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These are my chosen topics:

 Week 8: The Physical Self

 Week 9: The Sexual Self
 Week 11: The Material/Economic Self/The Spiritual Self

2: The topic I have chosen states different self a single person have. It can be in a
physical, sexual, material, spiritual and economic way.

3: Physical Self: mainly focuses about our outer appearances or so called the body.

Sexual Self: mainly focuses about sex and gender, it focuses also about the
characteristics a person has when it come to gender issues like Transgender and etc.

The Material/Economic/Spiritual self: mainly focuses about being materialistic ,

economic and spiritual way. Being materialistic and economic consists of stuff like
money clothes and etc. While spiritual self focuses mainly on what is inside a person
or in short our spirit.


5: From the topics I picked I learned that we have our own personal
self especially when it comes to material self.
Course Project

 Understanding Self


Research about the following topics that we had from Week 002 to Week 013,
choose at least 3 weeks of topics.
 Week 2: The Self from Various Perspective Philosophy
 Week 3: Sociology
 Week 4: Anthropology
 Week 6: Psychology
 Week 7: The Self in Western and Eastern Orientals/Unpacking the Self
 Week 8: The Physical Self
 Week 9: The Sexual Self
 Week 11: The Material/Economic Self/The Spiritual Self
 Week 12: The Political Self/The Digital Self
 Week 13: Managing and Caring for the Self/Learning to be a Better Student/Setting
Goals for Success/Taking Charge of One's Self

Answer the following:

1. First, define what is the chosen topics
2. Give an example on what is the topic that you have chosen
3. Provide your insights for each topic
4. Attached images of the topic
5. What did you learn for the topic you have picked

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