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PUCPR 2007 “hold-outs”, balking at the 65% haircut the restructuring

entailed, not only persuaded a judge that they should be paid
If he loses election, he __________ from public life.
in full but also got him to 1freeze payments on the
a. retired restructured bonds until Argentina coughs up.

b. retire Argentina claims that paying the hold-outs was impossible. It

c. going to retire is not just that they are “vultures” as Argentine officials often
put it, who bought the bonds for cents on the dollar after the
d. will retire previous default and are now holding those who accepted the
e. has retired restructuring (accounting for 93% of the debt) to ransom. The
main problem is that a clause in the restructured bonds
prohibits Argentina from offering the hold-outs better terms
2. UECE 2007
without paying everyone else the same. Since it cannot
I'd have gone to that party if they _______ me. afford to do that, it says it had no choice but to default.

a. have invited Yet it is not certain that the clause requiring equal treatment
of all bondholders would have applied, given that Argentina
b. had invited
would not have been paying the hold-outs voluntarily, but on
c. will invite the courts’ orders. Moreover, some owners of the
d. are inviting restructured bonds had agreed to waive their rights; 2had
Argentina made a concerted effort to persuade the remainder
to do the same, it might have succeeded. Lawyers and
3. FGV 2015 bankers have suggested various ways around the clause in
Read the text and answer the question(s). question, which expires at the end of the year. But
Argentina’s government was slow to consider these options
Argentina defaults – Eighth time unlucky or negotiate with the hold-outs, hiding instead behind
Cristina Fernández argues that her country’s latest indignant nationalism.
default is different. She is missing the point. Ms Fernández is right that the consequences of America’s
Aug 2nd 2014 court rulings have been perverse, unleashing a big financial
dispute in an attempt to solve a relatively small one. But
ARGENTINA’S first bond, issued in 1824, was supposed to 3
hers is not the first government to be hit with an awkward
have had a lifespan of 46 years. Less than four years later, verdict. Instead of railing against it, she should have tried to
the government defaulted. Resolving the ensuing stand-off minimize the harm it did. Defaulting has helped no one: none
with creditors took 29 years. Since then seven more defaults of the bondholders will now be paid, Argentina looks like a
have followed, the most recent this week, when Argentina pariah again, and its economy will remain starved of loans
failed to make a payment on bonds issued as partial and investment.
compensation to victims of the previous default, in 2001.
Happily, much of the damage can still be undone. It is not too
Most investors think they can see a pattern in all this, but late to strike a deal with the hold-outs or back an ostensibly
Argentina’s president, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, insists private effort to buy out their claims. A quick fix would make it
the latest default is not like the others. Her government, she easier for Argentina to borrow again internationally. That, in
points out, had transferred the full $539m it owed to the turn, would speed development of big oil and gas deposits,
banks that administer the bonds. It is America’s courts (the the income from which could help ease its money troubles.
bonds were issued under American law) that blocked the
payment, at the behest of the tiny minority of owners of More important, it would help to change 4perceptions of
bonds from 2001 who did not accept the restructuring Argentina as a financial rogue state. Over the past year or so
Argentina offered them in 2005 and again in 2010. These Ms Fernández seems to have been trying to rehabilitate
Argentina’s image and resuscitate its faltering economy. She

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settled financial disputes with government creditors and with mistress, Camila Parker Bowles, a situation that would have
Repsol, a Spanish oil firm whose Argentine assets she had been equally unacceptable a few years ago.
expropriated in 2012. This week’s events have
All this evidences a rapidly evolving monarchy. Who would
overshadowed all that. For its own sake, and everyone
have suspected that the Queen would have been seen
else’s, 5Argentina should hold its nose and do a deal with the 8
pretending to parachute into the Olympic stadium with
James Bond? And who 3__________ predict how far this
( process of evolution will have travelled by the time the new
Adapted) prince reaches the throne? From the pit to the Palace in
three generations? Surely it is the perfect fairytale for a
The excerpt from the reference 2 – had Argentina made a
nation that grows more middle-class 9by the year.
concerted effort to persuade the remainder to do the same, it
might have succeeded. – denotes an idea of Adaptado de: THORTON, Michael. A very middle class baby
who will secure the future of the royal family. Daily Mail. 22
a. obligation.
jul 2013. Disponível em: < http://www.
b. ability.>.
Acesso em: 06 set. 2013.
c. completion.

d. hypothesis. Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as

lacunas do segmento abaixo, na ordem em que aparecem.
e. necessity.
If the present Queen __________ for another ten years,
Charles __________ to the throne at 75.
4. UFRGS 2014
a. survives – comes
Britain has met the heir who will certainly change the face of
monarchy for ever. Kate and William’s son enters this world b. survives – will come
as a Royal Highness, destined to be king of his country. c. will survive – comes
Though his mother is a Duchess, the title 1__________
disguise the fact that there has never been a royal child quite d. survived – can come
like Kate’s. For while William descends from a line of e. survives – would come
monarchs, this baby boy’s maternal grandparents 5once
worked for British Airways and now run their own company.
This new prince will become the first British monarch with
The following text refers to questions below.
working-class blood running through his veins. Monarchy
these days is a precarious business, and increasingly hard to Science Without Borders Program to be Suspended
justify – not only in terms of the funds taxpayers donate to
09/03/2015 - 09H02
the Crown, but in a wider world in which royal families seem
ever more anachronistic. This baby has arrived at a time of
profound social change and evolution – 2__________ is why
I believe a royal child with middle-class antecedents can Owing to lack of funds, the Planalto Palace has decided to
provide the social alchemy that will secure the future of the suspend the offer of new scholarships as part of the program
House of Windsor. Science Without Borders for next year.
As Folha has learnt, the budget defined by the government’s
William and Kate, a modern couple, lived together quite
economic team for next year, a total of R$2,1 billion
openly for several years before their marriage, a 6sensible
(USD$559 million), is only enough to cover students who are
decision 7condoned by the Queen, which 4__________ been
already living abroad on the program.
seen as unthinkable less than a decade earlier. This was
The Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education
after prince Charles had moved in with his divorced former

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Students (CAPES, in its Portuguese acronym) said that the If Science Without Borders is suspended in 2016, another
designated resources would be used to “pay for 13.330 federal education program will be significantly expanded next
scholarships amongst undergraduates and postgraduates” in year, according to the budget provisions.
2016, under its supervision. In 2016, the government is expected to offer five million
The National Council of Scientific and Technological places on technical courses and on the National Program of
Development (CNPQ), another government agency that Access to Technical Education and Employment
encourages research, will be allocated resources for another (PRONATEC), both for those enrolling in the program as well
22.610 scholarships. as those continuing their training.
In total, both institutions will send 14.050 undergraduates This year, thanks to budget cuts, the numbers of offered
abroad in the second semester of this year. This group of places on the program fell to nearly a million, 66.6% less
students enters the program under last year’s selection than the three million in 2014. Added to the cost of covering
process. Undergraduates account for the majority of those those already enrolled, the total cost of the program in 2015
enrolled in the program, with 79.5% of the scholarships is R$4 billion (USD$1.1 billion).
granted. After hitting its target of enrolling eight million students, the
Advisors to President Rousseff have admitted that the government’s aim was to enroll 12 million new students in its
government was considering an even harsher cut to the second term. If 2016’s targets are reached, the government
program, but the idea was rejected owing to the likely will achieve exactly 50% of the target in the first two years of
negative effects it would produce. its second term.
The cut for Science Without Borders next year is 40.3% from
last year’s budget of R$ 3.5 billion (USD$931 million). Cutting
just one percentage point more would mean disrupting the The sentence “If Science Without Borders is suspended,
studies of those who have already been selected and left for another federal education program will be significantly
university abroad. expanded” written in the third conditional form is
Launched in July 2011, the program has become one of
a. If Science Without Borders were suspended, another
President Rousseff’s flagship policies. After the creation of
federal education program would be significantly expanded.
101.000 places by last year, the promise for her second term
was to create another 100.000 . b. If Science Without Borders have been suspended, another
The high value of the dollar, however, has drastically federal education program will have been significantly
increased the cost of program. The program pays foreign expanded.
universities for the tuition of Brazilian students, as well as
c. If Science Without Borders could be suspended, another
providing maintenance grants to the students themselves.
federal education program could have been significantly
While in July 2011 the dollar was worth R$1.55 now the
exchange rate is close to R$3.70 There is currently no date
defined for the call of new applications to the program. Last d. If Science Without Borders had being suspended, another
year, the selection process began in August. federal education program will have being significantly
The current expectation is that if the government allocates expanded.
more funds for the program next year, the main focus will be e. If Science Without Borders had been suspended, another
postgraduates. Questioned on this, Capes would not federal education program would have been significantly
comment. expanded
The agency said, “All the Ministry of Education programs will
be maintained” in 2016. “The Ministry is conducting a
detailed analysis of the budget in order to determine the 6. UEMG 2015
scope of the programs for next year,” it said in a statement. Read the article below and answer the question(s) that
PRONATEC follow.

Virtual people, real friends

by Anna Pickard (The Guardian)

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The benefits of forming friendships with those we meet online “man runs off with the woman he met on Second Life” or
are obvious, so why is the idea still treated with such people who meet their “soulmate” online and are never seen
disdain? again. But people are people, whether online or not. As for
“real” friendship dying out, surely, is social networking simply
Another week, another survey claiming to reveal great truths
redefining our notion of what this is in the twenty-first
about ourselves. This one says that people are increasingly
century? The figures – half a billion Facebook users
turning “online friends” into people they’d think worthy of
worldwide – speak for themselves. And technology has
calling real-life friends. Well, that’s stating the obvious, I
allowed countless numbers of these people to keep in close
would have thought! If there’s a more perfect place for
contact with their loved ones, however far away they are.
making friends, I have yet to find it. However, when surveys
Without it, many disabled or household people might go
like this are reported in the media, it’s always with a slight air
without social contact at all. Call me naive, call me a social
of “it’s a crazy, crazy world!” And whenever the subject crops
misfit, I don’t care. Virtual people make best real friends.
up in the conversation, it’s clear that people look down on
friends like these. In fact some members of my family still Adapted from
refer to my partner of six years as my “Internet Boyfriend.”

It’s the shocked reaction that surprises me as if people on the Which alternative contains the correct conditional to
internet were not “real” at all. Certainly, people play a complete the gap below?
character online quite often – they may be a more confident
He would have chatted with his Facebook friends last night if
or more argumentative version of their real selves – but
he ___________ so busy.
what’s the alternative? Is meeting people at work so much
better than making friends in a virtual world? Perhaps, but for a. hadn’t been
some a professional distance between their “work” selves
b. wasn’t
and their “social” selves is necessary, especially, if they tend
to let their guard down and might say or do something they c. weren’t
will later regret. d. hasn’t been
Those people disapproving of online friendships argue that
the concept of “friendship” is used loosely in a world driven 7. UNESP 2008
by technology, in which you might have a thousand online
friends. They make a distinction between “social HERE IS THE FIRST PART OF A LETTER, WRITTEN BY A
connections” – 1acquaintances who are only one click away 98-YEAR-OLD PENSIONED LADY TO HER BANK
– and meaningful human interaction, which they say requires MANAGER.
time and effort. They note that for many Facebook “friends,” Dear Sir,
conversation is a way of exchanging information quickly and
efficiently rather than being a social activity. I am writing to thank you for bouncing my cheque with
which I endeavoured to pay my plumber last month. By my
However, I’ve found that far from being the home of oddballs calculations, three "nanoseconds" must have elapsed
and potential serial killers, the internet is full of like-minded between his presenting the cheque and the arrival in my
people. For the first time in history, we’re lucky to enough to account of the funds needed to honour it. I refer, of course, to
choose friends not by location or luck, but by those who have the automatic monthly deposit of my Pension, an
similar interests and senses of humour, or passionate arrangement, which, I admit, has been in place for only eight
feelings about the same things. The friends I’ve made online years
might be spread wide geographically, but I’m closer to them
than anyone I went to school with, by millions miles. They are You are to be commended for seizing that brief
the best friends I have. window of opportunity, and also for debiting my account to
the tune of 30 pounds by way of a penalty for the
Obviously, there will be concerns about the dangers of online inconvenience caused to your bank. My thankfulness springs
friendship. There are always stories buzzing around such as

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from the manner in which this incident has caused me to a. If a new environmental consciousness is possible, the
rethink my errant financial ways. global basis will appreciate it.

I noticed that whereas I personally attend to your b. If we need a new environmental consciousness, we should
telephone calls and letters, when I try to contact you, I am do our educated tasks.
confronted by that impersonal, overcharging, prerecorded, c. If we needed educated people, a new environmental
faceless entity, which your bank has become. consciousness would be gotten on a global basis.
From now on, I, like you, choose only to deal with a d. If we were educated people, a new environmental
flesh-and-blood person. My mortgage and loan payment will consciousness would be possible on a global basis.
therefore and hereafter no longer be automatic, but will arrive
e. If there is a new environmental consciousness on a global
at your bank by cheque, addressed personally and
basis, we will be educated people.
confidentially to an employee at your bank whom you must
nominate. Be aware that it is an offence under the Postal Act
for any other person to open such an envelope. Please find 9. PUC-RJ 2007
attached an Application Contact Status, which I require your
chosen employee to complete. I am sorry it runs to eight
pages, but in order that I know as much about him or her as Shankar Vedantam
your bank knows about me, there is no alternative. Please
How the disaster starts does not matter: 1It could be a
note that a Solicitor must countersign all copies of his or her
plane crashing into the World Trade Center, 5it could be the
medical history, and the mandatory details of his/her financial
sea receding rapidly ahead of an advancing tsunami, it could
situation (income, debts, assets and liabilities) must be
be smoke billowing through a nightclub. Human beings in
accompanied by documented proof.
New York, Sri Lanka and Rhode Island all do the same thing
(Adapted from: in such situations. They turn to each other. They talk. 15They
hang around, trying to arrive at a 10shared understanding of
Indique a alternativa que preenche corretamente a sentença:
what is happening.
If the pension deposit ......... earlier, the lady .........................
in trouble. 16
When we look back on such events with the benefit
of hindsight, this apparent inactivity can be horrifying. "Get
a. arrived ... would haven't been
out now!" we want to scream at those people in the upper
b. had arrived ... wouldn't be stories of the South Tower of the World Trade Center, as
c. had arrived ... wouldn't have been they 11huddle around trying to understand what caused an
explosion in the North Tower at 8:46 on a Tuesday morning
d. arrives ... wouldn't be in September. 17"You only have 16 minutes before your exit
e. has arrived ... would be not will be cut off," we want to tell them. "Don't try to understand
what is happening. Just go."
8. G1 - IFBA 2012 Experts who study disasters are slowly coming to
realize that rather than try to change human behavior to
“We need a new environmental consciousness on a global
adapt to building codes and workplace rules, it may be
basis. To do this, we need to educate people.”
necessary to adapt technology and rules to human behavior.
Mikhail Gorbachev
For all the disaster preparations put in place since the
(Disponível em attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, the behavior of people confronted
Acesso em: 12.07.2011) with ambiguous new information remains one of the most
serious challenges for disaster planners.
A opção que melhor apresenta a mensagem da citação de
Mikhail Gorbachev é: Computer models 12assume that people will flow out
of a building like water, emptying through every possible exit.

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But the reality is far different. People talk. They confer. They a. The buildings had been full of 14,000 dead people.
go back to their desk. They change their mind. They try to
b. Fourteen thousand people died because the buildings
exit the building the way they came in, rather than through
were full.
the nearest door.
c. Though the buildings were full, about 14,000 people didn't
Building engineers at the World Trade Center had die.
estimated that escaping people would move at a rate of more
than three feet per second. On Sept. 11, 2001, said Jason d. Had the buildings been filled with 14,000 people, no one
Averill, an engineer at the National Institute for Standards would have died.
and Technology who studies human behavior during e. About fourteen thousand people could have been killed if
evacuations, people escaped at only one-fitfh that speed. the buildings had been full.
Although the towers were only one-third to one-half full, the
stairwells were at capacity, he said. 3Had the buildings been
full, Averill said, about 14,000 people would probably have 10. EPCAR (AFA) 2012
died. How to Become a Stunt Double

That is because the larger the group, the greater the A stunt double stands in for the actor when the action or fight
effort and time needed to build a common understanding of scene gets dangerous or goes beyond the capabilities of the
the event and a consensus about a course of action, said actor. To become a stunt double, you must be in excellent
sociologist Benigno E. Aguirre of the University of Delaware. physical condition and have special skills.
If a single person in a group does not want to take an alarm
seriously, he or she can 13impede the escape of the entire
group. 1. Exercise regularly if you want to become a stunt double.
Eat nutritiously for optimal health and strength.
The picture of what happened on Sept. 11 is very
2. Take lots of lessons because the more skills you
different from 14conventional assumptions about crowd
have, the better. Gymnastics is extremely important in
behavior, in 7which it is assumed that people would push
becoming a stunt double. Get good at trampoline,
each other out of the way to save their own lives. In actuality,
4 skateboarding, swimming and high board diving. Take
human beings in crisis behave more nobly - and 8this could
scuba diving lessons.
also be their undoing. 19People reach out not only to build a
Practice rock climbing and horseback riding. Learn to
shared understanding of the event but also to help one
water ski and snow ski.
another. In so doing, they may delay their own escape. This
3. Enroll in martial arts classes, especially judo. Judo is
may be why groups often perish or survive together - people
excellent for learning how to break falls.
are unwilling to escape if someone they know and care about
4. Get training in CPR(1) and First Aid. This training looks
is left behind.
good on a résumé, especially for stunt double careers.
This may be why in fire disasters, Aguirre said, entire Injuries happen.
families often perish. "The most important factor for human 5. Have valid driver's licenses for both car and motorcycle.
beings is our affinitive behavior," he said. "You love your child Take advanced driving classes so you'll be qualified for
and wife and parents; 9that is what makes you human. In difficult driving scenes.
conditions of great danger, many people continue to do that. 6. Move to Hollywood and plan to work your way up from
… People will go back into the fire to try to rescue loved the bottom. You must get into the Screen Actors Guild(2)
ones." and have a union card(3).

Adapted from the Washington Post Monday, September 11, Taken from Google
2006; Page A02
(1) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
"Had the buildings been full,... about 14,000 people would (2) Annual prize promoted by the American Syndicate of
probably have died." (ref. 3) means the same as: Actors.

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(3) A card certifying membership in an organization.

After reading the first item of the instructions, mark the

option that completes the gap in the converted sentence

“If you want to become a stunt double you ________

exercise regularly.”

a. had to

b. might

c. could

d. must

11. MACKENZIE 2009 Which sentence is grammatically correct about the picture
Speak Up
a. If you didn’t hold on, you would end the pain.
b. Should you wait, you won’t be painful.
Recent advances in stem cell research are giving older
c. Had hope been practiced, we wouldn’t have had to wait.
people the hope that they may soon be able to throw away
their dentures in favor of the real thing. If this dental dream d. People wish hope had been held on.
___(I)___ a reality, stem cells ___(II)___ taken from the
e. There is nothing hope doesn’t bring to ordinary people.
patient, cultured in a lab and then reimplanted under the gum
in the patient's jaw where the tooth is missing. A healthy
tooth is expected to grow in two months. British scientists 13. ESC. NAVAL 2012
have already successfully experimented on mice, and similar
What is the correct way to complete the sentence below?
experiments in humans are expected to get underway
I’m going to leave early tomorrow in case (1) ____ a lot of
a. there to be
The words that properly fill in blanks I and II, in the text, are: b. there would be
a. BECAME and WILL BE. c. there will be
b. HAD BECOME and WOULD HAVE BEEN. d. there are
c. WILL BECOME and WILL BE. e. there is

e. WOULD BECOME and WERE. GABARITO: 1) d, 2) b, 3) d, 4) b, 5) e, 6) a, 7) c, 8) d, 9) e,

10) d, 11) d, 12) b, 13) e,

12. MACKENZIE 2014

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