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Laboratory Activity – Module 1

1. What is the average rate of a Geotechnical Engineer in the following region and how

many geotechnical engineers do they have (on estimates)?

• America

- Average rate: $82, 584 /yr

- Estimated Geotechnical Engineers: 8,400

• Europe

- Average rate: $81,846 /yr

- Estimated Geotechnical Engineers: 3,000

• Middle East

- Average rate: $82,705 /yr

- Estimated Geotechnical Engineers: 86,000

• China

- Average rate: $67,570 /yr

- Estimated Geotechnical Engineers: 2,000

• Southeast Asia

- Average rate: $70,475 /yr

- Estimated Geotechnical Engineers: 30,000


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2. Based on your research and insights. Why do you think one region pays higher than the

other region?

- Maybe it is because of the demand of geotechnical engineers in the country/

region. Another reason can be is the economical status of the region, we can

expect that working in a first world country will benefit in terms of

guaranteeing a high salary income.

3. What is the difference in work of a geotechnical engineer vs. foundation engineer?

- Geotechnical Engineering deals with the mechanics of soil. It is also defined

as the use of earth materials for improving and defending society and life.

Foundation Engineering specializes in conducting professional assessments of

foundation of a home or a commercial building. The difference between the

two is that geotechnical engineering is used for studying the soil, ground or

earth and also for ground improvement before constructing the building while

foundation engineering focuses on foundation of the building.

4. In your opinion which comes first in a project, geotechnical engineer or geodetic

engineer? or do they work at the same time? Explain why do you think so.

- The geodetic engineer comes first because as defined, the geodetic

engineering is an act of gathering physical data on the surface of the earth

which means that they are the ones who surveys the area which later the ones

to determine if an geotechnical engineer is needed in the site.


CE161P-2 / EO1
5. Read 2 latest (not older than 2019) journal article study that is about latest trend,

technology and innovation for geotechnical engineering. Please use legitimate sources,

use library of mapua. And provide the following for each article/study.

• Paper Title: Research on Geotechnical Engineering Technique Innovation Method

in Loess Region

• Authors: Jia Yajun, Chen Cunli , Zhang Huyuan , Liu Naijun

• Year Published: 2019

• Problems and Challenges Addressed in the study: Technological Difficulties of

Geotechnical Engineering, Attaining Sustainable Development Excavation

Technology, Creating a Three-Dimensional Digital Technology.

• Methodology on Conducting the Study: The methodology on conducting this study

is for observation trials, monitoring and experiment purposes.

• Findings, Discussion, and Interpretation on the Study: In this article, the findings,

discussion, and interpretation of their study is mainly focusing on the

development of the technology on geotechnical engineering. Today, the

improvement of technology for geotechnical engineering is improving as time

goes by and more closely, we at the same time to develop the national economy.

• Conclusion and Contribution to Geotechnical Engineering Industry of Study: With

the rapid development of science and technology, people pay attention to the degree

of geotechnical engineering is also gradually improved. The use of science and

technology in the construction and implementation of geotechnical engineering in

the process of innovation a lot of ways, but also achieved some results.


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Geotechnical engineering and technical innovations continue to increase, new ideas

and thoughts in the course of their work formed the need for timely communication

in order to continue the practice in innovative ways to improve the technical level

of the staff. Geotechnical engineering technology requires a combination of modern

science and technology for continuous innovation and research combined with

practical activities according to our needs. In addition to the technical presentations,

as well as computer technology and in situ testing techniques in geotechnical

engineering project implementation process has a certain application and has made

more significant effect.

• Reference: file:///C:/Users/ASUS/Downloads/25854508.pdf

• Paper Title: Long-Term Remote Monitoring of Ground Deformation Using

Sentinel-1 Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR): Applications and

Insights into Geotechnical Engineering Practices

• Authors: Ryan Ramirez ; Seung-Rae Lee ; Tae-Hyuk Kwon

• Year Published: 01 October 2020

• Problems and Challenges Addressed in the Study: Decorrelations related to

atmospheric perturbations in different acquisitions, system noise signal, reference

DEM, orbit and baseline inaccuracies are common sources of errors in conventional

DInSAR. Geometric and temporal decorrelations are the major limiting factors in

the successful implementation of Sentinel-1 SAR interferometry.


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• Methodology on Conducting the Study: The methodology on conducting this study

is for observation trials, monitoring and experiment purposes.

• Findings, Discussion, and Interpretation on the Study: In this study, software

packages show the capability in generating DEM and estimating changes in

deformation or damages in various geotechnical engineering practices.

SAR, as an active radar imaging technique, operates day and night in all weather

conditions which has greater advantage over optical remote sensing techniques.

InSAR and ADInSAR techniques have matured and become viable solutions

complimenting conventional geodetic, optical, and LiDAR techniques and

integrated in multidisciplinary fields. Moreover, the improved temporal and spatial

resolutions, wider area coverage, and free access of Sentinel missions allow a

weekly repeat observation for ground anomaly detection, and near real-time

monitoring of various geohazards.

• Conclusion and Contribution to Geotechnical Engineering Industry of Study: This

work highlighted the limitations, performance, and the great contribution of using

medium-resolution SAR images for various geotechnical engineering related

phenomena. The study demonstrated the applicability of using shared Sentinel-1

SAR data provided by ESA under the COPERNICUS Programme processed with

open-source software packages, SNAP and StaMPS, employing the conventional

and advanced interferometric processing. Two well-defined processing workflows

were presented and tested in four geotechnical engineering applications namely

DEM generation, earthquake- and tunneling-induced ground deformations, and


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rainfall-induced landslide in the Korean Peninsula. The major limitations of SAR

interferometry were also discussed, which will serve as important pointers in future

projects involving continuous deformation monitoring and landslide early detection

with improved satellites features. Overall, the challenges that the authors have

encountered on using open data and open-source software tools have created and

promoted a conducive and scientific learning environment between remote sensing

and geotechnical engineering fields. The experience gained through this work

opens new opportunities to explore in addressing timely social and environmental

impacts of various geohazards.

• References:


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