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Saint Veronica Giuliani

0 - 1727
6 6 H E LL

aint Veronica Giuliani had various the location where all the ecclesiastics
visions of the Inferno (Hell), as she (clergy / clerics) and the prelates of Holy
noted in her Diary: “One morning, making Church, since being elevated in dignity
a spiritual Communion, I felt the same and honors they have most perverted the
effect of a sacramental Communion and faith, trampling the Blood of Jesus
was ravished in ecstasy. I remember that Christ, my Son, with many enormous sins
God entrusted to me, in a special way, all […]. In the third location that you
priests, but above all those who were in saw, there are all the souls of the male
the disgrace of God, since there are many, religious and the female religious. In the
oh, there are so many!” (D III, 420). fourth, there are all the confessors, for
And another time, in another ecstasy, having misled the souls of their penitents.
the Virgin Mary said to her: “Daughter, In the fifth, there are all the souls of
[…]; there are Christians who live like judges and of the governors of justice.
the beasts; there is no longer faith in the The sixth location, instead, is that one
faithful; they live as if God does not destined for all the superiors (Mother
exist; and my Son is holding the scourge Superiors/Father Superiors) of the religious.
in hand to punish them… Oh, how many In the seventh, lastly, there are all those
priests, then, and how many religious who wanted to live according to their own
(male & female) offend God! All of volition and have committed every sort
them stomp on the Sacraments, scorn of sin, especially carnal sins.” (D IV, 744).
the Most Precious Blood of Jesus and On another occasion, the Virgin
they keep it under their feet (they trample turned to the Saint saying to her: “In a
upon it). These people infect the moment of rapture, you were brought
Communities, entire cities; they are like into Hell to undergo new sufferings and,
the plague-stricken, they have the name upon your arrival; you saw that many
of Christians, but they are worse than the souls were plummeting down, and each
infidels. Daughter, pray, fast and do one had their own place of torment. It
penance, and have all the others do the was made known to you that these souls
same, so that God will put down the were from various nations, from all sorts
scourge.” (D III, 999). of states, that is, of Christians and of
One day the Virgin Mary described infidels, of religious and of priests. These
to Saint Veronica certain places in Hell: last ones are closer to Lucifer, and they
“Daughter, I want you to describe the suffer so much that the human mind
seven sites, the most painful, that are in cannot comprehend it. Upon the arrival
Hell, and for whom they exist. The first of these souls, all of Hell celebrates and,
is the location where Lucifer is shackled, in an instant, they experience all the
and with him is Jude, who serves as his torments of the damned for offending
chair (seat), and there are all those who God.” (D IV, 353).
were followers of Jude. The second is
© Associazione Carlo Acutis

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