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Point of Care Testing
(Dry Fluorescence Immunoassay)

Quantitative, Rapid and High Sensitive

Reliable Result (QC system, QR code calibration)

Lansion Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Time-resolved Fluorescence Immunoassay (TRFIA) Method:

large peak shift 40
30 fluorescence
(∑ . 1 0 - 5 ) 0.4 intensity %
300 400 500 600
wave length ( n m )

TRFIA is super-sensitive detection technique characterized by specific fluorescence of rare earth

ions. It is not only highly sensitive, but also overcomes the instability of enzyme marker and is the
best choice for immunological detection. The high fluorescence intensity and long life of labeled
ionic chelates are beneficial to eliminate the influence of fluorescent substances in samples and
environment on the test results.

Analyzer Introduction:

Analyzer uses the advanced method of Time-resolved Fluorescence Immunoassay (TRFIA), for the
in-vitro quantitative detection of bio-markers for Diabetes Mellitus, Inflammation, Cardiovascular
Diseases, Hormone, Gastric Diseases, Renal Diseases, Tumor, etc.

Application: Laboratory, ER, Cardiology, ICU, Respiratory, Pediatrics, etc.


Labo rator y I CU C a rd i o lo g y

ER Re s p i rato r y Pe d i at r i c s

⸺POCT One-stop Solution⸺

Dry Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer (Portable)


M et h o d T i m e - re s o l v e d F l u o re s ce n ce I m m u n oa s s a y ( T R F I A )

Specimen Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood/Urine

Weight 1 . 3 kg

Dimensions 225mm×152mm×105mm (L×W×H)

S c re e n 7 i n c h to u c h s c re e n

D ata Sto ra ge 10000

P r i n te r B u i l t- i n t h e r m a l p r i n te r

B atte r y B u i l t- i n l i t h i u m batte r y ( sta n d b y t i m e : 1 0 h r s )

C o m m u n i cat i o n RS 2 3 2 ( L I S / H I S ) , RJ 4 5 , US B , W I F I , B l u eto ot h

Easy Operation:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

QR Code C al ibration I nfo r mat i o n I n p ut S a mp le D i s p e n s e

Step 4 Step 5

Auto matic Dete ction Re s ult O ut p ut

Lansion Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Dry Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer (High Throughput)

High Sensitive High Throughput

Reliable Results (8 channels)

( Q C s y ste m + Q R C o d e

C a l i b rat i o n + I n n e r Rapid
te m p e rat u re co n t ro l ) (in 10 secs)


M et h o d T i m e - re s o l v e d F l u o re s ce n ce I m m u n oa s s a y ( T R F I A )

Specimen Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood/Urine

Weight 7 . 5 kg

Dimensions 390mm×290mm×205mm (L×W×H)

S c re e n 1 0 . 1 i n c h H D to u c h s c re e n

S y ste m A n d ro i d

Te st S p e e d 1 2 0 T/ H

D ata Sto ra ge 10000

P r i n te r B u i l t- i n t h e r m a l p r i n te r

C o m m u n i cat i o n RS 2 3 2 ( L I S / H I S ) , RJ 4 5 , US B , W I F I , B l u eto ot h

Easy Operation:
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

QR Code C al ibration I n fo r mat i o n I n p ut S a mp le D i s p e ns e

Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Inser t St rip Auto mat i c D ete ct i o n Re s ult O ut p ut

(Up to 8 samples being detected simultaneously)

⸺POCT One-stop Solution⸺

Dry Fluorescence Immunoassay Analyzer (Handheld)

Quantitative Reliable Result High sensitive


M et h o d T i m e - re s o l v e d F l u o re s ce n ce I m m u n oa s s a y ( T R F I A )

Specimen Serum/Plasma/Whole Blood/Urine

Weight 600g

Dimensions 191mm×84.5mm×45mm (L×W×H)

S c re e n 5 . 0 i n c h to u c h s c re e n

D ata Sto ra ge 50000

B atte r y B u i l t- i n l i t h i u m batte r y ( s u p e r sta n d b y t i m e )

C o m m u n i cat i o n RS 2 3 2 , Ty p e - C US B , W I F I , B l u eto ot h a n d 4 G

Lansion Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Test Items:
Category Test Item Specimen Type Sample Volume Reaction Time Measuring Range

Antigen Nasal Swab 100μl 15min -

COVID-19 IgM/IgG S/P 5μl 15min -
NAb S/P 100μl 15min -
Diabetes HbA1c WB 5μl 15min 3-14%
CRP S/PWB 5μl 3min 0.5-200μg/mL
PCT S/P 100μl 10min 0.1-50ng/mL
SAA S/P/WB 5μl 3min 2-300μg/mL
SAA/CRP S/P/WB 5μl 5min
Inflammation CRP:0.5-200μg/mL
PCT/CRP S/P 5μl 3min
IL-6 S 100μl 15min 5-2000pg/mL
IgG4 S/P 100μl 15min 0.055-3.3g/L
cTnI S/P 100μl 10min 0.05-40ng/mL
CK-MB S/P 100μl 10min 0.2-80ng/mL
Myo S/P 100μl 10min 20-500ng/mL
cTnI /CK-MB/Myo S 100μl 10min CK-MB:0.2-80ng/mL
Cardiac Myo:20-500ng/mL
NT-proBNP S/P 100μl 15min 50-25000pg/mL
D-Dimer P 100μl 10min 0.1-10μg/mL
H-FABP S/P 100μl 5min 1ng/mL-200ng/mL
BNP S/P 100μl 15min 5-5000pg/mL
Lp-PLA2 S/P 100μl 10min 10-1000ng/mL
TSH S/P 100μl 15min 0.1-60μIU/mL
TT3 S/P 100μl 15min 0.5-10nmol/mL
TT4 S/P 100μl 10min 10-350nmol/mL
25-OH-VD3 S/P 100μl 10min 11ng/mL-43ng/mL
25-OH-VD S/P/WB 10min 5.0-70ng/mL
β-HCG S/P 50μl 15min 2.0-20000mIU/mL
AMH S 100μl 10min 0.1-50ng/mL
LH S 100μl 10min 1.02-200mIU/mL
FSH S 100μl 10min 1-200mIU/mL
PRL S 100μl 15min 200-4000μIU/mL
Progesterone S/P 100μl 10min 0.8-50ng/mL
PGI:10-160 ng/mL
Gastric Function PGⅠ/PGⅡ S 100μl 10min
PGII:6.25 -100 ng/mL
Tumor PSA S/P 100μl 10min 0.1-100ng/mL

N e w i te m s a re a va i l a b l e s o o n !

Lansion Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Add: No.2 Qiande Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, China

E-mail: Tel: +86-25-5857 7600
Web: Fax: +86-25-5875 8600

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