Advices On Finding Travelling Information

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Advices on Finding Travelling Information

Subject:Advices about travelling


How are you getting on recently?I hope that you are as fid as fiddle.I heard that you are thinking of
visiting a foreign country.在我的看法 In my opinion,I think that you should 浏览{surf}the internet to
寻找 look for the information that you want.

I suggest you to 参考资讯{look up for the information}that you want on Tripadvisor.It is the world’s
largest travel guidance platform 平台 which helps millions of people each month to become better
旅游的人{travelers},from planning to booking to taking a trip.It is available online as a website or an
application to 发现{discover}where to stay,what to do and where to eat based on guidance from
those who{have been there before}之前有来过这里.

There are many traditional 传统 services available on Tripadvisor as well such as booking 预约 and
making reservation at the 本地{local}restaurants.You may refer to 参考 the 点评{reviews}to decide
if the restaurants is 值得的(ADJ){worthy}to be visited.There are 28 languages available online so you
could always find the information that you are looking for!

I hope that my suggestion id helpful to you!Please reply me as soon as possible.


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