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UFSM 2004 Assinale a letra correspondente à alternativa que preenche

corretamente a lacunas da frase apresentada.
Europe is born
Fred: I've been thinking of buying............. .
In spring 1950 Europe was on the edge of the abyss. With
Sam: Really? Which make are you considering?
the onset of the Cold War, the threat of conflict between its
Fred: That doesn't matter as long as ........... is economical.
eastern and western halves loomed over the continent. Five
years after the end of World War Two, the old enemies were a. a car - some car
still 11a long way from 2reconciliation.
b. a car - the car
What could be done to avoid repeating the mistakes of the
past and to create the right conditions for a 1lasting peace c. some car - car
between such recent enemies? The nub of the problem was
d. the car - a car
the relationship between France and Germany. 10A link had
to be forged between the two and all the 5free countries in e. car - a car
Europe had to be 3united around them so that they could
work together on building a community with 9a shared 3. UFPB 1998
destiny. It was Jean Monnet, with his unique wealth of
experience as a negotiator and man of peace, who Read this sentence:
suggested to the French Foreign Minister, Robert Schuman, "_________ good idea is _________ good idea, whether it's
and the German Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, that 8a done in ________ one, ________ three or 33 countries."
community of interest be established between their countries,
in the shape of a jointly managed market in coal and steel It is completed by the following sequence:
under the control of an independent authority. The proposal a. A / no article / the / the
was officially tabled by France on 9 May 1950, and was
warmly received by Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium b. no article / no article / a / a
and Luxembourg. c. The / the / no article / no article
The treaty establishing the first European Community. the
d. A / a / no article / no article
European Coal and Steel Community or ECSC, was
eventually signed in April 1951, opening up the door to 12a e. The / no article / a / no article
Europe of 6practical achievements. Further achievements
were to follow until we finally reached the European Union as
4. UNESP 1991
it is today, 7a Union now opening up to the eastern half of the
continent from which it has too long been separated. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas
da frase a seguir:
06/06/03 It was......honor for us to see......Queen of......England.

No fragmento "a Union" (ref. 7), há uma eufonia. O mesmo a. a - the - the
processo ocorre em
b. ........- a -........
a. a community (ref. 8). c. an - a - the
b. a shared destiny (ref. 9). d. the -........- an
c. A link (ref. 10). e. an - the -........
d. a long way (ref. 11).

e. a Europe (ref. 12). 5. FATEC 1998

2. PUCCAMP 1996

Página 1
Copyright (c) 2013 - 2019 Stoodi Ensino e Treinamento a Distância S.A. - Todos os direitos reservados
WHERE WAS GUTIÉRREZ? In which of the sentences we MUSTN'T use the article THE
to complete the blanks?
newspaper, Fernando Gutiérrez Barrios, Mexico's most a. ____ Statue of Liberty is visited by thousands of tourists
knowledgeable intelligence expert, was "outside Mexico every year.
enjoying vacation." If you believe rumors that started
b. Lots of people enjoy ____ amount of time they spend
circulating when he dropped out of public sight two weeks
ago, he is one of the country's highest-ranking politicians
ever kidnapped. That version goes like this: Gutiérrez was c. Richard Claydermann will play____ piano for hundred
driving in the capital after lunch when two cars cut him off people in the theatre tomorrow.
and eight heavily armed men whisked him away. By Friday d. Economically, ____ London is considered one of the most
Gutiérrez was reportedly back safe at home, but he had still important cities in Europe.
not been seen in public, and his family remained mum.
It is common for families in Mexico to avoid publicity in e. Who is ____ next to be interviewed?
kidnapping cases and simply pay whatever ransom is
demanded. Police are notoriously inept at rescue attempts. 7. PUCPR 1996
As in Colombia and Brazil, kidnapping has become rampant
Fill in the blanks with the definite article:
in Mexico, with hundreds of cases a year, an American
businessman help for eight days was released just last week ______ Brazil is ______ most industrial country in ______
after his family paid an undisclosed ransom. However, the South America, while ______ United States holds ______
abduction of Gutiérrez would be a new twist. It seems likely same position in ______ North America.
that he would be targeted not for his wealth but for what
knows. For four decades he worked in Mexican intelligence, Choose the correct alternative:
rising as high as minister of governing, the cabinet post in a. the; the; the; the; the; the
charge of internal security, under former president Carlos
b. X; the; the; X; the; X
Salinas. In other words, he knew state secrets, the sort of
information that would be of use to drug lords, politicians and c. X; the; X; the; the; X
guerrillas. Editorials are already referring to him as a "political
d. X; the; the; the; the; X
e. the; X; X; X; the; the

Indique a alternativa em que a tradução de "a" ou "an" difere

8. UNIFOR 2014
do seu significado habitual de artigo indefinido (um, uma) em
língua portuguesa. Leia as sentenças abaixo e marque a opção correta de
acordo com o uso dos artigos definido e indefinido:
a. However, the abduction of Gutiérrez would be a new twist.
I. Can you play a guitar?
b. ...after his family paid an undisclosed ransom.
II. I once played the guitar which had only five strings.
c. American businessman help for eight days was III. She started learning the piano at the age of five.
released just last week... IV. I’ve always had a flute, ever since I was a child.
V. I’m afraid the violin is an instrument I never mastered.
d. ...kidnapping has become rampant in Mexico with
hundreds of cases a year;...
a. Todas estão corretas.
e. Editorials are already referring to him as a "political
kidnapee." b. Todas estão incorretas.

c. Apenas os itens I e II estão errados.

6. PUCPR 2001
d. Apenas os itens III, IV, e V estão errados.

Página 2
Copyright (c) 2013 - 2019 Stoodi Ensino e Treinamento a Distância S.A. - Todos os direitos reservados
e. Apenas os itens I, III e V estão corretos.

9. UFRGS 2014
Select the alternative which correctly fills in the gaps in the
“Fan” is ........ abbreviated form of “fanatic”, which has ........ first paragraph, in the order they appear.
roots in ........ Latin word “fanaticus”, which simply meant
a. the – the – a
“belonging to the temple, a devotee”. But these words quickly
assumed negative connotations, to the point of becoming b. the – its – a
references to excessive religious belief and to any mistaken
c. the – it’s – the
d. an – it’s – the

e. an – its – the
Based on such connotations, news reports frequently
characterize fans as psychopaths ........ frustrated fantasies
of intimate relationships with stars or unsatisfied desires to GABARITO: 1) e, 2) b, 3) d, 4) e, 5) d, 6) d, 7) c, 8) c, 9) e,
achieve stardom take violent and antisocial forms. Whether
viewed as a religious fanatic, a psychopathic killer, a neurotic
fantasist, or a lust-crazed groupie, the fan remains a “fanatic”
with interests alien to the realm of “normal” cultural
experience and a mentality dangerously out of touch with

To understand the logic behind this discursive construction of

fans, we must reconsider what we mean by taste. Concepts
of “good taste,” appropriate conduct, or aesthetic merit are
not natural or universal; rather, they are rooted in social
experience and reflect particular class interests. Taste
becomes one of the important means by which social
distinctions are maintained and class identities are forged.
Those who “naturally” possess appropriate tastes “deserve” a
privileged position, while the tastes of others are seen as
underdeveloped. Taste distinctions determine desirable and
undesirable ways of relating to cultural objects, strategies of
interpretation and styles of consumption.

The stereotypical conception of the fan reflects anxieties

about the violation of dominant cultural hierarchies. The fans’
transgression of bourgeois taste disrupt dominant cultural
hierarchies, insuring that their preferences be seen as
abnormal and threatening by those who have an interest in
the maintenance of these standards (even by those who may
share similar tastes but express them in different ways).

Adapted from: JENKINS, Henry. Textual Poachers: Television Fans and

Participatory Culture. New York / London: Routledge, 1992. p. 12-16.

Página 3
Copyright (c) 2013 - 2019 Stoodi Ensino e Treinamento a Distância S.A. - Todos os direitos reservados

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