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*60028* Reg. No.

Question Paper Code : X 60028

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, NOV./DEC. 2020
Fourth Semester
aeronautical Engineering
aE 2254/aE 45/aE 1253/080180014 – aiRCRaFT
(Regulations 2008)

Time : Three Hours maximum : 100 marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. Differentiate between strength and stiffness of a material.

2. When is a structure said to be statically determinate ?

3. How do you differentiate statically determinate and indeterminate structures ?

4. What are the advantages of continuous beam over simply supported beam ?

5. Write down the expression for strain energy stored for axial loading, bending and

6. Explain the unit load method.

7. Explain how a beam with both ends fixed is solved using strain energy approach.

8. A beam of rectangular section has its width 6 cm and depth 2 cm. What value of
second moment of area must be used for buckling load calculation ?

9. The principle stresses at a point in an elastic materials are 200 N/mm2 (tensile),
100 N/mm2 (tensile) and 50 N/mm2 (compressive). If the stresses at the elastic
limit in simple tension is 200 N/mm2. Determine whether failure of materials will
occur or not according to maximum shear stress theory.

10. What is failure envelope ?

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Part – B (5×16=80 Marks)

11. a) Determine the forces in the members of the truss indicated below


b) Determine the support reactions and nature and Magnitude of forces in the
members of truss shown in the Fig. Q. 11(b).

Fig. Q. 11 (b)

12. a) Using the moment distribution method determine the support reactions of the
beam given in Fig. 3.

A 60 cm 80 cm B 60 cm C

Fig. 3
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b) Refer Fig. 3. using Clapeyron’s 3-moment equation, determine the reactions

at all supports and obtain the bending moment diagram for the given beam.

13. a) i) Derive the expression for strain energy stored in a beam due to bending. (4)

ii) A beam of length L and uniform EI is simply supported at its ends. It

is subjected uniformly distributed load of intensity q N/m. Compute the
maximum deflection using Castigliano’s theorem. (12)


b) A propped cantilever beam AB of length L and uniform EI is subjected uniformly

distributed load of intensity q N/m and a concentrated load W at its mid-point.
The beam is fixed at A and on roller support at B. Using Castigliano’s theorem
or any other method compute the reaction forces at the support points A and B.

14. a) Derive the expression for maximum displacement and maximum stress developed
in column subjected to axial compressive load P with an eccentricity e. Assume
both the ends are hinged.


b) A beam column of length L and uniform flexural rigidity EI is hinged at its

ends and subjected to axial compressive load of P. In addition it is subjected
to uniformly distributed load of intensity q0 in the transverse direction over
the entire length. Obtain the expression for the displacement and maximum
stress developed in the beam column.

15. a) i) With neat sketch, explain the stress-strain diagram for brittle and ductile
materials in detail. Also indicate the various important points on the stress-
strain curve. (8)

ii) A circular shaft of tensile strength SY = 350 MPa is subjected to a combined

state of loading defined by bending moment M = 8 kN-m and torque T = 24 kN-m.
Calculate the required shaft diameter d in order to achieve a factor of safety
N = 2. Use (a) Tresca-Guest theory (b) Von Mises theory (c) Haigh theory. (8)

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b) a cantilever rod is loaded as shown in the Figure 15(b). if the tensile yield
strength of the material is 300 mpa. Calculate the rod diameter using
(a) maximum principal stress theory (b) maximum principal strain theory
(c) maximum shear stress theory (d) maximum distortion energy theory.

Figure 15 (b)


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