Test 3

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Number 11. Who was that talking to Mr. Thompson at the conference?
A. In an hour.
B. I'll go with you.
C. Our new receptionist.
receptionist (n): person whose job is to deal with people arriving at or telephoning a hotel, an
office building: tiếp tân

Number 12. Where does the bus to Detroit stop?

A. At platform 7.
B. In ten minutes.
C. On a business trip.
platform (n): A platform in a railway station or bus station is the area beside the rails where
you wait for or get off a train, bus: trạm, bến, sân ga

Number 13. What kind of car are you thinking of getting?

A. I want something with good mileage.
B. I didn't drive today.
C. No, I take the bus to work.
mileage (n): the distance that a vehicle has travelled, measured in miles: tổng số dặm đi được

Number 14. Do you think I should pack my umbrella?

A. Yes, I think he will do it.
B. It is scheduled to stop soon.
C. Yes, I heard rain is in the forecast.
pack: put into container: mang theo, chuẩn bị( ba lô)
forecast (n): a description, for example on the radio or television, of what the weather will be
like tomorrow or for the next few days: dự báo thời tiết

Number 15. Should we finish what we're doing or go for lunch first?
A. They're doing it now.
B. Let's get this over with first.
C. Some sandwiches and drinks.
get s.th over: to complete s.t unpleasant but necessary: hoàn thành công việc

Number 16. When do you suppose the delivery trucks will leave?
A. He's coming by bus.
B. Probably before ten.
C. Sure, I will take it there.

Number 17. Why don't we drive to the new Chinese restaurant on Spadina Road?
A. Sure, I've been craving Chinese food lately.
B. Lunch with the rest of the staff members.
C. He lived in Hong Kong for a while.
crave (v): to have a very strong desire for st: ghiền, mê
Number 18. Where do I go to pick up the tickets?
A. Try that window over there.
B. Sure, I will pick you up at seven.
C. You need to get up a little earlier.

Number 19. Don't you feel like going over to the art gallery after work?
A. Yes, he teaches art for a living.
B. Yes, but I don't think I can tonight.
C. Okay, I could hang the picture in my room
hang/hung/hung (v): If something hangs in a high place or position, or if you hang it there,
it is attached there so it does not touch the ground: treo

Number 20. Who didn't show up to this morning's meeting?

A. Lynn called in sick this morning.
B. To show it to the client.
C. Yes, we signed the contract
show up: If a person you are expecting to meet does not show up, they do not arrive at the
place where you expect to meet them: có mặt, hiện diện
contract (n): an official written agreement: hợp đồng

Number 21. You walk to the office every morning, don't you?
A. Sorry, but he has not shown up to work yet.
B. Yes, I live five minutes away from here.
C. Did you try calling him at home?

Number 22. I don't understand why we are not getting many calls today.
A. I didn't call him either.
B. Give it some time. The ad only went out this morning.
C. Why don't you study a little more?
ad (n): An ad is an advertisement: quảng cáo
go out: When a television or radio program goes out, it is broadcast: phát sóng

Number 23. Why don't you ask Mr. Harris to give us a tour of the plant floor?
A. I'll make the necessary arrangements.
B. Yes, he gave me the ticket this morning.
C. The factory supervisor is here now.

Number 24. Have you had a chance to say hello to our new designer?
A. She was recruited from another company.
B. That's great. Thank you very much.
C. No, but I would like to meet her.
recruit (v): to find new people to join a company, an organization, the armed forces etc:
tuyển mộ

Number 25. You are planning on going to the weekend picnic, aren't you?
A. No, I will be going with Sarah instead.
B. That depends on if I can get a ride.
C. Well, I could pick you up at ten.

Number 26. When should I be expecting you?

A. How's Friday for you?
B. I should be there.
C. Yes, he is expecting you.

Number 27. Why don't you ask the boss to write a letter of recommendation for you?
A. At the post office.
B. I already did.
C. From a college friend.
recommendation (n): a formal letter or statement that sb would be suitable for a particular
job: thư giới thiệu, đề cử

Number 28. Do you know why Ms. O'Brien made her appointment for Monday?
A. I'll call to make a reservation.
B. She's leaving town on Tuesday.
C. For three o'clock this afternoon.
reservation (n): an arrangement for a seat on a plane or train, a room in a hotel, etc. to be
kept for you: đặt chỗ, đặt phòng

Number 29. You didn't happen to see a bank machine near this hotel, did you?
A. There is one on the corner.
B. No, it didn't happen that way.
C. The machine is out of order.

Number 30. How long is the ticket valid for?

A. Check the expiration date.
B. It's valued at two dollars.
C. Not too much longer, I hope.
valid: If a ticket or other document is valid, it can be used and will be accepted by people in
authority: còn hạn sử dụng, hiệu lực
expiration date: an ending of the period of time when an official document can be used, or
when an agreement is valid: ngày hết hạn, hạn sử dụng

Number 31. There are far too many errors on this draft.
A. He mistakenly put it there.
B. Yes, it is a bit too far.
C. Let me get John to edit again.

Number 32. Would you care for a cup of coffee after this meeting?
A. No, I didn’t meet him today.
B. Yes, she does care about it.
C. Sure, that would be very nice.

Number 33. Hasn’t she been on the show before?

A. Yes, about a year ago.
B. Okay, I will show it to you later.
C. It will air Tuesday.

Number 34. How many paid vacation days do you get this year?
A. As far as I know, it’s two weeks.
B. I will be going to Mexico for two weeks.
C. Yes, I am thinking of doing that as well.

Number 35. The new branch office is scheduled to have its brand opening today, isn’t it?
A. Yes, I have to leave soon to get there.
B. You shouldn’t worry too much. It will be all right.
C. They are not as big as we had hoped.

Number 36. Do you know if Jane has been promoted to manager’s position?
A. She managed it well.
B. That hasn’t been announced yet.
C. She put it her application today.

Number 37. He’ll give you a hand with it soon.

A. I handed it already.
B. I will be waiting outside.
C. Of course, it will be fine.

Number 38. What’s that you’re carrying?

A. Let me put it in the bag for you.
B. Thanks, it a bit heavy.
C. These are my old clothes.

Number 39. Why haven’t these boxes of secondhand gone out yet?
A. They should go in with the used items.
B. They’re scheduled to go out tomorrow.
C. He left around two this afternoon.

Number 40. Is this going to be printed in color or in black and white?

A. It’s a very bright color.
B. I’ll call to find out.
C. At the printing shop.

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