Chapter 1

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In the present competitive world if any business organization has to survive it needs to keep an eye on
various forces operating in the market. More over competitors constantly try to win over others. In this
scenario, every business organization needs to monitor the changes taking place in the market so that
they are not caught. Company’s ability to maintain satisfying customer relationships requires an
understanding of consumer buying behaviour.

This refers to the buying behaviour of consumers who purchase products or services for their personal
or household use. Consumers have limited time, energy and financial resources. Within the available
resources, they make purchase and consumption choices as they wish. Consumers purchasing decisions
take place over a period of time.

By the way of doing the marketing mix mapping for the Whirlpool in this pandemic COVID situation, will
provide necessary market information, competitors marketing mix strategies and accordingly
comparison can be done and which will ultimately help to offer the product with the right.

Combination of the four Ps and with this Whirlpool can improve their results and marketing
effectiveness in Refrigerators, washing machine and A.C segment´ Consumer durables Industry is
growing at a rapid pace. Price Affordability, Product Awareness and availability have helped the industry
players to generate great business.

But doing business in Indian Market is not easy. Continuous improvement in Product quality and post
sales service at affordable price is common to all Consumer durable manufacturers across Industry. But
the company which would introduce innovative product, with unique technology and provide
convenience by satisfying them with something new would surely attract customers.

Whirlpool Appliances which is one of the largest Home Appliances brand in the world. There are more
worries than just fierce competition for Whirlpool, to get a foothold in an already crowded market.
Other cheap Chinese products have flooded the Indian market over the last few years, leaving Whirlpool
with little chance for a premium positioning.

Trade circles have similar apprehensions, and fighting this image is taking most of Whirlpool time in
India. Despite this Whirlpool entered the Indian market with a premium line of products, which
prohibited the brand from building a mass appeal. Although, there are so many players in the market
and there is enough space for players like Whirlpool seeing the economy grow at around 8-10%. This
calls revaluation of Whirlpool marketing mix strategies in the market.

The overall goal during this decision process is to evaluate various alternatives and choose the product
that satisfies the consumer in an optimal way. Similarly when customers make their purchase decision
they get influenced by several major factors. These factors are:


Social & Cultural etc.

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