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OGL 482 Organizational Leadership Pro-Seminar II

David Brown

July 13, 2021


Section 1

There have been many times within the journey of getting an Organizational Leadership

degree where you have needed to take different personality or leadership assessments. I would

have to that over the course of taking these assessments that mine have pretty much stayed very

consistent of what my results are. Each of them have always had the (R) for realistic when doing

these assessments, you have to really think about who you are as a person and answer them

honestly, they are made to help you become not only a better leader but a better person and help

you along the way to find who you are and what you could become. When taking the career

interest assessment my code is REI (realistic, enterprising, and investigative) over time it has

always been either REI or REC.

I have always been mechanically inclined and always an athlete, finding a career where I

can spend my days outside and fixing things would be a dream, I do enjoy people and working

with them it’s a part of life, I am more of an introvert and prefer to do things on my own. I

(investigative) has always been the person I am, best subject during school was always math and

always enjoyed being by myself had ideas of my own to further myself in my life. One thing I

have never really been able to understand when it came to the E (enterprising) is why? I know

that I have the leadership abilities but when it comes to the speaking abilities in a leadership

position I have always struggled. I would also rather work with things than people, I think may

be a little ironic seeing how I am getting a degree for the end goal to be a manager. Using my

interests and what I have learned over the course of school has only broadened my opportunities

for careers in the leadership I have thought over time over a new career choice, where do I go?

What would I do? I wanted more than just a job, I wanted more money as does everyone, but it

never occurred to me until I read into chapter 1 of Harrington and Hall page 9-10. “Careers are

very much alive and well, Pixley identified five factors that would lead a person to define their

work as a career, not merely a series of job: emotional investment, time investment, progressive

job changes and advancement income levels and income motivation” (Harrington & Hall, 2008).

Section 2

The Kuder skills assessment is also one that I have had to take a few times over the

course of this degree, and I also got very similar codes as I have in previous ones RCE (realistic,

conventional, and enterprising) I still don’t see how enterprising fits into my life and how that is

apart of me, but I do get it just about every time. When I read the description of conventional I

really think of my current role within my company, keeping records of everyone’s certifications,

keeping logs on the computer of everyone’s certs and data. Conventional also brings me to when

I was in the Marines when I worked on not only radio equipment, but I also worked on software

engineering repairing computers and educating others on how to record data and logs for in

coming and outgoing recruits.

The worker value graph was a little hard for me to understand at first but reading more

about it I grew to understand it. My top five values were Income, Independence, Creativity,

Achievement, and Supervision, income was number one and that doesn’t surprise me very much

as I have a family to support and want to make sure I am doing everything I can to take care of

them, I want the independence within my career to know I can do what needs to be done with out

needing constant supervision and have the trust of others to know I know what I am doing.

Creativity I was glad showed up in my top five, even though there is structure to everything and

there is a certain way everything has to be done but I enjoy having the ability to have my own

creativity within my work to get it done in a way I feel is more efficient. I did not have these

highlighted within my e-portfolio, I honestly didn’t think of it, but they will be added into it. The

Holland Occupations Codes were the same as the other assessment except for the Conventional, I

would have to disagree with what it has to say when it comes to working indoors and working

with words. I have never been very good with words (that includes school papers), numbers I am

good with, but I do not like working indoors, being outside in the fresh air does the body good.

Section 3

Motivation and Career Anchors assessment is also something all of us have done a time

or two before the final class along our journey for me this is something that has changed a couple

of times along the way. For this final time my primary career anchor is managerial competence

according to my research managerial competencies are the “skills, motives and attitudes

necessary to a job, and include such characteristics as communication skills, and problem

solving” (Czaja, 2019). I have always had great communication skills in every aspect of my life

and continue to improve them as I get older, problem solving is also something I have always

been good at in every aspect of life, I enjoy the challenge of helping not only myself but others

around me solve issues that arise. My secondary career anchor is technical/ functional

competence it’s referred to as “job specific” so leading and supervising, knowledge sharing and

learning, judgment and decision making. All of these I do on a daily basis leading my peers to

the end of the day goal to make sure product is out on time, sharing anything new that I have

learned to make their jobs easier. My lowest scored career anchor which wasn’t to much of a

surprise to me was life-style integration I do not integrate my work life and my home life once I

walk out of work I leave it there and do the same when I walk into work, the two should never


Section 4

The first assessment I took was from truity and it came up with INTJ: The Mastermind

Analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas.

It says that I am an introvert which I have learned in a previous course, and I do have to say it

fits me and this test was accurate on “grading” me.

The next assessment I took was the Big Five Personality the five that I got was

conscientiousness (82), extraversion (37), openness to experience (36), agreeableness (31), and

natural reactions (31). I remember taking this assessment back in the beginning of taking OGL

classes and I can’t remember what I had received then but I do have to agree with what was said.

I am spontaneous, quiet I prefer to work alone, and I am hard-headed.

The third assessment I chose to do was the HumanMetrics Jung Typology Test which

also is very similar to one that has been done before the score I got was INTJ, Introvert (38%)

iNtuituve(9%) Thinking(31%) and Judging(25%). I couldn’t help but notice that this was a

completely different assessment on a completely different website but still received the same

score as I did on Truity. I have learned over time that you are who you are, and it takes a lot of

personal power to change who you are.



Czaja, J. (2019, October 22). What Does Managerial Competencies Mean? Career Trend.

Harrington, B., & Hall, D. T. (2008). Career management & work/life integration: using self-
assessment to navigate contemporary careers. SAGE Publications.

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