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1. Regeneration (3rd step of calvin cycle)

The 5-carbon molecule needed for carboxylation is regenerated. Regeneration accounts for 12 of
the 15 steps in the Calvin cycle. A tremendous amount of reshuffling is required to produce
three 5-carbon RuBP molcules from the five remaining 3-carbon triose phosphate molecules.
ATP is required for this step
2. What happens during the calvin cycle?
CO2 is reduced and converted into organic substances (NADPH provides electrons and hydrogen,
ATP provides additional energy)
3. carbon fixation
involves capturing CO2 molecules with the key enzyme rubisco
4. what molecule is oxidized in the photosynthetic reaction?
5. CO2
What is the initial carbon input in the calvin cycle?
6. Where does the calvin cycle occur?
The stroma

7. DNA

er as
2 strands that run antiparallel

8. backbone of DNA eH w
composed of alternating sugar and phosphate molecules, bases project into the center of the

double helix
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9. What happens during DNA replication?
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the two strand of parental DNA separate, each parent strand serves as the template for the
synthesis of a daughter strand

10. semiconservative model of DNA replication

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suggests that after DNA replication, the new DNA duplex consists of one old strand and one new
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11. conservative model of DNA replication

suggests that after DNA replication, the new DNA duplex consists of two newly-synthesized
daughter strands, leaving the parental duplex intact
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12. replicaiton
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the process where DNA makes a copy of itself

13. Where does DNA synthesis begin?
sites that act as replication origins

14. What shape is DNA in most bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts?


15. How many origins are in circular chromosomes?

16. origin of replication

each point where DNA replication is initiated
17. helicase (key player in DNA replication)
unwinds the double-stranded DNA
18. single strand binding proteins (key player in DNA replication)
temporarily bind to each side and keep them separated
19. DNA polymerase (key player in DNA replication)
"walks" down the DNA strands and adds complementary nucleotides to each strand; highly
conserved among species
20. subunit of DNA polymerase (key player in DNA replication)
proofreads the new DNA

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