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FAO Coffee Pocketbook


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2015

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Today, more people are consuming more coffee than ever before. As the middle classes
of the developing world continue to swell, as their incomes rise and coffee remains
affordable, the luxury of the occasional coffee has become a daily habit in an ever-
growing number of countries. The rising demand has also afforded producers with new
options and opportunities. Coffee has become an important contributor to cash income
for many smallholders, who produce most of the world’s beans. The annual output has
now reached almost nine million tonnes, one million tonnes more than a decade ago.
The gross value of production of green coffee now exceeds US$16 billion, and its export
value reached US$24 billion in 2012.

While rising demand offers unprecedented opportunities to growers, they also have to
live up to a growing set of challenges. Many are confronted with inadequate access to
credit, high price volatility, as well as bureaucratic hurdles at home and market bar-
riers abroad. And, they are operating in a global value chain where a vast and often
unorganized number of small coffee growers are exposed to the market power of a few,
large traders and roasters. In addition, many smallholders find it hard to cope with the
vagaries of weather in the short-run and the deteriorating growing conditions brought
about by climate change over the longer-term.

This Pocketbook puts numbers to these developments, assesses short-term changes

and long-term trends in production, consumption, trade and prices, and provides useful
background information on related shifts in poverty, health and rural development. It
is part of the FAO Statistical Yearbook suite of products and is organized around two
major sections: thematic spreads with data-driven visualizations, and comprehensive
country and regional profiles.

FAO is strongly committed to helping countries strengthen their national statistical sys-
tems and improve the timeliness and quality of their data. This includes a commitment
to improve and broaden the information necessary to support evidence-based decision
making by all stakeholders in the coffee value chain.

Pietro Gennari
Chief Statistician and Director, ESS


Overview 6
Economy 8
Poverty 10
Dietary energy supply 12

Coffee production 14
Coffee trade 16
Coffee prices 18

Country Profiles 22

Definitions 191

Notes 194




FIGURE 1: Classification of countries

A combination of declining mortality rates,
prolonged life expectancy and younger pop-
Rural population Urban population
ulations in regions with high fertility con-
tributes to continuous, albeit declining pop- 10.0
ulation growth in the world. While rates
continue to slow, the world’s population has 7.5

billion people
nevertheless doubled since the late 1960s,
to over 7 billion people today. Generally, 5.0
population growth is high where income lev-
els are low. This is especially true in cities. 2.5
Since 2008, more people live in cities than
in rural areas.
1961 2000 2015 2050

Data after 2015 are projections

CHART 1: Rural and urban population

Countries with highest values Countries with highest values

Countries with lowest values Countries with lowest values

Qatar Japan
United Arab Iceland
Bahrain Switzerland
Kuwait Spain
Niger Singapore
Liberia Italy
Eritrea Australia
Rwanda Israel
Chad France
Uganda Luxembourg
Estonia Angola
Ukraine Chad
Bulgaria Côte d'Ivoire
Georgia Mozambique
N. Mariana Central African
Islands Republic
Lithuania DR Congo
Latvia Lesotho
Republic of Swaziland
Niue Botswana
Tokelau Sierra Leone

−5 0 5 10 50 60 70 80
percent percent

CHART 2: Population, average annual growth CHART 3: Life expectancy at birth, countries
(2004-2014) with the highest and lowest values (2013)

Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania

2 000
million people

1 500

1 000


2000 2005 2010

CHART 4: Total economically active population (2000 to 2014)

64 ~< 100
15 ~< 32
32 ~< 47
47 ~< 64
No Data
0 ~< 15

FIGURE 2: Rural population, share of total population (2014)

Changes in the wider economy, including
growing global integration – and there-
fore trade, currency movements and inter- Agriculture Industry Services
national prices – affect the performance of
commodities in the agricultural sector, in-
cluding coffee production. During the global 75

economic downturn of the last decade, some
sectors were particularly hard hit. Agricul- 50
ture was affected too, but the coffee sec- 25
tor has demonstrated remarkable resilience.
Since 2008, the value of coffee production 0
has grown at over 3.5 percent per year, which




is faster than 2.5 percent overall growth in






CHART 5: Value added, share of GDP (2013)

Countries with highest values
France Countries with lowest values

United States
of America Ethiopia
Finland Tajikistan
Netherlands Mongolia

Belgium Paraguay
Sierra Leone
Sweden Namibia
Spain Luxembourg
Lebanon Samoa

Denmark Bulgaria
Germany United Arab
Austria Bahamas
New Zealand Ireland

40 000 80 000 120 000 0 10 20

US$ percent

CHART 6: Agriculture value added per worker, CHART 7: Life expectancy at birth, countries
countries with the highest values with the highest and lowest values (2013)

Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania



2000 2005 2010

CHART 8: Value added in agriculture as share of GDP

12 ~< 23
23 ~< 59
No Data

7 ~< 12
0 ~< 3
3 ~< 7

FIGURE 3: Value added in agriculture, share of GDP (percent, 2010 to 2013*)

Most coffee is produced in developing coun- TABLE 1: People living on less than 2005 PPP
tries. Yet the benefits from the expansion of $1.25 a day (mln)
the coffee industry in recent years have not
always trickled down to the poorest. Among 1990 2015*
the largest coffee producing countries, many East Asia & Pacific 939 86
still have more than 10 percent of their pop-
Europe & Central Asia 7 1
ulations living below US$1.25 a day. How-
ever, change is on the way, and coffee plays Lat Amer & Caribbean 53 27
a pivotal role in this process. Coffee produc- Mid East & N Africa 13 7
tion and the proceeds from it have allowed
South Asia 620 311
a growing number of small and poor farm-
ers to escape the poverty trap. By adapting Sub-Saharan Africa 290 403
new technologies or by switching to better World 1 923 836
varieties, many now harvest higher crops of * forecast
better quality beans.

Countries with highest values Countries with highest values

Countries with lowest values Countries with lowest values

South Africa Madagascar

Zambia Zimbabwe
Honduras Guinea−Bissau
Colombia DR Congo
Lesotho Honduras
Brazil Zambia
Guatemala Togo
Chile Haiti
Rwanda Lesotho
Panama Guinea
Finland Brazil
Romania Czech Republic
Belarus Montenegro
Czech Republic Ukraine
Iceland Azerbaijan
Denmark Sri Lanka
Norway Belarus
Slovakia Kazakhstan
Ukraine Turkey
Slovenia Malaysia

40 50 60 70 0 20 40 60
percent percent

CHART 9: Income share held by highest 20 CHART 10: Poverty headcount ratio at
(percent) (2010-2014) national poverty line (population share)

East Asia & Pacific Lat Amer & Caribbean South Asia World
Europe & Central Asia Mid East & N Africa Sub−Saharan Africa

% of population



1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

CHART 11: Share of population living on less than 2005 PPP $1.25 a day (%)

15 ~< 39
39 ~< 88
No Data

4 ~< 15
0 ~< 0
0 ~< 4

FIGURE 4: Share of population living less than US$ 1.25 per day (2007 - 2012)

Dietary energy supply
TThe dietary energy supply (DES) is the food
available for human consumption, expressed
in kilocalories per person per day. In 1961
the average global calorie availability was Cereals
(excl. beer)
as low as 2 196 kcal/cap/day; by 2011, it
had reached 2 870 kcal/cap/day, and con- Meat and offals
sisted primarily of a base of staple grains, Milk
and meat and dairy products. Consumers (excl. butter)
of coffee have traditionally come from high- Starchy roots
income countries but now include the grow- Sugar and
ing middle classes in developing countries. sweeteners
Veg. oils and
In terms of calories, coffee and other stimu- animal fats
lants still make up a very small part of food
available for consumption.

CHART 12: Share of dietary energy supply,

kcal/capita/day (2009-2011)

2000 2015 2000 2015

Turkey Bolivia
Argentina Uganda
Egypt Rwanda
Cuba Swaziland
Tunisia Yemen
Republic of Korea Chad
United Arab Kenya
Ghana Zimbabwe
Morocco Tanzania
Algeria Timor−Leste
Lebanon Ethiopia
Kuwait Tajikistan
Brazil Congo
Saudi Arabia North Korea
Iran Afghanistan
(Islamic Republic of)
Oman Madagascar
Kazakhstan Namibia
China Haiti
South Africa Zambia
Jordan Central African
2 500 3 000 3 500 1 800 2 000 2 200
kcal/cap/day kcal/cap/day

CHART 13: Dietary energy supply, top 20 CHART 14: Dietary energy supply, bottom 20
countries in 2015 countries in 2015

Africa Asia Latin America and the Caribbean Oceania World

3 000

2 800

2 600

2 400
2000 2005 2010 2015

CHART 15: Dietary energy supply

111 ~< 121
121 ~< 128
128 ~< 136
136 ~< 161
87 ~< 111
No Data

FIGURE 5: Average dietary energy supply adequacy, percent (2014-2016)

Coffee production
Over the past 50 years, both production and TABLE 2: Fastest growing coffee producers
consumption of coffee have risen consider- based on quantities (average annual growth
ably. Consumers have reaped some of the rate, 2000 to 2013)
benefits through a greater variety of cof-
fee products, improved quality and lower %
real prices. Now over 70 countries pro- China 17
duce coffee, and over 50 percent comes from
Angola 17
just three countries. Some coffee produc-
ing countries have seen considerable bene- Myanmar 14
fits through higher yields and growing vol- Guyana 13
umes of sales. But many, especially small- Nepal 13
holders, who produce the majority of the
world’s coffee, are also facing growing chal-
lenges from climate change and more diffi-
cult natural growing conditions.

2000 2013 2000 2013

Brazil Brazil
Viet Nam Indonesia
Indonesia Colombia
Colombia Mexico
India Viet Nam
Honduras Ethiopia
Ethiopia Peru
Peru India
Guatemala Uganda
Mexico Honduras
Uganda Guatemala
Côte d'Ivoire Tanzania
Laos Côte d'Ivoire
Nicaragua Cameroon
Philippines Venezuela
Venezuela El Salvador
Costa Rica Madagascar
Tanzania Philippines
Madagascar Kenya
Papua New Nicaragua
0 1 000 2 000 3 000 0 500 1 000 1 500 2 000
mln tonnes 1 000 ha

CHART 16: Countries with the highest coffee CHART 17: Countries with the highest
production quantities in 2013 harvested area of coffee in 2013

Brazil India Viet Nam

Colombia Indonesia

3 000
1 000 mln tonnes

2 000

1 000

2000 2005 2010 2013

CHART 18: Production quantities of top 5 coffee producers 2000 - 2013

FIGURE 6: Coffee yield (2013)
No Data
39 ~< 2 418
2 418 ~< 4 300
4 300 ~< 6 613
6 613 ~< 9 672

9 672 ~< 29 255
Coffee trade
Coffee is not only traded in large quanti- TABLE 3: Fastest growing coffee exporters
ties, it also comes in a multitude of differ- based on export value (average annual
ent qualities, varieties and forms. These in- growth rate, 2000 to 2013)
clude arabica and robusta, roasted or green,
as well as instant and solubles. Coffee ex- %
ports are also a key source of foreign ex- Burkina Faso 102
change and national income for many de- Niger 75
veloping countries. In 2012, total exports
of 7 million tonnes accounted for a value of Egypt 74
US$24 billion. Just 10 years ago, the value Bulgaria 74
was only US$5.1 billion for a total of 5.5 mil- Gambia 72
lion tonnes.

2000 2012 2000 2012

Brazil United States

of America
Viet Nam Germany
Colombia Italy
Germany Japan
Honduras Belgium
Indonesia France
Peru Spain
Guatemala Switzerland
Ethiopia Canada
Belgium United Kingdom
Mexico Sweden
India Republic of Korea
Nicaragua Russian Federation
Costa Rica Algeria
Uganda Poland
El Salvador Netherlands
Papua New Australia
Kenya Finland
Tanzania Venezuela
United States Saudi Arabia
of America
0 2 000 4 000 6 000 0 2 000 4 000 6 000
million US$ million US$

CHART 19: Top 20 coffee exporters in 2012 CHART 20: Top 20 coffee importers in 2012

Coffee, extracts Coffee, roasted

Coffee, green

20 000
mln US$

10 000

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

CHART 21: Value of coffee imports

FIGURE 7: Net trade of coffee in 2012
million US$
No Data
−9 508 ~< −76
−76 ~< −9
−9 ~< 0
0 ~< 4

4 ~< 5 722
Coffee prices
Approximately 60 percent of the world’s cof-
fee production is arabica, while the other
40 percent is robusta. The former is gen- Coffee, arabica Coffee, robusta
erally considered of superior quality and 12
fetches a higher price. The latter tends to
be hardier and has a bitter taste. In develop- 9
ing countries, including China and Indone-
sia, robusta is now the bean of choice. Up

until 2013, prices of arabica were declining, 6
primarily due to the growing availability of
the cheaper robusta beans on world markets. 3
Between 2013 and 2014, however, prices
of both types rose, arabica from US$2.90 0
to US$4.18 and robusta from US$1.96 to 1960 1980 2000
CHART 22: Annual coffee prices, 1960 to
2014, real 2010 US$

United States United States

of America of America
Panama Saudi Arabia
Venezuela Yemen
Yemen Venezuela
Kenya Kenya
Honduras Dominican Republic
Vanuatu Panama
Dominican Republic Brazil
Burundi Thailand
Colombia Colombia
Nigeria El Salvador
Ecuador Peru
Peru Sri Lanka
El Salvador Ecuador
Sri Lanka Philippines
Indonesia Viet Nam
Bolivia Bolivia
Ethiopia Nepal
Philippines Togo
Brazil Laos

2 000 4 000 6 000 0 5 000 10 000

US$ per tonne US$ per tonne

CHART 23: Producer prices, green coffee (US$ CHART 24: Producer prices, green coffee (US$
per tonne) in 2000, top 20 countries per tonne) in 2013, top 20 countries

Brazil India Viet Nam

Colombia Indonesia

4 000
US$ per tonne

3 000

2 000

1 000

2001 2005 2010 2013

CHART 25: Producer prices, green coffee, top 5 coffee producers

No Data

FIGURE 8: Producer Price Index (2004-2006 = 100) (2012)

34 ~< 120
120 ~< 158
158 ~< 181
181 ~< 220

220 ~< 753
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 12 21 31
Population, rural (mln) 10 16 24
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 097 1 884
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 35.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 38.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 49 55 61
Primary completion rate (% age group) 28.8 28.8
Improved water source (% pop) 4.9 22.1 64.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 21 23.2 29
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 39.2 45.2 26
Number of people undernourished (mln) 6 9.4 8.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 37.8 24
Food exports (mln US$) 95 37 161
Food imports (mln US$) 170 158 1 081
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 50 0
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 1 205
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 022 2 466 3 537
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 69 86 120
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 872 1 792 2 089
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 006 1 515 1 873
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 308 275 216
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 98.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.4 0.4 0.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 98.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 8 10 14

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 3 3
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 4 350 5 305 9 961
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.7 0.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 25.4 14.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 29.6 15.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 72 74 78
Primary completion rate (% age group) 94.4
Improved water source (% pop) 96.5 95.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 79.4 83.8 91.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 35.9 29.1 22.7
Food exports (mln US$) 54 4 40
Food imports (mln US$) 89 185 589
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 6 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 119 223
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 800 4 173 15 964
Roasted (1 000 US$) 649 12 470
Extracts (1 000 US$) 361 1 624
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 685 892 1 306
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 67 86 128
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 114 2 060 2 143
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 446 674 880
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 39.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3.4 7.3 11
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 39.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 3 3 2

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 26 32 40
Population, rural (mln) 13 12 10
GDP per capita (current US$) 10 113 9 886 12 893
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 7.1 6.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 67 69 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 76.7 77.3 105.5
Improved water source (% pop) 93.9 89.4 83.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 88.6 92.2 95.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 7.1 8.7 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2 2.8 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 11.4 8.9 10
Food exports (mln US$) 25 19 277
Food imports (mln US$) 2 101 2 264 8 478
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 503 0 31
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 2
Extracts (1 000 US$) 7 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 85 090 123 352 336 037
Roasted (1 000 US$) 536 253 1 831
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 17 9 316
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 788 3 723 8 541
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 51 70 158
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 830 2 847 3 310
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 446 2 535 2 917
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 307 277 379
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 61.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.3 6.3 7.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 61.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 9 10 13

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 14 22
Population, rural (mln) 6 7 9
GDP per capita (current US$) 4 232 3 387 7 488
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 54.3 43.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 36.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 58.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 41 45 52
Primary completion rate (% age group) 34.2 54.3
Improved water source (% pop) 42.4 45.7 54.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 29.2 42.2 60.1
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 64.6 51.1 15.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) 7.4 7.1 3.4
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 33.3 5.7 9.4
Food exports (mln US$) 0 0 19
Food imports (mln US$) 353 334 2 707
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 704.15
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 4 621 1 400 1 004
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 330
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 1 362
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 799 1 323 4 565
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 38 63 213
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 60 000 30 000 40 707
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 833 1 420 3 194
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 5 4 13
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 611 1 810 2 502
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 446 1 639 2 219
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 195 153 254
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 20.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 12.4 12.4 12.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 20.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 79 80 79

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 33 37 42
Population, rural (mln) 4 4 3
GDP per capita (current US$)
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 2 5.1 1.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 72 74 76
Primary completion rate (% age group) 99 110.2
Improved water source (% pop) 93.8 96.5 98.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 86.5 91.7 97.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 8.1 5.1 8.2
Food exports (mln US$) 5 141 7 746 27 534
Food imports (mln US$) 102 982 1 084
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 166 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 10 261 1 502
Extracts (1 000 US$) 39 715 1 682
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 36 756 54 561 105 795
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 1 324 11 819
Extracts (1 000 US$) 875 6 026 42 689
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 23 434 31 746 44 257
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 63 86 118
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 3 116 3 246 3 606
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 035 2 242 2 210
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 876 1 014 945
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 73.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.7 6 6.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 2.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 73.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 186 178 174

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 3 3
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 736 2 919 7 527
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 10.7 1.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 48.3 32
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 47.9 31.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 71 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 89.4 100.1
Improved water source (% pop) 90.6 92.6 99.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 88.8 88.9 90.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 27.3 21.4 6.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.9 0.7 0.2
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 17.4 25.5 21.9
Food exports (mln US$) 0 4 59
Food imports (mln US$) 118 161 589
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 109 17
Roasted (1 000 US$) 109 5 512
Extracts (1 000 US$) 60 10
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 13 428 25 190
Roasted (1 000 US$) 4 1 188
Extracts (1 000 US$) 376 5 250
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 591 607 1 171
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 65 68 129
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 179 2 253 2 862
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 835 1 888 2 117
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 267 347 692
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 66.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.9 7 8.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 66.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 2 2 2

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 17 19 24
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 28 604 35 253 42 834
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 79 82
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 5.4 3.4 2.5
Food exports (mln US$) 7 094 10 726 27 285
Food imports (mln US$) 1 039 1 959 8 036
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 312 13 888 2 759
Roasted (1 000 US$) 725 2 787 11 893
Extracts (1 000 US$) 12 534 3 084 38 950
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 56 395 75 662 300 566
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 714 18 004 155 793
Extracts (1 000 US$) 33 112 43 819 172 763
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 16 436 23 447 26 206
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 74 105 120
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 064 2 022 2 207
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 100 977 1 058
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 65.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.1 9.1 12.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 65.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 186 210 227

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 8 8 9
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 31 053 38 548 44 056
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 76 78 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 99.9 98.3
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.5 1.8 1.3
Food exports (mln US$) 1 043 2 343 8 396
Food imports (mln US$) 1 779 2 995 9 461
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 3 316 710 1 746
Roasted (1 000 US$) 51 069 61 957 105 133
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 095 5 347 19 414
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 174 181 98 438 124 111
Roasted (1 000 US$) 9 923 29 210 366 399
Extracts (1 000 US$) 16 516 25 691 73 752
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 410 4 573 4 689
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 94 100 102
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 306 2 552 2 615
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 203 1 251 1 169
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 2.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 20.7 23.5 23.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 17
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 2.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -2 -6 11

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 8 8 10
Population, rural (mln) 4 4 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 8 513 4 459 16 593
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 49.6 5.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 42.5
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 65 67 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 95.8 89.5 92
Improved water source (% pop) 69.9 74 80.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 62.1 82
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 23.6 22.5 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.8 1.8 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 29 17.1 5.7
Food exports (mln US$) 21 31 679
Food imports (mln US$) 187 200 1 018
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 70 21
Roasted (1 000 US$) 56 238
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 1 851
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 275 1 481 2 863
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 66 76 140
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 221 2 380 3 030
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 915 2 081 2 446
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 320 314 505
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 76.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.2 6.8 7.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 76.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 5 5 7

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 35 398 45 063 42 444
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 73 75 77
Primary completion rate (% age group) 99.7 99.1
Improved water source (% pop) 94.9 98.9 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 99 99.1 99.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 0.9 0.9
Food exports (mln US$) 1 28 147
Food imports (mln US$) 226 334 877
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 43
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 47 223
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 4 26
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 150 285 162
Roasted (1 000 US$) 660 75 1 556
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 591 2 900
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 19 26 44
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 91 122 207
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 44.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.3 2.8 2.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 44.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 107 132 159
Population, rural (mln) 86 101 111
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 239 1 606 2 853
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 70.2 58.6 43.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 56.6 48.9 31.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 58.7 52.3 35.2
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 60 65 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 45.5 74.6
Improved water source (% pop) 68 76 84.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 33.4 44.5 57
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 34.7 23.1 16.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 39.9 30.5 26.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 32.8 23.8 15.9
Food exports (mln US$) 15 13 71
Food imports (mln US$) 627 1 320 4 712
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 12 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 4 120 88
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 88 67
Extracts (1 000 US$) 30 430 2 314
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 10 755 14 982 22 700
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 64 89 135
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 041 2 285 2 470
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 049 2 184 2 344
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 62 74 106
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 87.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.1 4.6 4.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 87.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 91 97 106

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 13 025 14 714 15 299
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 73 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 99.1 104
Improved water source (% pop) 95.4 99.1 99.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 82.3 90.1 91.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.8 2.3 1.8
Food exports (mln US$) 43 43 47
Food imports (mln US$) 88 95 242
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 32 3 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 64 24 253
Roasted (1 000 US$) 149 60 509
Extracts (1 000 US$) 749 837 1 301
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 54 50 48
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 110 102 97
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 933 2 887 3 071
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 233 2 185 2 334
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 873 656 713
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 54.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.1 0.1 0.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 54.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 10 9
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 8 084 7 300 17 055
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0.3 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 41.9 5.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 50.8 9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 69 72
Primary completion rate (% age group) 94.2 100 99.8
Improved water source (% pop) 99.5 99.6 99.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 95.2 94.9 94.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 23.5 14.2 8.9
Food exports (mln US$) 153 413 4 120
Food imports (mln US$) 516 701 2 070
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 450 2
Roasted (1 000 US$) 750 1 226
Extracts (1 000 US$) 240 1 905
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 400 2 000 1 261
Roasted (1 000 US$) 700 26 867
Extracts (1 000 US$) 750 600 45 533
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 7 245 5 451 7 556
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 113 80 126
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 230 2 203 2 429
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 965 790 824
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 19.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.5 7.1 8.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 19.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 14 8 -8

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 11
Population, rural (mln) 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 30 798 37 404 40 609
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 76 78 80
Primary completion rate (% age group) 79.1 90.1
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 1.3 0.7
Food exports (mln US$) 13 240 31 389
Food imports (mln US$) 10 245 26 957
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 127 576 741 547
Roasted (1 000 US$) 147 633 463 078
Extracts (1 000 US$) 49 712 156 578
Imports, coffee
1 167 915
Green (1 000 US$) 252 687

Roasted (1 000 US$) 53 290 221 130

Extracts (1 000 US$) 41 655 96 814
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 6 801 6 441
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 107 102
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 594 2 620
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 173 1 172
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 11.6 14.7 23
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 4.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 9 8

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 166 7 215 8 215
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 9.1 12.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 71 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 93.8 100.8 109.1
Improved water source (% pop) 72.9 85.1 99.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 75.9 82.7 90.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 7.3 6.5 6.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 20 16.8 15.3
Food exports (mln US$) 94 158 205
Food imports (mln US$) 38 60 87
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 488
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 95 115
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 15 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 2 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 2 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 696 5 10
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 172 290
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 1 337 2 356
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 91 155 188
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 51 85 102
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 0 40 45
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 41 250 11 111
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 682 2 696 2 773
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 872 2 111 2 204
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 612 577 547
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 67.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 26 35.2 36.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 67.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 5 5 5

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 7 11
Population, rural (mln) 3 4 6
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 362 1 525 1 733
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 47.3 51.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 36.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 39.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 53 55 59
Primary completion rate (% age group) 18.7 37.3 75.7
Improved water source (% pop) 57.1 66.1 76.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 5 9 14.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 28.5 23.9 8.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.6 1.7 0.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 34.7 34.9 35.9
Food exports (mln US$) 17 40 373
Food imports (mln US$) 92 106 1 612
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 1 75
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 9 141
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 98 2 221
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 812 1 414 2 509
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 48 85 152
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 1 000 1 261 355
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 1 200 2 181 1 972
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 159 2 262 2 792
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 052 2 149 2 481
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 82 94 112
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 45.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 23.8 25 26.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 45.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 19 20 15

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 332 3 596 7 167
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 24 2.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 12
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 16.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 52 60 68
Primary completion rate (% age group) 24 51 98.4
Improved water source (% pop) 86.1 98.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 35 46.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 35.3 27.4 17.1
Food exports (mln US$) 10 10 33
Food imports (mln US$) 14 20 124
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 60 0 4
Roasted (1 000 US$) 22 0 2
Extracts (1 000 US$) 418
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 104 103 145
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 69 69 97
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 94.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 14.3 28.4 28.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 94.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -2 -6 -8

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 7 8 11
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 740 4 330 5 934
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 5.2 26.9 8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 66.4 45
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 87 61.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 59 63 67
Primary completion rate (% age group) 70.2 96 89.4
Improved water source (% pop) 68.6 78.9 88.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 28.3 37 46.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 36.5 34.6 16.6
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.7 2.9 1.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 16.7 15 13.3
Food exports (mln US$) 143 254 1 004
Food imports (mln US$) 74 236 494
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 494.01 916.63 1 375.29
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 31 85 142
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 14 132 10 337 18 583
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 16 120
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 1 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 2 20 209
Extracts (1 000 US$) 62 2 336 9 221
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 631 2 321 3 753
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 59 82 136
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 27 547 24 404 30 013
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 8 850 11 349 9 414
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 24 28 28
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 996 2 066 2 277
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 634 1 745 1 804
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 304 331 450
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 92
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 8.8 18.7 20.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 92
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 99 99 115

Bosnia and Herzegovina
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 4 4
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 6 158 9 387
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.3 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 17.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 67 75 76
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 97.1 97.6 99.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 95.1 95.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 10.6 7.6
Food exports (mln US$) 14 35 318
Food imports (mln US$) 105 364 1 275
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 48 115
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 083 3 741
Extracts (1 000 US$) 79 115
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 720 400 64 522
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 800 4 900 10 370
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 459 10 958
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 718 606 1 062
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 84 64 117
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 164 2 407 2 597
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 293 399 533
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.5 0.6 1.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -9 -9 3

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 2 2
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 8 094 10 274 15 247
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 24.4 13.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 30.6 19.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 44.8 24.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 63 50 47
Primary completion rate (% age group) 88.5 89.1 97.7
Improved water source (% pop) 91.9 94.8 96.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 38.6 52 64.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 28.6 35.6 24.8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.4 0.6 0.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 4.9 3 2.4
Food exports (mln US$) 71 99 106
Food imports (mln US$) 167 308 564
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 13 11 14
Roasted (1 000 US$) 21 2 32
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 2 5
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 011 1 514 1 430
Roasted (1 000 US$) 638 878 3 620
Extracts (1 000 US$) 27 316 2 117
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 219 202 295
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 97 89 130
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 153 2 117 2 326
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 743 1 723 1 952
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 473 357 333
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 41.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 30.3 37.2 37.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 41.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 18 21 18

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 150 175 202
Population, rural (mln) 39 33 29
GDP per capita (current US$) 9 997 11 015 14 555
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 16.2 9.6 3.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 24.9 8.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 67 70 74
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 88.5 93.5 97.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 66.8 74.6 81.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 14.3 12.3 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 22.5 21.4 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 8.1 5.5 5.6
Food exports (mln US$) 4 690 8 031 59 994
Food imports (mln US$) 1 797 3 373 8 276
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 495.58 676.45 2 325.39
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 1 73 295
Exports, coffee
1 106 287 1 559 614 5 721 758
Green (1 000 US$)

Roasted (1 000 US$) 155 3 076 18 376

Extracts (1 000 US$) 176 416 221 762 722 335
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 111 15
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 1 275 35 805
Extracts (1 000 US$) 19 138 5 975
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 57 484 84 835 148 374
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 51 77 137
2 908 960 2 267 968 2 085 522
Area harvested, coffee (ha)

Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 036 8 393 14 215

Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 1 465 1 904 2 965
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 788 2 879 3 276
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 265 2 237 2 437
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 454 643 826
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 60
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7 14.4 26.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 60
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 345 1 387 1 255

Brunei Darussalam
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 77 076 74 475 69 474
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 74 76 79
Primary completion rate (% age group) 100.1 115.9 97.9
Improved water source (% pop)
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop)
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 1 1 0.7
Food exports (mln US$) 7 0 2
Food imports (mln US$) 113 136 327
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 2
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 22
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 180 70 120
Roasted (1 000 US$) 160 210 336
Extracts (1 000 US$) 986 1 500 4 899
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 8 25 50
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 27 85 167
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 841 2 828 3 067
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 298 2 262 2 347
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 508 537 601
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 36.7 44 44
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 2 2 2

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 9 8 7
Population, rural (mln) 3 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 9 333 9 075 15 695
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0.6 1.9
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 21
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 72 72 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 99.5 96.6 96.9
Improved water source (% pop) 99.9 99.7 99.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 99.5 99.8 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 17 12.4 5.3
Food exports (mln US$) 738 284 3 224
Food imports (mln US$) 334 277 2 108
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 5 451 170 16 695
Roasted (1 000 US$) 941 11 41 534
Extracts (1 000 US$) 458 0 3 519
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 32 442 10 800 76 771
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 896 2 000 35 685
Extracts (1 000 US$) 693 3 900 34 929
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 5 385 3 347 3 546
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 176 115 120
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 424 2 168 2 233
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 705 645 644
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 16.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.1 4.4 36.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.8
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 16.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 2 -6 -9

Burkina Faso
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 9 12 17
Population, rural (mln) 8 10 12
GDP per capita (current US$) 848 1 080 1 630
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 48.9 44.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 51.1 46.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 65.8 52.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 49 50 56
Primary completion rate (% age group) 19.5 25.4 62.7
Improved water source (% pop) 43.6 59.9 81.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 7.7 11.6 18.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 23.2 26.6 20.7
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.2 3.1 3.6
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 29.1 19.2 22.4
Food exports (mln US$) 20 35 176
Food imports (mln US$) 75 128 367
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 93
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 6 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 6 74
Roasted (1 000 US$) 50 100 152
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 300 4 535 12 993
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 941 1 281 2 286
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 51 69 124
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 317 2 331 2 707
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 058 2 173 2 561
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 137 145 159
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 51.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 13.7 13.9 15.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 51.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 24 26 31

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 6 7 10
Population, rural (mln) 5 6 9
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 050 723 747
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 84.2 86.4 81.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 66.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 68.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 47 48 54
Primary completion rate (% age group) 40.6 23.9 70
Improved water source (% pop) 68.8 71.8 75.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 41.7 44.3 47.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 55.9 48.1 39.3
Food exports (mln US$) 0 2 0
Food imports (mln US$) 21 23 173
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 853.53 1 394.18 299.11
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 26 59 27
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 56 541 30 941 66 386
Roasted (1 000 US$) 11 3
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 11
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 9
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 985 873 1 388
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 102 91 145
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 42 229 62 000 45 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 7 742 10 877 8 085
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 33 67 36
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 77.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3.8 4.8 4.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 77.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 10 7 6

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 9 12 15
Population, rural (mln) 8 10 12
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 004 1 368 2 944
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 44.5 10.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 17.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 20.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 55 62 72
Primary completion rate (% age group) 65.9 97.3
Improved water source (% pop) 21.5 41.5 71.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 2.8 16.3 36.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 29 32 15
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.9 3.9 2.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 46.5 37.8 29.8
Food exports (mln US$) 7 5 177
Food imports (mln US$) 12 73 399
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 3 920.5
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 36 87 178
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 10
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 3
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 9 1 792
Roasted (1 000 US$) 13 177
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 230 4 535
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 173 1 832 4 405
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 47 74 181
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 221 365 435
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 7 240 8 219 9 195
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 034 2 114 2 488
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 799 1 924 2 195
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 139 191 216
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 94
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0 23.1 26.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 94
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 41 43 42

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 12 16 23
Population, rural (mln) 7 9 11
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 768 2 404 2 739
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 24.9 27.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 40.2 39.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 52.1 55
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 54 52 55
Primary completion rate (% age group) 55.6 48.7 72
Improved water source (% pop) 51.3 61.7 74.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 39.9 42.2 45.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 36.7 32.3 10.2
Number of people undernourished (mln) 4.8 5.1 2.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 24.6 22.1 22.7
Food exports (mln US$) 259 172 602
Food imports (mln US$) 212 215 934
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 441.44 491.59 922.07
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 32 89 124
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 173 832 94 799 86 650
Roasted (1 000 US$) 506 13 574
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 292 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 1 30
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 15 134
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 143 1 647 2 864
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 958 2 684 5 586
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 57 77 160
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 209 552 252 630 212 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 4 819 3 412 1 972
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 101 86 42
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 055 2 133 2 596
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 897 1 987 2 438
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 137 128 149
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 76.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5.9 7.6 11
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 76.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 123 126 121

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 28 31 36
Population, rural (mln) 6 6 7
GDP per capita (current US$) 31 118 37 259 41 899
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 79 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.4 96.5
Improved water source (% pop) 99.8 99.8 99.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 99.8 99.8 99.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 1.5
Food exports (mln US$) 7 300 12 663 37 701
Food imports (mln US$) 5 173 8 147 22 561
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 14 519 20 539 69 800
Roasted (1 000 US$) 9 172 92 581 421 509
Extracts (1 000 US$) 24 728 49 776 3 388
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 204 627 271 783 689 066
Roasted (1 000 US$) 33 433 154 028 721 566
Extracts (1 000 US$) 27 358 36 374 162 496
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 20 384 25 160 31 253
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 74 92 115
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 096 2 566 2 507
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 927 946 913
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 5.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5.4 7 8.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 5.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 162 69 200

Cabo Verde
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 610 3 772 6 210
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 21 13.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 26.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 44.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 66 70 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 56.5 105.6 94.7
Improved water source (% pop) 80.4 82.7 89.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 35.8 44.3 64.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 13.4 18.7 10
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 14.4 12.9 7.6
Food exports (mln US$) 2 0 0
Food imports (mln US$) 35 56 184
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 2 10
Roasted (1 000 US$) 74 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 3 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 289 1 067 2 129
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 119 395
Extracts (1 000 US$) 78 679 1 117
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 29 45 42
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 55 92 89
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 180 0 300
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 2 778 2 067
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 463 2 344 2 821
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 986 1 863 2 070
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 383 452 646
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 90.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.5 2.5 2.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 90.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

Central African Republic
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 4 5
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 780 701 584
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 83.2 62.4 62.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 62
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 69.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 46 44 50
Primary completion rate (% age group) 30.2 45.3
Improved water source (% pop) 58.8 62.5 68.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 14.6 17.2 21.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 48.4 44.1 44.5
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.5 1.6 2.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 49.3 52.1 58.2
Food exports (mln US$) 17 12 16
Food imports (mln US$) 35 18 59
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 12 711 8 095 884
Roasted (1 000 US$) 4 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 389 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 4 1 34
Extracts (1 000 US$) 59 7 148
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 500 744 986
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 62 91 121
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 24 097 17 203 14 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 940 7 499 4 857
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 14 13 7
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 887 1 967 1 926
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 712 1 756 1 886
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 192 227 268
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 17.5 17.8 18
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 33 39 30

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 6 8 13
Population, rural (mln) 5 7 10
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 111 998 2 022
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 61.9 36.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 54.8 46.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 58.4 52.5
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 46 47 51
Primary completion rate (% age group) 16.6 22.2 38.8
Improved water source (% pop) 39.8 44.7 50.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 7.8 9.7 11.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 55.7 40.1 36.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) 3.6 3.3 4.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 29.3 42.3 52.6
Food exports (mln US$) 33 52 39
Food imports (mln US$) 27 32 154
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 99
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 290 99
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 747 1 030 1 584
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 56 77 120
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 818 1 985 2 171
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 500 1 798 1 991
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 148 149 119
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 76.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 9.5 9.5 16.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 76.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 33 39 36

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 13 15 18
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 9 199 14 623 21 714
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 4.9 2.2 0.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 14.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 27.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 74 77 80
Primary completion rate (% age group) 83.2 96.7
Improved water source (% pop) 90.4 94.8 98.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 84.8 91.6 98.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 7.1 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1 ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 8.7 5.9 3.3
Food exports (mln US$) 1 014 1 996 8 004
Food imports (mln US$) 232 946 4 022
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 4 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 606 1 67
Extracts (1 000 US$) 312 6 855 22 230
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 8 401 16 205 32 043
Roasted (1 000 US$) 12 475 9 901
Extracts (1 000 US$) 378 4 998 23 598
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 375 6 151 8 749
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 58 83 117
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 722 2 834 3 047
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 099 2 209 2 256
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 470 625 734
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 83
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 16.4 17.3 18.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 83
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 14 -1 5

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 192 1 310 1 425
Population, rural (mln) 864 828 642
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 623 3 780 11 778
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 72 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 105.9 100 96.2
Improved water source (% pop)
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop)
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 23.4 16.2 9.8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 290.4 212.7 139.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 13 9.2
Food exports (mln US$) 7 371 11 300 36 567
Food imports (mln US$) 10 104 15 163 96 838
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 218 326 371 541 571 823
Food prod index (2004-2006=100)
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 545 2 802 3 132
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 64.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 13.6 15.5 16.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 64.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 446 279 544

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 33 40 49
Population, rural (mln) 11 11 12
GDP per capita (current US$) 7 752 8 414 12 025
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 6.3 17.9 5.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 48 30.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 56.8 42.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 71 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 73.6 94.9 113.4
Improved water source (% pop) 88.4 89.9 91.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 68.9 74.6 80.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 12.8 9.9 9.5
Number of people undernourished (mln) 4.5 3.9 4.6
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 16.7 8.9 6.7
Food exports (mln US$) 598 1 063 2 717
Food imports (mln US$) 261 944 4 360
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 902.94 1 348.01 2 061.32
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 22 81 110
Exports, coffee
1 414 719 1 069 360 1 914 285
Green (1 000 US$)

Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 462 41 764

Extracts (1 000 US$) 58 152 115 662 250 383
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 175 259
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 901 3 505
Extracts (1 000 US$) 3 106 13 624
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 8 602 10 664 14 105
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 70 87 117
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 1e+06 675 342 771 728
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 8 450 9 434 8 464
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 845 637 653
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 678 2 786 2 829
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 146 2 317 2 305
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 417 462 499
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 54.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 19.3 19.7 21.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 54.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 102 99 98

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 540 1 343 1 400
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 56 58 61
Primary completion rate (% age group) 38.6 65.5 73.8
Improved water source (% pop) 87 92 95.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 17.7 28.3 35.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 41.4 48.6 34.5
Food exports (mln US$) 11 6 27
Food imports (mln US$) 16 13 81
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 34
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 20 1
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 35
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 52 62 74
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 80 95 113
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 610 650 890
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 1 475 1 508 1 483
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 47
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.7 10.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 47
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 3 5
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 264 4 623 5 680
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 32.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 46.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 74.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 55 52 59
Primary completion rate (% age group) 60.6 57.1 73
Improved water source (% pop) 69.2 75.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 12.7 14.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 43.6 35.9 29
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.1 1.1 1.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 12.9 5.3 4.8
Food exports (mln US$) 14 16 17
Food imports (mln US$) 67 136 623
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 406.13 301.98
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 62 116 123
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 64 65 12 259
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 38
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 4 0 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 110 405
Extracts (1 000 US$) 265 0 1 233
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 204 270 446
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 63 83 136
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 3 230 5 166 10 800
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 4 192 3 000 2 963
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 1 2 3
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 995 2 170 2 132
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 871 2 041 1 973
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 129 137 222
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 8.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5.4 9.1 30.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 8.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 12 12 12

Costa Rica
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 4 5
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 7 333 9 565 13 431
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 8.4 5.6 1.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 22.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 30.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 76 78 80
Primary completion rate (% age group) 74.8 86.7 90
Improved water source (% pop) 93.1 95 96.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 88.5 91.3 93.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 5.4 5.2 5.5
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.2 0.2 0.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 12.3 9.5 5.6
Food exports (mln US$) 527 1 223 3 080
Food imports (mln US$) 139 382 1 306
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 897.76 537.29 2 001.05
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 34 44 137
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 245 419 273 974 418 564
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 14 294 4 797
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 808 81
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 3 40 7 533
Roasted (1 000 US$) 15 127 1 845
Extracts (1 000 US$) 17 584 3 089
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 463 2 099 3 009
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 59 87 124
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 115 000 106 000 93 774
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 13 139 15 226 8 192
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 151 161 77
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 735 2 801 2 897
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 267 2 258 2 314
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 474 542 584
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 56.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 19.1 23.9 26.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 56.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 11 9 -4

Côte d’Ivoire
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 12 16 21
Population, rural (mln) 7 9 10
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 234 3 049 3 108
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 26.5 29.7 35
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 34.6 40.2 42.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 48.4 45.8 54.2
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 53 46 51
Primary completion rate (% age group) 42.1 44.9 60.5
Improved water source (% pop) 76 77.5 80.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 14.9 17.7 21.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 11.2 14.9 13.4
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.5 2.4 2.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 32.5 25 22.4
Food exports (mln US$) 1 064 1 342 4 193
Food imports (mln US$) 379 308 1 883
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 706.31 446.64 950.3
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 59 94 134
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 239 130 243 893 151 497
Roasted (1 000 US$) 368 564 3
Extracts (1 000 US$) 60 442 45 157 72 541
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 111 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 50 1 326
Extracts (1 000 US$) 3 000 115 3 693
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 401 4 848 6 398
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 66 95 126
1 323 900
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 829 319 220 000

Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 2 154 4 582 4 716

Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 285 380 104
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 548 2 627 2 802
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 421 2 513 2 685
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 145 98 114
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 38.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 22.6 22.7 22.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 38.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 6 0 10

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 4 4
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 15 644 20 049
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0.1 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 19.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 72 73 77
Primary completion rate (% age group) 93.2 93.2
Improved water source (% pop) 98.4 98.5 98.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 98.2 98.2 98.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 6.4 4.1
Food exports (mln US$) 296 224 1 104
Food imports (mln US$) 306 456 1 819
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 20
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 249 4 159 7 648
Extracts (1 000 US$) 808 395 1 482
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 12 596 32 487 47 641
Roasted (1 000 US$) 293 4 292 23 339
Extracts (1 000 US$) 76 6 005 20 986
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 439 1 377 1 387
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 105 96 98
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 743 2 015 2 243
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 497 540 809
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 1.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.8 10.5 14.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 2.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 1.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -9 -9 -9

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 11 11 11
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 13 532 11 154 18 796
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 77 79
Primary completion rate (% age group) 93.8 95.9 93.2
Improved water source (% pop) 90.7 94
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 81.5 86.8 92.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 13.1 5.6 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.4 0.6 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 14 8.4 5
Food exports (mln US$) 4 561 551 499
Food imports (mln US$) 803 631 1 845
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 83 173
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 29 500 18 000 5 361
Roasted (1 000 US$) 129 853
Extracts (1 000 US$) 30
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 4 100 4 947 29 913
Roasted (1 000 US$) 415 268
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 060 1 357
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 578 3 646 3 207
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 158 123 103
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 99 000 55 000 28 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 2 515 3 000 3 194
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 25 16 9
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 395 3 002 3 459
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 260 2 672 2 799
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 660 359 478
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 64.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.3 4.5 12.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 64.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -2 -16 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 22 199 27 893 27 394
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 78 80
Primary completion rate (% age group) 78.6 97.7 100.1
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 6.9 3.6 2.4
Food exports (mln US$) 199 91 233
Food imports (mln US$) 193 255 773
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 017 0 71
Roasted (1 000 US$) 282 233 817
Extracts (1 000 US$) 527 183 605
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 748 4 322 5 215
Roasted (1 000 US$) 462 1 001 5 319
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 795 8 054 19 375
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 412 445 337
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 98 108 81
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 957 1 888 1 958
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 732 788 704
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 86.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 14.3 38.6 40.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 3.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 86.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

Czech Republic
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 10 11
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 19 839 21 003 28 124
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0.1 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 8.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 75 78
Primary completion rate (% age group) 98.1 99.2 101
Improved water source (% pop) 99.8 99.8 99.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 4.7 3.4 2.6
Food exports (mln US$) 738 821 5 473
Food imports (mln US$) 621 1 040 6 240
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 021 298 1 002
Roasted (1 000 US$) 6 189 10 412 122 334
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 501 30 977 98 548
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 38 667 30 606 65 561
Roasted (1 000 US$) 6 834 11 174 115 921
Extracts (1 000 US$) 3 953 46 814 162 379
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 5 294 4 470 4 038
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 128 100 92
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 095 2 257 2 435
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 942 822 857
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 1.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 15.5 16.3 22.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 11.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 1.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 9 -6 -6

North Korea
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 20 23 25
Population, rural (mln) 8 9 10
GDP per capita (current US$)
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 65 70
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 100 99.7 98.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 53.3 60.9 81.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 26.7 37.9 41.8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 5.6 8.7 10.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Food exports (mln US$) 31 21 18
Food imports (mln US$) 174 428 510
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 5 500 4 700
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 706 3 159 3 880
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 91 83 102
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 248 2 118 2 103
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 135 2 014 1 964
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 235 132 130
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 76.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.2 2.3 2.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 76.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 21 18 19

DR Congo
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 35 47 69
Population, rural (mln) 25 33 44
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 375 575 783
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 87.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 63.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 64.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 47 46 50
Primary completion rate (% age group) 55.9 42.3 72.4
Improved water source (% pop) 43.2 44 46.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 17 22.6 31.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 31 32.3 21.2
Food exports (mln US$) 8 4 32
Food imports (mln US$) 221 193 950
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 108 000 23 100 13 732
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 100 175
Roasted (1 000 US$) 84 995
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 57 1 687
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 324 3 751 4 316
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 117 102 117
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 290 000 114 538 85 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 3 503 4 083 3 647
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 102 47 31
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 10.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 10.1 10.2 12
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 10.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 187 184 182

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 5 6
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 33 256 41 693 42 483
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 77 80
Primary completion rate (% age group) 95.4 100.2 99.6
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.8 2.5 1.3
Food exports (mln US$) 6 719 6 794 13 771
Food imports (mln US$) 1 540 2 485 6 842
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 351 309 2 420
Roasted (1 000 US$) 13 718 51 485 34 450
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 655 5 086 12 152
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 85 956 111 516 75 117
Roasted (1 000 US$) 13 519 8 022 160 852
Extracts (1 000 US$) 6 543 10 975 65 749
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 6 322 6 769 6 964
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 95 98 103
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 919 2 200 2 136
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 242 1 113 1 228
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 36.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 11.7 17.8 18.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 6.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 36.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 13 11 11

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 050 2 078 2 902
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 18.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 57 57 62
Primary completion rate (% age group) 28.4 25.9 60.6
Improved water source (% pop) 76.6 82.3 92.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 61.9 61.8 61.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 75.9 52.4 17.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.5 0.4 0.2
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.1 3.5 3.9
Food exports (mln US$) 7 3 66
Food imports (mln US$) 50 77 760
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 151
Roasted (1 000 US$) 191 30 120
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 543
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 51 46 73
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 94 85 134
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 559 1 959 2 662
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 434 1 735 2 337
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 179 258 188
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 15.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0 0 0.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 15.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 1 1

Dominican Republic
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 7 9 11
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 284 7 963 11 796
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 4.7 5.2 2.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 32 41.1
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 47.4 51.2
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 71 73
Primary completion rate (% age group) 77.1 90.4
Improved water source (% pop) 88.8 85.8 80.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 73 77.4 82
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 30.7 30.7 12.5
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.4 2.7 1.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 14.5 7.2 6.2
Food exports (mln US$) 301 243 793
Food imports (mln US$) 230 379 1 457
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 190.77 1 416.06 3 127.51
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 30 46 258
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 46 512 20 765 11 148
Roasted (1 000 US$) 114 12 269 3 430
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 1 104
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 2 373
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 503 1 813 2 928
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 69 84 136
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 103 453 139 372 75 472
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 740 3 268 2 142
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 59 46 16
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 205 2 211 2 609
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 785 1 890 2 227
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 284 334 388
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 79.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 20 22.2 18.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 7.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 79.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 9 5 8

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 13 16
Population, rural (mln) 5 5 5
GDP per capita (current US$) 7 542 7 444 10 541
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 20.3 4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 64.4 22.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 82.2 35.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 73 76
Primary completion rate (% age group) 96.2 97.5 110.6
Improved water source (% pop) 73.9 79.6 86.4
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 57.1 69.6 83.1
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 17 17.8 11.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.8 2.2 1.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 21.4 16.3 9.4
Food exports (mln US$) 622 1 090 3 422
Food imports (mln US$) 142 249 1 262
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 8.56 1 280 1 709.98
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 1 158 212
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 104 152 22 119 74 830
Roasted (1 000 US$) 14 377 2 230 149
Extracts (1 000 US$) 11 362 20 918 184 761
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 669 6 984
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 8 1 362
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 5 592 22 634
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 567 5 711 7 191
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 57 93 115
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 406 880 286 746 61 627
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 3 317 4 814 1 259
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 135 138 8
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 328 2 275 2 498
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 871 1 728 1 744
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 373 526 733
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 81.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 21.9 24.1 23.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 81.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 90 93 97

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 56 66 83
Population, rural (mln) 32 38 47
GDP per capita (current US$) 6 024 7 812 10 734
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 4.5 1.8 1.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 16.7 25.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 22.1 32.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 65 69 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.2 110.5
Improved water source (% pop) 92.9 96.1 99.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 71.7 85.6 95.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 19.4 16.7 14.5
Food exports (mln US$) 201 309 3 523
Food imports (mln US$) 2 501 2 737 13 416
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 373 1 211
Roasted (1 000 US$) 75 6 1 502
Extracts (1 000 US$) 6 10 16 514
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 5 478 6 328 74 049
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 170 375 8 328
Extracts (1 000 US$) 96 2 833 28 641
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 10 606 16 873 23 667
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 54 85 119
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 3 211 3 378 3 547
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 969 3 107 3 220
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 211 261 336
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 86.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.4 4.3 11.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 2.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 86.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 18 24 29

El Salvador
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 6 6
Population, rural (mln) 3 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 4 454 6 266 7 515
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 17.1 13.7 2.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 29.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 36
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 66 70 72
Primary completion rate (% age group) 66.1 83 100.6
Improved water source (% pop) 74.8 83.6 90.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 50 61.3 70.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 15.4 12.5 12.6
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.9 0.7 0.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 17.4 10.5 10.8
Food exports (mln US$) 60 244 679
Food imports (mln US$) 127 584 1 297
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 773.68 969.05 1 927.42
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 43 54 107
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 267 394 340 139 299 786
Roasted (1 000 US$) 2 152 169 250
Extracts (1 000 US$) 282 4 042 1 386
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 777 8
Roasted (1 000 US$) 251 141 3 093
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 4 241 28 860
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 671 883 1 115
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 75 95 113
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 173 000 162 190 139 860
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 8 509 7 034 2 350
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 147 114 33
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 391 2 527 2 568
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 067 2 206 2 151
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 241 335 362
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 67.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0 0.1 8.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 67.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 4 4 4

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 4 7
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 5
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 175 1 446 1 157
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 69 69
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 48 56 63
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 42.6 53.7 60.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 9.2 11.3 13.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 22.4 13.4 14.5
Food exports (mln US$) 0 1 0
Food imports (mln US$) 30 69 97
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 142 181 247
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 63 79 111
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.9 4.9 5
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 3 5 5

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 14 875 25 254
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.8 0.6 1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 20.2 18.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 70 76
Primary completion rate (% age group) 94.3 98.4
Improved water source (% pop) 99.2 99.1 99.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 95.1 95.1 95.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 4.8 3.7
Food exports (mln US$) 119 199 977
Food imports (mln US$) 91 340 959
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 72 17 136
Roasted (1 000 US$) 868 4 571 7 080
Extracts (1 000 US$) 270 1 651 2 041
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 785 288 364
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 829 18 705 33 274
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 400 4 799 9 931
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 693 522 654
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 127 89 134
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 616 2 241 2 408
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 978 826 806
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 12.9 17.3 20.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 15.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 10 10 12

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 53 66 97
Population, rural (mln) 46 56 79
GDP per capita (current US$) 652 623 1 336
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 54.6 36.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 44.2 29.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 45.4 30.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 47 52 64
Primary completion rate (% age group) 22.8 22.5 47.2
Improved water source (% pop) 13.2 29 51.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 2.4 8.2 23.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 72.5 57.9 33.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) 40 38.2 31.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 52 47.8 42.3
Food exports (mln US$) 10 66 1 264
Food imports (mln US$) 120 296 1 393
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 882.29 1 439.61
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 34 60 277
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 129 177 255 314 887 549
Roasted (1 000 US$) 22 214
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 135
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 126
Extracts (1 000 US$) 3 1 30
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 676 4 964 10 519
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 52 70 147
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 250 000 250 000 520 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 7 200 9 199 5 192
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 180 230 270
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 545 1 782 2 164
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 429 1 708 2 005
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 79 78 126
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 93.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 17.7 17.7 18.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 93.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 62 82 115

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 694 6 444 7 502
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 29.2 5.9
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 39.8 35.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 44.6 44
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 66 68 70
Primary completion rate (% age group) 105.1 95.3 103.6
Improved water source (% pop) 85.3 91.2 96.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 57.2 74.2 87.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 5.7 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 20.4 17.1 12.2
Food exports (mln US$) 177 142 201
Food imports (mln US$) 78 96 287
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 11 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 40 3
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 27 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 261 0 128
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 144 103
Extracts (1 000 US$) 207 281 519
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 248 232 197
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 108 101 86
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 192 30 30
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 34 375 5 000 6 667
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 1 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 797 2 859 2 930
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 151 2 320 2 388
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 532 522 542
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 58.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.1 1.8 4.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 58.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 1 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 5 5
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 28 598 34 517 38 821
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 77 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 101.8 96.3 99.1
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 6.2 3.4 2.8
Food exports (mln US$) 547 613 1 485
Food imports (mln US$) 851 1 156 3 483
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 885 2 075 14 573
Roasted (1 000 US$) 320 26 604 37 460
Extracts (1 000 US$) 18 3 222 819
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 132 107 134 774 289 361
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 910 9 596 56 604
Extracts (1 000 US$) 3 685 4 580 30 893
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 439 2 215 2 225
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 109 99 96
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 922 1 981 2 004
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 226 1 170 1 281
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 3.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.4 12.7 15.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 8.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 3.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -10 -19 12

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 57 59 65
Population, rural (mln) 15 14 8
GDP per capita (current US$) 29 476 34 774 37 217
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 79 82
Primary completion rate (% age group) 111.2 97.3
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 2.3 1.7
Food exports (mln US$) 23 576 21 950 46 001
Food imports (mln US$) 15 148 15 627 37 016
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 83 947 81 331 20 674
Roasted (1 000 US$) 16 692 32 606 386 107
Extracts (1 000 US$) 48 981 101 415 257 884
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 485 531 481 964 933 570
1 405 054
Roasted (1 000 US$) 115 987 172 485

Extracts (1 000 US$) 88 752 109 492 286 045

Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 42 018 44 385 41 412
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 100 104 99
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 175 2 228 2 343
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 331 1 377 1 180
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 12.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 10.8 16.9 24.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 3.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 12.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 77 52 44

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 2
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 19 147 17 438 18 646
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 6.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 32.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 44.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 61 60 63
Primary completion rate (% age group) 60.3 72.4
Improved water source (% pop) 83.8 92.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 38.8 41.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 10.1 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.1 ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 7.3 6.2 3.6
Food exports (mln US$) 3 2 0
Food imports (mln US$) 88 141 489
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 160 14 111
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 26 34 63
Roasted (1 000 US$) 109 128 694
Extracts (1 000 US$) 852 879 2 081
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 198 239 287
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 87 99 121
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 750 500 320
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 3 587 3 960 5 375
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 498 2 709 2 807
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 058 2 343 2 382
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 297 375 399
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 29
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5.2 6.3 19.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 29
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 2
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 517 1 564 1 608
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 33.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 48.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 73.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 52 55 59
Primary completion rate (% age group) 39.6 71.9 70.5
Improved water source (% pop) 75.8 82.8 90.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 61.4 60.9 60.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 14.6 14.1 5.4
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.1 0.2 0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Food exports (mln US$) 11 13 23
Food imports (mln US$) 45 60 98
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 109
Roasted (1 000 US$) 130
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 4 175
Roasted (1 000 US$) 17 6
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 500 7
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 77 125 125
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 60 99 97
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 447 2 536 2 882
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 402 2 447 2 634
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 119 133 215
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 43.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.7 4.2 4.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 43.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 5 4
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 8 018 3 269 6 930
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 17.8 14.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 14.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 18.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 72 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 98.1 108.6
Improved water source (% pop) 85 89.2 98.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 96.5 95.4 93.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 67.1 14.8 8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 3.5 0.7 0.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 31.7 21.9 9.2
Food exports (mln US$) 21 48 260
Food imports (mln US$) 200 214 961
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 33 21
Roasted (1 000 US$) 4 21
Extracts (1 000 US$) 300 6 198
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 30 4 227 8 782
Roasted (1 000 US$) 70 118 5 660
Extracts (1 000 US$) 170 470 17 213
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 957 960 867
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 100 97 87
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 852 2 573 2 852
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 390 2 048 2 265
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 276 427 467
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 58.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.8 3.9 3.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 58.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -1 -1 -1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 80 84 83
Population, rural (mln) 22 22 21
GDP per capita (current US$) 31 476 36 953 42 884
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 78 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 96 102.5 98.3
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 1 1.1 0.8
Food exports (mln US$) 14 211 16 288 54 646
Food imports (mln US$) 26 636 23 074 63 113
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
1 407 921
Green (1 000 US$) 204 502 354 923

1 157 249
Roasted (1 000 US$) 187 281 265 301

1 108 758
Extracts (1 000 US$) 217 263 374 216

Imports, coffee
1 532 136 1 443 195 4 170 466
Green (1 000 US$)

Roasted (1 000 US$) 28 702 76 091 729 488

Extracts (1 000 US$) 76 332 169 840 498 752
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 37 679 36 005 37 196
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 109 103 107
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 132 2 324 2 447
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 130 1 012 1 093
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 35.5 41.5 48
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 6.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 28 -3 -19

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 15 19 26
Population, rural (mln) 9 11 12
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 892 2 240 3 864
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 51.1 39.1 28.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 24.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 37.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 57 57 61
Primary completion rate (% age group) 67.7 71.8 96.7
Improved water source (% pop) 54.4 70.8 87.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 7 10.3 14.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 33.9 17.5 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 5.4 3.3 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 45.1 39.4 20.7
Food exports (mln US$) 403 507 2 514
Food imports (mln US$) 156 274 1 396
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 893.6 1 065.91
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 3 17 196
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 650 5 944 1 762
Roasted (1 000 US$) 10 11
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 3 12 605
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 57 62
Roasted (1 000 US$) 51 57
Extracts (1 000 US$) 230 68 7 504
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 997 4 203 7 716
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 37 78 144
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 4 950 10 000 450
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 2 020 1 956 15 511
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 1 2 1
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 238 2 504 3 295
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 618 2 385 2 860
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 111 126 143
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 66.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 14.6 15.1 15.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 66.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 43 46 40

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 11 11
Population, rural (mln) 4 4 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 21 085 25 030 24 305
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 78 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 99.4 101.3
Improved water source (% pop) 96.2 98.9 99.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 96.6 98.2 98.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 6.1 3.8
Food exports (mln US$) 1 823 1 647 4 293
Food imports (mln US$) 2 278 2 268 5 644
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 12 3 764 13 347
Roasted (1 000 US$) 2 000 2 759 5 060
Extracts (1 000 US$) 192 3 186 17 679
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 42 612 36 778 106 772
Roasted (1 000 US$) 7 345 15 960 84 894
Extracts (1 000 US$) 66 715 43 447 110 649
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 6 819 8 422 7 020
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 87 106 88
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 792 2 732 2 574
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 747 869 859
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 89.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 9.1 22 34.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 5.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 89.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 11 8 6

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 9 11 16
Population, rural (mln) 5 6 8
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 315 6 313 7 062
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 28.4 11.8 13.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 56 53.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 74.5 71.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 62 68 72
Primary completion rate (% age group) 57.8 85.6
Improved water source (% pop) 81.4 87.4 93.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 62 71 80.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 15.3 22.1 15.6
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.5 2.5 2.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 14.4 11.5
Food exports (mln US$) 388 833 3 101
Food imports (mln US$) 145 485 1 749
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 323 426 574 999 958 107
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 260 559
Extracts (1 000 US$) 286 0 10 375
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 102 81
Roasted (1 000 US$) 54 122 289
Extracts (1 000 US$) 5 2 060 27 500
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 695 2 420 4 487
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 56 81 151
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 243 950 273 000 251 020
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 8 297 11 431 10 086
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 202 312 253
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 326 2 174 2 435
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 196 1 962 2 165
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 159 197 254
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 56.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 25.9 29.5 30.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 56.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 22 23 24

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 6 9 12
Population, rural (mln) 4 6 8
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 128 1 139 1 213
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 93.7 56.3 40.9
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 49.1 55.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 59.9 64.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 50 51 56
Primary completion rate (% age group) 20 31.1 62
Improved water source (% pop) 52.4 62.7 74.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 8.3 12.9 18.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 22.7 27.2 16.8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.6 2.4 2
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 23.8 22.4 20.1
Food exports (mln US$) 18 17 58
Food imports (mln US$) 104 123 490
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 523.29 655.66
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 55 126 169
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 6 300 6 682 40 127
Roasted (1 000 US$) 73 1
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 7 16
Roasted (1 000 US$) 38 172
Extracts (1 000 US$) 475 838
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 988 1 416 2 125
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 59 84 124
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 60 000 51 359 40 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 000 4 299 4 500
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 30 22 18
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 431 2 346 2 604
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 364 2 290 2 454
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 66 83 98
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 52.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.8 7.2 28.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 52.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 19 21 25

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 2
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 564 1 330 1 362
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 65.3 48.9
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 64.7 69.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 69.7 75.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 49 51 54
Primary completion rate (% age group) 5.4 28.7 64
Improved water source (% pop) 35.8 51.9 73.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 12.2 19.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 21.4 28.4 22
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.2 0.4 0.4
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 60.8 42.7 43.9
Food exports (mln US$) 13 50 113
Food imports (mln US$) 19 35 71
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 20 80 851
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 150 209 338
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 62 87 141
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 340 2 222 2 371
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 091 2 097 2 136
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 158 154 168
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 82.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 8.3 16.1 16.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 82.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 3 3 4

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 231 5 071 6 336
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 6.9 8.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 62 63 66
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.2 101.9 85.3
Improved water source (% pop) 77.1 86.2 97.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 75.7 79.2 83.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 20.5 10.4 11.2
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 38.1 31.1 18.3
Food exports (mln US$) 97 171 387
Food imports (mln US$) 32 65 202
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 21 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 76 111
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 6 31
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 18 44
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 451 3 009
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 181 317 427
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 49 97 130
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 486 35 570
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 6 173 4 286 7 368
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 470 2 722 2 727
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 147 2 278 2 219
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 211 455 429
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 94.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.3 2.1 5.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 94.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 5 5 6

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 7 9 10
Population, rural (mln) 5 6 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 734 1 648
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 61.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 58.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 74.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 54 57 63
Primary completion rate (% age group) 48.1
Improved water source (% pop) 60.8 60.9 62.4
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 18.8 20.8 24.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 62.6 55.2 52.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) 4.7 4.7 5.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Food exports (mln US$) 12 16 18
Food imports (mln US$) 187 301 911
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 15 350 9 600 3 240
Roasted (1 000 US$) 47 46
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 60
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 12 86
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 880 922 1 143
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 94 98 121
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 74 000 57 800 75 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 027 5 190 2 400
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 37 30 18
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 714 1 937 2 014
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 653 1 833 1 936
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 95 125 155
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 83.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.3 0.3 0.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 83.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 3 4 4

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 6 8
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 205 3 483 4 445
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 46.9 25.6 16.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 65.3 64.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 72.7 68.5
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 67 70 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 69.2 80.3 93.1
Improved water source (% pop) 72.8 80.8 89.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 48.2 63.3 80
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 21.9 19 12.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.2 1.2 1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 22.4 15.9 13.8
Food exports (mln US$) 456 226 923
Food imports (mln US$) 83 323 1 083
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 244.98 1 464.36 2 377.83
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 25 67 155
Exports, coffee
1 338 206
Green (1 000 US$) 183 881 360 000

Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 3 827

Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 148
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 17 75
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 121 227
Extracts (1 000 US$) 20 217 1 492
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 037 1 082 1 860
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 66 71 119
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 143 555 210 769 276 100
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 8 344 9 172 9 905
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 120 193 273
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 335 2 406 2 723
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 051 2 002 2 243
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 261 367 408
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 73.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 16 21 21.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.8
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 73.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 45 46 34

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 10 10
Population, rural (mln) 4 4 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 14 408 17 707 22 707
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.2 0 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 14.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 71 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 81.9 96.4 98.3
Improved water source (% pop) 95.7 99 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 5.8 4.4
Food exports (mln US$) 1 991 1 820 7 988
Food imports (mln US$) 312 522 3 590
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 935 2 647 2 585
Roasted (1 000 US$) 819 9 859 97 961
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 8 228 107 514
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 41 578 49 827 45 772
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 235 1 367 66 972
Extracts (1 000 US$) 11 476 22 481 73 795
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 8 528 6 289 5 971
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 122 91 89
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 168 2 158 2 057
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 213 1 013 911
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 5.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5.9 6.7 23.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 2.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 5.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 16 11 10

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 28 658 33 590 40 789
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 78 80 83
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.6 96.7
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 8.4 6.8
Food exports (mln US$) 13 11 50
Food imports (mln US$) 95 122 292
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 25
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 1
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 422 1 454 5 051
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 727 6 034 11 540
Extracts (1 000 US$) 450 1 1 407
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 83 91 110
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 86 95 114
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 787 1 812 1 851
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 269 1 340 1 487
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 42.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 9.6 10 19.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 42.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 869 1 042 1 267
Population, rural (mln) 647 754 857
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 777 2 548 5 244
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 49.4 49.4 23.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 45.3 45.3 21.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 50.1 50.1 25.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 59 62 66
Primary completion rate (% age group) 64 72.9 96.5
Improved water source (% pop) 70.3 80.6 92.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 17.7 25.5 36
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 22.4 17 15.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) 205.9 177 194.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 29 23 17
Food exports (mln US$) 1 013 2 826 20 835
Food imports (mln US$) 758 2 062 16 523
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 193.75
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 46 108 165
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 125 683 174 622 610 437
Roasted (1 000 US$) 200 112 843
Extracts (1 000 US$) 16 996 85 780 289 491
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 13 697 124 248
Roasted (1 000 US$) 841 859
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 404 3 811
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 124 459 161 675 245 488
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 70 92 139
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 221 000 308 433 376 305
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 344 9 467 8 456
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 118 292 318
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 298 2 370 2 462
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 048 2 198 2 223
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 158 182 235
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 90.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.7 5 5.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 90.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 476 505 532

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 179 209 253
Population, rural (mln) 124 121 119
GDP per capita (current US$) 4 295 5 552 9 254
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 54.3 29.4 16.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 17.4 11.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 20.2 14.2
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 63 67 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 94.8 97.4 104.5
Improved water source (% pop) 69.7 77.7 84.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 35.2 47.1 58.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 18.1 17.2 7.6
Number of people undernourished (mln) 34 35.9 19.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 19.4 15.6 13.7
Food exports (mln US$) 922 2 984 24 711
Food imports (mln US$) 828 2 583 11 598
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 925.13 917.48 1 748.66
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 29 116 234
Exports, coffee
1 244 147
Green (1 000 US$) 376 615 312 221

Roasted (1 000 US$) 428 6 674 5 325

Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 778 20 981 317 298
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 93 10 665 113 009
Roasted (1 000 US$) 180 483 4 177
Extracts (1 000 US$) 176 991 67 022
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 27 816 35 245 61 758
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 62 78 137
1 260 687 1 240 900
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 746 759

Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 527 4 399 5 632

Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 413 555 699
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 440 2 442 2 771
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 228 2 313 2 594
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 111 123 182
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 81.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 10 13.6 14.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 81.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 760 951 1 383

Iran (Islamic Republic of)
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 56 66 78
Population, rural (mln) 25 24 24
GDP per capita (current US$) 8 679 10 694 15 090
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 3.8 1.3 1.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 63 70 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 84.6 92.7 103.9
Improved water source (% pop) 92.2 94.1 95.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 71.4 78.9 89.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 5.2 5.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns 3.4 4
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 19.1 13.7 10.2
Food exports (mln US$) 345 904 3 970
Food imports (mln US$) 2 211 2 484 9 668
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 4 717
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 142 2 103
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 15 567
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 39 23 764
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 13 040 18 553 27 222
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 54 78 113
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 3 063 3 045 3 195
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 625 2 728 2 727
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 258 299 332
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5.6 6 7.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 37 43 38

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 18 24 35
Population, rural (mln) 5 8 12
GDP per capita (current US$) 11 212 11 764 14 472
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 3.9
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 18.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 30.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 71 69
Primary completion rate (% age group) 59.3 55.5 66.3
Improved water source (% pop) 78.3 80.1 85.4
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 71.6 75.2 84.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 15.3 24.6 23.2
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.9 5.8 8.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Food exports (mln US$) 40 6 57
Food imports (mln US$) 1 511 1 831 6 333
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 000 800 137
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 4 000 68 10 332
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 000 2 588 3 469
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 118 100 126
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 246 2 208 2 549
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 3 024 2 061 2 333
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 225 131 156
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 78.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.1 0.1 0.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 78.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 6 6 7

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 4 5
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 22 468 41 198 44 647
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 77 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 104 94.6 95.3
Improved water source (% pop) 99.8 99.8 99.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 98.9 98.9 99
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3 1.6
Food exports (mln US$) 4 410 5 651 9 303
Food imports (mln US$) 1 401 2 199 5 985
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 409 551 1 019
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 180 1 954 11 787
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 016 2 033 4 297
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 3 076 9 078 25 743
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 552 6 800 26 713
Extracts (1 000 US$) 14 816 13 297 39 592
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 429 4 855 4 593
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 97 106 99
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 511 2 540 2 645
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 113 1 191 946
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.4 8.2 14.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 21 21 19

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 6 8
Population, rural (mln) 0 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 17 152 25 739 30 927
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 79 82
Primary completion rate (% age group) 104.6 102
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Food exports (mln US$) 976 754 1 875
Food imports (mln US$) 932 1 467 3 810
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 19 535 372
Roasted (1 000 US$) 64 2 200 340
Extracts (1 000 US$) 92 7 624 16 668
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 28 476 29 548 82 691
Roasted (1 000 US$) 2 006 5 993 39 350
Extracts (1 000 US$) 4 580 16 874 45 067
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 954 2 309 2 920
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 72 87 110
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 747 2 820 2 809
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 656 735 811
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 16.3 17.4 17.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 57 57 61
Population, rural (mln) 19 19 19
GDP per capita (current US$) 30 746 36 073 33 924
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 80 82
Primary completion rate (% age group) 99.8 101.9 98.8
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop)
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.5 2.8 2.2
Food exports (mln US$) 8 203 10 851 27 468
Food imports (mln US$) 15 686 13 790 31 717
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 8 129 14 381 56 297
1 259 522
Roasted (1 000 US$) 76 170 256 302

Extracts (1 000 US$) 5 659 7 138 29 139

Imports, coffee
1 716 917
Green (1 000 US$) 532 753 599 887

Roasted (1 000 US$) 2 327 34 946 180 742

Extracts (1 000 US$) 22 220 26 452 84 525
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 29 519 33 247 30 106
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 90 101 95
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 649 2 732 2 624
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 936 938 914
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 44.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5.8 17.2 21.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 8.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 44.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 23 1 -1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 122 126 127
Population, rural (mln) 28 27 9
GDP per capita (current US$) 29 548 32 193 35 614
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 79 81 83
Primary completion rate (% age group) 103.4 102.4 102.1
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 2.1 1.6 1.2
Food exports (mln US$) 642 893 1 750
Food imports (mln US$) 17 884 24 832 45 107
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 6 24 150
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 195 385 8 626
Extracts (1 000 US$) 8 971 12 472 29 962
Imports, coffee
1 592 360
Green (1 000 US$) 530 389 785 442

Roasted (1 000 US$) 22 160 25 818 108 063

Extracts (1 000 US$) 99 098 107 348 175 188
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 20 927 18 954 17 980
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 114 104 98
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 333 2 296 2 166
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 616 603 553
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 63.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 13.4 16 16.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 63.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -44 -48 -113

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 5 8
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 7 058 7 695 11 405
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 2.7 1.2 0.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 14.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 16.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 72 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 95.7 101 92.8
Improved water source (% pop) 96.7 96.7 96.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 97.1 97.5 98.1
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 6.7 7 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.3 0.3 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 7.7 2.3 3.8
Food exports (mln US$) 98 164 1 217
Food imports (mln US$) 635 676 3 016
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 65 2 097 10 098
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 22 3 715
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 303 2 253
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 3 688 13 156 52 478
Roasted (1 000 US$) 134 453 4 576
Extracts (1 000 US$) 545 1 543 18 643
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 565 784 1 329
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 58 81 137
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 697 2 742 3 132
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 457 2 383 2 757
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 314 345 391
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 65
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.7 1.9 1.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 65
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 16 15 17
Population, rural (mln) 7 6 8
GDP per capita (current US$) 12 728 9 706 22 470
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 4.2 2.4 0.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 37.5 2.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 53.2 4.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 66 70
Primary completion rate (% age group) 94.9 102.2
Improved water source (% pop) 94.1 93.8 93.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 96.4 96.8 97.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 17.5 8.7 4.6
Food exports (mln US$) 564 572 2 634
Food imports (mln US$) 301 346 3 307
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 5 29
Roasted (1 000 US$) 65 86
Extracts (1 000 US$) 10 8 455
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 19 924
Roasted (1 000 US$) 340 3 460
Extracts (1 000 US$) 370 1 375 35 208
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 8 977 5 459 8 741
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 128 79 125
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 873 2 813 3 154
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 217 2 163 2 173
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 689 645 934
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 66.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.5 2.6 3.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 66.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 33 15 19

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 23 31 46
Population, rural (mln) 20 25 34
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 376 2 143 2 705
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 38.4 31.8 43.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 45.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 49.1
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 59 53 62
Primary completion rate (% age group) 90.7
Improved water source (% pop) 42.7 51.8 61.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 24.6 26.9 29.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 37.5 32.3 21.5
Number of people undernourished (mln) 9.7 10.1 9.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 29.5 32.4 30.3
Food exports (mln US$) 146 227 382
Food imports (mln US$) 194 447 1 216
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 704.44 1 510.81 3 299.3
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 64 75 184
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 194 390 153 807 261 023
Roasted (1 000 US$) 16 24 2 806
Extracts (1 000 US$) 254 377 238
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 5 15 035
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 12 243
Extracts (1 000 US$) 170 1 656 2 729
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 622 4 048 6 907
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 64 72 123
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 153 100 170 000 110 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 6 786 5 924 3 618
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 104 101 40
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 958 2 064 2 210
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 752 1 812 1 931
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 291 236 275
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 79.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 11.6 11.6 11.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 79.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 33 30 51

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 2 3
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 74 824 82 358
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 72 73 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 57 114.6 107.8
Improved water source (% pop) 99 99 99
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 31.5 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.6 ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 0.3
Food exports (mln US$) 32 43 131
Food imports (mln US$) 492 1 088 2 236
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 469 166 292
Roasted (1 000 US$) 28 20 143
Extracts (1 000 US$) 28 51 39
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 191 5 496 20 141
Roasted (1 000 US$) 72 484 5 030
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 035 2 945 11 249
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 90 143 306
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 50 80 170
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 529 3 449 3 304
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 914 2 643 2 803
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 398 808 668
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 53.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2 2 18.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 53.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 5 6
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 475 2 074 3 110
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 18.6 36.8 5.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 37
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 41.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 69 70
Primary completion rate (% age group) 93.4 103
Improved water source (% pop) 72.9 78.7 87.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 91.3 91.5 91.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 15.9 15.2 6
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.7 0.8 0.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 33.5 36.7 17.3
Food exports (mln US$) 5 18 203
Food imports (mln US$) 134 56 614
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 107
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 88
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 7 89
Roasted (1 000 US$) 78 578
Extracts (1 000 US$) 30 7 345
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 256 1 610 1 941
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 75 95 112
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 495 2 453 2 855
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 818 1 812 2 208
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 587 580 620
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 93
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.4 6.9 6.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 93
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 2 1 -11

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 5 7
Population, rural (mln) 4 4 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 622 2 327 4 667
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 55.7 41.2 30.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 46 33.5 23.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 51.8 37.6 28.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 54 62 68
Primary completion rate (% age group) 43.5 67.1 101
Improved water source (% pop) 45.5 71.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 28 64.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 44.1 39.2 18.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2 2.1 1.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 61.2 45.2 27.5
Food exports (mln US$) 23 14 39
Food imports (mln US$) 11 32 199
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 580.4 541.7
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 26 136 126
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 11 800 18 700 63 259
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 899 22 484
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 641 1 063 1 999
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 49 82 153
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 17 066 29 402 57 500
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 3 049 7 993 15 478
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 5 24 89
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 967 2 083 2 399
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 909 1 970 2 154
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 106 146 202
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 91.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.5 16.6 16.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 91.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 29 27 33

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 2 2
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 13 310 11 256 21 833
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0.4 1.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 19.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 70 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 96.2 106.1
Improved water source (% pop) 98.5 98.4 98.4
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 78.6 78.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 5.2 3.4
Food exports (mln US$) 89 88 1 548
Food imports (mln US$) 38 398 1 474
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 32 0 254
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 531 1 210 26 199
Extracts (1 000 US$) 59 3 847 2 178
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 860 3 394 11 270
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 033 30 138 46 028
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 000 18 491 23 684
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 332 721 949
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 169 86 121
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 236 2 028 2 310
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 031 759 983
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 12.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.3 15.5 18.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 10.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 12.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -5 -7 -12

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 3 5
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 7 734 12 335 16 623
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 74 80
Primary completion rate (% age group) 115.4 89.3
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 97.9 98.2 98.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 7.1 5.5
Food exports (mln US$) 90 96 478
Food imports (mln US$) 552 855 2 348
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 40 287
Roasted (1 000 US$) 270 260 13 457
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 14 555
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 13 000 24 638 72 823
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 483 4 123
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 5 936 31 798
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 062 1 218 1 194
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 84 99 96
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 3 264 3 342 3 213
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 787 2 785 2 742
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 447 535 439
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 59.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.5 0.5 0.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 59.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 2 2
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 307 1 637 2 494
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 67 55.2 56.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 56.6 57.1
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 60.5 61.2
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 59 47 49
Primary completion rate (% age group) 59.6 63.7 74.1
Improved water source (% pop) 77.5 79.1 81.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 23.9 29.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 15.3 13 11.2
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.3 0.2 0.2
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 24.7 12 5.6
Food exports (mln US$) 6 2 0
Food imports (mln US$) 112 111 189
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 300 350 125
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 121 124 133
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 100 103 112
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 388 2 468 2 593
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 197 2 329 2 432
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 134 133 163
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 8.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.5 0.5 0.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 8.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 2 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 3 4
Population, rural (mln) 1 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 502 473 850
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 83.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 63.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 67.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 47 52 61
Primary completion rate (% age group) 58.8
Improved water source (% pop) 61.2 74.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 13.6 16.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 30.7 36.5 32.5
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.6 1.1 1.4
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Food exports (mln US$) 5 5 31
Food imports (mln US$) 47 84 308
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 700 180 325
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 17
Extracts (1 000 US$) 144 0 712
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 209 272 327
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 77 100 120
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 15 000 16 000 2 780
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 1 067 2 571 2 446
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 2 4 1
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 161 2 084 2 336
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 088 2 055 2 159
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 75 67 92
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 9.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.6 1.6 2.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 9.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 15 15 16

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 5 6
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 23 085 20 371
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 72 75
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 54.4 54.4
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 96.5 96.5 96.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 4.3 1.9
Food exports (mln US$) 38 50 2
Food imports (mln US$) 1 000 991 3 287
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 8 800 3 450 20 180
Roasted (1 000 US$) 180 2 321 5 182
Extracts (1 000 US$) 367 1 400 14 773
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 803 1 002 1 176
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 76 94 110
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 82.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.1 0.1 0.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 82.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 2 2 3

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 3 3
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 15 611 11 887 24 470
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 2.1 0.1 0.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 20.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 72 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.7 96.4
Improved water source (% pop) 87.1 91 95.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 84.2 88.7 94.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.5
Food exports (mln US$) 193 308 3 785
Food imports (mln US$) 151 314 2 621
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 10 2 042
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 3 703 39 776
Extracts (1 000 US$) 7 050 32 728
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 312 3 677
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 27 894 103 734
Extracts (1 000 US$) 900 13 993 30 114
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 225 1 848 2 143
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 120 91 117
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 029 2 380 2 447
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 787 775 1 016
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 3.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2 11.6 16.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 5.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 3.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 8 7 9

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 56 922 81 425 88 850
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 78 82
Primary completion rate (% age group) 85.3
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 0.7 0.3
Food exports (mln US$) 250 918
Food imports (mln US$) 500 1 534
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 266 583
Roasted (1 000 US$) 15 818 42 024
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 499 1 955
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 627 5 356
Roasted (1 000 US$) 33 669 116 491
Extracts (1 000 US$) 5 787 8 504
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 219 188
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 110 90
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 412 2 417
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 131 1 151
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 15.4 33.3 39.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 3.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 12 16 24
Population, rural (mln) 9 11 15
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 661 1 446 1 369
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 67.1 76.3 87.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 70.8 75.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 78.2 81.5
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 51 58 65
Primary completion rate (% age group) 35 35.9 68.5
Improved water source (% pop) 28.6 38.1 49.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 7.9 10.6 13.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 29.7 34.8 32.8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 3.8 5.5 7.7
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 28.6 29.2 26.4
Food exports (mln US$) 125 95 274
Food imports (mln US$) 66 100 340
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 261.26 391.58
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 29 155 184
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 38 837 3 959 5 347
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 47
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 4 129
Roasted (1 000 US$) 8 9 130
Extracts (1 000 US$) 65 104 380
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 388 2 535 3 472
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 81 88 121
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 240 400 193 200 132 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 3 536 3 006 4 848
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 85 58 64
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 075 2 002 2 059
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 955 1 834 1 904
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 236 172 148
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 97.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.4 3.1 5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 97.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 59 56 53

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 9 11 17
Population, rural (mln) 8 10 14
GDP per capita (current US$) 540 632 755
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 83.2 72.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 65.3 50.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 66.5 56.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 47 46 55
Primary completion rate (% age group) 28.2 65.2 75.3
Improved water source (% pop) 42.1 62.5 85
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 9.6 10.2 10.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 46.9 28.6 20.8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 4.6 3.2 3.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 45 39.5 33.3
Food exports (mln US$) 35 29 207
Food imports (mln US$) 68 29 194
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 28 118
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 10 696 7 000 4 694
Roasted (1 000 US$) 399 0 30
Extracts (1 000 US$) 42 1 3
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 4 2 12
Roasted (1 000 US$) 31 11 197
Extracts (1 000 US$) 836 0 400
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 806 1 714 3 338
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 47 100 196
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 4 400 2 527 2 600
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 14 045 14 958 21 919
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 6 4 6
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 860 2 207 2 355
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 853 2 142 2 236
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 60 62 98
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 85.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 15 16.5 18.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 85.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 9 8 11

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 18 23 30
Population, rural (mln) 9 9 8
GDP per capita (current US$) 10 159 15 695 22 589
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 1.6 0.5 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 12.4 6 1.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 21.2 13.5 3.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 73 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 87.9 92.5 100.5
Improved water source (% pop) 88.2 96.4 99.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 84.4 92.3 95.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 15.2 8.6 9.1
Food exports (mln US$) 2 893 4 189 21 754
Food imports (mln US$) 1 630 2 730 12 373
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 461 896 4 143
Roasted (1 000 US$) 460 735 1 560
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 940 38 083 378 892
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 10 090 18 913 165 396
Roasted (1 000 US$) 953 4 172 13 920
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 960 14 100 101 256
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 6 019 8 745 14 354
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 54 78 128
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 13 100 53 000 5 677
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 508 7 509 29 255
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 7 40 17
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 801 2 858 3 018
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 164 2 337 2 336
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 484 507 519
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 22.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 17.1 18.2 18.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 22.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -232 -209 160

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 7 695 11 283
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 25.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 61 69 78
Primary completion rate (% age group) 189.1 132.3
Improved water source (% pop) 93.2 95.2 98.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 68 79.4 98.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 11.1 11.8 5.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 8.8 3.6
Food exports (mln US$) 0 0 0
Food imports (mln US$) 21 62 256
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 162 535
Roasted (1 000 US$) 366 282 1 422
Extracts (1 000 US$) 260 5 071
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 9 10 7
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 76 89 64
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 433 2 465 2 879
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 998 1 881 2 032
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 292 554 691
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area)
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 8 10 16
Population, rural (mln) 6 7 10
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 100 1 269 1 589
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 61.2 50.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 55.6 43.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 64.8 50.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 46 49 55
Primary completion rate (% age group) 10.1 33.1 58.8
Improved water source (% pop) 28.1 45.5 67.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 15.3 18.2 21.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 17.7 13.9 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.5 1.4 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 45.5 41.6 42.3
Food exports (mln US$) 92 124 150
Food imports (mln US$) 88 82 382
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 191
Roasted (1 000 US$) 7
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 3 134
Roasted (1 000 US$) 110 40 19
Extracts (1 000 US$) 4 827 5 069 3 578
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 308 1 662 3 423
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 57 72 151
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 344 2 469 2 829
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 151 2 232 2 423
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 248 221 411
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 97.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.6 2.6 6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 97.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 23 26 34

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 16 596 25 841 28 822
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 78 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 94.1 94.2 87.5
Improved water source (% pop) 99.8 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.5 2.3 1.9
Food exports (mln US$) 18 33 121
Food imports (mln US$) 146 203 470
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 149 44
Roasted (1 000 US$) 42 7
Extracts (1 000 US$) 309 155 40
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 285 266 249
Roasted (1 000 US$) 188 529 2 413
Extracts (1 000 US$) 4 622 5 510 6 737
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 63 85 73
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 79 107 92
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 259 2 444 2 488
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 763 885 901
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 35.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.1 15.4 21.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 35.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 3 4
Population, rural (mln) 1 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 459 2 436 2 945
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 42.8 21.2 23.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 51 42
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 66.2 59.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 58 60 62
Primary completion rate (% age group) 28.8 42.7 70.9
Improved water source (% pop) 30.3 40.4 49.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 16.4 20.6 26.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 14.1 11.5 5.8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.3 0.3 0.2
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 29.6 35.9 22.8
Food exports (mln US$) 43 13 19
Food imports (mln US$) 105 135 409
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 4 85
Roasted (1 000 US$) 10 16 68
Extracts (1 000 US$) 7 592 0
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 339 393 528
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 77 89 120
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 532 2 626 2 945
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 022 2 176 2 302
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 490 457 489
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 90.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.5 0.6 0.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 90.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 6 8 8

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 7 570 11 353 17 146
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 72 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 113.6 102.8 101.5
Improved water source (% pop) 99.2 99.2 99.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 88.9 89.1 90.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 7.9 7.1 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 12.9 7 3
Food exports (mln US$) 365 233 320
Food imports (mln US$) 162 229 698
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 3 4 9
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 3 12
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 19 99
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 41 120 438
Roasted (1 000 US$) 124 213 1 320
Extracts (1 000 US$) 801 956 3 202
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 231 244 241
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 90 95 94
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 0 0 0
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 125 000
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 813 2 907 3 121
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 408 2 461 2 593
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 377 443 463
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 67.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.7 4.5 4.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 67.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 86 104 124
Population, rural (mln) 25 26 26
GDP per capita (current US$) 12 479 14 704 16 291
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 4.8 5.5 1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 53.1 53.6 52.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 66.5 69.2 63.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 74 77
Primary completion rate (% age group) 86.6 95 103.2
Improved water source (% pop) 82.3 88.6 94.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 65.9 75.3 85.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 6.7 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 6.2 ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 7.8 3.5 3.5
Food exports (mln US$) 2 075 4 980 16 230
Food imports (mln US$) 4 166 7 599 21 503
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 193.54 305.01 377.38
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 27 131 219
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 332 890 651 700 722 221
Roasted (1 000 US$) 41 250 7 180 17 258
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 824 41 512 178 805
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 293 5 948 15 708
Roasted (1 000 US$) 28 3 241 33 073
Extracts (1 000 US$) 215 15 160 44 472
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 21 841 28 894 38 156
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 66 88 115
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 587 235 701 326 700 117
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 7 493 4 822 3 308
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 440 338 232
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 3 004 3 035 3 081
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 507 2 479 2 443
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 462 559 629
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 76.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.4 7.7 12.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 76.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 123 113 108

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 2 3
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 4 303 3 910 9 132
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 27.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 35.5
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 60 63 68
Primary completion rate (% age group) 86.9 96.2
Improved water source (% pop) 62.3 68.4 84.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 47.2 48.6 56.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 46.1 38.2 21.5
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1 0.9 0.6
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 12.9 30.9 15.8
Food exports (mln US$) 91 20 42
Food imports (mln US$) 56 76 388
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 128
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 12 22
Roasted (1 000 US$) 49 200
Extracts (1 000 US$) 250 6 981
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 893 900 917
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 135 145 145
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 852 2 177 2 539
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 329 1 252 1 666
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 929 925 797
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 43.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.1 13.4 13.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 43.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 42 46 44

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1
Population, rural (mln) 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 9 703 14 152
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 11.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 18.1
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 74 74 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 101
Improved water source (% pop) 97.4 97.8 98
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 89.8 90
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 12.5 10.2
Food exports (mln US$) 38
Food imports (mln US$) 422
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 68
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 177
Extracts (1 000 US$) 123
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 12 546
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 368
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 040
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 174
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 95
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 492
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 076
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 1.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 14.2 14.3 14.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 1.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 25 29 33
Population, rural (mln) 13 13 14
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 901 4 430 6 967
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 2.5 6.3 2.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 15.3 8.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 25.1 14.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 65 68 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 50.2 57.7 100.7
Improved water source (% pop) 72.8 78.1 83.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 52.4 63.9 75.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 7.5 6.5 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.9 1.9 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 19.3 14.9 16
Food exports (mln US$) 572 601 1 870
Food imports (mln US$) 514 1 284 4 322
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 2
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 54 147
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 15 294 30 053
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 22 525 37 274 103 117
Roasted (1 000 US$) 185 865 11 816
Extracts (1 000 US$) 4 360 649 4 382
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 964 5 129 9 607
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 69 72 134
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 927 3 086 3 343
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 882 2 843 3 026
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 210 220 307
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 87.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.2 0.6 21.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 87.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 4 3 14

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 14 18 26
Population, rural (mln) 11 13 18
GDP per capita (current US$) 462 582 1 070
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 74.7 60.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 54.1 54.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 55.3 56.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 44 47 50
Primary completion rate (% age group) 26.5 16.1 49.2
Improved water source (% pop) 33.6 41.1 49.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 8.5 14.1 21
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 59.4 42 26.2
Number of people undernourished (mln) 8.9 7.7 6.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 37.1 24 28.6
Food exports (mln US$) 31 47 297
Food imports (mln US$) 191 194 632
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 2
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 112
Roasted (1 000 US$) 50 800 765
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 1 786
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 128 1 579 2 944
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 62 88 162
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 1 492 1 000 950
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 6 280 6 000 9 474
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 1 1 1
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 691 1 991 2 306
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 761 1 877 2 178
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 47 113 105
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 78
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 14.8 14.8 17.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 78
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 51 49 49

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 42 48 54
Population, rural (mln) 32 35 35
GDP per capita (current US$)
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 59 62 65
Primary completion rate (% age group) 75.9 95
Improved water source (% pop) 55.6 66.9 85.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 53.2 60.6 77.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 62.5 52.4 14.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 27.5 25.4 8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 57.3 57.2
Food exports (mln US$) 184 354 1 584
Food imports (mln US$) 75 227 898
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 13 42 262
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 97
Roasted (1 000 US$) 194
Extracts (1 000 US$) 16 33
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 60 226
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 170 324
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 8 300 124 788
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 6 079 10 324 19 984
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 43 73 130
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 3 346 4 063 12 500
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 4 118 4 465 6 600
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 1 2 8
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 715 1 902 2 598
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 611 1 783 2 143
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 85 127 428
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 89
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3 3.7 7.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 89
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 156 158 153

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 2 2
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 716 6 110 9 276
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 49.1 49.1 23.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 69.3 28.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 81.6 37.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 61 55 64
Primary completion rate (% age group) 74.1 91.2 85.4
Improved water source (% pop) 67.2 79.1 91.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 23.6 27.7 32.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 38.3 30.4 42.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.6 0.6 1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 9.8 11.8 6.1
Food exports (mln US$) 141 67 362
Food imports (mln US$) 107 181 599
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 26 16
Roasted (1 000 US$) 31 12
Extracts (1 000 US$) 44 16
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 886 3 586
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 374 2 287
Extracts (1 000 US$) 441 1 294
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 366 381 408
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 81 84 91
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 010 2 229 2 043
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 795 1 842 1 756
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 267 404 330
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 69.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 11.6 20 43.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 69.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 15 16 19

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 18 23 28
Population, rural (mln) 17 20 23
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 240 1 577 2 173
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 53.1 23.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 25.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 27.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 55 62 68
Primary completion rate (% age group) 60.1 69.5 101.6
Improved water source (% pop) 66.5 77.1 88.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 6.2 20.6 36.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 24.2 22.2 7.7
Number of people undernourished (mln) 4.7 5.2 2.2
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 51.6 40.8 34.3
Food exports (mln US$) 39 28 170
Food imports (mln US$) 69 168 829
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 182.01 1 222.68
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 79 90 117
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 20 351
Roasted (1 000 US$) 2 33
Extracts (1 000 US$) 21 7
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 8
Roasted (1 000 US$) 211 507 115
Extracts (1 000 US$) 3 2 817
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 896 3 850 5 865
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 65 87 130
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 0 314 1 750
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 2 293 2 091
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 222 2 280 2 670
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 024 2 096 2 467
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 161 161 206
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 98.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.7 17 16.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 98.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 49 57 28

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 15 16 17
Population, rural (mln) 5 4 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 32 534 41 771 45 021
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 78 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 98.5
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 4.3 2.5 2
Food exports (mln US$) 21 160 17 073 56 768
Food imports (mln US$) 12 317 11 252 41 002
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 25 575 14 291 64 041
Roasted (1 000 US$) 25 017 27 186 374 598
Extracts (1 000 US$) 89 503 66 366 296 758
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 317 876 242 028 315 555
Roasted (1 000 US$) 88 010 76 477 468 151
Extracts (1 000 US$) 30 332 46 984 130 330
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 12 403 13 003 13 797
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 103 105 113
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 191 2 082 2 143
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 088 1 182 1 005
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 11.7 18.9 19.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 2.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 24 21 20

New Zealand
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 4 5
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 23 424 27 422 33 020
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 79 81
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop)
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 6.4 8.3 6.9
Food exports (mln US$) 3 420 4 914 17 306
Food imports (mln US$) 479 774 2 780
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 4 16 803
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 89 1 463
Extracts (1 000 US$) 115 227 2 181
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 10 657 7 992 49 622
Roasted (1 000 US$) 562 6 826 13 638
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 120 14 306 46 070
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 6 253 8 265 10 452
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 65 87 110
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 985 2 230 1 982
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 268 924 1 188
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 74.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 26.4 27.2 27.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.9
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 74.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 50 20 21

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 5 6
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 082 3 489 4 494
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 32.7 14.4 8.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 42.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 63.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 64 70 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 39.2 65.8 80.4
Improved water source (% pop) 73.9 80 85
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 43.1 48 52.1
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 51.5 34.8 17.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.3 1.8 1.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 19.5 20.5
Food exports (mln US$) 126 211 1 238
Food imports (mln US$) 93 225 716
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 974.4
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 17 43 209
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 67 600 170 597 523 873
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 1 598
Extracts (1 000 US$) 5 700 7 612 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 2 044 2 725
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 6 1 315
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 448 1 250
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 587 941 1 608
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 51 82 141
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 70 070 107 865 108 074
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 3 995 7 621 7 768
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 28 82 84
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 855 2 173 2 628
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 531 1 875 2 253
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 203 260 311
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 76.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 15.4 30.5 30.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 76.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 35 35 37

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 8 11 19
Population, rural (mln) 7 9 15
GDP per capita (current US$) 924 778 887
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 72.8 78.2 40.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 48.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 55.2
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 44 51 58
Primary completion rate (% age group) 17 19.2 49.6
Improved water source (% pop) 34.3 42.2 52.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 4.8 6.6 9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 32.4 22.8 9.7
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.8 2.5 1.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 35.3 37.8 36.7
Food exports (mln US$) 50 76 191
Food imports (mln US$) 97 93 460
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 24
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 124 41
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 40
Roasted (1 000 US$) 69 37 66
Extracts (1 000 US$) 837 796 4 176
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 114 1 682 3 120
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 47 71 134
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 026 2 297 2 583
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 088 2 100 2 339
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 189 228 208
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 66.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.1 7.1 16.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 66.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 17 21 22

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 96 123 179
Population, rural (mln) 62 71 87
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 030 2 836 5 423
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 61.9 68.7 62
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 46
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 52.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 46 47 52
Primary completion rate (% age group) 76
Improved water source (% pop) 45.6 54.8 64
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 36.9 32.5 27.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 16.1 9.2 6.7
Number of people undernourished (mln) 16.6 11.3 11.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 31.5 26 20.2
Food exports (mln US$) 158 262 1 219
Food imports (mln US$) 480 1 017 6 402
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 2 367.1 1 302.89 437.56
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 26 66 34
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 14 310 954
Roasted (1 000 US$) 58 0 1
Extracts (1 000 US$) 54 0 3
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 112 110 88
Roasted (1 000 US$) 110 55 1 242
Extracts (1 000 US$) 799 3 512 17 476
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 16 629 27 677 38 208
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 48 81 115
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 3 434 3 190 1 900
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 8 824 12 006 11 053
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 3 4 2
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 487 2 619 2 656
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 117 2 529 2 597
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 75 81 103
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 53.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 11.6 12.9 14.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 53.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 221 230 237

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 4 5
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 42 752 58 093 62 411
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 79 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 95.2 98 100.4
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.4 2.1 1.7
Food exports (mln US$) 191 192 449
Food imports (mln US$) 963 1 160 4 706
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 831 165 2 111
Roasted (1 000 US$) 393 767 3 722
Extracts (1 000 US$) 113 106 641
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 75 330 70 312 154 375
Roasted (1 000 US$) 7 480 6 652 73 102
Extracts (1 000 US$) 11 110 12 500 32 838
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 538 1 409 1 447
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 108 99 104
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 124 2 223 2 363
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 032 1 155 1 121
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 28.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7 9.1 16.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 5.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 28.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -6 -9 -20

West Bank and Gaza Strip
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 3 4
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 4 206 4 484
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 35.5 25.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 38.5 19.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 71 73
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.6 93.3
Improved water source (% pop) 96.6 92 81.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 86.6 90.1 94.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 11.2 4.8
Food exports (mln US$) 0 73 91
Food imports (mln US$) 23 410 461
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 353 1 300
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 540 164
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 123
Extracts (1 000 US$) 77 486
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 524 553
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 88 93
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 45.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.6 0.6 0.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 2.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 45.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 111 144 185
Population, rural (mln) 77 96 116
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 961 3 366 4 454
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 64.7 35.9 12.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 34.5 22.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 39.3 27
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 61 64 67
Primary completion rate (% age group) 73.1
Improved water source (% pop) 85.3 88.3 91.4
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 26.8 37.4 47.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 24 22.4 22
Number of people undernourished (mln) 28.9 32.2 40.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 26 25.9 25.1
Food exports (mln US$) 399 777 3 621
Food imports (mln US$) 1 014 1 249 4 018
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 75
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 53 61 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 36 3 85
Extracts (1 000 US$) 71 4 585
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 18 411 26 744 28 595
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 60 88 94
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 358 2 377 2 444
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 996 1 965 1 910
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 346 433 530
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 94
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 10.1 10.2 10.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 94
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 103 121 161

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 3 4
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 7 463 9 954 18 793
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 20.9 13.8 4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 25.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 49.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 73 75 78
Primary completion rate (% age group) 80.4 91.5 96.4
Improved water source (% pop) 83.9 90.2 94.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 60 67 73.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 23.9 27.4 10
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.6 0.8 0.4
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 9.8 7.2 3.5
Food exports (mln US$) 292 249 287
Food imports (mln US$) 144 308 1 031
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 2 435 2 263 2 928.35
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 158 147 191
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 13 828 16 045 9 423
Roasted (1 000 US$) 130 41 8 381
Extracts (1 000 US$) 12
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 4 3 055
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 575 330
Extracts (1 000 US$) 6 315 2 813
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 798 817 985
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 92 96 117
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 25 000 21 565 22 400
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 4 619 4 755 4 509
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 12 10 10
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 329 2 203 2 745
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 780 1 646 2 147
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 459 485 586
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 43
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 18.2 19 20.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 43
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 23 22 10

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 5 7
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 985 6 031 7 833
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 1.1 7.8 3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 44 23.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 52.5 33.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 70 72
Primary completion rate (% age group) 65.2 91.9 83.7
Improved water source (% pop) 53.1 73.5 93.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 37.2 58.5 79.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 19.2 13.3 11.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.9 0.7 0.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 17.8 15.8 20.9
Food exports (mln US$) 410 459 3 786
Food imports (mln US$) 31 150 471
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 691.95 642.51 242.86
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 86 160 176
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 20 520 353 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 32 2
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 485 36 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 193 1 294
Roasted (1 000 US$) 17 50 549
Extracts (1 000 US$) 142 815 8 899
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 316 2 768 5 948
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 63 79 176
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 17 397 5 129 294
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 10 103 6 996 12 993
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 18 4 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 460 2 623 2 645
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 951 2 011 2 035
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 468 577 554
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 78.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.9 5.1 6.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 78.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 87 89 100

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 22 26 31
Population, rural (mln) 7 7 7
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 280 6 485 11 396
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 12.5 2.9
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 52.3 23.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 75.2 48
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 66 71 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 87.8 101.9 92.5
Improved water source (% pop) 74.4 80.6 86.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 54 63.2 73.1
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 28.6 21.6 8.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) 6.6 5.6 2.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 9.5 9 7.4
Food exports (mln US$) 121 326 2 738
Food imports (mln US$) 595 698 3 238
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 533.11 991.4 1 812.1
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 28 90 127
Exports, coffee
1 019 987
Green (1 000 US$) 98 160 223 832

Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 252 668

Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 283 2 808
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 2 179
Roasted (1 000 US$) 20 74 1 421
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 2 184 28 790
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 180 5 588 9 598
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 50 85 147
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 162 661 264 492 399 523
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 4 988 7 246 6 414
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 81 192 256
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 168 2 321 2 733
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 724 2 050 2 393
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 298 316 307
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 88.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.7 8 19.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.8
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 88.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 84 67 97

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 62 78 100
Population, rural (mln) 32 40 50
GDP per capita (current US$) 4 010 4 243 6 326
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 33.1 24.6 19
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 24.9 25.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 65 67 69
Primary completion rate (% age group) 89.2 95.2 93.7
Improved water source (% pop) 83.6 87.6 91.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 57 65.5 74.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 26.4 21.3 13.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 17.6 16.5 13.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 21.9 14 11.3
Food exports (mln US$) 996 1 317 3 280
Food imports (mln US$) 993 1 991 4 745
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 788.06 802.63 1 709.14
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 48 80 164
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 8 007 430 131
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 54
Extracts (1 000 US$) 908 1 757 656
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 12 057 67 699
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 319 2 129
Extracts (1 000 US$) 23 3 855 179 893
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 12 379 15 262 21 687
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 68 84 122
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 144 007 136 921 116 532
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 8 726 7 855 6 725
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 126 108 78
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 256 2 375 2 604
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 990 2 037 2 182
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 267 356 388
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 82.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 8.7 10.8 10.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 82.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 51 42 50

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 38 38 38
Population, rural (mln) 15 15 15
GDP per capita (current US$) 10 080 14 553 22 835
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 14.8 17.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 74 77
Primary completion rate (% age group) 96.9 95.5 97.7
Improved water source (% pop)
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 89.6 89.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.3 3.3
Food exports (mln US$) 1 388 1 930 17 021
Food imports (mln US$) 536 1 743 10 716
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 10 769 9 796
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 43 857 334 680
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 52 162 203 828
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 24 099 134 364 319 428
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 130 21 411 221 899
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 998 57 657 265 446
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 24 940 20 187 21 007
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 111 92 107
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 272 2 512 2 543
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 075 907 942
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 9.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 15.9 22.5 34.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 4.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 9.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 20 3 -12

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 10 11
Population, rural (mln) 5 5 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 20 282 26 147 25 933
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 74 76 80
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 96.1 97.9 99.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 93.7 97.7 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.5 2.3
Food exports (mln US$) 371 694 3 367
Food imports (mln US$) 1 691 2 625 7 452
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 169 465 4 264
Roasted (1 000 US$) 7 167 22 223 65 551
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 758 6 098 13 126
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 48 482 81 856 160 131
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 990 14 086 114 288
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 125 11 523 33 641
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 217 4 287 4 413
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 99 99 104
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 610 2 513 2 437
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 794 1 031 1 019
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 73
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.3 21.6 22.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 5.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 73
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 9 8 6

Republic of Korea
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 43 46 50
Population, rural (mln) 11 9 8
GDP per capita (current US$) 12 087 20 757 32 708
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 76 81
Primary completion rate (% age group) 99.2 104.1 104.5
Improved water source (% pop) 90.1 93.4 97.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 8.2 4.4 2.3
Food exports (mln US$) 639 980 2 705
Food imports (mln US$) 2 882 4 993 16 704
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 44 32 11 491
Roasted (1 000 US$) 130 1 316 1 519
Extracts (1 000 US$) 6 672 20 607 197 809
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 72 186 107 677 385 131
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 778 4 736 92 002
Extracts (1 000 US$) 7 127 11 432 123 854
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 7 839 10 236 10 303
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 79 103 104
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 981 3 087 3 443
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 636 2 647 2 775
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 320 444 554
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 62
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.2 4.3 6.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 62
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -13 -13 -18

Republic of Moldova
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 4 3
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 6 419 2 321 4 521
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 12.2 6.2 0.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 29 12.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 18.8
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 67 67 69
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.8 93
Improved water source (% pop) 92.7 93.4 96.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 76.3 78.6 86.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 36.1 29 15.2
Food exports (mln US$) 154 123 604
Food imports (mln US$) 60 37 464
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 12 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 185
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 3 64
Roasted (1 000 US$) 98 64 2 637
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 280 18 731
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 769 1 477 1 681
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 164 85 88
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 974 2 065 2 160
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 506 435 677
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 3.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.2 1.9 3.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.9
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 3.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 2 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 23 22 22
Population, rural (mln) 11 11 10
GDP per capita (current US$) 11 449 9 970 18 184
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.4 1.6 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 22.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 71 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 88.4 89.6 93.7
Improved water source (% pop) 75.3 84.2 87.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 71.1 71.8 72.1
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 23.7 12.1 5.4
Food exports (mln US$) 58 276 4 012
Food imports (mln US$) 875 599 4 203
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 57 403
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 27 11 892
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 2 18 734
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 39 979 37 848 66 966
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 15 762 119 897
Extracts (1 000 US$) 4 995 21 395 49 927
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 10 106 8 413 10 373
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 93 81 98
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 331 2 452 2 551
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 796 689 812
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 17
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 17.6 17.5 18.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 2.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 17
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 31 17 4

Russian Federation
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 149 147 142
Population, rural (mln) 40 39 37
GDP per capita (current US$) 19 349 13 173 23 564
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 1.5 0.4 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 20.3 10.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 65 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 90.6 99.9
Improved water source (% pop) 93.2 95.1 97
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 73.8 72.1 70.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 16.6 6.4 3.9
Food exports (mln US$) 137 797 11 606
Food imports (mln US$) 8 892 4 942 28 907
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 9 95 126
Roasted (1 000 US$) 10 284 47 092
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 1 814 91 810
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 11 845 25 116 360 698
Roasted (1 000 US$) 15 407 4 880 148 787
Extracts (1 000 US$) 81 040 141 815 470 918
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 58 730 42 787 56 506
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 121 89 122
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 202 2 236 2 553
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 771 642 806
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 19.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5 10.8 11.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 19.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 404 310 25

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 7 8 12
Population, rural (mln) 7 7 10
GDP per capita (current US$) 856 764 1 426
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 79.4 63
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 44.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 48.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 33 48 64
Primary completion rate (% age group) 43.1 23.1 59.3
Improved water source (% pop) 60.3 66.2 70.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 30.2 47.2 63.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 56.1 60.6 32.7
Number of people undernourished (mln) 3.4 5 4
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 32.5 37.2 33.1
Food exports (mln US$) 0 0 49
Food imports (mln US$) 42 50 224
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 903.17 587.14 1 372.38
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 26 47 199
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 67 123 17 402 70 336
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 1
Extracts (1 000 US$) 14
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 18 455
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 8
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 9 36
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 050 1 199 2 507
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 72 82 173
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 55 000 23 000 44 908
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 6 305 6 999 4 359
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 35 16 20
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 822 1 781 2 232
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 666 1 749 2 073
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 50 52 75
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 68
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 9.9 9.9 10.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 68
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 12 11 2

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 657 4 336 5 584
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 65 69 73
Primary completion rate (% age group) 94 102.4
Improved water source (% pop) 88.9 93.3 98.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 92.7 92.2 91.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 13.9 6.6 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Food exports (mln US$) 7 3 6
Food imports (mln US$) 16 21 80
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 20 35
Roasted (1 000 US$) 75 10 54
Extracts (1 000 US$) 4 10 502
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 45 46 54
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 91 92 110
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 120 35 37
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 1 500 2 286 2 973
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 394 2 761 2 908
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 844 1 978 2 148
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 742 781 724
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.4 5.7 6.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 95.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 -1 0

Sao Tome and Principe
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 157 2 876
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 28.2 43.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 61.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 59.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 62 63 66
Primary completion rate (% age group) 77.4 55.9 94.2
Improved water source (% pop) 78.2 97
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 20.9 34.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 24 21.5 6.4
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 12.1 19.8
Food exports (mln US$) 3 4 5
Food imports (mln US$) 7 6 32
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 14 53 7
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 25
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 16
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 12 25 29
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 47 96 113
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 300 180 1 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 1 233 1 000 39
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 202 2 348 2 655
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 103 2 262 2 493
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 111 123 183
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area)
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 8.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

Saudi Arabia
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 16 20 29
Population, rural (mln) 4 4 5
GDP per capita (current US$) 35 239 37 066 52 068
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 69 73 76
Primary completion rate (% age group) 116.6
Improved water source (% pop) 92 95 97
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 91.5 96.8 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 5.7 4.9 1.9
Food exports (mln US$) 311 377 3 308
Food imports (mln US$) 2 964 4 547 18 512
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 9 920
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 868 695 2 125
Roasted (1 000 US$) 171 7 379
Extracts (1 000 US$) 23 45 322
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 25 905 48 655 184 116
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 473 1 537 11 260
Extracts (1 000 US$) 14 269 15 336 76 940
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 403 2 701 3 578
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 71 81 108
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 0 0
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 744 3 089 3 266
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 441 2 654 2 635
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 429 459 487
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 88
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.6 31.3 31.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 88
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 5 5 8

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 8 10 15
Population, rural (mln) 5 6 8
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 856 1 916 2 170
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 65.7 44.1 34.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 55.2 46.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 65.1 57.1
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 57 58 63
Primary completion rate (% age group) 41.9 38.6 60.9
Improved water source (% pop) 59.9 66.4 74.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 35.1 42.7 51.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 27.1 29.4 10.6
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.2 2.9 1.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 19.9 19.1 17.2
Food exports (mln US$) 155 115 318
Food imports (mln US$) 377 351 1 533
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 61
Roasted (1 000 US$) 37 1 8
Extracts (1 000 US$) 83 54 2 259
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 889 5 132
Roasted (1 000 US$) 212 189 821
Extracts (1 000 US$) 12 700 4 399 9 896
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 879 1 202 1 402
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 77 107 128
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 161 2 164 2 468
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 058 1 991 2 251
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 178 173 175
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 93
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 25.2 25.2 24.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 93
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 18 19 17

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 9
Population, rural (mln) 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 12 892
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.3 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 24.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 98.9
Improved water source (% pop) 99.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 97.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 19.9 9.7
Food exports (mln US$) 2 207
Food imports (mln US$) 932
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 22
Roasted (1 000 US$) 7 119
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 033
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 99 754
Roasted (1 000 US$) 7 897
Extracts (1 000 US$) 22 017
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 757
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 108
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 080
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 644
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 1.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 1.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -69

Sierra Leone
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 4 6
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 333 1 006 1 495
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 62.9 59.4 56.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 66.4 52.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 78.7 66.1
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 37 38 46
Primary completion rate (% age group) 71
Improved water source (% pop) 36.7 47.3 60.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 10.9 11.9 13
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 40.7 38 22.7
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.6 1.6 1.4
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 46.9 58.4 61.6
Food exports (mln US$) 7 2 30
Food imports (mln US$) 96 104 278
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 8 072 2 000 6 748
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 91 30 539
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 407 309 1 198
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 58 44 172
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 11 200 9 000 14 500
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 23 036 16 667 24 828
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 26 15 36
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 057 2 018 2 408
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 887 1 930 2 215
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 63 61 118
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 21.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3.8 6.9 10.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 21.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 7 7 9

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 5 5 5
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 11 536 15 242 25 759
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0.2 0.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 12.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 73 76
Primary completion rate (% age group) 96.4 96.7 96
Improved water source (% pop) 99.8 99.8 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 99.8 99.8 99.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 4.4 3.7
Food exports (mln US$) 274 285 3 875
Food imports (mln US$) 351 469 3 864
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 26 300 22 256
Roasted (1 000 US$) 298 5 449 197 970
Extracts (1 000 US$) 146 1 236 6 706
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 13 976 16 114 39 918
Roasted (1 000 US$) 6 325 8 984 175 503
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 421 9 201 52 704
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 231 1 650 1 594
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 116 90 87
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 952 2 114 2 173
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 838 664 729
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 3.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 19.3 20.5 36.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 8.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 3.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 4 -7 -4

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 2 2
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 22 488 27 368
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 14.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 73 75 80
Primary completion rate (% age group) 93.4 96.1 98.2
Improved water source (% pop) 99.6 99.6 99.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.3 2.2
Food exports (mln US$) 210 218 1 207
Food imports (mln US$) 418 481 1 987
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 71 300 2 161
Roasted (1 000 US$) 446 5 449 11 062
Extracts (1 000 US$) 12 1 236 3 231
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 12 881 16 114 33 108
Roasted (1 000 US$) 2 094 8 984 20 073
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 143 9 201 10 696
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 718 780 652
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 90 99 83
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 933 2 218 2 316
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 848 839 857
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 0.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.5 8.9 54.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 7.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 0.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) -7 -8 -13

Solomon Islands
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 776 1 715 2 003
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 22.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 57 63 68
Primary completion rate (% age group) 60.1 72.5 86.3
Improved water source (% pop) 79.7 80.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 25.5 28.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 23.1 15 10.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 28.9 34.7 35.7
Food exports (mln US$) 18 40 83
Food imports (mln US$) 12 14 88
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 80 220 196
Roasted (1 000 US$) 54 2 271
Extracts (1 000 US$) 23 20
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 64 84 121
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 62 82 118
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 210 2 326 2 471
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 879 2 178 2 261
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 233 175 212
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.1 1.2 2.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 2 2 2

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 6 7 11
Population, rural (mln) 4 5 7
GDP per capita (current US$)
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 45 51 55
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 21 23.5 31.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 21.2 21.8 23.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 65.5
Food exports (mln US$) 70 108 314
Food imports (mln US$) 77 132 853
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 6 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 86 4
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 465 1 443 1 887
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 91 90 117
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 99.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.6 0.6 0.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 99.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 37 37 36

South Africa
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 37 45 53
Population, rural (mln) 18 19 19
GDP per capita (current US$) 10 364 9 927 12 454
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 24.3 26.2 9.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 53.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 77
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 62 56 57
Primary completion rate (% age group) 75.9 86.6
Improved water source (% pop) 81.3 86.8 95.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 58 65.1 74.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 5 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2 ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 4.6 3.3 2.5
Food exports (mln US$) 1 286 1 501 4 764
Food imports (mln US$) 593 876 4 679
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 067 2 526 2 574
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 057 1 067 2 938
Extracts (1 000 US$) 921 3 706 8 632
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 17 243 24 150 64 936
Roasted (1 000 US$) 120 2 536 22 297
Extracts (1 000 US$) 345 3 926 58 937
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 8 898 10 644 13 608
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 80 96 122
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 821 2 878 3 136
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 432 2 524 2 545
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 398 362 462
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 62.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.5 7 6.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 62.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 35 32 32

South Sudan
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 12
Population, rural (mln) 8
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 965
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 50.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 55.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 44 49 55
Primary completion rate (% age group) 37.4
Improved water source (% pop) 56.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 8.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP)
Food exports (mln US$)
Food imports (mln US$)
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$)
Food prod index (2004-2006=100)
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 36.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area)
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 36.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams)

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 39 40 47
Population, rural (mln) 10 10 10
GDP per capita (current US$) 24 126 30 647 31 683
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 79 82
Primary completion rate (% age group) 101.3 102.7 99.2
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 4.1 2.5
Food exports (mln US$) 6 513 11 438 33 621
Food imports (mln US$) 4 942 6 846 22 087
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 22 976 31 139 112 891
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 649 16 775 133 232
Extracts (1 000 US$) 18 143 60 795 337 825
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 267 474 299 362 838 452
Roasted (1 000 US$) 8 193 23 966 106 836
Extracts (1 000 US$) 24 675 27 108 319 464
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 26 752 32 132 35 381
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 83 100 109
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 450 2 436 2 352
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 835 948 831
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 60.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 12.9 26.6 29
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 6.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 60.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 24 -2 18

Sri Lanka
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 17 19 21
Population, rural (mln) 14 16 18
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 340 4 946 9 426
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 15 13.9 4.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 26.1 22.7 6.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 29.5 24.7 7.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 71 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 96.9 104 97.4
Improved water source (% pop) 67.6 79.3 93.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 67.6 78.7 92.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 31.9 29.9 22.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 5.7 5.6 4.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 26.3 19.9 9.9
Food exports (mln US$) 119 192 626
Food imports (mln US$) 436 633 1 624
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 615.87 965.52 1 798.08
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 42 106 331
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 975 31 14
Roasted (1 000 US$) 36 17 21
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 2 27
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 17 21 46
Roasted (1 000 US$) 4 41 184
Extracts (1 000 US$) 59 382 1 637
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 702 1 886 2 792
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 86 95 142
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 13 351 15 600 8 740
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 5 668 6 276 6 373
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 8 10 6
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 180 2 352 2 585
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 053 2 171 2 372
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 114 144 167
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 87.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 20.3 21.5 22
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 87.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 15 14 13

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 39
Population, rural (mln) 27
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 860 2 396 3 265
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 19.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 46.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 57.6
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 56 58 62
Primary completion rate (% age group) 57
Improved water source (% pop) 67.5 62 55.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 26.9 25.4 23.6
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln)
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 40.6 42.2 29.2
Food exports (mln US$)
Food imports (mln US$)
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$)
Food prod index (2004-2006=100)
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 96.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.2 4.2 6.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 96.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams)

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 1
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 10 625 9 908 15 556
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 15.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 68 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 88.1 85
Improved water source (% pop) 88.9 95.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 80.5 80.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 14.8 14.1 8.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 8.7 11.2 7
Food exports (mln US$) 38 54 95
Food imports (mln US$) 46 74 207
19 607.87
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 3 490.66

Producer price index (2004-06=100) 1 84 135

Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 6
Extracts (1 000 US$) 899
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 39
Roasted (1 000 US$) 63 130 447
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 361 3 107
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 118 94 145
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 122 97 154
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 239 210 490
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 1 925 190 245
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 521 2 514 2 773
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 049 2 221 2 359
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 396 324 368
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 70
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3.5 14.6 14.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 70
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 3 3 6

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 372 5 829 6 471
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 43 39.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 69 63
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 79.7 73.1
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 59 49 49
Primary completion rate (% age group) 62.8 60.9 77.5
Improved water source (% pop) 38.9 51.9 74.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 48.5 51.8 57.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 16.8 21.7 26.5
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.2 0.2 0.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 10.4 12.2 7.5
Food exports (mln US$) 319 284 234
Food imports (mln US$) 79 151 152
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 16 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 65 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 12 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 622 252 48
Roasted (1 000 US$) 526 590
Extracts (1 000 US$) 222 609
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 254 244 314
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 91 87 112
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 308 2 312 2 239
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 112 2 021 2 052
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 236 332 223
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 96.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3 3 3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 96.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 2 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 9 9 10
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 30 901 36 816 43 540
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 78 80 82
Primary completion rate (% age group) 96.5 99.6 101.5
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 3.6 1.9 1.4
Food exports (mln US$) 900 1 168 3 841
Food imports (mln US$) 2 026 2 507 8 537
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 560 166 8 805
Roasted (1 000 US$) 15 662 33 127 170 291
Extracts (1 000 US$) 2 359 5 837 23 833
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 195 161 194 833 498 431
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 595 12 423 128 898
Extracts (1 000 US$) 27 184 25 866 71 042
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 628 3 356 3 089
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 110 102 93
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 940 2 061 2 089
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 033 1 039 1 071
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 4.1
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 6.2 12.9 14.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 15.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 4.1
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 30 10 -16

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 7 7 8
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 46 600 49 083 54 993
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 77 80 83
Primary completion rate (% age group) 51.2 96.4 96.8
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 2.3 1.2 0.7
Food exports (mln US$) 1 232 1 358 3 613
Food imports (mln US$) 2 678 2 704 6 756
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 518 476 11 162
1 792 674
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 313 24 438

Extracts (1 000 US$) 53 735 56 421 234 629

Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 165 399 144 197 704 608
Roasted (1 000 US$) 8 329 12 847 107 492
Extracts (1 000 US$) 6 964 11 901 38 556
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 977 2 824 2 792
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 106 101 101
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 182 2 300 2 363
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 260 1 141 1 124
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 1.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 14.6 22.3 26.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 7.9
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 1.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 5 2 2

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 12 16 22
Population, rural (mln) 6 8 9
GDP per capita (current US$)
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 35.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 36.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 73 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 90.1 91.5 63.9
Improved water source (% pop) 85.7 87.5 90.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 84.5 88.6 95.7
Prevalence of undernourishment (%)
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 29.8 23.8 17.9
Food exports (mln US$) 527 423 571
Food imports (mln US$) 649 650 1 878
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 21
Roasted (1 000 US$) 16 246
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 609
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 047 12 599 69 234
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 1 135
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 3 347 6 670
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 365 4 990 5 317
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 51 78 82
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 87.5
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.3 0.4 0.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 87.5
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 6 5 6

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 6 6 8
Population, rural (mln) 4 5 6
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 635 1 186 2 432
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 35.4 6.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 72.4 47.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 73.8 49.2
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 63 64 67
Primary completion rate (% age group) 91.3 98.2
Improved water source (% pop) 58.2 59.6 71.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 89.5 90.4 94.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 28.1 38.8 34
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.6 2.4 2.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 33.3 27.4 27.4
Food exports (mln US$) 12 25 41
Food imports (mln US$) 238 123 572
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$) 80 3 157
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 724 641 1 704
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 81 72 156
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 048 1 953 2 140
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 826 1 811 1 910
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 242 147 191
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 90.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.9 4.1 4.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 90.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 3 3 5

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 57 62 67
Population, rural (mln) 40 43 44
GDP per capita (current US$) 6 369 8 939 13 932
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 11.6 3 0.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 58.1 42.6 12.6
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 66.2 51.7 16.7
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 71 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 84.7
Improved water source (% pop) 86.4 91.7 95.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 81.7 91.3 93.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 32.6 19 7.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 18.9 11.9 5.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 12.5 9 11.6
Food exports (mln US$) 3 257 4 860 18 764
Food imports (mln US$) 443 1 170 6 443
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 966.84 602.82 2 318.41
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 79 78 230
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 49 690 41 550 5 168
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 191 1 081
Extracts (1 000 US$) 991 4 914 184 712
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 77 63 362
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 404 5 490
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 598 4 480 99 645
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 16 071 22 257 30 648
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 69 93 128
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 60 320 67 486 51 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 11 851 12 011 9 804
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 71 81 50
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 300 2 580 2 821
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 921 2 294 2 433
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 259 310 351
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 90.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 11.9 16.9 18.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 90.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 76 67 70

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 2 2
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 9 803 8 757 11 609
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 4.2 0.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 27.1
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 73 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 95.6 95.4 93.9
Improved water source (% pop) 99.3 99.3 99.4
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 89.9 91.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 8.5 12 10.2
Food exports (mln US$) 113 64 367
Food imports (mln US$) 164 182 666
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 89 0 7
Roasted (1 000 US$) 83 84 1 427
Extracts (1 000 US$) 38 19 12
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 472 2 538 18 745
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 940 383 6 453
Extracts (1 000 US$) 114 1 155 6 969
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 549 697 823
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 78 98 118
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 840 2 248 2 367
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 477 502 556
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 12.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 5.3 6.2 7.3
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 12.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 322 2 040
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 34.9
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 36.3 49.9
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 39.7 51.5
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 48 59 68
Primary completion rate (% age group) 71
Improved water source (% pop) 54.3 70.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 37.4 38.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 38.5 43.9 27.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.3 0.4 0.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 28.1 18.4
Food exports (mln US$) 0 0 0
Food imports (mln US$) 21 35 73
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 8 000 9 000 14 000
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 650 83
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 4 974
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 98 94 125
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 94 89 121
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 53 000 60 000 56 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 1 628 2 167 1 786
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 9 13 10
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 008 1 875 2 179
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 533 1 621 1 860
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 284 244 223
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3.4 8.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 6.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 4 4 6

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 5 7
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 350 1 305 1 346
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 52.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 58.7
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 73.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 56 54 56
Primary completion rate (% age group) 36.4 65.4 81.3
Improved water source (% pop) 48.4 53.4 60
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 13.2 12.2 11.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 40.6 29.2 12.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 1.7 1.4 0.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 33.8 35.1 41.7
Food exports (mln US$) 41 19 147
Food imports (mln US$) 79 36 185
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 494.42 491.59 848.37
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 33 82 99
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 17 809 11 490 7 779
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 33 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 294 234
Roasted (1 000 US$) 38 30 49
Extracts (1 000 US$) 204 106 1 499
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 416 550 809
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 64 84 125
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 21 000 57 930 28 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 6 095 2 624 3 911
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 13 15 11
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 967 2 158 2 600
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 007 2 093 2 280
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 84 78 86
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 45
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 11.3 11.5 24.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 45
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 11 10 2

Trinidad and Tobago
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 1 1 1
Population, rural (mln) 1 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 13 464 17 721 29 469
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 4.2
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 68 69 70
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.3 93.3 94.8
Improved water source (% pop) 90.3 92.2 93.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 92.7 92.4 92.1
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 14.7 13 8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.2 0.2 0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 2.6 1.4 0.6
Food exports (mln US$) 74 134 114
Food imports (mln US$) 206 259 756
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 651.06 1 749.99
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 94 114 164
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 322 22 9
Roasted (1 000 US$) 988 372 26
Extracts (1 000 US$) 490 632 204
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 67 12 629
Roasted (1 000 US$) 3 111 381
Extracts (1 000 US$) 80 1 216 7 993
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 132 146 144
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 88 98 96
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 9 000 3 500 355
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 2 160 1 580 2 254
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 2 1 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 554 2 761 2 965
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 232 2 319 2 325
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 393 458 564
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 8.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 30.5 31.7 32.6
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 8.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 1 1 1

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 8 10 11
Population, rural (mln) 3 3 4
GDP per capita (current US$) 5 502 7 464 10 768
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 5.9 2.5 0.7
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 32.4 15.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 73 74
Primary completion rate (% age group) 79.7 90.4 97.8
Improved water source (% pop) 81.5 89.4 96.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 72.6 81.9 90.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 17.7 11.3 8.6
Food exports (mln US$) 240 373 1 309
Food imports (mln US$) 480 535 2 144
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 163 8 67
Extracts (1 000 US$) 21 297 2 210
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 7 401 13 696 62 194
Roasted (1 000 US$) 163 13 1 698
Extracts (1 000 US$) 19 3 533 17 181
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 2 400 2 865 4 028
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 69 84 119
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 3 141 3 296 3 465
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 881 2 903 3 018
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 274 349 344
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 82
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.3 1.3 5.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 82
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 3 4 4

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 54 63 76
Population, rural (mln) 22 22 20
GDP per capita (current US$) 10 670 13 025 18 567
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 2.9 0.1
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 23.8 2.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 32.2 5.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 64 70 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 93.1 92.6 101.4
Improved water source (% pop) 85.4 92.8 99.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 83.5 87.2 91.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 18.1 11.3 8
Food exports (mln US$) 2 309 2 865 12 641
Food imports (mln US$) 1 371 1 366 7 787
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 12 316
Roasted (1 000 US$) 4 322 5 641
Extracts (1 000 US$) 12 496 21 409
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 10 086 15 911 77 049
Roasted (1 000 US$) 1 707 3 131 19 531
Extracts (1 000 US$) 3 252 26 353 84 609
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 25 155 29 904 40 234
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 80 94 130
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 3 723 3 634 3 703
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 3 361 3 263 3 190
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 414 399 491
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 73.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.7 2 2.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.8
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 73.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 40 20 14

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 4 5 5
Population, rural (mln) 2 2 3
GDP per capita (current US$) 8 353 5 351 13 555
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 63.5 24.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 63 64 65
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 83.3 71.1
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 98.1 98.3 99.1
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 8.6 9 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.4 0.4 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 32.2 24.4 14.5
Food exports (mln US$) 2 6 9
Food imports (mln US$) 231 82 373
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 100 0
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 116 1 532 2 508
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 48 66 124
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 562 2 614 3 010
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 060 2 095 2 192
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 518 518 691
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3 3 3.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 4 5 8

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 18 24 39
Population, rural (mln) 16 21 32
GDP per capita (current US$) 767 1 042 1 621
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 71.9 56.6 37.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 56.4 33.8 19.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 60.3 37.4 22.4
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 48 48 59
Primary completion rate (% age group) 61 54.2
Improved water source (% pop) 41.6 56.5 74.8
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 26.2 29.8 33.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 25 28.4 25.3
Number of people undernourished (mln) 4.9 6.9 9.8
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 56.6 29.4 28.1
Food exports (mln US$) 14 20 446
Food imports (mln US$) 20 111 793
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 140 384 121 258 370 687
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 338
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 103
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 603 109
Roasted (1 000 US$) 5 77
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 274 1 065
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 686 4 674 5 946
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 68 86 113
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 270 000 300 991 312 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 4 768 4 767 6 090
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 129 143 190
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 231 2 265 2 273
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 168 2 132 2 104
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 163 135 176
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 40.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 7.9 8.5 11.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1.6
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 40.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 29 31 42

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 52 49 45
Population, rural (mln) 17 16 14
GDP per capita (current US$) 10 507 4 817 8 508
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0 0.1 0
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 8.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 70 68 71
Primary completion rate (% age group) 100.2 91.4 109.6
Improved water source (% pop) 96.9 98
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 95.1 94.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 25.6 17.1 11.8
Food exports (mln US$) 589 1 475 16 140
Food imports (mln US$) 643 666 4 577
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 4 2 001
Extracts (1 000 US$) 450 32 022
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 5 500 26 895
Roasted (1 000 US$) 11 814 102 749
Extracts (1 000 US$) 1 900 17 000 234 909
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 27 998 18 994 30 667
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 130 88 138
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 584 2 319 2 499
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 657 577 642
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 6.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 1.9 4 4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.7
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 6.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 23 -11 5

United Arab Emirates
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 2 3 9
Population, rural (mln) 0 1 1
GDP per capita (current US$) 115 748 108 909 57 045
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 72 74 77
Primary completion rate (% age group) 92.2 89.2 110.6
Improved water source (% pop) 99.7 99.7 99.6
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 97.4 97.4 97.5
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 1.9 0.7
Food exports (mln US$) 501 584 2 579
Food imports (mln US$) 1 429 2 040 10 821
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 1 455 180 1 243
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 489
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 1 200 2 479
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 9 736 18 989 27 764
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 40 452
Extracts (1 000 US$) 655 7 500 55 282
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 232 1 174 507
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 31 174 68
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 3 250 3 330 3 328
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 215 2 584 2 710
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 862 712 505
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 82.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 12.6 12.6 18.1
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 82.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 1

United Kingdom
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 57 59 64
Population, rural (mln) 13 13 13
GDP per capita (current US$) 26 424 32 543 36 932
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 76 78 81
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 100 100 100
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 100 100 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 0.9 0.6
Food exports (mln US$) 6 169 6 927 13 824
Food imports (mln US$) 15 794 17 484 42 602
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 12 411 11 352 34 837
Roasted (1 000 US$) 7 065 25 281 198 241
Extracts (1 000 US$) 67 555 97 918 408 857
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 203 142 199 333 554 180
Roasted (1 000 US$) 40 341 84 915 295 960
Extracts (1 000 US$) 153 275 139 533 423 160
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 18 905 18 345 17 646
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 107 104 100
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 190 2 368 2 425
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 1 051 996 989
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 10.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 22.5 25.5 27.9
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 3.4
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 10.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 64 55 41

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 25 34 51
Population, rural (mln) 21 26 36
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 460 1 477 2 365
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 72 84.2 43.5
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 28.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 33.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 50 50 61
Primary completion rate (% age group) 58 49.5 75.9
Improved water source (% pop) 55 54.3 53.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 6.6 8.8 12.2
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 27.1 36.8 32.1
Number of people undernourished (mln) 7.6 12.5 16.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 46 33.5 31.5
Food exports (mln US$) 67 184 726
Food imports (mln US$) 66 308 1 115
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 83 800 104 820 185 326
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 6 1 287
Extracts (1 000 US$) 340 1 111 1 022
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 56 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 1 172
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 141 301
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 3 726 4 178 9 019
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 65 73 154
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 133 201 115 000 232 923
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 4 010 4 157 3 057
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 53 48 71
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 109 2 032 2 203
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 038 1 882 2 063
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 149 123 146
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 89.4
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 27.3 28.5 32.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 89.4
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 135 134 147

United States of America
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 255 285 323
Population, rural (mln) 63 60 54
GDP per capita (current US$) 37 026 45 986 51 340
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 75 77 79
Primary completion rate (% age group)
Improved water source (% pop) 98.4 98.8 99.2
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 99.5 99.7 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 1.2 1.4
Food exports (mln US$) 28 597 39 317 111 636
Food imports (mln US$) 16 696 26 914 63 704
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 4 960 5 842 13 228
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 54 64 145
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 101 763 101 085 179 634
Roasted (1 000 US$) 48 017 190 545 885 342
Extracts (1 000 US$) 33 257 73 543 204 709
Imports, coffee
1 911 105 2 446 888 5 809 571
Green (1 000 US$)

Roasted (1 000 US$) 44 919 188 165 727 345

Extracts (1 000 US$) 114 507 179 201 493 475
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 172 029 209 468 238 533
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 78 96 113
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 970 2 752 2 954
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 10 474 14 353 10 748
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 1 4 3
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day)
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 525 2 730 2 644
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 968 1 025 995
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 40.2
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 13.7 13.8 13.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.5
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 40.2
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 146 47 -58

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 3 3 3
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 9 617 12 584 18 966
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 0.9 0.5 0.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 11.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 73 75 77
Primary completion rate (% age group) 94.6 97.3 104.3
Improved water source (% pop) 95.5 97.1 99.5
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 92.2 93.8 96.4
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 5.8 <5.0 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 0.2 ns ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 9.2 7 8.6
Food exports (mln US$) 614 863 5 368
Food imports (mln US$) 46 270 701
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 18 171 402
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 2 300 2 325 3 381
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 388 1 971
Extracts (1 000 US$) 34 2 666 8 456
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 992 2 737 4 387
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 60 83 130
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 781 2 855 2 900
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 678 1 884 2 205
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 831 994 734
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 86.6
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.2 2.2 2.7
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 6.1
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 86.6
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 21 1 4

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 22 25 29
Population, rural (mln) 13 16 19
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 043 2 481 5 002
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 16
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 67 67 68
Primary completion rate (% age group) 95.5 91.8
Improved water source (% pop) 90 88.7 87.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 83.7 90.9 100
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) <5.0 11.5 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) ns 2.9 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 32.8 34.4 18.8
Food exports (mln US$) 75 144 470
Food imports (mln US$) 653 362 1 133
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$)
Roasted (1 000 US$) 23 0
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 25 1
Roasted (1 000 US$) 105 295
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 5 280 5 443 11 976
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 72 79 163
Area harvested, coffee (ha)
Yield, coffee (hg/ha)
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes)
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 704 2 349 2 851
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 248 1 950 2 174
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 459 400 501
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 90
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 2.1 2.3 3.4
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 90
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 12 14 25

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 0 0 0
Population, rural (mln) 0 0 0
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 550 2 823 2 895
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop)
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 63 68 72
Primary completion rate (% age group) 83.7 92.1 93.3
Improved water source (% pop) 61.9 76 90.7
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 35.5 41.7 57.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 11.9 8.1 6.4
Number of people undernourished (mln) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 20.9 26.2 28
Food exports (mln US$) 11 13 31
Food imports (mln US$) 10 13 54
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 1 453.03 2 075.08
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 94 104
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 60 0 8
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 113
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 0 16
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 177
Extracts (1 000 US$) 42 20 401
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 69 61 83
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 114 101 138
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 25 40 66
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 6 000 7 500 6 364
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 0 0 0
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 533 2 696 2 868
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 149 2 260 2 369
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 431 438 451
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total)
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 3.7 4.2 4.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 2.2
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total)
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 0 0 0

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 20 24 31
Population, rural (mln) 3 2 2
GDP per capita (current US$) 14 539 14 461 17 615
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 4.4 19.1 6.6
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 46.3 25.4
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop)
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 72 75
Primary completion rate (% age group) 78.3 83 95.9
Improved water source (% pop) 89.9 92.1 92.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 82 88.7 90.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 13.2 16.6 <5.0
Number of people undernourished (mln) 2.8 4 ns
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 5.5 4.2 5.5
Food exports (mln US$) 168 196 15
Food imports (mln US$) 564 1 300 7 416
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 912.52 1 860.93 4 451.31
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 2 35 735
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 25 970 3 227 0
Roasted (1 000 US$) 95 494 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 6 760 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 239 264 285
Roasted (1 000 US$) 104 16 348
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 2 470 3 071
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 4 120 5 573 7 701
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 73 97 131
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 281 963 226 863 206 597
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 2 710 3 458 3 737
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 76 78 77
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 456 2 459 2 992
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 2 033 2 051 2 308
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 354 427 572
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 73.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 40.1 52.9 53
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 73.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 139 141 144

Viet Nam
1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 69 81 93
Population, rural (mln) 55 61 62
GDP per capita (current US$) 1 501 2 650 5 125
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 63.8 40.1 2.4
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 17.2
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 22.1
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 71 74 76
Primary completion rate (% age group) 97.8 97.5
Improved water source (% pop) 61.6 77.4 95
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 37.4 54.4 75
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 41.3 28.1 11.8
Number of people undernourished (mln) 30.3 22.7 10.9
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 38.7 22.7 18.1
Food exports (mln US$) 492 1 406 7 147
Food imports (mln US$) 90 625 7 062
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 495.8 1 595.67
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 105 152 724
Exports, coffee
3 673 102
Green (1 000 US$) 92 493 499 651

Roasted (1 000 US$)

Extracts (1 000 US$)
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 530 21 963
Roasted (1 000 US$)
Extracts (1 000 US$)
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 10 409 17 403 29 703
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 49 77 134
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 61 857 476 900 584 600
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 14 873 16 827 24 991
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 92 802 1 461
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 002 2 246 2 796
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 735 1 966 2 170
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 170 273 575
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 94.8
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 4.6 6.1 6.5
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0.3
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 94.8
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 64 15 46

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 12 18 25
Population, rural (mln) 9 13 16
GDP per capita (current US$) 3 441 4 018 3 832
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 10.5 9.8
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 40.1 34.8
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 42.5 40.1
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 58 60 63
Primary completion rate (% age group) 61.6 70.1
Improved water source (% pop) 66.3 59.9 54.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 23.7 39.4 53.3
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 27.9 29.6 25.9
Number of people undernourished (mln) 3.8 5.2 6.5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 24.4 13.8 10.1
Food exports (mln US$) 30 32 180
Food imports (mln US$) 613 719 3 682
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne) 8 076.23 1 645.08 7 957.88
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 13 37 236
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 12 484 12 535
Roasted (1 000 US$) 13 625 3 910 2 213
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 57 36
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 216 12
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 155 1 641
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 745 1 077 1 796
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 57 83 138
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 24 804 33 443 35 060
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 2 988 3 398 5 700
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 7 11 20
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 2 083 2 081 2 212
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 899 1 948 2 034
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 149 142 189
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 90.7
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 0.5 0.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area)
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 90.7
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 4 5 7

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 8 10 15
Population, rural (mln) 5 7 9
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 407 2 202 3 800
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop) 65.3 64.6 74.3
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 60.5
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 77.9
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 44 42 58
Primary completion rate (% age group) 63.4 83.7
Improved water source (% pop) 49.1 53.1 63.3
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 41.3 40.7 42.8
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 35.2 42.9 48.4
Number of people undernourished (mln) 3 4.3 7.3
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 20.6 18.3 9.6
Food exports (mln US$) 11 42 756
Food imports (mln US$) 49 62 378
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100)
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 3 558 7 232 2 813
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 0 10
Extracts (1 000 US$) 0 0 0
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 18 56
Roasted (1 000 US$) 11 43 356
Extracts (1 000 US$) 162 201 2 087
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 724 827 1 827
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 74 84 184
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 1 530 5 500 7 000
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 9 020 9 818 9 286
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 1 5 6
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 996 1 893 1 942
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 962 1 766 1 823
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 118 106 107
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 73.3
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 36 36 37.8
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 73.3
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 94 92 94

1990 2000 2014
Population, total (mln) 10 13 15
Population, rural (mln) 7 8 9
GDP per capita (current US$) 2 532 2 521 1 773
Poverty headcount, $1.25 a day (% pop)
Poverty headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% pop) 72.3
Rural pov headcount, nat’l poverty lines (% rural pop) 84.3
Life expectancy at birth, total (years) 59 44 60
Primary completion rate (% age group) 83 92
Improved water source (% pop) 79.2 79.5 79.9
Improved sanitation facilities (% pop) 40.6 40.3 39.9
Prevalence of undernourishment (%) 45.1 43.7 34
Number of people undernourished (mln) 5.1 5.5 5
Agriculture, value added (% of GDP) 16.5 18.3 13.6
Food exports (mln US$) 225 243 147
Food imports (mln US$) 40 87 1 121
Producer prices, green coffee (US$ per tonne)
Producer price index (2004-06=100) 0 0 714
Exports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 23 300 7 259 742
Roasted (1 000 US$) 2 1 369 0
Extracts (1 000 US$) 11 101 530
Imports, coffee
Green (1 000 US$) 0 50 64
Roasted (1 000 US$) 0 6 756
Extracts (1 000 US$) 7 429 1 206
Production and consumption
Food prod value, gross (constant 2004-06 1 000 l$) 1 241 1 498 1 292
Food prod index (2004-2006=100) 93 110 98
Area harvested, coffee (ha) 5 843 6 500 1 800
Yield, coffee (hg/ha) 23 223 14 000 3 000
Production quantity, coffee (mln tonnes) 14 9 1
Dietary energy supply (kcal/cap/day) 1 943 2 001 2 176
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day) 1 835 1 809 1 931
Animal products (kcal/cap/day) 178 170 179
Renewable water res withdrawn (% total) 78.9
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) 18 18 27.2
Organic area (% total agricultural area) 0
Water withdrawal by agriculture (% total) 78.9
GHG emissions from ag (CO2 eq, gigagrams) 50 49 48


Definitions Coffee, Roasted

With or without caffeine, and may or may not
be ground.
Agricultural production indices Source: FAO, Statistics Division
The FAO indices of agricultural production Owner: FAO
show the relative level of the aggregate volume
of agricultural production for each year in com-
parison with the base period 2004-2006. They Coffee, extracts
are based on the sum of price-weighted quan-
It is essences and concentrates, including in-
tities of different agricultural commodities pro-
stant coffee, roasted chicory and other coffee
duced after deductions of quantities used as
substitutes, extracts and essences thereof.
seed and feed weighted in a similar manner. All
the indices are calculated by the Laspeyres for- Source: FAO, Statistics Division
mula. Production quantities – except for fish Owner: FAO
– of each commodity – except for fish – are
weighted by 2004-2006 average international
commodity prices and summed for each year. Producer prices, agriculture
To obtain the index, the aggregate for a given Prices received by farmers (called producer
year is divided by the average aggregate for the prices) for for primary crops, livestock products
base period 2004-2006. The fish index is only and live animals as collected at the point of ini-
normalized to the base period 2004-06.Since tial sale (prices paid at the farm-gate).
the FAO indices are based on the concept of Source: FAO, Statistics Division
agriculture as a single enterprise, amounts of Owner: FAO
seed and feed are subtracted from the produc-
tion data to avoid double counting them, once
in the production data and once with the crops
Vegetal (crop) products (kcal/cap/day)
or livestock produced from them. Deductions
for seed (in the case of eggs, for hatching) and Processed products of vegetal origin.
for livestock and poultry feed apply to both do- Source: FAO, Statistics Division
mestically produced and imported commodi- Owner: FAO
ties. They cover only primary agricultural prod-
ucts destined to animal feed (e.g. maize, pota-
toes, milk, etc.). Processed and semi-processed Animal products (kcal/cap/day)
feed items such as bran, oilcakes, meals and Processed products of animal origin.
molasses have been completely excluded from
Source: FAO, Statistics Division
the calculations at all stages. When calcu-
lating indices of agricultural, food and non- Owner: FAO
food production, all intermediate primary in-
puts of agricultural origin are deducted. How-
ever, for indices of any other commodity group, Dietary energy supply (kcal/pc/day)
only inputs originating from within the same The food available for human consumption, ex-
group are deducted; thus, only seed is removed pressed in kilocalories per person per day. At
from the group “crops” and from all crop sub- the country level, it is calculated as the food re-
groups, such as cereals, oil crops, etc.; and both maining for human use after taking out all non-
feed and seed originating from within the live- food utilization, including exports, industrial
stock sector (e.g. milk feed, hatching eggs) are use, animal feed, seed, wastage and changes
removed from the group “livestock products”. in stocks.
For the main two livestock subgroups, namely, Source: FAO, Statistics Division
meat and milk, only feed originating from the Owner: FAO
respective subgroup is removed. International
commodity prices are used in order to avoid the
use of exchange rates for obtaining continen-
Food imports and exports (mln US$)
tal and world aggregates and to improve in-
ternational comparative analysis of productiv- Food comprises the commodities in SITC sec-
ity at the national level. These ”international tions 0 (food and live animals), 1 (beverages
prices”, expressed in ”international dollars,” are and tobacco), and 4 (animal and vegetable oils
derived using a Geary-Khamis formula for the and fats) and SITC division 22 (oil seeds, oil
agricultural sector. This method assigns a sin- nuts, and oil kernels).
gle “price” to each commodity. The commodi- Source: FAO, Statistics Division and Fisheries
ties covered in the computation of indices of Division
agricultural production are all crops and live- Owner: FAO
stock products originating in each country. The
category of food production includes commodi-
ties that are considered edible and that con- Food production index
tain nutrients, although it does not include The FAO indices of agricultural production
fish. Accordingly, coffee and tea are excluded show the relative level of the aggregate vol-
along with inedible commodities because, al- ume of agricultural production for each year in
though edible, they have practically no nutri- comparison with the base period 2004-2006. It
tive value. Indices for meat production are should be noted that when calculating indices
computed based on data for production from of agricultural, food and nonfood production,
indigenous animals, which takes account of the all intermediate primary inputs of agricultural
meat equivalent of exported live animals but origin are deducted.
excludes the meat equivalent of imported live Source: FAO, Statistics Division
animals. For index purposes, annual changes
Owner: FAO
in livestock and poultry numbers or in their av-
erage live weight are not taken into account.
Source: FAO, Statistics Division and Fisheries Food production value (gross)
Value of gross production has been compiled by
Owner: FAO multiplying gross production in physical terms
by output prices at farm gate. Thus, value of
production measures production in monetary
terms at the farm gate level. Since interme-
Coffee, Green
diate uses within the agricultural sector (seed
Includes coffea spp. (arabica, robusta, liberica). and feed) have not been subtracted from pro-
It is raw coffee in all forms. duction data, this value of production aggre-
Source: FAO, Statistics Division gate refers to the notion of "gross production".
Source: FAO, Statistics Division
Owner: FAO
Owner: FAO

GDP per capita (US$, PPP) certification body. Agricultural area in conver-
Gross domestic product converted to interna- sion to organic is the land area which is going
tional dollars using purchasing power parity through the organic conversion process, usu-
rates. An international dollar has the same pur- ally two years period of conversion to organic
chasing power over GDP as the U.S. dollar has land.
in the United States. GDP at purchaser’s prices Source: FAO, Statistics Division
is the sum of gross value added by all resi- Owner: FAO
dent producers in the economy plus any prod-
uct taxes and minus any subsidies not included
in the value of the products. It is calculated Population with access to sanitation facilities
without making deductions for depreciation of (%)
fabricated assets or for depletion and degrada-
Refers to the percentage of the population with
tion of natural resources. Data are in constant
at least adequate access to excreta disposal fa-
2011 international dollars.
cilities that can effectively prevent human, ani-
Source: FAO, Statistics Division mal, and insect contact with excreta. Improved
Owner: World Bank facilities range from simple but protected pit
latrines to flush toilets with a sewerage connec-
tion. To be effective, facilities must be correctly
Improved water source (%) constructed and properly maintained.
Refers to the percentage of the population Source: World Bank
with reasonable access to an adequate amount Owner: World Health Organization and United
of water from an improved source, such as a Nations Children’s Fund, Joint Measurement
household connection, public standpipe, bore- Programme (JMP)
hole, protected well or spring, and rainwater
collection. Unimproved sources include ven-
dors, tanker trucks, and unprotected wells and Population, rural
springs. Reasonable access is defined as the De facto population living in areas classified as
availability of at least 20 liters a person a rural (that is, it is the difference between the to-
day from a source within one kilometer of the tal population of a country and its urban popu-
dwelling. lation). Data refer to 1 July of the year indicated
Source: World Bank and are presented in thousands.
Owner: World Health Organization and United Source: FAO, Statistics Division
Nations Children’s Fund, Joint Measurement Owner: United Nations Population Division,
Programme (JMP) World Urbanization Prospects.

Income share held by highest 20% (percent) Population, total

Percentage share of income or consumption is De facto population in a country, area or region
the share that accrues to subgroups of popula- as of 1 July of the year indicated.
tion indicated by deciles or quintiles. Percent- Source: FAO, Statistics Division
age shares by quintile may not sum to 100 be- Owner: World Population Prospects: The 2012
cause of rounding. Revision from the UN Population Division
Source: World Bank, Development Research
Group. Data are based on primary household
survey data obtained from government Poverty headcount ratio at $1.25 a day PPP
statistical agencies and World Bank (percent of population)
country departments. Data for high-income Population below $1.25 a day is the percent-
economies are from the Luxembourg age of the population living on less than $1.25
Income Study database. For more infor- a day at 2005 international prices. As a re-
mation and methodology, please see PovcalNet sult of revisions in PPP exchange rates, poverty
( rates for individual countries cannot be com-
Owner: World Bank (WDI) pared with poverty rates reported in earlier edi-
Source: World Bank, Development Research
Life expectancy at birth (years) Group. Data are based on primary household
Indicates the number of years a newborn infant survey data obtained from government
would live if prevailing patterns of mortality statistical agencies and World Bank
at the time of its birth were to stay the same country departments. Data for high-income
throughout its life. economies are from the Luxembourg
Income Study database. For more infor-
Source: World Bank
mation and methodology, please see PovcalNet
Owner: UNPD World Population Prospects (
2010 Owner: World Bank (WDI)

Net trade Poverty headcount ratio at national poverty

The sum of exports and imports of goods and line (percent of population)
services. The percentage of the population living be-
Source: FAO, Statistics Division low the national poverty lines. National esti-
Owner: FAO mates are based on population-weighted sub-
group estimates from household surveys.
Source: Global Poverty Working Group. Data
are based on World Bank’s country poverty
Organic area (%)
assessments and country Poverty Reduction
Sum of areas under "Agricultural area certified Strategies.
organic" and "Agricultural area in conversion to
Owner: World Bank (WDI)
organic". Agricultural area certified organic is
the land area exclusively dedicated to organic
agriculture and managed by applying organic
agriculture methods. It refers to the land area Poverty headcount ratio at rural poverty line
fully converted to organic agriculture. It is the (percent of rural population)
portion of land area (including arable lands, Rural poverty rate is the percentage of the ru-
pastures or wild areas) managed (cultivated) or ral population living below the national rural
wild harvested in accordance with specific or- poverty line.
ganic standards or technical regulations and Source: Global Poverty Working Group. Data
that has been inspected and approved by a are based on World Bank’s country poverty


assessments and country Poverty Reduction Value added, industry

Strategies. Industry corresponds to ISIC divisions 10-45
Owner: World Bank (WDI) and includes manufacturing (ISIC divisions 15-
37). It comprises value added in mining, man-
ufacturing (also reported as a separate sub-
group), construction, electricity, water, and gas.
Prevalence of undernourishment Value added is the net output of a sector af-
Expresses the probability that a randomly se- ter adding up all outputs and subtracting inter-
lected individual from the population con- mediate inputs. It is calculated without mak-
sumes an amount of calories that is insufficient ing deductions for depreciation of fabricated
to cover her/his energy requirement for an ac- assets or depletion and degradation of natural
tive and healthy life. The indicator is computed resources. The origin of value added is deter-
by comparing a probability distribution of ha- mined by the International Standard Industrial
bitual daily dietary energy consumption with a Classification (ISIC), revision 3.
threshold level called the minimum dietary en- Source: World Development Indicators, World
ergy Requirement. Both are based on the no- Bank
tion of an average individual in the reference Owner: World Bank
Source: FAO, Statistics Division
Owner: FAO Value added, services
Services correspond to ISIC divisions 50-99 and
they include value added in wholesale and re-
tail trade (including hotels and restaurants),
Primary completion rate, total (percent of rele- transport, and government, financial, profes-
vant age group) sional, and personal services such as education,
Primary completion rate is the percentage of health care, and real estate services. Also in-
students completing the last year of primary cluded are imputed bank service charges, im-
school. It is calculated by taking the total num- port duties, and any statistical discrepancies
ber of students in the last grade of primary noted by national compilers as well as discrep-
school, minus the number of repeaters in that ancies arising from rescaling. Value added is
grade, divided by the total number of children the net output of a sector after adding up all
of official graduation age. outputs and subtracting intermediate inputs. It
Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific, is calculated without making deductions for de-
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute preciation of fabricated assets or depletion and
for Statistics. degradation of natural resources. The indus-
trial origin of value added is determined by the
Owner: World Bank (WDI) International Standard Industrial Classification
(ISIC), revision 3.
Source: World Development Indicators, World
Renewable water resources withdrawn (% of Bank
total) Owner: World Bank
The total volume of groundwater and surface
water withdrawn from their sources for human
use (in the agricultural, municipal and indus- Water withdrawal, agriculture (% of total)
trial sectors), expressed as a percentage of the Annual quantity of water withdrawn for irriga-
total actual renewable water resources. tion, livestock and aquaculture purposes. It in-
Source: Land and Water Division (AQUASTAT) cludes renewable freshwater resources as well
as over-abstraction of renewable groundwa-
Owner: FAO
ter or withdrawal of fossil groundwater, use of
agricultural drainage water, (treated) wastewa-
ter and desalinated water.
Terrestrial protected areas (% total land area) Source: Land and Water Division (AQUASTAT)
Totally or partially protected areas of at least Owner: FAO
1,000 hectares that are designated by national
authorities as scientific reserves with limited
public access, national parks, natural monu-
ments, nature reserves or wildlife sanctuar-
ies, protected landscapes, and areas managed
mainly for sustainable use. Marine areas, un-
classified areas, littoral (intertidal) areas, and
sites protected under local or provincial law are
Source: World Bank
Owner: United Nations Environmental Pro-
gram and the World Conservation Monitoring
Centre, as compiled by the World Resources In-

Value added, agriculture

Agriculture corresponds to ISIC divisions 1-5
and includes forestry, hunting, and fishing, as
well as cultivation of crops and livestock pro-
duction. Value added is the net output of a
sector after adding up all outputs and subtract-
ing intermediate inputs. It is calculated with-
out making deductions for depreciation of fab-
ricated assets or depletion and degradation of
natural resources. The origin of value added
is determined by the International Standard In-
dustrial Classification (ISIC), revision 3.
Source: World Development Indicators, World
Owner: World Bank

The country classification adopted in this publication is based on the United Nations M49 classification
( The country names have been abbreviated for the
purpose of this publication. The official FAO names can be found at

The asterisk in charts and maps indicates the most recent year available in the specified time interval.
In the country profiles, when the country data have not been reported for the reference year, data in
italics indicate that the value for the most recent year available is shown.

In the tables, a blank means not applicable or, for an aggregate, not analytically meaningful. A 0 or
0.0 means zero or a number that is small enough to round to zero at the displayed number of decimal

The ~ in the maps refers to the range specified in the class intervals.

In addition:

• <5.0 proportion less than 5 percent

• <0.1 less than 100 000 people
• ns not statistically significant

Two types of aggregations are used in the book: sum and weighted mean. Two restrictions are imposed
when computing the aggregation: i) the sufficiency condition – the aggregation is computed only when
sufficient countries have reported data, and the current threshold is set at 50 percent of the variable
and the weighting variable, if present; and ii) the comparability condition – as aggregations are usually
computed over time, this condition is designed to ensure that the number of countries is comparable
over several years; under the current restriction the number of countries may not vary by more than 15
over time.

This publication was carried out under the direction of Pietro Gennari (Chief Statistician and Director,
ESS) and Josef Schmidhuber (Deputy Director, ESS). It was prepared by the Statistics Division (Amy
Heyman and Markus Kainu). A special thanks the team leaders for their input and to Nicola Selleri (ESS)
for the cover design.


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