MC Tle 101 (Epp) Pre - Final Module

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Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan│ Module for Pre-final Grading Period │Page 1 of 13

2nd Semester

MC TLE 101


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Preparation and Implementation of the Lesson


An important step in effective course design is the planning of your teaching methods. There are a multitude
of ways to deliver learning activities and content. The method you use will depend on who your students are,
how you want them to learn, where they are (if remote or in person) and what you want to teach. Depending
on your students and their needs you will need to select the most appropriate delivery method. There is no
one-size-fits-all design. The best approach is to use a combination of strategies that suit your teaching style
and the needs of your students.

The decisions you make in how to deliver this content should only be made following a careful analysis of
the teaching/learning situation, including your course goals, assessment practices and criteria, and the nature
and backgrounds of the students. This means that decisions about learning should occur before decisions
about delivery.


At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 prepare/create instructional materials suited to the lesson to developed
 execute the steps in the lesson plan properly.


From the previous lesson what are the different parts of lesson plan?

In teaching your class, how will you introduce your lesson?

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Good lesson planning is essential to the process of teaching and learning. A teacher who is prepared is well
on his/her way to a successful instructional experience. The development of interesting lessons takes a great
deal of time and effort. As a new teacher you must be committed to spending the necessary time in this

It is also important to realize that the best planned lesson is worthless if interesting delivery procedures, along
with good classroom management techniques, are not in evidence. There is a large body of research available
pertaining to lesson development and delivery and the significance of classroom management. They are
skills that must be researched, structured to your individual style, implemented in a teacher/learning situation,
and constantly evaluated and revamped when necessary. Consistency is of the utmost importance in the
implementation of a classroom management plan.

All teachers should understand that they are not an island unto themselves. The educational philosophy of
the district and the uniqueness of their schools should be the guiding force behind what takes place in the
classroom. The school’s code of discipline, which should be fair, responsible and meaningful, must be
reflected in every teacher’s classroom management efforts.


 Establish a positive classroom environment

o Make the classroom a pleasant, friendly place
o Accept individual differences
o Learning activities should be cooperative and supportive
o Create a non-threatening learning environment
o Organize physical space; eliminate situations that my be dangerous or disruptive
o Establish classroom rules and procedures and consistently reinforce them

 Begin lessons by giving clear instructions

o State desired quality of work
o Have students paraphrase directions
o Ensure that everyone is paying attention
o Ensure that all distractions have been removed
o Describe expectations, activities and evaluation procedures
o Start with a highly motivating activity
o Build lesson upon prior student knowledge

 Maintain student attention

o Use random selection in calling upon students
o Vary who you call on and how you call on them
o Ask questions before calling on a student; wait at least five seconds for a response
o Be animated; show enthusiasm and interest
o Reinforce student efforts with praise

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o Vary instructional methods

o Provide work of appropriate difficulty
o Demonstrate and model the types of responses or tasks you want students to perform
o Provide guided practice for students; monitor responses and deliver immediate corrective

 Use appropriate pacing

o Be aware of your teaching tempo
o Watch for cues that children are becoming confused, bored or restless; sometimes lesson
have to be shortened

 Provide suitable seatwork

o Seatwork should be diagnostic and prescriptive
o Develop procedures for seeking assistance; have a “help” signal
o Develop procedures for what to do when finished
o Move around to monitor seatwork
o Vary methods of practice

 Evaluate what has taken place in your lesson

o Summarize the lesson and focus on positive gains made by students; use surprise reinforcers
as a direct result of their good behavior
o Determine if the lesson was successful; were goals accomplished?

 Make a smooth transition into next subject

o Have materials ready for next lesson
o Maintain attention of students until you have given clear instructions for the next activity
o Do not do tasks that can be done by students (i.e. passing out paper or collecting
assignments); use monitors
o Move around and attend to individual needs
o Provide simple, step-by-step instructions
o Utilize a freeze and listen signal, when necessary

 Develop positive teacher/student relationships

o Set a good example; be a positive role model
o Create an exciting learning environment for all students
o Reward good behavior; create special activities that children will enjoy doing
o Correct misbehaviors; have consequences of disruptive behavior; communicate them to
o Handling disruptions

 Keep is short and simple (KISS)

 Use a warning system
 Defer disruptive behavior proactively (eye contact, close space between you and
student, use head/hand gestures)
 Help students be successful
 Use planned ignoring (and teach other student to also ignore)

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Instructional Materials
Instructional materials, also known as teaching/learning materials (TLM), are any collection of materials
including animate and inanimate objects and human and non-human resources that a teacher may use in
teaching and learning situations to help achieve desired learning objectives. Instructional materials may aid
a student in concretizing a learning experience so as to make learning more exciting, interesting and
interactive. They are tools used in instructional activities, which include active learning and assessment. The
term encompasses all the materials and physical means an instructor might use to implement instruction and
facilitate students achievement of instructional objectives.

Types of Instructional Materials

Instructional materials can be classified by type, including print, visual, and audio-visual, among others:

Instructional charts: A chart is a combination of pictorial, graphic, numerical materials which

presents a clear visual summary. Edgar Dale defines charts as, “a visual symbol summarizing or
comparing or contrasting or performing other helpful services in explaining subject matter”. The main
function of the chart is always to show relationships such as comparisons, relative amounts,
developments, processes, classification and organization. A chart is a two dimensional object. They
are flat visual materials which may represent diagrams or a combination of pictorial, graphic,
numerical or verbal materials prepared to give a clear visual summary of vital processes, concepts or
a set of relationships (Ibe-Bassey, 2000). Charts are used to present ideas and concepts which may
be difficult to understand if presented using the verbal code only. Walter (1998) noted that the use of
instructional charts in teaching improves the students‟ writing skill and stimulates creativity in the
learners. Charts present an abstract rendition of reality because what is presented is shown as effective
in the cognitive domain of learning. Okechukwu (1997) studied the impact of graphic materials on
students‟ academic achievement in history using 925 students as the population size and 120 as
sample size in an experimental study adopting 2 × 2 factorial arrangements. The findings of the study
showed that students taught history using graphic materials such as charts and pictures performed
better than their counterparts who were taught using lecture method without graphic materials.

The benefits of using charts include the followings

1. Motivates the students
2. Shows continuity in the process
3. Shows relationships by means of facts, figures and statistics
4. Presents matter symbolically
5. Presents abstract ideas in visual form
6. Summarizes information

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7. Shows the development of structures

8. Creates problems and stimulates thinking 9. Encourages utilization of other media of

Posters: A poster is a pictorial device designed to attract attention and communicate a story, a fact,
an idea, or an image rapidly and clearly.” Good‟s Dictionary of Education: A poster is a “placard,
usually pictorial or decorative, utilizing an emotional appeal to convey a message aimed at reinforcing
an attitude or urging a course of action”. The poster can be defined as a graphic representation of
some strong emotional appeal that is carried through a combination of graphic aids like pictures,
cartoons lettering and other visual arts on a placard,aimed for conveying the specific message,
teaching a particular thing, giving a general idea etc to exert a great influence on the observer. Posters
are very useful in students‟ project work. The teacher can divide the class into groups and each group
can decide what message their post is going to have. The completed posters, together with the
students‟ other project work, such as reports and maps, can then be displayed around the school

Flashcard: Flashcards are small cards with a picture or symbol on them used both in teaching and in
development work. In the classroom, flashcards are commonly used to teach reading. A picture, for
example, of an elephant may be drawn or stuck on a card and the word „elephant‟ written underneath
it. The students are encouraged to associate the pictures and the words through various „look and
say‟ activities and games, for example, Kim‟s game, Pairs, and so on. They are particularly useful
for stimulating discussion in small groups, as well as for sharing information and reminding people
of a recommended process with posters, research the local situation and pre-test them.

How to use flashcards

To use flashcards in a classroom situation, such as learning to read show the picture and the word
together. Ask students to look at the picture andsay the word. After presenting a number of words
with pictures that the students already know, ask for volunteers to come out and match pictures and
words. When the students have learnt to read the words, you can divide them into teams and play
reading games using the flashcards. Slides Among the various types of materials available still
projection, slides and film strips are the foremost visual aids. They are of great value in teaching.
Slide Projector is an optical aid to the process of teaching. It is used for projecting pictures from a
transparent slide on a wall or screen. It helps in showing the magnified image of the slide. When the
figure or illustration is very small and it is required that the whole class should see it clearly, a
transparent slid of this small figure is prepared. The slide projector projects its erect image on the
well or screen by enlarging its dimension and making the vision more sharp and clear. If he slide or
film strip is colored then it would be more attractive. The slide projector is useful for small as well as
large groups.

Film Strips . It is an improvement upon slide projector. The device may be used as a slide projector
or as a film strip projector. Instead of using different slide for different topics or more slides for one
topic, one strip or piece of still film is prepared. Slides produced on films are called film strips. A
film strip consists of a strip of cellulose acetate film 16mm or 35mm wide and length 2 to 5 feet. It
usually consists of 40 to 100 separate pictures related to a particular subject, topic or theme. These
pictures may be connected with series of drawings, photographs, diagrams or combination of these.
Such strip or a piece of still film serves the same purpose as served by a number of slides. There is
not much difference between a slide projector and a film strip projector. In a slide projector we use

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separate slide while in a film strip, a strip of film is exhibited. The film strip projector is a recent
development and it is growing to be a more popular means of pictorial representation. A filmstrip can
either be of a single or double frame format (Ikot, 2008). Filmstrip can be used to teach skills, show
relationships in order to convey knowledge, to affect attitude through individual and independent
study groups or other tutorial groups viewing (Ibe Bassey, 1991). In a study to determine the effects
of instructional materials utilization on performance of Junior Secondary Students‟ in Practical
Agriculture in Ikot Abasi Local Government Area, Ikot (2008) adopted a quasi-experimental design
using the population of 1995 students and the intact class sample size of 225 students. The findings
showed that there was significant difference between the performance of students taught with
filmstrip and those taught without filmstrip.

Flipchart: A flipchart is a series of sheets of paper, fastened together at the top. When a sheet has
been used, it can be „flipped‟ over the top so that the next sheet can be used. A flipchart can be used
in two ways: with blank sheets of paper or newsprint, which the teacher or trainer writes on during
the session as a pre-prepared resource with pictures and or notes. To avoid having to write while
speaking, you can prepare texts and drawings before the lesson or session. Each sheet of a flipchart
should illustrate one message in a lecture, talk or training session. You should turn to the next sheet
when moving on to the next point. This helps students and learners to understand and remember
information. It also acts as an aid to you, reminding you of the structure of your lesson or presentation
Development workers find picture flipcharts particularly useful for illustrating important points.
Explanatory or additional notes can be written on the back of the previous page to remind you of
what you need to say or to provide information in case you are asked detailed questions. This is
particularly helpful if a flipchart is to be mass produced and used by teachers and trainers who have
not been involved in its design. If teachers are working with several small groups, you can give each
group a blank sheet and a pen. After their discussions, the group can write their conclusions on the
sheet. The conclusions of all the groups can then be displayed for everyone to see. Suggestions and
ideas from students or trainees can be written blank sheets of a flipchart to enable them to see their
ideas, for example in a planning workshop for teachers. The sheets can be taken away and used for
future reference to draw up detailed plans or as notes for a written report.

Work Sheet: A worksheet lists questions or activities for students or trainees to work through. Pre-
prepared worksheets can be used successfully with groups with differing abilities or language skills
because each person can work at their own pace. How to use worksheets Worksheets can be used for
homework or a revision programme, or they can include further details to be studied for the next
lesson. They can be photocopied, or copies can be made using a jelly copier or banda machine. In
development work, worksheets can reinforce or remind trainees about a particular message or
technique. Worksheets provide flexibility in the classroom as well as in the workshop, because they
can be used individually, in pairs, or in small groups to facilitate teamwork skills.

Newsletter: A newsletter is an informal printed report, which is distributed to members of a particular

group in order to share information. A newsletter can be useful to promote good public relations,
offering evidence that the school, college or other organization is working hard to achieve its targets.
To keep a record of newsletters you have made, punch holes in them and store them in a special file.
Printing costs can be funded through selling advertising space or asking local businesses to sponsor
a page. Careful budget control is necessary. Like pamphlets, newsletters are easier to produce if you
know how to use and have access to a computer and a desktop publishing (DTP) programme.

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Cartoon: A cartoon is a simple picture of an amusing situation; sometimes it is a satirical comment

on a serious or topical issue. A strip cartoon is a sequence of framed drawings, which tell a story.
Both types are to be found in newspapers, magazines and leaflets. In development situations a cartoon
is a method of conveying a specific message. How to use cartoons Cartoon pictures can enable people
to discuss sensitive issues and so are useful for teaching and training. Listening skills in the language
class can be extended and developed using cartoon strips. You can read out a description of
something, which needs to be drawn in sequence, each part in a separate frame. Ask the students to
listen carefully, while you read the piece two or three times. Then ask them to draw what they have
heard. You could provide a template with a number of ready drawn frames for them to fill in. You
could do this with two separate groups and ask the students to discuss what they see in the picture.
You can then evaluate how well they have understood the piece you read. Cartoon strips can be used
to teach sequencing and ordering to students. Find, or draw, a cartoon strip with between three and
eight separate frames. Cut out each frame and rearrange them so that they are in the wrong order.
Stick them down in the new order and make one copy for each group. Ask them to cut each frame
out and put them in the correct order. Before you do this, show the students an example on the
chalkboard of pictures in the wrong order and ask them to put them in the correct sequence. The
above exercise can also be used in a workshop or training session, using a topic related to the subject
of the workshop or session. As it encourages discussion and team decision-making, it can be
introduced as an ice-breaker. The less obvious the order, the more interactive the process will be as
each group may suggest different answers. This creates an opportunity for each group to explain their
answers and defend their position. Yusuf (1998) said that one can classify learning materials in
several ways. For instance, one can distinguish between auditory, visual and reading materials.
However, for the purpose of classification, learning materials for teaching can be classified as
i. Printed and reference materials: Textbooks, newspapers, magazines, government
documents, teachers‟ guide, duplicated materials, journals, hand book, bulletins, pictures,
work books, pamphlets, leaflets.
ii. Graphic materials: Graphs, charts, diagrams, maps, globes.
iii. Display materials: Chalkboard, bulletin boards, flat pictures, magnet boards and flannel
iv. Projected materials – television, video tape, overhead projector, slides and slide projector
and transparencies.
v. Audio and other visual materials: Radio, model, computer, tape recording etc.
vi. Community resources: Zoos, Agricultural extension service centres, market place, parks,
industrial establishments.

Demonstration Lesson

The word demonstration means to give demos or to perform the particular activity or concept. In
demonstration method, the teaching-learning process is carried in a systematic way. Demonstration
often occurs when students have a hard time connecting theories to actual practice or when students
are unable to understand applications of theories. In order to make a success of demonstration method,
three things are necessary.

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(a) The object being displayed during demonstration should not be so small.
(b) During the demonstration, the clear language should be used so that pupils may understand
concept easily.
(c) The pupils should be able to question teachers in order to remove their difficulties.

Characteristic Of Demonstration Method

(1) The demonstration should be done in a simple way.

(2) In this strategy, attention is paid to all students.
(3) Goals and objections of demonstration are very clear.
(4) It is a well-planned strategy.
(5) Time is given for rehearsal before the demonstration.

Steps of Demonstration method

There are six steps of demonstration process.

(1) Planning and preparation

Proper planning is required for good demonstration. For this following points should be kept in

 Through the preparation of subject matter.

 lesson planning
 collection of material related to the demonstration.
 rehearsal of demonstration.

In order to ensure the success of demonstration, the teacher should prepare lesson minutely and very

(2) Introducing the lesson

The teacher should motivate students and prepare them mentally for the demonstration.
The teacher shold uintroduce the lesson to students keeping in mind the following things.

 Individual differences
 Environment
 Experiences

(3) Presentation of subject matter

– In demonstration presentation of subject matter is very important.

– The principle of reflecting thinking should be kept in mind.
– The teacher should teach the student in such a way that their previous knowledge can be attached
to their new knowledge.

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(4) Demonstration

-The performance in the demonstration table should be ideal for the student.
-The demonstration should be neat and clean.

(5) Teaching Aids

-The teacher can use various teaching aids like models, blackboard, graphs etc.during

(6) Evaluation

-In this last step, evaluation of the whole demonstration should be done, so that it can be made more

Merits of demonstration method

(1) It helps a student in having a deeper understanding of the topic.

(2) It helps students remain active in teaching -learning process.
(3) It leads to permanent learning.
(4) It accounts for the principles of reflective thinking.
(5) It helps to create interest for topics among students.
(6) It helps in arousing the spirit of discovery among students.
(7) It imparts maximum learning to students.

Demonstrate Good Classroom Management

Be sure to engage the class from the very beginning. A class that begins disruptively will put off any recruiter
who is watching. Maintain a good pace, and keep the lesson focused and sharp. Practice and rehearse the
content, as you need to appear confident during the demo. Handle the class without getting overwhelmed.

Again, preparedness will be key. Effective classroom management is dependent on the preparation of all the
materials, the clarity of instructions to students, and the monitoring of students during the lesson. Interact
with the students to evaluate their understanding of the lesson by asking them questions frequently. Rephrase
that part of the lesson in a simpler way, where the students are confused.

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 Good lesson planning is essential to the process of teaching and learning.
 A teacher who is prepared is well on his/her way to a successful instructional experience.
 Consistency is of the utmost importance in the implementation of a classroom management plan.
 The school’s code of discipline, which should be fair, responsible and meaningful, must be reflected
in every teacher’s classroom management efforts.
 Instructional materials may aid a student in concretizing a learning experience so as to make learning
more exciting, interesting and interactive.
 Instructional materials can be classified by type, including print, visual, and audio-visual.
 In demonstration method, the teaching-learning process is carried in a systematic way.
 Again, preparedness will be key. Effective classroom management is dependent on the preparation
of all the materials, the clarity of instructions to students, and the monitoring of students during the


Congratulations for making it till the end of this module! If you aced the assessments, I am happy for you. If you
have not reached your desired level of competence, just keep going! Remember that an expert was once a beginner.
Happy learning!



MODULE 1. Preparation and Implementation of the Lesson

Name: ______________________________________________ Course & Year: ___________________________

Address: ____________________________________________ Contact No. ______________________________

Answer the following question:

 In teaching Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan, how will you reinforce effective teaching
to your students?

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 What is the purpose of instructional materials?


 Why is the teacher considered as the best instructional material?


Read the following:
 With the use of the lesson plan that you made in EPP, MAKE the instructional materials that is best
suited to your lesson and your chosen grade level.
 Use your creativity in making your Instructional Materials.
 The instructional materials will be used for the upcoming demonstration lesson with the help of
your lesson plans. (Wait for further announcement in the FB group for the said activity.)


MODULE 1. Preparation and Implementation of the Lesson

Name: ______________________________________________ Course & Year: __________________________

Address: ____________________________________________ Contact No. _____________________________

Rate the module using the following:
1- Strongly disagree
2- Disagree
3- Agree
4- Strongly agree

The learning module: 1 2 3 4

Please check appropriate column

was engaging
allowed for self-checking (SAAs)
developed in gradual, manageable steps
provided independent, self-paced learning
contained relevant information I needed

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Rate the extent of your learning in this module using the scale blow. Check the column corresponding to your rating
in the space provided. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need further assistance.
4- I’m an expert. I understand and can teach a friend about it.
3-I’m a Practitioner. I understand and can cite examples on the topics given.
2- I’m an apprentice. I understand if I get help or look at more examples.
1- I’m a novice. I do not understand the topic.

My learning: 1 2 3 4
I can now

Please check appropriate column

prepare/create instructional materials suited to the lesson to developed
execute the steps in the lesson plan properly.

OSMEÑA COLLEGES Aspire…Achieve…Advance!

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