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User Manual for CAN Logger application and breakout


1. Installation Instructions
2. Configure the CAN Logger
3. CAN Logger on DoIP vehicles
4. CAN Logger on Multi-CAN vehicles
5. Results
6. Extra functions

1. Installation Instructions

Windows 7

I. Download and save ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_V1_1_0.exe’ from
II. Double click ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_V1_1_0.exe’ and select ‘Run’.
III. ‘JLR VCI Logger Setup’ pop up will show, select ‘Install’
IV. ‘Welcome to the JLR VCI Logger setup wizard’ pop up will show, select ‘Next’
V. ‘Select Installation Folder’ pop up will show, select ‘Next’
VI. ‘Confirm Installation’ pop up will show, select ‘Next’
VII. ‘Installation Complete’ pop up will show, select ‘Close’
VIII. Download and save ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_P1.exe’ from
IX. Double click ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_P1.exe’.
X. Reboot the PC, the CAN Logger will now be available from the JLR Application

Windows 10

I. Download and save ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_V1_1_0.exe’ from
II. Double click ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_V1_1_0.exe’ and select ‘Save’.
III. ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_V1_1_0.exe is not commonly downloaded and could harm your
computer’ pop up will show, select ‘Run’.
IV. ‘Windows protected your PC’ pop up will show, select ‘More info’
V. ‘Windows protected your PC’ pop up will show, select ‘Run anyway’
VI. ‘JLR VCI Logger Setup’ pop up will show, select ‘Install’
VII. PC will restart
VIII. ‘Welcome to the JLR VCI Logger setup wizard’ pop up will show, select ‘Next’
IX. ‘Select Installation Folder’ pop up will show, select ‘Next’
X. ‘Confirm Installation’ pop up will show, select ‘Next’
XI. ‘Installation Complete’ pop up will show, select ‘Close’
XII. Download and save ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_P1.exe’ from
XIII. Double click ‘JLR_VCI_Logger_P1.exe’.
XIV. Reboot the PC, the CAN Logger will now be available from the JLR Application
New feature for JLR SDD VCI

Since the introduction of DoIP vehicles, there has been limited ability to log vehicle CAN
data at retailers. The CAN networks are not accessible from the diagnostic socket as they
are connected to the Gateway Module (GWM) and have only been accessible using
expensive loggers and breaking into the networks. This solution is cost effective as it
allows the use of approved released equipment (SDD and JLR VCI) into a 4-channel CAN
Logger, connected to the additional cables (DoIP only) provided.

The CAN Logger icon can be found on the JLR app launcher page

Make sure SDD or Pathfinder are not open or running on the machine where the CAN
Logger is to be used.

2. Configure the CAN Logger

Open the CAN Logger from the JLR app launcher page. Select from the drop down menus
in boxes C to F the option applicable to the vehicle on test.

A = Setup File J = Channel 4

B = Load K = Comment
C = Brand L = Log file
D = Vehicle line M = Browse
E = Model year N = Diagnostic filter
F = Variant O = Start/Stop
G = Channel 1 P = Trigger
H =Channel 2 Q = Enable trigger
I = Channel 3 R = Auto restart trigger

When the vehicle variant has been established a pop-up will describe how to connect the
VCI to the vehicle. The user can select which channels are to be logged (Boxes G to J).
3. CAN Logger on DoIP vehicles

On DoIP vehicles the pop-up box contains the following instructions:

1) Connect GWM breakout cables (DAPN096 & DAPN0197) between GWM and
vehicle harness
2) Connect OBD2 power splitter (DAPN0195) to the vehicle OBD2 diagnostic
3) Connect GWM interface cable (DAPN0194) to OBD2 power splitter banana
plugs and GWM breakout DSUB connectors
4) Connect JLR VCI to OBD2 connector on GWM interface cable
5) Connect USB cable between JLR VCI and CAN Logger and PC
6) Select logger channel DSUB connections, then specify log file location & name.
7) Click START to begin CAN Logger session (use TRIGGER for manual pre/post

Once the vehicle has been selected, the Software will determine what connections need
to be made.
If DSUB number 1 has been connected to PTCAN then using the drop down select PTCAN
as channel 1. It is possible to log up to 4 channels.
The comments box can be used for free text which will appear with the output of the log.
The log file drop down box will allow the user to name and choose the location of where
the output file will be placed.
The START and STOP buttons will start and stop the CAN Logger

4. CAN Logger for Multi-CAN vehicles

On multi-CAN vehicles the pop-up box contains the following instructions.

1) Connect JLR VCI to vehicle OBD2 diagnostic socket

2) Connect USB cable between JLR VCI and CAN Logger PC
3) Select logger channel connections, then specify log file location and name
4) Click START to begin CAN Logger session. (Use TRIGGER for manual pre/post

For Multi-Can/Dual-CAN vehicles, the VCI connects to the vehicle’s OBD2 diagnostic
socket and can log up to 4 CAN channels simultaneously, depending on the connected
vehicle. The CAN channels available will be pre-set according to the wiring of the
diagnostic socket.
5. Results

The results will be saved locally to the PC, in the directory location of your choice. The
results will be stored in a ZIP archive containing two files:
 One .asc file
 One .txt file

Example of .asc file

date Wed Oct 23 01:34:57.000 PM 2019
base hex timestamps absolute
internal events logged
// version 8.5.0
Begin Triggerblock Wed Oct 23 01:34:57.000 PM 2019
0.000000 Start of measurement
0.002300 3 36 Rx d 8 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 54
0.002400 2 4 Rx d 8 02 00 00 68 64 05 FF 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 4
0.002400 4 E0 Rx d 8 00 6D 03 FF 63 FF 03 FF Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 224
0.002400 1 220 Rx d 8 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 544
0.002600 3 40 Rx d 8 20 30 AD 29 00 1E F2 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 64
0.002600 2 110 Rx d 8 01 30 00 00 00 FE E0 0F Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 272
0.002600 4 158 Rx d 8 00 03 FF 1B FF 41 C3 FF Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 344
0.002700 1 220 Rx d 8 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 544
0.002800 3 58 Rx d 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 88
0.002900 2 1CA Rx d 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 458
0.002900 4 15A Rx d 8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 346
0.003000 1 220 Rx d 8 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 544
0.003100 3 80 Rx d 8 00 00 1C 00 00 40 30 00 Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 128

Setup File: C:\Program Files\Jaguar Land Rover\JLR VCI Logger\LoggerConfig.ini

Brand: Jaguar
Vehicle Line: X761
Model Year: 19
Variant: All
Channel 1: PT
Channel 2: BO
Channel 3: CH
Channel 4: CO
Manual Trigger: 10.804800 3 124 Rx d 8 00 80 00 00 00 01 7F 7F Length = 0 BitCount = 0 ID = 292

6. Extra functions

Import an Install file

Install files can be created and sent to the user from Jaguar Land Rover for specific
tests. Before testing, the user can import the Install file by pressing the ‘Load’ button
and importing the file. The Install file is in an .INI file format
The Instal file can be configured to trigger logging when a certain condition occurs i.e.
DTC recorded, temperature achieved etc.
The Install file is also capable of being configured to trigger from a state of change of a
switch. For example, when an issue occurs, press Cruise cancel on the vehicle’s steering
wheel. The result will capture a pre and post trigger time defined by the engineer that
created the Install file. The engineer who supplies the Install file should also supply any
instructions needed.

Logging diagnostic messages only

Pathfinder and DoIP VCI can be used on a vehicle to run a test or application, with the
SDD JLR VCI connected to another PC and CAN Logger enabled. The log captured will
only contain diagnostic messages. Connect as per the diagram and tick the box for
diagnostic filter on the Install page.
Important: The CAN Logger MUST be used on a different PC to the one that is active
with Pathfinder.
Enable Trigger
With the ‘Enable Trigger’ box unticked, the CAN Logger can be used by simply pressing
the start button and then press the stop button when desired. The feature allows a
manual control by the user for the duration of the log capture.
Alternatively, with the ‘Enable Trigger’ box ticked the trigger button can be used when
an issue is observed. Once the trigger button is pressed, the CAN Logger will record the
data for 30 seconds pre trigger and 60 seconds post trigger. The trigger timestamp will
appear in the results.
If an Install file has been loaded and the Auto-restart trigger box is ticked the CAN
Logger will automatically run and capture data determined by the pre and post trigger
durations. The CAN Logger will automatically reset and wait for the next trigger point to
capture CAN data again.

This feature can be used to detect quiescent drain on the vehicle battery, caused by CAN
wake-up messages.


CAN Logger diagnostics example

CAN Logger DoIP example

CAN Logger Multi-CAN example

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