Arcanum 15 - Passion

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19/08/2019 Arcanum 15: Passion

Twenty-two Arcana of Tarot, a Free

Online Course
Arcanum 15: Passion
Written by Gnostic Instructor (/authors-and-teachers/gnostic-instructor.html)
Category: Twenty-two Arcana (/courses/twenty-two-arcana-of-tarot.html)
C Created: 05 April 2006
The following text was utilized as the basis for discussion in a lecture of the free online course
about The Twenty-Two Arcana.

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Hebrew Letter Samech

Verses 113 to 120 from Psalm 119 begin with Samech: 1/19
19/08/2019 113. I hate the lukewarm; but I love your Law.
Arcanum 15: Passion

114. You are my covert and my shield; I hope in your Word

115. Depart from me, oh evildoers; for I will keep my God’s commands.
116. Uphold me by your Word that I may live; and let me be not ashamed of my hope.
117. Hold me up and I will be saved; and I will always look to your statutes.
118. You have trampled all who go astray from your statutes; for their deceit is falsehood.
119. As dross you have made all the wicked of the earth to cease; so I love your
120. My esh has shivered because of your ardor, and I have feared your judgments.

Arcanum 15

From Alchemy and Kabbalah in the Tarot (/books-by-samael-aun-weor/alchemy-and-kabbalah-in-the-

tarot.html) by Samael Aun Weor

Let us now study the Fi eenth Arcanum of the Tarot. We are going to study the Male Goat of Mendez,
Typhon Baphomet, the Devil. The Alchemist must steal the re from the Devil. When we work with the
Arcanum A.Z.F. we steal the re from the devil; this is how we transform ourselves into Gods. 2/19
19/08/2019 Arcanum 15: Passion

The Esoteric Pentagram shines upon the forehead of the Male Goat. The Caduceus of Mercury replaces
the sexual organs. In synthesis, we can state that the Caduceus of Mercury represents the sexual organs. Any
Alchemist needs to work with the Caduceus of Mercury. This work is performed by means of transmutation.
The Star of Five Points shines when we steal the re from the devil.
We need to develop the Kundalini and to dissolve the “I,” only in this way can we attain liberation.

The Work with the Demon 3/19
19/08/2019Initiates of the fourth path, which is “The PathArcanum
of the15:
PassionMan,” choose “to Work with the Devil”

on the process of the dissolution of their “I.” The tenebrous ones violently attack anyone who works in the
dissolution of their “I”; this is why even though they are not demons they are, nonetheless used to being
surrounded by demons. When non-initiated seers, clairvoyantly see a human being like this, they mistakenly
misjudge him and end up calumniating him when qualifying him as a demon. The Initiates of “The Path of
the Astute Man” become enigmatic. Disciples from the path become confused when they contemplate black
candles upon the Altars of these Initiates; then, as usual, they mistakenly misjudge them.

Techniques for the Dissolution of the Ego

The “I” exerts control upon the ve inferior centers of the human machine; these ve centers are the:
Intellectual, Emotional, Motor (movement), Instinctual and Sexual.
The “I” cannot control the two superior centers of the human being, which are the Superior Mind and
Superior Emotion. If we want to dissolve the “I,” we must study it through the inferior centers; we need
comprehension. It is urgent to comprehend the actions and reactions of each one of the ve inferior centers
of the human machine. The “I” exerts control over these inferior centers; therefore, we walk on the path of
the dissolution of the “I” by in depth comprehension of the activity of each one of these ve inferior centers.

Mind and Sentiments

Two people react differently before any given representation; what is pleasant for one person could be
unpleasant for the other. The difference lies in the fact that one person judges and perceives the
representation through his mind while the other does it through his feelings (the representation touches his
feelings). Therefore, we must learn how to differentiate the Mind from the Sentiment. One thing is the Mind
and another is the Sentiment. Within the mind there exists an entire play of actions and reactions that must
be carefully comprehended; within our sentiments exist affections that must be cruci ed, emotions that
must be studied and in general an entire mechanism of actions and reactions that can easily be misplaced
and confounded with the activities of the Mind.

We need to self-discover ourselves and to comprehend our habits in depth. We must not allow our life to
continue to develop mechanically. It seems incredible that we live within the molds of habits and that we do
not know those molds that condition our life; we need to study our habits; we need to comprehend our
habits. We need to self-observe the way we speak, the way we dress, the way we walk, etc… 4/19
19/08/2019 belong to the center of movement. Football,Arcanum
tennis15:and all sports in general belong to this center.

When the intellect interferes in the center of movement, it destroys it and damages it because the intellect is
too slow and the center of movement is very fast. When a typist works, he works with the center of
movement; he can commit a mistake in his typing if his intellect interferes with his movements; a man
driving a car could suffer an accident if his intellect interferes with his movements.

There exist various types of instincts: The instinct of preservation, the sexual instinct, etc. Many
perversions of instinct also exist.
Deep within every human being there exist sub-human, instinctual forces that paralyze the true spirit of
Love and Charity. These demonic forces must rst be comprehended, then brought under control and
eliminated. These bestial forces are: criminal instincts, lust, cowardliness, fear, etc. We must comprehend
and subdue these bestial forces before we can dissolve them.

Sex is the h power of the human being. Sex can liberate or enslave the human being. No one can
attain integrity; no one can be deeply self-realized without sexual energy. Sex is the power of the Soul. The
integral human being is achieved with the absolute fusion of the masculine and feminine poles of the Soul.
Sexual force develops, evolves and progresses on seven levels (the seven levels of the Soul). In the physical
world, sex is a blind force of mutual attraction. In the astral, sexual attraction is based on the af nity of
types according to their polarities and essences. In the mental plane, sexual attraction occurs according to
the laws of mental polarity and af nity. In the causal plane, sexual attraction takes place on the basis of
conscious will. It is precisely on this plane of natural causes where the complete union of the soul is
consciously performed. Indeed, no one can attain the complete glory of the Perfect Matrimony without
having attained this fourth state of human integration.
We need to comprehend in depth the entire sexual problem. We must transcend the mechanicity of sex.
We need to know how to procreate children of Wisdom.
In the supreme moment of conception, human essences are completely open to all types of in uences.
Thus, the state of purity of the parents and their willpower used in order not to spill the Cup of Hermes, is all
that can protect us against the terrible danger that the spermatozoon and the ovum face regarding the
in ltration of subhuman substances of the bestial egos which want to reincorporate. 5/19
19/08/2019 Arcanum 15: Passion

Since a woman’s body is a passive and receptive element, it is clear that her body collects and stores
more of the results of the sexual acts than all of those men who commit adultery with her; those results are
atomic substances from the men with whom she has had sexual intercourse. Therefore, when someone has
sexual intercourse with a person who has been with another partner or other partners, both then absorb the
atomic essences of the other partners and poison themselves with them. This is a very grave problem for
those brothers and sisters who are dissolving the ‘I’ because then, not only do they have to ght against their
own errors and defects, but more over, they have to ght against the errors and defects of those other
partners with whom they had sexual intercourse.

Death of Satan 6/19
We discover
19/08/2019 the entire process of the ‘I’ by comprehending
Arcanum 15:the inner activities of each one of the ve

inferior centers. The outcome of this self-discovery is the absolute death of Baphomet or Satan (the
Tenebrous Lunar ‘I’ or Sinning Adam).

We Need to Be Integral
Integration has seven perfectly de ned steps:
First: Mineral State, dominion of the physical body and its ve centers.
Second: Vegetal State, absolute control over the astral body and of its chakras, discs or magnetic wheels.
This Vehicle represents the vegetal state.
Third: Humanization of the Mental Body, ordinarily, the phantasmal mental body of every human being
has an animal face and an animal gure; it is animalized.
When the mental matter is transformed into the Christ Mind, we achieve the mental humanization. The
mind represents the intellectual animal; presently we are human only in our physical appearance because in
our depths we are still animals. In the mental plane each one has the animal gure that corresponds to his
individual character.
Fourth: Sexual function is the basic foundation of the Human Soul; those who transmute their sexual
energies have the right to incarnate their soul.
Fi h: The h degree of integration is represented in any perfect human being.
Sixth: Universal In nite Compassion.
Seventh: This seventh de nitive step is only possible within Human-Gods. These are Super-Humans.

The Mystery of Baphomet

It is indeed true and certain that the Mystery of Baphomet is Sexual Alchemy. We transform the lead of
our personality into the gold of the spirit based on rigorous comprehension and sexual transmutation. This
is how the “I” is annihilated. The rose elaborates its perfume with the mud of the earth; the perfume of the
rose is transmuted mud.

The Door of Eden

Sex is the door of Eden. The Guardian of this door is the Assyrian Sphinx, the Egyptian Sphinx, the Bull
(Golden Calf) of Moses with the sword between its paws. This is the Psychological “I” re ected in the
Baphomet that with his sword drives out from the threshold all of those who are not prepared. The enemy is
within us; we need to work with the demon in order to dissolve it. We need to steal the re from the Devil. 7/19
19/08/2019 Arcanum 15: Passion

The Hebrew Letter Samech

Written by a Gnostic Instructor

The Cycle of Eternity

Samech is the cosmic womb, vulva, or volva (from Latin volvere “to turn, twist or roll”) where the
continuous revolving Light of the Ain Soph is located. Christus-Lucifer originates in nite cosmic
Samech is the letter that represents the Ouroboros, the eternal cyclical action of the Light-Life-Fire-
Wisdom of the Ain Soph; these revolutions of the light of the Absolute manifests as innumerable cycles of
death and rebirth at all levels in the universe. Samech, Ouroboros is shown as a half light half dark serpent,
which illustrates the duality, Maya in the universe; these opposites are not in con ict within the
consciousness of the Paramarthasatyas.
So, the circular form of the Samech is the Ouroboros, which symbolizes that the original ery-wisdom-
force (Iod) of the Ain Soph Aur is re ected on all levels in the endless creative circle of eternity that unites
heaven and earth. Samech, the Serpent biting its own tail, (this is the Ouroboros that has its tail inside of its
mouth), thus unites the Iod of the beginning (the Word) and the Iod of the end (the Sperm). Samech is the
Alpha and the Omega in an eternal cycle.

The Ain Soph, the Abstract Absolute Space inwardly withdraws its own essence by means of an initial
contraction towards its own essence; this inward contraction forms a void, a vacuum where it releases a
primary light or creative power that opens its way through the Iod into the world of Atziluth. The vacuum,
the void is the Ouroboros, the Cosmic Womb or volva (or vulva) that contains the rst begotten of this Divine
Light. This is the Cosmic Christ, this is Christus Lucifer that descends from the Darkness of the Absolute
Abstract Space into the world of Atziluth and subsequently it descends down into Briah, Yetzirah and nally 8/19
into the
19/08/2019center of the Earth, the world of Assiah, the world of15:
Arcanum Matter.
PassionSo, the Divine Light of the Ain Soph

Aur rotates in the inner circle, the Ninth Sphere of the Planetary Ouroboros, the Earth that manifests its
creative power on the outer circle or mechanical circle of Samsara through the ascending arch of evolution
and the descending arch of devolution.

The transformative-solar-force of the Ouroboros is placed by the force of gravity in the very center of
Assiah, the planet, in the Ninth Sphere. Kabbalistically, Assiah, Egypt, Matzarim, symbolizes the activity of
the Ouroboros in the outer circle, where the souls are reborn through the mechanical laws of Return and
Recurrence; this is Agar who gives birth to Ishmael to live in Malkuth, the outer circle of reprobation and
exile (from the Inner Circle, the Promised Land, Yesod-Eden, the Land of Avalon, the fourth dimension). So,
the Children of Agar are souls who incarnate in bodies of fornication (they are the outcome of the spasm or
bestial lthy orgasm) eventually fall into Klipoth, infernal worlds, here the souls are attracted through
fascination towards the center; they experience desolation in their journey within the two Klipothic circles
of Lilith and Nahemah, until the energy of the Ouroboros that rotates in the Ninth Circle, the center of
planetary stability, disintegrates their impurities through the Second Death.
Kabbalistic traditions state that (when the soul of) Adam (falls into Klipoth) he devolves within two
circles: the circles of Lilith and Nahemah. Lilith is the mother of abortions, homosexuality and in general,
all kinds of crimes against Nature. Nahemah is the mother of malignant beauty, of passion and adultery. 9/19
19/08/2019 (Klipoth) the abyss is divided into two large regions;
Arcanum 15:the sphere of Lilith and the sphere of

Nahemah. Infrasexuality reigns sovereign in these two large regions. This is the desolation of the souls in
hell where all failure souls in a Klipothic Sabbatical Orgy within an always tediously increasing dark
atmosphere are equalized through the second death. In Klipoth the possibilities for human individuality are
nulli ed through the law of entropy, yet these possibilities are regained again through a new ascension a er
the second death in the ascending arch of evolution through a collective or communal will in all the
kingdoms of the wheel of Samsara. This is how a er facing entropy the souls continue another cycle of
mechanical life in the Kingdom, Malkuth (Egypt of the world to come).

How are you fallen from heaven, Oh Lucifer, son of the dawning! How are you cut down to
the ground, which did weaken the nations! For you have said in your heart, I will ascend
into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of
the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I
will be like the most High. Yet you shall be brought down to hell (the Ninth Sphere), to the
sides of the pit. - Isaiah 14: 12- 15

Only through the Arcanum A.Z.F. is how the Ouroboros or Samech can release the Light of the Ain Soph,
which places in activity the in nite essence of our individual Elohim. So, through Samech our Inner Kether
(or Iod) develops and supports the longings of our soul ad in nitum. Therefore, sexual transmutation is the
way in which one offers his will to God. Through sexual alchemy the soul experiences the in nite essence of
the Elohim that shines within the Ouroboros (or Samech) and acquires control over the quanta (packages of
solar energy within matter); the solar energy is the fuel that allows the soul to make the leaps from Sephirah
to Sephirah, that is, to leap from one wheel into another wheel within the cosmogonic wheel of Ezekiel, or
from one parallel universe into another parallel universe and nally into the Absolute or Ain. So, within the
Ouroboros or Samech in Yesod, the foundation of all worlds, the wisdom of the Elohim is hidden in a latent

I am Alpha (the Three Primary Forces, the Aleph, the Ouroboros or Whirling Elohim) and
Omega (the Ouroboros in the Center of the Earth, the Ninth Sphere), the beginning and
the ending, says the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty (El
Shaddai in Yesod)…I am Alpha and Omega, the rst (the Ain Soph Aur within the Three
Primary Forces) and the last (the Ain Soph Aur within Yesod, the Ninth Sphere): and, what
you see (the Solar Light), write (develop it) in a book (Spinal Column of your Physical,
Vital, Astral, Mental, Causal, Buddhic and Spiritual Bodies), and send it unto the seven
churches (Chakras) which are in Assiah (Spinal Medulla); unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna,
and unto Pergamus, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto
Laodicea. - Revelation 1: 8, 11 10/19
19/08/2019 symbolizes the Being revaluating and knowing himself
Arcanum through the activity of the Ouroboros.
15: Passion

The self-realization of the Being, the knowledge of oneself implies the awakening and understanding of all
of our inherent spiritual elements between the Being and its Human Creature. This self-knowledge of the
Being is the movement of the Objective Reasoning within the Ouroboros and by the Ouroboros. Objective
Reasoning has nothing to do with beliefs of theories; rather it is the outcome of the work of our Being based
on Daath, the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. The solar force of the Ain Soph Aur, the Cosmic Christ
spins, revolves in a continuous movement within Daath and Yesod; this revolution of the Ouroboros or
Samech unites heaven and earth, thus originating a complete change in the fundamentals of our
The Pneuma, the Spirit, the Monad has to transform itself into an Elohim and in order to do it, he must
recognize himself and the action of recognizing himself is done through his own will through the
Ouroboros, the Samech. This means that the Monad, the Pneuma, the Spirit needs to comprehend, to know
himself in depth. The knowledge of oneself implies absolute awareness in all the levels of the Being within
the endless cycle of Ouroboros, the Samech, which manifests the eternal activity of the light of the Ain Soph
from the Tality (the great reality) into every universe of relativity.
The omnipresent transcendental light of the Ain Soph through the Ouroboros is always behind any
universal phenomena; it is the source of any natural phenomena. So through it the Monad unites the
in nitely large with the in nitely small to effect the miracle of one thing, the self-realization of the Being
where all the parts of the being become integrated in one unity. This is the relation of the Being with Nous,
the Mind, the Human Being; God, the Spirit is always above the mind.

The Initiate must perform the will of his Being in heaven and on earth; for this, the consciousness must
remain unattached to his inner wisdom or Divine powers, the Bodhisattva must renounce to higher and
higher Nirvanic levels in order to reach the Absolute, the Ain. The Initiate must not be attached to physical
wealth; we must not have preferences for anyone; we must attend the beggar and the gentleman with the
same respect and veneration. We must cultivate the same courtesy for the rich and the poor and for the
aristocrat and the peasant in order to love their Being equally, to attend the neighbor without any
preferences this is “to love the neighbor as thyself.”
Ordinary Minds of men live from prison to prison. Each prison is a school, a religion, a mistaken
concept, a prejudice, a desire, an opinion, wealth etc. The Human Mind must learn to ow serenely in an
integral way, without the painful process of subjective reasoning, which divides the mind into the battle of 11/19
the antithesis.
19/08/2019 The mind must become like a child, so Arcanum
that it can serve as an instrument for the Innermost.
15: Passion

We must always live in the present, because life is only an eternal instant. We must free ourselves of all
kinds of preconceptions and desires. We must move under the impulses of the Innermost.

Matthew 6: 24- 34: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love
the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and
mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what you shall eat, or
what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than
meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do
they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much
better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And
why take you thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the eld, how they grow; they toil
not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was
not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the eld, which to
day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O you of
little faith? Therefore take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or, What shall we drink?
Or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For a er all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for
your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things. But seek ye rst the
kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take
therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of
itself. Suf cient unto the day is the evil thereof.

We must be contented with the rights of CANCHORRITA. The rights of Canchorrita are: Food, Clothes
and Shelter. The true human being has the right to live differently, with dignity and beauty, because he is not
an animal, however, he must be content with the rights of Canchorrita. Greed, anger and lust have their lair
in the Mind. Greed, anger and lust lead the souls to Klipoth. The Human is not the Mind. The Mind is only
one of the bodies of sin. When the Human identi es with the mind he falls into Klipoth. The mind is only
the ass that we must ride in order to enter into the heavenly Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. One must control
the Mind by means of Willpower.
Regarding spiritual longings, we must know that the Inner Circle of Brethren that operate in the
superior centers of the human being (the Kingdom of Heaven) grant initiations, degrees and powers,
according to the inward and upward ow of energy from Samech in Yesod throughout the Sephiroth. The
stagnant energy of the four elements which is stored within circle of Malkuth (Wheel of Ezekiel) must be
place in motion through Yesod (sexual alchemy). 12/19
19/08/2019 Ezekliel Chapter 1: The appearance of the wheels
Arcanum(within the Ouroboros - Samech) and
15: Passion

their work was like unto the color of a beryl (the Cubic Stone of Yesod): and the four
(elements of Alchemy) had one likeness (the solar light of Samech within the Sperm, the
Schamayim of the Wise in Yesod): and their appearance and their work was as it were a
wheel (an Ouroboros) in the middle of a wheel (or Atomic Creative Solar Elements of
another Ouroboros contained within the Mixture, the Sperm, the Schamayim of the Wise
in Yesod).
When they (through sexual alchemy) went, they went upon their four sides (or Four Solar
Bodies, the Mercabah): and they turned not when they went (when their sexual hydrogens
went transmuted).
As for their rings (or vertebrae within which these four active elements manifest
throughout the spinal medulla of the Angels), they were so high that they were dreadful;
and their rings (or vertebrae) were full of eyes (Chakras, Powers) round about them four
(Solar Bodies).
And when the living creatures (souls of Ouroboros) went, the wheels (active elements)
went by them (because the wheels and the living creatures are the same solar bodies that
manifest the four elements: Air, Fire, Water and Earth in the Angel): and when the living
creatures (or Solar Bodies) were li ed up (exercise power) from the earth (nature), the
wheels were li ed up (because they are li ed up thanks to the sexual potency of the same
solar bodies of the Angel). Whithersoever the spirit (the Angel) was to go, they went,
thither was their spirit (the Angel) to go; and the wheels were li ed up over against them:
for the (Holy) Spirit of the living creatures was in their wheels (or active sexual elements of
the Ouroboros- Samech in Yesod).

Samech is the divine whirling power that supports, li s ups and guides the fallen souls. However the
souls who identify with the outer circle of the confusion of tongues do not rise, rather they fall into the lower
circles of Klipoth. Fornicators fall into the ninth circle, the lowest circle of Klipoth, the center of the earth
where their ego is totally annihilated, therea er they rise as simple elementals through the wheel of

Only those who work in Yesod can enter into the inner circle of the Kingdom of Heaven; they receive the
revelations from El Shaddai (the very life-essence of the Elohim), which is always present yet concealed
below within the circle, the Samech, Ouroboros of Yesod, sex. 13/19
19/08/2019 Arcanum 15: Passion

Gnostic Egyptian Christic Cosmic Drama 14/19
19/08/2019 “Adam, banished from the Garden of Eden, Arcanum
represents (the soul of) man philosophically
15: Passion

exiled from (the inner circle of Samech) the sphere of Truth.

“Through ignorance (of Samech, the Vulva or Volva, the feminine sexual power, the soul
of) man falls; through wisdom (Chokmah, the fruit of the Divine Mother Kundalini) he
redeems himself.
“The Garden of Eden represents the House of the Mysteries (Daath in Yesod) in the midst
of which grew both the Tree of Life (the Being) and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and
Evil (the whirling solar force of the Ain Soph Aur).
“(The soul of the) Man, the banished Adam, seeks to pass from the outer court (or outer
circle of Samech) of the Sanctuary (the exterior universe) into the sanctum sanctorum
(Eden, the inner circle), but before him rises a vast creature (the whirling Cherubim or
Christus-Lucifer) armed with a ashing sword (the ery passion in his blood) that, moving
slowly but continually (circulates the solar-life-force of the Ouroboros in his physical
body), sweeps clear a wide circle, and through this "Ring Pass Not" the Adamic man (the
sinning Adam) cannot break.
“The cherubim (Christus Lucifer) address the seeker thus: "Man, you (and your subjective
reasoning) are dust (from Klipoth) and to dust you shall return (through the second death).
You were fashioned by the Builder of Forms (in the mechanical circle of evolution and
devolution of Malkuth); you belong to (Assiah) the sphere of form, and the breath that was
breathed into your soul was the breath of (Maya, Illusion of Matter) form and like a
(fatuous) ame (of desire) it shall icker out. (Through the mechanical circle of evolution
and devolution) More than what you are you cannot be. You are a denizen of the outer
world (the outer circle of Samech) and it is forbidden onto you to enter this inner place
(inner circle of Samech)."
“And the (sinning soul of) Adam replies: "Many times (through the law of return and
reoccurrence) have I (with different physical bodies) stood within this courtyard (Malkuth)
and begged admission to my Father's house (the Kingdom of Heaven) and you have refused
it me and sent me back to wander in darkness (of Klipoth). True it is that I was fashioned
out of the dirt (of fornication) and that (because of the lthy sexual orgasm) my Maker
could not confer upon me the boon of immortality. But no more shall you send me away;
for, wandering in the darkness (of sin), I have discovered that the Almighty (El Shaddai
who hides Samech in Yesod of Atziluth) has decreed my salvation because He has sent
(through the Ouroboros) out of the most hidden Mystery (the Sephirah Daath) His Only
Begotten (Christus-Lucifer, the Light of the Ain Soph) who (by descending into the Ninth
Sphere of Malkuth - Assiah) did take upon Himself the world fashioned by the
Demiurgeous (of Malkuth - Assiah). Upon the elements of that world (of Assiah) was He
cruci ed and from Him (the Ouroboros, Samech) has poured forth (in Yesod, the sexual
organs) the blood (Solar Light of the Ain Soph Aur) of my salvation. And God (the Ain Soph
Aur, Christus-Lucifer), entering into His creation, has quickened it and established therein
a road (of Initiations of re and initiations of light) that lead to Himself (in the Absolute).
While my Maker (in the outer circle of Samech) could not give me immortality,
immortality was inherent (in the inner circle of Samech) in the very dust (or physical
atoms of Malkuth - Assiah) of which I was composed, for before the world was fabricated
and before the Demiurgeous became the Regent of Nature (in Malkuth) the Eternal Life (of
the Ain Soph Aur, Christus-Lucifer) had impressed itself upon the face (and root) of any
Cosmos. This is its sign--the Cross (of Sexual Alchemy). Do you now deny me entrance, I
who have at last learned the mystery of myself (that is my Being within the essence of your
Being)?" 15/19
19/08/2019 “And the voice (the Word) replies: "He who is aware15:(of
Arcanum his Being and the essence of his

Being), IS! Behold!"

“Gazing about him, Adam nds himself in a radiant (solar) place (the inner circle of
Samech), in the midst of which stands a tree with ashing jewels for fruit and entwined
about its trunk (is Nachash, the Serpent that healed the Israelites in the Wilderness) a
aming, winged serpent crowned with a diadem of stars. It was the voice of the serpent
that had spoken.
"Who are you?" demands the Adam.
"I," the serpent (Nachash) answers, "am (in the inner circle of Samech, the Serpent that
healed the Israelites in the Wilderness and in the outer circle of Samech, am) Satan who
was stoned (because of your lthy orgasm); I am (Christus-Lucifer, the only begotten, the
Light of the Ain Soph,) the Adversary--the Lord who is against you, the one who pleads for
your destruction (in the abysses of Klipoth) before the Eternal Tribunal. I was your enemy
upon the day that you were formed (from my very essence but ignorant of my nature);
(this is why) I have led you into temptation; I have delivered you into the hands of evil; I
have maligned you; I have striven ever to achieve your undoing (through a psychological
transformation in Alchemy). I am the guardian of the Tree of Knowledge (of my own
essence) and I have sworn that none whom I can lead astray (through, fornication,
adultery and any lthy sins of the esh) shall partake of its fruits (which hide the light of
my Father the Ain Soph)." 16/19
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“The Adam replies: "For uncounted ages have I been you servant (through desire, the sins
of the esh). In my ignorance (of the very essence of your Father, the Ain Soph) I listened
to your words and they led me into paths of sorrow. (Through desire) You have placed in
my mind dreams of power, and when I struggled to realize those dreams they brought me
naught but pain (because nothing is permanent in the world of matter). You have sowed in
me the seeds of desire, and when I lusted a er the things of the esh agony was my only
recompense. You have sent me false prophets (from Klipoth) and false (subjective)
reasoning, and when I strove to grasp the magnitude of Truth I found your laws were false
(impermanent) and only dismay rewarded my strivings. I am done with you forever, Oh
artful Spirit (of the Uncreated Light)! I have tired of your world of illusions (the outer circle
of Samech). No longer will I labor in your (Physical and Klipothic) vineyards of iniquity.
Get thee behind me, tempter, and the host of your temptations. There is no happiness, no
peace, no good, no future in the doctrines of sel shness, hate, and passion preached by
you (in the outer circle of Samech). All these (Klipothic) things do I cast aside (from my
Psyche). Renounced is your rule (in the outer circle of Malkuth) forever!"
“And the serpent (Nachash, the Serpent that healed the Israelites in the Wilderness)
answered: "Behold, Oh Adam, the nature of your Adversary!" The serpent disappears in a
blinding sunburst of radiance and in its place stands an angel resplendent in shining,
golden garments with great scarlet wings that spread from one corner of the heavens to
the other. Dismayed and awestruck, the Adam falls before the divine creature.
"I am the Lord who is against you and thus accomplishes your salvation,” continues the
voice (the Word). "You have hated me, but through the ages yet to be you shall bless me, for
I have led you out of the sphere of the Demiurgeous (the outer circle of Samech, Assiah,
Malkuth); I have turned you against the illusion of worldliness; I have weaned you of
desire; I have awakened in your soul the immortality of which I myself partake. Follow me,
Oh Adam, for I am the Way, the Life, and the Truth!" 17/19
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(I am Christus-Lucifer)
Revelation 3: 14-16: These things say the Amen, the faithful and true witness (Christus-
Lucifer) the beginning of the creation of God; I know your works, that you are neither cold
nor hot: I would you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold
nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth. (I hate the lukewarm; but I love your Law. Psalm
119: 113)
Revelation 19: 11-16: And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat
upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war
(because he is the God of War). His eyes were as a ame of re, and on his head were many
crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed
with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called (Alpha and Omega) the Word of
God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in
ne linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it he
should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he (Christus-
Lucifer) treads (Yesod) the winepress of the erceness and wrath of (El Shaddai) Almighty
God (You have trampled all who go astray from your statutes; for their deceit is falsehood –
Psalm 119:118). And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh (sex) a name written, King of
Kings, and Lord of Lords (My esh has shivered because of your ardor, and I have feared
your judgments – Psalm 119:120).
Revelation 22: 12-16: And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every
man according as his (sexual) work shall be. I am (within Samech, the) Alpha and Omega,
the beginning and the end (of the outer circle), the rst and the last (in the inner circle).
Blessed are they that do his commandments that they may have right to the tree of life
(their Spinal Medulla), and may enter in (the inner circle, the Kingdom of Heaven) through
the gates (of Yesod, Sex) into the city (of Heliopolis, the New Jerusalem). For without (in
the outer circle of Malkuth, Assiah) are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and
murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loves (fornication and adultery) and makes a lie
(with his subjective reasoning). I Jesus (the Savior, the Ain Soph Aur) have sent mine angel
(the Atom Nous) to testify unto you these things in the churches (or chakras of your Spinal
Medulla). I (in Yesod) am the root and the offspring (the Malachim) of David (the six
pointed star), and the bright and dawning star (Lucifer). 18/19
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”Behold what I (Christus-Lucifer), a God, from Gods endure!

Look down upon my shame,
The cruel wrong that racks my frame,
The grinding anguish that shall waste my strength” 19/19

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