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Subject English


Grade Level 7

Learning Objective 7.5 Students will be able to describe the elements of narrative structure including setting,
The objective of the lesson is what
students will be able to do as they
character development, plot structure, theme, and conflict.
finish the activity. For this objective,
use the Standards of Learning (SOL)
to say what you want to focus on.
You can find the SOLs at
/ look on the right of the screen for
the subjects and go from there.
Pedagogy Planning

Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this activity, my students are going to use mindmaps to create a mindmap depicting the plot structure of The
Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe .

For example: In this activity, my students are going to use Edublogger to create a blog from the view of Abraham Lincoln .

Activity Describe what the During class, The students will read the short story The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe.
learning activity will be. What will
the students and the teacher be
The teacher will present a plot structure diagram and explain the major elements of a
doing? (This includes what they are story. Students will then use the website Mindmaps to create a visual for the plot structure
doing with the technology). Many
people tend to find this part easier if of the story.
they number the action in order and 1. The teacher will instruct the students to go to . No
think of this from the view of a
substitute teacher. This lesson was registration is required.
left on the desk, can you follow it and 2. Students should start by inputting the “Central Idea” as indicated on the Mindmap.
teach the class today? Add numbers
as you need to describe your 3. Students will then use mindmap to create a plot structure visual with the
class/activity for the day.
elements : Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution from the

Web 2.0 Technology

Name of the device and/or programs
being used. (The description of what
the students will be doing with the
technology will be included in the
pedagogy/activity section).
Link to the example
product you made
pretending to be a

Mobile App Option The web 2.0 tool I have chosen does not have a mobile app option, however, there is a
similar app available on the app store. The app is called “Xmind”. I like this app because it
has an easy user interface and offers a variety of templates to use. It also has options to
print and export as image files. The downside is that unlike the website mindmap, you
cannot freely create your own shape. If students were to use “Xmind” They would not be
able to create their map in the shape of a plot structure diagram as I did above.

TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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