UNKNOWN WORDS Luis José Castillo Cuellar 11 Bilingual 1

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Unknown Words
Sara Villalobos
Luis José Castillo Cuellar
21 of Jun 2021

1. AGREE: its meaning will be that of conformity,

manifest an agreement between both parties. Usually
usually responds to an interrogative statement that tells
us which direction to take.

2. ALLOWED: Authorized, consented, legal. Usage

examples: "is your book allowed ". ... Examples of use:
"it is my allowance of the day, the diet allows it".

3. AMOUNT: It is the final value of an

amount of money initially invested, taking
into account the capitalization of interest
and the period of time, this future value
will be equivalent to the one initially
4. BROADER: That it is larger than necessary
for its intended purpose.

5. BUILD: In the fields of architecture

and engineering, construction is the art or
technique of fabricating buildings and
infrastructure. In a broader sense,
construction is called everything that
requires, before being done, to have a
project and a predetermined planning.

6. BURNING: A fire is an
occurrence of uncontrolled fire that
can affect or burn something that is
not intended to burn.
7. COLLAPSED: Suddenly collapsing
or fainting, the patient collapsed. Reduce an
activity until it stops the textile industry
has collapsed due to a lack of raw materials.

8. DEEP: That has the bottom at a

great distance from the point taken as
reference (highest part, entrance,

9. ETHNIC: Ethnicity refers to a human

community that shares a series of socio-cultural
traits, such as language, culture, religion,
institutions, values, customs, and customs, as well
as racial affinities.
10. FARMING: Set of activities
and knowledge developed by man,
aimed at cultivating the land and
whose purpose is to obtain plant
products (such as vegetables,
fruits, grains and pastures) for
human and livestock nutrition.

11. FORGET: The act of forgetting is an

involuntary action that consists in ceasing to
remember (or to store in memory) the
information acquired.

12. FUELS: Fuel is any material capable of

releasing energy when it oxidizes violently
with the release of heat.
13. GALVANIZING: Galvanizing
consists of immersing steel parts in molten
zinc to protect them from corrosion and
enhance their mechanical strength against
impacts and abrasion.

14. GLOBAL WARMING: is the long-term

increase in the average temperature of the Earth's
climate system. It is an essential aspect of the
current climate change, demonstrated by direct
measurement of temperature and various effects of

15. GOVERNMENT: The Government

is the main pillar of the State; the authority
that directs, controls and administers its
institutions, which consists of the general
political leadership or exercise of the
executive power of the State.
16. GROWTH: It is the process that a company
implements to improve its strategies and
achieve success in certain aspects, according to
its current needs or objectives.

17. HOMELAND: The homeland usually

designates what would be the native or adoptive
land to which an individual feels bound by ties of
various kinds, such as affective, cultural, historical
or place where they are born.

18. MACHINE: A machine is a set of

mobile and fixed elements whose
operation makes it possible to take
advantage of, direct, regulate or
transform energy, or carry out work for
a specific purpose.
19. NEEDLES: A needle is a filament of metal, copper, or
other hard material, relatively small in size, usually
straight, sharpened at one end and with the other ending
in an eye or handle for inserting a thread. It has been used
since prehistoric times for sewing.

20. PEACE: Situation or state in which

there is no war or fighting between two or
more opposing parties.


action of throwing
something from one point
to another, generally
determined, propelling it
with the hand, with a
blow, a device or other
22. SELLERS: A seller is the
person who is entrusted with the
sale or commercialization
of a company's products or
services. Depending on the
sector or the company's
culture, it may receive
different names:
commercial agent,
representative, sales executive,

23. SHARE: It is an amount of money that

is paid on a regular basis and that can go with
interest in proportion to the amount that we were

24. SNORKELING: Diving, also called

scuba diving and scuba diving, is the act by
which the human being immerses himself in
bodies of water, be it the sea, a lake, a river, a
flooded quarry or a swimming pool.
25. SOMEWHERE: is where ever or a person, thing or
animal is in a certain space or country in past or present

26. SOW: The term sowing refers to the action

and result of sowing, which is nothing more than
placing and scattering seeds in the land that is
prepared for this purpose.

27. STEAL: Theft or robbery is a crime against

property, consisting of the seizure of other
people's property in a fraudulent way, using
force in things or violence or intimidation in
28. SUFFERING: it is the sensation
motivated by any condition that subjects the
nervous system to wear and tear.

29. THOUSANDS: Sign or set of signs with

which the number 1000 is represented.

30. WAITER: A waiter, waiter, waiter,

garzón or innkeeper is the person whose job is to
serve the clients of a hotel, banquet or event
establishment, providing them with food, drinks and
assistance during the stay.

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