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Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015) -, -e-

Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs

with patent ductus arteriosus*
Brian A. Scansen, DVM, MS a,*, Elaine M. Simpson, DVM a,h,
Jordi López-Alvarez, LltVet, MRCVS b,c,
William P. Thomas, DVM d, Janice M. Bright, BSN, MS, DVM e,
Bryan D. Eason, DVM f, John E. Rush, DVM, MS g,
Joanna Dukes-McEwan, BVMS, MVM, PhD, MRCVS b,
Henry W. Green III, DVM f, Suzanne M. Cunningham, DVM g,
Lance C. Visser, DVM, MS a,i, Agnieszka M. Kent, DVM, MS a,j,
Karsten E. Schober, DVM, PhD a
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, The Ohio State University College of
Veterinary Medicine, Columbus, OH, USA
Small Animal Teaching Hospital, School of Veterinary Science, University of Liverpool,
Leahurst, Chester High Road, Neston, Cheshire, UK
Department of Clinical Science and Services, Royal Veterinary College, London, UK
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of
California-Davis, Davis, CA, USA
Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical
Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences and the Veterinary Teaching Hospital,
College of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
Department of Clinical Sciences, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts
University, North Grafton, MA, USA

Received 12 September 2014; received in revised form 4 December 2014; accepted 5 December 2014

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* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (B.A. Scansen).
Dr. Simpson’s current address is: Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA.
Dr. Visser’s current address is: Department of Medicine & Epidemiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California-
Davis, Davis, CA, USA.
Dr. Kent’s current address is: Newtown Veterinary Specialists, Newtown, CT, USA.
1760-2734/ª 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
2 B.A. Scansen et al.

KEYWORDS Abstract Objectives: To describe a series of dogs with pulmonary artery dissec-
Angiography; tion and patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).
Canine; Animals: Eight dogs.
Congenital heart dis- Methods: Retrospective case series.
ease; Results: Pulmonary artery dissection was diagnosed in 8 dogs, 3 were Weimaraners.
Echocardiography Four dogs presented in left-sided congestive heart failure, 4 presented for murmur
evaluation and without clinical signs, and 1 presented in right-sided congestive
heart failure. In 7 dogs the dissection was first documented concurrent with a diag-
nosis of uncorrected PDA. In the other dog, with pulmonary valve stenosis and PDA,
the dissection was observed on autopsy examination 17 months after balloon pul-
monary valvuloplasty and ductal closure. Median age at presentation for the 7 dogs
with antemortem diagnosis of pulmonary artery dissection was 3.5 years (range,
1.5e4 years). Three dogs had the PDA surgically ligated, 2 dogs did not undergo
PDA closure, 1 dog failed transcatheter occlusion of the PDA with subsequent sur-
gical ligation, 1 dog underwent successful transcatheter device occlusion of the
PDA, and 1 dog had the PDA closed by transcatheter coil delivery 17 months prior
to the diagnosis of pulmonary artery dissection. The 2 dogs that did not have the
PDA closed died 1 and 3 years after diagnosis due to heart failure.
Conclusions: Pulmonary artery dissection is a potential complication of PDA in dogs,
the Weimaraner breed may be at increased risk, presentation is often in mature
dogs, and closure of the PDA can be performed and appears to improve outcome.
ª 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

causes (cardiac catheterization or angiography),

Abbreviations infection, inflammatory disease, or Marfan’s syn-
drome have also been described as potential etiol-
ACDO Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder ogies.8,9 Three prior descriptions of pulmonary
PDA patent ductus arteriosus artery dissection in the dog have all been associated
RVp right ventricular pressure with concurrent aortic dissection.6,10,11 Recently, a
pulmonary artery dissection was appreciated in a
dog with an anomalous vessel between the ascending
Introduction aorta and main pulmonary artery.12 The aim of this
case series is to describe pulmonary artery dissection
Dissection of an elastic artery, such as the aorta or in 8 dogs, each with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA).
pulmonary artery, is defined as a tear in the tunica
intima and subsequent infiltration of blood into the
vessel wall, resulting in separation of tunica intima Animals, materials and methods
from the tunica media.1 The incidence of aortic
dissection in people is reported as 3e5 per 100,000 Case records from 8 dogs with echocardiographic,
humans in western countries, with chronic hyper- angiographic, or autopsy diagnoses of pulmonary
tension representing the underlying cause in w75% artery dissection were retrospectively reviewed from
of cases.1 In small animal medicine, sporadic case 7 different veterinary hospitals throughout the Uni-
reports exist of aortic dissection in hypertensive ted States and United Kingdom. Case details, imaging
cats,2,3 2 dogs suspected to have elastin dyspla- findings, treatment attempted, and outcome (if
sia,4 an older dog with an aortic aneurysm,5 and in available) were compiled for all dogs (Table 1).
a dog secondary to tumor infiltration.6
In humans, pulmonary artery dissections appear
to be rarer than aortic dissections. Fewer than 100
human cases of pulmonary artery dissection have
been described, with most diagnosed post-
mortem.7,8 Pulmonary artery dissections in people Signalment and clinical presentation
result from chronic pulmonary hypertension in
nearly all reported cases (either primary or secon- The signalment and clinical details for the 8 cases
dary to congenital heart disease) although iatrogenic of this report are listed in Table 1. All of the dogs

Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
Table 1 Case information from 8 dogs with pulmonary artery dissection and patent ductus arteriosus.

Pulmonary artery dissection in dogs

Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,

Case number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Breed Boston Terrier Weimaraner Shih Tzu Weimaraner Mixed breed Weimaraner Bearded Collie Cavalier King
Charles spaniel
Gender Male castrated Male castrated Female spayed Male intact Female spayed Female spayed Female spayed Male intact
Age at 4 3.5 1.5 3.5 2.5 4 3 0.4; PA
presentation dissection
(years) diagnosed at 1.8
years of age
Weight (kg) 10.9 43.3 4 33.5 15.2 23.2 16.7 4.6
Presenting Murmur Labored Labored Labored Ascites Lethargy; Murmur Murmur
complaint evaluation breathing breathing breathing murmur evaluation evaluation
Auscultation Grade IV/VI left Grade V/VI left Grade V/VI left Grade V/VI left Grade III/VI left Grade IV/VI left Grade IV/VI left Grade V/VI left
basilar basilar basilar basilar basilar systolic basilar basilar basilar
continuous continuous continuous continuous murmur continuous continuous continuous
murmur, Grade murmur; S3 murmur murmur murmur murmur murmur
III/VI systolic gallop
Femoral pulse Hyperkinetic Hyperkinetic Hyperkinetic Hyperkinetic Hyperkinetic Hyperkinetic Hyperkinetic Hyperkinetic
performed cardiac cath cardiac cath cardiac cath cardiac cath, cardiac cath cardiac cath cardiac cath
Additional Overcirculation L-CHF L-CHF L-CHF ReCHF; None
Pulmonary Pulmonary valve
findings of right lung hypovascularity hypertension stenosis (severe)
lobes on TXR of left lung lobes (estimated 61/
41 mmHg)
Therapy None Transcatheter Surgical ligation Surgical ligation Transcatheter Surgical ligation None Transcatheter
attempted ACDO failed; ACDO placed coil; balloon
surgical ligation pulmonary
successful valvuloplasty
Outcome Euthanized for Resolution of LV No PDA flow Alive, no ReCHF resolved Resolution of LV Euthanized for Died suddenly at
L-CHF 3 years volume overload noted post- symptoms 4 with ACDO and volume overload ReCHF 1 year home 17 months
after diagnosis after ligation; operatively; lost years after medical after ligation; after diagnosis after diagnosis;
alive and to follow-up surgery therapy; alive asymptomatic 1 PA dissection
without and without year after noted on
symptoms 4 symptoms 4 diagnosis; lost to autopsy
years after months after further follow-
surgery diagnosis up
ACDO ¼ Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder; Cath ¼ catheterization; CTA ¼ computed tomography angiography; L-CHF ¼ left-sided congestive heart failure; LV ¼ left ventricle;
PA ¼ pulmonary artery; PDA ¼ patent ductus arteriosus; ReCHF ¼ right-sided congestive heart failure; TEE ¼ tranesophageal echocardiography; TTE ¼ transthoracic echocardiography;

TXR ¼ thoracic radiographs.
4 B.A. Scansen et al.

presented in this report were young to middle age. Echocardiographic studies

The 7 dogs diagnosed with pulmonary artery dis-
section at the time of presentation had a median Transthoracic echocardiography revealed the
age of 3.5 years, ranging from 1.5 to 4 years in age. presence of a left-to-right shunting PDA in all dogs,
Breeds affected included 3 Weimaraners, and 1 except for case 5 in which the PDA was diagnosed
each of Boston terrier, Shih Tzu, Bearded Collie, during diagnostic catheterization. In each of the 7
Cavalier King Charles spaniel, and mixed breed. dogs with antemortem diagnosis of pulmonary
Reasons for cardiac evaluation were respiratory artery dissection, turbulent flow was noted to
signs secondary to left-sided congestive heart enter the main pulmonary artery, but not reach
failure (cases 2, 3, 4) or murmur evaluation (cases the pulmonary valve due to a dissecting membrane
1, 6, 7, 8). One dog presented for evaluation of and aneurysmal false lumen (Fig. 2; Video 1). In
ascites and right-sided congestive heart failure cases 1 through 7, the membrane resulted in a
(case 5). The gender distribution was equal, with 4 variable degree of supravalvular pulmonary
male and 4 female. stenosis, which in case 5 resulted in right ven-
Cardiac auscultation revealed a continuous tricular hypertrophy, septal flattening, right atrial
heart murmur at the left base in all cases, except dilation, and the presenting clinical signs of right-
the dog in right heart failure (case 5), which sided congestive heart failure. Antegrade flow
presented with a systolic left basilar heart mur- through the true lumen of the main pulmonary
mur. In all dogs the femoral pulse quality was artery into the branch pulmonary arteries was
hyperkinetic. variably obstructed, preferentially directed
toward the right branch pulmonary artery due to
Thoracic radiography the dissecting membrane (Fig. 2, Video 1). In case
8, the presenting echocardiogram did not identify
Thoracic radiographs were performed in all cases, a dissecting membrane, rather, this dog was diag-
revealing left heart enlargement, pulmonary over nosed with pulmonary valve stenosis characterized
circulation, and dilation of the main pulmonary by a thickened, doming, and fused valve with a
artery segment. In 2 cases (cases 1 and 5), hypo- peak instantaneous systolic pressure gradient
perfusion of the left lung lobes was suspected with across the pulmonary valve of 150 mmHg. Color
increased perfusion to the right lung (Fig. 1). Pul- flow and spectral Doppler were not suggestive of
monary edema secondary to left-sided congestive pulmonary hypertension except in case 7, with
heart failure was noted in 3 cases (cases 2, 3, 4). peak tricuspid regurgitation velocity estimating a

Figure 1 Right lateral (A) and ventrodorsal (B) thoracic radiographs from a 4-year-old Boston terrier (case 1) with
pulmonary artery dissection. Note the mild left atrial enlargement, prominence of the aortic isthmus (arrow), and
increased vascularity of the right lung as compared to the left.

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Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
Pulmonary artery dissection in dogs 5

Figure 2 Right parasternal short axis echocardiographic images from 4 dogs with pulmonary artery dissection. The
dissecting membrane is shown by the arrow (A, C, E, F). Panels A & B: Gray scale (A) and color Doppler (B) images from
a 4-year-old Boston terrier (case 1) showing laminar flow (blue) across the pulmonary valve and left-to-right turbulent
flow (green) from the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) entering the false lumen of the pulmonary artery dissection.
Panels C & D: Gray scale (C) and color Doppler (D) images from a 3-year-old Bearded Collie (case 7) showing laminar
flow (blue) within the true lumen of the pulmonary artery and turbulent left-to-right flow (red-green) from the PDA
entering the false lumen of the pulmonary artery dissection. Panel E: Gray scale image from a 1.5-year-old Shih Tzu
(case 3) showing a large aneurysmal false lumen (FL) nearly obstructing the true lumen of the pulmonary artery. Panel
F: Gray scale image from a 2.5-year-old mixed breed dog (case 5) with pulmonary artery dissection after placement of
an Amplatz Canine Duct Occluder (arrowhead) into the ductal ampulla with the pulmonary artery disc within the
false lumen of the pulmonary artery. Ao ¼ aortic valve; PV ¼ pulmonary valve.

Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
6 B.A. Scansen et al.

systolic right ventricular pressure (RVp) of at least pulmonary artery was visualized and was of normal
61 mmHg and end-diastolic pulmonary insuffi- size, though no flow from the ductus entered the
ciency velocity estimating a diastolic pulmonary left pulmonary artery due to the dissecting mem-
arterial pressure of 41 mmHg. Case 7 lived at an brane. No tapering of the PDA at the pulmonary
altitude of 4984 feet, which may have contributed ostium could be appreciated.
to the development of pulmonary hypertension in
this dog. Surgery
Transesophageal echocardiography was per-
formed in 3 dogs (cases 1, 2, 3), which confirmed Cases 3, 4, and 6 underwent PDA ligation through a
the ductal anatomy, dissecting membrane, and standard left lateral thoracotomy following diag-
aneurysmal false lumen (Video 2). nostic catheterization. Case 2 also underwent
surgical ligation of the PDA following embolization
Cardiac catheterization and angiography of the ACDO, which was left at the embolized
location within the right branch pulmonary artery.
Cardiac catheterization and angiography were Cases 1 and 7 did not have definitive therapy for
performed in all but 1 dog (case 7). Contrast the PDA attempted and were managed medically
injections in the descending aorta confirmed duc- after diagnosis of the pulmonary artery dissection.
tal flow entering the false lumen created by the
dissecting membrane in cases 1 through 5 (Fig. 3, Follow-up
Video 3). Right ventricular selective angiography
was performed in cases 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, showing a The PDA was successfully closed in all dogs, except
narrowing of the contrast stream in the main pul- cases 1 and 7. No perioperative complications from
monary artery and around the pulmonary dis- the dissection were observed, with the exception of
section (Fig. 3, Video 3). A mild increase in systolic the device embolization in case 2. Case 1 was
RVp consistent with supravalvular stenosis was euthanized 3 years after diagnosis for left-sided
reported in case 1 (systolic RVp ¼ 37 mmHg) and congestive heart failure, following treatment with
case 4 (systolic RVp ¼ 35 mmHg). An Amplatz furosemide and enalapril by the referring veter-
Canine Duct Occluder (ACDO) was successfully inarian. Case 2 had mild mitral insufficiency, trace
placed within the ductus of case 5, having the tricuspid insufficiency, mild pulmonary insuffi-
pulmonary artery disc deployed within the pul- ciency, and mild obstruction of the left pulmonary
monary artery false lumen, resulting in resolution artery secondary to the dissecting membrane
of ductal flow (Videos 3 and 4). Transcatheter reported on echocardiography 1 month after surgi-
closure of case 2 with an ACDO was attempted, cal ligation with no residual flow through the ductus.
with deployment of the pulmonary arterial disc The dog remains alive and without clinical signs of
within the true lumen of the pulmonary artery in heart disease 4 years after surgery. Case 3 had mild
an attempt to pull the dissecting membrane flow turbulence in the main pulmonary artery
adjacent to the PDA ostium. Upon release, the around the dissecting membrane on post-operative
ACDO embolized to the right pulmonary artery. echocardiography the day after surgery, but no flow
Case 8, the dog with PDA and pulmonary valve through the PDA was appreciated and the dog was
stenosis, underwent PDA occlusion with a Gian- then lost to follow-up. Case 4 was tapered off all
turco stainless steel coil after balloon pulmonary cardiac medications and the dissecting membrane
valvuloplasty. was challenging to visualize on echocardiography 1
Computed tomography angiography was per- month post-operatively. Case 4 was alive and
formed in case 4 to further characterize the asymptomatic 4 years after surgical ligation of the
anatomy of the branch pulmonary arteries as PDA. Case 5 had no residual flow through the PDA,
asymmetric size was noted on angiography with the membrane appeared torn and mobile, and a 60%
the right pulmonary artery substantially larger reduction in the flow velocity across the supra-
than the left (Fig. 4). Non-selective bolus-tracking valvular stenosis was noted on repeat echo-
computed tomography through the great vessels cardiography 1 month after ACDO implantation
revealed a severely dilated right pulmonary artery (Video 4). Case 5 had resolution of clinical signs
and a membrane that separated the main pulmo- associated with right-sided heart failure and was
nary artery longitudinally. The PDA was in a normal receiving furosemide and enalapril 4 months after
position, but entered the false lumen of the main PDA occlusion. Case 6 was rechecked 1 year after
pulmonary artery, prior to flow exiting preferen- PDA ligation and was asymptomatic. Echocardiog-
tially toward the right pulmonary artery. The left raphy showed that the dissection was still present,

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Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
Pulmonary artery dissection in dogs 7

Figure 3 Angiography from 2 dogs with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and pulmonary artery dissection. Panels A &
B: Aortic (A) and right ventricular (B) angiography from a 4-year-old Boston terrier (case 1) showing ductal flow into
the false lumen (FL), not reaching the pulmonary valve (PV). The FL is seen as a filling defect during right ventricular
(RV) injection at the cranial aspect of the pulmonary artery, which narrows the true lumen (TL) of the pulmonary
artery distal to the PV. A marker pigtail catheter is present in the esophagus to allow for calibrated measurements.
Panels C & D: Similar findings in a 1.5-year-old Shih Tzu (case 3), with a larger FL and more narrowed TL creating
supravalvular pulmonary stenosis.

though it was no longer causing right ventricular flow observed and a peak instantaneous systolic
outflow tract obstruction. There was no residual pressure gradient across the pulmonary valve of
flow through the PDA following surgical ligation and 50 mmHg. A second recheck exam 10 months after
the dog was lost to follow-up after this visit. Case 7 catheterization showed a peak instantaneous sys-
was euthanized 1 year after diagnosis because of tolic pressure gradient across the pulmonary valve
severe right-sided heart failure. Case 8 was of 26 mmHg. The dog then died suddenly at home 17
rechecked 1 month after balloon pulmonary valvu- months after cardiac catheterization. The dog had
loplasty and PDA occlusion, with no residual PDA no signs of heart disease at the time of death.

Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
8 B.A. Scansen et al.

Figure 4 Computed tomography angiography images from a 3.5-year-old Weimaraner (case 4) with pulmonary
artery dissection and a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Axial images in the transverse plane during peak arterial
opacification progress from cranial (A) to caudal (C) through the pulmonary artery. Both the ascending aorta (AAo) and
descending aorta (DAo) are opacified and contrast enters the false lumen (FL) of the dissection through PDA with flow
preferentially directed to the right pulmonary artery (RPA). The true lumen of the main pulmonary artery (MPA) is
seen above the pulmonary valve (PV and arrow) and flow from the right ventricle is directed preferentially through the
true lumen of the MPA to the left pulmonary artery (LPA). The dissecting membrane is shown in panels A and B by

Autopsy findings The main pulmonary artery was severely dilated

and, when opened, a rent in the endothelium was
Postmortem evaluation of case 7 was performed present and the tunica intima was circumferentially
after the dog was euthanized for severe right-sided separated from the tunica media (Fig. 5A). The
congestive heart failure. A large PDA was visible. pulmonary artery dissection extended from the

Figure 5 Gross pathologic images from 2 dogs with pulmonary artery dissection. Panel A is from a 4-year-old
Bearded Collie examined after euthanasia for right-sided heart failure. The main pulmonary artery and right ventricle
(RV) are dilated and a dissecting membrane (arrowheads) is seen within the main pulmonary artery, separating the
lumen in two with a false lumen (FL) seen at the cranial aspect. The ostium (arrow) of a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
is seen entering the FL of the pulmonary artery dissection. Similar findings are seen in panel B from a 1.8-year-old
Cavalier King Charles spaniel examined after sudden death. A thickened and dysplastic pulmonary valve (PV) in this
dog was consistent with the antemortem diagnosis of pulmonary valve stenosis.

Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
Pulmonary artery dissection in dogs 9

sinotubular junction of the pulmonary valve been associated with chronic pulmonary hyper-
throughout the length of the main pulmonary artery tension or saccular aneursyms of the pulmonary
and into the left branch pulmonary artery. A long artery.7,8 As in all dogs of this report, the site of the
circumferential rent in the endothelium was also dissection in 80% of human cases is the main pul-
found in the descending aorta, traversing the PDA monary artery.7 Congenital heart disease accounts
and extending the length of the thoracic aorta. for roughly half of all reported human cases of
There was no evidence of aortic or pulmonary pulmonary artery dissection,7,8 though in nearly all
arterial rupture. Lung histopathology revealed cases severe pulmonary hypertension (e.g., Eisen-
changes indicative of pulmonary vascular damage menger’s physiology) is speculated as the under-
from chronic over-perfusion including pulmonary lying cause of the dissection. Congenital heart
muscular and elastic arteries that were thickened diseases reported with pulmonary artery dissection
by marked medial hypertrophy, intimal fibrosis, and include PDA,13e20 aortopulmonary window,21 dou-
concentric elastosis. Histopathologic pulmonary ble outlet right ventricle,22 atrial septal defect,23
changes secondary to chronic left-sided congestive and ventricular septal defect.24e26 Consequences
heart failure were also noted. Cystic medial of pulmonary artery dissection in people involve
degeneration with proteoglycan deposits separat- rupture and bleeding into the pericardial space;
ing and disrupting the elastin fibers were seen on however, bleeding into the lungs, mediastinum, or
histopathologic examination of the aorta. Similar pleural space has been reported.8,27
findings were seen in the main pulmonary artery. The pathophysiology of pulmonary artery dis-
Postmortem evaluation of case 8 was performed section is not fully elucidated. It is thought that
following sudden death and revealed concentric dilation of the pulmonary artery, typically due to
hypertrophy of the right ventricular wall with a pulmonary hypertension in people, results in
thickened and dysplastic pulmonary valve. The medial degeneration and fragmentation of the
free edges of the mitral valve were mildly thick- elastic fibers with subsequent weakening of the
ened and there was a small PDA present with the vessel wall.7,28 As degeneration and fragmentation
coil still in the proper position in the ductal progress, the vessel wall weakens and the
ampulla with fibrous closure of the pulmonary increased pulmonary artery pressure and sheer
ductal ostium. There was moderate pulmonary stress on the vessel wall result in intimal tearing
artery dilation and the vessel was separated into and dissection. Blood then separates the tunica
two layers directly adjacent to the PDA and distal intima from the tunica media, creating a dissecting
to the pulmonary valve, creating a false lumen and membrane and predisposing to a complete tear in
consistent with a pulmonary artery dissection. the vessel wall.7 While aortic dissection often
There was a small 2 mm  2 mm circular tear in leads to separation of the tunica intima from the
the tunica intima of the pulmonary artery directly tunica media and propagation of the dissection
adjacent to where the ductal ampulla entered the along the aortic length, the thin wall of the pul-
main pulmonary artery. The false lumen extended monary artery in people appears less likely to
from this tear towards the pulmonary valve and dissect with an intimal flap and more likely to
circumferentially around the main pulmonary, rupture, increasing the mortality risk for pulmo-
encompassing 30% of the vessel circumference. nary artery dissections.21
The dissecting aneurysm in the main pulmonary Pulmonary artery dissection is a rare finding in
artery was not ruptured and there was no evidence veterinary medicine. Aortic rupture and dissection
of hemorrhage at the site of the dissection with extension to the pulmonary artery has been
(Fig. 5B). There was no evidence that the pulmo- described in several horses, particularly of Friesian
nary artery dissection was the cause of death on ancestry.29,30 Pulmonary artery dissection and
postmortem examination. Lung sections revealed rupture has also been reported in cattle with
moderate diffuse alveolar histiocytosis with mod- fibrillin deficiency and a syndrome comparable to
erate pulmonary edema. A cause of death was not the human Marfan syndrome.31
identified, but was speculated to be a fatal The authors are aware of 4 cases reported in the
arrhythmia. literature describing pulmonary artery dissections
in dogs.6,10e12 In the first 3 cases, the pulmonary
artery dissection was associated with a concurrent
Discussion aortic dissection either traversing a PDA,10 spanning
the ligamentum arteriosum,11 or communicating in
This case series describes 8 dogs with pulmonary an uncertain location.6 In the most recent report,
artery dissection, all in association with PDA. Most the pulmonary artery dissection was associated
human cases of pulmonary artery dissection have with an anomalous vessel between the ascending

Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
10 B.A. Scansen et al.

aorta and main pulmonary artery, the embryology pulmonary artery, as well as the pulmonary artery
of which was uncertain.12 dissection, which closely parallels the condition
In the prior case of pulmonary artery dissection described in the dogs of our series, albeit from an
with PDA, the dissection was speculated to origi- anomalous vessel and not a PDA. In contrast to our
nate in the aorta and traversed the PDA into the series, this dog was 1 year of age at the time of
main pulmonary artery.10 Given the cases descri- presentation.
bed here, we speculate that the dissection The dogs described in this report (excluding
described in this prior report may have instead case 8 which did not have a dissection at pre-
originated in the pulmonary artery and propagated sentation) presented at a mature age for PDA
across the PDA to the aorta. The dog presented in evaluation, with a median age of 3.5 years. This is
right heart failure secondary to the supravalvular in contrast to the typical age at presentation for
pulmonary stenosis resulting from the dissecting dogs with PDA, reported as a median age of 5
membrane, similar to case 5 of this report, and the months in a series of 520 cases.32 Sufficient time
diagnosis of aortic and pulmonary artery dissection may be necessary for the pulmonary artery to
was made by echocardiographic and postmortem dilate or undergo degenerative changes in the wall
examination.10 Similar to the cases reported here, to result in dissection. Although speculative, the
the dog of the prior report describing PDA and dissections observed in these dogs likely occurred
pulmonary artery dissection presented at 3 years secondary to the high velocity PDA flow, secondary
of age for labored breathing.10 pulmonary artery aneurysm, and the increased
The second case reported was an iatrogenic shear stress on the pulmonary arterial wall for
pulmonary artery dissection that occurred during months to years. There was also a difference in sex
cardiac catheterization.11 The dissection occurred predilection in this series (equal number of male
after resistance was felt upon advancement of an and female dogs affected) when compared to large
aortic catheter and resulted in the dog dying sud- series of dogs with PDA where the proportion of
denly during the procedure. On autopsy, the dis- female to male was nearly 3:1.32 It is unknown if
section extended from the intima of the aortic males carry a greater risk for pulmonary artery
arch to the pulmonary artery via the ligamentum dissection or if the numbers in this series are too
arteriosum. small to adequately reflect a sex bias. Three of the
The third case involved a dog with an obstruc- dogs in this series were Weimaraners, a breed not
tive chondrosarcoma of the aortic arch in which commonly associated with PDA,32 suggesting an
multiple tears in the aortic intima were appre- increased risk for pulmonary artery dissection in
ciated, as well as a periaortic hematoma that the breed.
compressed the right pulmonary artery.6 An inti- In human medicine, pulmonary artery dis-
mal tear was identified in the main pulmonary sections are usually fatal and present as cardio-
artery, though communication to the aortic dis- genic shock or sudden death.7,8 In a literature
section could not be located.6 survey of pulmonary artery dissections, 63 human
In the dogs reported here, aortic dissections cases were described, though only 8 were diag-
were not apparent by echocardiography, conven- nosed antemortem.7
tional angiography, or computed tomography In contrast, only case 8 was associated with
angiography. However, case 7 did have evidence of sudden death in this series and the cause of death in
aortic dissection on autopsy evaluation, which had that dog could not be directly related to the dis-
not been appreciated on echocardiographic stud- section, as no rupture was apparent. This contrast
ies performed antemortem. Without postmortem may reflect the different etiologies of pulmonary
evaluation of all cases, the occurrence of aortic artery dissection in humans versus dogs. While
dissection with pulmonary artery dissection in nearly all people with pulmonary artery dissection
these dogs is unknown. have chronic pulmonary hypertension,7,8 this find-
The most recent report of pulmonary artery ing was only apparent in 1 of the dogs of this report.
dissection occurred in a young dog that presented Aneurysmal dilatation of the pulmonary artery
in left-sided congestive heart failure, comparable associated with PDA in these dogs may have been
to cases 2, 3 and 4 in this series.12 The dog was sufficient to dissect the arterial wall, but both
diagnosed with a congenital vascular anomaly and elevated pulmonary arterial pressure and secon-
the pulmonary artery dissection was observed on dary degenerative cystic wall changes may be
computed tomography and selective fluoroscopic necessary to ultimately result in arterial rupture.
angiography. This recent report utilized computed Aneurysmal dilatation of the main pulmonary artery
tomography and magnetic resonance angiography has been associated with PDA in people, though is
to characterize aneurysmal dilatation of the main reported to occur in only 15% of humans with

Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
Pulmonary artery dissection in dogs 11

uncorrected PDA.9 While aneurysmal pulmonary suggests that ductal closure should be advised in
artery dilatation associated with PDA has pro- similar cases to reduce the risk of future compli-
gressed to pulmonary artery dissection in people, cations and heart failure. Surgical ligation had the
all cases had severe pulmonary hypertension sec- highest success, though the result of case 5 sug-
ondary to uncorrected PDA,13e20,22 which is in gests that transcatheter closure of the PDA with an
contrast to most of the dogs reported here. ACDO can also be accomplished in the setting of
Case 8 is unique in that pulmonary artery dis- pulmonary artery dissection.
section was not documented prior to sudden death
and autopsy evaluation. While it is possible that
the dissection was present at the time of cathe- Conclusions
terization, a review of the echocardiographic and
angiographic images failed to find any evidence of Pulmonary artery dissection should be considered
a dissecting membrane at that time or in the a potential complication of uncorrected PDA in the
follow-up period. It appears more likely that the dog. Dogs with this complication present at a
dissection occurred later in life, perhaps as a mature age and older than the typical dog diag-
result of the chronic pulmonary artery aneurysm nosed with PDA. While only 8 cases are described,
that remained after PDA closure and balloon pul- the proportion of Weimaraners in this sample
monary valvuloplasty. The cranial aspect of the suggests that this breed may be at increased risk
pulmonary artery was presumably weakened in for this complication. The dogs that underwent
this dog from PDA flow, as the dissection was surgical or transcatheter closure of their PDA did
localized immediately opposite the prior ductal well post-operatively; though care should be taken
ostium. It is also possible, however, that the dis- when deploying an ACDO into this anatomical
section was created iatrogenically during the structure given the risk for embolization. The dogs
catheterization procedure, either from trauma to in this report that had the PDA closed remained
the arterial wall from guidewire or catheter pas- clinically unaffected by their pulmonary dis-
sage or from balloon inflation during pulmonary sections for years, which is in contrast to human
valvuloplasty. Iatrogenic trauma to the pulmonary reports of pulmonary artery dissection in which
arterial wall resulting in hemorrhage, dissection, rupture is common. However, the 2 dogs that did
or rupture has been reported during pulmonary not undergo PDA closure died from complications
artery catheterization in people, most often dur- related to their primary heart condition, and clo-
ing placement of a Swan-Ganz catheter for sure of the PDA under such circumstances is
hemodynamic monitoring.33e35 Pulmonary artery therefore advised. Last, pulmonary dissection was
dissection secondary to balloon pulmonary valvu- diagnosed 17 months after PDA closure in 1 dog,
loplasty has also been reported in a child, which and it remains uncertain if this was a result of
was not diagnosed until 11 years after the proce- iatrogenic trauma or a consequence of pulmonary
dure was performed.36 artery aneurysm and reduced vessel integrity from
The 2 dogs that did not have their PDA occluded prior ductal flow.
were euthanized due to progressive cardiac dis-
ease and left-sided (case 1) or right-sided (case 7)
congestive heart failure. Importantly, case 1 indi- Conflict of interest
cates that progression of this syndrome may be
consistent with pulmonary over circulation and The authors declare no conflict of interest.
left-sided volume overload as seen in uncorrected
PDA.32 Alternatively, case 7 indicates that signs of
right-sided congestive heart failure may develop in Acknowledgments
this condition comparable to dogs with pulmonary
hypertension from other causes of increased vas- The authors wish to thank J. Fraser McConnell
cular resistance.37 However, right-sided congestive BVMS, MRCVS for assistance during the acquisition
heart failure may also develop in this condition of, as well as Thomas Maddox BVSc, PhD, MRCVS
secondary to supravalvular pulmonary artery for his help retrieving the archived images of the
obstruction as seen in case 5 and comparable to computed tomography angiography of case 4. The
other causes of acquired pulmonary artery stenosis authors gratefully acknowledge Greta M. Krafsur
in dogs.38 Although follow-up was not available for DVM, MS and Paula A. Schaffer DVM, MS for pro-
all dogs, the outcomes for cases 1 and 7 are in viding the postmortem description and photograph
contrast to the other cases with successful closure for case 7. Finally, the authors acknowledge Barret
and resolution of heart failure. This difference J. Bulmer DVM, MS for clinical contributions to

Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),
12 B.A. Scansen et al.

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Please cite this article in press as: Scansen BA, et al., Pulmonary artery dissection in eight dogs with patent ductus arteriosus,
Journal of Veterinary Cardiology (2015),

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