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Assignment instructions

You will be required to complete two Assignments for each course to compete the
internal assessment.
Collectively, five modules of assessment form "Assignment 1”
Assignment 2 consist of entire syllabus.
This is an objective section, and all questions are compulsory.
Read the case study and attempt all corresponding questions.
The total time allotted for this section is 180 minutes (3 Hours). Once initiated,
the assignment needs to be completed within 3 Hours.
The minimum passing percentage for each assessment is 30%.
Case Study:

Tension in the workplace can be a result of multiple factors. Such as job

dissatisfaction, cultural differences, personal aspirations, and many more. If left
undealt with, these issues can wreak havoc on your employees’ productivity. They
can cause even deeper problems like absenteeism and high employee turnover.

Although conflicts have a negative connotation, you can turn them around and make
them work to your advantage!

Conflict management is the sum of techniques and practices a good team leader
follows to handle conflicts among staff members or between employees and the higher

Employee dispute resolution in the workplace is not an easy task. It takes a lot of
sensible thinking and a sense of fairness to bring the two opposite sides to
compromise and work out their differences in a civilized manner.

There are several approaches to conflict management. Depending on the type of

conflict, you can choose a different course of action. Unfortunately, there are
many types of conflict in the workplace, and it would be wise to be aware of most
of them.

Workplace conflict is inevitable when employees of various backgrounds and

different work styles are brought together for a shared business purpose. Conflict
can—and should—be managed and resolved. With tensions and anxieties at an all-time
high due to the current political divide and racial inequity discussions at work,
the chances for workplace conflict have increased. This toolkit examines the causes
and effects of workplace conflict and the reasons why employers should act to
address conflict.

The first steps in handling workplace conflict belong, in most cases, to the
employees who are at odds with one another. The employer's role—exercised by
managers and HR professionals—is significant, however, and is grounded in the
development of a workplace culture designed to prevent conflict among employees to
the extent possible. The basis for such a culture is strong employee relations,
namely, fairness, trust and mutual respect at all levels.

Employers can manage workplace conflict by creating an organizational culture

designed to preclude conflict as much as possible and by dealing promptly and
equitably with conflict that employees cannot resolve among themselves. To manage
conflict, employers should consider the following:

 Make certain that policies and communication are clear and consistent, and
make the rationale for decisions transparent.

 Ensure that all employees—not just managers—are accountable for resolving


 Do not ignore conflict, and do not avoid taking steps to prevent it.

 Seek to understand the underlying emotions of the employees in conflict.

 Keep in mind that approaches to resolving conflict may depend on the

circumstances of the conflict.

Most often Conflict at workplace can occour because
Select one:
a. Coworkers steal each other's ideas
b. Competition between coworkers is brutal
c. Two sets of demands, goals, or motives are incompatible.-A
d. Management is too demanding of workers.

Which of the following is NOTa typical behavior of workplace bullies ?

Select one:
a. Giving compliments.-A
b. Making threats.
c. Interrupting others.
d. Creating physical and mental stress for others.

Both positive and negative consequences of conflict can occour in workplace. A

positive consequence is _______________, while a negative consequence is
Select one:
a. Becoming more creative, wasting time and energy- A
b. Receiving attention from management, giving money to charity
c. Finding better employment elsewhere, receiving attention from management
d. Financial and emotional costs, becoming united after the conflict

Which of the following is not an effective technique for resolving conflict with
angry people ?
Select one:
a. Confront.
b. Contain.
c. Connect.
d. Compassion- A

Tension in the workplace can be a result of which of the following factors ?

A. job dissatisfaction
B. cultural differences
C. personal aspirations
Select one:
a. Only A
b. Only A & B
c. Only B & C
d. All A,B,C- A

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