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E-Learning Material #2


Name: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Lesson Topic: Are you still excited for God? Welcome to E-Learning! E-Learning
Preacher: Ps. Andy Soriano aims to give you a way to study the
Reviser: Wilson Sagisi scriptures through written text that you
Date Released: August 30, 2020 could read anytime, anywhere.
Watch the whole message in this link: This material is designed to be interactive. You may wish to meditate
the questions on the textboxes and
write your answers in it. God Bless
"May the Lord talk to you personally through this material" you and may the message of the Lord
touches your heart.

Luke 19:9-10 (NLT)

Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown himself to be a true son
of Abraham. For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.

What keeps you excited? What gives you excitement in your life? Excitement is already a part of our lives. I
remember a lot of moments when I got too excited about something. One time, I went to the mall to buy a brand new
phone. It is my first time buying something for myself after I started working and it makes me excited. When the phone
landed at my palm, I can't stop myself from smiling; having an outmost joy in my heart. Weeks and months later, my
excitement towards that phone deteriorated. That kind of excitement doesn’t last any longer.
At that same time, I also decided to treat my lifegroup for a meal and for some bonding moments. I have planned
everything and prepared myself to spend some money. We went to the mall, played some arcade and ate in a cozy
restaurant. After that I excitedly shared to them how great is God in my life for letting me enjoy those moment with them.
Those moments are too precious for me that even now I still felt the excitement; the excitement of sharing to others how
God works in my life. That kind of excitement never fades and could last forever.
From the two illustrations above, I realized that we experience two kinds of excitement in our life; one that is
temporal and one that is eternal.

How about you? What makes you excited? What are the things that give you excitement?

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Excitement means having, showing or characterized by a heightened state of energy, enthusiasm, eagerness, etc.
It means being fired up about something. There are many things that make us excited. We are excited when we are going
home, seeing our family after a long day. We are excited when we are starting a new business venture or having our
dream job. We are excited when we first attend our school to pursue our dreams. We are excited when we have our
vacation to a new place, eating new foods, experiencing new things. Yet, there is one thing that we must not forget to
be excited with; being excited for God.

Are you still excited with the Lord? Are still excited to hear His words? Are
you still excited with your prayer life? Or are you starting to become cold
about Him?

Luke 19:1-10 (NLT)

Jesus entered Jericho and made his way through the town. 2 There was a man there
named Zacchaeus. He was the chief tax collector in the region, and he had become
very rich. 3 He tried to get a look at Jesus, but he was too short to see over the
crowd. 4 So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree beside the road, for Jesus
was going to pass that way.
When Jesus came by, he looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by
name. “Zacchaeus!” he said. “Quick, come down! I must be a guest in your home
Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement
and joy. 7 But the people were displeased. “He has gone to be the guest of a
notorious sinner,” they grumbled.
Meanwhile, Zacchaeus stood before the Lord and said, “I will give half my
wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will give
them back four times as much!”
Jesus responded, “Salvation has come to this home today, for this man has shown
himself to be a true son of Abraham. 10 For the Son of Man came to seek and save
those who are lost.”

The story of a tax collector named Zacchaeus and his excitement towards Jesus is one of the best stories to
illustrate the importance of having excitement towards God. Zacchaeus has a status of being very rich and being a chief
tax collector; yet he still recognized the greatness of Jesus. When he heard that Jesus is about to pass his way, he
immediately came closer to see Him. But there is one problem; he is too short that he is being drowned by the crowd who
also wants to see Jesus.
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There is no way for Him to see Jesus in that situation, that’s why he came to an idea; climbing up a sycamore-fig
tree so that he could have a glance of Jesus. He is too excited to see Jesus that he made a desperate move to do so.

How about you? How excited are you to know Jesus more?
How desperate are you to experience Him more?

When Jesus noticed Zacchaeus, He told him to climb down the tree and make Him his guest in his home.
Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy (Luke 19:6 NLT). When the
crowd heard what Jesus said, they started questioning the Lord's action. It is for the reason that Zacchaeus is a tax
collector and the people treated him as a notorious sinner; a traitor to the nation. Yet Jesus defended him and
acknowledged his righteousness. His excitement towards God made him righteous and worthy to become His child.


Have you experienced a Sunday when you are about to attend church yet you hesitate to do so because
you have done something wrong within the week? You felt ashamed about your sins that you refuse to meet Jesus
and have a quality time with Him.
Sin will always kill your excitement. Instead of being excited towards God, when you expose yourself
with too much sin, there will be guilt. Do not let that to happen. Remember, those who love God must hate sin.

Are there still things that make you feel guilty in front of God?
What are these things?

Have you experienced hoping for something to happen then ended up feeling defeated? Have you
experienced receiving a promise of being promoted in your job and ended up being failed by that promise? How
does it feel? Did it affect your excitement towards your job?
When your expectation was not met you lose your excitement. Same through in our faith, when
something we hope for doesn’t happen; we sometimes questioned God for it. That causes our excitement towards
God to fade.

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Are there things that you hope for that didn’t take its place?
What are these things?

Have you experienced praying for something for so long yet that prayer didn’t take its place? You pray
for it for so long that you came to the point that you are already tired praying for it and waiting for it to happen.
You are too tired praying for it that you chose to just give up from it.
When you do not have the right attitude towards your prayer, you lose your trust and excitement towards
God because of this unanswered prayer. Learn how to be patient in your prayers.

Are there still things that you are praying for that didn’t happen yet?
What are these things?

Have you experienced undergoing a big problem in your life that causes you to questioned God, blame
Him or doubt Him? Have you experienced being pre-occupied by your problem that you forgot about God and
your faith on Him?
When you have a problem you questioned, blamed, or doubted God sometimes. Problems also pre-occupy
you that you forgot about God and what He is able to do in your situation. You started losing your faith.
Remember, if you have a problem, it’s because God is giving you a new perspective of who he is. He is
giving you an opportunity to grow. Problem will give you a new perspective.

What are the problems you are going through right now?
What are you doing to overcome these?

There are a lot of things that can cause your excitement towards God to go down. Be careful, because once that
you lose your excitement, you lose your energy, you lose your enthusiasm, you lose your eagerness then that’s a
Remember, Jesus came to Zacchaeus life; and because of his excitement towards God, his life is never been
the same again. Everything changed and it all started because of his attitude towards God.

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Take note of this, Zacchaeus doesn’t need anything that time; he is rich and had everything, but still he recognized
his need to meet Jesus in his life. Most of the people who sought Jesus are in need; whether they are poor or sick; but
Zacchaeus is different from them. Despite of his good status in life, he is still excited towards Jesus. He is neither poor nor
sick yet still he still acknowledges the greatness of God. Be like Zacchaeus!



The first step to fuel up your excitement towards God is to settle your past. You need to move on from
the past in order to march forward towards the future.
That is exactly what Zacchaeus did; he settled his past with God and repented towards God. As he said in
Luke 19:8 (NLT), “I will give half my wealth to the poor, Lord, and if I have cheated people on their taxes, I will
give them back four times as much!” He is willing to change just to know Jesus more.
Ask God for forgiveness; He will surely forgive you. As the Lord said in Isaiah 1:18 (NLT), though your
sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as
white as wool. God is willing to forgive your sins so that you might be excited towards Him again without being
distracted by your guilt.

Are there still things that you need to settle from your past?
What are these?


It will be easier for you to fuel up your excitement towards God if you learn how to put your hope in God.
The more you trust God, the more you can be excited towards Him and towards what He can do in your
No matter what’s happening, remember that God is sovereign and God is great. That is enough reason for
you to put your hope in Him. Put your hope in God; do not put your hope in anything else, not to other person or
to other things. No matter what happen, remember that God is in control.
Remember what God said in Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT), For I know the plans I have for you. They are plans
for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

What are things that are happening in your life right now?
Are you willing to put your hope in God despite of these?

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Faith is the very fuel of your relationship with God. Without it, you will not be able to keep on going.
The bigger your faith on God, the more you get excited to experience Him.
As it was said in Galatians 3:6-7 (NLT), “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous
because of his faith.” The real children of Abraham, then, are those who put their faith in God. Also in Galatians
3:9 (NLT), all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith.
If you don’t see breakthrough and answered prayer in your life, maybe you are putting your faith on
something else and not to God. Remember, His promise is that He will bless you that you might become a
blessing to everyone. If you want to keep on being excited towards God, take account of your faith.

How strong is your faith on God right now?

What are the things that you could do to strengthen it further?


The more excited you are towards someone, the more likely you want to communicate with him. Same
through to God; the more excited you are towards Him, the more likely you want to communicate with Him. And
remember, prayer is our way to communicate with God.
So what are the things you are praying for? Are you praying for new clothes? Are you praying for new
gadgets? New stuffs? Why not pray for something bigger? The bigger your prayer the more you became
excited towards God. Try to pray not only for yourself; pray for our municipality, our province, our nation, our
world. Pray BIG prayers! Your prayers will make you more excited for God.

What are the things you are praying for right now?
Are you willing to pray big prayers?


When a person you disciple became committed to God that will fuel up the excitement inside you.
What is more exciting than hearing that someone is changed because they met God in their lives? And what
makes it more exciting is the fact that it is YOU whom God used for that person to experience that change.
Our Christian life is not boring if you are doing the will of God; if you are doing the vision, that is
winning people and discipling them. The more you engage yourself to God's vision, the more you feel the
excitement towards Him.

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Are you doing the vision right now?

If not, are you willing to do the vision?


When everything you are going through is tough and rough, go back to the cross. Always remember
what Jesus has done for you.
If you are starting to lose your excitement towards God remember this… GO BACK TO THE CROSS!
Remember what Jesus had done for you. Remember the sacrifice that he did for you, the suffering that he endured
for you. And you will be excited again. There is no better way of fuelling up your excitement towards God than
going back to where it started; that is the cross.

For you, what does the cross means?

Why is it important for us to remember what the cross means?

Take note of this. The devil wants you to lose your excitement towards God. He wants you to forget your
relationship with God and destroy your faith towards Him. His goal is to steal your attention, kill your excitement and
destroy your future. Do not let him to do that. You had to go back to God our saviour. You need to keep on being excited
for Him.
The Lord wants you to be excited. Excited for the Lord, excited to attend church, excited to hear His words,
excited to communicate with Him, excited to be mentored by your leader. He wants you to be excited always. Make this
your goal today: Always be excited for Him.

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o We must not forget to be excited towards God.
o Being excited means having the energy, enthusiasm and eagerness towards God and His works.
o Your excitement will make you righteous in the eyes of God.
o Your excitement is a proof of you being a child of God.
o Your excitement towards God will cause a great change in your life.

Some reasons that cause your excitement to go down:

o Sins
o Hope Deferred
o Unanswered Prayer
o Problems
How to fuel up your excitement towards God?
o Settle your past! It is called repentance.
o Put your hope in God.
o Have faith! Your faith will keep you going.
o Answered prayers – make your prayers bigger than you.
o Hearing testimonies of life changed.
o When everything you are going through is tough and rough, go back to the cross. Always
remember what Jesus has done for you.

Are you touched by God's message this day?

Yes No, why? _________________________________________

What have you learned today in this session?


Do you realize something while taking the session? What is it?


What will you do to apply what you have learned? Will you change something
about yourself? What is it?

For inquiries, suggestions and more E-learning material contact me at

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