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Test Questions for EAPP

Quarter 1
Easy Questions
1. What type of language must a student learn to use proficiently in meeting academic requirements?
a. Academic Language c. Informal Language
b. Business Language d. Social Language

2. Which of the following is an example of an academic text?

a. Creative non-fiction c. Diary
b. News report d. Research paper

3. What are the three main parts of an essay?

a. The hook, the main idea and the conclusion.
b. The introduction, the body and the conclusion.
c. The topic sentence, the body and the conclusion.
d. The opening, clincher and topic

4. Which type of text structure relates a story or series of events usually in chronological order?
a. Definition c. Narration
b. Description d. Persuasion

Average Questions
1. Which of the following best describes an academic language?
a. formal, impersonal, precise, and objective
b. emotional, subjective, concise, and concrete
c. technical, social, sentimental, and open-ended
d. informal, casual, personal, and impressionistic

2. Which among the following is a better thesis statement?

a. The censoring of movies shown on television is an invasive practice since it violates the producer’s right to freedom of
artistic expression and the viewer’s right to freedom of choice.
b. I oppose to censoring of movies shown on television because there are movies worth watching, yet the mass public
cannot afford them.
c. The censoring of movies shown on television is a controversial topic and is sensitive to deal with.
d. Television is an appliance that has a number of functions.

3. Which of these sentences observes impersonal and formal language?

a. Across the holy sweep of the evening sky, the stars twinkled, awaiting whispered wishes.
b. Our instructor gave her another chance to do her speech as she was very shy to continue speaking.
c. Just as the sun rises and peeps from the east, and as the roosters of the neighborhood crow, the man gathered his be
longings and left his house.
d. UK and Brazilian variants of SARS-COV 2 are highly transmissible.

4. Which of these statements observes objectivity?

a. Programmers do their job for the love of the country.
b. Programmers conduct an in-depth study on national ID system.
c. Luckily, RAFI sponsors some aspiring students in Liloan to take programming courses.
d. It is just sad that some students turn the opportunity down as it is a tedious course.

Difficult Questions
1. Which of these statements is an academic writing?
a. I want to obtain answers to the research questions that are swarming in my mind but, it seems everything in life is just a
cycle of questions with no answers in sight.
b. The researchers think that survey questions must be formulated first because it helps in outlining the study.
c. The proponents of this study aims to find out the factors affecting the academic performance of the SHS students.
d. The narrator saw the pure crystal water turned crimson red as the monster devoured the victim.

2. Which of the sentences below is a good academic writing?

a. COVID-19 vaccine is good.
b. COVID-19 vaccination promotes herd immunity if most of the population gets vaccinated.
c. COVID-19 vaccination program targets to achieve 60% to 70% population immunization according to DOH.
d. The immunization program of the government has more benefits than harm according to the news.

Quarter 2
Easy Questions
1. This sentence expresses the writer’s main claim of an academic paper
a. Main Sentence c. Thesis Statement
b. Supporting Sentence d. Concluding Statement

2. It is the point in controversy of a debatable topic that entertains affirmation and negation.
a. thesis b. reasons c. issue d. evidence

3. In writing academic paper, which of the following are examples of evidence?

a. testimony, observations, news c. reasons, news, opinions
b. facts, comparisons, sources d. testimony, facts, rumors

4. It is also called an argumentative paper or a manifesto that presents a person’s or group’s position or stand about an
a. Position Paper b. Reaction/Review Paper c. Survey Report d. Concept Paper

Average Questions
1. Which of these statements presents a counterclaim?
a. Social media is designed to connect, but using it often may lead to social isolation.
b. Social media is platform of expression of a person’s view about the world.
c. Social media can be addictive and would result to certain psychological effects.
d. Social media is a useful tool in communication particularly to people on the other side of the globe.

2. Which argument is presented in this statement, “COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cold and cough, and breathing
difficulty which may lead to pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, and death ”?
a. Argument from comparison c. Argument from examples
b. Argument from cause d. Argument from sign

3. Which of the statements below use concrete language?

a. There are more female students who pursue college courses related to Language and Arts.
b. A number of male students prefer technical courses than female students
c. Based on a study conducted in 2007, only 55% high school graduates pursue a college degree.
d. College education is an opportunity to uplift your status and improve your way of life

4. Which of the following statements is clearly expressed?

a. According to UNICEF, only 56% of Filipino children are able to access secondary education due to poverty.
b. Many students drop out of school before they reach high school due to a number of reasons.
c. Half of the number of high school graduates can get a college degree by scholarship grants because of poverty.
d. Students are no longer interested in getting a college diploma, but rather national certificates in skills.

Difficult Questions
1. Which of these sentences does NOT support the claim: “Programming skills open door to a number of opportunities”?
a. With programming, one can develop advanced technologies operated digitally.
b. These skills are a gateway to many job opportunities locally and globally as we are in a digital era.
c. Proficiency in programming creates new market needs; thus, making this nation creators, not consumers
d. Programmers may decode programs and break into highly secured sites for national security.

2. Which is the right order in writing a position paper?

1. Organize your content: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
2. Choose a timely issue for a topic.
3. Collect evidence for your support.
4. Collect different positions and supports on the issue.
5. Organize your ideas using logical and emotional appeals and evidence.

a. 2-1-3-4-5 b. 3-2-1-5-4 c. 5-3-2-4-1 d. 2-4-3-5-1

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