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The Senses

Week 13: Cam Clips 1,2,3

By Lidya and Adiam

What is the Sensation?

The process of transferring information from the outside world into the body and
brain in a passive manner.
● Perception
○ transforming electrical impulses into usable information
● Sensory receptors respond to environmental stimuli, nerve impulses pass to
the cerebral cortex, and sensation (conscious perception) of stimuli occurs.
Sensory adaptation causes a reduction in stimulus responses, which can
happen when stimuli are repeated.
Major Types Of Sensory Receptors and Their
● Mechanoreceptors
○ A sensory receptor that respond to mechanical stimulus such as
pressure, fluid, and movement.
● Chemoreceptors
○ Pick up chemical changes
○ Example, acidity, changes in ion, metabolites changes, concentration
of things within the fluid in our body
● Thermoreceptors
○ Pick up temperature changes
○ Weather something is hot or cold
● Nociceptors
○ Excess of thermoreceptors, mechanoreceptors, and chemoreceptors
in potentially damaging stimuli resulting in pain
● Photoreceptors
○ Picks up light or photons
○ Located in the retina of the eye
Function of Receptors
➢ Receptors picks up change in its environment such as temperature, oxygen, light,
sound, and concentration.
➢ Chemical signals charge the membrane potential of a neuron, causing nerve
impulses to generate.
➢ Information travels
○ To the CNS
○ Is processed
○ Interpreted
○ And we remember
Role of The Thalamus
Many sensory ascending axons transport information to the cortex.

They come to a halt at the thalamic area, where they synapse with a variety of
neurons leading to the cortex.

The thalamus receives only rudimentary information concerning Pain,

Temperature, and Proprioceptors.
The Sense of Taste
Taste buds are tiny bumps located on the tongue's
surface. Taste buds allow us to detect the

● Sweetness
● Sourness
● Saltiness
● Bitterness of the foods we eat.
The Sense of Smell
● Tiny chemical droplets carry odours into the nose.
● The odour is converted into a nerve impulse by
receptors in the nose.
● The impulse passes to the brain's olfactory lobes.
● The brain interprets odour as a scent.
The sense of Hearing and Equilibrium

● The ear is divided into three areas

● Outer (external) ear
● Middle ear
● Inner (internal) ear
The Structure and Function of Ear
● The external ear
○ Auricle (pinna)
○ External auditory meatus

● The middle ear

○ Tympanic membrane (eardrum)
○ Tympanic cavity
○ Auditory ossicles (Hammer, Anvil & Stirrup)
○ Auditory tube

● The inner ear

○ Complex system of intercommunicating chambers and tubes called the labyrinth
■ Osseous labyrinth :- bony canal in temporal bone with fluid perilymph
■ Membranous labyrinth :- tube that lies within osseous labyrinth and filled with fluid endolymph
Pathway of sounds
● Sound waves hit the tympanum
● Auditory ossicles gets vibrated
● Staples vibrates oval window
● Basilar membrane is vibrated in turn
● Hair cells are moved to tectorial membrane
● Cochlear nerve fibers takes signals to temporal lobes
Test Your Knowledge
ANAT 1500 THE SENSES CC1. (2017, January 10). [Video]. YouTube.

ANAT 1500 INTRODUCTION CC2. (2017, January 10). [Video]. YouTube.

ANAT 1500 THE SENSES CC3. (2017, January 10). [Video]. YouTube.

Patton, K. T., Thibodeau, G. A., & Douglas, M. M. (2012). Essentials of Anatomy and
Physiology. Elsevier Gezondheidszorg.

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