Knowledge Is Powur Powur Success Talking Points

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Knowledge is Powur

Powur success talking points

Powur “the career work from home platform for the future of solar”.

Due to the phenomenal growth of Powur PBC with thousands of top sales and solar
professionals joining our platform it is understandable that there could be some misconceptions
in the industry. History has taught us that game changing and disruptive models are often
misunderstood in the early stages before they become the gold standard for their respective
industries. We have all witnessed this with the platform and groundbreaking models that have
dramatically impacted our daily lives including Uber, Airbnb, FB, EXP, Costco, Amazon and so
many others. So let’s take a moment and review the facts:

● The leading income earners in Powur have been earning from $25,000 - $70,000 per
month and scaling
● Many are building six figure passive incomes as well
● Several of them have no previous sales or solar experience
● There are several factors contributing to these extraordinary incomes including:
○ Powur offers some of the industry’s lowest EPC base rates
○ These prices continue to drive lower due to Powur becoming a licensed general
contractor in multiple states and expanding
○ The pure economics of our model at scale
○ A comprehensive bilingual training course and exam required for all new Powur
members to ensure the best customer experience
○ Sales and installation performance monitoring to ensure quality control and the
value of the Powur brand
○ Live daily training with respected and successful tenured solar sales
○ Live local, regional, & national training events sponsored by the most respected
industry brands
○ Expedited commissions paid online and in real time
○ A three tiered compensation plan featuring a fully transparent revenue share
model on personal sales, overrides on team sales, and mentorship sales
○ A game changing mentorship model in which all new Powur members are guided
through their initial sales with approved and licensed sales associates
○ Dynamic and customized state of the art proposals delivered within 5-30 minutes
○ A support team of highly skilled and bilingual project managers to oversee every
project to completion
○ Partnerships with the highest rated installation companies in the industry
○ The Powur platform features the choice to our members of industry leading
brands including panels, inverters, finance…
● The excitement for Powur’s original model produced a record breaking 1.4 million dollar
crowdfund raise
● The Powur Board of Directors and management team are highly respected and
accomplished business professionals
● Our status as a Public Benefit Corporation and our dedication to a greener and more
sustainable future have built a dynamic culture and excitement around our brand
● A stock option plan offered to all Powur members for personal sales and team overrides
has produced an unmatched esprit de corps

All of these factors have contributed to:

● 900% sales growth in 2019

● 20% month over month growth rate in 2020
● Power filing and positioning for an impending $5,000,000.00 - $10,000,000.00 regulation
A capital raise
● A target for an industry changing IPO on Wall Street

In these historically uncertain times the Powur model is clearly designed for entrepreneurs that
recognize the challenges with the ineffective and outdated model of solar today and share our
crystal clear vision of the model that will drive the future adoption of solar and renewable energy
for tomorrow.

Our work from home six figure career opportunity for individuals with no experience in solar is
changing the industry.

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