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OET 2011


I/C NO : 940422-07-5396

5 Ways Young Person Can Help The Environment Today

Wardah : It’s so hot today. I’m sweating.

Shazwina : That’s right! Global warming and it’s consequences are rather

Afifa : Actually, there are many ways that we can do to save the

Wardah : As young people, we can do simple things to contribute to saving

the environment instead of just discussing it or suffering the
consequences of it.

Shazwina : For example we can plant trees or save trees. Think green. Saving
trees will also save wildlife. The destruction of trees is the primary
cause that global warming is taking today.

Afifa : So, if you can just plant as many trees as you can and ensure that
they survive. If you can’t plant trees, just make sure you can save
trees from being cut down.

Wardah : Besides that, as a student we use lots of paper. Therefore, we need

to save paper by avoid taking unnecessary printouts.

Shazwina : I see.. any example Afifa ?

Afifa : We can take India as an example. Their student’s daily school bag
weights a ton with the amount of things some school insists they

Wardah : Eh, do your home air conditioned ?

Shazwina : For sure.

Afifa : Ohmygod. We can’t live without air-cond. Daa...

Wardah : That’s the point. We need to limit the use of air-conditioners.

Shazwina : This means, we need to build up our tolerance levels and get used
to live in natural whether and climatic conditions.

Afifa : Wardah, do you remember the Earth Hours Campaign ?

Wardah : Oh ya! My family also take part in that campaign. That’s one of
the way we can do to save our environment. The sun give off it’s
energy for free. Make full use of it. Use solar energy where possible.

Shazwina : Most important thing is use less plastic.

Afifa : Talking about that, our government had launch ‘Say No To Plastic
Bag’ campaign. We can use bio-degradable stuff to replace plastic.

Wardah : As a woman we love shopping. So, take your own shopping

basket or bag along when you go shopping.

Shazwina : Bytheway, there was an era when plastic carry bags did not exist.
The earth was a much healthier place then. We as the youngsters, we
have to take good care of the environment for the next generations
as well as they shall deserve them as we do.

Wardah : That’s right Shazwina. Instead of just discussing about it, we

must make it into reality.

Afifa : Furthermore, living things like human being and animals need
cleaner environment to maintain a healthy life.

Shazwina : I think that’s it. Sharing info with both of you encourage me to
bring myself more to the environment.

Wardah : Got to go. See you next time girls !

Shazwina & Afifa : Okay then. Bye take care.

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