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Name: ___________________________________ EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Summative

Grade&Section: ___________________________


I. True or False: Write T if the sentence is correct; otherwise write F. (1pt each)

1. ____ Use as many slides as you can so that the audience can clearly understand your message.
2. ____ Powerpoint presentation is a form of visual aid.
3. ____ Most of the contents of your report must be presented through your powerpoint presentation and not from the speaker
4. ____ To insert a hyperlink, go to the Home tab then click the Hyperlink option.
5. ____ To embed an object, to the insert tab and under the text group, click object.
6. ____ There are two options when inserting an object: create new from file and create new from existing file.
7. ____ Action buttons are found in the Insert>Smart art.
8. ____ Use dark fonts on dak backgrounds to gain proper contrast.
9. ____ Use bullets to simplify your message.
10. ____ Insert artwork in each slide of your presentation. It may not be related but at least it would draw the audience’s attention.

II. ESSAY: Answer the following questions in not more than 5 sentences.(10 pts each)

1. What is the significance of using hyperlinks that navigate around your presentation instead of just using keyboard shortcuts?

2. Cite three instances where objects can help improve your presentation

Excellent Good Needs Improvement

( 3 pts) (2 pts) (1 pt)
Content Knowledge Student Student is at ease Student does not
demonstrates with content but is have good grasp of
excellent knowledge unable to elaborate. information about the _/3
on about the topic topic.
Grammar and Presentation has no Presentation has Presentation has
spelling misspellings or more than 2 more than 3
grammatical errors misspellings and/or misspellings and/or _/3
grammatical errors grammatical errors
References Work displays 2 or Work displays at Work displays no
more references, least 1 (one) references
written correctly. references, written _/3

Total score: (+1 effort) ___/ 10

Name: ___________________________________ EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES: PT 4
Grade&Section: ___________________________

INSTRUCTION: Below is a list of presentation tools. Research about them and write their definition, advantages and
disadvantages. (5 pts each)

1. Microsoft powerpoint
2. Prezi
3. Apple keynote
4. Google slides
5. Haiku deck
6. photosnack

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