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Random musings for traders at TD Ameritrade—SPRING 2020


TM47_Spring_2020.indd 1 2020-02-27 7:50 AM



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TM47_Spring_2020.indd 2 2020-02-25 5:50 PM



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Pub: TD Ameritrade: ThinkMoney

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 3 2020-02-25 5:50 PM
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Well, That Wasn’t Supposed to Happen!

Delta, theta, and vega may be where you want them to
be when you place a trade. But they can change,
causing your positions to fall out of line. These handy
guidelines could help keep you on track.

20 24 28
Cover Photograph by
Dan Saelinger How to Build Do My Strikes Time for a
a Trade Look Too Wide in Strategy Change?
So many indicators and draw- This Strangle? (You’ll Know It When You
ing tools, so little time. No wor- Selling strangles can be one of See It.)
ries. You don’t need to know the riskiest strategies around, Your awesome trading strategy
how to use all of them. Just a but that doesn’t mean you has worked well for some time.
handful will do the job. Here’s should toss them aside. Un- But at some point, it just isn’t
Have a strategy one way to slice and dice it. derstanding how to combine
probabilities and theta could
as awesome as it once was.
What could have gone wrong?
for narrowing be a giant step toward finding
the right strikes to use in a
Maybe it’s a blip. Or maybe it
needs a little refining, or some-
down your short strangle. thing bigger. Whatever the
alternatives so
reason, there are things you
can do to fix the problem.
you can focus
on a handful
of symbols.
How to Build a Trade: Hard Hat Optional
Page 20

4 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 4 2020-02-25 5:52 PM

There’s nothing stopping
the U.S. Federal Reserve
from setting
fed funds
rates. It’s not
9 In the Money
likely, but

Industry Spotlight Share
buybacks: What they mean
for traders. REGULAR COLUMNS
thinkTank Tools to keep
your inner trader fired up. 6 A Quick Howdy
In-Person Learning Learn 32 Capiche? What will nega-
new skills, know your tools, tive interest rates do to op-
and schmooze with fellow tions? You may have already
traders. experienced it.
Trade Winds Fundamen- 34 Vol Whisperer There
tals for futures? You read are so many vol numbers.
that right. What do they mean and
Chat Room Quips Chatter which ones should you
from the Swim Lessons use?
chat room. 36 Associate Spotlight
Ask the Coach Saving Joe Barakat, managing
traders, one question at director of trader strategy
a time. and analytics, is always
thinking about how to
make sure clients have the
optimal trading experience.
37 Trader Jargon

SPRING 2020 | | 5

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 5 2020-02-25 5:53 PM


SHARE THE LOVE—Ask a question, tell us a joke, or just give us your

feedback on thinkMoney. Write to us at

It’s Part of the Game

moving the same way day after day and
volatility is just hanging out at below-
average levels, your trading may feel a
bit—shall we say—predictable.
But then one day things stop lining
up. Systems fail without much warn-
ing. Maybe it’s a political event, a virus
outbreak, or a natural disaster. Stuff like
this changes moods, regardless of the
fundamentals, and it reminds you that
volatility happens. Sharp, emotional
reactions increase volatility (vol), which
increases risk. As traders, we should be
ready to embrace volatility and high-
er-risk environments. It doesn’t mean
you’re immune to risk. But you should
be aware of how risk can impact your
positions and overall portfolio.
When the market moves quickly
and sharply, it’s natural to get hung up
trying to figure out which positions
are losing the most. But there’s more
to risk than just looking at profit and
loss. As an option trader, you’re used
to vol moving around a lot. You can see
it in the greeks—delta, gamma, theta,
vega (changes in direction, time, and
volatility). Those values start changing
from the time you place a trade right
up until your options expire. The mag-
nitude of the change is related to the positions. This could help you decide if to bob and weave when it happens. For-
risk of your options. you want to reduce risks or if it’s okay to tunately, there are some measures you
But instead of looking at each posi- hold on a little longer. could take—dial back, tweak things a
tion independently, maybe take a step But maybe it’s not just about vol, little, or maybe even abandon a strategy
back and look at your portfolio from time, and direction. It can be about your and start over. There’s no right or wrong
the perspective of overall risk, not just strategies too. If you’ve been trading way to tackle the markets. But it’s nice to
volatility. Our feature article, “Well, for a while, you know that your strate- be prepared for surprises.
That Wasn’t Supposed to Happen!” on gies work until they don’t. “Time for a
page 16 highlights changing greeks and Strategy Change? (You’ll Know It When Happy trading,
shows you how to do an apples-to-ap- You See It)” on page 28 points out a few Kevin Lund
ples comparison of all your open reasons for this and some ideas for how Editor-in-Chief, thinkMoney

6 | | SPRING 2020 P H O T O G R A P H : D A N S A E L I N G E R | I L L U S T R AT I O N: R A N D A L L WAT S O N

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 6 2020-02-25 5:53 PM


Kevin Lund
JJ Kinahan
LEAD WRITER • Trading foreign exchange on margin
Thomas Preston carries a high level of risk, as well as its
Eileen Sutton own unique risk factors. Before consid-

MANAGING EDITOR ering trading this product, please read
Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
the Forex Risk Disclosure, available at
Jennifer Agee
ART DIRECTOR investor-information/publication-
Mace Fleeger
DESIGNER library/forex.pdf.
Jennifer Roberts The information presented in this pub-
Doug Ashburn lication does not consider your personal • Supporting documentation for any
investment objectives or financial claims, comparisons, statistics, or
Dan Saelinger situation; therefore, this publication other technical data will be supplied
ILLUSTRATORS does not make personalized recom- upon request.
Joe Morse
Randall Watson
mendations. This information should
not be construed as an offer to sell or • A forex dealer can be compensated
PUBLISHER a solicitation to buy any security. The via commission and/or spread on forex Transaction costs are important fac-
T3 Custom investment strategies or the securities trades. TD Ameritrade is subsequently tors and should be considered when may not be suitable for you. Any and all compensated by the forex dealer. evaluating any options trade. For
opinions expressed in this publication simplicity, the examples in these arti-
are subject to change without notice. • Futures and forex accounts are not cles do not include transaction costs. At
protected by the Securities Investor TD Ameritrade, online options orders
TD Ameritrade Contact • Options transactions involve com- Protection Corporation (SIPC). are $0.65 per contract. Orders placed
Info You Could Use plex tax considerations that should be by other means will have higher trans-
Client Services Rep:
800-669-3900 carefully reviewed prior to entering • Futures, futures options, and action costs.
New Accounts: into any transaction. forex trading services are provided by
TD Ameritrade Futures & Forex LLC.
thinkorswim Support • The risk of loss in trading securities, Trading privileges are subject to review
thinkorswim@ options, futures, and forex can be and approval. Not all clients will qual- substantial. Clients must consider all ify. Forex accounts are not available to
Platform Feedback
relevant risk factors, including their residents of Ohio or Arizona. own personal financial situations,
Tech Support before trading. Options involve risk TD Ameritrade, Inc. Member SIPC
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thinkorswimpapermoney@ Characteristics and Risks of Standard- TD Ameritrade is a trademark jointly
All Other Inquiries ized Options. A copy accompanies this owned by TD Ameritrade IP Company,
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thinkMoney Back Issues

SPRING 2020 | | 7

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 7 2020-02-25 5:53 PM

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RUTSM is a service mark of Cboe Exchange, Inc. Russell 2000® is a trademark and service mark of Frank Russell Company, used under license. © 2020 Cboe
Exchange, Inc. All rights reserved.

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 8 2020-02-25 6:02 PM





With a lack of clarity on
tariffs, CEOs may be reluctant
to spend on infrastructure.
They sometimes see share
buybacks as a more prudent
use of their money.

• WHEN YOU RECEIVE AN UNEXPECTED Paying out dividends does the same thing, impeachment inquiry, and the 2020 pres-
windfall, what do you do with all that extra but share buybacks and dividends are differ- idential election. Plus, manufacturing and
cash? You either spend it all at once or do ent animals. global industrial activity was soft. So instead
something meaningful with it. Corporations In 2018, stock buybacks exceeded the $1 of spending on infrastructure or investing in
were faced with a similar situation after trillion mark. In 2019, buybacks softened, plants, equipment, and buildings, many cor-
the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which lowered but that doesn’t necessarily mean companies porations shifted their attention to reducing
corporate taxes from 35% to 21% starting weren’t faring as well as in the previous year. debt and returning cash to their sharehold-
in 2018. With extra cash, corporations had Through most of 2019, corporate earnings ers through share buybacks.
to figure out how to put that money to use. were mostly positive, consumer spending
Many chose to buy back their shares as a remained healthy, and the stock market BUYBACK PROS AND CONS
way to benefit their shareholders. When a continued its bullish trajectory. There are several reasons why companies
company buys back its shares, it can reduce In spite of the positive notes, there was may choose to buy back their shares. Per-
the number of available shares in the market. a lot of uncertainty surrounding Brexit, haps the company doesn’t want to invest
This in turn increases shareholder value. the United States–China trade war, the all its excess funds in growth. They might


TM47_Spring_2020.indd 9 2020-02-25 6:03 PM

prefer to buy back their shares to increase
shareholder value. Or perhaps the company’s THINK TANK

Fire Up Your
management views the share price as under-
valued. Maybe there’s a tax benefit. It could
be a combination of these and other reasons.

Inner Trader
The bottom line is that when a company
buys back its shares (then called a treasury
stock), the number of traded shares decreas-
es. This can impact the company’s earnings
per share (EPS), the number we often hear
when a company releases its quarterly earn-
ings report. So if the number of shares (the There's never a dull moment. The
denominator in the equation) decreases, markets are a buzz of activity every
EPS can go higher even if a company’s earn- single trading day. Keep yourself
ings don’t change.
When a company announces a buyback,
in the loop with these tools.
you’ll likely see a jump in the stock price.
This could lure buyers to accumulate more
of the stock and send prices even higher,
which investors like. CEOs like buybacks
because the EPS numbers look good. Options Time & Sales: THE HIP TICKER TAPE
But there’s another side to all this. Some Seeing time, price, and volume data for every options transaction
investors perceive buybacks as a manipula- of an actively traded stock can be a lot of information to digest. The
tive tool, or something that benefits only top data is changing continuously—too fast to keep track of. Maybe the
company executives. Buybacks can affect in- only thing you can figure out is if you see a lot of red, there’s likely
vestors differently. They may be less visible a lot of selling going on and if you see a lot of green, it could mean
than dividends, but knowing why a company
bought back its own shares can help you 3
understand a company better and make you 2
a smarter investor. Filter
—Words by JAYANTHI GOPALAKRISHNAN biggest Button

Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan is not a representative
of TD Ameritrade, Inc. The material, views, and
opinions expressed in this article are solely those Time
of the author and may not be reflective of those
held by TD Ameritrade, Inc. FIGURE 1: OPTIONS TIME & SALES. You’ll find data on all options trades that took place on the underlying symbol
during the trading day. Source: thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.

Market Drive Workshops
A one-day crash course Learn about technical
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10 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 10 2020-02-25 6:05 PM

there’s a lot of buying. But beyond that, To the right of Condition is a gear icon display can be customized by selecting
how could you use that information to that allows you to select the number of the actions menu on the right.
make trading decisions? trades to display in the Today’s Biggest 3 — On the Active Trader screen, where
Ideally, you’ll want to filter all that data category. If you see a big trade show up you see the vertical listing of prices, the
and focus on what matters to you. The and want to learn more about it, select column headers can be customized by
Options Time & Sales tool on the thinkor- the menu on the right side of the row and selecting the gear icon to the right of
swim® platform from TD Ameritrade gives choose to analyze the trade in more detail. the column headers. You can see the ask
you that ability. and bid size at the prevailing price and
There are two ways to view the Options Active Trader: A CLOSER VIEW anything behind the current market.
Time & Sales feature—on the main screen If you trade actively, the Active Trader 4 — There are different ways to place
and in the left sidebar. Let’s focus on the tab on the thinkorswim platform could be orders with Active Trader. You could
features on the main screen. If you look at for you (see Figure 2). You’ll find a listing adjust your quantity and either select
the Analyze or Trade tab, there are many of prices, and you can place orders with the BUY Mkt or SELL Mkt buttons.
sections on display. Make sure to select one click or move orders to different price Another way is to do it from the vertical
the Options Time & Sales box; the Options points by dragging your cursor. price listing by placing your cursor over
Time & Sales section will appear below From the Trade tab, select the Active the ask or bid size columns. Select the
Today’s Options Statistics (see Figure 1). Trader button. The default layout displays cell and the order confirmation screen
a chart on the left side and depth of market will pop up. The trade, along with your
1 - Data is divided into two major cate- and order actions on the right. The layout stop orders, will be displayed on the
gories: today’s biggest and time. is customizable. chart displayed at the left. Want to
2 - Notice the different columns— To the right of the Active Trader panel is modify your trade? Drag those levels
Option, Qty, Price, Exchange, Market, the control bar with buttons that range from on the chart to different price levels.
Delta, IV, and Underlying. Options live news feeds to additional sets of order For faster order entry, you could select
displayed in blue are call trades; those buttons. The beauty of the Active Trader tab the Auto Send box in the order entry
in purple are put trades. Options with is its visual approach to placing orders. section, but we don’t recommend it.
green labels traded at the ask or above; Under the Template list, you can
those with red labels traded at the bid or 1 — Select the gear icon to customize the select the type of trade you may want
below; and yellow/white are those that buttons. to place—single, one cancels other
traded between the bid and ask. 2 — The position summary shows infor- (OCO), or trigger with one, two, or
3 - To sort the data and filter it based on mation about any open positions. The three brackets.
your criteria, select the Filter button.
Select the filters you wish to use from
the list. You have several choices: side,
series, strikes, exchanges, quantity,
price, and condition. Trade
Tab Active
Trader 1

Branch Seminars 3
Bid Ask
No matter where you are size size
on your investing journey,
your local branch can
help you level up.
FIGURE 2: ACTIVE TRADER. If you trade actively, this tool will help you customize your layout so you can see the information necessary to make your trading decisions quickly. Source: thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.

SPRING 2020 | | 11

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 11 2020-02-25 6:05 PM


What can
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do for your
Options on futures offer nearly
24-hour trading on six major asset
classes. By simply transferring
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CME Group is a trademark of CME Group Inc. The Globe logo

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TM47_Spring_2020.indd 12 2020-02-27 1:59 PM



OMG! What did you guys do
to the market? It was green
HOW when I left.
Tell me about it.
My watchlist colors
From the Analyze
tab, in thinkorswim CHAT SWIMMER #2:
from TD Ameritrade, If I thought the market
select Fundamentals.
You’ll see two types would go from green to red
of futures listed under every time I left, I would be
the Futures sub- out of here all day long.
futures and physically CHAT SWIMMER #1:
settled futures. Select Green is good in a sea
any contract and you’ll
of red.

Yup, Fundamentals
see an overview that
includes the prevailing
price, volume, price
chart, and contract CHAT SWIMMER #1:

for Futures
specs. The Contract I don’t use indicators. Just
Profile lists the traded
contracts with their price and volume, but lunar
expiration, price data, cycles—that’s on another
last trade date, and level.

initial margin.
What's so new about old-school funda- I don’t trade on a full moon
mentals? TD Ameritrade's Adam Hickerson night. I go outside and bay
goes beyond bid and ask to share what tick size, and multiplier, to name at it.
futures "fundamentals" include. a few. Plus, futures are traded CHAT SWIMMER #1:
on margin, and because each I haven’t figured out moon
product is different, each has a phases and their effect on the
different margin requirement.   stock market.
These are the most CHAT SWIMMER #2:
important items a trader I do know that chat rooms
ADAM HICKERSON needs to understand, so tend to be a tad weirder on a
SENIOR MANAGER it makes sense to add the full moon.
Futures & Forex, TD Ameritrade   contract specifications to the
Fundamentals tab so each CHAT SWIMMER #1:
trader can access the details in Bonds are stuck after some
one place. morning bounces.
Hey, Adam! For from TD Ameritrade. CHAT SWIMMER #2:
stocks, when I search When you’re trading stocks I trade futures, and Yes, they are. And I’m stuck
fundamentals, I get in a cash account, the math is there are a few other between being done, and
lots of data. What pretty consistent. When you buy “fundamentals” I’d wanting to jump back in
information can I get a stock, it’s the number of shares like to have at my somewhere.
about futures? times the price. Price movement fingertips.
For the futures markets, there is in dollars and cents, and This is just the beginning. We’ll
are no income statements, stocks typically move in penny be adding to the Fundamentals
balance sheets, or financial increments. Even with standard tab for futures, including JOIN THE
ratios. For futures, the equity options, each contract is trading hours and more details Tune into the Swim Les-
contract specifications are the deliverable into 100 shares. on options on futures (since sons Chat Room from the
thinkorswim app or from
fundamentals. So that’s what we But with futures, each those have their own unique your platform (Support/
put into the Fundamentals tab contract has its own set of characteristics and expiration Chat > Swim Lessons).
in the thinkorswim® platform attributes—settlement terms, dates). So, stay tuned.   

SPRING 2020 | | 13

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 13 2020-02-25 6:06 PM


is also known success or failure of a position:

as a diagonal time, price, and vol. So you’ll
TRADER spread. You have to understand the implica-
JARGON enter a long and tions of each before employing
PAGE 37 short position in this strategy. 
two calls or two Finally, there are a few ques-
puts with differ- tions to ask if your short option
ent strikes and expiration dates. reaches expiration out of the
You’d be buying a LEAPS money. Are you still bullish
contract and selling a slight- enough on the trade to hold the
ly out-of-the-money (OTM) longer-term option? Instead
short-term call. But there are a of rolling the option, you may
couple things to keep in mind. be better off exiting the trade.
First, if you get assigned on the And if you are bullish, are you
short call, you’ll need to deliver very bullish? Remember that a
100 shares of the underlying covered call limits the upside
contract you sold. This might potential of a stock or a long call,
happen at any time for an in-the- so if you’re very bullish, you may
money contract, but typically not want to do a covered call on
occurs at expiration. a stock or a LEAPS contract. 
Second, because LEAPS are

Diagonals and
long-term options, they have Hey, Cameron! What does
more time premium (time de- it mean when traders say a
cay is typically slower than the short option is “tested”?

Tested Shorts:
short-term contract on a day-by- When you have a short options
day basis). Even though LEAPS position, you typically make

Say What?
are longer-term contracts, they money when the stock isn’t close
still have an expiration date. to its strike price. But when the
And one more consideration: stock moves toward the short
volatility (vol) could fall, which options contract’s strike—either
could impact the value of the down to the strike of a short
There’s no wrong question to ask the edu- LEAPS and any options you sell put, or up to the strike of a short
cation coaches at TD Ameritrade when it against it. call—that’s not so good. The
comes to options. And chances are, plenty of Using a covered call strategy short option might start to lose
with LEAPS could be good for a money. That’s when traders say
other folks are itching to ask the same thing. sideways market, very much like the option is “tested.” Some also
a traditional covered call. If the use the term to mean the stock
stock is stable or at least remains is getting near the strike price
below the short strike at expira- of the short option. Others use
tion, the premium collected on it to mean the stock has touched
• As a TD Ameritrade education Cameron, say I want to use that contract should offset any the strike price. Either way, the
coach, Cameron May has seen a diagonal spread for stock time decay on the long position.  stock price is closer to the strike
and heard it all. This makes him replacement. Can I use a Remember: three variables of the short option than the
uniquely qualified to answer any covered call strategy with can contribute to the ultimate trader would like.
question, from simple to com- LEAPS® by writing a weekly
plex, when it comes to options. option against that long call? 
So ask away, and you may see You could if you purchased READ THE STRATEGY. WATCH THE STRATEGY. Check out
TD Ameritrade’s weekly webcasts on strategies like diagonals and
your question pop up here in our at-the-money LEAPS instead of much more at
next issue.  purchasing stock. This strategy
14 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 14 2020-02-25 6:07 PM

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All investing involves risks, including loss of principal.

Excludes TD Ameritrade accounts outside the United States and those designated as TD Ameritrade Institutional accounts, accounts managed by TD Ameritrade Investment
Management, LLC, Stock Plan Services accounts, and paperMoney®-only users without a funded TD Ameritrade brokerage account. These accounts will not have access to the
Education tab within thinkorswim®.

Education Center content is provided for illustrative and educational use only and is not a recommendation or solicitation to purchase, sell, or hold any specific security or utilize
any specific strategy.

TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. TD Ameritrade is a trademark jointly owned by TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. and The Toronto-Dominion Bank. © 2020 TD Ameritrade.
TDA 101092 M 02/20

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 15 2020-02-25 6:07 PM

LEVEL Evaluate future risk
to see if you need to
S AV V Y make any adjustments.

16 || SPRING
16 || MONTH 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 16 2020-02-25 6:08 PM








Hey, option trader! This article is for you. It doesn’t matter

what type of options strategy you use—long calls, covered
calls, short puts, protective puts, two-legged, three-legged,
or four-legged spreads.
Generally speaking, three things govern the success
(profit) or failure (loss) of options trades—directional bias,
time, and changes in volatility (vol). In options trading
lingo, that’s delta, theta, and vega. But you know that already,
right? Well, you might know the textbook definitions of
options greeks. But do you know how they change, and why
you have to stay closely engaged with your options trades?

MONTH 2017 | | 17

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 17 2020-02-25 6:08 PM

tion has. If an option is even
THE GREEKS, THEY KEEP CHANGIN’ slightly in the money (ITM),
Stock prices move up, down, or don’t change at all. Time moves its delta will move toward 1 as
forward relentlessly. Vol, like stock, moves up or down (or not). These expiration approaches. The
three things come together in options trades in different proportions delta of an out-of-the-mon-
ey (OTM) option will move
and at different times in the options expiration cycle. Delta, theta, toward 0. This assumes that
and vega, like all options greeks, are dynamic. In effect, they change only time is passing and stock
when the stock price or vol changes and as time passes. For price and vol don’t change.
example, a short put is a bullish strategy. But short puts don’t all Rule 2. Theta increases as
have the same exposure to these three elements. Let’s explore why. time passes and the option
gets closer to expiration. But
that increase is greatest for
ATM or closer OTM options.
Theta likewise decreases for
Say stock XYZ is trading for $200. Com- one day passes). further OTM options. If an option is further
pare two short puts—a 195 put with 60 days Looking at it another way, suppose you OTM and its value is small, its theta could
to expiration and a 195 put with 10 days to sold that 195 put when it had 60 days to drop as time passes.
expiration. Same stock, same strike, differ- expiration because the stock moved up Rule 3. Vega decreases as time passes and
ent expirations. But their deltas, thetas, and and vol was dropping. Then 50 days later, the option gets closer to expiration. Vega
vegas are significantly different. Assuming assuming no change in the stock price or for OTM options is less than vega for ATM
the two options have the same vol, the 195 vol, when the option has 10 days to expi- or near-the-money options all else equal.
put with 60 days has a theoretical delta of ration, it’s a profitable trade because of
-0.39, theta of 0.06, and vega of 0.62. Mean- theta. But holding that short put in ex- HOW THESE RULES MAY HELP
while, the 195 put with 10 days to expiration pectation of a vol drop may not seem like To see these concepts in action, consider
has a theoretical delta of -0.26, theta of 0.13, such a smart strategy now that the put’s a simple portfolio of two stocks—long 100
and vega of 0.21. The delta of the 195 put vega is one-third of what it was when it shares of FAHN and long 100 shares of
with 10 days is a bit lower, but its theta is had 60 days to expiration. If vol does drop, PHYL—with covered calls sold against
double, and vega is one-third of the 195 put the short put with 10 days to expiration them. (This portfolio is for illustrative
with 60 days. may be showing a profit, but not as much purposes only and is not diversified.) Even
The option with 10 days to expiration as from short theta. The vol drop might with only two stocks, it can be helpful to
has less directional bias, greater sensitivity have been more helpful when the put had beta weight the deltas for a theoretical esti-
to time passing, and less sensitivity to a 60 days to expiration. In other words, mate of how much risk each one adds to the
change in vol than the op- the nonlinearity of delta, theta, and vega portfolio in apples-to-apples terms.
tion with 60 days to expira- means that things change. For instance, if you beta weight your
tion. More important, these portfolio to the S&P 500 Index (SPX), may-
differences in the greeks are A FEW HANDY GUIDELINES be the PHYL position has a delta of 6.01, a
nonlinear with respect to In practice, you always need to actively theta of +0.45, and vega of -0.55. The FAHN
GLOSSARY time. That means, for exam- monitor your trades, but the amount of position has a delta of 1.37, a theta of +2.78,
TURN TO ple, that if one day passes engagement or attention you need to give and vega of -20.91 (see Figure 1).
and the stock price and vol the options in your portfolio changes and In terms of the beta-weighted delta,
stay the same, the delta of can increase over time. The way you treat PHYL has more theoretical risk in the port-
the 195 put with 60 days to expiration will those trades changes, too. If your trades are folio than FAHN, while the FAHN position
change a small amount. But the delta of based on delta, theta, vega, or a combina- is contributing more positive theta and neg-
the 195 put with 10 days to expiration will tion thereof, keep these theoretical rules ative vega. Perhaps you want the two stocks
change more. Theoretically, the 195 put’s in mind. to contribute equal amounts of beta-weight-
delta with 59 days to expiration is still -0.39 Rule 1. Delta moves toward 1 or 0 as ed delta, theta, and vega. To do that, you
(almost no change after one day passes), time passes. The delta of an at-the-money could reduce PHYL’s delta and increase its
while the 195 put’s delta with nine days to (ATM) option is relatively stable at 50, no theta and vega, and/or increase FAHN’s
expiration is -0.24 (changes by 0.02 after matter how many days to expiration the op- delta and decrease its theta and vega.

18 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 18 2020-02-25 6:09 PM

By rolling the short calls to different
PHYL’s strike prices and expirations, the beta-
Beta risk weighted deltas, thetas, and vegas of the
weighted two positions are more equal. As time
to SPX
passes, the stock prices will likely change,
FAHN’s and vol may move up or down. The two
stocks may become unequal again—so the
short calls might need to be rolled to dif-
ferent strikes and expirations to get them
back in line. In practice, this doesn’t mean
you roll the options in your portfolio every
FIGURE 1: HOW MUCH RISK DOES EACH POSITION ADD TO THE PORTFOLIO? To make an apples-to-apples time the greeks change. All that might do
comparison, beta weight the stocks using the Monitor tab on the thinkorswim® platform from TD Ameritrade. is run up commissions and transaction
Source: thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.
costs, and liquidity is never guaranteed to
allow for it.


Rolling better determine how much risk expo-
call sure you want your portfolio to have
overall. Analyzing how much each po-
sition contributes can help you create a
Rolling comprehensive portfolio management
call strategy. With time, you’ll be able to look
at an option, see its impact on your port-
folio’s risk, and adjust accordingly. To
get started, consider logging in to your
account and monitoring your positions
FIGURE 2: BALANCING OUT YOUR RISK. By rolling the short calls to either a different strike price or expira-
tion, you could have the two stocks contribute more equal amounts of beta-weighted delta, theta, and vega. every day to stay more in control.
Source: thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.

Where are those deltas are coming Now let’s look

from? In PHYL, it’s the long stock and at FAHN. It’s ROLLING YOUR OPTIONS
a short 155 call (covered call). But that long 100 shares of You can test the impact of “rolling” options using the Analyze tab on the
covered call is far OTM and close to expi- stock, short a 135 thinkorswim® platform from TD Ameritrade without having to execute a
ration with only eight days left. We know call that’s ITM, trade. Select the option you wish to roll under Positions and Simulated
Trades, and at the far right side of the row, select Analyze rolling trade.
that a call’s delta is lower the further OTM and expires on This can help you determine which options might give you the desired
it is, and the OTM call’s delta decreases as January 17, 2020. risk exposure.
expiration approaches. Compared to the That ITM call has
delta of PHYL’s long shares, the short call’s a large short delta,
negative delta isn’t very big. Also, its theta which is reducing
and vega are relatively small. the FAHN position’s beta-weighted del-
One way to reduce PHYL’s delta might be ta. And it’s still close enough to the stock Thomas Preston is not a representative of
to look to roll the short call (i.e., buy to close price to generate relatively high theta and TD Ameritrade, Inc. The material, views, and
the existing short covered call and sell to vega. To increase FAHN’s delta and reduce opinions expressed in this article are solely those
open a new covered call) to a further expira- its theta and vega, you might consider roll- of the author and may not be reflective of those
tion at a lower strike price. Rolling the short ing the short call to a higher strike price in held by TD Ameritrade, Inc.
155 call to the short 140 call with three more the same expiration. Rolling the short 135
weeks to expiration takes the beta-weighted call to the 155 call with the same expira- For more on the risks of trading and trading
delta of the PHYL position to 5.08, its theta tion takes its beta-weighted delta to 4.63, options, see page 38, #1 & 2.
to 1.73, and its vega to -10.67 (see Figure 2). its theta to 1.91, and its vega to -17.63.

SPRING 2020 | | 19

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 19 2020-02-25 6:09 PM

LEVEL A methodical
approach can bring
E A SY clarity to charts.




20 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 20 2020-02-25 6:11 PM

MONTH 2017 | | 21

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 21 2020-02-25 6:12 PM

1. Select the Scan tab on thinkorswim. Price & Quote, then Last.
2. Choose your setup. There are four choic- 6. Finally, select Descending. Satisfied?
es across the top: Stock Hacker, Option Hit Scan and get your hacked universe
Hacker, Spread Hacker, and Spread Book. of stocks listed and sorted to your liking.
Each category has several filters. For ex- If you’re not satisfied with what you see,
ample, Stock Hacker has filters for stocks, edit your filters some more.
options, studies, fundamentals, and
patterns. Before setting up your scan, you CHART THE TRADE
can also select a category of stocks, and Now that you have a list of stocks that meet
choose to intersect your original category your scan criteria, how can you master your
with another one. For example, you might stock universe?
When you walk into an ice cream store, set All Optionable stocks to intersect with First, determine where the stocks could
one thing that hits you is the number of All NASDAQ Stocks. be going by looking up their charts. Right-
flavors. And once you decide which flavor 3. Choose your first filter by selecting Add click on any symbol in your scan list, select
or combination of flavors you want, you filter for stock. The filter is added to More info on stock XYZ from the drop-
have to figure out how you want it served— your Scan setup. From that drop-down down list, then select TOS Charts. Choose
dish, sugar cone, waffle cone, and so on. list, select from the alternatives and then where on your chart grid you’d like to see
And then how much—single scoop, double choose a range. Maybe it’s earnings sea- your stock’s chart displayed. This will take
scoop, or more. son and you want to find stocks that are you to the Charts tab. Maximize the chart
You’ll often go through a similar experi- likely to have some movement. You might and you’re ready to begin mastering the art
ence when deciding what to trade. With so select Market Maker Move from your of charting.
much data thrown at you, that process can choices. A chart will display the distri- You can now ask these three questions:
get tough. Some traders have no problem an- bution range of the selected filter. Select
alyzing mountains of data. Others take com- your desired minimum and maximum 1. What’s the trend?
fort in looking at a chart so they have some range using the drag-and-drop tool. 2. How strong is the trend?
sense of which way price may be moving. But 4. Add a volume filter to find stocks trading 3. When should you get in (and out) of a
even charts can get complicated—there are on high volume. Then select the minimum trade?
so many indicators, drawing tools, and pat- and maximum range of the volume. To the
terns to choose from. And too many choices right of your selected scan criteria, you’ll It’s possible to look at a price chart and
can lead to a state of “analysis paralysis.” find the number of matches. If you’re still quickly identify the trend. But sometimes it
The good news: there’s a more logical seeing too many stocks for your filtered may not be clear-cut. An indicator such as
approach to finding a potential trade and criteria, narrow down the number of the simple moving average (SMA) can help
narrowing down the number of indicators symbols on your list by adding additional you identify the overall trend. From the
to place on a chart. filters or adding a condition group, such as Studies menu (beaker icon) on your chart,
not including stocks under $5. select Add Study, then Moving Averages
SCAN THE STOCK UNIVERSE 5. Sort the most heavily traded symbols by (yes, you have plenty of choices), then Sim-
What you want to trade is a subjective selecting the Sorted by drop-down list to pleMovingAvg. The SMA will be overlaid
choice, and it depends on several factors— the left of the Scan button. Select Basic on the price chart. Right-click on the SMA,
your trading personality, how much time
you dedicate to trading, life demands, and
so on. Whatever the case, it’s a good idea to
have a strategy for narrowing down your 2.
3. Choose
alternatives so you can focus on a handful 1. First categories
Scan filter
of symbols. tab
The Stock Hacker tool on the thinkor-
5. 6.
swim® platform from TD Ameritrade can Sort scan Order scan
help you reduce the universe of stocks to results results
something more manageable. Before you en- Additional
gage it, think about what you’d like to trade.
Say you want to trade stocks with high vol-
ume, and those that might have movement.
Here’s how you start the “hacking” pro-
cess and scan for stocks that meet these two
criteria (see Figure 1).

FIGURE 1: HACKING LEGALLY. Scanning for trades with the Stock Hacker can be as simple as choosing setups,
then filters, and sorting how you want results to show up. Source: thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.

22 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 22 2020-02-25 6:13 PM

50-day SMA

23.6% Fib

How do you expand future dates on
charts using the Expansion area?
simple moving Charts on the thinkorswim platform can be
average ADX shows customized in many ways. For example, se-
trending up slight lect the Chart Settings icon from the chart
increase in window, then the Time axis tab. On the right
strength column under Expansion area, select the
number of bars to the right from the drop-
down list, then select Apply. You can also
change the expansion settings by selecting
FIGURE 2: CHARTING THE TRADE. Once you find a stock in Stock Hacker, bring up the chart and determine
the right expansion settings button in the
if the stock is trending, how strong the trend is, and when to potentially enter and exit a position. For illustrative bottom right corner of the chart.
purposes only. Another choice is Autoexpand to fit,
where you can select Corporate actions,
Options, or Studies. This automatically
bullish move and get stronger. It could also expands the time axis if any of the select-
pull back. The 50-day SMA has acted as a ed activities happens to take place in the
support level in the past. Although there’s near future.
Want more ADX? Read about it further on
The Ticker Tape at no guarantee that will occur again, you
How do you change time frames on
could wait and see if price pulls back to that
level before resuming an uptrend. Select the time frame button on top of the
then select Edit Study SimpleMovingAvg. Still having a hard time deciding? Throw chart. Select the Time frame tab, and then
You can change several of the SMA inputs, in another tool, such as Fibonacci (Fib) you can choose the aggregation type (time,
but we’ll keep it simple and change the retracement levels (purple lines). These tick, or range) you want to use for analyzing
length of the SMA from nine to 50 (see levels can be overlaid on the price chart charts. If you choose the time aggregation,
Figure 2). This makes it a little easier to see from the Drawings drop-down list. Select you’ll need to specify which type of time ag-
gregation to set—intraday, daily, or custom.
which way prices are moving. If prices are Drawing Tools, then Fibonacci retrace- Then select time interval and aggregation
above the 50-day SMA (blue line), general- ments (% icon). Select a high and low point, period from the drop-down lists.
ly prices are moving up. If they’re below the and the retracement levels will be displayed If you select the tick aggregation type,
50-day SMA, generally the trend is down. on the chart as horizontal lines. The 50-day you’ll need to select the time interval and
Next, add a lower indicator (lower pane) SMA is approaching the 23.6% Fib retrace- aggregation period. And if you select the
to determine the strength of the trend. For ment level, which could end up being a range aggregation, you’ll need to select a
time interval and price range. When you’ve
example, one indicator you might use is the possible support level. If that happens, and
made your choices, select OK and the
average directional index (ADX). Add the ADX starts moving up well above 20, and if chart will be updated.
indicator using the same steps you used for price resumes its bullish trend, it could be
the SMA. Generally, a rising ADX indicates worth keeping an eye on the stock.
a strengthening trend, whereas a falling No indicator, or set of indicators, is going There’s no guarantee a trend will contin-
ADX indicates a slowing trend. Think of to work all the time. But it may be worth ue. But if you answer “yes” to these three
the 20 and 40 levels as the thresholds. If the going through a handful of stocks in your questions, it’s likely you may have filtered
ADX is below 20, the trend may be weak. scan results and finding three to five indica- out a stock or two that could be right in the
If it’s between 20 and 40, the trend may be tors that aren’t redundant and work well to- heart of a bullish or bearish run.
strong, and if ADX is above 40, the trend gether. Once you’ve got your charts set up, If only choosing ice cream flavors could
could be extreme. answer a few relevant questions, such as: be this methodical.
If you’ve decided to trade this particular • Is the stock clearly trading above or below
stock, when should you get in and out of a the SMA?
trade? On the chart in Figure 2, prices are • Is the ADX indicating the trend is strong, Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan is not a representative
above the 50-day SMA, and the ADX in- that is, moving up? of TD Ameritrade, Inc. The material, views, and
dicates the trend is starting to strengthen. • Do the Fib retracement levels suggest opinions expressed in this article are solely those
Would you want to get into a trade when price is approaching a possible support or of the author and may not be reflective of those
a trend may be starting, even though you resistance level? held by TD Ameritrade, Inc.
may not be convinced the trend is strong For more on the risks of trading and trading
enough? The trend could continue its options, see page 38, #1 & 2.

SPRING 2020 | | 23

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 23 2020-02-25 6:13 PM

LEVEL How you might
choose strikes for
PRO your short strangles.


24 | | SPRING 2020

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TM47_Spring_2020.indd 25 2020-02-25 6:15 PM
You probably know that time can suck the life out of options premiums. rising above the short
That’s typically bad if you own options, but great if you’re short options. This call strike, is lower, but
you’ll collect less pre-
“positive” time decay comes from short options. If you want to get more time
mium and generate less
decay (theta), you might consider one of the time-decay-iest and riskiest positive theta.
strategies around: the short strangle, which is a short call plus a short put. In general, you may
And that means a big move—higher or lower—in the stock or index could want to avoid chasing
cause big losses. Short strangles also require a large amount of trading capital. probabilities. If, for ex-
ample, a short strangle
So why would anyone trade this type of strategy? has a 70% probability of
making money at ex-
THERE CAN BE UPSIDES piration, then another
When you sell a strangle, the typical setup short strangle with a
is a short out-of-the-money (OTM) call WHAT ARE THE ODDS? 75% probability is better,
and a short OTM put. You’re speculating Explore the probability of options expiring OTM on the Trade tab of right? And a short stran-
that the price of a stock or index will stay in the thinkorswim® platform from TD Ameritrade. gle with a 95% proba-
between the strike prices of the options— 1) Select an option bility is better still? Not
above the strike price of the short OTM put 2) Select Option Theoreticals and Greeks necessarily.
and below the strike price of the OTM call. 3) Select Probability OTM The further OTM
You’ll see a theoretical probability that the underlying will be above a
As time passes, and if the stock or index options don’t generate as
put strike or below a call strike at expiration. But because these proba-
behaves the way you want it to, you can in bilities are purely theoretical, they can change over the life of a trade. much positive time decay
theory collect a lot of positive theta. as quickly as the closer
Here’s how the sausage is made. When OTM options. So you may
you sell a strangle, you collect a credit—its lower than the likelihood of reaching closer have to hold those further OTM strangles longer
max potential profit. That’s achieved if the OTM strikes. And a short strangle is a spec- to achieve a profit target. And if you sell a really far
price of the underlying is above the strike ulation that the stock price will go through OTM strangle with a high probability of profit,
price of the short put and below the strike more of those small price changes versus the you may be generating a small credit. Yet, the
price of the short call at expiration. rarer, bigger ones before expiration. potential return is just too small, considering the
The break-even points on a short strangle Say you’ve found a stock or index you risk you’re taking to sell any strangle, including
are the put strike price minus the credit of think might not have a big move and might the far OTM ones. Selling a closer OTM strangle
the strangle, and the call strike price plus trade in a range. And you’re willing to take could mean you don’t need to hold the trade as
the strangle credit. The max potential loss the risk of a short strangle to capture posi- long to achieve the same profit target.
is unlimited to the upside if the stock breaks tive theta. But which strikes do you choose Let’s look at a hypothetical example us-
through the upper break-even point and for the short call and put? As you scan the ing S&P 500 (SPX) options. Please note that
keeps going. The loss to the downside is lim- options prices, you see that if you choose to for the sake of simplicity, the examples that
ited only to the put strike price, minus the sell strikes close to the current stock price— follow do not include transaction costs.*
credit of the strangle, if the stock goes to $0. not too far OTM—you collect more premi- If you sell the 2885/3025 strangle, you
All things being equal, here’s the rationale um and generate more positive theta. But get a credit of $76.45 and 1.23 theoretical
for trading a short strangle: A stock is more the probability of the stock moving below daily theta.
likely to have smaller price the short put strike or above the short call
changes than bigger price strike is higher. SPX = 2960 Theoretical Probability
of Expiring OTM
changes. For example, a On the other hand, if you choose to sell
very volatile stock might strikes further away from the current stock 2885 put with 49 days 65%
to expiration (DTE)
TRADER be moving up and down price, i.e., further OTM, you collect less pre-
GLOSSARY 5% each day. Sometimes it mium for the strangle. But the probability of 3025 call with 49 DTE 65%
PAGE 37 might change 10% or 15%. the stock moving below the short put strike,
But on most days, it chang- or above the short call strike, is lower. If you sell the 2715/3095 strangle, you
es 5%. That’s not to say it All of this illustrates the first trade-off get a credit of $28.65 and 0.85 theoretical
won’t move 10%, 15%, 20%, or more. It’s just with short strangles. If you want a higher daily theta.
that those bigger price changes happen less credit (more positive theta and higher
frequently. How can you tell? Just look at potential profit), you’ll have to accept that SPX = 2960 Theoretical Probability
how further OTM options get cheaper and the short strangle has a greater probability of Expiring OTM
cheaper. The market is suggesting that the of losing money. If you sell a further OTM 2715 put with 49 DTE 85%
likelihood of the stock reaching those further call and put, the likelihood of the stock
3095 call with 49 DTE 85%
OTM strikes—either higher or lower—is dropping below the short put strike, or

26 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 26 2020-02-25 6:15 PM

The 2885/3025 strangle has 2.66x greater may not want to hold turing something
credit and 1.44x greater theoretical daily an options position Find Your Theoretical Values less than the
On thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade,
theta than the 2715/3095 strangle. Yet, through to its expira- go to the Option Chain on the Trade max potential
taking that greater credit and theta, the tion. Taking a short tab. From the Layout drop-down list, profit might be a
short strikes of the 2885/3025 strangle are strangle off before
select Theo Price, Mark. smart approach
much closer to the SPX price of 2960 than expiration and cap- if either: (1) your
the short strikes of the opinion of the stock or index has changed,
2715/3095 strangle. The and you think it might make a big move up
2885 put is about 2% WHAT HAPPENS TO or down; and/or (2) you’re content with
OTM, while the 2715 the amount of profit the short strangle has
put is about 8.4% OTM.
OPTIONS OVER TIME? already generated, and you don’t want to
The 3025 call is about If one day passes (options have 48 DTE) … continue taking the risk of the short strangle.
2.7% OTM, while the
• Theoretical value of the 2885/3025 strangle is 72.68.
3095 call is about 4.4% • Theoretical value of the 2715/3095 strangle is 25.63. NOT TOO WIDE, NOT TOO NARROW
OTM. The 2715/3095 In general, traders know what “just right”
strangle gives the SPX Compare the theoretical values to the original prices of feels like. And as an example, you may want
more room to move the strangles, and the 2885/3025 would have a theo- to start your search for the short call and
up and down. In other retical profit of $3.77, and the 2715/3095 strangle would short put at strikes that have about a 70%
words, a 3% increase have a theoretical profit of $3.02. Not a huge difference probability of expiring worthless. Beyond
in profits.
or decrease in the SPX those OTM strikes, for any given volatility,
would move it past If seven days pass (42 DTE) … time to expiration, and stock price, theo-
2885 and 3025. This • Theoretical value of the 2885/3025 strangle is 67.50. retical theta starts to drop off more rapidly.
would create a loss for Closer OTM than those strikes, and the
the short 2885/3025 • Theoretical value of the 2715/3095 strangle is 20.80. probabilities of the stock moving past the
strangle, while the short short strikes can rise rapidly. That’s not to
2715/3095 strangle Compare the theoretical values to the original prices of say selling options with a 70% probability of
the strangles, and the 2885/3025 would have a theoret-
might still be profitable. ical profit of $8.95, and the 2715/3095 strangle would expiring worthless is the best or even a smart
have a theoretical profit of $7.85. The difference in prof- trade. You may see this behavior of theta and
BUT THERE’S MORE its is getting wider. probability at different strikes. It’s just that
Let’s see what happens starting your analysis there could save time.
to the theoretical val- If 21 days pass (28 DTE) … If you integrate short strangles into your
ues of the two short • Theoretical value of the 2885/3025 strangle is 41.68. trading plan, understanding how to com-
strangles over time (see bine probabilities and theta is a powerful
• Theoretical value of the 2715/3095 strangle is 10.11.
the sidebar), assuming step in your trading education.
SPX is still at 2960 and Compare the theoretical values to the original prices of
volatility (vol) hasn’t the strangles, and the 2885/3025 would have a theoret-
changed. It’s a big as- ical profit of $34.77, and the 2715/3095 strangle would Thomas Preston is not a representative of
sumption, but illustrates have a theoretical profit of $18.54. Even if you were to TD Ameritrade, Inc. The material, views, and opin-
the point. The magni- hold the 2715/3095 strangle for another 28 days until ions expressed in this article are solely those of the
expiration, its max profit of $28.65 is still less than the
tude of losses can be author and may not be reflective of those held by
theoretical profit on the 2885/3025 strangle after 21 days.
much larger in practice. TD Ameritrade, Inc.
Keep in mind that Now, consider the magnitude of the loss if the SPX *No commission fee for online trades of U.S.
with more time, there’s drops 10% in 21 days. exchange listed stocks and options through
often more potential • The 2885/3025 strangle would have a theoretical TD Ameritrade. A $0.65 per contract fee applies for
for SPX, or any stock or value of 219.28, creating a loss of at least $142.83. options trades. Orders placed by other means will
index, to have a large have higher transaction costs.
• The 2715/3095 strangle would have a theoretical
price change. Of course, value of 92.96, creating a loss of $64.31. For more on the risks of trading and trading
big changes can happen options, see page 38, #1 & 2.
anytime. But with more If SPX rallies 10% in 21 days: Naked option strategies involve the highest
time comes more un- • The 2885/3025 strangle would have a theoretical amount of risk and are only appropriate for traders
certainty. And holding a value of 238.16, creating a loss of at least $161.71. with the highest risk tolerance.
trade longer assumes the Short options on equities (stocks, ETFs, and
risk of that uncertainty.
• The 2715/3095 strangle would have a theoretical certain indices) can be assigned at any time up to
value of 168.80, creating a theoretical loss of $140.15.
As an engaged, expiration regardless of the in-the-money amount.
self-directed trader, you

SPRING 2020 | | 27

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 27 2020-02-25 6:15 PM

LEVEL Consider these fixes
when your trading
E A SY strategy goes awry.





28 | | SPRING 2020

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TM47_Spring_2020.indd 29 2020-02-25 6:16 PM
what it’s like when everything clicks. Those THE FIX. If you’re a “tails-never-fails” kind of the occasional tweak along the way to adjust
periods where your go-to strategy—a set of person, watching heads come up 20 times to a temporary market condition, but neglect
primary and secondary indicators, target in a row would surely leave a mark. It might to reset parameters when the market reverts?
volatility (vol) levels, and delta ranges—al- (and perhaps should) lead you to reassess For example, suppose you use a mov-
low you to nail your entry and exit points. your strategy. ing average breakout as a primary en-
For a trader, there’s no feeling quite like it. But if you’re truly in a down period, try-and-exit indicator and throw in a
You’re like a chef who’s finally perfected that even though your strategy and execution momentum indicator such as the Relative
secret sauce. Every meal is scrumptious. have been rock solid, you might want to Strength Index (RSI) to help you confirm
Then, one day, yuck. You zig, the market downsize your positions. If you plan to your points (see Figure 1). But you also keep
zags. And your secret sauce has a funny keep yourself in the game for the long haul, an eye on implied vol to help you select op-
aftertaste. consider keeping your positions small until tions strikes and expiration dates. Did you
you see things turn around. tighten up a strike width during a period
WHAT WENT WRONG? But note: If you find yourself in a slump, of low vol but neglect to adjust it when the
It might be the market; it might be you. It be sure to reflect and research. Review your market started swinging?
might be temporary; it might be something trades—especially the ones where you felt This is just one example of a style drift
with staying power. You may decide to stick the strongest conviction. Maybe you missed over time. You might have temporarily
to your guns or make some changes. something. Perhaps there’s a larger issue overruled your strategy to account for a
When tried and true turns to tried and at work, i.e., what looked like a temporary temporary change in fundamentals, such as
died, there are three possibilities as to what slump is actually an inflection point sug- merger talks or another factor that caused
might have happened. Learn how to identify gesting other leaks. short-term erratic price behavior. When
them and how you may want to respond. things returned to normal, did your strategy
PROBLEM TWO revert as well?
Temporary Slump When’s the last time you refined THE FIX. If you’ve been the victim of style
Statistics geeks have something your secret sauce? Do you make drift, you might want to hit the reset but-
called the law of large numbers.
Here’s the gist: Flip a coin 100 times, and
it’ll come pretty close to 50/50 heads versus
tails. But during those 100 flips, you’ll likely
see strings of heads or tails five or six times Average
in a row. Flip it 1,000 times, and the heads/
tails ratio should be even closer to 50/50.
You might see even longer strings of heads
or tails in a row—maybe up to 20 or more.
In other words, just as markets don’t
move in straight lines (which is why trad- Implied
ing is exciting), trading successes don’t Volatility
follow a specific pattern. Slumps happen,
and in a slump, you may feel like you’re
making the right moves, but the good-odds
plays don’t pan out.
FIGURE 1: HAVE YOU BEEN TWEAKING? An options strategy that uses technical indicators such as moving
averages (blue line) and the RSI (yellow line) to inform entry and exit points might also use IV (cyan line) to help
with strike selection. Has the strategy been drifting? Source: thinkorswim® from TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only.

30 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 30 2020-02-25 6:17 PM

seasonal trend that wasn’t
there before.
Circling back to the coin-
flip analogy, it’s as if your
NEED A MEMORY JOG? coin was swapped out with
a lopsided one that favored
The thinkOnDemand tool on the thinkorswim® platform from TD Ameritrade lets you roll back the one side over the other. That’s
clock and analyze market dynamics, check the prices of related stocks and options, and even assess why it’s important to back-
the market’s expectations at the time via the Market Maker Move indicator. test. Waiting for a failed strat-
From the Trade tab, select OnDemand, type in any stock, and adjust the calendar on the right to any egy to bring you great returns
date you want (see Figure 2).
is essentially throwing good
money after bad.
onDemand THE FIX. If you think time
Trade Choose has passed your strategy by,
tab date and
time maybe you should find new
parameters. Or even choose
to change the products you
trade. You may even find your
tried-and-true strategy is per-
fect for another product.
For example, suppose you
have a high-vol strategy that
pairs well with a high-flying
growth stock, but that stock
FIGURE 2: ROLL BACK THE CLOCK. With thinkOnDemand, you can backtest any strategy for any time has matured into a stable cash
period going back to December 2009. On the thinkorswim platform, select the OnDemand button,
cow with consistent earnings,
choose your starting time and date, and type in the stock symbol. Make your trades and watch the action
unfold. Source: thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only. regularly scheduled dividends,
and a lower vol profile. Your
strategy didn’t change; the
stock did. So you might look at
the new crop of high flyers and
ton and return to your initial strategy. pe? Please note that the results presented see how your strategy fares.
Want to see how your original strategy in thinkOnDemand are hypothetical and
might’ve fared had you there is no guarantee that the same strategy IN THE END, NOTHING WORKS FOREVER.
reverted back to it earlier? implemented today or in the future would The market is a moving target, and so are
thinkOnDemand comes to produce similar results. the secret-sauce strategies that seek to prof-
the rescue (see the sidebar, it from that movement. But good chefs trust
“Need a Memory Jog?”). PROBLEM THREE their taste buds. A bit of study and research
GLOSSARY With thinkOnDemand™, Fundamental Change can help you decide whether to dial back the
TURN TO you can backtest (evaluate a Let’s face it: Sometimes the heat on your trades, tweak the seasoning, or
particular trading strategy financial ship sails, and it’s scrap the recipe entirely and start fresh.
using historical data) going never coming back. Maybe the company
all the way back to December 2009. On the made a fundamental change to its business
thinkorswim platform, select OnDemand, that affected its price action, annualized Doug Ashburn is not a representative of
and it’ll automatically set things to your vol, or another trade-flow dynamic. Maybe TD Ameritrade, Inc. The material, views, and opin-
Virtual Account. Type in the stock symbol, a change in its business model created a ions expressed in this article are solely those of the
apply your original set of indicators—that author and may not be reflective of those held by
go-to secret sauce—and watch the action TD Ameritrade, Inc.
as the sauce simmers. How did it taste? Is For more on the risks of trading and trading
it time to revert back to the original reci- options, see page 38, #1 & 2.

SPRING 2020 | | 31

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 31 2020-02-25 6:17 PM



TRADER Part of the price of an option
JARGON is based on the cost of car-
PAGE 37 rying the underlying—the
interest rate charged on
either borrowing money or forgoing interest
earned when you buy stock. For calls, you
have the right to buy the stock, but you don’t
own it. So the cost of carry on long stock in-
creases a call’s value, because the call is more
valuable when you don’t have to pay the
interest on long stock. For puts, you have the
right to short the stock but don’t have short
stock. That cost of carry decreases a put’s
value, because the put can’t earn interest on
cash generated from shorting stock. Higher
interest rates push the theoretical values of
calls up and puts down. Lower interest rates
do the opposite.
But there’s more to the cost of carry than
interest rates. Some stocks pay dividends,

Negative Interest
which can offset the interest paid when you
buy stock (or you pay the dividend if you’re
short stock). But calls or puts neither earn,

Rates: What’ll They

nor pay, dividends. Call values are reduced
because they don’t convey the ability to earn
dividends, like long stock. Put values are

Do to My Options?
increased because they don’t have to pay the
dividend, like short stock.
When the dividend yield on a stock is
You may have already experienced negative interest higher than interest rates, it makes the cost
of carry negative. That has the same effect on
rates without knowing it. That’s right—they may options prices as negative interest rates until
already be built into prices. dividend adjustment. So, negative interest
rates would decrease the theoretical value
of calls and increase the theoretical value
of puts. If you look at stocks that have high
dividend yields, it’s possible the interest rate
• You could say that short-term interest rates you’d only pay $99 in a month. is lower. Options on those stocks exhibit the
like federal funds or the discount rate are Negative rates aren’t a response to a spe- same behavior as if interest rates were neg-
relatively stable in the United States. Their cific economic event; instead, central banks ative. Black-Scholes and other theoretical
fluctuations are small and don’t have as much use negative rates to encourage those hold- pricing models take this into account. So if
impact on options prices as changes in stock ing cash in short-term government notes to interest rates go negative, options should
price, volatility, or time. And interest rates move the funds into other, presumably more take it in stride. —Words by THOMAS PRESTON
have been positive in the United States since productive, parts of the economy. There’s
we’ve had a Treasury. But negative interest nothing stopping the U.S. Federal Reserve
rates exist in many parts of the world. from setting negative fed funds rates. It’s not Thomas Preston is not a representative of
likely, but it’s possible. TD Ameritrade, Inc. The material, views, and
WHAT NEGATIVE RATES REALLY MEAN When it comes to options, though, will a opinions expressed in this article are solely those
Positive interest rates mean that if you bor- negative rate blow up Black-Scholes and rip of the author and may not be reflective of those
row $100 and have to pay it back in a month, a tear in the space-time continuum? Actu- held by TD Ameritrade, Inc.
you’ll need to pay something more than $100, ally, you may have already experienced the For more on the risks of trading and trading
say $101, when the loan comes due. Negative impact of negative interest rates on options options, see page 38, #1 & 2.
interest rates mean that if you borrow $100, prices without seeing negative interest rates.

32 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 32 2020-02-25 6:18 PM


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Extended hours trading is subject to unique rules and risks, including lower liquidity and higher volatility. Extended hours trading
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MONTH 2017 | | 33

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 33 2020-02-25 6:18 PM


So Many Vol Readings.

might anticipate more risk around earnings,
so that higher vol could be linked to an earn-

Which One Do I Use?

ings announcement scheduled between the
second and third expirations.
All things being equal, you could base an
options strategy on these vol numbers. If
Different vol numbers tell you different things. you’re looking for a short options strategy,
you might look for an expiration with a
Is one more useful than another? Let’s find out. higher vol relative to the others. And if you’re
looking for a long options strategy, you might
consider an expiration with a lower vol.

3— Discrete Expirations
2 When you open up each expiration and look
3 at the strikes, you can see an implied vol as-
3 sociated with each one. Select Impl Vol from
the Layout drop-down list.


These IVs are used to calculate the greeks
and probability numbers you see for each
option. If you base your strategy on the
probability of an option expiring worthless,
FIGURE 1: WHICH VOL? You’ll find different vol values in the Option Chain on the thinkorswim® platform from
that probability uses the IV of the option in
TD Ameritrade. You can explore an overall implied vol, the implied vol for each expiration, and implied vol for
each option. Source: thinkorswim from TD Ameritrade. For illustrative purposes only. its formula. If you want to sell a covered call
against long stock where the call has a certain
delta, say 0.30, that delta uses the IV of the
option in its formula.
• Volatility (vol) values are like clues in a WHERE TO FIND VOL VALUES Individual IVs are also used to calculate
scavenger hunt. Each one might reveal the Fire up the thinkorswim platform from the greeks for options positions, which you
perceived risk of an option and how that TD Ameritrade. Select the Trade or Analyze can find in the Position Statement section
exposure could affect your overall trading tab and enter a stock symbol. You’ll notice of the Monitor tab. When vol changes, those
strategy. different vol numbers (see Figure 1). Let’s greeks change, too, and they can change your
explore how they’re calculated. position’s risk exposure. If you beta weight
A WALK THROUGH VOL LAND your portfolio, changes in vol can have a com-
You know vol is important. But should you 1— Overall Implied Volatility pound effect, changing the greeks of your
look at overall implied vol (IV), the IV of each You’ll find this under Today’s Options Sta- underlying positions and any hedges you
options expiration, or the IV of each option tistics. It’s calculated using a method similar have. In a word, pay close attention to IV.
within an expiration? to the Cboe Volatility Index (VIX). Overall
Overall IV. Use this as a big-picture met- IV is used for a 52-week IV high, 52-week IV DEPENDING ON YOUR TRADING STYLE,
ric to get a general sense of where vol is in a low, and existing IV percentile numbers. It’s any one of these vol numbers could be more
specific symbol’s options. You can also use it also used in the Probability Analysis section important than the others. But consider all of
to compare the vol of one symbol to another. of the Analyze tab. them for clues so you can get the best sense of
Overall IV of each expiration. Consider where vol exists for a given symbol.
this a blended vol, based on a basket of op- 2— Overall Vol of Each Expiration —Words by THOMAS PRESTON
tions within a given expiry. To find the overall vol for options in each
IV of each option within an expiration. expiration, look further up the Trade tab.
This is the vol input (along with stock price, It’s the number on the right for each op- Thomas Preston is not a representative of
days to expiration, interest rate, and divi- tions expiration (next to it in parenthesis is TD Ameritrade, Inc. The material, views, and
dend yield) for a theoretical options-pric- an expected move based on the vol). This opinions expressed in this article are solely those
ing model that makes the theoretical per-expiration vol shows how much risk the of the author and may not be reflective of those
options contract price equal to the market market anticipates. For example, you might held by TD Ameritrade, Inc.
price. If the market, and theoretical price, see that the first two expirations of a stock For more on the risks of trading and trading
of an option is $3 with a 25% vol input, that have 20% and 21% vols, but the third expi- options, see page 38, #1 & 2.
option has a 25% implied vol. ration has 30% vol. In this case, the market

34 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 34 2020-02-25 6:18 PM


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risk of loss. TD Ameritrade, Inc., member FINRA/SIPC. © 2020 TD Ameritrade.

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 35 2020-02-25 6:19 PM


want to make sure resources that will

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traders with Can you give

actionable insights traders three
around trading and critical pointers?
what’s happening One: Always learn
in the markets. from the trades you
Joe, what makes They learn basic place. Get as much
your job so cool? concepts, new information about
Understanding the strategies, and how the trade as possi-
client mind-set. We they can leverage ble. You don’t want
talk to our traders different products to jump in before
constantly to glean to achieve their testing the waters.
their habits and to trading goals. We If you try some-
stay sharp about take pride in our thing different, ask
everything they educational tools yourself what you
need for an optimal by working to make took away from
trading experi- sure clients stay on that trade and
ence. I like that top of their game. what to change

we’re constantly next time.
brainstorming and Two: Be comfort-

Thinking Ahead: One

finding ways to able with what
make the experi- you’re putting on
ence seamless. We Any plans for the table. Try never

Feature at a Time
never stop asking: 2020? to overextend in
“What can we do, We want to push one particular area.
or change, to make even more appro- Three: Be dis-
sure traders have priate and relevant ciplined. We all
That’s what Joe Barakat, managing director the best informa-
tion and analysis
information to
our clients. We’re
know that man-
aging a trade can
of trader strategy and analytics, believes to become more excited about using be hard. So it’s
in. So if you see a new tool or feature on the engaged traders?” artificial intelli- important not to

thinkorswim® platform from TD Ameritrade, gence to help us sway from your
chances are he had something to do with it. identify what may plan. Even veter-
be most helpful in an traders make
relation to the edu- new discoveries.
Sounds like you cation and content The markets are
prize educated we create. There’s an interesting
• WHAT’S AN AVERAGE DAY FOR JOE BARAKAT? Digging into numbers traders. Tell us so much content, space. They’re
to get insights, figuring out what traders want, and putting together about your educa- and we want to always changing,
a cohesive vision and plan for improving the trader experience. tion efforts. direct clients to the so traders have to
The market doesn’t hold still, and neither does Joe. He wants Traders are always constantly readjust
TD Ameritrade clients to trade with complete confidence. Some looking for ideas their strategies.
of his passion and focus involves innovating TD Ameritrade prod- and actionable
ucts to make sure clients have the best experience they can have. insights, and we

36 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 36 2020-02-25 6:22 PM


LEVEL Evaluate future risk
to see if you need to
S AV V Y make any adjustments.




WELL, THAT WASN’T To short is to sell an asset, such as a stock,

BIG IDEA DATE/TIME RECEIVED YEAR•MAKE•MODEL LICENSE NO. that you don’t own in order to collect a
premium. The idea is that if you believe the

price of the asset will decline, you can “bor-


row” the stock from your broker at a certain


Hey, option trader! This article is for you. It doesn’t matter

what type of options strategy you use—long calls, covered
calls, short puts, protective puts, two-legged, three-legged,
or four-legged spreads.
Generally speaking, three things govern the success
price and buy back (“cover”) to close the
position at a lower price later. Your poten-
(profit) or failure (loss) of options trades—directional bias,
time, and changes in volatility (vol). In options trading
lingo, that’s delta, theta, and vega. But you know that already,
right? Well, you might know the textbook definitions of
options greeks. But do you know how they change, and why
you have to stay closely engaged with your options trades? tial profit would be the difference between
the higher price you shorted at and the
lower price where you covered. || SPRING
16 ||
16 MONTH 2020
2017 MONTH 2017 | | 17
Short strangle

A market-neutral strategy with unlimited

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 16-17 2020-01-22 9:53 AM

risk, composed of an equal number of short

calls and puts of different strike prices
At the money (ATM) resulting in a credit taken in at the onset of
the trade. The strategy assumes the under-
• An option whose strike is “at” the price of the underlying equity. lying will stay within a certain range, in
Like out-of-the-money options, the premium of an at-the-money which case, as time passes and/or volatility
option is all “time” value. drops, the options can be bought back
cheaper than the credit taken in, or expire
worthless, resulting in a profit. The break-
even points of short strangles at expiration
Black-Scholes Implied volatility (IV) is calculated by adding the total credit
received to the call strike and subtracting
The options pricing formula published by This is the market’s perception of the future the total credit received from the put strike.
Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, which volatility of the underlying security and is
requires five inputs (stock price, options directly reflected in the premium of an
strike, interest rate, time to expiration, and option. Implied volatility is an annualized Theta
volatility) to arrive at a price. number expressed as a percentage (such as
25%), is forward-looking, and can change. A measure of the sensitivity of options to
time passing one calendar day. For example,
Delta if a long put has a theta of -0.02, the options
In the money (ITM) premium will decrease by $2 per contract.
A measure of the sensitivity of an option to a
$1 change in the underlying asset. All else An option whose premium contains “real”
being equal, an option with a 0.50 delta (for value, i.e., not just time value. For calls, it’s Vega
example) would gain 50 cents per $1 move any strike lower than the price of the under-
up in the underlying. Long calls and short lying equity. For puts, it’s any strike that’s A measure of the sensitivity of options to a
puts have positive (+) deltas, meaning they higher. one-percentage-point change in implied
gain as the underlying gains in value. Long volatility. For example, if a long option has a
puts and short calls have negative (–) deltas, vega of 0.04, a one-percentage-point in-
meaning they gain as the underlying drops Out of the money (OTM) crease in implied volatility will increase the
in value. options premium by $4 per contract.
An option whose premium is not only all
“time” value, but the strike is also away from
the underlying equity. For calls, it’s any
strike higher than the underlying. For puts,
it’s any strike that’s lower.

SPRING 2020 | | 37

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 37 2020-02-25 6:27 PM



Futures trading is not suitable for all
investors, as the risk of loss in trading fu-
GENERAL DISCLAIMER tures is substantial. Futures accounts are
The information contained in this article is not intended to be investment advice and is for not protected by the Securities Investor
illustrative purposes only. Be sure to understand all risks involved with each strategy, including Protection Corporation (SIPC). Futures
commission costs, before attempting to place any trade. Clients must consider all relevant risk and futures options trading services are
factors, including their own personal financial situations, before trading. Past performance of a provided by TD Ameritrade Futures &
security or strategy does not guarantee future results or success. Forex LLC. Trading privileges are subject
Transaction costs (commissions and other fees) are important factors and should be consid- to review and approval. Not all clients
ered when evaluating any options trade. Options are not suitable for all investors as the special will qualify.
risks inherent to options trading may expose investors to potentially rapid and substantial loss- Futures and futures options trading
es. Options trading is subject to TD Ameritrade review and approval. Please read Characteris- are speculative and are not suitable for
tics and Risks of Standardized Options ( all investors. Please read the Risk
character-risks.jsp) before investing in options. Disclosure for Futures and Options
It is not possible to invest directly in an index. prior to trading futures products


en_us/resources/pdf/TDA631.pdf ).
The risk of loss on an uncovered short
call options position is potentially unlim-
ited because there is no limit to the price
increase of the underlying security. Option
writing as an investment strategy is abso-
OPTIONS STRATEGIES lutely inappropriate for anyone who does
Trading options involves unique risks and not fully understand the nature and extent SPREAD DISCLOSURES
is not suitable for all investors. of the risks involved. Options collar: The collar position in-
Spreads, condors, butterflies, straddles, Short naked put and cash-secured put volves the risks of both covered calls and
and other complex, multiple-leg options strategies include a high risk of purchas- protective puts.
strategies can entail substantial trans- ing the corresponding stock at the strike
action costs, including multiple commis- price when the market price of the stock Options covered call: The covered call
sions, which may impact any potential will likely be lower. strategy can limit the upside potential
return. These are advanced options Short naked options strategies involve of the underlying stock position, as the
strategies and often involve greater risk, the highest amount of risk and are only stock would likely be called away in
and more complex risk, than basic options appropriate for traders with the highest the event of a substantial stock price
trades. Be aware that assignment on short risk tolerance. increase. Additionally, any downside
options strategies discussed in this article A covered call strategy can limit the protection provided to the related stock
could lead to unwanted long or short upside potential of the underlying stock position is limited to the premium re-
positions on the underlying security. position, as the stock would likely be ceived. (Short options can be assigned at
The maximum potential reward for a called away in the event of a substantial any time up to expiration regardless of
long put is limited by the amount that the stock price increase. Additionally, any the in-the-money amount.)
underlying stock can fall. Should the long downside protection provided to the relat-
put position expire worthless, the entire ed stock position is limited to the premium Options long put: The maximum poten-
cost of the put position would be lost. received. (Short options can be assigned at tial reward for a long put is limited by the
When trading short options strategies, any time up to expiration regardless of the amount that the underlying stock can fall.
there is a risk of getting assigned early in-the-money amount.) This strategy provides only temporary
on the options sold, even if they go in the protection from a decline in the price of
money by $0.01, obligating you to deliver the corresponding stock. Should the long
shares you don’t own (in the case of a put position expire worthless, the entire
short call) or purchase shares (in the case cost of the put position would be lost.
of a short put).

38 | | SPRING 2020

TM47_Spring_2020.indd 38 2020-02-25 6:23 PM
Cue the TD Ameritrade Network. Full of interactive programming
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The risk of loss in trading securities, options, futures, and forex can
be substantial. Clients must consider all relevant risk factors, including
their own personal financial situations, before trading. Options involve
risk and are not suitable for all investors. See the Options Disclosure
Document: Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options. A copy
accompanies this magazine if you have not previously received one.
Additional copies can be obtained at or by contacting
us. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, as well
as its own unique risk factors. Please read the following risk disclosure
before considering trading this product: Forex Risk Disclosure (www.
A forex dealer can be compensated via commission and/or spread on
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TM47_Spring_2020.indd 40 2020-02-27 11:36 AM

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