E-Learning 5 (The Secrets of God)

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E-Learning Material #5


Name: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Topic: The Secrets of God Welcome to E-Learning! E-Learning

Preacher: Ps. M Soriano aims to give you a way to study the
Reviser: Wilson Sagisi scriptures through written text that you
Date Released: September 20, 2020 could read anytime, anywhere.
Watch the whole message in this link: This material is designed to be
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QcTtFPQbEg interactive. You may wish to meditate
the questions on the textboxes and
"May the Lord talk to you personally through this material" write your answers in it. God Bless
you and may the message of the Lord
touches your heart.

Psalm 25:14 (Amplified Bible)

The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He will let them know His
covenant and reveal to them its meaning.

I still remember when someone told me these words, "Brother, I am very blessed that at the times that I need
someone to lean on with my faith, you are always there to guide me. I am very blessed that at the times that I need
someone to comfort me with the comfort of God, you are always there to lend it for me. You are truly a blessing from
God." Then after that he asked me, "But how did you know about my situation by the way if I kept it a secret within
myself?" Then I answered him, "You could never hide anything from the Lord. For God understands all hearts, and He
sees you." (Proverbs 24:12)
Five years ago, when I encountered God in my life, I asked Him something that caused me to have a discerning
heart. I asked Him, "Lord, if it is your will, then open my eyes and let me see beyond things. I want to perceive your
plans; I want to know your secrets. I want to see the way you see things." Year after that, I just found myself seeing things
beyond; seeing opportunities beyond unfavourable situations, seeing the potential on people whom the world sees as
worthless. God allowed me to see things the way He sees it; He revealed to me one of His secrets.

Have you already discovered God's Secrets?

Do you want to discover more of His secrets?

Each one of us keeps secrets. Secrets about our personal lives, our jobs, our past, our finances, our plans, our
families, our relatives. We keep those secrets safe in our mind. So nobody is exempt from this reality that all of us have
something that is only known to us.
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E-Learning Material #5

There are other people who are not only keeping secrets about their selves but also keep the secrets of other
people. These are trustworthy person with secrets that has been entrusted to them by their best friends or closest friends.
There might be a lot of secrets in the world; but there is a secret that we must seek with all our heart and mind;
that is the secrets of God.

Do you also have a secret of your own?

To whom do you entrust your secrets?

So what is a SECRET? A secret is…

…something that is concealed;
…something that is unseen, private or hidden;
…something that is unknown and undisclosed.
When you have destroyed a part of your mother's favourite vase and concealed it with glue that is a secret. When
you have done something naughty and hid it from your parent that is a secret. When there is something that you don’t
want to disclose with other people that is a secret.
But today we will not be talking about such secrets. For our context we will be talking about SECRETS that are
known only to God. We will be talking about the Secrets of God. If there is a secret that all of us must be interested to
know, it is the secrets of God. Why? Because from it comes life, out of it comes the truth, it is where the things of God
are revealed, it is where the gifts and teachings of God comes to light, the Kingdom of God revealed to you, and the
revelations of the Spirit of God is laid in front of you. When you know of God’s secrets, you will know of His
covenant, you will know the truth that will set you free!
Sometimes people see these truths as pure religion, a superficial belief that will convert one from one religion to
another; that is not what we are talking about today. We will be talking about believing in something that will save you.
This is the only belief that will save you.

Are you ready to discover the secrets of God?

Psalm 25:14 says that the secret of God are for those who fear Him. Before you know the secrets of God you
must first become a God-fearing person. How can we be a God-fearing person? It just simple, you must not only talk
about fearing God but you must fear of God inside and out; it reflects not only to your words but also to your motives and
actions. The fear of God must fill you.

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When we come to God, we come not to fight but to surrender all our earthly ideas to the one who created
everything. If you truly fear God, you are willing to surrender everything. No reservations but all must be
Surrendering comes with a forgiving and humble heart. The moment you decided to surrender everything
to God is the moment you are telling Him that you are willing to forgive everyone including yourself. It is also the
moment that you are telling Him that you are nothing without Him, humbling down yourself to Him.

Are you willing to surrender everything to God?

Are you willing to forgive and humble down yourself?


A God-fearing person has a heart that searches and seeks the Lord. The more you fear God, the more you
wanted to seek Him and to know Him. If you seek Him with all you heart, you will find Him. You could not find
anything if you don’t seek for it. As Matthew 7:7 says, ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.

Do you seek the Lord's presence in your life?

What are your ways in seeking the Lord?

A heart full of doubts will never believe God. A heart full of doubts will never come to know God.
Fearing God means believing God. If you doubt Him a lot, you will never get a chance of knowing Him. You will
only end up getting yourself into an endless debate which leads to nothing. It takes a heart that believes God in
order for God's secrets to be revealed.

Do you still have doubts within your heart?

Are you willing to remove those doubts and believe in God?

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Invite the Holy Spirit to come into your life and fill you. This is the only way that your heart and mind
can be opened. You can always ask God to fill you; especially during your prayer time. Once the Holy Spirit is in
you, you will see the world in a different light. The Words in the Bible will just be popping out as if God is
talking to you face to face.

Do you already know who the Holy Spirit is?

Are you willing to know Him more and be closer to Him?


Encountering Jesus in your life never ends. You must remain in His Word and continue to make an effort
on knowing Him more. You must open your Bible, read His Word daily, and do your best to talk to your Life
Group Leaders and Pastors that you might learn from them. Knowing Jesus never stops. If you don’t remain, if
you don’t continue in His Word, the Devil will steal it and you will be empty again.
Teach your heart and mind to listen well because the secrets of the Lord can only be known by hearing
and hearing His Word. Let yourselves be attentive when listening to preaching. Do not be like others, whose ears
only become attentive when they want to hear neighbours’ tales. Train your ears to be a hearer of the Word of
God. Be quick to listen when it comes to the Word of God.

What efforts are you doing to continue in the Words of God?

Do you love listening to the Words of God?


No matter what your situation is, you have to take care of your heart. Your goal must be to have a heart
after God’s own heart like David. Cultivate your love for God. Make sure you are always in love with the Lord all
the days of your life. Make sure He is your First Love, He is your Everything, Your All in All.

Are there things that hinder you from giving your whole heart to the Lord?
What are these things?

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The plans of God must prevail in your life. By allowing, it means giving the Lord the steering wheel to
take you to your destiny. Remember what He said in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,
declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Allowing him also means asking him to change you. Trust the Lord if He wanted to change you. The
moment you start giving up your life to God, He will give you an orientation of His Kingdom, and you will have a
kingdom mindset.

What are the things that you want to change with yourself?
Are you willing to be changed by the Lord from the inside out?

Once that you have learned the secrets of God your life will never be the same again. If before you do not
want to forgive people, you will start to forgive. If before you treat your life like a trash, in Him you will understand how
precious you are. If before you are broken, hurt, and rejected, in Christ you will become whole again. If you are sick, by
His stripes you will see His Healing come to you. If you are poor, God will give you the wisdom to make wealth.
Jesus said in John 8:31-32; “If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know
the truth, and the truth will make you free.” The moment that you have learned God's Secret you will learn the habits
of the people who have known the truth and have been set free. You will start to have compassion for others. Out of
nowhere, you will start to share the love of God that has become so real to you. You will yearn to have your gifts used for
His glory. You will desire to be part of the team and be involved in the ministry. You will also learn a lot of things,
including tithing.

What are the things that already changed in your life after you encounter the Lord?

If you still feel that it is too hard for you to accept the teachings and the revelation of God, if you still think, they
are foolishness, absurd, illogical, and impractical to you, if you still find it difficult to understand, ask the Lord to come to
you, let the Holy Spirit come to you. It is only the Spirit of God that could help you accept His teachings, and
understand His secrets.
As 1 Corinthians 2:14 says, the natural unbelieving man does not accept the things, the teachings and revelations
of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness, absurd and illogical to him; and he is incapable of understanding them,
because they are spiritually discerned and appreciated, and he is unqualified to judge spiritual matters.
You can never appreciate the Word of God, its teachings and its revelations if you don’t have Jesus in your
heart. You will just consider it foolishness and nonsense because you do not understand the language of the Kingdom
because you have never been there and you have never met the King in the first place. So yearn to meet the King, invite
Him in your heart, so that your eyes will be opened and your ears will hear.

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E-Learning Material #5

o Each one of us keeps secrets
o There might be a lot of secrets in the world; but there is a secret that we must seek with all our
heart and mind; that is the secrets of God
o When you know of God’s secrets, you will know of His covenant, you will know the truth that will
set you free
o Before you know the secrets of God you must first become a God-fearing person
o Once that you have learned the secrets of God your life will never be the same again
o The moment that you have learned God's Secret you will learn the habits of the people who have
known the truth and have been set free

What makes a person God fearing?

o A surrendered heart
o A searching and seeking heart
o A believing heart
o THE Holy Spirit
o Continue/Remain in His Word
o Guard you heart always
o Allow the Lord to change you from the inside out

Are you touched by God's message this day?

Yes No, why? _________________________________________

What have you learned today in this session?


Do you realize something while taking the session? What is it?


What will you do to apply what you have learned? Will you change something
about yourself? What is it?

For inquiries, suggestions and more E-learning material contact me at uirusan.sajichi17@gmail.com

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