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Part 1 – Laws, Rules and Regulations 6. Act No. 4054 provides that the duration of a tenancy
1. All Land Transfer Certificates issued pursuant to PD 27 contract depends on the stipulation of the parties. If there
shall be filed by ___________ and recorded with the is no such stipulation, what is the duration?
__________________. A. Court will fix the duration for the parties
A. DAR; Land Registration Commission B. 1 agricultural year
B. DA; Registry of Deeds C. Continuous until one party notifies the other of its
C. DENR; Bureau of Lands desire to terminate the contract
D. DAR; Registry of Deeds D. 3 years

2. Under RA 6657, if the land owner rejects the offer of the 7. For many years, the Nile river deposited soil along its
Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR), what step may bank, beside the titled land of Moses. In time, such deposit
DAR take? reached an area of 1000 square meters. With the
A. Find another land with the same characteristics permission of Moses, Ramses cultivated the said area. Ten
B. Resend the notice containing DAR’s offer with years later, a big flood occurred in the river and
directive to accept said offer under pain of being transferred the 1000 square meters to the opposite bank,
sanctioned for non-compliance beside the land of Joshua. The land transferred is now
C. Conduct administrative proceedings to determine contested by Moses and Joshua as riparian owners and by
the just compensation for the land Ramses who claims ownership by prescription. Who
D. Consign the amount as stated in the offer in the should prevail? Why?
landowner’s account and indicate such amount to A. Moses, by right of accretion
be just compensation for the land B. Ramses, by prescription since 10 years had passed
C. Joshua, by right of avulsion
3. X owns a property situated at a lower elevation than Y. D. The state
Water flows naturally and without intervention from Y's
property towards that of X. May X block the flow of water? 8. John owns a landlocked property. May he demand a right
A. Yes, provided X can provide an alternative method of way from the adjoining owner?
of drainage. A. No, he cannot encroach on someone else’s property
B. No, X is obliged to receive the water absolutely. B. Yes, the adjoining owner must provide John a direct
C. Yes, because he has the right to protect his route to the public highway
property C. Yes, as long as it is least prejudicial to the adjoining
D. No, X cannot prevent the free and natural flow of property
water D. No, he needs to petition the government to provide
road from his property to the public highway
4. If the flow of water descends downwards because of
manmade structures in Y's property, is Y liable for 9. How to compute value of land under Tenant
damages to X? Emancipation Act?
A. No, Y has no liability because the flow of water A. 1 ½ times the average harvest of 3 normal crop
downwards is caused by gravity years
B. Yes, Y is prohibited from building structures that B. 2 ½ times the average harvest of 2 normal crop
will increase the natural flow of water years
C. Yes, there is a legal presumption that Y intends to C. 3 ½ times the average harvest of 3 normal crop
cause damage to X's property years
D. No, Y did not intend for the water to flow to X's D. 2 ½ times the average harvest of 3 normal crop
property years

5. A delayed accession is 10. Which is the correct title to description combination?

A. formation of an island A. RA 386 - Land Registration Act
B. avulsion B. RA 7076 - Philippine Mining Act of 1995
C. alluvium C. PD 1152 - Environmental Code of the Philippines
D. change in the course of riverbed D. RA 1191 - Land Reform Act of 1955

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REVIEW INNOVATIONS 2nd Evaluation Examination - GE Board October 2021
11. Securing the Original Certificate of Title judicially in 19. Tetay , owner of a parcel of land, sold it to Pedring. But the
ordinary or cadastral proceedings under the Torrens deed of sale was not registered. One year later, Tetay sold
System, actually begins with the: the same parcel again to Leklek , who did not know the
A. Filing with the court, of the application for previous sale and succeeded to register the deed in
registration of title or petition for Cadastral Registry of Deeds. Who is the rightful owner?
Proceedings by the applicant for the Director of A. Tetay C. Leklek
Lands, respectively B. Pedring D. No one
B. Survey and approval of the plan thereof by the
Director of Lands 20. An easement that can be acquired by prescription:
C. Publication of the notice of filling and hearing of the A. Right of way
application/petition B. Watering of an animal
D. Notification of adjacent owners or all persons who C. Lateral and subjacent support
have interest in the property D. Light and view

12. The right pertaining to the owner of a thing over

everything which is produced thereby, or which is Part 2 - Mathematics
incorporated or attached thereto, either naturally or 21. On a job, two power shovels can excavate 20,000 cu m of
artificially is known as: earth, the larger shovel working 40 hours and the smaller
A. Accession C. Avulsion shovel 35 hours. On another job, they removed 40,000 cu
B. Alluvion D. Accretion m with the larger shovel working 70 hours and the
smaller shovel 90 hours. How much earth can the smaller
13. The maximum area obtainable under purchase (sale) of shovel remove in an hour?
public lands under the 1987 constitution. A. 347.83 cu m C. 173.91 cu m
A. 12 hectares C. 1000 hectares B. 324.16 cu m D. 189.33 cu m
B. 24 hectares D. 500 hectares
22. An army of troops is marching along a road at 5 kph. A
14. Maximum area of public agricultural land allowed for messenger on horseback was sent from the front to the
lease for corporations or associations of which 60% of the rear of the column and returns immediately back. The
capital belongs to Filipinos. total time taken being 10 minutes. Assuming the
A. 500 hectares C. 2000 hectares messenger rides at the rate of 10 kph, determine the
B. 1000 hectares D. 48 hectares length of the column.
A. 526 m C. 854 m
15. Land registration proceedings for the issuance of titles B. 1 km D. 625 m
thru court hearing is said to be “in rem” because it is
undertaken against the: 23. A battalion, 20 miles long, advances 20 miles. During this
A. Adverse claimants C. Whole world time, a messenger on a horse travels from the rear of the
B. Government D. Director of Lands battalion to the front and immediately turns around,
ending up precisely at the rear of the battalion upon the
16. A type of condition where the fulfillment of which will completion of the 20-mile journey. How far has the
messenger traveled?
extinguish an obligation or right already existing A. 40 miles C. 50 miles
A. Resolutory condition B. 48.28 miles D. 52.42 miles
B. Extinguish condition
C. Suspensive condition 24. At an ordinary rate a man can row the distance from Pasig
D. Demandable condition to Manila, about 15km, in 5 hours less time than it takes
him to return. Could he double his rate, his time to Manila
17. What is the effect of continues payment of Real Estate would only be one hour less than his time to Pasig. What
is the rate of Pasig River?
taxes over a parcel of land which is subject of application?
A. 1 kph C. 1.5 kph
A. Circumstantial evidence in possession of land B. 2 kph D. 2.5 kph
B. Subject property is assured to the applicant
C. Application is processed earlier 25. Two casks A and B were filled with two kinds of sherry. In
D. Application fees are reduced cask A, the ratio of the two kinds of sherry is 2:7 while in
B, it is 1:5. How many gallons will be taken from each cask
18. With respect to registered lands what is the best evidence to form a mixture which shall consist of 2 gal of one kind
of ownership? and 9 gal of the other?
A. Documents C. Possession A. 3 gal from A; 8 gal from B
B. 2 gal from A; 9 gal from B
B. Torrens title D. Actual occupation
C. 2.5 gal from A; 8.5 gal from B
D. 3.5 gal from A; 7.5 gal from B

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REVIEW INNOVATIONS 2nd Evaluation Examination - GE Board October 2021
26. A man passed one-sixth of his life in childhood, one- Situation 1. A solid was formed by revolving the triangle
twelfth in youth, and one-seventh more as a bachelor. whose vertices are A(3,9), B(5,4), and C(-6,1) about the line
Five years after his marriage, a son was born who died 𝑥 + 𝑦 − 15 = 0. Find the:
four years before his father at half his father’s final age. 35. centroid of the triangle
What was the man’s final age? 1 14 2 16
A. 90 C. 84 A. ( , ) C. ( , )
3 3 3 3
B. 94 D. 80 2 14 1 16
B. ( , ) D. ( , )
3 3 3 3
27. During the last election, the total number of votes in a
certain municipality was 12,400. Had 2/5 of the 36. surface area of the solid formed
supporters of administration candidate stayed away from A. 1228 sq. units C. 1238 sq. units
the polls and 1/2 of the supporters of opposition B. 1208 sq. units D. 1218 sq. units
candidate behaved likewise, the administration
candidate’s majority over the other would have been 37. volume of the solid formed
reduced by 100. How many votes did administration
A. 1300 cubic units C. 1305 cubic units
candidate received?
A. 5400 C. 7000 B. 1315 cubic units D. 1310 cubic units
B. 6000 D. 6400
Situation 1. Given a circle whose equation is
28. The polynomial f(x) = x3 + 6x2 – 2x + 21 is divided by x + 4𝑥 2 + 4𝑦 2 − 4𝑥 + 12𝑦 − 39 = 0
4. Determine the constant term in the quotient. Determine the following:
A. 8 C. -10 38. its center
B. 10 D. -8 A. (-1.5, 0.5) C. (1.5, -0.5)
B. (0.5, -1.5) D. (-0.5, 1.5)
29. Find the equation of the line with slope of 2/3 and which 39. its area
passes through the point of intersection of the lines 4𝑥 − A. 38.5 sq. units C. 63.6 sq. units
2𝑦 + 1 = 0 and 𝑥 − 2𝑦 + 4 = 0. B. 50.3 sq. units D. 44.2 sq. units
A. 4𝑥 − 6𝑦 + 9 = 0 C. 6𝑥 − 4𝑦 + 11 = 0 40. volume of the solid formed if this circle is revolved about
B. 6𝑥 − 4𝑦 + 9 = 0 D. 4𝑥 − 6𝑦 + 11 = 0 the line 𝑦 = 2
A. 650.4 cubic units C. 863.4 cubic units
30. A solid has a circular base of radius 6 cm. Find the volume B. 604.5 cubic units D. 846.3 cubic units
of the solid if every plane perpendicular to a given
diameter is a square.
A. 1251 cc C. 1125 cc
B. 1152 cc D. 1215 cc Part 3 - Theory and Practice of Surveying
41. In quadrantal bearing system, back bearing of a line may
31. A hemispherical dome is 16 meters in diameter. If the be obtained from its forward bearing, by
bottom 1-meter strip of the dome’s surface is painted, A. adding 180°, if the given bearing is less than 180°
what is the total painted area? B. subtracting 180°, if the given bearing, is more than
A. 50.40 m2 C. 50.14 m2 180°
B. 51.04 m2 D. 51.40 m2 C. changing the cardinal points, i.e. substituting N for
S and E for W and vice-versa
32. A sphere of radius 18 inches is cut by two parallel planes D. none of these
that are 16 inches apart. Find the volume on the sphere
included between these cutting planes if the radius of one 42. If L is the perimeter of a closed traverse, ΔD is the closing
of the circles cut is 15 inches. error in departure, the correction for the departure of a
A. 15023 in3 C. 15123 in3 traverse side of length l, according to Bowditch rule, is
B. 15073 in 3 D. 14973 in3
A. C.
33. One line passes through the points (1,9) and (2,6).
Another line passes through (3,3) and (-1,5). The acute
angle between these lines is _____. B. D.
A. 45° C. 65°
B. 135° D. 115° 43. A bearing of a line is also known as
A. magnetic bearing C. azimuth
34. The two points on the line 2𝑥 + 𝑦 − 6 = 0 which are at B. true bearing D. reduced bearing
distance 3 from the line 3𝑥 + 4𝑦 − 4 = 0 are _____________.
A. (1,4) & (7,-6) C. (2,3) & (7,-8) 44. True meridians are generally preferred to magnetic
B. (2,3) & (7,-6) D. (1,4) & (7,-8) meridians because
A. these converge to a point

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REVIEW INNOVATIONS 2nd Evaluation Examination - GE Board October 2021
B. these change due to change in time 54. Angular unit of centesimal units is
C. these remain constant A. grads C. radians
D. None of these. B. degrees D. mils

45. The azimuths of the lines AB and BC are 146° 30' and 68° 55. A deflection angle is
30'. The included angle ABC is A. always turned in a clockwise direction from
A. 102° C. 45° backsight
B. 78° D. none of these B. always turned with the telescope normal
C. the same as interior angle
46. ABCD is a regular parallelogram plot of land whose angle D. the angle between the prolongation of a straight
BAD is 60°. If the azimuth of the line AB is 150°, the line and a line ahead
azimuth of CD, is
A. 90° C. 210° 56. Which of the following corresponds to the linear error for
B. 120° D. 270° a first-order control survey?
A. 1 mm per km C. 1 cm per km
47. The length of a traverse leg may be obtained by B. 100 mm per km D. 100 cm per km
multiplying the latitude and
A. secant of its reduced bearing 57. If the departure and latitude of a line are +78.0 m and –
B. sine of its reduced bearing 135.1 m, respectively, the length of the line is
C. cosine of its reduced bearing A. 213.1 m C. 156.0 m
D. tangent of its reduced bearing B. 57.1 m D. none of the above

48. The magnetic bearing of a line is N 32° E and the magnetic 58. Quadrantal bearing is always measured from
declination is 10° 15' W. The true bearing is A. the north end of the magnetic meridian only
A. N 21°45’ E C. N 42°15’ E B. the south end of the magnetic meridian only
B. N 21°45’ W D. N 42°15’ W C. the north end or the south end of the magnetic
49. Horizontal distances obtained tacheometrically are D. either the north end or the south end of the
corrected for magnetic meridian as the case may be.
A. slope correction
B. temperature correction 59. Variance of a quantity is an indicator of
C. refraction and curvature correction A. precision C. randomness
D. all the above B. accuracy D. probability

50. If deflection angles are measured in a closed traverse, the 60. The latitude of a line is its projection onto the reference
difference between the sum of the right-hand and that of meridian while the departure of a line is its projection
the left hand angles should be equal to onto the
A. 0° C. 180° A. north-south line C. reference parallel
B. 90° D. 360° B. equatorial axis D. polar axis

51. Interior angle traverses are best suited to

A. route surveys C. topographic surveys Part 4: Cartography
B. property surveys D. stadia topography Situation 2. An aircraft flying at 850m above MSL took a
vertical photo of an area. A tower can be spotted in the
52. The magnetic bearing of a line is picture. This same tower has a base elevation of 100m
A. the total horizontal angle measured from the south above MSL. From the picture it can be measured that from
end of the magnetic meridian the principal point to the top of the tower is 200mm and
B. the total horizontal angle measured from the north relief displacement of 40mm.
end of the magnetic meridian 61. What is height of the tower?
C. the acute angle which the line makes with the A. 150m C. 170m
meridian B. 160m D. 180m
D. the azimuth of the line minus 90° 62. If the distance of the tower from the principal point is
300m, what is the focal length of the camera?
53. An isogonic chart shows primarily A. 350mm C. 400mm
A. lines of local magnetic attraction B. 380mm D. 420mm
B. lines of equal azimuth from true South 63. Determine the scale of the photograph.
C. lines of equal magnetic declination A. 1/1850 C. 1/1850
D. Principal Meridians, Base Lines and Sections B. 1/1875 D. 1/1900

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REVIEW INNOVATIONS 2nd Evaluation Examination - GE Board October 2021
Situation 3. Suppose that the calibrated distances between 74. What is the distance between flight lines?
the fiducial marks on the camera are 23.35cm along x-axis A. 1560m C. 1450m
and 23.20cm along y-axis. The corresponding distances B. 1600m D. 1540m
measured on a photographic print from the same camera 75. Compute the number of flight lines.
are 23.39cm and 23.23cm. If the photocoordinates, x and A. 3 C. 5
y, of a point measured on the print are 10.57cm and B. 4 D. 6
12.98cm. 76. What is the angular field of view?
A. 91.2deg C. 94.0deg
64. What is the corrected X coordinate? B. 88.4deg D. 83.9deg
A. 10.55 C. 10.57
B. 10.56 D. 10.58 77. What is the height above mean ground?
A. 1600m C. 1800m
65. What is the corrected Y coordinate? B. 1700m D. 1900m
A. 12.94 C. 12.96
B. 12.95 D. 12.97 78. What is the distance between exposures?
A. 880.00m C. 876.12m
B. 844.36m D. 920.00m
Situation 4. An aerial camera with forward motion
79. Compute the number of exposures per flight line.
compensation and a 4.0-inch focal length is carried in A. 16 C. 18
airplane traveling at 85miles/hr. The flying above the B. 17 D. 19
terrain is 2500ft and the exposure time is 1/300 of a 80. Compute the number of photos.
second. A. 85 C. 90
66. Calculate the distance (in meters) traveled by the airplane B. 88 D. 94
during exposure time.
A. 0.13 C. 0.15
B. 0.14 D. 0.16 Part 5: Geodesy
67. Calculate the average scale of photography above terrain. 81. In geometric geodesy, we deal with the geometry of an
A. 1/7000 C. 1/8000
ellipsoid of revolution. This ellipsoid is formed by taking
B. 1/7500 D. 1/9000
an ellipse and rotating it about __________.
68. Calculate the distance in microns (μ), that the film must
A. the major axis C. the magnetic axis
be moved to obtain a clear image. B. the minor axis D. any axis
A. 14 C. 16
B. 15 D. 17
82. The length from the intersection of the ellipse and the
69. The distance between the nadir and principal point is
minor axis to one of the foci is
0.75in and the focal length of the camera is 6in. What is A. equal to the minor
the tilt angle? B. equal to the major
A. 82.875 C. 7.181 C. equal to the semi-minor axis
B. 82.828 D. 7.125 D. equal to the semi-major axis
Situation 5. A 250mm focal length camera was used on an 83. The distance from the center of the ellipse to one of the
aircraft flying at 7800m above the mean sea level (MSL) foci is
to take a photograph of an object 1700m above MSL. The A. angular eccentricity C. a2 – b2
tilt on the photograph was found to be 3.15degrees. What B. (a2 – b2)1/2 D. 1-f
is the photographic scale at:
70. The isocenter 84. In an ellipse, the term (a – b)/b is defined as
A. 1/24500 C. 1/24300 A. the linear eccentricity C. second flattening
B. 1/24400 D. 1/24200 B. flattening D. angular eccentricity
71. 18cm from the principal point on the upper side?
A. 1/25405.13 C. 1/23403.29 85. In an ellipse, the term (a2 – b2)/a2 is defined as
B. 1/25521.95 D. 1/23471.38 A. the square of the first eccentricity
72. 20cm from the principal point on the down side? B. the square root of the first eccentricity
A. 1/25405.13 C. 1/23471.38 C. the square of the second eccentricity
B. 1/25441.46 D. 1/25521.95 D. the square root of the second eccentricity

Situation 6. The area to be covered by vertical aerial 86. In an ellipse, the angular eccentricity is equal to
photography is 14km by 5km. The focal length of the A. sin-1 e’ C. tan-1 e
camera is 160mm, with a 220mm by 220mm format. B. cos-1 (1-f) D. cos-1(a/b)
Scale is 1:10000 and the end-lap is 60% with a side-lap of
30%. The plane used travels at a constant speed of 87. The __________ latitude of a point located on the surface of
160kph. Intervalometer is set to an integer value. the ellipsoid is defined as the angle between the normal
73. What is the ground cover? to the ellipse at a point and the equatorial plane.
A. 2000m C. 2200m A. geocentric latitude C. parametric latitude
B. 2100m D. 2300m B. geodetic latitude D. authalic latitude

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REVIEW INNOVATIONS 2nd Evaluation Examination - GE Board October 2021
88. Generally, the value of the reduced latitude is __________ 95. The relationship between the geodetic and reduced
and __________. latitude is
A. greater than the geodetic latitude; greater than the A. tan β = (b2/a2) tan Φ C. tan Φ = (b2/a2) tan β
geocentric latitude B. tan β = (b/a) tan Φ D. tan Φ = (b/a) tan β
B. less than the geocentric latitude; greater than the
geodetic latitude 96. The relationship between the geocentric and reduced
C. greater than the geocentric latitude; less than the latitude is
geodetic latitude A. tan ψ = (b2/a2) tan β C. tan β = (b2/a2) tan β
B. tan ψ = (b/a) tan β D. tan β = (b/a) tan β
D. less than the reduced latitude; greater than the
geodetic latitude 97. The relationship between the geocentric and geodetic
latitude is
89. In geodesy, __________ is a plane curve created by A. tan ψ = (b2/a2) tan Φ C. tan Φ = (b2/a2) tan ψ
intersecting a plane containing the normal to the ellipsoid B. tan ψ = (b/a) tan Φ D. tan Φ = (b/a) tan ψ
(a normal section plane) with the surface of the ellipsoid,
and the ellipsoid is a reference surface approximating the 98. __________ is the ratio which the excess of the semi-major
true shape of the Earth. axis over the semi-minor axis bears to the semi-major
A. the normal section curve axis.
B. geodetic curve A. Eccentricity C. Linear eccentricity
C. meridian B. Flattening D. Angular eccentricity
D. parallel
Situation 7. Given a = 6378206.4, b = 6356583.8, Φ = 24
90. Which of the following statements is/are true? degrees South, λ = 45 degrees East
A. The radii of curvature of a normal section is 99. Determine the value of the prime vertical radius at the
independent on the azimuth of the line. point
B. At each point, there exists two mutually A. 6,662,974.601 C. 6,916,802.205
perpendicular normal sections whose curvatures B. 6,789,888.403 D. 6,345,690.10
are maximum and minimum
C. The prime vertical section passes through the given 100. Determine the value of the meridional radius at the point
point and the two poles. A. 6,956,140.709 C. 6,700,869.49
D. All of the above. B. 6,381,780.47 D. 6,828,505.099

91. The radius of curvature in the meridian (M) is equal to

A. a(1-e2)/(1-e2sin2Φ)1/2
B. a(1-e2)/(1-e2sin2Φ)3/2 ~o0o~
C. a/(1-e2sin2Φ)1/2 Nothing Follows
D. a/(1-e2sin2Φ)3/2

92. The radius of curvature of the prime vertical (N) is equal

A. a(1-e2)/(1-e2sin2Φ)1/2
B. a(1-e2)/(1-e2sin2Φ)3/2
C. a/(1-e2sin2Φ)1/2
D. a/(1-e2sin2Φ)3/2

93. Which of the following statements is/are true?

A. The meridional radius of curvature and the prime
vertical radius are minimum at the equator
B. At the pole, M = a2/b
C. N ≥ M where the equality holds at the pole.
D. All statements are true

94. Which of the following statements is/are true?

A. At the equator, N is equal to the semi-major axis
B. At the equator, M is equal to the semi-major axis
C. At the pole, M is equal to the semi-minor axis
D. All statements are true.

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