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Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121

Original article

Postpartum characteristics of rectus abdominis on

ultrasound imaging
Yvonne Coldrona,, Maria J. Stokesb, Di J. Newhamc, Katy Cookd
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, St George’s, University of London, UK
School of Health Professions and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
Division of Applied Biomedical Research, School of Biomedical & Health Sciences, King’s College London, UK
Fetal Medicine Unit, St. George’s Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK

Received 7 November 2005; received in revised form 22 August 2006; accepted 20 October 2006


This cross-sectional and partial longitudinal study aimed to characterize changes in rectus abdominis (RA) and provide reference
ranges for the first year postpartum. Ultrasound scanning was used at four stages postnatally to measure cross-sectional area (CSA),
thickness, width (indirectly using a shape value) and inter-recti distance (IRD). One hundred and fifteen postnatal women (though
some postnatal subjects appeared in more than one postnatal group thus giving a total of 183 data points) and 69 age-matched
nulliparous female controls were recruited. Postnatal subjects were studied at Day 1 (PN1; n ¼ 63) and at 2 (PN2; n ¼ 55), 6 (PN3;
n ¼ 39) and 12 (PN4; n ¼ 26) months postpartum. Longitudinal data were analysed for CSA, thickness, shape (indirect width
measurement) (df ¼ 67) and IRD (df ¼ 62). The mean CSA of the PN1 group was significantly larger (Po0.001) than in controls
and decreased (Po0.0021) by 12 months. In all postnatal groups, RA was significantly thinner (Po0.0001, PN1–PN3; Po0.0478,
PN4), wider (Po0.0001, PN1–PN3; P ¼ 0.0326, PN4) and the IRD was significantly larger (Po0.0001, PN1–PN4) than in controls.
Over 2 months postpartum, RA became thicker (P ¼ 0.0003) and the width and IRD decreased (Po0.0001 and P ¼ 0.0002,
respectively) but did not return to control values by 12 months. These results have implications for strength of RA postpartum and
anterior abdominal wall stiffness, which together with other muscle characteristics could inform development of effective postnatal
exercise programmes.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Rectus abdominis; Postpartum; Ultrasound scanning; Muscle characteristics

1. Introduction et al., 2005) and poor control of the abdominal muscles

(Gilleard and Brown, 1996; Potter et al., 1997b). As well
The main musculoskeletal problems encountered in as consulting physiotherapists for clinical problems,
postnatal women are low back and pelvic girdle pain postnatal women often attend exercise groups to restore
(Mantle et al., 1977; Ostgaard et al., 1991, 1996, 1997; their figure and fitness. The exercises used in physiother-
Ostgaard and Andersson 1992; Ostgaard, 1997; Noren apy departments or exercise classes are not based on
et al., 2002), diastasis recti abdominis (DRA) (Bursch, evidence of changes to the abdominal muscles in
1987; Boissonnault and Blaschak, 1988; Potter et al., pregnancy, and very little literature about muscular
1997a; Lo et al., 1999; van Uchelen et al., 2001; Nahas changes during and after pregnancy is available. One of
the muscles thought to undergo change in pregnancy is
Corresponding author. Physiotherapy Department, Mayday the rectus abdominis (RA) (Gilleard and Brown, 1996;
Lo et al., 1999).
Healthcare NHS Trust, London Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7
7YE, UK. Tel.: +442084013093. The two bellies of RA extend the whole length of the
E-mail address: (Y. Coldron). anterior abdomen and are connected by the linea alba.

1356-689X/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Coldron et al. / Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121 113

The main function of RA is to flex the trunk on a fixed Normative data for postpartum RA thickness, width
pelvis or flex the pelvis on a fixed trunk (Williams et al., and cross-sectional area (CSA) are not available.
1989; Kendall et al., 1993). Working isometrically it Knowledge of changes in RA postpartum is important
contributes to trunk stability to allow limb movement for the development of rational postnatal exercise
(Negrao Filho et al., 1997). The distribution of muscle programmes and general postnatal advice.
fibres in a skeletal muscle have been classified on the This study aimed to characterize the size and shape of
basis of their content of different myosin heavy chain RA and the IRD postpartum and also to produce
(MHC) isoforms and identification of three main human normative data for the resolution of these variables
muscle fibre types (I, IIA and IIX (previously called during the first postnatal year.
IIB)) have been established (Bottinelli et al., 1999). A
faster Type II (IIB) MHC isoprotein may also be
expressed in skeletal muscle (Graziotti et al., 2001). In a 2. Methodology
histological study of the abdominal muscles, Caix et al.
(1984) reported approximately twice as many Type I as 2.1. Study design
Type II muscle fibres and relatively few Type IIX fibres
compared with Type IIA in the RA muscle. However, A prospective cross-sectional cohort study design was
Haggmark and Thorstensson (1979) found the distribu- utilized and repeated measures were used (where
tion of the two main fibre types, Types I and II, to be possible) to provide a partial longitudinal design.
similar (mean 55–58% Type I, 15–23% Type IIA,
21–28% Type IIX fibres) but a large inter-individual 2.2. Subjects
variation was found.
As the fetus grows, the RA of the mother elongates as A total of 69 nulliparous female controls (CTL) and
her abdominal wall expands. The linea alba softens and 115 postnatal women (both primiparous [n ¼ 72] and
the two bellies curve round the abdominal wall with multiparous [n ¼ 43]) participated in the study. Some
most separation occurring at the umbilicus (Boisson- postnatal subjects appeared in more than one postnatal
nault and Blaschak, 1988; Fast et al., 1990; Gilleard and group thus giving a total of 183 data points. Control
Brown, 1996). This gap, the inter-recti distance (IRD), subjects were nulliparous women of childbearing age
may vary from 2 to 3 cm wide and 2 to 5 cm long to (mean age 27, range 18–45 years). Postnatal subjects
20 cm wide and involving the whole length of RA (see (mean age 32, range 19–46 years) were studied on the
Polden and Mantle, 1990). This increased IRD is often first day (PN1; n ¼ 63); 8 weeks (PN2; n ¼ 55); 6
referred to as a diastasis or divarication of RA (DRA). months (PN3; n ¼ 39) and 12 months (PN4; n ¼ 26)
Imaging techniques using computerized tomography after delivery. A small proportion of women (45)
(CT) scans have been used to set a pathological DRA at included in the PN1–4 groups formed the longitudinal
an IRD of 42.7 cm at the level of the umbilicus (Rath part of the study and contributed 67 df to the trend
et al., 1996). Using ultrasound imaging, this criterion estimation and testing of the average rate of change
has been used to measure IRD after abdominoplasty for of RA thickness, shape variable (indirect width mea-
postpartum DRA and determine those patients who surement) CSA over a 12-month postpartum period
needed further surgery (van Uchelen et al., 2001). (Table 1). Due to problems imaging the IRD/DRA in a

Table 1
Contribution of data points to repeated measures trend estimation

No. of data points No. of subjects No. of data points No. of df Data points contributing to
available the trend estimation

1 70 70 0 Single points contributing

2 29 58 29 Pairs contributing 1 df each
3 9 27 18 Triplets contributing 2 df
4 7 28 21 Quadruplets contributing 3
df each
Total 115 183 68a

The numbers of data points used to estimate the common slope (i.e. average rate of change per month) of ultrasound measurements of thickness,
shape value (indirect width measurement) and cross-sectional area of the rectus abdominis (RA) muscle are shown. The degrees of freedom (df) are
calculated from those subjects who contributed at least two data points. There were 115 subjects in total contributing 68–1 ¼ 67 df to the estimation
and testing of the average rate of change.
One more df used to estimate the common slope giving 67 df overall.
114 Y. Coldron et al. / Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121

minority of subjects, the IRD was not measured on Thickness of rectus abdominis: This was measured
every subject at every occasion so slightly fewer data vertically at the mid-point of the width of the belly,
points were available for analysis (df ¼ 62). between the inside edges of the superior and inferior
fascial borders.
Shape value (indirect width measurement) of RA: True
2.3. Equipment linear width (W) of postpartum RA was not always
possible to measure because the shape of some muscles
An Aloka SSD ultrasound scanner (Aloka Co. Ltd, (particularly at Day 1) made it difficult to bisect the
Mitaka-shi, Tokyo, Japan), with a 5 MHz linear probe muscle using on screen callipers; however, the shape of
(11 cm footprint) was used. The image was frozen and the RA was approximately an ellipse (Fig. 2). The area
then downloaded to a computer using a frame grabber of an ellipse is calculated from the formula Area ¼ pAB
and measured off-line with on-screen callipers using where A is the semi-major axis (width ¼ W) and B is the
UltraSound Image Concatenation and Analysis (USI- semi-minor axis (thickness ¼ T) (Fig. 3). Consequently,
CA) software (developed by the Department of Medical the width can be calculated if the CSA and thickness are
Physics, St. George’s Hospital, London). known and a shape variable (S) can be derived.
Therefore if A ¼ width/2 ¼ W/2 and B ¼ thickness/2
2.4. Procedure ¼ T/2
With the subject in crook lying and knees flexed over Area ¼ pðW =2ÞðT=2Þ ¼ ¼ CSA
two pillows, measurements were taken of resting RA
thickness, CSA, shape of RA and the IRD. The bottom and
edge of the probe was placed centrally on the skin just
pW p W
cephalad to the umbilicus. To determine the IRD the CSA=T 2 ¼ ¼ .
two medial ends of the recti were identified and two 4T 4T
images taken (Fig. 1). The transducer was then moved Therefore S ¼ CSA/T2 is proportional to the ratio of
laterally until the full image of the left RA was seen on W/T and can be used to describe the cross-sectional
the screen (Fig. 2); two scans were taken and the shape of a muscle. For the purposes of this paper, S has
procedure repeated for the right RA. The mean of two been defined as the ‘shape variable’ and it can be seen
measurements was recorded. Mean values for right and that the larger the shape variable, the wider and thinner
left RA were combined, the mean calculated and used the muscle cross-section, in this case RA, would be. If
for analysis. the CSA of RA were a true ellipse then S would be p/4
Cross-sectional area of rectus abdominis: The circum- and the width would be CSA/(Tp/4), but since the cross-
ference of RA was traced around the inside of its border section of the RA muscles scanned only approximated
using the on-screen cursor and the CSA computed. an ellipse, the widths estimated this way are themselves

Fig. 1. Ultrasound images showing the inter-recti distance (IRD) and linea alba (LA) between the medial ends of the right and left rectus abdominis
(RA) muscles in cross section. (A) A control subject and with thick LA and an IRD of approximately 1 cm. (B) A postnatal subject with a thin LA
and an IRD of approximately 2.6 cm. *Medial borders of the left and right rectus abdominis.
Y. Coldron et al. / Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121 115

Fig. 2. Ultrasound images of the left rectus abdominis (RA) muscle showing the cross-sectional area in (A) a control subject—external oblique (EO)
internal oblique (IO) and transversus abdominis (TA) are seen on the right side of the image forming the aponeurosis around RA. (B) A postnatal
subject at Day 1—width of RA is almost that of the probe and the lateral abdominal muscles cannot be seen on the right side of the image. *Medial
and lateral borders of RA.

individuals, contributed to more than one group.

Student’s unpaired two-tailed t-tests were used to
compare CSA, thickness, shape value and IRD between
the control group and each of the four postnatal groups.
A Significance level for all tests was set at Po0.05.
Repeated measures: Because the pattern of change in
individuals over time may be distorted by plotting group
means, repeated measures analysis was used. This
included those who contributed at least two measure-
Fig. 3. Ellipse with semi-major axis of length A and semi-minor axis of ments over time. The analysis consisted of fitting
length B. The area of an ellipse is calculated from the formula:
individual regression line models to each individual’s
Area ¼ pAB, where A is the semi-major axis (width ¼ W) and B is the
semi-minor axis (thickness ¼ T). Consequently, the width can be data, but constraining them to be parallel. This common
calculated if the CSA and thickness are known and a shape variable (S) slope of the regression lines, indicating change in muscle
can be derived. Thus the formula S ¼ CSA/T2 is proportional to the size over time (rate of change per month), was calculated
ratio of W/T and can be used to describe the cross-sectional shape of a for RA CSA, thickness, shape (width) (df ¼ 67) and
muscle. Therefore the larger the shape variable, the wider and thinner
IRD (df ¼ 62). The significance level for testing the
the muscle (in this case rectus abdominis) would be.
value of the gradient of the slope against zero was set at

only approximate. Nonetheless the shape constant [S]

and the estimated widths were useful for establishing
3. Results
whether the relationship between width and thickness
altered during the postpartum period and to investigate
RA was significantly thinner, wider (had a higher
how they compared with controls over the postpartum
shape value) and had a larger IRD at 12 months
follow-up period.
postpartum compared with controls, whilst the CSA was
Inter-recti distance: The probe was placed over the
larger at Day 1 postpartum only, and was similar to that
midline of the abdomen with the lower border just
of controls after 8 weeks.
cephalad to the umbilicus. The medial ends of the two
RA muscle bellies were identified and the gap between
the two was measured. 3.1. Cross-sectional data

2.5. Data analysis 3.1.1. Cross-sectional area of RA

The CSA of Day 1 postnatal group (PN1) only was
Cross-sectional data: Due to the partial longitudinal significantly greater (Po0.0001) than that of controls
design of the study, ANOVAs were not performed on (CTL) (CTL: 5.2870.97 cm2, n ¼ 69; PN1: 6.557
data for the postnatal groups, as some but not all 1.43 cm2, n ¼ 63) (Table 2 and Fig. 4).
116 Y. Coldron et al. / Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121

Table 2
Rectus abdominis thickness, cross-sectional area, shape ratio and inter-recti distance during the first postnatal year

Group n Thickness (mm) CSA (cm2) Shape value (arbitrary IRD (mm)

CTL 69 9.77 (1.62) 5.28 (0.97) 5.74 (1.41) 11.17 (3.62)

PN1 63 8.09 (1.40)*** 6.55 (1.43)*** 10.38 (2.55)*** 42.22 (20.28)***
PN2 54 7.97 (1.44)*** 5.02 (1.05) 8.26 (2.19)*** 22.84 (9.44)***
PN3 39 8.44 (1.48)*** 4.93 (0.95) 7.25 (1.99)*** 20.73 (7.31)***
PN4 26 9.03 (1.64)* 5.09 (1.11) 6.44 (1.35)* 23.32 (8.38)***

Mean values (71 SD) for thickness, cross-sectional area (CSA), shape value (width) and inter-recti distance (IRD) of RA for control (CTL) and
postnatal (PN) groups. Differences between CTL and PN values were tested using two tailed unpaired t- tests. At 12 months postpartum RA was
significantly thinner and wider (had a larger shape value) and a larger IRD than controls but CSA was larger at Day 1 postpartum only.
*Significantly different from controls *Po0.05 ***Po0.0001.
Post-natal groups: PN1 ¼ Day 1; PN2 ¼ 8 weeks; PN3 ¼ 6 months; PN4 ¼ 12 months.

a b 8

10 7
Thickness (mm)

CSA (cm2)

9 6

8 5

7 4

c d
12 50

Shape value

IRD (mm)



4 0

Fig. 4. Cross-sectional data for rectus abdominis (RA) characteristics in control and postnatal groups at different times over the first postnatal year
(means795% confidence limits for: (a) thickness (mm), (b) cross-sectional area (CSA; cm2), (c) shape value (arbitrary units) (indirect width
measurement), (d) inter-recti distance (IRD; mm). Time postpartum—PN1 ¼ Day 1, PN2 ¼ 8 weeks, PN3 ¼ 6 months, PN4 ¼ 12 months.
*Significantly different from controls; ***Po0.0001; *Po0.05.
Y. Coldron et al. / Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121 117

3.1.2. Thickness of RA 3.2.3. Shape value (width) of RA

In all four postnatal groups, RA was significantly Repeated measures analysis revealed that the shape
thinner than in controls (PN1, PN2, PN3 groups value (width) became significantly smaller (Po0.0001)
Po0.0001; PN4 group P ¼ 0.0478; Table 2 and Fig. 4). during the 12 months postpartum (Table 3) with strong
evidence of curvature (P ¼ 0.0003), i.e. the initial width
of RA at Day 1 postpartum was greater than controls
3.1.3. Shape value (width) of RA
followed by a steady decrease at 8 weeks postpartum
RA became wider and thinner during pregnancy. The
that flattened off by 6–12 months and did not return to
mean value for shape (S) of the control group was
those of controls at 12 months (Fig. 5).
significantly smaller than in each of the four postnatal
groups (PN1, PN2, PN3 Po0.0001; PN4 P ¼ 0.0326;
3.2.4. Inter-recti distance
Table 2 and Fig. 4).
Linear regression analysis showed that the IRD
became significantly smaller during the 12 months
3.1.4. Inter-recti distance postpartum (P ¼ 0.0002) (Table 3) with strong evidence
The IRD in all four postnatal groups was significantly of curvature (P ¼ 0.0003), i.e. the initial IRD values at
greater (Po0.0001) than in controls (Table 2 and Day 1 postpartum were greater than those of controls
Fig. 4), suggesting that it did not return to normal with a sharp decrease in values at 8 weeks postpartum.
values by 12 months postpartum. These values plateaued at 8 weeks and did not return to
those of controls at 12 months (Fig. 5).
3.2. Longitudinal data: changes over 12 months
4. Discussion
3.2.1. Cross-sectional area of RA
Alteration in RA thickness, shape (width) and IRD
Regression analysis revealed that the CSA became
occurred during the study period and none of these
significantly smaller during the 12 months postpartum
variables had returned to control values by 12 months
(P ¼ 0.0021) (Table 3) with strong evidence of curvature
postpartum. Only the CSA had returned to normal over
(P ¼ 0.0001), i.e. the initial CSA values at Day 1
an 8-week period.
postpartum were greater than controls, followed by a
sharp decrease at 8 weeks, returning to similar values to
4.1. Change in shape of rectus abdominis
those of controls (Fig. 5).
Maintenance of a thinner and wider RA muscle
3.2.2. Thickness of RA postpartum suggests that stretch-induced changes occur
Regression analysis demonstrated that RA became during pregnancy in the contractile and connective
steadily significantly thicker over the 12-month period tissue components of the muscle belly, fascial aponeuro-
(P ¼ 0.0003; Table 3) but values did not return to those sis surrounding RA and the underlying transversalis
of controls (Fig. 5). fascia.

Table 3
Repeated measures of rectus abdominis thickness, shape ratio and inter-recti distance

Muscle Units Gradient (b) 95% CLs t P

characteristic estimated change
per month
Low High

Thicknessa mm 0.08651 0.04164 0.1314 3.78 0.0003b

CSAa cm2 0.08237 0.1328 0.03191 3.20 0.0021b
Shapea (width) arbitrary units 0.288 0.370 0.206 6.92 0.0001b
IRDc mm 1.458 2.193 0.7233 3.89 0.0002b

Rate of change per month (plus 95% confidence limits—CLs) of RA thickness, cross-sectional area (CSA), shape value (width) and inter-recti
distance (IRD) during the 12 months post-partum. RA became significantly thicker and narrower during the 12-month period whereas the CSA and
IRD became significantly smaller. These changes per month were all significantly different from zero. The t values from unpaired t-tests are shown
with significance (P) values.
n ¼ 45.
df ¼ 67.
Gradient significantly different from zero.
df ¼ 62.
118 Y. Coldron et al. / Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121

a 16 b 12

*** ***
Thickness (mm)

RA CSA (cm2)

8 6


0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time since delivery (months) Time since delivery (months)

c d 140
Shape Value/Width (Arbitrary units)

18 120
14 ***
IRD (mm)

12 80 ***

6 40
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Time since delivery (months) Time since delivery (months)

Fig. 5. Repeated measures results for rectus abdominis showing changes in thickness, cross-sectional area (CSA), shape value (width) and inter-recti
distance (IRD). The data set in black on the left of the plots is that of the control group, the remaining four data sets in grey are those of the four
postnatal groups. a ¼ RA thickness. The bold extended line is the fitted line for a representative subject to illustrate the average slope obtained from
least-squares regression analysis fitting separate but parallel straight lines to every subject. Since every subject was allowed their own intercept, their
trend line equations were different even though the slope was same. The general formula is: Muscle thickness ¼ individual starting value+b.time in
months since delivery, where b is the same for every subject (b ¼ beta). No evidence of a significant curvilinear tend was seen. ***Slope significantly
different from zero Po0.0001. b ¼ CSA, c ¼ shape value (width) and d ¼ IRD. The bold curved line on the plots is the fitted line for a representative
subject to illustrate the average-fitted curved trend from least-squares regression analysis fitting separate but parallel curved lines to every subject.
The general formula is: muscle variable (CSA, Shape or IRD) ¼ individual starting time+b1.time+b2.time2 (where time is time in months since
delivery). ***Significant curve Po0.0001.

There could be a selective hypertrophy of Type I Prolonged stretch is known to increase the number of
fibres in response to stretch, as suggested by animal sarcomeres in series at the ends of muscle (Williams and
studies. Prolonged muscle stretch in rats produced Goldspink, 1978) with increased protein synthesis and
activation of slow genes and repression of fast Type addition of myotubes (Dix and Eisenberg, 1990),
IIx genes (Goldspink et al., 1991). In the RA of pregnant resulting in an increase in total muscle volume. It is
rats the diameter of slow Type I fibres increased in the possible that this mechanism occurs in postnatal women
latter half of pregnancy while that of the fast glycolitic and the addition of sarcomeres in series to RA could
fibres (Type IIX) decreased, with no change to the Type reduce the ability of postpartum women to perform
IIA fibres (Martin, 1979). In contrast, both Types I and trunk flexion and hold an inner range contraction. The
II fibres increased in diameter in porcine and rabbit combination of fibre type and architectural changes may
studies, with a concomitant increase in the number of also reduce the ability of RA to produce active tension.
Type I fibres and decrease in Type II fibres (Lalatta et However following damage or exercise, skeletal muscle
al., 1987, 1988). Since these studies were performed on is able to repair itself by replenishing cell nuclei from
different animal species, it is not known how results satellite cells stimulated by the action of a local tissue
translate to humans but it seems that alterations in RA repair mechanism, the mechanogrowth factor (Gold-
muscle fibre types might occur during pregnancy. spink, 2006). The effects of stretch on postnatal
Y. Coldron et al. / Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121 119

abdominal muscle have not yet been investigated 1993; Elliott et al., 2005). It is not possible to determine
histochemically and would be the subject of further whether there was any neuropathy present in RA but it
study. is interesting to note that it has been suggested that
Anecdotally, many women reported feeling a ‘‘lack of stretch-induced denervation of the abdominal wall may
support’’ in their abdomen. This could be caused by a occur during pregnancy and delivery (Stelzner et al.,
change in fascia as well as muscle. Prolonged stretch of 1993). Therefore increased CSA at Day 1 postpartum
the tibialis anterior in rats produced increased deposi- may reflect replacement of muscle tissue with fat and
tion of collagen Type III, damage to the perimysial and connective tissue rather than hypertrophy of muscle
endomysial network and indicated that intramuscular fibres.
connective tissue did not adapt to stretch as well as the
contractile components (Williams et al., 1998). Further 4.3. Implications for muscle strength
study into the effects of prolonged stretch on different
types of connective tissue in pregnancy and factors Long-term change in muscle thickness and width may
affecting recovery are indicated. affect the strength of RA but strength of individual
Measurement of the width of RA on the ultrasound abdominal muscles cannot be measured directly. Altera-
image in control subjects using on-line callipers was tion in the ratio between thickness and width of the
straightforward as the muscle cross-section is approxi- quadriceps in patients with myositis was associated with
mately elliptical. Thus, the approximate ratio of width abnormal muscle properties and a decrease in muscle
to thickness was easy to calculate. As the RA appeared force (Chi-Fishman et al., 2004). This finding could be
to be wider and thinner in most Day 1 postpartum extrapolated to the current study, implying that altera-
subjects and it was not known whether this dispropor- tion in thickness and width postnatally could result in a
tion continued further into the postpartum period, it reduced force generation capacity.
was decided to explore this width/thickness ratio Trunk flexion exercises are known to recruit RA
further. However, it was not always possible to bisect (Sarti et al., 1996; Negrao Filho et al., 2003; Clark et al.,
the RA and establish width because its shape was not so 2003) and an attempt to perform a trunk curl at 8 weeks
regular. An approximate estimate of width was therefore after delivery was reported to be successful or moder-
derived from the formula for establishing the area of an ately successful in 5 out of 6 women (Gilleard and
ellipse (see Fig. 3). This approach to estimation of width Brown, 1996) and successful in 80% at 6 weeks (Spence,
to thickness ratio has not been used in any studies on 1978). However, these two studies used qualitative
postnatal RA muscles and from the present results it is measurement tools and a robust study of postpartum
recommended that the formula be used in future studies trunk flexor strength is required.
of this subject group when width cannot be measured Using isokinetic dynamometry, Potter et al. (1997b)
accurately. found that concentric and eccentric trunk flexion
strength was significantly lower in women at 24 weeks
4.2. Cross-sectional area of RA postpartum than in controls. The reduction in RA
thickness found in the current study indicates a decrease
As the CSA was larger than in controls in Day 1 in strength. If this were the case, study of the effect of
postpartum subjects, it could be assumed that there was postnatal exercise programmes that do not load the
hypertrophy of RA during pregnancy, perhaps in spine would be informative.
response to bearing an increased load. A healthy muscle Repeated measures analysis demonstrated that RA
would show low echogenicity on ultrasound imaging, recovery of CSA, shape and thickness continued during
i.e. it would be darker (Stokes et al., 1997). Increased the 12-month postpartum period. Further study of the
echogenicity of the contractile parts of muscle has been time for full recovery of thickness and shape postpartum
found in patients with age-related deterioration (Maur- is indicated.
its et al., 2003), denervated muscles (Gunreben and
Bogdahn, 1991) or myopathic muscles (Lamminen, 4.4. Inter-recti distance
1991; Udd et al., 1991; Maurits et al., 2003), whereas
with neuropathic muscles there is inhomogeneity due to The IRD postpartum was significantly wider than in
pathological disruptions of muscle architecture (Zuberi controls in all four postnatal groups but most recovery
et al., 1999; Maurits et al., 2003). In the current study, occurred between Day 1 and 8 weeks, when the IRD
observations on RA appearance were not analysed reached a plateau. The mean IRD at 12 months was
quantitatively, but visual assessment suggested that 22.3 mm, but measurements ranged from 10.2 to
some postnatal RA muscles showed inhomogeneity 42.1 mm with a third of subjects presenting with a wider
and areas with some increased echogenicity. High gap than the mean.
echogenicity has been attributed to infiltration of non- Definitions of the width of a postnatal diastasis of RA
contractile tissue such as fat or collagen (Reimers et al., (DRA) at the umbilicus using external skin markers
120 Y. Coldron et al. / Manual Therapy 13 (2008) 112–121

vary. It has been defined as a width of 41.5 cm (Gilleard 5. Conclusions

and Brown, 1996), 42 cm (Potter et al., 1997a; Lo et al.,
1999), 42.5 cm (Candido et al., 2005) or 42 finger Characteristics of RA thickness and width, and the
widths during a partial sit-up (Bursch, 1987; Sheppard, IRD had not returned to normal values by 12 months
1996). DRA has been noted by the 26th week of postpartum. A thinner, wider and longer RA has
gestation (Gilleard and Brown, 1996) and in 66% of implications for strength and fascial support. Persistent
women during the third trimester (Boissonnault & increased IRD may cause decreased stiffness of the
Blaschak). Previous studies have noted that there is a anterior abdominal wall and predispose to a mechanical
partial resolution of a DRA by 4 weeks (Gilleard and disadvantage. Studies of the postpartum histochemical
Brown, 1996) and 8 weeks (Boissonnault and Blaschak, and architectural changes, trunk flexion tension and
1988) postpartum and these findings agree with those of production would inform the development of effective
the current study. Risk factors have been found to postnatal exercise programmes. Exercises that target the
include multiparity, maternal age (434 years), larger return of normal IRD, RA width, thickness and length
babies, greater weight gain, caesarean section and without loading and compressing the lumbar spine are
multiple gestation (Lo et al., 1999). This has been required.
disputed by Candido et al. (2005) who found that
women with a diastasis were more likely to be providing
child care (although the nature of child care was not Acknowledgements
specified) and there was an association with Caucasian
ethnicity and a lack of regular exercise during preg- The authors thank the subjects who took part in the
nancy. study, Dr. Anthony Swan for statistical advice, Dr.
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reduced capacity for force generation. In support of this Medicine Unit at St. George’s Hospital, London and the
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Brown, 1996). this publication are those of the authors and not
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