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Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 Published online: January 8, 2010

DOI: 10.1159/000239059

Behavioral Treatment of Voice Disorders

in Teachers
Aaron Ziegler a Amanda I. Gillespie a, b Katherine Verdolini Abbott a, b
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, University of Pittsburgh, and
Department of Otolaryngology, University of Pittsburgh Voice Center, Pittsburgh, Pa., USA

Key Words Trials statement, a finding that emphasizes the need to in-
Teachers ⴢ Voice disorders ⴢ Behavioral treatment crease the number of investigations that adhere to strict re-
search standards. Conclusions: Although data on the treat-
ment of voice problems in teachers are still limited in the
Abstract literature, emerging trends are noted. The accumulation of
Introduction: The purpose of this paper is to review the lit- sufficient studies will ultimately provide useful evidence
erature on the behavioral treatment of voice disorders in about this societally important issue.
teachers. The focus is on phonogenic disorders, that is voice Copyright © 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
disorders thought to be caused by voice use. Methods: Re-
view of the literature and commentary. Results: The review
exposes distinct holes in the literature on the treatment of Data from the past decade and more clearly identify
voice problems in teachers. However, emerging trends in teachers as the high-volume occupation with the great-
treatment are noted. For example, most studies identified est risk for a voice disorder. Specifically, data indicate
for review implemented a multiple-therapy approach in a that voice problems are more frequent among teachers
group setting, in contrast to only a few studies that assessed than among those in any other common occupation
a single-therapy approach with individual patients. Al- (12% of the population [1–3]; see also Mjaavatn [4] and
though the review reveals that the evidence around behav- Urrutikoetxea et al. [5] cited in Mattiske et al. [6]). More
ioral treatment of voice disorders in teachers is mixed, a specifically, estimates from the USA have indicated that
growing body of data provides some indicators on how ef- anywhere from about 11 to 38% of teachers experience
fectively rehabilitation of teachers with phonogenic voice a current voice problem [7–9]. Similar estimates are seen
problems might be approached. Specifically, voice amplifi- for teachers in other countries including China, Poland,
cation demonstrates promise as a beneficial type of indirect Finland, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Portugal,
therapy and vocal function exercises as well as resonant Brazil, and Australia [10–19]. Roy et al. [7] further re-
voice therapy show possible benefits as direct therapies. Fi- ported that the prevalence of having at least one occur-
nally, only a few studies identified even remotely begin to rence of dysphonia during the life span was as high as
meet guidelines of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting 57.7% for teachers as compared to 28.8% for nonteach-

© 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel Katherine Verdolini Abbott, PhD, CCC-SLP

University of Pittsburgh
Fax +41 61 306 12 34 4033 Forbes Tower
E-Mail Accessible online at: Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (USA) Tel. +1 412 383 6544, E-Mail kittie @
ers, and Marks [20] reported that about 46% of teachers voice problems in teachers matter and deserve public at-
surveyed in Minnesota had experienced some form of tention.
voice dysfunction since the start of teaching. Teachers Regrettably, despite such robust data documenting the
of vocal music, performing arts, drama, physical educa- negative effects of voice problems in teachers, there is a
tion, and interestingly, chemistry appear to be dispro- surprising paucity of research on the prevention and
portionately affected by voice problems [9, 21]. Voice treatment of voice disorders in this population. The pur-
problems in teachers are also a clear women’s health is- pose of this article is to review the current literature on
sue. In the USA, women teachers are affected at a ratio the treatment of voice disorders in teachers, and further
of about 2.7: 1 compared to men [9, 16, 21], and gender to provide a synopsis of how voice care for teachers has
distributions are generally similar for teachers in other developed over the past decade.
countries [10, 11].
There is little doubt that high rates of voice problems
in teachers arise from the vocal demands of the job. The Methods
internet-based Voice Academy sponsored by the Nation-
To conduct the review, the search terms ‘voice disorders,
al Center for Voice and Speech indicates that teachers
teachers, treatment’ were run through the PubMed database. This
spend an average of about 49.3 h per week on teaching search produced a total of 74 articles. To restrict the review to the
duties [Voice Academy, 2003]. Dosimetry reveals that as past decade, the search was then limited to articles published be-
part of their jobs, teachers typically produce approxi- tween January 1, 1998 and October 28, 2008 (the last search com-
mately 1,000,000 vocal fold vibratory cycles daily during pleted). Additional criteria for inclusion in the review were ‘teach-
ers’ as the only subject population, and articles in English due to
a total voicing period of 1.5 h (
our own limitations in evaluating work in most other languages.
groups/occupational/status.html). Moreover, background Studies indicating a focus on ‘prevention’ of voice disorders were
noise in classrooms has been reported to range from also included if inspection of the methods section indicated that
about 50 to as great as 80 dB, depending on the setting subjects generally had characteristics consistent with a disordered
[22–27]. These values patently exceed the 35-dB ANSI voice, even if the disruption was only mild. After the original ar-
ticle set was evaluated for the established inclusion and exclusion
standard [28]. In fact, teachers routinely raise their voices
criteria, 11 articles remained for review.
during teaching – according to one report by an average For those articles, a 4-tiered taxonomy was developed to clas-
of 9.1 dB and about one-half octave [26]. sify studies according to: (1) type of treatment [direct – involving
A corollary is that while most teachers with voice actual voice work – vs. indirect – involving primarily education
problems appear high-functioning and carry no visible about voice and vocal hygiene and possibly voice amplification
(VA)], and within each of those categories, (2) number of treat-
signs of a disorder, consequences of voice disorders can
ment approaches used (single vs. multiple), (3) type of treatment
be nontrivial and may include physical injury to the la- approach [vocal function exercises (VFE), resonant voice therapy
ryngeal tissue [17, 29], limitation in job satisfaction, job (RVT), voice hygiene (VH), other, or combination therapy], and
performance, and job attendance [6, 9, 19] and a reduc- (4) delivery method (individual vs. group; fig. 1). The taxonomy
tion in social, psychological, emotional, physical, and was used to organize the review of the findings, and also to help
identify gaps in the literature.
communicative functioning [19]. In fact, although be-
nign voice problems typically occurring in teachers are
not life-threatening, many repercussions from them have
been found to be similar to those occurring with life- Results
threatening conditions [19, 30]. Persistent or severe prob-
lems can also cause teachers to leave the classroom alto- A synopsis of the studies’ details is shown in table 1.
gether [6]. Moreover, economic costs of voice problems in That table displays authors (in alphabetical order by first
teachers are ponderous, and were conservatively estimat- author), year of publication, information about study de-
ed at USD 2.5 billion annually in the USA as long ago as sign, subject characteristics, treatment type, outcome
1998 [3]. Finally, some data point to what may be among measures, and summary of results. A textual review fol-
the most distressing consequences of voice problems in lows in the next pages. Due to space constraints, the re-
teachers: the potential for a compromise in the quality of view provides at most cursory descriptions of the inter-
education delivered. In fact, some reports indicate that ventions themselves. The reader is referred to the original
students’ cognitive functioning around materials orally articles for further information.
delivered by teachers is reduced even when teachers are
only mildly dysphonic [31, 32]. In sum, it is clear that

10 Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 Ziegler /Gillespie /Verdolini Abbott

Type of management

Direct +
Type of treatment Direct Indirect

Number of approaches Single Multiple Multiple Single Multiple

Therapy technique
RVT VFE RVT Other Eclectic Eclectic VH VA Eclectic

Mode of delivery
Individual I
Group G

Fig. 1. Taxonomy for the classification of behavioral treatment of voice disorders in teachers.

Indirect Treatment for voice following a standard VH intervention as com-

Voice Hygiene pared to a direct intervention that explicitly addressed
VH intervention generally involves treatment that voice production or an indirect treatment consisting of
does not address voice production directly, or only ad- VA. Specifically, in a prospective, randomized study,
dresses it marginally. Rather, VH programs typically fo- Roy et al. [33] reported that teachers with self-declared
cus on exposures that may influence the health of the voice problems failed to obtain significant improve-
vocal fold mucosa generically, such as phonotraumatic ments in a classic quality-of-life measure, the Voice
behaviors, hydration, laryngopharyngeal reflux, aggres- Handicap Index (VHI) [36], following individual VH
sive throat clearing, or phonatory onset type. Also, tra- intervention, in comparison to an individually deliv-
ditionally, VH programs have been nonspecific in the ered voice exercise program (VFE, described in Direct
sense that they have usually not been tailored to the in- Treatments below; see also Stemple et al. [37]), which did
dividual patient’s profile but have rather involved gen- generate VHI improvements. Moreover, subjects who
eral lists of do’s and don’ts believed to pertain to vocal received VH reported significantly less improvement in
health. voice overall and in vocal ease and clarity specifically
Unfortunately, despite their widespread use, support compared to the VFE group. Similar findings were re-
for the utility of generic VH programs for teachers with ported in a follow-up prospective, randomized study
voice problems is somewhat underwhelming. Among that compared individual VH intervention to results
the most notable studies conducted along these lines from VA, discussed shortly [34]. Finally, in a nonran-
were those by Roy et al. [33, 34] and Niebudek-Bogusz domized study, Niebudek-Bogusz et al. [35] reported
et al. [35]. All of these studies reported poorer outcomes that teachers who received an individual VH program

Behavioral Treatment of Voice Disorders Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 11

in Teachers
Table 1. Summary of studies reviewed on the behavioral treatment of voice disorders in teachers

Reference Design Subjects Treatment Time points Measures Results

Amir et al. Nonrandomized Group with voice All subjects received Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: clinician- – Auditory-perceptual: clinician-rated voice
[51], 2005 Prospective disorders: 16 males, group intervention: 8- (pre- rated voice quality quality: no significant training effect for either
Noncontrolled 25 females week ‘voice course’ treatment) group; disordered group showed trend towards
Group without voice including VH, chant, 2 months improvement (0.051 < p < 0.090)
disorders: yawn-sigh, open-mouth, (post- – Visual-perceptual: N/A – Visual-perceptual: N/A
3 males, 5 females chewing techniques treatment) – Acoustic: jitter, shimmer, F0, – Acoustic: improvement in both groups: jitter:
NHR p = 0.010; shimmer: p < 0.001; NHR: p = 0.021;
F0: NSR; greater improvement in disordered
group with group ! training interaction for jitter
(p = 0.030) and shimmer (p = 0.004)
– Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
– Patient perceptual: N/A – Patient perceptual: N/A
– Informal questionnaire: N/A – Informal questionnaire: N/A
Bovo et al. Randomized 64 (females) with Treatment group: Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: global – Auditory-perceptual: treatment group:
[48], 2007 Prospective dysphonia enrolled theoretical voice course 3 months grade of dysphonia significant improvement (p = 0.0001); control
Controlled 41 (females) completed by a laryngologist, two 12 months group: NSR

Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23

protocol group therapy sessions – Visual-perceptual: laryngeal – Visual-perceptual: NSR for either group
Treatment group: n = 21 by a speech-language exam
Control group: n = 20 pathologist, targeting – Acoustic: NHR, jitter, shimmer, – Acoustic: NHR: NSR for either group; jitter and
abdominal- MPT shimmer: significant improvement in treatment
diaphragmatic group when compared to control group (p =
breathing, laryngeal 0.0001); MPT: significant increase for the
relaxation, treatment group only (p < 0.0001)
circumlaryngeal – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
massage, easy onset – Patient perceptual: VHI – Patient perceptual: treatment group: improved
voicing, LMRVT, and at 3 months, some decline at 12 months (p =
exercises to increase 0.0273); control group: NSR
‘oral opening’ – Informal questionnaire: – Informal questionnaire: at end of the course,
Daily home therapy with regarding voice and voice use treatment group: 85% reported improved vocal
journal of voice use knowledge hygiene practice and 90% had reduced classroom
patterns vocal demands
Chen et al. Nonrandomized 24 females with at least Group intervention: Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: clinician- – Auditory-perceptual: reduction (improvement)
[47], 2007 Prospective one voice symptom weekly 90-min sessions (pre-test) graded voice severity in roughness, strain, monotone, hard glottal
Noncontrolled occurring frequently of RVT (adapted from 8 weeks attack, glottal fry, vocal fatigue (p < 0.05)
LMRVT by Verdolini (post-test) – Visual-perceptual: stroboscopy – Visual-perceptual: improvement in mucosal
[49]) wave and amplitude, glottal closure, and laryngeal
pathology (p < 0.05)
– Acoustic: jitter, shimmer, – Acoustic: significant improvement in speaking
NHR, max speaking F0 range, F0, speaking range F0, range and intensity only
max speaking intensity range (p < 0.05)
– Aerodynamic: PTP, MPT, – Aerodynamic: improvement (reduction) in PTP
airflow rate only (p < 0.05)
– Patient perceptual: VHI, – Patient perceptual: reduction (improvement) in
WHOQOL-BREF Taiwanese physical subscale of VHI only (p< 0.05), NSR for
version for functional impact of the WHOQOL-BREF

Ziegler /Gillespie /Verdolini Abbott

voice disorder
– Informal questionnaire: N/A – Informal questionnaire: N/A
Reference Design Subjects Treatment Time points Measures Results

Gillivan- Randomized 20 female teachers with Individual intervention Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: N/A – Auditory-perceptual: N/A
Murphy Prospective self-reported voice for treatment group: 5–6 (pre- – Visual-perceptual: N/A – Visual-perceptual: N/A

in Teachers
et al. [40], Controlled problems 1-hour sessions treatment) – Acoustic: N/A – Acoustic: N/A
2006 Treatment group: n = 10 targeting VFE, VH, 8 weeks – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
Control group: n = 10 posture, and breathing (post- – Patient perceptual: VQROL, – Patient perceptual: VQROL: NSR between
training treatment) VoiSS groups, treatment group: improvement in
impairment and emotional subscales only of the
– Informal questionnaire: Voice – Informal questionnaire: between group
Care Knowledge VAS significant differences with improvement in the
treatment group in all areas except voice use (p ≤
Ilomaki Randomized 60 vocally functional Group intervention for Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: VAS – Auditory-perceptual: treatment group: improved

Behavioral Treatment of Voice Disorders

et al. [39], Prospective females demonstrating both groups (pre- voice quality (0.025)
2008 Controlled at least one All subjects participated treatment) – Visual-perceptual: N/A – Visual-perceptual: N/A
characteristic of a voice in 3-hour VH lecture 4 months – Acoustic: F0, Leq, alpha ratio, – Acoustic: VH group: increased F0
problem. Treatment group also (post- jitter, shimmer (p = 0.026); treatment group: increase
Treatment group: n = 30 received nonspecific treatment) (improvement) in alpha ratio (p = 0.047), F0 in
VH-only group: n = 30 voice training consisting loud reading (p = 0.003), decrease (improvement)
of 1-hour voice exercises in shimmer (p = 0.002) and jammer (p = 0.015)
in 3 groups of 10 – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
subjects each (5 sessions – Patient perceptual: phonation – Patient perceptual: VH group: increased
over 9 weeks) plus difficulty, throat tiredness, voice (worsened) phonation difficulty (p = 0.030) and
individualized quality, voice change during the throat tiredness (p = 0.046)
homework day
– Informal questionnaire: effect – Informal questionnaire: treatment group: self-
of intervention reported more improvement due to intervention
(p = 0.000)
Niebudek- Nonrandomized 186 females with voice Individual intervention Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: clinician – Auditory-perceptual: treatment group:
Bogusz Prospective complaints enrolled with 5 clinicians from 4 (pre- evaluation of posture, breathing, improvement in breathing technique, neck
et al. [35], Controlled 133 completed protocol, outpatient clinics treatment) resonance and muscle tension tension, and achieving soft phonation
2008 53 served as VH-only Treatment consisted of 2–4 months – Visual-perceptual: – Visual-perceptual: treatment group:
controls (unable to breathing and (post- laryngoscopy improvement in regularity, mucosal wave, and
attend full treatment) relaxation, VH, VFE, treatment) amplitude of vocal fold vibration, and vocal fold
and RVT closure ( p < 0.05 for all) decrease in
9–18 40- to 60-min hyperfunction (p = 0.001), and vocal fold nodules

Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23

therapy sessions, once or ( p = 0.008)
twice per week for 2–4 – Acoustic: MPT, F0, Hz range in – Acoustic: treatment group: increase
months, 8–10 min of speaking, loudness in speaking (improvement) in MPT (p = 0.017) and speaking
daily practice outside of frequency range (p = 0.045)
therapy session – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
– Patient perceptual: N/A – Patient perceptual: N/A
– Informal questionnaire: patient – Informal questionnaire: treatment group stated
evaluation of course, voice use voice as more ‘normal’ post-intervention (p =
and symptoms questionnaire 0.004), with a decrease in hoarseness (p = 0.039),
voicelessness (p = 0.001), voice tiredness (p <
0.001), and frequency of aphonia (p < 0.001)

Reference Design Subjects Treatment Time points Measures Results

Pasa et al. Nonrandomized 37 females with self- Group intervention Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: N/A – Auditory-perceptual: N/A
[38], 2007 Prospective reported voice Treatment consisted of a (pre- – Visual-perceptual: N/A – Visual-perceptual: N/A
Noncontrolled symptoms VH group and VFE treatment) – Acoustic: MPT, maximum – Acoustic: NSR for all groups
(control group group 10 weeks frequency range,
named as such, but Treatment groups met 4 (post- – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
participated in times in a 10-week treatment) – Patient perceptual: N/A – Patient perceptual: N/A
unexplained period – Informal questionnaire: self- – Informal questionnaire: VH group: compared to
structured Control group met 3 report questionnaires detailing the control group had a significant increase in
phonatory tasks) times in a 10-week voice knowledge, symptoms, and voice knowledge (p = 0.004) as well as increasing
period phonotraumatic behaviors pre-post intervention (p = 0.002), improved voice
symptoms pre-post intervention (0.021), at follow-
up this group reported similar phono-traumatic
behaviors to the control group; VFE group: NSR
for voice knowledge, at follow-up reported
increased phonotraumatic behaviors as compared
to the VH group, NSR for voice symptoms
Roy et al. Randomized 60 subjects (sex Treatment groups: Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: N/A – Auditory-perceptual: N/A
[33], 2001 Prospective unspecified) with individual intervention (pre-test) – Visual-perceptual: N/A – Visual-perceptual: N/A

Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23

Controlled history of voice provided by 11 speech- 6 weeks – Acoustic: N/A – Acoustic: N/A
problems language pathologists 4 (post-test) – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
58 completed protocol biweekly interventions – Patient perceptual: VHI – Patient perceptual: control: NSR improvement;
Randomized to one of were provided over 6 VFE: significant reduction in mean score (p <
three groups: weeks 0.0002); VH: NSR
VH: n = 20 Control group met at – Informal questionnaire: post- – Informal questionnaire: control: NSR; VFE:
VFE: n = 19 baseline and 6 weeks therapy questionnaire (perceived reported higher ratings of improvement (p <
Control: n = 19 degree of improvement and 0.05), vocal clarity (p < 0.02), and ease of voicing
compliance), 5-point scale (p < 0.01); VH: NSR; levels of compliance were
comparable across treatment groups
Roy et al. Randomized 50 subjects with history Individual treatment: 4 Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: N/A – Auditory-perceptual: N/A
[34], 2002 Prospective of voice problems biweekly sessions over 6 (pre-test) – Visual-perceptual: N/A – Visual-perceptual: N/A
Controlled Enrolled 44 (37 F, 7 M) weeks for treatment 6 weeks – Acoustic: jitter, shimmer, NHR – Acoustic: VA: trending reductions
Completed protocol (3 groups (post-test) (improvements) in all areas (p = 0.078) ; VH:
groups): Control group met at NSR; control: trending increase (worsening) in
VA: n = 15 baseline and 6 weeks NHR (p = 0.060)
VH: n = 15 – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
Control: n = 14 – Patient perceptual: VHI – Patient perceptual: VA: significant reduction
(improvement) in scores (p = 0.045); VH: NSR;
control: significant increase (worsening) in scores
(p = 0.012); both treatment groups differed
significantly from the control group pre-post test
(p = 0.004 for VA, and p = 0.012 for VH); neither
treatment group differed significantly from the
other pre-post
– Informal questionnaire: voice – Informal questionnaire: VA: significant
severity self-rating scale: 4-point improvement in self-rated severity (p = 0.012);
categorical scale, and post- VH: NSR; control: NSR; between groups there was
treatment questionnaire a significant difference between VA and control

Ziegler /Gillespie /Verdolini Abbott

(perceived degree of (p = 0.033), NSR between VH and control; VA
improvement and compliance), group was significantly improved over the VH
5-point scale and control group in ease of voice production
(p = 0.001) and compliance (p = 0.045)
Reference Design Subjects Treatment Time points Measures Results

Roy et al. Randomized 87 subjects with a Individual therapy Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: N/A – Auditory-perceptual: N/A
[42], 2003 Prospective history of voice For all groups, 4 (pre-test) – Visual-perceptual: N/A – Visual-perceptual: N/A

in Teachers
Noncontrolled problems (sex biweekly sessions over 6 6 weeks – Acoustic: N/A – Acoustic: N/A
unspecified) weeks (post-test) – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
64 completed protocol – Patient perceptual: VHI – Patient perceptual: VA: significant reduction
Randomly assigned to (improvement) in scores (p = 0.002); RT:
three groups: significant reduction (improvement) in scores
VA: n = 25 (p = 0.007); RMT: NSR; the VA group improved
RT: n = 19 significantly compared to the RMT group (p =
RMT: n = 20 0.025) but not the RT group; RT group also did
not significantly improve compared to the RMT
– Informal questionnaire: voice – Informal questionnaire: VA and RT: self-rated
severity self-rating scale, 4-point voice as less severe (improved) (p = 0.008 and

Behavioral Treatment of Voice Disorders

categorical scale; post-treatment 0.019, respectively); RMT: NSR; no significant
questionnaire (perceived degree improvement in one group when compared to
of improvement and another; VA and RMT reported significantly
compliance), 5-point scale higher compliance (p values not reported); VA:
reported significantly greater improvement,
clarity and ease of voicing (p values not reported)
– Other: MEP – Other: RMT group: significant improvement in
MEP (p = 0.003)
Silverio Nonrandomized 42 females, 26 of whom Group treatment for all Baseline – Auditory-perceptual: GRBASI – Auditory-perceptual: NSR in G, R, B, A, I,
et al. [14], Prospective had diagnosis of a voice subjects: ‘vocal (pre- significant improvement in S (p = 0.0277)
2008 Noncontrolled disorder experience group’ treatment) – Visual-perceptual: – Visual-perceptual: no follow-up reported
Only 29 completed consisting of 12 1-hour Post-test laryngological evaluation
laryngeal examination meetings addressing after 12th – Acoustic: N/A – Acoustic: N/A
participants’ self- meeting – Aerodynamic: N/A – Aerodynamic: N/A
perception of voice, (pre-post – Patient perceptual: N/A – Patient perceptual: N/A
anatomy and duration – Informal questionnaire: N/A – Informal questionnaire: N/A
physiology, VH, not
modifications to specified)
everyday environment
and work setting, and
voice exercises as warm-
ups and cooldowns

Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23

F0 = Fundamental frequency; NHR = noise-to-harmonic ratio; NSR = no significant results; WHOQOL-BREF: World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire, shortened ver-
sion [55]; PTP = phonation threshold pressure; VQROL = Voice-Related Quality of Life Scale [41]; VoiSS = Voice Symptom Severity Scale [44]; VAS = visual analog scale; Leq = equivalent
sound level; alpha ratio = [(Leq 1–5 kHz) – (Leq 50 Hz – 1 kHz)] in habitual loudness and text reading; RT = resonance therapy by Stemple [56]; RMT = respiratory muscle training, modi-
fied from Sapienza et al. [57]; MEP = maximum expiratory pressure; GRBAS = grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia, strain, instability from Hirano [58].

did not show significant improvements in any of a series voice functions following the nonintervention period. At
of voice measures following treatment, in contrast to that level, a reasonable conclusion might be that VH pro-
teachers who received individual combination treat- grams may be better than no intervention at all, for teach-
ment involving VH, breathing, relaxation, VFE, and ers with dysphonia.
RVT training (described below), who did show improve- In addition to these fairly isolated reports, logic sug-
ments (table 1). Interestingly, clinician confidence in gests it may be premature to discard the possibility that
their delivery of the interventions did not necessarily VH programs may have some value for some teachers.
explain the results. At least in one study, clinicians re- Specifically, all of the VH programs that have been stud-
ported greater confidence in their administration of the ied in the literature thus far have been generic programs
VH program than in the direct intervention program that were not tailored to a particular subject’s individual
(VFE [33]), yet subjects showed improvements in the lat- profile. It seems likely that some targets in the programs
ter but not former group. were irrelevant for some subjects, and other targets that
Results from the foregoing studies are fairly intuitive. were relevant were either not included or were lost in the
Assuming that voice production is a primary contributor matrix, which involved a large number of fairly detailed
to voice problems in teachers, it seems sensible that atten- instructions that subjects may have found daunting. Ar-
tion to voice production would generally be required to guably, targeted, individualized, and slimmed-down VH
reverse the problems. However, other data as well as log- programs could have value for teachers, in contrast to the
ic suggest conclusions in that direction may be prema- generic programs that have typically been evaluated. In-
ture. For example, Pasa et al. [38] found that teachers who terestingly, some preliminary data suggest that such pro-
completed a group VH program reported a significant grams may indeed have value in the prevention of voice
decrease in voice symptoms and their maximum phona- problems in student teachers [Verdolini, unpubl. data].
tion times (MPTs) improved from before to after treat- However, countering optimism in this regard is the ob-
ment. In contrast, subjects who received a group VFE servation that the same unpublished data set suggested
program did not report a significant improvement in that even when VH programs were targeted and slimmed,
symptoms, and their MPTs showed a trend towards wors- they were insufficient to improve voice problems in stu-
ening. Moreover, whereas subjects in the VH group re- dent teachers who already had them [Verdolini, unpubl.
ported that their phonotraumatic behaviors remained data].
stable across the duration of the study, subjects in the
VFE group reported a paradoxical increase in their pho- Voice Amplification
notraumatic behaviors. Somewhat weaker findings in It is reasonable to think that if voice problems in
support of some potential benefit from VH programs for teachers are partly caused by increased phonatory loud-
teachers with voice problems were reported by Ilomaki et ness, VA might help to reduce them. Thus far, this idea
al. [39], who found that 1/3 of teachers who received a has been evaluated in two studies by Roy et al. [34, 42],
group VH intervention felt their voices had improved as both of which used an individual treatment delivery
a result of it. However, 2/3 of teachers who received non- model. Results from these studies were favorable. In
specific group voice treatment in addition to participa- both reports, the use of VA over a 6-week period result-
tion in the VH lecture reported improvements with their ed in significant improvements in VHI scores and self-
program. Along somewhat similar lines are results re- ratings of symptom severity, in addition to other mea-
ported by Gillivan-Murphy et al. [40]. Those authors sures. Moreover, in one of the studies, VA resulted in
found that teachers who received a combined VH with significantly better reported compliance with treatment
VFE intervention showed a significant improvement in and greater perceived benefit from intervention as com-
scores on the Voice-Related Quality of Life questionnaire pared with a generic type of RVT, and greater clarity and
[41], as well as an improvement in voice care knowledge ease of voice production than either RVT or a respira-
when compared to subjects in a nontreatment control tory muscle training (RMT) program. Some caution is
group. Finally, it should be noted that even the generally warranted in the interpretation of the comparative find-
negative data by Roy et al. [33, 34] provided oblique sup- ings due to different attrition rates across the groups:
port for VH interventions: although teachers who re- from the intention-to-treat pool of participants, attri-
ceived VH interventions failed to show voice-related tion was highest in the RVT group, followed by the RMT
changes with it, the same data set revealed that teachers group and there were no dropouts in the VA group. Po-
who did not receive any intervention at all had worsened tentially, attrition in the RVT and RMT groups was

16 Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 Ziegler /Gillespie /Verdolini Abbott

partly due to the increased complexity of the treatments purpose may have influenced the results. The purpose of
and subjects’ difficulty adhering to them. Conversely – Roy et al. was to conduct a ‘treatment’ study, whereas
for the sake of argument – attrition could also have been Pasa et al. framed their work as a ‘prevention’ study, even
due to a perceived benefit from the programs and thus though subjects had self-reported voice symptoms at the
early dropout. outset. Possibly, differences in the degree of impairment
and thus subject motivation and rigor around imple-
Direct Treatment mentation of the VFE explain the difference in results
Vocal Function Exercises across studies. Another possibility is that perhaps clini-
As implied by its name, the ‘vocal function exercises’ cians in the study by Roy et al. were better versed in the
program targets ‘exercises’ of the phonatory mechanism VFE– despite the former clinicians’ declared imperfect
[37]. In brief, the program involves twice daily repetitions confidence in their ability to deliver the program. In fact,
of maximally prolonged vowels at pitches within the gen- the originator of VFE, Joseph Stemple, was involved in
eral speech range, as well as ascending and descending Roy’s study and trained the clinicians himself. Moreover,
pitch glides, all with ‘extreme forward focus ‘‘almost but clinicians in that study received videotapes of Dr. Stem-
not quite nasal”.’ The authors reason that rehabilitation ple providing the therapy, and they also received audio-
of the larynx should be approached much in the same way tapes of the exercises, made by Dr. Stemple, to be com-
as physical therapy addresses injury of other areas of the pleted twice daily [Roy, pers. commun., January 1, 2009].
body. Therefore, VFE employs principles of exercise Thus, considerable care was dedicated to high-quality
physiology that target the subcomponents of voice pro- clinician training, uniform clinician training, and a uni-
duction in order to achieve ‘balance in laryngeal muscu- form exercise program in Roy’s VFE studies. In Pasa’s
lar activity’ accompanied by adequate airflow [37]. The study, subjects were given audio recordings of examples
implied assumption regarding teachers and others with a of VFE to assist in home practice. Therefore, while the
high risk of benign mucosal lesions is that such muscular subjects in Pasa’s study were trained, there was perhaps
training will orient the patient towards phonation pat- less clinician uniformity and attention to specific detail
terns that reduce negative influences on the mucosa, than in the study by Roy et al. Stated differently, possible
which is where most if not all benign vocal fold lesions differences in clinician and patient training are a poten-
develop [43]. tial source of difference in the results across studies. This
Discussion of the VFE for teachers was partly embed- possibility points to the critical need for good clinician
ded in the preceding review. In sum, the literature on and patient training in interventions for teachers and
the VFE for teachers reports results for the VFE in isola- others.
tion [33, 38] and as part of a multiple-therapy approach Findings for the VFE have been more consistent when
[35, 40]. When the VFE have been used as a single-treat- these exercises have been used in conjunction with other
ment approach, results have been somewhat mixed. As treatment modalities. For example, Gillivan-Murphy et
noted, Roy et al. [33] reported robust improvements in al. [40] found significant improvements in the Voice-Re-
VHI scores and self-reported voice change following in- lated Quality of Life scale for teachers who had received
dividual VFE – despite less than perfect clinician confi- a combined group VFE-posture-breathing program in
dence in the administration of the program – in com- conjunction with VH. As important, teachers in the
parison to no VHI change and poorer results for voice VFE-VH-posture-breathing group also obtained signifi-
change following individual VH intervention. Results cant improvements in the emotional subscale of the
in the study by Pasa et al. [38] were essentially 180° out Voice Symptom Scale [44] and significantly greater
of phase with those from Roy et al. Pasa et al. reported knowledge about voice as compared to the control group.
no improvement in voice symptoms, increased self-de- Similarly, Niebudek-Bogusz et al. [35] reported on results
clared phonotraumatic behaviors following group VFE for teachers following combination therapy involving
treatment in comparison to baseline, whereas the same work on breathing, relaxation VFE, and resonant voice
measures improved following a group VH interven- exercises, in addition to VH education – although it
tion. should be noted that treatment was adapted for each par-
One possible explanation for the disparity in results ticipant to meet individual needs. Results showed that
across the studies is that individual VFE treatments may the combination therapy group obtained significant im-
benefit teachers [33], whereas group VFE may be less ef- provement in chronic hoarseness, vocal fatigue, dry
fective. Another possibility is that the studies’ intended throat/cough, aphonia, globus sensation, hyperfunction,

Behavioral Treatment of Voice Disorders Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 17

in Teachers
vocal fold nodules, MPT, voice frequency range, regular- generic form of individual RVT showed a significant re-
ity and amplitude of vocal fold vibration, mucosal wave, duction in mean VHI scores, and also self-rated their
and vocal fold closure following treatment. Subjects in voice symptoms as less severe after as compared to before
that group also reported that their voices were closer to therapy. However, subjects in that group also reported
‘normal’ after treatment as compared to before it. Sub- less benefit from the program as compared to a VA inter-
jects in the VH group did not demonstrate any of those vention, and poorer compliance with the program than
improvements. subjects in VA and RMT groups.
Taken as a whole, the evidence on the VFE suggests Chen et al. [47] conducted a prospective, nonran-
that this program in isolation may have value in the treat- domized study on RVT for teachers, without a control
ment of voice disorders in teachers. However, benefits group. Teachers with at least one voice symptom occur-
may be clearest when the program is delivered using a ring frequently received a group form of RVT modeled
1:1 format when both clinicians and patients receive good after a formal standardized version of it now called Les-
training in the approach. The evidence has been more sac-Madsen Resonant Voice Therapy (LMRVT; early
consistently favorable when the VFE have been used in versions described in Verdolini-Marston et al. [45] and
combination with other treatment approaches. Of course, Verdolini [49]). Results showed significant improve-
interpretation of that evidence is somewhat challenging. ment in a series of auditory-perceptual ratings of voice,
It is unclear what part of the benefits shown in those cas- as well as in visual ratings of vocal fold pathology, mu-
es was due to the VFE versus other aspects of the inter- cosal wave, and amplitude of tissue vibration following
ventions. Appealing in the VFE is the relative simplicity treatment. The only acoustic measure that showed im-
of the approach and the minimal temporal load they im- provement was maximum speaking fundamental fre-
pose on both clinicians (in training) and patients (in im- quency range and speaking intensity range (table 1).
plementation). Similarly, among aerodynamic measures, only phona-
tion threshold pressure improved. For the VHI, only the
Resonant Voice Therapy physical subscale score improved with treatment (ta-
Resonant voice therapy is the generic name used to ble 1). The authors speculated that lack of significant
describe therapies targeting a sensation of ‘forward fo- improvement in some of the foregoing parameters was
cus’, or anterior oral vibrations during easy phonation related to floor effects, as parameter values were close to
[45]. The rationale for this kind of therapy is linked to normal or only ‘mildly’ disrupted at the outset of the
observations that the ‘resonant voice’ phenomenon, de- study, despite participants’ complaints of voice prob-
fined in this way, tends to be associated with barely touch- lems.
ing or barely separated vocal folds, which tend to opti- When used in conjunction with other treatment ap-
mize the relation between voice output intensity (large) proaches, RVT has also appeared useful or at least not
and vocal fold impact intensity (small) [46]. Thus, indi- obviously harmful. Bovo et al. [48] randomized largely
viduals producing resonant voice can achieve fairly good symptomatic teachers into either a nontreatment con-
voice output while at the same time achieving relative trol group or a direct treatment protocol that included
protection from phonotrauma. Moreover, recent data training of abdominal-diaphragmatic breathing ma-
suggest that the characteristic large-amplitude vocal fold neuvers, laryngeal relaxation, circumlaryngeal mas-
oscillations involved in resonant voice may have actual sage, easy onset voicing, Lessac-Based Resonant Voice
reparative value in the reversal of acute if not chronic vo- Therapy (a precursor to LMRVT), and exercises to in-
cal fold injury [Verdolini, unpubl. data]. crease ‘oral opening’. Results of the treatment revealed
The utility of RVT has been evaluated in several stud- a significant improvement, impressively at both 3- and
ies on the treatment of voice problems in teachers. RVT 12-month follow-up compared to baseline – among the
was used as a single-therapy approach in work by Roy et longest-term follow-up data available in the literature
al. [42] and Chen et al. [47]. It was used in combination on teachers – in total VHI scores, jitter, shimmer, MPT,
with other direct and indirect treatment approaches by and clinician-rated global grade of dysphonia, although
Bovo et al. [48] and Niebudek-Bogusz et al. [35]. laryngeal findings did not change. It should be noted
When used as a single-treatment approach, RVT has that VHI scores worsened between 3- and 12-month fol-
appeared successful in reducing voice problems in teach- low-up for the experimental group, but still remained
ers across a series of parameters. In a prospective, ran- better than baseline. In contrast, no robust improve-
domized study by Roy et al. [42], teachers who received a ments were found for any of the parameters at the

18 Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 Ziegler /Gillespie /Verdolini Abbott

3-month follow-up for the control group (12-month trol techniques and voice production. Participants were
data were not available). divided into a group of individuals with characteristics
Similarly, as reported in an earlier section of this of voice disorders (n = 41) and those without voice disor-
paper, Niebudek-Bogusz et al. [35] found that teachers ders (n = 8). Both groups were trained primarily in the
in a treatment group involving VFE and a generic form chant therapy approach. However, they were also in-
of RVT demonstrated significant postintervention im- structed in the yawn-sigh, open-mouth, and chewing fa-
provements in chronic hoarseness, vocal fatigue, dry cilitating approaches [52]. Acoustic analyses of jitter,
throat/cough, aphonia, globus sensation, hyperfunction, shimmer, fundamental frequency and noise-to-harmon-
vocal fold nodules, MPT, voice frequency range, regular- ic ratio, as well as clinician-based audioperceptual mea-
ity and amplitude of vocal fold vibration, normal mucosal surements were evaluated. Results of the intervention re-
wave, and vocal fold closure. Subjects also self-reported vealed significant improvement in both groups in jitter,
that their voices were more ‘normal’ after treatment. As shimmer, and noise-to-harmonic ratio, with the group
for multiple-modality therapies already discussed under with voice disorders exhibiting greater improvement
the rubric of VFE, findings from these studies are diffi- than the group without voice disorders. There were no
cult to interpret in terms of the relative contributions of statistically significant changes in any of the clinician-
RVT versus other forms of therapy. based perceptual measures, although measures for the
In summary, evidence regarding the utility of various group with voice disorders trended more towards im-
forms of RVT for teachers with voice problems indicates provement than measures for the normal control group.
it can help to improve a series of voice-related parameters The authors concluded that based on the results of acous-
when delivered as a single-treatment modality, and is tic analyses, the treatment program improved the voices
helpful or at least not harmful when included as part of a of subjects in both groups, with greater improvement
larger treatment program. Thus far, this pattern of results seen in the group that originally presented with voice
has been obtained for both individual and group thera- disorders.
pies. Ilomaki et al. [39], who cast their study as a ‘preven-
tion’ study, evaluated the effects of a brief VH interven-
Other Approaches tion versus VH plus nonspecific group voice training –
The utility of an RMT intervention for teachers was focusing on ‘economic voice production’ – for teachers
briefly mentioned in a previous section of this paper. To who were vocally functional, but many of whom also re-
recapitulate, in a prospective study, Roy et al. [42] ran- ported at least one symptom of a voice problem. Subjects
domized teachers into a VA group, a resonant therapy who were randomized to the direct treatment group
group and an RMT group, all of whom received individ- showed significant improvements in jitter and shimmer,
ual therapy. Although subjects in the first two groups vocal effort at the end of the working day, and knowledge
showed significant improvement in VHI scores and self- about voice after compared to before intervention. Two
ratings of voice symptoms after compared to before treat- thirds of those subjects also felt their voices had im-
ment, subjects in the RMT group did not show any of proved as a result of treatment, and clinician ratings of
those improvements. Subjects in the RMT group further voice quality also indicated improvement. As noted pre-
indicated weaker benefits from the intervention as com- viously, subjects who received the VH program alone
pared to those in the VA and resonant therapy group. The showed more sparse results, with only 1/3 indicating
RMT group did improve in maximum expiratory pres- their voices had improved with treatment. Paradoxically,
sure. These findings are interesting in light of reports in- the VH group self-reported symptoms actually in-
dicating improvements in a series of voice-related param- creased.
eters after compared to before RMT intervention for Finally, Silverio et al. [14] reported an observational
symptomatic street actors [50]. The authors suggested study without a control group. In that study, teachers
that the respiratory training, which was intense, may were recruited to participate in a ‘vocal experience group’.
have been relevant for the actors due to the large respira- The experience consisted of a mixture of education on
tory demands required by their performance, but was not voice production and voice, vocal hygiene, ergonomic
relevant for teachers whose phonatory demands are less modifications that might benefit voice, and voice warm-
demanding. ups and cooldowns. Results were relatively limited. The
Amir et al. [51] enrolled teachers in a ‘voice course’ only significant difference in voice before compared to
consisting of training on breathing and respiratory con- after intervention was seen in the so-called ‘stress de-

Behavioral Treatment of Voice Disorders Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 19

in Teachers
Table 2. Checklist of items to include
when reporting a randomized trial Section Explanation
(paraphrased from the CONSORT
standards [53, 54]) Title and abstract Methodology for subject-group distribution
Background Rationale for research
Participants Subject inclusion/exclusion, how and where data collected
Interventions Includes specific details of all interventions administered
Objectives Clearly defined objectives and stated hypotheses
Outcomes Includes specifics of outcome measures used, including pertinent de-
tails of clinical training administered, reliability, validity of measures,
Sample size Details sample size establishment
Sequence How the randomization was generated
Allocation How the randomization was enacted, and if the randomization was
concealment exposed prior to the treatment
Implementation Person responsible for all aspects of randomization
Blinding Provides details on whom was blinded (assessors, administrators, par-
ticipants) and how blinding was carried out
Statistical methods Methods used for all analyses
Participant Plan of intervention and data collection for each subject and any varia-
flow tions from the original plan and the rationale for such variations
Recruitment Provide specific enrollment, intervention and follow-up dates
Baseline data Group similarities and differences at baseline
Numbers Number of subjects analyzed per group, ‘intention to treat’ numbers,
analyzed preferably not reported in percentage but in whole number
Outcomes and Effect size, confidence interval (or similar precision measure), and
estimations group results summary for each measure
Ancillary Report all analyses completed including exploratory and adjusted
Adverse Report all adverse events and/or side effects for all groups
Interpretation Include all hypotheses, biases, and false interpretations based on
multiplicity of analysis
Generalizability External validity of the findings
Overall Findings interpreted appropriately in light of evidence gathered

gree’, a rating of vocal strain on a scale measuring the Discussion

degree of dysphonia, hoarseness, breathiness, asthenia,
stress, and instability, in a sustained vowel task and in The studies evaluated in this review represent an en-
spontaneous speech. Although formal measures of self- couraging start to research on treatments for voice prob-
care of voice were not made, the researchers observed lems in teachers. Taken at face value, the following con-
that subjects improved in voice care and displayed in- clusions might be drawn from published studies satisfy-
creased knowledge of how to alter their voice in a teach- ing our search criteria. (1) Both individual and group
ing situation. VH interventions, which are primarily instructional in
nature, may produce some benefits for some aspects of
voice, for some teachers with voice problems. However,

20 Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 Ziegler /Gillespie /Verdolini Abbott

generally, benefits from VH interventions appear poor- ed by them and why. Also with few exceptions, the stud-
er than benefits from actual voice training programs ies provide extremely sparse information about the ac-
with or without VH instructions – although the data tual content of the interventions. Thus, the ability to gen-
generally suggest that VH intervention produces better eralize many of the results is nearly nil, and the ability to
results than no intervention at all for teachers with voice replicate the procedures is similarly poor. In those cases,
problems. Possibly, VH program effects might be en- we have learned preciously little about what may actually
hanced by reducing the number of instructions to sub- help our teacher patients. Exceptions are found with
jects and tailoring instructions to individual subjects. studies using standardized treatments in isolation of oth-
However, that possibility remains speculative at present. er treatments (e.g. VFE, RVT, or LMRVT and its precur-
(2) VA may help to improve teachers’ vocal function, for sors).
teachers who have voice problems. (3) VFE in isolation A second class of problems highlighted by the CON-
appear to produce positive results for teachers with voice SORT statement has to do with measures. Cross-study
problems if therapy is provided in an individual (rather comparisons are made difficult by the lack of consistent
than group) format, and if the teachers’ problems are measures across studies. Some studies have emphasized
more than minimal. As is probably the case for most voice-related quality-of-life measures, whereas others
therapies, good clinician and patient training may be have not. Similarly, the studies have variably included
critical. The VFE program may be a valuable compo- clinical-based perceptual measures, acoustic and aerody-
nent of multiple-approach group therapy as well, al- namic data, and subject self-ratings – or not. Further, al-
though the contribution of VFE, specifically, to the re- most none of the studies have provided information about
sults is difficult to ferret out given existing data. (4) RVT laryngeal status. Thus, our ability to conduct anything
in both generic and specific forms (e.g. LMRVT or its like a meta-analysis of the data, across studies, is practi-
precursors) has generally produced positive results for cally nil at present. Moreover, we know almost nothing
teachers with voice problems, whether delivered as a about the effects of the interventions on actual laryngeal
single-treatment modality or part of a larger treatment health.
package. A caveat reported in one study is that compli- A third concern, also pertinent to measures, is that
ance was poorer with RVT than with VA or RMT [42]. information about the reliability and validity of the mea-
However, particular compliance problems for RVT have sures is generally lacking in the literature, and even single
not been noted in other studies, especially in studies in- blinding has generally been ignored or not reported. Fi-
volving LMRVT, which is specifically constructed to nally, long-term follow-up data on the treatments’ effects
offset them [Verdolini et al., in preparation]. (5) Al- are generally lacking in the literature.
though RMT has shown benefits for street actors whose We are thus both encouraged by the recent increase in
jobs demand ‘extreme phonation’ [50], similar benefits the number of reports on interventions for voice prob-
were not shown for teachers with voice problems but lems in teachers, and also motivated to improve the qual-
smaller vocal demands. ity of the research in future efforts. Suggestions for future
It is tempting to leave the discussion of the results at research directions are provided to conclude this article.
that. However, taken both individually and as a whole,
the studies also present a series of limitations that are Future Research Directions
cause for caution. First, none of the articles fully adheres The foregoing comments highlight needs to be consid-
to what are often considered the ‘gold standard’ for clin- ered in future research on the treatment of voice prob-
ical studies, as for example reflected by the CONSORT lems in teachers. At the most general level, it would seem
statement (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials; to be a good idea to follow CONSORT or other accepted
e.g. [53, 54]), standards in study designs and reporting. Among stan-
which lists 22 standards against which to evaluate clinical dards that have been most lacking in studies thus far are
studies. A paraphrase of the standards is shown in table 2. (1) detailed description of the interventions, and ideally
In this discussion, we would like to focus on three param- also their rationale; (2) the use of a consistent corpus of
eters related to methods, in particular. The first param- measures across studies, at least in part to allow for cross-
eter has to do with the interventions, their rationale, and study comparisons; (3) the inclusion of laryngeal mea-
especially their details. With few exceptions, the pub- sures in particular, to allow for evaluation of the interven-
lished studies fail to provide a specific rationale for the tions’ effects on laryngeal health; (3) at least single blind-
approaches taken, and which measures should be affect- ing of measures; (4) information about the measures’ re-

Behavioral Treatment of Voice Disorders Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 21

in Teachers
liability and validity, and (5) long-term follow-up data. We Acknowledgements
are hopeful that these approaches will help to improve the
This paper was partly supported by grant No. R01 DC005643
quality of data on behavioral treatments for voice prob- from the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communica-
lems in teachers, and ultimately, improve treatment out- tion Disorders, to Dr. Katherine Verdolini Abbott (Principal In-
comes themselves. vestigator) and colleagues.

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Behavioral Treatment of Voice Disorders Folia Phoniatr Logop 2010;62:9–23 23

in Teachers
Copyright: S. Karger AG, Basel 2010. Reproduced with the permission of S. Karger AG, Basel. Further
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