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National Commerce and credit Bank Ltd. is one of the leading private commercial bank
in Bangladesh. Sponsored by some dynamic and reported entrepreneurs and eminent
industrialists of the country and also participated by the eminent.

There are some reasons for selecting Affiliation Report because my bank is profit-
oriented commercial institution. And these types of institutions provide banking services
to general people. And I hope that this report will definitely identify how the corporate
world really works & will help me to apply theoretical knowledge in the practical life. On
the other hand banking sector is one of the fastest growing sectors in our country.

There are more than 50 banks which operating includes local and foreign venture. Some
new banks are coming in the market. Therefore, the banking industry is becoming very
much lucrative and at the same time very much competitive too. All the banks are
offering newer products and facilities to attract the customers and retain them. So I think
working on this particular bank it would be benefited for me to become familiar with the
practical business operations about banking activities especially in General Banking
operation. After the completion of my internship program I can be able to know the
different kinds of transactional procedures from the bank I am working on. During my
work, I have faced various obstacles. By the grace of Al Mighty Allah and by the help of
some related person, I have overcome those problems successfully.

Now I would like to provide some information and recommendation which may be
helpful to promote the General Banking in NCC Banani branch of National Commerce
And Credit Bank Limited as well as Bangladesh. Through conducting this study I have
acquired some practical knowledge about General Banking in Bangladesh and other
relevant matters. National Commerce And Credit Bank Limited is the preferred choice in
banking for friendly and personalized services, tailored solutions for business needs,

global reach in trade and commerce and high yield on investments, assuring Excellence
in Banking Services.


Internship program is the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about the
subject that a student goes to learn on the program.

The aim of this Internship program is to connect practical knowledge with theoretical
knowledge. Now the world is a competitive world. So everybody has to be expert in both
practical knowledge and theoretical knowledge.

In fact academic education becomes rich when acquired knowledge is applied to practical
situation. Proper application of knowledge to theoretical field implies to get extra benefit
while understanding the matter related to subject. So the procedure of gaining knowledge
through practical application is known as internship.

In this regard I had got an opportunity to carry on my internship program in National

Commerce And Credit Bank Limited at Banani Branch for a period of 2 months. The
Management of National Commercial And Credit Bank Limited, Banani branch assigned
me to work on General Banking operation.

During my work, I have faced various obstacles. By the grace of Al Mighty Allah and by
the help of some related person, I have overcome those problems successfully.


Though the main objective is to prepare myself in such a manner as though I can equip
myself with the practical field as well as I will be able to know the different aspect of the
banking sector and to evaluate how a bank is performing in Loans and Advance sector. In
addition, the study seeks to achieve the following objectives:

 Primary Objective:

The primary objective of this report is to gather information and related data in order to
combine them based on the report Name “General Banking System on the basis of
NCC Bank Limited”

 Secondary Objectives:

The study was conducted to achieve the following secondary objectives-

 To review how NCC Bank perform their activities.

 To know the products and services offered by NCCBL.
 To know the work environment and organizational behaviors of the bank.
 To find out how the general banking system works.
 To see how the loans and advances are provided to the borrowers.
 To acquire knowledge about the foreign exchange system of the bank.
 To analyze the growth of investments in the bank.
 To gain practical experience that will be helpful for my BBA program.


Background of the Bank

NCC Bank Limited is a new generation bank. National Credit and commerce Bank
limited was incorporated in Bangladesh as banking company under the Companies Act
1994. The Bank commenced its Banking business with sixteen Branches from 17 may,
1993. The Bank is listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited and Chittagong Stock
Exchange limited as a public quoted company for its shares. Paid up capital of the
company was Tk.5.00 core only at that time. National Credit Ltd. (NCL) performed well
for near about 7 years. The core objective of the company was to play a catalyst role in
the capital market of the country by way of participating in security trading,
underwriting, etc.

Subsequently NCL converted into a full fledge commercial Bank on 17. 05. 1993 after
obtaining license from Bangladesh Bank under the name & style “National Credit and
Commerce Bank Ltd.” The authorized capital of the bank was fixed at Tk. 75.00 core and
paid up capital at Tk.39.00 core as fully fledged commercial bank.

NCC Bank is now a complete online bank serving more than five (5) million people.
NCC bank is now operating throughout the entire country, including its periphery, with
101 branches.

Since its inception NCC Bank ltd. Has acquired commendable reputation by providing
sincere personalized service to its customers in a technology based environment.

The bank has set up a new standard in financing in the industrial, trade and foreign
exchange business. Its various deposit and credit products have also attracted the clients-
both corporate and individuals who feel comfort in doing business with the bank.

The principal place of business is the registered office at 7-8 Motijheel commercial area,
Dhaka 1000. It has 53 branches as over Bangladesh as 31 December 2007. It carries out
all banking activities through its branches in Bangladesh of which 19.50 cores was
subscribed by the sponsors at that time. Since then it has been functioning

Banks are the pillars of the financial system. Specially, in Bangladesh, the health of the
banking system is very vital because the capital market is little developed here. As the
banks are still the major sources of credit and exercise great influence on the financial
system, it is extremely important that the country’s banking systems should be in good
health in the interest of investment activities, meeting the needs of all kinds of finance
and related matters.

Over the years, NCC bank has built itself as one of the pillars of Bangladesh’s financial
sector and is playing a pivotal role in the extending the role of the private sector of the
economy. The bank has a strong branch network nationwide with 67 branches.

It was mostly involved in collecting suitable resources and making profitable

investments. But within a very short period of time this investment company turned into a
scheduled commercial bank. It was turned into a bank because it faced many restrictions
in both collection and disbursement of funds while it was operating as an investment
company. While this turnover was going on all types of transactions were closed for
about fourteen months from April 22nd, 1992. . However, NCCBL runs as per company
rule, free from government intervention. Year 1994 & 1995 were the full operation year
of the bank. During this period gave emphasis on considering the affairs of the institution
as well as expansion of business work. During last 15 years if its operation NCCBL has
acquired commendable reputation by providing sincere personalized service to its
customers through a technology based environment.

NCBL made a careful journey and maintained its successive growth for few years with its
qualified professional management under most unpredictable, unregulated, uncertainties
and limitations.

NCC bank is a progressive commercial bank is private sector in Bangladesh. It creates

new opportunities for its clients. It gives customize services and maintains harmonies
banker-client relationship. It contributes towards formation of national capital, growth of
saving and investment in trade, commerce and industrial sector. It provides different
types of commercial banking services to the customers of all strata in the society within

the stipulation laid down in the Bank Companies Act-1991, rules and regulations framed
by Bangladesh Bank from time to time.

National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited emerged as bank in the country on 17 th
May 1993 out of great turbulent situation encountered by erstwhile National Credit
Limited. However, the institution survived the ordeals and came out as full-fledge
commercial bank.

The emergence of NCC Bank Limited at the Juncture of liberalization of global economic
activities, after the uruguay round has been an important event in the financial sector of
Bangladesh. The experience of the prosperous force and the strategic operational policy
option of the bank. The company philosophy, “A Bank with vision” has been precisely
the essence of the legend of Bank’s success.


The Bank has planned to expand its business network to reach large section of the
potential clients living in remote areas. The Bank opened 05 (five) Branches during the
year which raised the total number of branches to 53. The Bank has already taken steps to
open 04 (four) more new branches in 2008. The Bank has a wide network of
correspondence that plays vital role in facilitating its international trade. At present total
number of correspondents are 398.


banani Branch

General Banking Loan & Advances

Department Department

Account Opening Remittance

Cash Section Clearing Section
Section Section

Local Remittance


At present there are 26 members in the Board of Director. Out of 26 members 23 of them
are the sponsor of the shareholder and 3 of them are publicly nominated as the equity
participants from capital market have included them.
However the members are obliged to maintain the annual general meeting and declare the
dividend payout schedule on due time. Moreover, the committee selected by shareholders
represents individual body that then looks after the periodic issue with the management
and tries to solve the problem.

Bank is an intermediary institute. Like other commercial bank NCCBL also has some
special features. They are as follows:

i. Legal Entity: It is compulsory matter for a bank to achieve legal entity. The
stronger legal entity leads to effective banking program. NCCBL has a strong
legal entity.
ii. Organizational Structure: NCCBL has a well-set organizational structure.
Organizational structure is a precondition of effective banking activities.
iii. Financial Solvency: Though NCCBL is a new bank, its ratio of liquidity is well
and strong. So, the clients get greater confidence in the bank.
iv. Location of The Bank: Location is very useful for bank. The Head Office and the
branches of NCCBL are located in the central point of the capital and the other
district towns.
v. Relation with the Central Bank: As the NCCBL is the government-registered
bank, so it maintains a friendly behavior with the Bangladesh Bank.

vi. Security: the NCCBL is totally a secured bank. The clients of the bank get a
heavy security on their deposit.
vii. Management of the Bank: The executives and the officers of NCCBL are very
experienced. Maximum executives are ex-government bank officers.
viii. Foreign Exchange: NCCBL operates foreign exchange business promptly. There
13 branch deals with foreign exchange.

NCC bank is a progressive commercial bank in privet sector in Bangladesh. It creates a
new opportunities for its clients. It gives customized service and harmonious banker-
client relationship. It contributes towards formation of national capital, growth of saving
and investment in trade, commerce and industrial sectors. It provides different types of
commercial banking and services to the customer of all stratum in the society with in the
stipulation laid down in the Bank Company Act 1991. Rules and regulations framed by
the Bangladesh bank from time to time.


National Commerce and Credit Bank Limited emerged as bank in the country on 17 th
May 1993 out of a great turbulent situation encounter by set while National Credit
Limited. However the institution survived the ordeals and come out as a full-fledged
commercial bank. The company raised its Authorized Capital to Tk. 750 million as per
guidelines set out by the Bangladesh Bank. The paid up capital was fixed at Tk. 480.48
million as against Tk. 429.00 million.


NCCBL has 67 (Sixty seven) branches all over in Bangladesh. The name of the branch,
their addresses are given in the appendix-1.


To fulfill the commitment of serving the valuable customers NCCBL has been carrying
on business through its 81 branches all over the country. These branches can be
categorized under six divisions:

1. Dhaka division : 35 Branches

2. Chittagong division: 34 Branches

3. Rajshahi division : 9 Branches

4. Khulna division : 5 Branches

5. Barisal division : 3 Branches

6. Sylhet division : 7 Branches


The bank may sustain its strong image in the mind of the customers and shareholders as a
leading financial institution despite serious competition from both local and foreign
banks operating in the country. Sill they are increasing their profit. Its opening profit was
Tk. 624.94 million in 2007, which were Tk. 597.57 million in previous year. But whole
performance of the bank is not looking well.


To mobilize financial resources from within and abroad to contribute in Agriculture's,

Industry & Socio-economic development of the country and to play a catalytic role in the
formation of capital market, And To contribute trade commerce and industry of the
country by providing banking services.


To become the Bank of choice in serving the Nation as a progressive and Socially
Responsible financial institution by bringing credit & commerce together for profit and
sustainable growth.



During my internship at first I was assigned to general banking division and then working on
some different departments of National Commerce And Credit Bank Ltd. Banani Branch. In
those different departments I did these activities:

 Help customers to open accounts.

 Help customers to fill up account opening form.
 I provide cheque to the custom.
 Write pay order from.
 Confirm customer for their new cheque book by telephone.
 Help to the customers for opening account of FDR.
 Provide balance confirmation to the customer.
 Helps customer to closing their account.

Help customers to open accounts: The account opening form is the document representing the
rights and responsibilities of both the parties. At the beginning of my internship I had shown by a
responsible officer of NCCBL about the process of opening a bank account there and then I was
helped customer to open a bank account. There have much type of account like-saving account,
current account, fixed deposit etc.
Documents needed to open different accounts: Two copies of passport size photograph of the
account holder (s)/ person (s) who will operate the account duly attested by an introducer and one
copy passport size photograph of the nominee attested by account holder. Account to be
introduced by current/ savings account holder. Photocopy of valid passport (1-7 page)/ driving
License/ National ID card/ employment’s certificate/ national certification issued by the ward
commission or chairmen. Up to date Trade License (for Organization only). Photocopy of VAT
certificate ( if any). Certificate of commencement of business (for Public limited company).

Help customers to fill up account opening form:
Here in NCCBL I help customer to fill up accounting opening form. I talked to the customer and
give information whatever they asked or need. I gave the guideline to the client’s to fill up
account opening form.

Write pay order from:

I write date, favor to, account on & amount in the pay order from. and take sign in the officer.
And then I write the page number in the register book. Then I give it to customer.

Confirm customer for their new cheque book by telephone:

When new cheque books come I confirm the customer to collect their cheque book.

Help to the customers for opening account of FDR:

I help customer to open a FDR account. Individuals, Firms, Companies, Associations may open
this account. The deposit is taken for a specific fixed period of time, such as 1 month, 3
months, 6months, 1-year etc.

Helps customer to closing their account:

When a customer wants to close his account in the bank, I can help him/her to close account.
But closing an account has some procedure:
 The client writes a written application.
 She/he surrenders the unused check book.
 The bank takes charge TK. 200. For closing fee.
 The rest amount gives to the customer.
 Closed rubber stamp uses top of the respective account opening form.

Provide balance confirmation to the customer:

sometimes customer wants to know their balance then I check their balance and tell them.

I did some other related activities here and there are:
 I did register entries.
 I did document arrangement.
 I did file arrangement.
 I helped to search documents from file.


A. Identified/observed in the organization for internee

 Most of the tasks are done by man power, whether they still use online process to
complete those tasks so sometimes I get bored due to too much handwriting like
as desk pass of office documents.
 Banks don’t have any guideline book for customers about their products so I have
to talk too much with the customers for giving information about their products.
 The bank personnel were very busy with their activities, sometimes they failed to
co-operate me to complete this report.
 Here is reason for disappointing me because sometimes officers doesn’t co-
operate as well with the uneducated account holder rather than the educated
account holder. Here I think that the customer is a customer and I promise to give
better service than whether he is educated or not.
 Due to low configuration of PCs posting and other procedures sometimes take too
much time and for this lengthy processing time sometimes customers get angry
and I face the situation.

 In this bank space are small so I have no specific space for doing my work.

B. Academic Preparation

Every task is easy when you are the expert of this task. So, during the primary situation, I
faced some problems at banks and at first I felt really nervous, but bank personnel help
me to do make the tasks easier. I tried hard to learn the banking activities and operational
tasks and after a few days I felt those tasks are easier than when I was starting. I think
that most of the activities are different and activities are totally different than my
academic study because during university studies I have not got any specific or deep
knowledge about practical idea of banking activities. I just learn academic course the
theoretical idea, but don’t learn about banking environment, corporate behavior.

C. Missing knowledge and skills that need to be learned in the university

Organized visits programs: University should offer visits to different institutions and
banks regularly especially for BBA department.

Organized workshop: University should offer some practical workshop for students about
general banking, loan processing and advances activities.

Provide practical case study: University should offer practical case studies on local
remittance, tax and bank fraud and financial operations of a bank.


Implications to Organization/Company
As a part of the academic curriculum, American International University- Bangladesh
sends its BBA students to various foreign and local organizations for 8 weeks as a full
time employee, so that they can have knowledge about the organization, nature of
responsibilities, discipline and organizational environment. Since I did my internship
program in general banking department of National Commerce And Credit bank Limited,
it helped me to take the overall idea of general banking functions and other departments’
functions as well and reinforces my knowledge. I have learned the followings from my
internship program-

Corporate Behavior:
Corporate behavior/style is different than regular day to day behaviors. When I talk to
officers or to anybody in the office, I keep the corporate behavior.

Interact With Corporate People:

For me interacting with corporate personalities is a talent and NCCBL is the perfect place
to learn this. As this is one of the leading banks in Bangladesh, I have to see enough
corporate people in a day. Perfect body language, the way of communication, helping
sales office with a smile all this I have learned from MBL. I have become flexible in this
quality and in future I think I can perform well.

Gather Experience:
I do feel that my experience in NCCBL is very positive that boost up my confidence.
Seniors at this place has always been very helpful to give enough guidance to improve
corporate experience.


NCCBL is always maintaining discipline of the bank’s personnel. Every success depends
on discipline so that officers are done their task with hard working. So far I’ve
maintained myself well here, for example- I always maintain my office time.

Taking Responsibilities:

To take responsibilities and to give a positive result at end of the day is itself a big
challenge. NCCBL has provided me a vast knowledge of this. Here I’ve personally seen
corporate people with their responsibilities every day. My confidence level has gone
higher than I expected by spending this short period of time at NCCBL.


NCCBL always appreciates to take initiative for achieving organizational goals by taking
the work challenge and using resources. I’ve learned way of working from the senior
officers and from there I’m feeling confident to take initiatives.

Implications to University’s Internship Program

It’s a big opportunity for me doing BBA at AIUB and also it’s my last semester to take an
internship. In my whole graduation life I just did the theoretically try to understand
various part organizational activities & operational tasks, but at the last stage of my
graduation life I have to take the internship and I do an internship at the NCCBL- Banani
branch. If I can say about internship program, it’s truly required for graduate students,
because after the graduation, he/she must join a company and before doing that he/she

must need experience. Internship program helps to understand about

organizational/corporate culture. By taking internship, students gather the practical
knowledge about organizational activities and operations. So AIUB promotes to do an
internship for the students and it’s a huge opportunity to prove anyone as a good student
of AIUB by preparing a good internship report and to do intern in a well reputed

So this internship helps me a lot with realistic scenario. I can apply those in the future and
will help me to improve my future career. From internship I’ve learned:

 Organizational behavior.
 Corporate culture.
 Practical work experience.
 Dealing with customers.
 Can make differentiate with bookish and practical knowledge.
 Make affiliation report with supervisor.


A. Summary

The internship program is the first step to take preparation by mentally and psychically
before doing a job. After the graduation he/she will do a job or start a business. So the
internship program makes good sense of organizational skill and before the internship a
student had known only theoretical organizational skill, but after doing internship, he/she
must know something about the organizational skills by the perform. This is an
organizational skill which totally depends on different things such as subordinate roles,
working environment etc. By this program I sorted out some problems and suggest them
also with solution. The intern report preparation was a hard task for me beside of my
internship task, although I tried to prepare this report as much as I could but in this report
I identified about my objectives, what issues I had faced, benefit and service which I got
from the bank.

At the time of my internship program, I had worked with three departments of National
Commerce and Credit Bank Limited- Banani Branch. But this report was prepared to
focus on General Banking Department, because out of three months I worked here almost
two months.

National Commerce and Credit Bank Limited (NCCBL) is one of the leading and
potential banks in the Bangladesh banking sector. NCCBL always emphasizes its
customer service, product development, resource management and the contribution to the
economic development of the country. The bank also provides social services through
NCCBL as their social responsibility.

At last internship program has been finished and my internship report is prepared. Hope
that by these true words, it will be a welcome opportunity for me to prepare this about
NCCBL and also my experiences about my skills. The internship program is an

advantage for my career because of this I understood the difference between academic
preparation and corporate job life’s task.

Recommendation for Strategic Action:

Provide Internship Placement:

At the intern time students are getting frustrated because of internship placement. Many
questions rise up in students’ mind like as where I do an Internship? How can I get it? So
university can set up internship for students.

Improve Facilities:
University should give more facilities to the internee. So that they can’t be disappoint by
the university.

Focus on student’s suggestion:

In the most of the cases university return the report to the students. But the university is
not focusing the suggestion given by the students to improve. So university should take
their suggestions.

Emphasis on flexibility:
Overall process should be more flexible and easy. So that intern can’t get bored to fulfill
all the terms and conditions.

Submit report through online:

University’s overall technique of intern allocation to student is really nice. One thing I
want to say if university gives chance to students for submitting their report by online.


Recommendation to internee’s performance in future

After had done an internship at the National Commerce And Credit Bank Ltd- Banani
branch, I found many problems regarding the banking system. In the last chapter, I gave
suggestions from the university’s perspective. For new interns, students must have mental
preparation and avoid his/her nervousness, shyness

Recommendation for bank

I found some problems regarding NCCBL-Banani Branch. Here are the suggestions for
the NCCBL- Banani Branch by doing that they can improve internee’s performance in
future. Those are:

 For improving intern’s and officers performance bank should provide guideline
book for customers so that interns and officers do not need to talk too much with
customers and they can concern their task.
 Though the performance of customer service is good, and their employees are
well trained but shortage of employees and lack of space, employees cannot
provide better service to the customer. So the authority should ensure this facility
to provide good customer service, which will bring effectiveness of the bank’s
 In general banking department it is necessary to implement modern banking
process instead of traditional banking system.
 As the clients are not in favor of introducing system, if possible the rule of
introducing to open an account should be changed. Because many people face to
arrange an introducer in the time of opening accounts.
 NCCBL should offer more facilities to the customers such as credit card, visa
card, ATM machine etc.

 As soon as possible bank should establish more ATM booth in Dhaka city as well
as the other cities of the country.
 Authority should take on sophisticate technology for conducting SMS banking
 One of the business strategies is promotion. Successful business depends on how
they can promote their products/services to the customers. In this connection to
improve business status bank should introduce more promotional programs.
 As soon as possible bank should start more branches in the Dhaka city as well as
other cities of the country.
 The bank should take attempt to increase its existing share into the share market
by issuing primary shares to capitalize more money and invest thereafter by
expanding the number of branches around the city.
 To provide quality service to the customer it is essential to have a trained team.
For this reason bank should recruit fresher, energetic and bright persons such as
MBA, BBA, MBM etc. graduates.
 The bank has a provision for internship program, but it is not well organized.
 Although the officials are very careful and cooperative with the interns, the
authority should be more structured.
 If they can properly make them trained it’ll be very rich to recruit them. Because
they learn overall banking system in the internship period, so in the beginning of
the job they can work as experienced persons.
 A proper incentive system should be introduced to motivate the internees for
better services.



 Annual report of National Commerce And Credit Bank limited (2012, 2013).
 NCCBL Procedure Manual- General Banking.
 Prospectus of NCCBL




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