India and South Asia Emergency Appeal One Pager

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India & South Asia

Emergency Appeal

WaterAid/ Ronny Sen

Since the end of March 2021 a second wave
of COVID-19 has spread rapidly through
Urban healthcare facilities in cities like Delhi
are under increasing strain with huge
numbers of patients and limited resources. shortages over the summer, which
We are also starting to see a sharp rise in the in turn may have an impact on
number of people returning from urban availability of water for
areas to their home communities, often in handwashing. This will benefit at
more rural areas. It is anticipated that this least 12,000 people.
will cause a significant rise in the number of • Providing financial support, safety
COVID-19 cases in those areas. and hygiene equipment for 2,000
Many rural healthcare facilities already lack waste-pickers and sanitation
basic access to clean water, decent toilets workers in urban areas to ensure
and good hygiene. With rising COVID-19 they survive this difficult time. These
cases putting further strain on these facilities are front-line workers providing
we are facing a similar crisis to that being essential services to help slow the
faced in urban areas. spread of COVID-19 but are often
left without safety nets or access to
In response, WaterAid is launching an basic protective equipment.
emergency COVID-19 appeal focussing on • Running a hygiene awareness
India and other countries in South Asia as campaign to promote and reinforce
required. hygiene behaviours to prevent the
In India we initially plan to support spread of COVID-19 in all areas that
communities by: we work in.
• Improving water, sanitation and
With your support WaterAid aim to equip
hygiene (WASH) infrastructure in 50
some of the most vulnerable communities
rural healthcare facilities in 5
districts in India. in India with the immediate materials and
• Providing emergency water supply knowledge needed to protect themselves
to 125 vulnerable settlements in and their families against COVID-19.
rural areas expecting water

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