a
natural capacity for business and possess sound investment sense. They
aim for leadership positions. They regularly get into confrontations with
others and tend to attract life-threatening situations. They have the ca-
pacity to reach the zenith of their chosen professions. They are gifted
with the ability to attract money and grow their wealth.
Those born on the 27th are more introverted. They are sensitive,
spiritual and slow to words. They proceed slowly and carefully in going
The Core

about their goals. They radiate strength and wisdom. They have an air
of natural authority/dominion that causes people to obey them easily.
Number 9 group have the capacity to attract money but they are
quick to spend it on humanitarian projects or the promotion of their cre-
ative interests. They live on the edge of consciousness and as a result,
they are always keen on finding ways to enable humanity reach for the
unknown or illusive.
They experience more luck on Tuesdays and other days that make a
9. They usually prefer warm colours. Examples are red, gold and or-
ange. Example of some famous 9 individuals are: Tuface Idibia, Sir
Richard Branson, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, John Lennon and
Steven Spielberg.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Decoding an Individual’s Personality

Chapter 3

I n interpreting the personality of an individual using numerology, the

core alone constitutes 50%. The remaining 50% is shared by the non
-individual components (30%), other numerology Modulators (10%)
and the will of the individual (10%).
The 50% core is distributed as follows: Life Path 20%, Expression
15%, Inner Longing 10% and Birthday 5%. This division being half of
the whole shows us that by working out the core, we already have an
informed/pragmatic overview of the personality in question.
The 30% of the non-individual components is comprised of those
traits which are shared by groups of people and not peculiar to the indi-
vidual. They are comprised of family traits that are inherited (looks,
gene and so on), Cultural influences, religious affiliation, national influ-
ences, education and gender. They contribute about 5% per grouping
and make up the 30% that modifies the personality.
Other numerology Modulators and the force of will exercised by the
individual to harness all of his or her potentials share the remaining

How To Know Yourself And Other People Numbers

20%. Below is this division in graphical terms:

Normally, the individual from experience is more aware of the influ-

ences of the birthday no. on his/her life and personality. This awareness
is closely followed by the inner Longing which the individual experi-
ences as a subconscious drive to be, have and direct his/her pursuits
towards what the interpretations for the inner longing is about. Next to
the awareness of the inner Longing is the expression or sense of destiny
which the individual gradually comes to see as the purpose or focus of
his/her life.
The life path awareness comes when the individual is past his early
forties, and becomes clear when the individual is able to retrospect on
his/her historical development and see the process of reformation
passed through over the years as well as see the prospects of the future
if the path is maintained. Although, I must hint that individuals with a
higher level of consciousness are relatively able to sense the path even
as adolescents.
I am aware of the contradiction in thought this scale of awareness
seem to pose against the scale of importance previously highlighted in
Decoding an Individual’s Personality

the core above, but the reason for this reverse awareness by way of
throwing more light is because the individual experiences the influences
of the birthday no. on a daily basis. He or she is always conscious of
that aspect of their person which informs them of their basic talents.
Their friends also tend to know them by those aspects.
They experience the longing on a weekly basis, the sense of destiny
on a monthly basis and the idea of a path on a yearly basis. If we zoom
out on the life of an individual, we see the soul path but if we zoom in-
wards, we see the destiny in the career direction, the urge as the
promptings/motivations in their career life behind the scene and the
birthday no. in their daily life if we are familiar with them.
To decode the personality of an individual with numerology, pro-
ceed in the following manner:
1. Outline the date of birth and full names of the individual as
found in the birth certificate.
2. Workout the Life Path number.
3. Assign the numerical equivalent of the vowels above the names
and those for the consonants below the names.
4. Add and reduce the digits of the vowels of each name to single
or master number digits as applicable.
5. Repeat the same process for the consonants below.
6. Add the reduced single or master number digits of the vowels
of each name together to a single or master number as applica-
ble to give the Inner Longing.
7. Repeat the same process for the consonants below to give the
Mask/Secret Self.
8. Add and reduce the result of the vowels and consonants togeth-
er to give the Expression.
9. Repeat steps 3-8 for the short names or most used names of the
individual separately to give added insight where applicable.
10. Work out the Birthday Number.
11. Read the interpretations for the Life Path, Expression, Inner
How To Know Yourself And Other People Numbers

longing, and Birthday no. to give you a 50% overview of the

personality type of the individual in question.
An example of the above procedure using the birthdate and names of
Michael Jackson is as follows:

Michael Jackson

Date of Birth: August 29th, 1958

Birth names: Michael Joseph Jackson
Popular names: Michael Jackson
Profession: Singer, Dancer, Actor, Business Man, Philanthropist.


August = 8th month = 8

29th = 2+9 = 11

6+11+7 = 24/6
9+1+5 = 15/6 6+5 = 11/2 1+6 = 7
9 1 5 6 5 1 6
4 3 8 3 1 1 7 8 1 3 2 1 5
4+3+8+3 = 18/9 1+1+7+8 = 17/8 1+3+2+1+5 = 12/3
9+8+3 = 20/2
Expression = Sum of Vowels + Sum of Consonants = 6+2 =8

1958 = 1+9+5+8 = 23 = 2+3 = 5

8+11+5 = 24/6
Life Path – 24/6
Expression – 8 (Short names – 7)
Inner Longing – 24/6 (Short – 13/4)
Mask/Secret Self – 20/2 (Short – 12/3)
Birthday – 29/11

Decoding an Individual’s Personality

Reading the interpretations:

1. His life path of 24/6 shows us that his path is about cultivating
love, beauty and harmony as well as providing service for hu-
manity. We see these qualities in his music which entertains us/
evokes the feelings of friendship, care for others in us and his
philanthropic ventures. We see his ability to work with others
in the creation of a better world – his working in the back-
ground, from the 2 and his dedication and practical minded ap-
proach to problem solving/music as well as the difficulties he
had to deal with time and again in his career from the 4.
2. His Expression of 8 shows us why his career was forceful and
dominating, much so that he excelled his predecessors and con-
temporaries in material aggrandisement, public status/authority
and the multitude of institutions/ structures he was able to erect
and oversee. In the short expression of 7, we see how he was
able to incorporate deep philosophical/imaginary qualities to his
music and career. His apparent isolative tendencies, his inde-
pendent mindedness, original approach to music and his inter-
est/activity in the occult or hidden sciences which we find him
displaying in his music time and again.
3. His Inner Longing of 24/6 shows us his yearnings and subcon-
scious motivation to be an instrument for the cultivation of love,
beauty, harmony and service to humanity. Interestingly, his In-
ner Longing is the same as his life path which adds more energy
to the strength of the life path and places his longings within his
practical reach. This we see in his ability to attain his heart de-
sires and prominence at an early age. In the short longing, we
see a desire to be the best, attain fame and creative mastery as
well as effect practical structures in his undertakings.
4. The Mask/Secret self is one of the modulators which make up

How To Know Yourself And Other People Numbers

10% aside from the Core 50%, the non-individual components

30% and the will 10%. The mask/Secret self, on the one hand
shows the qualities which the individual emanates outwardly
that is visible to others-which they (other people) tend to think
is the real character of the individual, and on the other hand, it
shows other desires the individual wishes to fulfil if opportunity
permits. As regards the desires, it is more like a second other
desire and as such not a key motivator for the individual in
terms of goals to pursue.
The Mask/Secret self of 20/2 means the individual appears out-
wardly as someone who is shy, sensitive, gentle and likes to
stay in the background. As a second order desire, it shows the
individual dreams of being an agent of peace, diplomacy and
corporation among individuals, groups/nations in society and
the world. The short mask/Secret self of 12/3 means the quali-
ties of part leader/follower, fame, creativity, expressive ability
are now added to the outward appearance. On the desire level,
it shows a longing to be the best, cultivate cooperation and be
famous for his talents.
5. The Birthday number of 29/11 shows an individual who is sen-
sitive, supportive, Experienced, Philanthropic, a visionary, and
a source of inspiration for other people. It shows us he has the
capacity to guide, reform, inspire and communicate visions to
others. Visions and inspirations which we see featuring domi-
nantly in his music which sometimes have the capacity to send
tremors down our spines, owing to the force and vivacity of his
Examples of other individuals are as follows:
*The source of my information as regards the full names and dates of birth of the individuals discussed in this
chapter is from Wikipedia, the online encyclopaedia. Consequently, if you think it does not apply, look up

your own names and birth date.

Decoding an Individual’s Personality

Birth date: July 16th, 1990
Birth Names: Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun
Popular Name: Wizkid
Profession: Artist/Musician.

Birth Chart
Life Path – 15/42/24
Expression – 12/3//10/1
Inner Longing – 3//18/9
Mask/Secret self – 18/9//19/1
Birthday – 16/7

Important Years –
Long cycle:
1990 +19 (Sum of 1990) = 2009+29 = 2038
Short cycle:
1990+1 = 1991+2 = 1993+4 = 1997+8 = 2005+7 = 2012+5 =
2017+1 = 2018

1. Based on the Life path, we see he is a 6 made from 1, 5, 4, 2. If

you read the 6 path, you see why he is an Artist, if you read the
1, you see why he is distinguished, bold; you read the 5, you see
why he is versatile and resourceful; if you read the 2 and 4, you
see why he is hard working, established and sensitive.
2. Based on his Expression, we see he is a 3 from his birth name
and a 1 from his stage name. If you read the meaning of the 3
expression, you see why he is a born performer, creative, popu-

How To Know Yourself And Other People Numbers

lar and so on. If you read the 1 you see why he is of a kind, in-
dependent and so on.
3. Based on his Urge, we see he has a 3 based on his birth name
and a 9 based on his stage name. If you read the 3, you see what
motivated him to the arts; if you read the 9, you see why he is
also a humanitarian among other things.
4. Based on his Mask, we see he has an 18/9 and a 19/1 (Full
name/Stage name); if we read the 9, 8 and 1, we see why he
appears Business inclined, a leader, strong willed, self moved
and independent.
5. Based on his Birthday, we see he is a 7. If we read the 7 from
16 being 1 and 6, we see the re-enforcement of the abilities al-
ready expressed in 1 and 6 as discussed above, the intelligence
from the 7, his love for gadgets and the mood swings which I
am sure is known to most of his associates.
6. From the Important Years, we see why he first rose to stardom
in 2009; a trend that began strongly in 2005/6 then 2008/9.
From 2010-2012, we see how he solidified his stay; we notice
that 5 is attached to 2012 which will see him expand till
2016/17 and 2018 being very important for him if the karmic
aspects of the 16/7 had not already caught up with him by then.


Birth date - July 13th, 1934.

Birth Name - Akinwande Oluwole Soyinka
Popular Name - Wole Soyinka
Profession - Author, Poet, Playwright, Scholar
Basic Chart
Life Path - 19/37/19

Decoding an Individual’s Personality

Expression - 9//14/5
Urge - 1//7
Mask - 17/8//16/7
Birthday - 13/4
Important Years –

Long cycle:
1934+17 = 1951+16 = 1967+23 = 1990+28 = 2018
Short cycle:
1934+8 = 1942+7 = 1949+5 = 1954+1 = 1955+2 = 1957+4 =
1961+8 = 1969+7 = 1976+5 = 1981+1 = 1982+2 = 1984+4 =
1988+8 = 1996+7 = 2003+5 = 2008+1 = 2009+2 = 2011+4 = 2015.

1. Based on the life path, we see why he is a leading figure in his spe-
cialization; we see why he is a Humanitarian, an Activist, Reform-
er, Thinker, Writer from 9, 1, 3 and 7 combining to make his 1 life
path. Due to the double 19, we see why he was fated to be out-
2. Based on his Expression, we see why he developed a career around
leadership. Organization, communication and reform from 1, 4, 5
and 9. Focusing on the 5, we see why he could emerge a major
force within the literature niche.
3. Based on his urge, we see why he was determined to be a contribu-
tor to knowledge and a leading figure from 1 and 7.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Numbers

4. Based on his mask, we see why he commands respect and recogni-

tion; why he appears to be knowledgeable and so on from1, 7 and
5. Based on his birthday, we see why he is a hard worker, an achiever,
a Writer from 1, 3 and 4.
6. As regards the important years, they are too lengthy to discuss
now. However, if you look up his biography from Wikipedia, you
would see his landmarks and important events occurring just be-
fore, on, or just after the years I had listed. This is because the
changes that an individual undergoes only become public after a


Birth Date - August 4th, 1961

Birth Name - Barack Hussein Obama
Profession - Politician, Scholar, Lawyer, Author
Birth Chart
Life path - 20/29/20
Expression - 10/1//5
Urge - 18/9//10/1
Mask - 19/1//13/4
Birthday - 4
Important Years –
Long cycle:
1961+17 = 1978+25 = 2003+23 = 2026

Decoding an Individual’s Personality

Short cycle:
1961+8 = 1969+7 = 1976+5 = 1981+1 = 1982+2 = 1984+4 =
1988+8 = 1996+7 = 2003+5 = 2008+1 = 2009+2 = 2011+4 = 2015

1. Based on his life Path, we see he is a developer, a people's man

and a powerful figure. He has the 0 backing his 2. He is fated to
work with people because of the double 20. The 11 from 29
shows us why he is a visionary Leader and very inspiring be-
cause of his connection to the beyond.
2. Based on his Expression, we see he is a born Leader, quick
minded and a wonderful communicator among other things
from 1, 0 and 5.
3. Based on his Urge, we see why he is a Reformer, a Humanitari-
an, and Leader among other things from 1, 8, 9 and 0.
4. Based on his Mask, we see why people believe him capable of
leadership, establishing important foundations in the society
and so on from 1, 3, 9 and 4.
5. Based on the Birthday, we see why he is logical, practical, and
down-to-earth and so on from 4.
6. As regards the Important Years, I am sure you know that he has
a lengthy and very detailed one. However, like before if you
consider his biography with the years I gave, you would see
how numbers played their part. For example how he attained
leadership or prominence when the year results to a 1. E.g.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Numbers


In the case of Nigeria, She is a country. Here the influence is so vast

and a bit difficult to catalogue. It is an example of a National Soul.

Birth Date - October 1st, 1960

Name - Nigeria

Birth Chart
Life Path - 9/18/18
Expression - 9
Urge - 24/6
Mask - 21/3
Birthday - 1
Important Years –
Long cycle:
1960+16 = 1976+23 = 1999+28 = 2027
Short cycle:
1960+7 = 1967+5 = 1972+1 = 1973+2 = 1975+4 = 1979+8 =
1987+7 = 1994+5 = 1999+1 = 2000+2 = 2002+4 = 2006+8 =
2014+7 = 2021

1. Based on the Life path, we see that the country is governed by

humanitarianism, activism, reforms, transformations, Religions
and Spirituality from the number 9. Peculiarly though we find
that whatever is begun does not live for very long, influenced

Decoding an Individual’s Personality

by the 9 energy. She also has leadership and Business capaci-

ties from 1 and 8. We find that she is fated in a manner I cannot
describe here.
2. Based on the Expression, we see the same now heightened.
3. Based on the Urge, we see it wants to take care of herself and
her people, listen to and assist them; establish systems and in-
stitutions but is handicapped and prevented from 2, 4 and 6.
4. Based on the Mask, we see she appears to her own and other
Nations as popular, expressive, important, a Leader, a supporter
among so many other titles from 2, 1 and 3.
5. From the Birthday, we see why Nigeria always stands out and
cannot be shrugged off from 1.
6. As regards the Important Years, its history is quite lengthy and
rich. However you would observe that her most important
events and experiences seem to fall along the dates I had listed.
E.g. 1999, 2006/7, 2011, 2014 and so on.
I am sure that most persons who have studied the historical develop-
ment of Nigeria are aware of the significance of the dates listed above.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Numbers

The Modulators

Chapter 4

T he Modulators are a group of elements that reside naturally or

artificially in the birthdate and name of an individual. Their pres-
ence has the capacity of introducing new qualities, adding strength or
reducing the vibratory force of the personality and life of the individual.
They are many, but the most significant ones are as follows:
1. First Vowel and First Consonant
2. Intensity Point
3. Missing Abilities
4. Temperament
5. Mask/Secret self
6. Capstone
7. Growth Number
8. Karmic Debts
9. The Bridge Number
10. Balance Number
In this work, I will discuss the First vowel and Consonant for reasons of
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

brevity and space. I will discuss the others in the next volume of this

The first vowel and first consonant modulator is one that introduces
very remarkable traits to the personality of the individual. It presents at
first glance a working exposé of the personality of the individual and
shows us the approach the individual instinctively follows in dealing
with, and responding to physical and emotional issues.
If the first letter that begins the personal name of an individual (not
last name or surname) is a vowel, it shows that the individual is an emo-
tional, expressive and sensitive person. The degree of expressiveness
and sensitivity is dependent on the letter of the vowel involved. The
first vowel discovered in the name, whether it is the first letter or not,
shows the attitude, with which the individual tackles his goals and ac-
tivities. It shows in a nutshell, 60% of the individuals usual course of
action or predisposed approach to issues of the physical world.
It also shows the individuals attitude to work, play and the prefer-
ence of the individual in terms of a suitable mate for friendships, rela-
tionships, marriage as well as his or her sexual preferences.
If the first alphabet is a consonant, it shows the individual as a
physical, reserved and unfeeling or insensitive person. The degree of
unfeelingness or insensitiveness is determined by the consonant in-
volved, as some consonants vibrate a solid/rational tone than others.
The first consonant discovered in the name, whether the first letter or
not shows 40% of the individuals preferred course of action to issues of
the physical world.

The Modulators

Interpretations for the Vowels


The letter ‘a’ as the first letter of the alphabet has the qualities of asser-
tiveness, originality, leadership, and pioneering ability. If it is the first
letter or first vowel of a name, the individual is proud, an initiator,
someone who is quick to project his person, needs and opinions among
other people.
Individuals with this quality prefer to have friends that will follow
them as they choose, listen to them and not pose any sort of competition
to them.
In marriage and romantic relationships, they appreciate relation-
ships that have a goal or focus attached to them. They appreciate direct-
ness and outspoken ability in their mates, as they do not have the pa-
tience for guessing games or reading body languages.
As regards their sexual preferences, they prefer to get right to it and
skip the foreplay where possible. They like to take the lead and usually
focus on satisfying their selves.
The above qualities are dampened if the letter before or after the ‘a’
is a ‘b, k, or t’ and strengthened if it is an ‘h, j, or z’.

The vowel ‘e’ being the 5th letter of the alphabet has the qualities of
quick mindedness, communication, restlessness, excitement, versatility,
resourcefulness, sensuality and free spiritedness.
If it is the first vowel of a name, the individual is clever, resource-
ful, sensual, restless and a good communicator. He/she has an encyclo-
pedic mind that is quick to grasp concepts but not very keen on acquir-
ing depth. The individual lives by his/her feelings/emotions or senses. If
‘e’ is the first letter of the name, the above traits are pronounced.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

They acquire and loose interests in things easily, but overly prefer
to do things without any restriction from other persons. They like to
discuss their ideas and passions and as such, they prefer friends and
associates who are willing to listen to them and trade ideas with them.
In romantic relationships and marriage, they prefer mates that are
able to follow or match them intellectually. They like to experience new
things in the bedroom. Whatever they see, hear, taste, smell and feel
moves them heavily.
The above traits are dampened if the letter ‘d’, ‘m’, ‘v’, ‘o’ or ‘g’
comes immediately before or after the ‘e’. It is also the case if a ‘4’, ‘6’
or ‘7’ appears in any of the core numbers.

The vowel ‘i’ being the 9th among the alphabets has the qualities of wis-
dom, depth, compassion, tolerance, experience, strong will, self-
sacrifice, idealism and creativity.
If it is the first vowel of a name, the individual is friendly, compas-
sionate, tolerant and creative. He/she has a broad imagination that de-
velops inspiring ideas about how to create conditions of happiness and
prosperity for all. The individual has a mature mind, much inner
strength and experience that others translate as wisdom. If ‘i’ is the first
letter of the name, the above traits are pronounced.
These individuals are able to see and identify with the good in other
persons always. They have so much compassion that they most times
forego their interests for others. As a result, people naturally relinquish
positions of authority/leadership to them as they are convinced such
individuals have the interests of the collective at heart.
In romantic relationships and marriage, they prefer mates that are
broadminded, mature and compassionate. They like their sexual life to
be intense and passionate. As such, they appreciate experience in the

The Modulators

bedroom. They are quick tempered but easily cooled.

The above traits are dampened if there is the letter ‘a’, ‘j’, ‘s’, ‘z’ or
‘q’ immediately before or after the ‘i’. It is also the case if a ‘1’ or ‘8’
appears among the core numbers.

The vowel ‘o’ is the 15th among the alphabets and as such, has domestic
qualities. It is driven towards service and the dissemination of care and
affection. It portrays beauty, paternal and maternal qualities. It also
houses the qualities of assertiveness, resourcefulness, sensuality and
If it is the first vowel in a name, the individual is fraternal, caring,
service-oriented and motherly. He/she has the capacity for managing
the home, fending for loved ones and providing useful service for the
public. These traits are pronounced if the ‘o’ is the first letter of the
They are able to play the role of advisers and counsellors to friends
and family where possible. They endeavor to be the source or manager
of comfort/wellbeing among those they identify with. They are quick to
offer assistance or their service in domestic affairs.
In romantic relationships and marriage, they prefer mates that are
responsible, family conscious, conservative and traditional. They hold
relationships as important affairs and see marriages as sacrosanct. They
appreciate a great deal of privacy and intimacy in lovemaking. They
expect their bedroom life to be a routine event though they sometimes
fluctuate by taking the lead as well as entertaining new experiences oc-
The above traits are dampened if there is the letter ‘g’, ‘h’, ‘k’ or ‘p’
immediately before or after the ‘o’. It is also the case if a 7 or 8 appears
among the core numbers.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

The vowel ‘u’ is the 21st among the alphabets. It has an interesting
blend of artistry and creativity tainted by sensitivity, gentleness, asser-
tiveness and pioneering ability.
If it is the first vowel in a name, the individual is sometimes bold
and forthright but most times withdrawn and shy. He/she has a wealth
of talents in the artistic and creative sphere; although they generally
prefer to stay in the background and use their gifts for the pleasure of
close friends and associates, rather than exert themselves among the
They are able to work with other persons and follow established
leadership, albeit they secretly wish to become the chair that drives ac-
tivities. They are very good at establishing social relationships as they
find it easy to identify with the interests of people. If ‘u’ is the first let-
ter of the name, the above traits are pronounced.
In romantic relationships and marriage, their preference is more or
less an enigma. They fluctuate between being passive-minded, active-
minded and outright dramatic. They generally prefer to have colorful
and lively mates and as such thrive on the thrill or energy rush from
doing simple things in dramatic ways. This feel is occasionally replaced
by a shy and sensitive disposition that longs for more protection and
pampering from their mates. The same is without much warning almost
replaced totally by a forceful and independent approach that puts their
mates on the receiving end.
In sum, they follow others sometimes, lead others sometimes and
manipulate others most of the time. The above traits are dampened if
there is the letter ‘g’, ‘y’, ‘d’ or ‘v’ immediately before or after the ‘u’.
It is also the case if a ‘7’ or ‘4’ is among the core numbers.

The Modulators

Interpretations for the Consonants

‘J’, ‘S’
The letters ‘j’ and ‘s’ are the 10th and 19th among the alphabets. They
both reduce to a ‘1’ and as such, have the properties of independence,
attainment, pioneering ability, assertiveness, leadership, pride and will-
Individuals with a ‘J’ as their first consonant are proud, strong-
willed and ambitious. They have the capacity to seamlessly single
themselves from the crowd to identify with the authorities in a place.
They have much inner strength and determination to pursue whatever
appeals to them, and in so doing they aim to be the best and be at the
highest possible position They are in sum, highly ambitious.
They are attracted to leadership positions; a trait which makes it
virtually impossible to exclude them from being a part of the group that
matter in a place. In fact, their condition is such that they hold a fine
balance between being aggressive and timid, for which reason it is said
that they have the ‘God-force’ backing them. A term, which designates
a condition where divine providence, paves the way for them to attain
heights despite whatever obstacles their enemies could muster. Overly,
they have an impeccable instinct that nudges them to action at precisely
the success window.
Persons with an ‘s’ as their first consonant are a curious blend of
self-consciousness and others mindedness. We could say for purposes
of elucidation that their mental concerns are centered on self, others and
self again in a repetitive manner. This alternation no doubt leaves them
in a sorry state. It is to say that while they are daring, ambitious, proud,
pioneering, independent minded and assertive; they are also kind,
thoughtful, compassionate, tolerant, wise, mature in thinking and reli-
gious at the same time.
In fact, it could arguable be said that the only trait they could excel

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

at is progressive leadership. That is, if they are able to muster their will,
take charge courageously, face problems squarely/decisively and
properly align with/follow the promptings of their higher self. No
doubt, it is a bold charge but one which they are fated to follow and
master; for which reason then, the letter ‘s’ like the number ‘19’ is con-
sidered karmic.
The above traits are dampened if there is the letter ‘i’, ‘b, ‘k’, or ‘t’
immediately before or after the ‘j’ or ‘s’. It is also the case if a ‘9’ or ‘2’
belongs among their core. The traits are pronounced if a ‘c’, ‘l’, ‘u’ or
‘e’ is close to the consonant. It is intense if an ‘a’ is close to it.

‘B’, ‘K’, ‘T’

The letters ‘b’, ‘k’ and ‘t’ are the 2nd, 11th and 20th among the alphabets.
They have a common relationship with the number ‘2’. As a result, in-
dividuals who have any of them as their first consonant are peace lov-
ing, patient, soft spoken, slow to action, sensitive and diplomatic except
for those with the letter ‘k’ that have a tone of arrogance, pride, stub-
bornness, directness and assertiveness to their nature.
B, K, T individuals prefer to proceed slowly and cautiously in their
undertakings. They detest being rushed and like to remain in the back-
ground where possible except for the ‘k’ personality that likes to stick
the head outwards.
They have an instinctive leaning to listen to others and offer sup-
port. They as a rule shy from facing problems squarely but instead try
to avoid confrontations and allow time to help them resolve their chal-
They typically experience delays in realizing their expectations.
They have skills in relation to diplomatic, managerial and secretarial
roles. The above traits are dampened if there is the letter ‘a’, ‘h’ or ‘z’
immediately before or after the letters ‘b’, ‘k’ or ‘t’. It is also the case if
a ‘1’ or ‘8’ appears in their core numbers.

The Modulators

‘C’, ‘L’
The letters ‘c’ and ‘l’ are the 3rd and 12th among the alphabets. They
both reduce to the number ‘3’ and as such, have the properties of crea-
tivity, artistry, expressiveness, enthusiasm, zest, fame and fortune.
Individuals with a ‘c’ or ‘l’ as their first consonant have the capaci-
ty to literally light up a place with their presence. They have the capaci-
ty to manipulate words and behavior to suit their purpose. They have
creative skills – in that they are able to whip up new methods to go
about everyday affairs. They handle their chores and activities with a
touch of lightness and delicacy that adds drama and color to routine
Individuals with ‘l’ as their first consonant have more magic up
their sleeves, in that they have a touch of arrogance and dependency to
their natures. They sometimes dilate between being active and passive;
being assertive and receptive. There is an element of willfulness and an
ability to be sensitive to the mood of those around them.
The above traits are dampened if there is the letter ‘d’ or ‘y’ imme-
diately before or after the ‘c’ or ‘l’. It is also the case if a ‘4’ or ‘7’ ap-
pears in their core. In cases where the name has both ‘c’ and ‘l’ like in
Clement, the qualities are intense and more pronounced.

‘D’, ‘M’, ‘V’

The letters ‘d’, ‘m’ and ‘v’ are the 4th, 13th and 22nd among the alpha-
bets. They all reduce to a ‘4’, and as such, have the properties of practi-
cality, rationality, organization and hard work.
Individuals with a ‘D’ as their first consonant are basically practical
minded, down-to-earth and methodical. They relish hard work, physi-
cal/mechanical work and fixed, regular/stable routines.
Persons with an ‘m’ are opinionated, methodical, rigid, independent
-minded and stubborn. They find it hard to achieve results at first in-

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

stances and as such, they have to exert themselves more if they are to
get desired results. They have the ability to marry ideas/creativity with
realistic goals. In sum, they hardly take things for granted.
Persons with a ‘v’ are extremely realistic; they hardly elevate fan-
cies and wishes to the level of reality. They are very firm on their
views and opinions about the activities/processes of the world. As a
result, to influence their views is difficult to achieve. They have the
capacity to think in broad terms and see the big picture but experience
difficulties generally, in actualizing their goals. They tend to feel high-
minded and sometimes instinctively disregard/condescend on others.
The above traits are dampened if there is the letter ‘e’, ‘y’ or ‘i’
immediately before or after the ‘d’, ‘m’ or ‘v’. it is also the case if a
‘5’, ‘7’ or ‘9’ belongs among their core.

‘N’, ‘W’
The letters ‘n’ and ‘w’ are the 14th and 23rd among the alphabets. They
both reduce to a ‘5’ and as such, have the qualities of expressiveness,
communication, experience, adventurousness and resourcefulness.
Individuals with an ‘n’ as their first consonant are freedom loving,
enterprising, bold and methodic. They have an independent mind that
yearns for personal liberty. They have a tendency to scatter their ener-
gy by beginning much and completing little. They find it hard to let
themselves relax completely because they experience an inner conflict
of being restrained and unrestrained by norms almost simultaneously.
They have much will power and courage.
Persons with a ‘w’ are dual natured. They are sometimes physical-
ly minded and other times emotionally motivated depending on wheth-
er or not the ‘w’ acts as a vowel or consonant in their name.
As a vowel, it makes them sensual, quick minded, adventurous,
expressive, sensitive and dynamic. As a consonant, it makes them
broadminded, witty, resourceful, tactful and creative. Overly, however
The Modulators

the case, they radiate a contagious energy that captures their environ-
In matters of romance and marriage, they appreciate a partner that
constantly excites them and as such, one who is a constant puzzle for
them to unravel. They like to have the freedom to do whatever excites
them in the bedroom.
Generally, ‘n’ and ‘w’ individuals are given to much communica-
tion and demonstration about whatever captures their attention. They
are heavily moved by their senses.
The above traits are dampened if the letters ‘d’, ‘m’, ‘v’ or ‘o’ is
immediately before or after the consonant. It is also the case if a ‘4’ or
‘6’ is in their core numbers. Individuals with an ‘e’ close to their ‘w’
are remarkably intense as regards the traits discussed above. An exam-
ple is the name ‘Weimi’.

‘F’, ‘X’
The letters ‘f’ and ‘x’ are the 6th and 24th among the alphabets. They
both reduce to a ‘6’ and as such, have the qualities of responsibility,
nurture and service.
Individuals with the letter ‘f’ as their first consonant are friendly,
responsible, maternal, caring, kind and service-minded. They relish do-
mestic and maternal responsibilities; as such, they are very protective of
persons close to them or under their care. They have an innate dogged-
ness that arises if they feel themselves or their interests threatened in an
Persons with an ‘x’ are gentler, soft spoken, sensitive, hard work-
ing, stable, dependable and responsible. They have an innate awareness
of the needs of those in their fields of perception and as such, usually
make effort to provide solutions to the needs of other people before the
problem arises.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

They make very faithful friends, companions and associates. Once

committed to a project, individual or task, they are hardly swayed from
it until they have accomplished what they set out to achieve. The draw-
back is that people tend to take advantage of this quality and seek for
ways to exploit them.
The above traits are dampened if there is an ‘e’, ‘g’ or ‘y’ immedi-
ately before or after the ‘f’ or ‘x’. It is also the case if a ‘5’ or ‘7’ is
among their core. The above traits are more pronounced if the ‘f’ or ‘x’
is the first letter of the name.

‘G’, ‘P’, ‘Y’

The letters ‘g’, ‘p’ and ‘y’ are the 7th, 16th and 25th among the alphabets.
They all reduce to a ‘7’ and as such, have the properties of intellectuali-
ty, introversion, analyticity, spirituality, solitude, secretiveness and re-
Individuals with a ‘g’ are independent minded, reserved, secretive
and thoughtful. They like the opportunity to pursue and implement their
goals by themselves if possible. They relish the world of their imagina-
tions much so that they frequently seek solace there if affairs of the
world are slow to smile at them.
Persons with a ‘p’ are secretive, ambitious, responsible, domestic
minded and spiritual. They alternate between periods where they seek/
engage in public displays and periods where they isolate themselves to
think. They tend to experience mysterious setbacks occasionally, espe-
cially in cases where they make their expectations public.
Persons with a ‘y’ are more reserved with unfamiliar audiences but
active with close friends and associates. They have the capacity to find
and provide uncommon approaches to solve problems. They as a rule
rarely put their heads forward as they tend to go with the tide. They
have a very strong yearning for independence and freedom to pursue
their interests. They are easily drawn to studies that afford them an

The Modulators

overview of the realities behind the scenes.

The above traits are dampened where there is an ‘h’, ‘q’, ‘z’, ‘d’,
‘m’ or ‘v’ immediately before or after the consonant. It is also the case
if a ‘4’ or ‘8’ is among their core.

‘H’, ‘Q’, ‘Z’

The letters ‘h’, ‘q’ and ‘z’ are the 8th, 17th and 26th among the alphabets.
They all reduce to ‘8’ and as such, have the properties of possessive-
ness, business/profit mindedness, material consciousness, lofty ambi-
tions and sophistication.
Individuals with an ‘h’ as their first consonant are enterprising.
They are very ambitious and always try as much they can to create
wealth/opportunities for themselves. They radiate a certain aura that
compels people in their space to want to willingly acknowledge, obey
and work with them. They endeavor in their dressing and speech to ap-
pear sophisticated, cultured/civil.
Persons with a ‘q’ as their first consonant apart from possessing the
traits of those with an ‘h’ are decidedly more ambitious and independ-
ent minded than the ‘h’ category. They give their observers the impres-
sion that they are more than capable to achieve their intended objectives
with or without support from others. This effect curiously makes them
possess a charismatic air that pulls other persons into wanting to identi-
fy with them.
They have a tendency to retreat for a while to reflect and research
on ways to best utilize their passions, newfound powers or activities
after they have captured or attained them before proceeding to exercise
their dominion and authority over them.
Persons with a ‘z’ as their first consonant besides having the traits
of those with ‘h’ are more stable, dependable and responsible then the
lot. They possess an innate understanding of the principles that govern
the world of business/material affairs and as such, are able to make
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

keen decisions investment wise.

They are sensitive to the concerns of those who depend on them but
are slow to take steps to cater for such needs. They have the good sense
of proceeding with caution when prospecting a business or goal. Over-
ly, they radiate raw power, dominion and authority wherever their name
is mentioned or wherever they appear. As such, their presence alone in
an enterprise seems to guarantee the possibility of 50% success before
they act.
All of the above traits are pronounced if the ‘h’, ‘q’ or ‘z’ is the first
letter of the name. They are amplified if there is an ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’, ‘o’, or
‘u’ immediately before or after the consonant. They are dampened if
there is a ‘2’ or ‘7’ among their core.

The letter ‘r’ is the 18th among the alphabets. It reduces to a ‘9’ and as
such, has the properties of idealism, maturity, compassion, independent
mindedness, leadership ability, power craving and administrative abil-
Individuals with ‘r’ as their first consonant are kind, respected, ma-
ture and responsible in appearance and thought. They have an innate
longing to shoulder the burdens of individuals, an establishment or
group. They endeavour to lead exemplary lives and as such, expect the
people around them to follow their lead.
They have the capacity to envision elaborate schemes and work
towards their attainment gradually, irrespective of whether or not they
are realizable in the short run.
They as a rule have an innate shrewdness for business administra-
tion and organization. They are able to foresee with relative ease the
prospects that particular business ideas or test runs have to offer; and as
such, have the capacity to invest wisely and appropriately.

The Modulators

Overly, they are deeply religious individuals, as they are able to

identify with the borders of human consciousness and assist in guiding
individuals to comprehend the true nature of man’s fascinations in the
world, which are essentially fleeting and transient.
The above traits are amplified if the ‘r’ is the first letter of the name
and if it is close to an ‘a’ or ‘i’. It is dampened if it is close to an ‘e’.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Compatibility through Numbers

Chapter 5

T he notion of compatibleness is based on the assumption that exist-

ents (things that exist) fall naturally into several groupings and
categories. If all beings or things have their own natural groupings and
categories, common sense proposes that there should be some classes of
existents with properties so closely knitted, that it becomes possible for
them to readily go together while some others the reverse.
In line with the above realization, the properties or principles of
reality designated with the various numbers as employed in numerolo-
gy, have innate relationships with each other. This relationship is based
on how close or far apart their properties/functions are from each other.
In cases where they have functions that complement and strengthen
each other, they are harmonious or compatible. In cases where they hin-
der and disrupt each other, they are discordant and incompatible.
Along this line of thought, we experience harmony/disharmony in

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

our personality; our dealings with the people we meet daily, those we
choose to have relationships with; those we work with and those we
choose to marry. Little wonder then, why we experience a strange feel-
ing of resentment for some persons when we meet them for the first
time; why two friends or lovers can’t seem to get along, why our mar-
riages do not work no matter how we try, and why some businesses do
well and others do not.
In this vein, from a general standpoint, we would discover that
among the basic numbers in numerology (1-9), four of them are mascu-
line, another four are feminine and one is dual. Below is an illustration
of this analogy.

Masculine/Positive Feminine/Negative
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
The notion of being negative is not in a dark sense rather, it is about the
gentle passive poise with which they go about their designs. As such,
they embody the deeper, darker aspects of being while the positives
embody the higher, lighter aspects of being. Although essentially, the
both are two aspects of one and the same reality, for which reason then,
they always go together as exemplified in the principle of polarity –
advantages/disadvantages, light/darkness, yin/yang and so on.
That said, we could safely say that all male numbers readily go to-
gether and the same goes for the female numbers. However in order to
find balance, they are better off if matched with their pairs. Examples of
such pairs are the numbers ‘1-2’, ‘3-4’, ‘5-6’ and so on. Although they
would appear to be disharmonious most times, in the long run they have
the greatest chance for success/happiness.

Compatibility through Numbers

Fiery Earthy Airy Watery

1 4 3 2
6 8 5 7

Another form of classification is by their elemental qualities. Below is

an illustration that clarifies it.

The rule of association/compatibleness here follows that of the elements

naturally. As Air supports fire to burn, so also the numbers ‘3’, ‘5’ sup-
ports the ‘1’ and ‘6’. As water and earth are allies, so also the smooth
relations between ‘2’, ‘7’ and ’4’, ‘8’. It is also possible for other ele-
ments to mix and relate, like water-fire, air-earth, air-water and so on.
Although in such cases, there is always some tension/friction to man-

The number 9 here is properly fiery but it plays a very important

role in its relations with all the other classes/numbers. It is a natural cat-
alyst. It enables the other numbers see their reflections through it as in a
mirror. It imbues them with a lot of intensity and energy that makes
their effects/properties pronounced.
It pushes them to the frontiers of consciousness – the edge of
awareness, all in a bid to catapult them into higher levels of awareness.
In essence, it refines and transmutes them to the next level of evolution
in their series.
Having established the above background, we next turn attention to
showing how numbers get along with each other in the establishing of
friendships/relationships, marriages and of course business/

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

In the establishing of friendships, the principle of association follows

almost completely the general rules of gender and elementary pairings
discussed previously.
The numbers used are those of the Birthday and the first consonant
(the number of the first consonant). Individuals from the masculine and
feminine categories become friends with others from their own category
very easily. For example, a birthday number ‘3’ individual relates quite
freely with a birthday number ‘5’ or ‘1’ individual upon their first meet-
ing than with a birthday no. ‘2’ or ‘4’ individual.
In the elemental consideration, the same birthday no. 3 individual
would naturally choose to relate from his or her own airy element by
default, next to the fiery element, the watery and reluctantly the earthy.
That is, the individual would prefer a 5, next to a 1, a 7, a 9 before a 4
or 8 individual.
In the case of romantic/sexual relationships, the rule of association
or compatibility follows the same procedure with a little tweak. In this
case, what determines compatibility is the Inner Longing no. , the Birth-
day no. and the number of the first vowel. That is to say, it considers
how much harmony or discord exists among the numbers.
However, we must understand that the whole process occurs sub-
consciously. In that, individuals hardly have the time to work out these
readings about others before they choose to like or associate with them.
Rather, the subconscious mind does the analysis and gives the result to
the individual by way of a warm, cold, hot or exciting feeling about the
person in front of them.
For relationships, the Inner longing and the first vowel complement
each other. The birthday no. creates the attraction between the individu-
als, then the Inner longing and first vowel go on to determine if a ro-
mantic relationship is possible and what it would require. For the sake
Compatibility through Numbers

of progress and practicality, the following table of association is help-


Relationship Compatibility by Inner Longing

and Birthday Numbers

75% and above 50 – 74% 0 – 49%
Harmonious/ Discordant/
Flowing Irritable
1-3 1-2, 1-4, 1-5, 1-7, 1-22 1-1, 1-6, 1-8, 1-9, 1-11

2-4, 2-6, 2-11, 2-22 2-1, 2-5, 2-7, 2-9 2-2, 2-3, 2-8

3-1, 3-5 3-4, 3-6, 3-8, 3-9, 3-22 3-2, 3-3, 3-7, 3-11

4-2, 4-6, 4-8, 4-11 4-1, 4-3, 4-7 4-4, 4-5, 4-9, 4-22

5-3, 5-8 5-1, 5-2, 5-7, 5-9, 5-11 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-22
6-2, 6-4, 6-8, 6-9, 6-11,
6-3 6-1, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7
7-2, 7-11 7-1, 7-4, 7-5, 7-9, 7-11 7-3, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8, 7-22
8-1, 8-2, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9,
8-4, 8-6, 8-22 8-3
9-2, 9-3, 9-5, 9-7, 9-11 9-1, 9-4, 9-8, 9-9, 9-22
11-2, 11-4, 11-6, 11-22
11-1, 11-3, 11-8, 11-
22-2, 22-6, 22-8, 22-11 11-5, 11-7, 11-9
22-4, 22-5, 22-7, 22-9,
22-1, 22-3

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Compatibility by First Vowel

75% and above 50 – 74% 0 – 49%
Average/Normal Discordant/Irritable
a-u a-e, e-w, a-y a-a, a-i, a-o

e-u e-a, e-i, e-y e-e, e-o, e-w

i-o i-e, i-u, i-w, i-y i-a, o-a, o-e, o-w, o-y

u-a, u-e, u-w o-u u-u, u-y

u-i, u-o

Using the above rule then, the strength of compatibleness for romantic/
sexual relationships is boosted to 50% if both persons meet the average
mark of either the Inner longing or Birthday no. and the first vowel. As
such the higher the score the greater the chances of remaining happy

Compatibility through Numbers

The principle that governs marriage compatibility using numbers takes

for granted that the individuals to be considered had already passed the
50% mark in romantic/sexual relationships. That is to say, that they are
assumed to be compatible at least averagely by birthdays; Inner longing
and first vowels. In which case, they are already friends who are in a
relationship whether romantic or sexual.
The reason for the assumption is because marriage brings to consid-
eration and interplay deeper aspects of the personality. In which case, if
both individuals have failed the basic personality affinity tests then their
chances of bonding at a higher/deeper level successfully becomes slim.
The above established, the principles that regulates/determines mar-
riage compatibility in order of importance are the Life Paths, the Ex-
pressions, the Inner Longings and First Vowels. The reason for the life
Paths and expression compatibility is because marriage is a lifetime
affair or at least that is how it ought to be. As such, if two individuals
are bound to travel through life together, their journey is relatively easi-
er if they are bound for similar or sympathetic destinations, as against if
they are heading for opposite routes.
In the case of the Inner longings where marriage is concerned, it is
always ideal to have the same or sympathetic values. The only draw-
back is that a great deal of maturity is required to handle the intense
energy from the same numbers occurring in the same places in both
individuals. In situations where it is not managed properly, it could cre-
ate irritation due to the presence of too much of the same energy or ab-
sence of energy form the opposing pole to balance it. The table below is
useful for practical purposes.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Marriage Compatibility by Life Path and Expression


75% and above 50 – 74% 0 – 49%
Average/Normal Discordant/Irritable
1-2, 1-4 1-3, 1-5, 1-8, 1-22 1-1, 1-6, 1-7, 1-9, 1-11
2-1, 2-6, 2-7, 2-9 2-4, 2-11 2-2, 2-3, 2-5, 2-8, 2-22
3-5,3-6 3-1, 3-8, 3-9 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-7, 3-11,
4-6, 4-8, 4-11 4-2, 4-7 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-9, 4-22
5-3 5-1, 5-5, 5-8, 5-11, 5- 5-2, 5-4, 5-6, 5-7, 5-9
6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-9, 6-11, 6-6, 6-8 6-1, 6-5, 6-7
7-2, 7-4, 7-11 7-1 7-3, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8, 7
-9, 7-22
8-4, 8-6, 8-22 8-1, 8-3, 8-5, 8-11 8-2, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9
9-2, 9-6 9-3, 9-11 9-1, 9-4, 9-5, 9-7, 9-8, 9
-9, 9-22
11-4, 11-6, 11-7, 11-22 11-2, 11-5, 11-8, 11-9 11-1,11-3, 11-11
22-6, 22-8, 22-11 22-1, 22-5 22-2, 22-3, 22-4, 22-7,
22-9, 22-22

Using the chart above, we can surmise that the chances of a successful
marriage is attainable if both parties assumed to have attained the 50%
mark in the previous classification for friendships and relationships are
able to meet at least, the average point here. Reduce the previous 50%
and the present 50% to 25% each so that they both result to 50% when
added together. In which case then, the newly arrived at 50% becomes a
sure wager for an average or normal marriage life.

Compatibility through Numbers

In this third classification, we proceed to consider how through numer-

ology we could arrive at the principle that guides compatibility in the
world of business. In this sphere, we intend to examine how harmoni-
ous relationships are possible in two categories. In the first category
among persons who are under a business establishment like employers
and employees. In the second category are persons who pool resources
together to set up a business. That is business partners.
In the category of employers and their employees, what is of conse-
quence here is the expression, the inner longing and the first consonant.
Here, we consider the expression because it determines the career lean-
ing of an individual. As a result, when employers and their employees
do not share sympathetic expressions, it becomes difficult for them to
aspire towards the same goal. That is to say that the expression of the
employees and the company/company owner(s) should at least be sym-
The inner longing shows the drives and subconscious motivations.
Therefore, it determines what an individual is willing to put in extra
effort, time, attention and dedication to realize. Consequently, it is im-
portant to have similar or sympathetic inner longings with that of the
employer (s)/company if the expectation for total dedication and pas-
sionate commitment to the company’s/employer’s longed for goal is to
be met.
As regards the first consonants, since business is essentially a phys-
ical/material affair and the first consonant gives us an overview of how
individuals deal with, respond and react to activities of the physical/
material world. It is imperative then to factor in said physical/material
mentality in a bid to determine how closely associated they can be with
those of the employer/company; else the possibility of amassing wealth
becomes hampered. As a result, it is necessary for those under a busi-

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

ness establishment to have sympathetic first consonants to enhance the

prospects of dominating the business space. For the sake of progress,
the table below is helpful.

Employer/Employee compatibility by Expression and

Inner Longing numbers
75% and above 50 – 74% 0 – 49%
Harmonious/ Discordant/
Flowing Irritable
1-1, 1-6, 1-8, 1-9, 1-
1-3, 1-2, 1-4 1-5, 1-7, 1-22
2-4, 2-6 2-1, 2-5, 2-7, 2-9,2-11 2-2, 2-3, 2-8, 2-22

3-5, 3-6 3-1, 3-4, 3-8, 3-9, 3-22 3-2, 3-3, 3-7, 3-11
4-4, 4-5, 4-9, 4-8, 4-
4-2, 4-6 4-1, 4-3, 4-7
11 4-22
5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-8, 5-
5-2, 5-3 5-1, 5-7, 5-9, 5-11
6-1, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7, 6-8,
6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-11 6-5, 6-6, 6-9
7-3, 7-4, 7-11 7-5, 7-6, 7-9 7-7, 7-8, 7-22

8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6 8-11, 8-22 8-1, 8-5, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9

9-3, 9-6
9-2, 9-4, 9-5, 9-7, 9-11 9-1, 9-8, 9-9, 9-22
11-4, 11-6
11-3,11-5, 11-7, 11-9, 11-1, 11-3, 11-8, 11-
22-2, 22-6, 22-8, 22-11
11-22 11
22-4, 22-5, 22-7, 22-9,
22-1, 22-3

*The table below uses the first number as the employer and the second as the employee.

Compatibility through Numbers

Employer/Employee Compatibility by First

75% and above 50 – 74% 0 – 49%
Harmonious/ Discordant/
Flowing Irritable
B-D, B-M, B-V, B-F, B- B-J, B-S, B-N, B-W, B- B-B, B-C, B-H, B-Q, B
X R, B-K -Z, B-V
C-J, C-S, C-D, C-M, C- C-B, C-K, C-T, C-C, C
C-N, C-W, C-F, C-X
V, C-H, C-Q, C-Z, C-R -G, C-P, C-Y
D-B, D-K, D-T, D-F, D- D-J, D-S, D-C, D-L, D- D-D, D-N, D-W, D-R,
X G, D-P, D-Y D-H, D-Q, D-Z, D-V
F-J, F-X, F-N, F-W, F-
F-B, F-K, F-T, F-C, F- F-N, F-W, F-F, F-X, F-
F, F-X, F-G, F-P, F-Y,
L, F-D, F-M, F-V R
F-H, F-Q, F-Z
G-C, G-L, G-D, G-M, G G-N, G-W, G-F, G-X, G-G, G-P, G-Y, G-H,
-V, G-K G-R G-Q, G-Z, G-V
H-B, H-K, H-T, H-C, H H-J, H-S, H-N, H-W,
-L, H-D, H-M, H-V, H- H-B, H-K, H-T, H-V H-G, H-P, H-Y, H-H,
F, H-X H-Q, H-Z, H-R
J-B, J-K, J-T J-C, J-L, J- J-N, J-W, J-G, J-P, J-Y, J-J, J-F, J-X, J-H, J-Q,
D, J-M, J-V J-V J-Z, J-R
K-D, K-M, K-V, K-F, K K-K, K-C, B-L, K-L,
K-J, K-S, K-N, K-R
-X K-H, K-Q, K-Z
L-J, L-S, L-D, L-M, L- L-B, L-K, L-T, L-L, L-
L-N, L-W, L-F, L-X
V, L-H, L-Q, L-Z, L-R G, L-P, L-Y
M-M, M-N, M-W, M-
M-B, M-K, M-T, M-F, M-J, M-S, M-C, M-L,
R, M-H, M-Q, M-Z, M
M-X M-G, M-P, M-Y
N-D, N-M, N-V, N-N,
N-B, N-K, N-T, N-C, N N-J, N-S, N-G, N-P, N-
N-W, N-F, N-X, N-H,
-L Y, N-R, N-K
N-Q, N-Z, N-V
P-C, P-L, P-D, P-M, P- P-N, P-W, P-F, P-X, P- P-G, P-P, P-Y, P-H, P-
V, P-K R Q, P-Z, P-V
Q-B, Q-K ,Q-T, Q-C, Q Q-J, Q-S, Q-N, Q-W,
-L, Q-D, Q-M, Q-V, Q- Q-B, Q-K, Q-T, Q-V Q-G, Q-P, Q-Y, Q-H,
F, Q-X, Q-Q, Q-Z, Q-R,
R-B, R-K, R-T, R-D, R
R-J, R-S, R-H, R-Q, R-
R-C, R-L, R-F, R-X -M, R-V, R-N, R-W, R-
Z, R-R
G, R-P, R-Y
S-B, S-K, S-T, S-C, S- S-N, S-W, S-G, S-P, S- S-S, S-F, S-X, S-H, S-
L, S-D, S-M, S-V Y, S-V Q, S-Z, S-R
T-D, T-M, T-V, T-F, T- T-J, T-S, T-N, T-W, T- T-T, T-C, T-L, T-H, T-
X R, T-K Q, T-Z, T-V
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

V-B, V-K ,V-T, V-F, V- V-J, V-S, V-C, V-L, V-

V-V, V-W, V-R, V-V
X G, V-P, V-Y
W-D, W-M, W-V, W-
W-B, W-K, W-T, W-C, W-J, W-S, W-G, W-G,
N, W-W, W-F, W-X,
W-L W-Y, W-R, W-K
W-H, W-Q, W-Z, W-V
X-J, X-X, X-N, X-W,
X-B, X-K, X-T, X-C, X X-N, X-W, X-F, X-X,
X-F, X-X, X-G, X-P,
-L, X-D, X-M, X-V X-R
X-Y, X-H, X-Q, X-Z
Y-C, Y-L, Y-D, Y-M, Y Y-N, Y-W, Y-F, Y-X,
Y-G, Y-P, Y-Y, Y-V
-K Y-R
Z-J, Z-S, Z-N, Z-W, Z-
Z-B, Z-T, Z-C, Z-L, Z-
Z-K G, Z-P, Z-Y, Z-H, Z-
D, Z-M, Z-F, Z-X
Q, Z-Z, Z-R, Z-V

Based on the foregoing, we would discover that for harmony to exist

among employers and employees in the working place or business
world, both employer/company and employee need to meet the 50%
mark otherwise, the energy of the workplace and the resultant output
would turn sour.

Compatibility through Numbers

In the category of business partnership, the rule that guides compatibil-

ity takes a little twist. Here the issue of balance is key if the business/
partnership will be successful and live long. Overly, while it is im-
portant for all partners to have similar or common goals, it is greatly
relevant that they balance each other’s strengths and weaknesses. For
this reason then, it is necessary to place opposing poles together. The
table below is helpful in this regard.

Partnership compatibility by life Path and Expression

75% and above 50 – 74% 0 – 49%
Average/Normal Discordant/Irritable
1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-8, 1-9 1-5, 1-8, 1-22 1-1, 1-6, 1-7, 1-11
2-1, 2-4, 2-6 2-3, 2-5, 2-8, 2-11 2-2, 2-7, 2-9, 2-22
3-1, 3-5, 3-6, 3-8 3-2, 3-9, 3-11 3-3, 3-4, 3-7, 3-22

4-2, 4-6, 4-8, 4-11 4-5, 4-7, 4-9 4-3, 4-4, 4-22
5-3 5-1, 5-8, 5-2, 5-4, 5-8, 5 5-5, 5-6, 5-7, 5-9
-11, 5-22
6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-8, 6-9, 6 6-6, 6-11 6-1, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7,
7-4 7-8, 7-11 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-5, 7-6, 7
-7, 7-9, 7-22
8-1, 8-3, 8-4, 8-6, 8-22 8-2, 8-3, 8-5, 8-7, 8-11 8-2, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9
9-1, 9-2, 9-6, 9-22 9-3, 9-4, 9-11 9-2, 9-4, 9-5, 9-7, 9-8, 9
11-4, 11-6, 11-7, 11-22 11-2, 11-3, 11-5, 11-6, 11-1,11-3, 11-11
11-7, 11-8, 11-9
22-6, 22-8, 22-9, 22-11 22-1, 22-5 22-2, 22-3, 22-4, 22-5,
22-7, 22-22
As seen above, the pairings for harmonious interaction is somewhat
contrastive at surface view. However, this pairing is best suited for the
accumulation of wealth for the partners while at the same time ensuring
that they are able to provide valuable service for the public. If would be
partners are able to hit the average mark, it is a safe condition to pool
resources together. If they are lucky to have harmonious birthday and

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Inner longing numbers, it becomes an added advantage as it greatly in-

creases their chances for success.

By way of closing this chapter, I must impress upon you that the prop-
erties of the numbers in Pythagorean numerology as discussed in this
book, and as used here to reveal some of the secrets of establishing and
maintaining harmony with other persons, whether by plain friendships,
romantic relationships, marriage or business; reveal what should be the
case or the normal personality traits of individuals who bear such num-
bers so long as there is free flow of energy.
However, it is almost normal experience that the channels are more
often than not either partially or totally blocked. Blockages could exist
because of the presence of a/some latent or undeveloped potentials. It
could also be caused by what I term ‘Catalysts’. I shall discuss the issue
of ‘Catalysts’ in an upcoming volume.
Finally, as regards Friendships, Relationships, marriage and Busi-
nesses; it is important to note that what makes them successful ulti-
mately is the awareness that effort needs constantly be expended at
them, in a bid to understand their nature, how they ought to function as
well as how to help them grow.
Hence, the assertion made previously that the journey requires the
conscious will of the individual wor king in line with divine will to
realize/actualize the self completely.

Predicting Events With Numerology

Chapter 6

I t is my belief that some form of elucidation of the terms ‘prediction’

and ‘event’ should characterize the opening of this chapter, at least
for the sole purpose of ensuring that my readers and I are using the
terms from a common perspective if not to better communicate mean-
ing to my readers among other possible reasons. No doubt, they must
have heard of such terms before now but to show what connection these
terms have with numerology becomes what I am here accountable for.
The term ‘event’ connotes any of the limitless ways through which
Nature expresses itself in reality either as phenomena or as nuomena,
especially in relation to time and space.
Concerning the term ‘prediction’, it is my understanding that it en-
tails guessing or reasoning about the most likely behaviour/pattern
events would follow, especially in relation to future manifestations.
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

In the first chapter of this work, I introduced the notion of a code

imprinted in all aspects of reality. This code, which is convertible to
numbers and consequently interpretable by numbers once understood
correctly, affords insight into the inner workings of Nature as well as
the existing relationship between aspects of nature.
As such, owing to the existence of the four major laws of Evolution,
Re-incarnation, Periodicity and Circular Time; discussed in the second
chapter of this work. We are then able to isolate particular or broad as-
pects of reality in a bid to understand their present state, past condition
and most likely future condition.
The above elucidation established, there are several ways by which
we can predict events through numerology. Some of them are:
1. Personal Years, Months and Days
2. Pinnacles and Challenges
3. Life Path Periods
4. Essences and Transits
5. Early, Middle and Later Years
6. Luck
7. Maturity Number
In this volume, I will discuss on the Personal Years, Months and Days
for reasons of brevity and space. I will discuss the others in the next
volume of this work .

The personal years, months and days delineation show periods in the
life of an individual, Relationship, Marriage, Business/Company, Na-
tion/Country and so on; arranged in a manner that would enable them to
learn the lessons of all the numbers and attain maturity.

Predicting Events With Numerology

The personal years are a breakdown of the chronological years into cy-
cles to show how the individual, group or entity would develop over
time and assist him/her or them to do so properly. To calculate the Per-
sonal Years, use the following method.
1. Reduce your month and day of birth into single or master number
digits where applicable, and add the both resultant digits together.
May 15th for example becomes:
May = 5th month = 5
15th = 1+5 = 6
5+6 = 11/2
2. Reduce the year in question to a single digit or master number. The
year 2015 for example becomes:
2015 = 2+0+1+5 = 26 = 2+6 = 8
3. Add the result of the month and day addition to the reduced value
of the intended year.
11+8 = 20 = 2+0 = 2
The number 2 becomes the personal year number for an Individual,
Relationship, Marriage, Company or Country born on May 15th.
3. Look up the interpretation for personal year 2.

Interpretations for the Personal Year Numbers

Year 1
A personal year 1 denotes a year of new beginnings. A year that favors
the start of a new long-term project or endeavor. It usually brings excit-
ing opportunities to begin all over. An avenue that those experiencing it

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

find refreshing, especially in light of the drowning feeling experienced

the precious year.
Generally, persons with this number feel an unconscious yearning
to redefine their goals and life direction. They have a strong feeling that
they must pursue some goal or longing fervently else, they would live
to regret it.
January is typically slow and February brings opportunities to ad-
vance. March brings avenues for consolidation and structuring while
April brings exciting room for expansion. May comes with the first
signs of fruition; June introduces conditions of reflection, reform and
isolation. July marks the first real signs of progress. August brings a
sense of finality, transformation and maturity.
September is critical as it carries the total energy of the year, hence
it is a proper time to re-launch if the desired targets for the year are still
not realised. October calls for patience, November calls for creativity to
succeed while December requires method and hard work.

Year 2
A year 2 denotes a time of growth and development. It is the period
where the universe works on our inputs for the previous year with a
view to determining if they are viable enough to bear roots or not. Ac-
tivities are typically slow and fraught with obstacles.
It calls for patience and faith if we are to emerge successfully. Faith
in a higher power that directs the affairs of us all and patience realizing
that nature’s processes cannot be hastened without repercussions. Much
like forcing a seed to germinate from within the wombs of the earth. It
calls for nurturing and gradually developing the projects of the previous
Plans and expectations are usually met with delays. Individuals are
more sensitive and susceptible to the feelings of others around them and
the promptings of the spirit. Individuals are able to form lasting bonds
Predicting Events With Numerology

with others with relative ease this year; most times, they find a soul ma-
te. Vivid dreams and revelations are commonplace for people experi-
encing this year.
February shows the first signs of difficulty; May is intense and
transforming. June is refreshing while July is exhausting. September is
critical while November is restricting. December points to a new begin-

Year 3
A year 3 denotes a period of drama, fun, colour and zest. It reveals the
first signs of life from the projects began and nurtured in the last 2
years. As such, it brings new opportunities to re-implement changes to
aspects we find challenging in our projects.
It requires creativity and expressive ability to harness its benefits.
Available opportunities draw those under this period to public activities
that puts them in the limelight and offers fame/fortune. Interactions
with associates and the opposite sex is typically progressive. It creates a
feeling of optimism and confidence in ones abilities as luck seems to be
within the surroundings of the bearer.
January is difficult requiring tact; February brings expansive oppor-
tunities. April calls for isolation, reflection and reconnecting with the
inner stillness. May brings rewards; July sharpens the year 3 influences.
August calls for calm and patience; September is intense while October
calls for conservativeness.

Year 4
A year 4 marks a period fraught with constrains and rigour. It brings
opportunities for the consolidation of projects, visions and activities,
especially those began within the past three years. It is essentially a
matter of fact or a physical kind of year. As such, the principle that reg-
ulates it is practical mindedness.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

A year 4 brings a lot of obstacles and challenges that appear to

meet the bearer head-on, giving room for little or no respite. It usually
creates a condition where there is either limited resources to meet one’s
needs or the issues requiring resolution far outweigh the available re-
Consequently, it calls for being frugal, conservative, realistic, ra-
tional and methodical. Typically, the bearer discovers that he/she has to
do twice the usual amount of work to ensure daily survival. It is com-
monplace for individuals to want to settle down this year either apart-
ment wise or family wise. Health concerns are also commonplace in
this year due to physical exhaustion.
March is worrisome; April is successful but hard, May brings some
relief. June forces the attention back to matters on ground; July is diffi-
cult, September is intense while December brings conditions for sober

Year 5
A year 5 denotes a period of freedom and expansion. It brings relief
from the stiff conditions of the previous year. The bearer feels like they
have been let out of a cage. The individual literally finds his/herself
faced with opportunities for travel, learning, adventure, and self-
A year 5 kindles a certain restlessness in the Individual to move
beyond the boundaries that he/she have been accustomed to previously.
It comes with a series of fast-paced changes and usually places in the
hands of the individual, more activities than he/she can comfortably
Opportunities for making money are usually available but money
acquired is usually spent very quickly. Sensual considerations are para-
mount for the individual. It is quite common to find patrons of this year
number to make dramatic changes to the otherwise routine-like aspects

Predicting Events With Numerology

of their lives.
February is full of reflection, April is cumbersome, and May feels
like a new beginning while June is slow. July is buoyant while August
is cumbersome. September is intense while November is thought pro-

Year 6
A year 6 endows its patrons with a sense of calm, evenness of mind and
wellbeing. It is a beautiful year by basic reckoning. It creates an over-
view of the good things to come for the patron to witness. It is marked
by responsibility, care, affection and service.
A 6 personal year captures and redirects the attention of its patrons
to activities that centre on domestic concerns. He or she is moved to
marry and settle if unmarried and focus more on the wellbeing of the
members of one’s family where available. It is commonplace for indi-
viduals under this influence to move to a new apartment or redecorate/
furnish their surroundings.
As regards the overseeing of daily chores and activities in both the
workplace and elsewhere, the individual is more concerned with the
wellbeing of his/her colleagues and the success of the work they do. As
such, they are quick to take on more responsibility to ensure that targets
are met or projects are properly finalized.
Overly, opportunities for improving the wellbeing of the individual
are available. January creates philosophic concerns, April signals a turn
-around, July calls for hard work and perseverance while September is
remarkable. October is critical; November is abundant while December
is satisfying.

Year 7
A year 7 denotes a time of interlude, isolation, reform, research and
spirituality. A critical period among the personal years that brings to

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

bear essential changes for the overall wellbeing and development of the
patron. A year 7 is a very intense year.
Generally, its patrons are thrown into the inner realms of contem-
plation and thought. Conditions are such that it creates some form of
isolation from other persons in the lives of the bearers – by either physi-
cally distancing themselves from others or being with others while be-
ing separate from them mentally. As a result, they tend to feel alone,
fragile and sensitive.
Material considerations are placed in the back burner while con-
cerns of the meaningfulness or direction of the bearer’s life takes the
front burner. It is commonplace to witness some form of misfortune
within this year, especially in the early and later part of the year. The
degree of misfortune and the resultant sadness is dependent on the ego
placement of the individual and the severity of lessons to be learnt. In-
dividuals with a great deal of pride and arrogance tend to experience
very painful lessons while those with a lower level tend to get less pain-
ful ones.
However, at the close of the year, its patrons are usually thankful
for the lessons owing to their realization of the cleansing effects it has
had on their psyche. January fills the bearers with big ambitions; Febru-
ary reshapes their worldview. March prompts them to begin anew;
April is cleansing, June forces them to be realistic. September is in-
tense; November is purgative while December is reorienting.

Year 8
A year 8 denotes a period of rewards and manifestations. It is fruitful
and rewarding if the individual has been positively engaged in the pre-
ceding years but scanty if the individual did not create enough positive
Karma through work previously.
Overly, it is a huge sigh of relief from the experiences of the previ-
ous year. It is commonplace for individuals undergoing this cycle to

Predicting Events With Numerology

make remarkable material progress in this year. Examples are getting a

promotion, attaining a leadership position, buying a car, buying landed
properties, building a house or moving to a new apartment.
Depending on the Karma the individual has built over the years,
whether a catalyst is involved or the digits that make up the 8; the indi-
vidual either experiences a period of great material abundance/
satisfaction or a period of progress/success which is laced with hard
work and unsatisfactory returns.
February marks a significant beginning, May a stressful period and
July a memorable time. September is loud, November decisive while
December is slow.

Year 9
A year denotes a period of culmination or completion. It marks the
completion of the 9-year personal cycle. It is a period to take stock of
all lessons and activities witnessed in the 9 years, thereby making effort
to extract the wisdom inherent in the yearly lessons as well as round off
The energy level of the bearers of a year 9 are typically very low in
this year. Enthusiasm, drive, resourcefulness, vision and zeal are usual-
ly low. Hence, it is advised not to begin any new long-term project in
this year as any of such projects if began will most likely lack the nec-
essary thrust to get to a year 5, if it does not crumble in the same year 9.
Individuals are advised to use the power of this period to bring pro-
jects began previously to a conclusive end as opportunities abound to
do so within the influences of this year.
It is commonplace to find the mentality of individuals under this
influence centred on contemplating the fleeting and ephemeral nature of
our concerns in daily life. As such, patrons are quick to pursue or rekin-
dle religious concerns under this influence.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

February is defining, April is cumbersome, July is critical, Septem-

ber is intense while November is spiritually renewing.

The 11 and 22 personal years are basically the same as the 2 and 4 years
discussed above, with the exception that the 11 year is more inspiring
and filled with revelations while the 22 year is more difficult and filled
with grand visions with limited opportunities to actualize them.

The personal months are shorter periods that assist individuals develop
and plan their year properly. It is essentially a breakdown of the influ-
ences contained within the personal year energy.
To calculate the personal month number, add the personal year
number to the month in question. For example, to find the personal
month number for June 2015 for an individual born on September 19th
1993. Proceed in the following manner:
1. Reduce the month and day of birth to single digits and add their
resultant values together. September 19th becomes:
September = 9th month = 9
19th = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1
9+1 = 10 = 1
2. Reduce the year in question to a single digit. 2015 becomes:
2015 = 2+0+1+5 = 26 = 2+6 = 8
3. Add the values of step 1 and 2 together to give the personal
year number for 2015.
1+8 = 9 personal year
4. Add the personal year number to the reduced value of the
month in question. June 2015 becomes:
June = 6th month = 6
Personal month = 9 personal year + 6th month

Predicting Events With Numerology

Personal month = 9+6 = 15 = 15/6

15/6 becomes the personal month number.

Interpretations for the Personal Month Numbers

Month 1
A month 1 marks a period of new beginnings; it brings opportunities to
begin anew. The influence of the personal year starts to make itself
manifest or pronounced in a month 1. A month 1 is ideal to begin a new
project or long-term task within the year.

Month 2
A month 2 marks a period of patience, hindrances and development.
The stressful aspects of the personal year begin to manifest in this
month. It requires faith, patience and carefulness to succeed. Critical
days are 2nd, 7th, , 11th, 16th, 20th, and 25th of the month.

Month 3
A month 3 marks a period of creativity, brilliance and good fortune.
The positive aspects of the personal year begin to manifest in this
month. Projects began in a month 1 begin to show signs of life while
those that require attention should be renewed. It requires sociability,
creativity and public displays to succeed.

Month 4
A month 4 marks a period of difficulties, hard work, rigor and planning.
The physical aspects of the personal year begin to manifest. It forces the
bearers to be practical, realistic and logical. It requires perseverance,
hard work, thoroughness, planning and frugality to survive. Critical
days are 3rd, 4th, 5th, 11th and 22nd of the month.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Month 5
A month 5 marks a period of expansion, freedom and experience. The
individual is exposed to the sensual aspects of the personal year. It
brings a change from the constraining conditions of the previous month.
It requires communication, quick mindedness, resourcefulness and ver-
satility to survive.

Month 6
A month 6 marks a period of fruitfulness, responsibilities, growth and
service. The individual is made to channel the influences of the year to
those around them. It brings conditions for increase in fortune and well-
being. It requires others mindedness, domestic considerations, tolerance
and service to nature to succeed.

Month 7
A month 7 marks a period of cessation, introspection and reconnection
to the higher forces. The spiritual contents of the personal year swells
up within the consciousness of the bearer. It creates conditions for phi-
losophizing, research and analysis. It requires isolation, reflection, si-
lence and personal submission to nature for transformation to succeed.
Critical days are 2nd, 7th and 9th , 11th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 25th and 27th of
the month.

Month 8
A month 8 marks a period of abundance, material attainment and busi-
ness success. The individual begins to experience the karma for the per-
sonal year. It creates avenues for the manifestation of divine will on
matter. As such its patrons are able to place their mark on the aspects of
the material world the personal year rules over. It requires ruthlessness,
determination and possessive mindedness to succeed. Critical days are
2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th , 11th, 13th, 15th, 17th, 20th, 22nd, 24th and 26th of the
Predicting Events With Numerology

Month 9
A month 9 marks a period of completion, reformation and transition.
The transforming power of the personal year seizes control of the indi-
viduals psyche. It creates avenues to see in what ways the influences of
the year can be used to provide guidance for humanity. It brings the
strength to let go of unwanted habits, round off projects and release
negative energies. It requires tolerance, vision, sacrifice and faith in the
higher powers to succeed. Critical days are 2nd, 7th, 9th, 11th, 16th, 18th,
20th, 25th and 27th of the month.

Personal days are more smaller divisions and generally less or

more forceful depending on the energies/numbers involved. Because
days are far shorter when compared with months, the lessons to be
learnt are shorter and less detailed making it possible then to misinter-
pret or misunderstand them.
The daily influence is more intense when it is the same, related,
harmonious or discordant with the overwhelming (monthly), higher
(yearly) or general (national/world) Influence. An example of the same
influence is a 5 personal day in a 5 personal month and a 5 personal
year. An example of a related or harmonious influence is a 3 personal
day in a 5 or 8 personal month and a 1, 8, 5 or 3 personal Year.
An example of a discordant influence is a 6 personal day in a 5 personal
month and a 4, 2 or 7 personal Year.
To determine the personal day number, add the personal month
number to the number of the day in question. For example, the personal
day for August 22, 2015 for an individual born on May 13th 1984 be-
May 13th = 5+4 = 9
Personal Year = 9+8(2015) = 17/8
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Personal Month = 17+8 (August) = 25/7

Personal day = 25+4 (day of the month) = 29/11
The interpretations for the personal days are as follows:

A day of new beginnings. It is suitable to begin a new venture. It re-
quires decisiveness/independent approach to succeed. Be bold and
begin that project.

A day of growth and development. Things are slower, requires patience,
co-operation with others to succeed. Listen to your feelings and the
people around you.

A day of emergence. It shows signs of progress of previously began
projects. It requires originality, creativity and expressiveness to suc-
ceed. Go with the flow.

A day of foundations and limitations. It is usually hectic, rigorous and
requires planning, practical mindedness, hard work and perseverance to
succeed. Organize and systematize your goals.

A day of expansion. It brings unexpected changes and experiences. It
requires flexibility, resourcefulness, communication, movement, excite-
ment or travel to succeed. Relax and explore.

A day of service. It brings attention to home, service and responsibility.
Predicting Events With Numerology

It requires us to be responsible, caring and service minded to succeed.

Focus on friends, relationships and family.

A day of repose. It brings opportunities to research, study and develop.
It requires reflection, analysis, quietness and study to succeed. Avoid
signing contracts; leave them until the next day.

A day of results. It brings the harvest of previous days if it is a short-
term project. It requires you to be ambitious, broad minded and sophis-
ticated. Gather your assets and do justice to pending decisions.

A day to round off. It shows what has run out of use that needs to be
chopped off. It requires maturity, tolerance, broad mindedness. Con-
clude projects, do not begin new ones as projects began here do not last.
Reach out to others.
For 11 and 22 day, read those of 2 and 4 but also see the properties of
the 11 and 22 as important modifiers.

As a way of closing this chapter, I must impress upon you that the num-
ber of any day, month and year also has a special significance on indi-
viduals the world over, irrespective of what the personal year, month or
day of particular individuals may be. These numbers when considered
by themselves are the Universal Year, Universal Month and Universal
Reducing the numbers of any of them gives insight into the influ-
ences that we would experience the World over, modified by that of the
country we reside in and our own personal years, months and days.
The influence on each individual differs. This is partly because we
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

have different personal years, months and days as occasioned by our

dates of birth, and whether or not our yearly, monthly or daily vibration
is in harmony or discord with the National and Universal vibrations.
Consequently, we find that some years are favourable for some in-
dividuals while the reverse is the case depending on our relations with
the higher vibratory forces. For example, While the year 2013 was gen-
erally favourable for service-oriented professions, family life, increase
in status, number of relationships, Increase in birth rate and other 6
related attributes from the influences of the Universal year 6 (2+0+1+3
= 24 = 2+4 = 6).
People in Nigeria had benefited more given the Personal year of 8
[(2 from month and day addition) + 6 (2013) giving 8] being in sync
with the Universal Year. Individuals who had a Personal Year 6, 22, 4,
8 considered it a fantastic year while those that had a Personal Year 7, 2
considered it not too favourable even if they considered it all right.
As regards 2014, we find that it was a 25/7. A peculiar year indeed!
If we consider the properties of 7 being somewhat contrary to 6 from
before, making it a year fraught with reforms, a kind of halting of basic
mechanism's and of course serious transformations (more of trimming
or weight shedding, little wonder while T. B Joshua described it as a
Year of Crossing the Bridge or Destiny).
This Universal 7 became important for Nigeria because she had a
Personal Year 9. I leave the rest to those who can abstract.
As regards 2015, we find that it is a 26/8. As such, it will be a year
with many opportunities for advancement. Countries and Individuals
the world over will experience some form of abundance and public at-
tainment. Properties will be inherited, bought and sold widely. Busi-
nesses will establish new frontiers and attain prominence. Individuals
and Nations would rise to power and leadership positions.
Nigeria has a year 1 (10/1) under the universal year 8. The country
will witness a new beginning. Long-term projects will be instituted.
New leaders will emerge and the country will have a new voice among
the nations. Individuals within the country will rise to prominence and
Predicting Events With Numerology

become authorities in their various niches.

January will bring lots of hope, February will create some form of
victimization for the people and key individuals. March will create
hardship , April will bring some respite. May will be relatively peaceful
and fruitful, June will be critical – betrayal, reform, death, loss of status
and the like are common. July will bring some calm, August will be
intense and see the close of a chapter in the country. September will
point a new direction, October will be unsettling, November positive
while December hard.
Some critical days of the year are June: 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 18th,
20th, 22nd and 27th; August: 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 13th, 18th, 20th, 22nd and
Considering the present year 2016, the universal year number re-
sults to a 27/9. As such, we would find activities World over are
marked by reformatory and winding down activities. That is to say that
countries would come of age and display uncommon maturity in their
ability to pilot their own affairs. There will be little or no technological
advancements. Newly launched long-term projects will not be enduring.
Some pockets of violence would escalate in several regions if allowed
to fester.
Focusing on Nigeria, she has a year 11/2. It will be a charged year
but not necessarily one with economic or material advancements. Novel
ideas would be dominant but successful application would be wanting.
It will be a year that requires faith and patience to succeed as most if
not all her plans will be met with challenges and delays. Diplomacy,
sensitivity and gentle approach will achieve volumes compared with
ruthlessness and resolve.
January would portray betraying conditions, February difficult,
March positive, April improved; May will generate condition for sober
reflections, June promising, July provocative. August inspiring, Sep-
tember intense, October as January, November hard and December
Some critical days of the year are September 2nd, 7th, 9th, 11th,
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

16th, 18th, 20th, 25th and 27th.

As a final remark, remember that what determines what each individu-

al/Nation will experience is how much they are in harmony with the
universal vibrations. The method used above can be applied to under-
stand the subsequent years, months and so on.

Do you still think numerology is not remarkable?

Predicting Events With Numerology

In course of this writing, I consulted the following sources, which I be-

lieve would prove useful to my readers for further study. Although I
must mention that the interpretations provided for the numbers above is
uniquely mine.
Anderson, M., (1979) NUMEROLOGY : The Secret Power of Num-
bers, Great Britain: Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press) Ltd.
Decoz, H., and Monte, T., (1994) Numerology: Key to Y our Inner Self,
New York: Avery Publishing Group.
Goodwin, M., O (1981) NUMEROLOGY : The Complete Guide Vol.1,
California: Newcastle Publishing Company.

How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

This work was published by Aŕeboh Group to assist the development of

individuals. Aŕeboh Group is an organization dedicated to the develop-
ment of the Individual, the society and the evolution of Humanity
through the dissemination and application of practical knowledge.
She is a philosophical, social, metaphysical and humanitarian society
comprised of individuals dedicated to self realization/actualization, so-
cial transformation and universal brotherhood.
Her membership when she opens her doors would be for all those
who wish to develop their potentials; assist in the rebuilding of society,
the evolution of humanity and contribute to the wellbeing of her mem-
bers and the less privileged in society.
As a group, the organization is happy to be of assistance and willing
to assist all those who require her services whether in terms of speak-
ing, teaching, chart preparation/personality analysis, career guidance;
counselling and so on. Interested persons should contact the author who
is also the Caretaker of Aŕeboh Group through any of the following for
comments, questions or services

Phone: 07080714946, 08138411686

Remember to like us.
Emmanuel Josiah is a Philosopher by profession. He is
the Founder and Caretaker of Aŕeboh Group. He has
been studying Numerology for upwards of 10 Years. He
is happy and willing to assist individuals who require his
guidance. He is happy to receive your opinions about
this work to enable him better assist the masses. He can be contacted
for comments, questions or services via text or call through any of the
Phone: 07067450044, 08138411686
How To Know Yourself And Other People Through Numbers

Upcoming Titles
How to Know Yourself and Others Through The Stars
Knowledge of Self: Key To A Satisfying Future
A Guide To Relationships
A Guide to Careers
Catalyst or Inhibitor: Which do YOU Possess?
Education: Our Problem and Solution ( Reflections on the Nigerian
What are You: Nutriment or Pest?

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