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LEARNING OUTCOMES: The activities described in this laboratory are intended to help the

1. Identify the walls, roof, floor, and other major structures of the nasal cavity.
2. Identify the three divisions of the pharynx: nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.
3. Describe and distinguish between the upper and lower respiratory tracts.
4. Describe and distinguish between the conducting and respiratory zones of the respiratory
5. List, in order, the respiratory structures that air passes through during inspiration.
6. Describe the changes in epithelial and connective tissues seen in various portions of the air
passageways, and relate these to changes in function.
7. Identify the cartilages of the larynx.
8. Identify the muscles used during quiet inspiration, during forced inspiration, and during
forced expiration, as well as the nerves responsible for stimulating those muscles.
9. Define, identify and determine values for the respiratory volumes (IRV, TV, ERV and RV)
and the respiratory capacities (IC, FRC, VC and TLC).

Conducting and Respiratory Zones

On the left side of the page, label the respiratory tract as it moves from largest to smallest
On the right side of the page, describe if it is part of the conducting zone or respiratory zone.
Finally, describe the epithelial tissue lining that portion of the respiratory tract.

Anatomy identification: Use the resources available to complete the activities described

A. Trachea

1. Carina

2. Tracheal rings
a. What type of cartilage are these rings composed of?

3. Right and left main bronchi

a. segmental bronchi
b. smaller bronchi
c. What type of tissue lines the bronchi?
ciliated, pseudostratified columnar epithelium

4. Thyroid cartilage – what structure does this cartilage help to form?


5. Cricoid cartilage – what structure does this cartilage help to form?


6. Trachea – compare position of trachea with esophagus, heart, aorta.

a. At what vertebral level does larynx become trachea?

B. Lungs

1. Hilum of each lung

a. What major structures are found here? Identify them.
b. Major bronchi, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, and nerves.

2. Base and Apex of each lung

a. Which makes contact with the diaphragm, the base or the apex?

2. Right lung:
a. superior, middle and inferior lobes
b. oblique and horizontal fissures

3. Left lung:
a. superior and inferior lobes
b. oblique fissure
c. aortic impression - why is this present on this lung?
To allow for the aorta to pass through
c. cardiac impression – why is this present on this lung?
To allow for the heart to sit in between the lungs
e. cardiac notch
4. Parietal and visceral pleura
a. what is between these 2 layers?
Plueral cavity
b. What is the significance of this space?
Lubricates the lungs to allow for little friction
d. What type of tissue are these layers composed of?
Loos connective

Anatomy 101 Recall!

The lungs are composed of elastic connective tissue, which gives them the property of
expansion and recoil. It is this recoil that drives exhalation during normal, quiet breathing, as
well as relaxation of the inspiratory muscles.

C. Thoracic Cavity

1. Pleural cavity
a. what 2 layers of the pleura form this cavity? The parietal pleura and the
visceral pleura

2. Mediastinum
a. what is found within this cavity? Contains all the principal tissues and
organs of the chest except the lungs (heart, thymus gland, portions of
the esophagus and trachea, and other structures)

3. Diaphragm
a. what 3 major structures pass through the diaphragm? Identify each. The
esophagus, the inferior vena cava, and the descending aorta

4. Inferior vena cava

a. does this pass through the diaphragm? Yes, at the vena caval foramen

5. Aorta
a. where/when does it transition from the thoracic to the abdominal aorta?
The abdominal aorta is a continuation of the thoracic aorta beginning
at the level of the T12 vertebrae.

D. Larynx Model

1. Hyoid bone

2. Thyroid cartilage

3. Cricoid cartilage
a. Cricothyroid membrane – what is the significance of this tissue? keeps
the cricoid and thyroid from traveling too far

3. Tracheal rings
a. what type of cartilage are these? Hyaline cartilage

4. Epiglottis
a. what type of tissue is this structure composed of? What is its role? Made
of elastic cartilage covered in a mucous membrane. Its function is to seal off the windpipe
during eating, so that food is not accidentally inhaled

5. Glottis
a. what is the function of this structure? Control’s airflow in and out of the
respiratory passages and is crucial in producing vowels and voiced consonants

6. True and False Vocal folds

a. what is the difference between these structures, and functions of each? The
true vocal cords are the thickened, free edge of the circoviral membrane, lined by mucous
membrane. The false vocal cords lie superiorly to the true vocal cords. They both provide
protection to the larynx

E. Head Sagittal View

1. Nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx

2. Epiglottis

3. Trachea – compare its position and appearance to the esophagus.

a. Why does the trachea maintain its round structure, while the esophagus is
flattened? esophagus runs behind the trachea. The trachea maintains its
round structures through soft tissue and cartilage. The trachea must be round so that it allows
movement and flexing for breathing. The esophagus needs to be flat in order to move in a
wavelike rhythm in order to propel food to the stomach

3. Thyroid cartilage

4. Cricoid cartilage

5. True and False Vocal folds

Part 2: Respiratory
Volumes and Capacities:

The chest wall is rigid, yet somewhat

flexible due to the articulations between
the ribs, sternum and vertebra. The
diaphragm separates the abdominal and
thoracic cavities is the major muscle
responsible during normal, quiet breathing.

When the diaphragm contracts, it flattens

downward and expands the volume of
the thoracic cavity. This causes the pressure
inside the lungs to decrease, drawing air
into the bronchioles and alveoli. The
external intercostal muscles also assist with
normal, quiet breathing. See Figures 1
and 2.

If we need to inhale more air than usual, such as during exercise, muscles such as the
scalenes and sternocleidomastoid can assist. (Fig 2).

Figure 2 Muscles of quiet and forced breathing

Normal, quiet exhalation needs no muscular contraction. The diaphragm relaxes, and the
elastic tissues in the chest wall and lunges recoil, forcing air out of the lungs. This causes pressure
in inside the lungs to increase, forcing air out of the lungs.

If needed, exhalation can be forced. The internal intercostals and muscles of the abdominal wall
can help to depress the ribs (fig 2). All these actions decrease lung volume, increase the alveolar
pressure, and push the air out of the lungs. In some respiratory diseases, passive exhalation is
impaired, requiring individuals to use their muscles of forced expiration.

Now, what draws air into and out of the lungs, with muscular movement?

According to Boyle’s law, gas molecules

move from areas of higher to lower gas
pressure. Gas pressure in a space is
inversely proportional to the volume of the
space the gas is inside. Take a look at the
figures from your text.

Gas molecules are therefore compelled to

move to towards the area with lower

Figure 3 Boyle's Law

When examining the thoracic cavity and the lungs, you can see that there are pressure differences
in the lungs and the intrapleural space.

The pressure inside the lungs and

alveoli is equal to the atmospheric
pressure, since the respiratory tract is
open to the atmosphere. However, the
intrapleural space is not, and because
the volume of the thoracic cavity is
larger than the volume of the lungs,
pressure is lower at all times.

At rest between breaths, this

difference keeps the lungs inflated.
See Figure 4.
Figure 4 Pressure differences in the thoracic cavity

Imagine you are a gas molecule in the atmosphere and lungs. You are compelled to move towards
that intrapleural space, since the pressure is lower! This “drives” of the gas molecules against the
walls of the lungs, attempting to reach that intrapleural space.

When you inhale, the volume of the thoracic

cavity gets even greater as the rib cage expands,
and the air pressure gets even lower.
See Figure 5.

Figure 5 Inhalation

After inhalation is complete, you see that

pressure inside the lungs is greater than
atmospheric pressure. This helps to drive air
back outward into the atmosphere. However,
enough stays behind, always in an effort to reach
that “unreachable” pleural cavity! See Figure 6.

Figure 6 Exhalation

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