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C O D E !

Hour of Code
Tutorial video

To begin the activity

provided the users
with a tutorial video
which clearly laid out
what each section or
function does. I also
appreciated that they
displayed step by step
instructions to
complete this activity.
connections to grade 5 curriculum

Use technology to explore mathematics
Model mathematics in contextualized experiences
Single Transformation (ie: turning, flipping, rotating part of a character to create
a wave)
Duration, using measurement of time (ie: timing movement of characters and

Applied Designs, Skills, and Technologies

Use familiar tools and technologies to extend their capabilities when completing
a task
Demonstrate a willingness to learn new technologies as needed
Testing- Make changes and test again, repeating until satisfied with the product
getting started
create a character

One of the first steps

was to create a
character. There were
so many different
characters to chose
from which can be
customized any way
you like.
change backdrop
coding a wave

When coding a wave, I

had to make changes
and test it a few times
to ensure the degree
the forearm was
moving looked like it
was going through a
wave motion.
more coding
By this point I was getting
comfortable with coding
my character to say
things and change the
backdrop. Once students
are acquainted with the
technology they can
begin to "Use familiar
tools and technologies to
extend their capabilities
when completing a task"
finished product

To watch the
finished product,
please see the link
below on the
Thank you!

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