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I. Put sentences in the right order and answer that!

Text 1
a) The color in my room is the combination between pink and purple.
b) I live in the District of Laweyan.
c) My favorite room in my house is my room.
d) I live with my nuclear family.
e) My house has some rooms like living, dining, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a pond,
and a kitchen.
f) My house is quite big and clean because everyone in my house has to do the chores
g) My nuclear family consists of father, mother, three sisters, and I.
h) My sisters and I have to clean the house, my mother has to cook, and my father has to
clean up the pond.
1. Where is the writer lived?
2. With whom is the writer lived?
3. Where is the favorite room?
4. What is the color of the writer’s room?
5. Is anyone of the house had to do job? Mention it!
Text 2
a) My pet’s name is Jon Snow.
b) He always plays with me when I come home from school.
c) Jon Show has a meaning in it.
d) The meaning is the white cat because he has white color.
e) I have a funny pet.
f) Even though my family does not like to take care of cat but I insist to have a pet.
g) And, the word “snow” has meaning of sorrow because when the first time, I find him
look very sad in the street.
h) I convince my family that I will always take care of him like feeding and bathing.
1. What is the writer’s pet?
2. Where is the writer found the pet?
3. What is the name of the pet?
4. What is the meaning of the name?
5. What is the similar meaning of the word “I” and “him”? “I will always take care of
Text 3
a) I spent one night in the house of my cousin.
b) Even though, I was very tired but it was my wonderful holiday.
c) In holiday, I visited my cousin in the Gunung Kidul, Yogjakarta.
d) The beaches are very beautiful and shady.
e) I visited many beaches like Parangtritis, Beach.
f) We went there by motorcycle.
g) I went there by bus alone in the afternoon.
h) Then my cousin picked me up in the bus station.
i) In the morning my cousin asks me to go to the beaches.
1. When was the writer visited the cousin?
2. Where was the cousin lived?
3. Where was the cousin and writer headed?
4. How did they go there?
5. How did the writer feel during holiday?
Close Sentences!
In the morning, my family and I…1…to the Tawangmangu. We…2…
everything during the days. My mother…3…many foods, drinks, clothes and my
father…4…the car carefully. We…5…a day in the Tawangmangu to visit…6… like
sekipan and Thousand Waterfall. My mother…7…many pictures in the Grojokan
Sewu. Then, my family and I…8…in the benches and…9…the foods. After that,
we…10….our journey to the sekipan. At the sekipan, we…11…dzuhur. In addition,
we also…12…a lot of fruits and vegetables there. In the afternoon, we…13…some
teas in the Ndoro Dongker. At there, I…14….Bolen Banana and Ice tea. After eating
at there, we…15…to go home. Even though, it…16…very tired but we…17…very
1. a. go b. went c. going d. goes
2. a. prepare b. preparing c. prepared d. prepares
3. a. brought b. bring c. brings d. bringing
4. a. drive b. drives c. drove d. driven
5. a. spend b. spending c. spent d. spends
6. a. many places b. much places c. many place d. much places
7. a. takes b. took c. take d. taken
8. a. resting b. rested c. rests d. rest
9. a. eats b. eat c. ate d. eaten
10. a. continue b. continuing c. continued d. continues
11. a. prayed b. prays c. pray d. praying
12. a. buys b. bought c. buy d. buying
13. a. drank b. drink c. drinks d. drunk
14. a. order b. ordered c. ordering d. orders
15. a. decides b. decide c. decided d. deciding
16. a. is b. was c. were d. am
17. a. is b. was c. were d. am
1. I like to make something on my own like bag, clothes and many else. My hobby is……
2. My father always take care of the plants and flowers well because he likes to do that. My
father’s hobby is……
3. In order to be slimmer, I have to swum almost every day. But by bit, I love it. My hobby
4. Tina usually spends her time in the church like teaching student, praying to goods, and
many else. Tina’s hobby is……
5. Juwita usually helps others who need helps like the victims of flood in Jakarta. Juwita’s
hobby is……
a. gardening b. swimming c. sewing d. volunteering work e. church activities
1. Mr. Jojon always cleans up the office. He always goes to the office early and comes back
home lately. He is a……
2. The man who losses the hand does not work anymore. He always asks others whether
money or foods. He is a…..
3. Rendi is the head of the church. He always leads people who wants to pray. He is a……
4. Ryan Reynold is the one who plays as the beast in the beauty and the beast that will release
at 17th March 2017. He is an…….
5. Miranda is just graduated from university but she have not get any job yet. She always
searches for jobs everywhere like newspaper and online. She is a……
a. actor b. job seeker c. beggar d. janitor e. pope
Identifying features!
1. My sister always helps others who need helps. She will give everything to them like
shelter, clothes, foods, and many else. She is……….
2. The twin sister in that tradition house are always late. They never help the mother to clean
up and the mother always prepare everything to them. They are……
3. The new English teacher in my school is a man who always flirts at the beautiful students.
Besides, he always gives higher mark for the beautiful one. He is……..
4. The fire officer will always sacrifice his/ her lives for the victims. Even though, there is
fire the fire officer dares to save the people. The fire officer is…..
5. The step mother orders to her step children to do the chores. She asks the children to clean
up, wash, iron, cook, and many else. She is……
a. lazy b. bossy c. flirting d. generous e. brave
Translate the sentences into English!
1. Nina dan temanya menikmati teh bersama di Ndoro Dongker dan memakan Bolen Banana
there every holiday.
2. Denny pergi ke sekolah dengan sepeda setiap hari.
3. Ibuku membeli buku-buku untukku kemarin.
4. Andy menyalakan lampu di kamar tamu beberapa jam yang lalu.
5. Susan meletakkan bonekanya di kasur beberapa saat lalu.
6. Adikku selalu suka untuk makan steak.
7. Didin dan ibunya menyiapkan makan malam bersama di dapur setiap hari.
8. Aku selalu mengerjakan tugasku tepat waktu.
9. Guru bahasa Inggrisku memberikan banyak tugas kemarin.
10. Murid-murid di SMP menghadiri upacara bendera di lapangan setiap senin.
1. My mother always (cook)…………..for us deliciously.
2. In the last holiday, my family and I (visit)…………… related in the Bandung.
3. Bonny usually (success)………………to make the cake.
4. My little brother (drink)………………….a bottle of milk yesterday.
5. My friends and I always (watch)…………….the newest movie together.
6. Doddy (spend)………………………..the last summer holiday in the beach with his
7. My aunt (bring)……………….me my favorite cake every week.
8. The beautiful bird always (chirp)…………………..loudly every morning.
9. In the few moment a go, I (prepare)……………..for the exam well.
10. My lovely brother never (pick)……………… up from school.
Singular and Plural!

1.Chair : I bought some_________

2.Furniture : I bought some________

3.Fruit : There is a lot of_______on the table

4.Vegetable : there is a lot of______on the table

5.Clothing : I have a lot of______in my closet

6.Dress : marry has a lot of______in her closet

7.Information : There are a lot of______in encyclopedia

8.Fact : There (is, are) a lot of_______in an encylopedia

9.Grammar : I know a lot of_____

10.Vocabulary : I’m learning a lot of new_____

11.word : I am learning a lot of new_____

12.Slang : I want to learn some American_______

13.Idiom : I know a lot of english_________

14.Traffic : There (is, are) a lot of______in the street

15.Car : there (is, are) a lot of______on the road

16.Literature : I like to read good________

17.novel : I like to read good_______

18.poem : I like to read______

19.poetry : I like to read_____

20.mail : Did you get any______today?

21.Letter : Did you get any______today?

22.Sand : I get some_____in my shoes at the beach

23.Dust : there (is, are) a lot of_______under the bed

24.Homework : I have a lot of_______to do tonight

25.Assignment : the teacher gives us a lot of_______

26.Money : He has some______in his pocket

27.Money : He has some_______in his pocket

28.Coin : I need some______for the vending machine

29.Change : I need some______for the vending machine

30.Garbage : The street is very dirty. There (is, are) some______in the street

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