Self Regulation

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Development and Psychopathology 20 (2008), 899–911

Copyright # 2008 Cambridge University Press

Printed in the United States of America

Biological processes in prevention and

intervention: The promotion of self-regulation
as a means of preventing school failure


Pennsylvania State University; and b University of British Columbia

This paper examines interrelations between biological and social influences on the development of self-regulation in
young children and considers implications of these interrelations for the promotion of self-regulation and positive
adaptation to school. Emotional development and processes of emotion regulation are seen as influencing and being
influenced by the development of executive cognitive functions, including working memory, inhibitory control, and
mental flexibility important for the effortful regulation of attention and behavior. Developing self-regulation is further
understood to reflect an emerging balance between processes of emotional arousal and cognitive regulation. Early childhood
educational programs that effectively link emotional and motivational arousal with activities designed to exercise and
promote executive functions can be effective in enhancing self-regulation, school readiness, and school success.

At the turn of the 21st century, approximately essential or very important for being ready to
half of the kindergarten teachers surveyed in a start kindergarten indicated clear concern about
nationally representative United States sample children’s ability to regulate their behavior
indicated that 50% or more of the children in (Lewit & Baker, 1995). In addition to noting
their classrooms were experiencing problems the importance of children being able to follow
that substantially limited the ability to benefit directions, teachers overwhelmingly endorsed
from early schooling (Rimm-Kaufmann, Pianta, factors such as being able to communicate
& Cox, 2001). Although some teachers identi- wants, needs, and thoughts verbally, to be en-
fied poor academic skills at school entry (know- thusiastic and curious in learning, and sensitive
ing letters, numbers, etc.) as the primary source to other children’s feelings as essential or very
of children’s difficulties, most noted problems important for being ready to start kindergarten.
with self-regulation, particularly problems with In contrast, relatively few teachers endorsed
following directions and controlling attention, academic skills and abilities such as knowing
as the main cause of children’s lack of school letters of the alphabet or being able to count to
readiness. Similarly, a National Center for Edu- 20 as being key characteristics of readiness.
cation Statistics survey of kindergarten teachers’ Consistent with this, findings from a recent sur-
perceptions of child characteristics considered veyof prekindergarten childcare providers indicates
that children in preschool programs in the United
The authors’ research and scholarly activities are partially States are being expelled for unmanageable behav-
supported by National Institute of Child Health and Human ior at a rate over three times that found in elementary
Development Grants P01 HD39667 and R01 HD51502 (to and secondary grades (Gilliam, 2005). Specifically,
C.B.) and National Institute of Drug Abuse Grant R01 in a nationally representative sample of all state-
DA19685 (to A.D.).
Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Clancy
funded prekindergarten programs in the United
Blair, 110 Henderson South, University Park, PA 16802; States, 10.4% of prekindergarten teachers reported
E-mail: expelling at least 1 child over a 12-month period

900 C. Blair and A. Diamond

and 19.9% reported expelling more than 1. This ward ways in innovative programs designed to
results in a national expulsion rate of 6.7 per promote school success. Understanding of the
1,000 prekindergarten children per year (Gilliam, genetic and neural bases of self-regulation has
2005). As alarming as these numbers are, how- increased, as has the understanding of the roles
ever, expulsion rates in some states range as high played by family, school, and community con-
as roughly 25 per 1,000 or a staggering 1 out of ev- texts in which children are situated. The pur-
ery 40 children enrolled (Gilliam & Shahar, 2006). pose of this paper is to describe certain aspects
Of further and perhaps more than coincidental of the development of self-regulation directly
interest to the phenomena of preschool expulsion relevant to the transition of young children to
and poor school readiness is the finding of a rapid formal schooling, and ways in which it is af-
and sizable increase in prescriptions of psychotro- fected by biology and social context.
pic medications to children under the age of 5 Regulation, defined as “the process through
years (Zito et al., 2000). As an aspect of a larger which one system modulates or governs
trend in which rates of prescriptions for psychotro- the reactivity of another system,” is a central
pic medications to children under 18 years ap- integrative concept in psychology and neu-
proximately doubled between 1987 and 1996 (Olf- roscience (Derryberry & Reed, 1996). Self-reg-
son, Marcus, Weissman, & Jensen, 2002), rates of ulation refers to the primarily volitional cog-
prescriptions for children under age 5 increased nitive and behavioral processes through which
approximately threefold both for stimulants and an individual maintains levels of emotional,
antidepressants (Zito et al., 2000). This increase motivational, and cognitive arousal that are
likely reflects an increase in parents’ and teachers’ conducive to positive adjustment and adapta-
needs for assistance in managing the challenging tion, as reflected in positive social relationships,
behaviors of young children and a desire for the productivity, achievement, and a positive sense
short-term benefits in regulating behavior associ- of self. Consideration of the depth and breadth
ated with medication usage. However, the poten- of influences on developing self-regulation in
tial for longer term adverse developmental conse- young children can help to establish a frame-
quences resulting from psychotropic medication work for interventions to promote self-regula-
use in young children are real (Panksepp, 1998; tion as a means of preventing school failure.
Stanwood & Levitt, 2004). The potential for
harm suggests that alternative strategies are needed
An Organizational Approach
to address what would appear to be a growing
to Self-Regulation
problem of poorly regulated behavior in children
and the need among caregivers for assistance in As a construct determined by multiple levels of in-
managing children’s problem behavior. fluence ranging from the biological to the social,
Although rates of poor school readiness, self-regulation development in young children is
preschool expulsion, and use of psychotropic best understood from an organizational perspec-
medications with young children have not been tive. Such a perspective emphasizes the idea that
definitively linked to a common cause, it is the psychological and behavioral development of
clear that each is indicative of problems with the individual is determined by the combined influ-
the developing ability of children to regulate at- ence of functions and processes of various systems
tention and behavior early in life and that these operating at distinct levels of analysis (Cicchetti &
problems are interfering with positive adapta- Tucker, 1994; Derryberry & Reed, 1996). These
tion and adjustment. Consequently, the promo- systems range from those associated with gene ex-
tion of self-regulation, and prevention of the pression and regulation at the molecular level to
development of problems with adjustment that those associated with norms, rules, and standards
increase risk for later psychopathology are im- governing social interaction and social behavior
portant foci for developmental research. at the cultural–institutional level. In the organiza-
Much is known about various aspects of de- tional approach the functioning of a system at a
veloping self-regulation in young children, and given level is understood to be determined by the
much of the information gained from research influence of the components of the system at that
in this area can likely be applied in straightfor- level at a given time point and also by the
Biological processes in prevention and intervention 901

functioning of components of systems at other function researchers have generally focused pri-
levels concurrently and at antecedent time points. marily on cognition and on intentional control,
That is, systems are both horizontally and vertically such as the control of emotions, and have not
integrated, and it is the organization of horizontal addressed beneficial uses of emotions. Self-reg-
and vertical processes that determines behavioral ulation, in contrast, addresses both suppressing
and psychological development. Here we are con- disruptive emotions and encouraging the flour-
cerned with processes that affect aspects of psycho- ishing of positive emotions. Besides inhibitory
logical development that pertain to developing self- control (resisting habits, temptations, or distrac-
regulation and the child’s sense of self as one who tions), the other two core executive functions
is effective at regulating his or her own attention are working memory (holding information in
and behavior. Processes occurring at a given level mind and working with it) and mental flexibility
provide the foundation for further differentiation (adjusting to change; Diamond, Barnett, Tho-
and change not only at that level but also at other mas, & Munro, 2007; Miyake, Friedman, Emer-
levels. As a result, development is considered to son, Witzki, & Howerter, 2000).
be dynamic, nonlinear, and probabilistic, meaning In general, children and adults with the Met/
that perturbation of the system at a given level at a Met COMT genotype display better executive
given time can result in reorganization of processes function performance than do those homozygous
at other levels and the emergence of novel behav- for the val version of the gene (Diamond, Briand,
iors and psychological functions. Fossella, & Gehlbach, 2004; Egan et al., 2001). In
A hypothetical example of an organizational the organizational perspective, this relation of gene
process in the development of self-regulation to neural function influences the probability that
can be seen in the scenario in which an individ- effective self-regulation will occur. It does so dif-
ual possesses a variant of a gene (say, the cate- ferentially, depending on social context, however,
chol-O-methyltransferase [COMT] gene) asso- because having a little more dopamine in the PFC
ciated with neurotransmitter function (in this is not only better for executive function, but it also
case, the function of the neurotransmitter, dopa- makes one more sensitive to stress (Zubieta et al.,
mine). The COMT gene codes for the COMT 2003). Hence, persons homozygous for the valine
enzyme, which plays an important role in clear- version of the COMT gene should show better aca-
ing away dopamine released in the prefrontal demic performance and cognitive control under
cortex (PFC; Garris & Wrightman, 1994; Napo- conditions of mild stress than do persons homozy-
litano, Cesura, & Da Prada, 1995). In about gous for the met version because levels of stress
25% of Americans and Europeans both copies too mild to disrupt the cognitive functioning of va-
of the COMT gene have the amino acid, valine line homozygotes are disruptive to persons with
(Val), at codon 158; in another 25% both copies the met phenotype of the COMT gene. Thus, the
of the COMT gene have the amino acid, methio- probability that the Val/Val or Met/Met genotype
nine (Met), at codon 158; the other roughly 50% will be associated with poor self-regulation is de-
of Americans and Europeans are heterozygous. pendent in part on the extent to which problems
The valine version of the COMT gene results in adversely impact relationships with others (par-
a faster acting COMT enzyme, which clears do- ents, peers, teachers), creating stress.
pamine away faster, resulting in less dopamine When a child’s behavior elicits reactions from
in the PFC. Thus, people homozygous for the individuals that exacerbate that child’s difficul-
met version of the COMT gene tend to have ties with regulation, those interactions help to
more dopamine in the PFC. This genetic charac- maintain a developmental course of poor regula-
teristic of individuals influences functioning at tion. In turn, repeated difficulty in regulating
the neural level, specifically the functioning of behavior in interactions with others also leads a
the PFC, a brain region critical for executive child to develop representations of him- or her-
function and cognitive control of attention and self as one who is ineffective in regulating behav-
behavior. There is much overlap between ex- ior in ways demanded in a particular context.
ecutive functions, especially the inhibitory con- In contrast, when a child with the same relation
trol component, and self-regulation, although of gene to neural function to behavior is situa-
there are also nuanced differences. Executive ted within a context that provides support,
902 C. Blair and A. Diamond

encouragement, and appropriate structure for at- childhood (Derryberry & Rothbart, 1997; Fox,
tempts at self-regulation, the probability of devel- Henderson, Marshall, Nichols, & Ghera, 2005;
opmental difficulties with regulation is lessened, Kagan, 1998; Posner & Rothbart, 2000; Wolfe &
and that child is more likely to develop a self-per- Bell, 2004). As an aspect of individual develop-
ception that reflects, and in turn promotes, effec- ment, temperament is defined in part by early bio-
tive regulation and effective negotiation of con- logically based tendencies that are thought to pre-
texts and situations that present regulatory dispose the individual to certain levels of
challenges. It is in this interplay of the biological emotional reactivity. This level of reactivity is un-
and the social that developing self-regulation and derstood to reflect thresholds for arousal in brain
efforts to promote it are best understood. systems that control autonomic, endocrine, and
The organizational approach to developing motoric responses to stimulation. These reactive
self-regulation assumes, importantly, that as a systems are essentially those associated with ap-
consequence of vertical and horizontal integra- proach and withdrawal behavioral tendencies in
tion across levels of biological and social influ- comparative psychology (Schneirla, 1957) and
ences that behavior and psychological function- identified as motivational systems in personality
ing, particularly self-perceptions, act not only research (Eysenck, 1967), namely, as a behav-
as endpoints of an organizational process of de- ioral activation or approach system (BAS) asso-
velopment but also are active and dynamic con- ciated with sensitivity to pleasurable or appeti-
tributors to that process. This assumption has tive contingencies and as a behavioral
been expressed in a variety of ways, but perhaps inhibition system (BIS) associated with sensitiv-
nowhere quite as succinctly as in the phrase ity to aversive contingencies. The BAS system is
“behavior is the leading edge of development” thought to be related to dopaminergic pathways
(Cairns, Elder, & Costello, 1996). The phrase in the cortical–striatal–thalamic–cortical loop
nicely captures two ideas: one, that behavioral system associated with the orbitofrontal cortex
and psychological development are determined (Depue & Collins, 1999). The BIS system, in
by, but also determining of, functions and pro- contrast, is thought to reflect serotonergic func-
cesses occurring at other levels of analysis; and tioning in the amygdala and septohippocampal
two, that behavior change and the active self- system (Gray, 1987). In research on tempera-
striving of the individual to regulate behavior ment in infants, sensitivity to arousal in these
can have enduring effects on development two systems is presumed to underlie behaviors
(Cicchetti & Tucker, 1994). There is consider- indicative of constructs referred to as distress
able plasticity in development, but this plastic- to limitations and distress to novelty. Distress
ity can be limited by constraints; by correlated to limitations is indicated by anger reactivity
factors at multiple levels that conspire, for good and frustration in response to blocked appetitive
or ill, to maintain behavioral development on a goals. Distress to novelty is indicated by fear re-
particular trajectory. activity, withdrawal, and avoidance in response
to unfamiliar objects and persons that are experi-
enced as aversive (Rothbart & Bates, 2006).
Neurobiology of Temperament and
Generally speaking, BAS and BIS are rooted
in brain circuitry associated with the distributed
Following from the ideas of multilevel influences limbic system, which includes the network of con-
and the active role of the individual in his or her nections among the ventromedial (orbital) PFC,
own development is the idea that much of self-reg- anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), amygdala, hippo-
ulation development can be characterized as a bal- campus, and related structures (Heimer & Van
ance or interaction between processes of emo- Hoesen, 2006; Morgane, Galler, & Mokler,
tional–motivational arousal and cognitive control 2005). As such, approach and avoidance moti-
processes (Gray, 2004). Such an approach has vation can be thought of as operating in a ventro-
been taken to varying degrees in the study of tem- medial or phylogenetically older information pro-
perament in which several programs of research cessing stream (Luu, Tucker, & Derryberry,
have focused on processes underlying the develop- 1998). Physiological and motor responses to
ment of emotion and cognition in infancy and early appetitive and aversive stimulation in this
Biological processes in prevention and intervention 903

ventromedial stream are relatively automatic and effector systems of autonomic and motoric arousal
rapid, and can precede conscious awareness and (Critchley, 2005; Paus, 2001). That is, it bridges or
cognitive control (Critchley, 2005; Dolan, 2002; connects limbic processes of physiological and mo-
Ohman & Soares, 1993). An important comple- tor arousal and reactivity with cortical goal-directed
ment to the automaticity of emotional and behav- planning and problem solving.
ioral reactivity (Bargh & Ferguson, 2000) is found
in the development of cognitive control abilities,
Emotionality and Cognitive Control:
particularly the control of attention, that emerges
An Optimal Balance
in the toddler period and allows for the modulation
of arousal and for controlled engagement with, or Central to self-regulation development, and the
withdrawal from, stimulation (Posner & Rothbart, best ways to promote it, are (a) the integrating or
2000). The development of attentional control, re- bridging functions of the ACC and (b) relations
ferred to as executive attention, relies on the devel- between processes of arousal that are primarily as-
opment of cortical networks that are phylogeneti- sociated with the ventromedial PFC and those of
cally newer and primarily lateral (especially the control that are primarily associated with the lateral
dorsolateral and ventrolateral PFC), which provide PFC. How is emotionality related to emerging
the neural substrate for executive functions. As cognitive control abilities? Is a high level of
shown in both functional and anatomical brain negative emotionality in infancy a risk factor for
mapping research with human and nonhuman pri- problems with the development of cognitive con-
mates, the hierarchically integrated older and trol? Or does a high level of negativity promote the
newer prefrontal networks are distinct, and can development of cognitive control? Furthermore,
be considered as supporting related but distinct do- when considering control, is it important to differ-
mains of functioning (Ghashghaei & Barbas, 2001; entiate negative emotionality associated with fear
Heidbreder & Groenewegen, 2003; Petrides, 2005). reactivity from negative emotionality associated
A central brain structure in the hierarchical inte- with anger reactivity? Or is high negative emotion-
gration of the ventromedial (emotional reactive) net- ality, whether anger or fear, only a risk factor when
work and the lateral (cognitive control) network is processes of cognitive control are not developing
the ACC (Koski & Paus, 2000; Luu & Tucker, appropriately or when a child is developing within
2004; Yamasaki, LaBar, & McCarthy, 2002). As contexts that preclude the development of effec-
several neuroimaging studies have shown, the tive control? These are key questions for programs
ACC is active in response to tasks that require the designed to promote self-regulation. They can
resolution of cognitive conflict, as in the Stroop help to identify not only risk factors but also
color–word task. It is composed of a ventral seg- ways to disrupt risk processes and prevent prob-
ment that is more active in conflict tasks with emo- lems with adjustment and adaptation resulting
tional content and a dorsal segment that is more ac- from poor self-regulation.
tive in response to arousal attendant to increased Functional neuroimaging studies would seem
difficulty or awareness of making an error on cog- to suggest a reciprocal relation between emotional
nitively demanding but emotionally neutral tasks. arousal and cognitive control, meaning that when
Activity in the ventral and dorsal segments of the one is active the other is less so. From a reciprocal
ACC tends to be reciprocal, meaning that when ac- activation point of view, one might be tempted to
tivity in one is increased, activity in the other is de- conclude that a high level of cognitive control
creased (Bush, Luu, & Posner, 2000). There is a promotes positive adjustment and that a high level
growing consensus that the primary function of of emotionality, whether positive or negative (but
the ACC is to signal the need for cognitive control primarily negative) disrupts adjustment. This
on the part of the lateral PFC in response to motiva- would seem to be one of the more or less implicit
tional contingencies (Botvinick, Cohen, & Carter, themes of research on developing self-regulation;
2004; Luu & Tucker, 2004; Sohn, Albert, Jung, that emotionality usually acts as the nemesis of
Carter, & Anderson, 2007). cognitive control. Accordingly, a developmental
As such, the role of the ACC in detecting error goal for young children would be to maxi-
and in signaling the need for cognitive control is mize control and minimize emotional reactivity.
further highlighted by its connectivity with limbic However, it does not necessarily follow that
904 C. Blair and A. Diamond

extremely high levels of cognitive control and low lations, risk for later psychopathology is likely to in-
levels of emotionality are indicative of positive crease (Derryberry & Reed, 1996).
adjustment in children.
An alternative perspective on the relation be-
School Readiness as the Integration
tween emotionality and cognitive control is that
of Emotion and Cognitive Control
both work most effectively when operating in
concert, as an integrated whole (Diamond, The organizational perspective suggests that to
2007). This view suggests that an optimal bal- understand self-regulation development within
ance rather than a reciprocal antagonism is the the context of early schooling, it is necessary to
appropriate metaphor for developing self-regu- assess emotionality and approach–withdrawal
lation (Blair & Dennis, in press; Gray, 2004). motivation as well as cognitive control. From
For example, functional magnetic resonance this perspective, the ideal early school environ-
brain imaging indicates that induced fearful ment should foster an emerging balance between
emotionality is associated with better perfor- emotion and cognition that supports active en-
mance on a test of visual–spatial working memory gagement in, and motivation for, learning and a
and better right dorsolateral PFC function, whereas sense of agency and capability in the school envi-
induced positive emotion is associated with better ronment (Blair, 2002). Support for this comes
performance on a test of verbal working memory from a study of school readiness and self-regula-
and increased left dorsolateral PFC activity (Gray, tion involving children in Head Start, the federal
Braver, & Raichle, 2004). The balance view recog- preschool program for children from low-income
nizes that high levels of negative emotionality can homes (Blair & Razza, 2007). The study’s find-
interfere with control and adjustment, but also recog- ings indicate that readiness for school is charac-
nizes that high levels of control in the presence of terized by the development of cognition–emo-
low levels of emotionality can also result in prob- tion integration, and suggest that the optimal
lems with adaptation (Luu et al., 1998). relation between processes of emotionality and
That emotion and cognitive control work most processes of cognitive control is one of balance
effectively when integrated is consistent with the and mutual reinforcement. Self-regulation
understanding of cognitive control as goal directed, emerges in the coordination of systems relating
that the executive functions of the PFC orga- to emotional arousal and cognitive control, rather
nize information adaptively in response to motiva- than the dominance of one over the other. For ex-
tional contingencies (Blair, 2006; Fuster, 1997). ample, Blair and colleagues (Blair, Granger, &
Thus, emotions both organize and are organized Razza, 2005; Blair, Peters, & Granger, 2004)
by cognitive control (Cole, Martin, & Dennis, found that children who exhibit increased arousal
2004). This has important consequences for the to moderate stress (as indicated by change in
development of adaptive behavior. Sometimes this levels of salivary cortisol) are more sensitive to
organization is consistent with established norms aversive contingences (as rated by parents) and
for behavior within a given context, as in exuberant exhibit higher levels of executive functions (as as-
behavior in the playground or on the athletic field, sessed by age appropriate measures of inhibitory
and at other times it is at odds with norms, control, working memory, and attention shifting.
as when exuberant behavior occurs in the classroom Cortisol is the steroid hormone in humans as-
or an institutional setting requiring reflection and in- sociated with the action of the hypothalamic–pi-
terferes with the goals of that context. Furthermore, tuitary–adrenal axis stress response system, a cen-
with development, individual differences in the tral component of the physiological response to
functioning of emotional and cognitive control pro- stress and emotionally arousing stimulation. Con-
cesses lead to representations of the self that work to sistent with the theory of self-regulation as emo-
maintain a particular style of emotion–cognition or- tion–cognition integration, moderate physiologi-
ganization that carries from one context to another. cal and emotional arousal in children in Head
In this developmental process, if the emotion–cog- Start was associated with a higher level of execu-
nition relation is weighted disproportionately to tive function (Blair et al., 2005).
emotional reactivity or to cognitive control, and Furthermore, consistent with the idea that the
acts to disrupt rather than facilitate interpersonal re- promotion of self-regulation can foster school
Biological processes in prevention and intervention 905

readiness and prevent early school failure, the data Averting School Failure Through
also indicated that change in cortisol and perfor- the Promotion of Self-Regulation
mance on executive function tasks related posi-
tively to teachers’ perceptions of children’s class- The findings outlined above, relating indicators of
room behavior (Blair et al., 2005) and to objective arousal and cognitive control to children’s adjust-
measures of academic ability in kindergarten ment to school, suggest that school readiness is a
(Blair & Razza, 2007). Findings for the influence process through which motivation and emotion
of executive functions were particularly strong, as foster and complement executive function pro-
mathematics knowledge, letter knowledge, and an cesses that contribute to self-directed learning, re-
aspect of early reading ability known as phonemic sulting in the child having a sense of individual
awareness, all measured in kindergarten, were po- agency, a sense that he or she is an effective, ca-
sitively associated with executive function ability pable learner. Children who have poor executive
measured in preschool and kindergarten. Further, functions (and/or whose executive function per-
those relations were present over and above formance is impaired by heightened stress or anx-
those for measures of general intelligence, for iety) have problems paying attention in class,
which associations with the academic outcomes completing assignments, and inhibiting impulsive
were generally reduced or absent when executive behaviors. School is less fun for them because
function abilities were controlled. Of course, the they find compliance with school demands so dif-
measures of executive functions were moderately ficult and because their teachers so often get an-
correlated with general intelligence, but it was noyed and frustrated with them. Teachers come
performance on executive function measures (ra- to expect poor self-control and poor work, and
ther than general intelligence) that was primarily the children come to hold more negative self-per-
indicative of, indeed predictive of, how children ceptions of themselves as students. People with-
were doing in math and reading at the end of draw from situations where they have negative ex-
kindergarten. periences and that threaten their feelings of self-
Further, children who did not evidence worth (Crocker, 2002). Hence, children who be-
reactivity in cortisol and did less well on the gin school with poorer executive functions would
measures of executive functions were more be expected to become increasingly resistant to
likely to arrive at the assessment session and school and schoolwork, put less effort and self-in-
perhaps at school itself in an aroused state. vestment into school, and drop out at much higher
The optimal level of arousal for exercising cog- rates as expected (Vitaro, Brendgen, Larose, &
nitive control or engaging in taxing cognitive Tremblay, 2005). Children who have better emo-
activity, for most people, is a mild level. tional, attentional, and behavioral regulation, in
When too aroused, it is difficult to think clearly contrast, are a pleasure to teach, get praised for
(Arnsten & Li, 2005; Lupien, Maheu, Tu, Fiocco, their good behavior, find schoolwork easier, en-
& Schramak, 2007). Arriving at the assessment joy school more, and want to spend more time
session already aroused would mean that even on schoolwork. Teachers come to expect good
if the stress associated with assessment were self-control and good work from them, and the
minimal, that mild stress added to the indi- children come to hold more positive self-percep-
vidual’s initial arousal would likely result in tions of themselves as students.
arousal levels too high for feelings of comfort The powerful “self-fulfilling prophecy” ef-
and for optimal performance. This would lead fects of one’s own and others’ perceptions of
to a disorganized response to that mild stress and expectations for oneself are well documented
and withdrawal or reduced persistence, and (Rosenthal, 2002; Skinner, Zimmer-Gembeck,
poor performance on the executive function & Connell, 1998; Stipek, 2002; Trouilloud, Sar-
tasks. Indeed, children performing least well razin, Bressoux, & Bois, 2006). Thus, the trajec-
on the executive function measures were re- tories of children who start with better self-regu-
ported to be poorly adjusted to the classroom lation and executive functions, and worse, would
by their teachers and were also characterized be expected to diverge more and more each year
by a higher level of baseline cortisol (Blair as the positive feedback loop for the former, and
et al., 2005). the negative feedback loop for the latter,
906 C. Blair and A. Diamond

progressively enlarge what might be relatively readiness and equality in educational opportunity
small differences at the outset, producing an for all children.
achievement gap that widens each year (Alexan- The neurobiological underpinnings of the
der, Entwisle, & Kabbani, 2001; O’Shaughnessy emotion–cognition balance model indicate that
et al., 2003). All things being equal, children who by promoting positive social–emotional develop-
get started on a more promising trajectory will ment, that emotion-focused programs can provide
end up better. Clearly, it would be all to the a solid foundation for the development of execu-
good if negative feedback loops could be pre- tive function and school success. Of importance,
vented from starting in the first place. it is not simply by preventing behavior problems
Given the foregoing characterization of self- that emotion-focused programs are thought to in-
regulation as absolutely critical for school readi- fluence academic achievement. Behavior prob-
ness and the very real long-term negative conse- lems have relatively small associations with aca-
quences of early adjustment problems in school, demic outcomes (Duncan et al., 2007; Rabiner,
what are the early learning contexts that can Murray, Schmid, & Malone, 2004). Rather, in
best promote the development of self-regulation? theory, it is by promoting social–emotional com-
There are a number of programs focusing on the petence and thereby helping to facilitate the devel-
promotion of emotional competence in preschool opment of executive function and self-regulation,
and early school-age children (Raver, 2002). and ultimately learning, that these programs are
These programs begin in preschool or in the early understood to affect school achievement.
elementary grades and are designed to reduce be- The emotion–cognition balance model sug-
havior problems and promote social–emotional gests an integrated understanding of education
competence. For example, the Promoting Alter- and children’s experiences in the classroom. In
native Thinking Strategies program (Domitrovich research on the types of support for learning
& Greenberg, 2000) provides teachers with sys- that teachers provide to young children, two
tematic, developmentally appropriate lessons, broad dimensions of everyday student–teacher
materials, and instructions for teaching emotional interactions have been identified: (a) informa-
literacy, self-control, social competence, positive tion-based interactions that provide instructional
peer relations, and interpersonal problem-solving support and (b) relationship-based interactions
skills to children. Another such program is that promote an overall positive classroom cli-
the Incredible Years (Webster-Stratton, 1998), mate and provide emotional support (Hamre &
which combines parent, teacher, and child train- Pianta, 2005). Instructional support refers to
ing activities with the goal of reducing the onset the type and quality of information that teachers
of conduct problems in young children. A final provide to children. Instructional approaches
example is the Good Behavior Game (Ialongo, that do not simply provide students with an-
Poduska, Werthamer, & Kellam, 2001), which swers, but allow and enable students to actively
is a behavior modification program designed to participate in discovering the answers for them-
prevent impulsive and aggressive behavior in selves are associated with the largest benefits to
the classroom by improving the teacher’s ability child learning (Bruner, 1991; Olson, 1964).
to define tasks, set rules, and discipline students Emotional support refers to general warmth
within the context of a game in which students and positive emotional climate in the classroom
work in teams. as well as the sensitivity of the teacher in interac-
Findings across the various programs target- tions with individual children. It is not as simple,
ing social–emotional competence in children however, as instructional approaches being im-
are mixed, reflecting variation in type, timing, portant only for their cognitive outcomes and
and intensity of services provided (Raver, 2002). relationship-based approaches being important
There are, however, clear indications of the value only for their emotional outcomes. For example,
of a focus on emotional development in children instructional approaches that spark children’s
at risk for school failure (Izard, 2002; Trentacosta interest in (emotional excitement about) the sub-
& Izard, 2007) and the excellent opportunity that ject matter, which are really fun and enjoyable
this focus offers to support child development for the children (e.g., which include the incor-
within the US federal mandate to assure school poration of music, movement, or games), that
Biological processes in prevention and intervention 907

is, that ignite children’s love of the material, (working memory), inhibit acting out of charac-
school, or learning, will succeed best. In addi- ter (employ inhibitory control), and flexibly ad-
tion, instructional approaches that enable chil- just to twists and turns in the evolving plot
dren to feel good about themselves (proud of (mental flexibility); all three of the core execu-
themselves for having mastered something that tive functions thus get exercise. Tools of the
was challenging) will also show more success Mind emphasizes a child’s own contributions
(Clark, 1988; White, 1960). to his or her development (consistent with the
A central goal for prekindergarten and early organizational perspective’s emphasis on de-
elementary education should be to develop cur- veloping abilities and self-perceptions as both
ricula to promote self-regulation through instruc- shaped by, and shaping, processes of develop-
tional and emotional support and to utilize well- ment at multiple levels).
developed and appropriate measures to assess Clearly, the Tools of the Mind curriculum is
the effects to these curricula on the development effective in improving young children’s execu-
of social–emotional, cognitive, and early aca- tive functions (Diamond et al., 2007) and in en-
demic abilities. One prekindergarten and kinder- hancing their academic performance (as studies
garten program that focuses on enhancing self- in various states and with diverse comparison
regulation is known as Tools of the Mind. Devel- conditions have all shown; Barnett, Yarosz,
oped by Bodrova and Leong (2007), it is based on Thomas, & Hornbeck, 2007; Saifer, 2007).
Luria’s (1980) and Vygotsky’s (1978) theories Why? What factors mediate Tools of the
and practical insights on higher mental Mind instructional practices and these benefi-
functions and how a comprehensive system of cial outcomes? It is probably a confluence of
activities and social interactions promote self- positive influences. Tools of the Mind class-
regulation and a positive sense of self. In Tools rooms tend to have a positive climate and are
of the Mind, techniques for supporting (“scaf- less stressful for teachers and students (Barnett
folding”), training, and challenging executive et al., 2007). Because of techniques for manag-
functions are interwoven in almost all classroom ing potentially difficult times (such as transi-
activities throughout the day. Whether children tions between activities), scaffolding children’s
are playing, or learning language or math skills, emerging self-regulation, and continually im-
they are also receiving training in executive func- proving that, situations where children’s self-
tion skills at the same time. regulation fails are minimized. Stress and anxi-
Self-regulation and executive-functioning ety impair executive functions and academic
training is approached from a variety of differ- performance. Perhaps children in Tools of the
ent angles in a variety of different activities in Mind perform better in part because their stress
Tools of the Mind, especially intentional dra- levels are lower. Children’s improving execu-
matic play (Vygotsky, 1967). A “play plan” is tive functions, and the reduced need for
something a child creates under a teacher’s guid- teacher-imposed discipline, also enable teachers
ance prior to a play session. The play plan lays to spend more time on instruction, thereby aid-
out what the child plans to do in the upcoming ing children’s academic advancement.
play session (e.g., “I will be an astronaut headed Many of the activities in Tools of the Mind aid
to the moon”). It requires a child to coordinate social development. Better self-regulation and train-
motivations and interests with an orientation to- ing in social norms such as turn taking (emphasized
ward the immediate future, that of the play ses- by Tools of the Mind), makes for better interper-
sion that will soon begin. By considering what sonal interactionswith peersand teachers.Such social
they would like to do and developing a plan for benefits probably amplify the positive effects of the
engaging in and forwarding those interests un- curriculum. Children interact with one another a lot
der the teacher’s supervision, it is likely that in Tools of the Mind and often alternate in taking
children begin to develop the facility to coordi- the roles of the giver or recipient of help or instruc-
nate emotional and motivational aspects of their tion. Various techniques are used to ensure that
experience with cognitive control aspects. Fur- each child plays, and interacts, with every other
ther, during social pretend play, children must child in the class. Tools of the Mind teachers are
hold their own role and those of others in mind trained in ways to avoid there being loners, outcasts,
908 C. Blair and A. Diamond

or cliques. We know that positive socioemotional anxious or fearful in school contexts, has failed
development aids and supports academic develop- the children. It is not age appropriate to expect
ment and contributes importantly to positive class- very young children to sit still for long periods
room climate. listening to group instruction. Young children
need to be actively doing. They can learn
cognitive and emotional regulation skills, and
academic content, best through actively partici-
The interrelations between emotion and cogni- pating in activities, including structured play.
tion discussed in this review suggest that a focus There is no reason why school activities cannot
on developing emotional, attentional, and be- be ones that the children thoroughly enjoy. The
havioral regulation in children at risk for school improvement of critical skills does not have to be
failure is likely to be a more effective strategy painful; it can be great fun. Children who are
in promoting school success throughout the happy rather than anxious learn better and seeing
school years than a sole focus on acquiring aca- themselves master skills feeds back on their emo-
demic content, such as an exclusive focus on tional state, making them happier and prouder.
teaching the basics of early literacy and math. In sum, learning occurs through a process of
This is not because it is somehow inappropriate engagement and participation in a relationship
to teach literacy or math facts to young children. with a caring and trusted other who models
Of course, it is necessary to do so but (a) a focus the process of and provides opportunities for
on content on its own is likely to be ineffective self-directed learning. In acquiring the capacity
in promoting children’s ultimate ability to com- for self-regulated learning, social–emotional
prehend text and to solve mathematical prob- skills that foster the relationship and executive
lems and (b) the teaching of content needs to function skills that promote self-regulation are
be done in developmentally appropriate ways. quite literally foundational for learning. One
If children are helped to acquire the capacity need not look any further than the central im-
to persevere in working at a task, the skills to portance of the parent–child relationship as a
sustain and focus their attention, and the ability foundation for language learning for an excel-
to hold information in mind long enough to re- lent example of this principle (Bruner, 1996).
late one idea or piece of information to another, Indeed, it is the potential for disruption of the
they can acquire academic content. If they be- parent–child relationship by the conditions of
lieve they are capable as learners and if they poverty, which then has adverse consequences
are motivated learners who find learning to be for children’s language and social–emotional
fun, they will go to the effort to acquire aca- development that is a primary reason why pov-
demic content. If, in contrast, they have memo- erty increases the risk for early school failure
rized content but do not have the skills to learn (Hart & Risley, 1995; McLoyd, 1998). As such,
on their own, their continued progress is in dan- an emphasis on the acquisition of knowledge
ger. Similarly, if they have found learning the without an equal and perhaps superordinate
content to be aversive, they will less likely to emphasis on the processes through which
put in the effort needed to succeed in school. knowledge is acquired, particularly for young
Early schooling that teaches children academic children, is likely to lead to an ineffective and
content but leaves them hating school, or inefficient educational system.

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