Preguntas Inglés Parte 4

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2. Are you eager to improve your English at the moment?

Yes, I am eager to improve my English, because I consider that I still have a lot to learn.
Among the things I need to improve the most is my pronunciation.

3. Would you be interested in studying a degree in languages?

I am not interested in a degree in languages, because learning languages is something
that is very difficult for me and is too stressful for me, I prefer to study something
different, but I must say that I would like to learn a little more English as it is important.

4. Do you have an interesting job or is it boring?

Currently I do not work, I am a student of the Electronics and Automation career. This
race is very interesting and fun, so in the future I would like to work on this.

5. Do you ever cry about things that you hate doing?

Yes, I have cried for things that I do not like to do, because I do not like them, I do not
usually do them well and that is frustrating. Although I must say that this has happened
to me a few times since I avoid doing that kind of thing.

i. Health
1. Are you good at doing sport or do you only do it for fun?
I consider that I am very good at sports, I really like running, exercising at home and
when I have more time to go to the gym. In school I used to do very well in physical
education, and I have also participated in various athletic competitions.

2. What is your favorite sport and why?

My favorite sport is soccer, because it is one of the most beautiful sports there is, since
it makes you experience an incredible emotion. Also, dominating a soccer ball can often
seem like magic and that is what I love about this sport.

3. Have you ever tried a dangerous sport?

I have never practiced any dangerous sport, but I would like to make that climb, I feel
that living that experience would be something really exciting and full of adrenaline.

4. When was the last time you played football?

The last time I played soccer was a month or so ago. I was playing with my friends, and
we had a great time, in that game I scored two goals and well I must say that it helped
me de-stress.
5. Are you keen on teach sports like rugby or basketball?
I would like to teach some sport, but not rugby or basketball. I think I would like to
teach soccer since it is my favorite sport and I do very well in this sport.

j. Shopping
1. When was the last time you went shopping to buy clothes?
The last time I went to buy clothes was last week, since I needed a new sweater, I had to
go buy it. The truth is I do not like to go out to buy since it is very stressful, I usually
like to buy online is much better.

2. Are you going to go shopping this weekend or do you have better plans?
No, I'm not going shopping this weekend. I have better plans, since with my friends we
decided to go out to eat and walk around the city to relieve stress.

3. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought?

The most expensive I have bought are some adidas shoes that cost me two hundred
dollars. I don't really like to buy very expensive things, but those shoes were worth it.

4. Have you ever wasted a lot of money on something useless?

No, I never like to spend money on nonsense. Everything I buy is because I need it and
I know that it will serve me for something specific. You have to know how to spend
money and learn to save. My parents taught me that.

5. Do you usually spend a lot of money on food?

I consider that I spend the normal amount on food, what is necessary to have a balanced
and healthy diet. Eating well is very important, but I believe that you don't have to
spend a fortune to be able to do it.

k. Food
1. Have you ever eaten a really disgusting food while you were on holiday?
Once when I went on a trip with my family we stopped to eat in a city and the truth was
that the food was very bad, I did not end up freaking out as a miracle. And the next day
I felt sick to my stomach, that was a horrible experience as it completely ruined the trip.

2. Are you keen on eating seafood, or do you prefer meat?

I am a meat lover. It is something that I would eat always and every day, but I must say
that I still like sea food, it is quite delicious. Also, my favorite dishes are onions and
3. How often do you eat chocolate and sweets?
I don't eat chocolate and sweets very often, but when I do I eat too much, especially
chocolate as it is one of my favorite treats. Although I feel like eating too much candy is
a bit unhealthy, that's why I don't eat it all the time.

4. Did you use to eat lots of sweets as a child or did you prefer fruit?
As a child I ate everything, although if we talk about sweets and fruits, I ate more fruits,
since my parents would not let me eat a lot of sweets and they bought a lot of fruits for
me and my brothers.

5. What is your favorite drink to order when you go to a bar?

When I go to a bar I like to order, coca cola I like this drink a lot, I almost always order
it. But if we talk about a night bar because I like to drink beer, it is a very soft drink to
spend the night with friends.

l. Future plans
1. What do you hope to do in the next few years?
In the next few years, I hope to graduate from university and leave the country to do a
master's degree. It is one of my plans for the future. I believe that the more you study,
the more opportunities you will have to succeed in life.

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