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Can you play?

A: Can you play any musical instruments?

B: Yeah, I can play the saxophone.
A: Nice. What kind of music can you play?
B: I can play a little jazz.
A: That’s great. I love jazz. Can you teach me how to play?
B: Yeah, I can give you lessons.
A: Wow. Thank you.
B: Sure. But, can you pay for lessons?
A: Oh, no, I can’t.

A: Can you dance?

B: No I can’t, I’m a really bad dancer.
A: Really? Dancing is so fun.
B: Can you dance?
A: Yeah, I love it.
B: Can you teach me how to dance?
A: I can’t teach you but we can go dancing this weekend.
B: Really? That’s awesome.
A: Sure. Let’s go!

Can you . . ?
I can’t dance so well.
A: Can you sing?
B: No! I can’t sing at all.
A: Really? Do you like music?
B: Yeah. I love music. I especially like hip-hop and rap.
A: That’s cool. I like hip-hop dance.
B: Yeah? Can you dance?
A: Yeah, I can dance a little.
B: Really? Can you show me a few moves?
A: Sure, let’s go.

sing really well. 100%

I can ski pretty well. 80%
run well. 60%
dance so well. 40%
I can't cook very well. 20%
do math well at all. 0%

A: I’m going to have a party on Saturday. Can you come?

B: Maybe. What time is it going to start?
A: It’s going to start at six o’clock.
B: Ok. Yeah. I can come to your party.
A: Nice. By the way, can you cook?
B: No. I can’t cook so well.
A: What can you make?
B: I can make easy dishes like curry and instant ramen.
A: Hmmm. Ok then. Can you bring some pizza?
B: Okay!
I could ride but . . .
A: Can you ride motorbikes?
B: No, not now. I could ride pretty well in high school
but I stopped riding in university.
A: Yeah? Why did you stop?
B: I was too busy with school.
A: Could you do any tricks?
B: I could do some jumps but tricks are really hard.
You skateboard, right? Can you do any tricks?
A: No, not now. I could do some tricks but I hurt my
leg last year and I stopped skating.
B: Wow. That’s too bad.

skate I stopped practicing.

I could ski but I broke my leg.
play piano I got bored.

A: Can you do yoga?

B: No, not well. I could do yoga.
But that was a couple years ago.
A: Why did you stop?
B: I took a lot of classes and I got bored.
A: That’s too bad. Could you do any hard poses?
B: Yeah, I could do a couple tough poses.
What about you? Can you do yoga?
A: No, but I really like roller skating.
B: That’s totally different!

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