Solar Thermal Conversion

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Solar Thermal Conversion

Solar Radiation
Sun Positions with respect to Earth
Sun Positions with respect to Earth
The Solar Constant
The solar constant Gsc is the energy from the sun per unit
time received on a unit area of surface perpendicular to the
direction of propagation of radiation at mean earth-sun
distance outside the atmosphere
Variation of Extraterrestrial Radiation
Beam Radiation The solar radiation received from the sun without
having been scattered by the atmosphere.
Diffuse Radiation The solar radiation received from the sun after its
direction has been changed by scattering by the atmosphere. (Diffuse
radiation is referred to in some meteorological literature as sky radiation
or solar sky radiation)
Total Solar Radiation The sum of the beam and the diffuse solar
radiation on a surface. Also, known as Global radiation on surface.
Irradiance, W/m2 The rate at which radiant energy is incident on a
surface per unit area of surface. The symbol G is used for solar irradiance,
with appropriate subscripts for beam, diffuse, or spectral radiation.
Irradiation or Radiant Exposure, J/m2 The incident energy per unit
area on a surface, found by integration of irradiance over a specified time,
usually an hour or a day.
Insolation is a term applying specifically to solar energy irradiation.
Air Mass m The ratio of the mass of atmosphere through which
beam radiation passes to the mass it would pass through if the sun
were at the zenith (i.e., directly overhead). Thus at sea level m = 1
when the sun is at the zenith and m = 2 for a zenith angle θz of 60°.
For zenith angles from 0° to 70° at sea level, to a close approximation
Solar Time
Time based on the apparent angular motion of the sun across the sky with
solar noon the time the sun crosses the meridian of the observer.

Angles’ Definitions

Fig. 1.6.1
Angles’ Definitions and Sign Convention
Angles’ Definitions and Sign Convention
Declination Angle

Declination Angle
Recommended average days for months and values of n by
Beam Radiation on Horizontal and Tilted Surfaces
Relationship b/n the Angles
The angle of incidence of beam radiation on a surface can be
given by,

For horizontal surfaces the angle of incidence of beam radiation

on a surface is the zenith angle and it can be given by,
Relationship b/n the Angles
Useful relationships for the angle of incidence of surfaces sloped due north
or due south can be derived from the fact that surfaces with slope β to the
north or south have the same angular relationship to beam radiation as a
horizontal surface at an artificial latitude of φ − β.

Beam Radiation on Horizontal and Tilted

Solar Beam Radiation Geometric Factor

Solar Beam Radiation Geometric Factor Charts
Solar Beam Radiation Geometric Factor Charts
Solar Beam Radiation Geometric Factor Charts
Solar Beam Radiation Geometric Factor Charts
Solar Beam Radiation Geometric Factor Charts
Solar Beam Radiation Geometric Factor Charts
Incidence Angles and


From the equation above and with ϴz = 90, we can get

Day light hours

Types of Shading Challenges

➢ Shading by nearby trees, buildings, … etc.

➢ Shading by other rows in multi row arrays.

➢ Shading by overhangs and wing walls.

Types of Shading Challenges
➢ The geometries may be irregular, and systematic
calculations of shading will be difficult.

➢ Recourse is made to diagram of the position of the

sun in the sky.

➢ This can be made by plots of solar altitude αs

versus solar azimuth ᵞs , on which shading
profiles can be superimposed to determine when
the path from the sun is blocked.
Position of the sun in the sky
Shading Calculations

The angular position of the obstruction can be

entered on the same plot, if we know the
dimensions and orientation of it and the
distance from the point of interest.

The angular coordinates corresponding to

altitude and azimuth angles of points on the
obstruction (object azimuth angle ᵞo and object
altitude angle α0) can be calculated.
Shading Profile
Extraterrestrial Radiation
on a
Horizontal Surface
Extraterrestrial Radiation on Horizontal Surface

Solar radiation at any incident b/n sunrise and sunset on a

horizontal plane
 360n 
Go = G sc 1+ 0.033cos  cos  z
 365 
Substituting cosθ z as a function of other angles
Go = G sc 1+ 0.033cos (cos  cos  cos  + sin  sin  )
 365 
And the daily solar radiation on a horizontal surface
H o = 24  3600G sc 1+ 0.033cos 360n   s sin  sin  
 cos  cos  cos  s +
  365  180 
And an hourly solar radiation on a horizontal surface
24 3600G sc 
1+ 0.033cos
360n   (2 − 1 ) sin sin 
Io =
365 cos  cos  (sin  2 − sin 1 )+ 
  180 
Extraterrestrial Radiation on a Horizontal Surface
Extraterrestrial Radiation on a Horizontal Surface

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