Top 50+ TestNG Interview Questions and Answers For 2021 - Scientech Easy

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Top 50+ TestNG Interview Questions and Answers

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Frequently Asked Interview Questions on TestNG

1.W hat is TestN G ?

TestN G is an open-source autom ation testing fram ew ork based on JU

nit by introducing som e m ore functionalities and features.So,TestN G is m
ore pow erfulthan JU nit fram ew ork.

It can be integrated w ith Selenium or any other autom ation toolto provide m
ultiple features like assertions,reporting,paralleltest execution,etc.

2.W hat are the im portant features of TestN G ?

TestN G include the follow ing features that are as follow s:
1.TestN G uses m ore object-oriented and java features. Ads by We'll
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2.TestN G supports m ultiple types of B efore/A fter annotations to create test Stop seeing this ad
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3.It provides different types of assertions that helps in checking actualand
expected results.
4.It provides priority and grouping features by w hich test cases can be
grouped and prioritized easily.
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5.TestN G internally generates H TM L test report in a readable form at.

6.It supports paralleltesting,integrated testing,load testing,etc.
7.TestN G allow s D ata-driven testing using @ D ataProvider annotations.
8.It supports for param eterizing test cases using @ Param eters annotation.

3.W hat are som e advantages of TestN G over JU nit?

TestN G have the follow ing advantages over JU nit.They are as follow s:
1.TestN G generates H TM L test report in a readable form at.
2.Test m ethods can be grouped and prioritized m ore easily that is not
possible in the case of JU nit.
3.A nnotations of TestN G are easy to understand for creating test cases.

4.In TestN G ,w e can execute m ultiple test cases in parallelto reduce

execution tim e.
5.U sing TestN G ,w e can de ne the dependency of one test m ethod over
6.TestN G doesn’t need to extend any class.
7.TestN G supports three additionalannotations @ B efore/A fter Suite,
@ B efore/A fter Test,and @ B efore/A fter G roup.

4.W hy do w e need TestN G in Selenium ?

There are follow ing reasons for integrating TestN G w ith Selenium .
1.Since Selenium W ebD river does not generate test report,by integrating
TestN g w ith Selenium ,w e can easily generate test reports/results in a proper
readable form at to know about how m any test cases are passed,failed,and

2.W e can execute selective test cases in TestN G .

3.U sing TestN G ,w e can also execute failed test cases separately.
4.TestN G fram ew ork can be integrated easily w ith other tools like M aven,
5.W e can easily organize test cases in a proper w ay.
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Scale, speed and reach, automated for warp speed deployments.

5.W hat are the basic steps required in w riting TestN G test?

There are three basic steps required in w riting TestN G test that is as
follow s:
1.W rite dow n the business logic of the test and annotate it by TestN G
2.C reate testing.xm l le and add the inform ation about your test
3.Ru n TestN G .

6.H ow to run test script in TestN G ?

We can run test script in TestN G by right-clicking on the TestN G class,click

on “Ru n A s” option and then select “TestN G test”.

For m ore details go to link:https://w w w /2020/07/how -to-

w rite- rst-testng-test-case-in-eclipse.htm l/

Frequently Asked Questions on TestNG Annotations

1.W hat are A nnotations in TestN G ?

A nnotations in TestN G are a set of code that controls how m ethod below
them have to be executed i.e,the order of execution of m ethods below them
w illbe decided by annotations that w e give.

2.W hat are the different annotations available in the TestN G ?

TestN G supports a pow erfulset of different annotations that run tests in

an organized and predictable m anner.

a.Precondition annotations

Precondition annotations are those annotations of TestN G that are executed

before the execution of test m ethods The Precondition annotations are @ B
eforeSuite,@ B eforeC lass,@ B eforeTest,@ B eforeM ethod.

b.Test annotation

M ethods annotated w ith @ Test are called test m ethods w hich serve as a unit

c.Postcondition annotations

The postcondition annotations are those annotations that are executed after the
execution of allthe test m ethods.The postcondition annotation can be @ A
fterSuite,@ A fterC lass,@ A fterTest,@ A fterM ethod.

3.W hat is the sequence of execution of allTestN G annotations?

The sequence of execution of allannotations in TestN G is as follow s:

@ B eforeSuite
@ B eforeTest
@ B eforeC lass
@ B eforeM etho

@ A fterM ethod
@ A fterC lass
@ A fterTest
@ A fterSuite

4.W hat is difference betw een Suite,Test,and Class?

Suite:A suite is m ade of one or m ore tests.

Test:A test is m ade of one or m ore classes.
C lass:A class is m ade of one or m ore m ethods.

5.W hat is the difference betw een @B eforeClass and @B eforeM ethod?

There are tw o m ain differences betw een @ B eforeC lass and

@ B eforeM ethod.They are as follow s:

1.The m ethod w ith @ B eforeC lass w illbe executed only once before any of
the tests in the current class are run w hereas,a m ethod annotated w ith
@ B eforeM ethod w illbe executed before each m ethod annotated w ith @ Test.

2.@ B eforeC lass annotation can be used to set up the con guration and
initialization w hich is com m on to alltest m ethods in the current class.For
exam ple,w e can set up driver con guration w hich w illbe com m on for all
tests in the class.

@ B eforeM ethod can be used to set that data w hich is repeating before each
@ Test annotated m ethod.

6.W hat is the test m ethod?

A m ethod annotated w ith @ Test is called test m ethod w hich serves as a

unit test.In the @ Test m ethod,w e w illw rite the logic of the application w hich
w e w ant to autom ate.

7.W hat is the retu type of @ D ataProvider annotation provided by

TestN G ?

@ D ataProvider annotation return an object double array (O bject [ ][ ]) as data to the test m


8.W hat is the retu type of @ Factory annotation?

This annotation returns an array of class objects (O bject [ ]).

For m ore details go to this tutorial:TestN G A nnotations

Frequently Asked Interview Questions on TestNG Priority and


1.W hat is Priority in TestN G ?

Priority is an attribute that tells TestN G w hich orders have to follow to run
test m ethod.It is used to set the order of test cases as ours need.

2.W hat is the default value for TestN G Priority?

The default value for TestN G priority is zero.

3.H ow to set Priority of test cases in TestN G ?

TestN G priority attribute is usefulto execute the test cases in order.It has
the follow ing generalform to set the priority of test cases.

@ Test(prioirty = 1) // Valid syntax.

@ Test(PRIO RITY = 1) // Invalid sysntax.ID E w illshow it as a com pilation error.

4.H ow w illyou execute m ethods or test cases in TestN G in different

order/your order?

When w e have m ultiple m ethods or test cases and w ant to execute in

order,TestN G priority attribute is usefulto execute m ultiple test cases in your
order.If you have not m entioned test priority,TestN G w illassign all@ Test a
priority as zero(0) and execute them .

5.H ow w illyou controlm ultiple test cases?

Re fer to A nsw er 4.

6.D e ne TestN G G roups.

G roups is an attribute in TestN G that allow s us to perform groupings of test

m ethods or test cases.It allow s us to declare a set of test m ethods in a
particular nam ed group or m ultiple groups and run m ultiple groups of tests at
different tim es or in different places.

For exam ple,if w e have 100 test cases of U niversity and 10 test cases of C
ollege,and if you w ant to run allthe test cases of U niversity together in a
single suite,this can be possible only through the grouping of test cases.

7.H ow to group m ultiple test m ethods in a single group using TestN G ?

We can group m ultiple test m ethods by using groups param eter in the
@Test annotation.The syntax for grouping m ultiple test m ethods in a single group is as follow



@ Test(groups = {“G roupN am e”})

For exam ple:

@ Test(groups = {“C hem istry”}) public

void atom () {


@ Test(groups = {“C hem istry”}) public

void electorn() {


B oth test m ethods w illexecute in one group nam ed C hem istry.

8.H ow to group m ultiple test m ethods in m ultiple groups?

The grouping of test m ethods belonging to m ultiple groups can be done by

providing the group nam es as an array in the groups attribute of the @ Test
annotation.The below syntax lets you add test m ethods in m ultiple groups.

@ Test(groups = { “G roupN am e1”,“G roupN am e2”,“G roupN am e3” … .})

9.H ow to group m ultiple test m ethods w ith Priority?

You can also group m ultiple test m ethods w ith priority.The syntax for
grouping test m ethods w ith priority is as follow s:

@ Test(groups = {“G roupN am e”},priority=0) // The test m ethod

annotated w ith this group w illexecute rst.
@ Test(groups = {“G roupN am e”},priority=1) // The test m ethod
annotated w ith this group w illexecute after executing the rst group.

10.W hat is Inclusion & Exclusion G roups in TestN G ?

A group that is included in test execution is called inclusion group.A group w

hich is excluded from test execution is called exclusion group.

11.H ow to disable a test in TestN G ?

We can also disable tests on an individualbasis by using the “enabled”

property available on both @ Test and @ B efore/A fter annotations.The syntax
can be like this:

@ Test(enabled = false)

@ Test(groups = {“C ricket Player”},enabled=false)

12.W hat is D efault G roup,PartialG roups,and M etaG roups in TestN G ?

D efault G roup:W hen an entire class is added to a group,it is called default

group.It is a good w ay of de ning a default group for allunit tests w ithin a class.

PartialG roups:W hen you de ne groups at the class leveland then add groups
at the m ethod level,it is called partialgroups.

M etaG roups:W hen groups include other groups,these groups are called m

For m ore detail,go to tutorial:TestN G G roups

Frequently Asked Interview Questions on TestNG @Test

Annotation & its Supported Attributes

1.W hat is @ Test A nnotation in TestN G ?

@Test annotation is a basic annotation in TestN G that m arks a m ethod as a test m

ethod.The test m ethod annotated w ith @ Test annotation tells TestN G that this m ethod is a

“test” and it should be executed w hen user runs the class.

2.W hat are the attributes supported by @ Test annotation in TestN G ?

@Test annotation supports lots of attributes that w e can use w ith this annotation.Som e of

the im portant attributes supported by Test annotation are alw aysRu

n,dataProvider,dataProviderC lass,dependsO nG roups, dependsO nM

ethods,enabled,priority,tim eO ut,etc.

3.W hich attribute is used to run test m ethod alw ays?

The attribute “alw aysRu n” supported by @ Test annotation is used to run

test m ethods alw ays.It takes value as true or false.If w e set true,this m ethod
w illalw ays execute even its depending m ethod fails.It has the follow ing
generalform .
@ Test(alw aysRu n = true)

4.W hich attribute is used to provide data to test m ethod in D ata-driven


The dataProvider attribute is used to provide data to the test m ethod

directly in data-driven testing.

@ Test(dataProvider = “getD ata”)

5.W hat is dependency in TestN G ?

When w e w ant to execute m ultiple test cases in a speci c order,then w e

use the concept of dependency in TestN G .There are tw o types of dependency
attributes used in TestN G .They are:

a.dependsO nM ethods:The attribute dependsO nM ethods is used to m ake the

test m ethod depend on a particular m ethod.The test m ethod annotated w ith
@Test and attribute dependsO nM ethods w illrun after executing allthose m ethods on w

hich this test m ethod is dependent.


@ Test(dependsO nM ethods={“M ethod1”,“M ethod2”...})

b.dependsO nG roups:This attribute is used to m ake test m ethods depend on a

particular group.A llof the m ethods of these groups are executed rst before this
m ethod.

@ Test(dependsO nG roups={“G roupA ”,“G roupB ”,...})

6.H ow w illyou m ake test cases dependent on each other?

Re fer answ er no.5.

7.H ow w illyou skip a particular test case in TestN G ?

W e can skip or disable a particular test case using enabled attribute.It can be
achieved by setting enabled attribute of the Test annotation to false. Syntax:

@ Test(enabled = false)

8.W hat is invocationCount in TestN G ?

invocationC ount in TestN G is an attribute that is used to execute a m ethod

or test in the num ber of tim es.It acts as a loop.
For exam ple:

@ Test(invocationC ount = 5) H ence,this m ethod w illexecute 5 tim es.

9.W hat is tim eO ut in TestN G ?

tim eO ut in TestN G is an attribute that is used for a tim e out test.It

speci es a tim e period (in m illiseconds) to w ait for a test for com plete

For m ore detail,go to tutorial: TestN G @ Test A nnotation & Supported

A ttributes

FAQs on TestNG XML File

1.W hat is testng.xm l le?

Testng.xm l le is a con guration le (XM L le) for TestN G in w hich w e can
create test suites,test groups,m ark tests for parallelexecution,add listeners, and
pass param eters to test script.It de nes the runtim e de nition of a test suit.

2.W hat is the im portance or use of testng.xm l le?

There are follow ing im portance or usage of the testng.xm l le in TestN G .

They are as follow s:
1.The testng.xm l le can be used to controlthe execution of w hole tests from a
single le.
2.W e can run a set of test cases from a single place.
3.W e can pass param eters to test m ethods or classes.
4.U sing testng.xm l le,w e can perform paralleltest execution.
5.W e can add the listener.

6.It de nes the order of the execution of allthe test cases.

7.It allow s us to group test cases and can be executed as per requirem ents.
8.It helps to execute selected test cases.
9.W ith the help of testng.xm l le,w e can integrate TestN G fram ew ork w ith

3.H ow to pass param eters in test cases through testng.xm l le?

We can pass the param eter value to test m ethods at runtim e through the
testng.xm l le.For this,w e can use @ Param eter annotation:

@ Param eter(“param -nam e”);

4.W hat is thread-count in TestN G ?

The thread-count in TestN G is an attribute that is used to run the

m axim um num ber of threads for each suite if the parallelm ode is enabled (otherw ise
ignore it).

For exam ple,thread-count = “2”:It w illrun your tests w ith tw o threads.

5.W hat is verbose in TestN G ?

verbose is an attribute in TestN G w hich is m ostly used w hen reporting a

bug or w hen trying to diagnose the execution of test run.

6.H ow to create and run testng.xm l le in Eclipse?

Re fer to below tutorial.

7.H ow to enable or disable test cases using testng.xm l le?

We can enable or disable test cases by using <include> and <exclude>

tags in the testng.xm l le.

For m ore detail,click on this tutorial:H ow to create and run TestN G XM L le in


FA Interview Questions on TestNG Parameterization and

Parallel Testing

1.W hat is Param eterization in TestN G ?

Param eterization is a feature provided by TestN G w hich allow s the users

to pass param eter values to test m ethods as argum ents.
U sing this feature,w e can run the sam e test over and over again w ith
different values.The param eterization test is supported by using Param eter
and D ataProvider annotations of TestN G .

2.H ow m any w ays by w hich w e can pass param eter values to test
m ethods?

There are m ainly tw o w ays through w hich w e can directly pass param eter
values to test m ethods.
1.Through testng.xm l le.
2.Through D ataProviders

3.W hich annotation is used to pass param eter values to test m ethod from the
testng.xm l le?

Param eter annotation.

4.W hat is D ataProvider?

D ataProvider feature provided by TestN G is the second w ay of passing

param eters to test m ethods.It allow s the users to w rite data-driven tests in w
hich w e can run m ultiple tim es the sam e test m ethod w ith different sets of
test data.

TestN G provides a @ D ataProvider annotation to use the D ataProvider feature

in tests.This annotation is declared w ith a test m ethod in the class.

@ D ataProvider annotation takes an attribute “nam e” called dataProvider in the Test

annotation.It has the follow ing generalsyntax/form to use. Syntax:

@ D ataProvider(nam e = “m yTestD ata”)

5.W hat is the retu type of D ataProvider?

D ataProvider returns a tw o dim ensionalan array of object (O bject [ ][ ]) to

the test m ethod.

6.H ow to CallD ataProvider from another Class?

In the test m ethod,w e w illadd one m ore attribute “dataProviderC lass” in

@Test annotation.The syntax is like this: Syntax:

@ Test(dataProvider = “getD ata”,dataProviderC lass = D

ataProviderC lass.class)

H ere,D ataProviderC lass is the nam e of class.

7.W hat are the advantages of TestN G D ataProvider feature?

The advantages of data provider in TestN G are as follow s:

1.TestN G D ata provider helps to pass param eter values directly to the test
m ethod.

2.It allow s users to w rite data-driven test w here w e can run m ultiple tim es
the sam e test m ethod w ith different sets of test data.

8.W hat is ParallelTesting in TestN G ?

ParallelTesting is a testing technique in w hich m ultiple tests are executed

sim ultaneously in different threads to reduce execution tim e.

9.H ow to run ParallelTests,Classes,& M ethods in Selenium using TestN G

XM L File?
In Selenium ,w e can run our test m ethods/classes/tests in parallelby using
the “parallel” attribute for Test Suite in the testng.xm l le.

For m ore detail,click on the tutorial:ParallelTest Execution in Selenium

FAQs on TestNG Assertion

1.W hat is A ssertion in TestN G ?

A n assertion is basically blocks of code that are placed in the test cases to
check or verify w hether the test has failed or passed.A test w illbe considered
as successfulO N LY if test is com pleted w ithout throw ing any exception.i.e,If
the conditions are not true (do not satisfy),it w illstop the further execution of the
test and m arks it as failing.

2.W hy do w e use A ssertion in Selenium ?

A n assertion in selenium is used to verify the result or TestN G reports.It is

m ainly used to com pare the actualresult of an application w ith the expected result.

3.W hat are the types of assertions in TestN G ?

There are tw o types of assertions present in the TestN G fram ew ork.They

are as follow s:
1.H ard A ssertion
2.Soft A ssertion

H ard A ssertion in TestN G

H ard assertion is a type of assertion that throw s an A ssertException w hen

the assertion condition does not satisfy and the test case is im m ediately m
arked as failed.

A n exam ple of hard assertion m ethods are assertEquals,assertN otEquals,

assertTrue,assertFalse,assertN ull,assertN otN ull.

Soft A ssertion in TestN G

Soft assertion is a type of assertion that continues w ith test execution even if
the assertion condition is not m et.That m eans soft assertions do not throw an
exception w hen the assert statem ent (assertion condition) fails.

Recom m ended Posts for Interview

Topic-w ise Selenium Interview Q uestions and A nsw ers

Top 30+ Selenium Fram ew ork Interview Q uestions and A nsw ers

Java Interview Q uestions for Selenium A utom ation Testing

H ope that this tutorialhas covered TestN G interview questions w ith the best
possible answ ers.In the future,if need,questions w illbe updated regularly
related to TestN G .A llTestN G interview questions are frequently asked for
freshers as w ellas 2 to 3 years of experience. Thanks for reading!!!

Interview ,TestN G
TestN G Interview Qu estions

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